HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1886. e chase 11011 mutts. TM tide water pipe Co. ►tradit.rd, The Hectic Flush. pale Whim ek.ske HURON AND BRUCE P• , always keep a of xk of (like' Iodide and preceraous •pp tits, t s U polworms. m� 7 tNraao of Me ,1ntl�� Ammonia 'nm t — wM.T�. tuheemriy and achieves wooden iia all and ef[ectwllp nonlife thus. lm Taus (usp+r.y is Lla1Mw! u neem t on heed_ It IS a Freeman. LOAN AND INVEITIIEKT PANT mow by t.. W ld byF formas of hors. troubles w y eel hew In the biakuy of pdiciaew ra prim &eerily et Lowest boles !wingat• Jordan, (1 rder►cb has received such eni.eesel conn rf he Cooed States absolutely stores prohibitthe Thus Sout TM View tiuuth �Yalw, Australia, tem roum.'� etenhly dn�andod • fustior w rasp disease r Lr. an all hale ter I actitt� io t►w Bu t octet a _ mendalley tuauulacturr and sale of al - - nhtludatiou, sur the cure It un.e awns trACIES PURCHASED. b bees " 1 must kallr order 111 the Quart- , chid the pernianeut cure a elleota a kid. V (heron'• Klausing ou rag potence people are )ubtlaut neer the re. the peace. 1 Mal and Cure r rachet and c,.nlu•hrn here. 1 bene el- ouaplaiule is simply wonderful. fish J, ; suit of their recent general election by ,� 4 three important cans h Jr. Wilern whh-h w many members favorable to lo. ready disposed able to hear po • urn of toe option cal cin that have been shooed- They feel I evidence." being evldsoce." how Life M /aartleas wranrwrd by Me bill the veto power .ea■e, ciente. mad /irirshtMn. Agricultural Implements. $AVTNOS BANK BRANCH. • midi; per (,lint. Anterior Allowed ea Depeisit., artorJi to oowritmtt enol time t. to Certain that a will givii11( tl W the people wicoon be paned through The Great German Invigorator as the ori parliament.Thr only specific for impotency, nervous de - At the a.ntinuat.ou of 1,400 children belay, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, he pain to the back or aides, no matter how Whig saes one-third of the pris- oners 111 Kingston Penitentiary are infi- dels. recently held in the Boileau Cairo chattered the system may be from es- bishop W h Dublin, Ireland, Arch- - comes of any kind, the (creat German sushup \1'aeh a to the ho tit. total ab- A Hawsers Enmesh will restore the tent functions atiueuw pledge to the whole t f the an- ar to any .eras nen K and aet:ure didetes, and warn them earnestly -Of one dt.aeu "Taaaat din the best four lin- rhyme on • rAAAA KAT," the remarkable little gemfor the Teethand .• your tlrugyest r•r mddrew ed t r etlp laealtlt acme $1.00 agun.t the et hie of driul . ! t d I •t L►ak per boa. six bii1es for receipt .+►d , all druggists Bent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole resat hr United Stases. Cie- . --- I cube" and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Haynes, sole agent fur Gude- rich 3m : Tbe temperance movement appears to be lashing substantial progress% lit Eng- ' land, according to the lloverutuent re - tutu& In making his budget speech the other day the chancellor of the °ache- I INEEKROMOMINEINIMMIM quer stated that the yearly con-uniption C. H. GIRVIN Has (teas tan the yr([eltaral Ineloneei sense: . eet pAe teats tbs tenew(ntt Itensas' - ]ij,A ' & ;SUN, Brantford. Rlxnitlts. Mtiw[lta and 1LEArtlt* a e ['Tl', BranttorJ. PLOWS, HATIUAD I and St'Urrtxttn •'.Q) MANI'IVA(T1'RI:'�G l;U., 0' haws, SEED DRILLS and LAWN SlowkL'. 1l'Y: Cor. or Market ew g[e and North re &it, Uederac►. 11011 ACE HoltToal, llawaaaa. edaroch. ADR. Sib. trot. 11r1- AUItVT rI1t Geliulile Ne�VI &iller Sewing Iachifle& C_�H. C�IR.VIN, ISM tf Hamilton street. a few dean below the Calberae Botch of alcohol had decreased by $22,500,000 ' War PERRY DAVL1P "Bit in ten years. At the saute tune the re PAceipte from &rucks really required by the peipl• increased. and the punkas debt was reduced by $150,t100,000 ia Am is sacounasosto IT years. The decrease in the .. . Physirisiu. Ministers, Missiowaries. of liquor (-gimlet an etiormous falling off itinkvil",id • wit!, Pecikwiew. • 14."'"e'llm. baleneeii by ail iiicressed reinter, (Mel --ilk short, everybody etiregiceers tee, he , although tha duties rennin :he lataltaaLLY leIXErs W1TU A MUHL WINN GLASS Or ROT MILK 41•0 The f ill"wini is from the report of the sco•a, IT WILL ME ToLED College : In my lest report, I alluded to cyan so& th•elfect of smoking on young OHM at our students smoke, and not a few of them are cenkruied in Ai) habit. At present I shell not discuss the quintile, but simply state one or two facts regard- ing the record of smokers and non. ani.okers in this Institution. In 1864 and 18AZI. 58.4 our studeuts received depart- mental butters; and 46 of these were non- smokers. Within the last five years, 67 have taloso Jiplcinas, and 48 of them theri have helm Ilan snookers; 14 bare Willi niedals, and 11: of them have been 1100 snickers sun tion-driiiiters. On Saturday, May 1st, the Sent Act went Into operetion in about three fourths of the Province ist Ontario. ln addition to the niue Ontario counties in . which the Act is already in force, two cities and sixteen counties and union of I counties will be brought ender ite omit, a•ion. They are as follows :-Cities of ue!pli and St. Themes: enmities 01 Brant, Leeds and Grenviile, Kent. Lau - ark, Lentiov and Addington, Carleton, Durham and Northumberland. Elgin coin, Middlesex, Ontario, Victoria and Pet orborouglt. A SAD SIGHT -As early as ten o'cdoek who has few superilie as k mechanic, was seen rolling along the streets in • beastly I state of int .xication. Of late years he' Ins been • heavy dritiker,and it is a rare thing to find him sober. LI• is rough to I his family, and psnele esnectod king be fore this to linve heard of him doing some harm. Hotelkeepers have been forbidden to giro him liquor, but be seems to get it all the same. The mai is one which really demands the attest - Atoll 4 the Wonien's Christian Temper . owe Soaaty. soine other body that - felaims to 1...k after the fallen.[-Mit- Vithell Advocate. They have no Scott Act in Mitchell. It used to be said that the best French brandy w.is only Canada whisky made, over. But according to M. virard, chief municipal 1?looratory of Paris, the stuff now largely sent out to • too -confiding I world is of more heinous quality. He : says, "From IMO to 14:i0 about 2b,000.- I MO gallons of brandy were made yearly ' in France, and fully seven -eights came fr lin grapes. At present more than 50,- 000,000 gallons are yearly turned out, but not one per cent. id it is made frost the grape ; grain, cider, beet, potatoes, forming its prucipal ingredients. • The spirits thus obtAlltie‘I would be fairly wholesome if they were properly recti- fied. But they are not. Invariably Merchants can iret their Bill Heads. Letter Heads. fro., Irk printed at this Mica taw very little mere than tney generally pa= paper. and it helps to advertise their Can end see aaufgHes isesd get prises CEAPTIE -Maiden. Maw, Feb. IOW Gostlemtea- I suffered with attacks uf sick liesdashe." Neuralgia, female trouble, fur years in the moat terrible and , man• No medicine or doctor could give tue relief or cure until 1 WW1 Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured nie The moind made mem well and strong SUDDF.N COLDS, CHILLS, CON- aa when a child. GESTION OR STOPPAGIL OF 'And I have been on to this My.' CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, My hummed -ras an invalid for twenty MER AND.BOWEL COMPLAINTS. 'Kidney liver and urinary compliont, 8099 THROAT .11.e. HMI /110/1111 IT TES 110111 R•IITSI aaNOVII10 TUE rain •IIIIITVG ?EOM TISM. NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, SW& per Bottle. lir Beware of Imitations. riils CATHARTIC r In effective in gmall griping', doe, not oc- casion nausea. asd um not create irn- as do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills..tc. Ladles and Chil- dren hiving the moat sensitive le... - Wachs take this medicine wishout trou- ble or complaint. Is especially adapted fur the cure of Lt/Ell CoNTLAINIS •SLi DVS Fos Act') STOIBACII Arra Loos es hr. TOE SICK HEADACE1 AWE ITTIMPITSIA. . ISTATI 0/ TUB STO- This medicine being in liquid form, the does can be easily regulated t..) meet the of diSuent per- sons, thus making It equally well ailaed to the mace the little child m adult. Pet am In three ounce IxitUes, and gold by all dealer* m Wally medicines. Price Refail. 2.% Cents. WILL CURE OR RELJEVE CILIOYSNESS, DIZZINESS, Di Sr'EPSIA, SALT RHEUM, HEART SIMI!, gRaorclered LIVER, ROWELS OR MOOD, Keep Your Feet Dry! Yee mon dr this at a ski') triti dor con by aortas your BOOTS., & SHOES TH STORK OF FLUT TARING Of THE HEART, ; ?HE STOMACH, kf 88 Of IRIN, E. DOWNING West Street leat 'Lives of eigkt persons' A' nurl-gyis & Jolistoll. Seven bottles of your bitters cured him. and I know of the •In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. ALI. KINDS or And many wows am gain them with great benefit. 'Rey almost De laismiles Farmers' Attentiou TM undersigned has • Choice Selection of Pure, Clean EATS l'arefu Attention and Prompt I nits cry. Dee. 21th. IRO I hav• "ewes mad the urge& stock ever Sibyl. ie Godericb. sad coaspriars every nee us salty round ne a illrepcnas stew store. from the Dont kid. through all the late:mediate med. to the heaviest cetshide. I will sell et Prices that Will Snit L'veryone. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. limes tad Children's Strong School Bests, from 75c, up. Boys de, 11.00, up, all other Lines Propertionately Chap. I can and vril: Wad you. botk in goods and prices. Crebb's Sleek. Corner Slat street and Naar,. N.B. -To the . Leather and Illediags in any quantity, at Lowest Priem. err 1 EASE AND SEUti.tt,J.TY Have just received atiarire stook of --/- RRASS & IRON SRAM FITTINGS Sirlvseeser. VirnrStrioLapkitnisrili. FBouRs IL orTNEs Wheal. relic therittry. at. Seed. of last years trroseth ATM tri some. A fell amort men! of 1. lour and I eed. The Celebrated Union Churn the best in the market. A mneignment of Choice. Fresh 'Teas, con Minim of Mack. Green and Japan* whole- sale Mot retail. A Large amouat se thesis, se Lean. R. PRICE, "demonic Block, East street, Goderich. March 111h. 1181. 1011111.3rn New Salt Pans and toilersli Hold on Shortest Not,. 4.. DUNKS BAKING POWDER. THE MKS BEST FRIEND spring easiated In the Pad. bY whin! a I 't ON.YANT hut easy IN WARD Sall 1.."11= 'Mir (-Yrr reseresenta the double t roes without the hellt. Note the positiero of the Me the bends ir tloo- 'ruse is arki word. n. • tioderich Feb. 2/1. 17s7 February Rh. DK; HSI DANIEL GORDON, 1°1)=1;6 CABINETMAKER LIVER CURE UNDERTAKER. when put upon the market they are w charged with acids, ethers and e.ssential i ..,. ,_ ______, ,,_ ___. pn. n. re oils, of the most deadly nature. The ti,,' °To: ea.gr".".,e,.iiiie ji`a}Ledui,....1 I _ 1!1:1_/: startling increase of violent insanity and smd curl,: .4 al c am oF 41;1'1'11 other maladies in France, of late year*. 1 attendant upon a low or reilneed state is by M. Girard attributed to vinsump of theilystent. and usually accompanied Bon of that deadly brandy. I bit Pallor, Weakneas and Palpitation Our friends in the Dominion. says the 1 f„llow cm.es siodrit that the Edinburgh cal optionists to "study the remarkable breakdown the Scott Act in Canada The print in quest' would like the Ad to break down, so it invents the fiction that it has broken dues. This is one seethe. _..WelLdis.ke =ulna how it adopted the lame kind of sepedisaile its bitter opposition to the FierbeeeMac- Acute or t•hr, atm lhaesara. tel 114 the Weakness that invariably aremnpiudes __the recovery from Wasting Fever& _No tene-dy 'will give more speedy yenerie • Ittripertia or Indigestion, its melon nn the stomach beim; that of a gentle and laminae tiiiiie. the ha of inummlialo and permanent relief The Carminative promote!. or Ili. different aromatics 'glitch %lie Elteir contains -- leered tii the repeal of the taxes epos render itunful in Flatulent Dyspepsia. knowledge, and in many iither confines I It is a valcahle remedy for Atonic in whic.h it espoused the cause of the ' ',yap/pais, which iv apt to occur in wrong against the tight. listen we have 0v0rolis (11 tont" character. seen how uneeruputous its tactics hove For Impoverished Itlood. Low of been against the Highland croftere 'but Aretiteii: .and Acmes Tinlocite all the eloreell avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and laver. carry. ingoff gradually =thous weakening the srystern, all the impurities and koul humors of the seerebeseval the seine time Correeting Acidity of the Hegrosoh. curing Biliousness, Drs. • th• Skin. Dropsy. Dimness ot Vision, Jeraldine, Salt the Mee" Wervousness. and Gen- eral Debility ; all them and many other similar Cotopkinta wield to _the 1„ MOM 01).. Preprbtsre. Twee% HAVE YOU lanadoe, Headache, ia the Ilia Wm. Da. OvearCe ILawaa Cum win be isaad a oar ant certain remedy. _ NATURE'S OiremEDT The unqualified Navels of Tor Chase'. Liver Care 2 , Lasse Comraint rests solely sal, the Ian that i mewed elect re the Kidneys. Stoonach, Dowel. am Moo& 1500.000 SOLO Householo I seed you • recipe for dj gloms, gibbets.. edits Of/sow dye from a pale sale to • color. The me wili not fad, mg move it : tire qui in ▪ ono Or seek, leavm to •werdieg to the -depth of out Hines the article dyed in raiz d • lay it GIs the inor and mixed with three quarts water, and rub it of with • el or home cloth. Auy partici spot should be rubbed with p Arnim, Puomes. -Tann soda ; • little sugar if pool cup ot fruit 14 any 'kind, ai make a stiff batter. Steens and eat with cream and sui to ten • drops of the (Linemen of chloride of pude in • win pee. 'phut water. Taken i after the a listless of the au oomplmsd will sweeten the diaisfecting the stomach, wki beteg 'aimed, will be boneti methane. Isi some came the carious teeth is combised w the meseseis If the mouth ed with • teaspoonful of the arm in • tumbler of water, a of the teeth win be removed. ELDER/WIT WINK.— 1 gill berries, and of crater. in • copper cold; let them bill 'ben strain through • wive berries, and to 9 gallons of pounds of Lisbon sugar, one-, pound of gustier, allspice, pound then put thee. is a dean oopp and aet it to work in a tub w Ono -half tableepsenful of t enough for this quaetity. P when duee working. has been dropped on any ern ing, apply Inlaid 1111111k001111 acid ; thou apply chloriforgi the celor. Lagos CHEWS CAKE& - lemons very thin and pet tne 30 half a peen ei meow ; put smelled saireepas one ponod six mimes boner. six mil, en, and the water in ',hicks di ed ; frau" this Waters well • it hosomes aa dirk ft bone, a jar, ua it will keep for sy dishes with puff plate and ha ad• d • quarter of a pound of I beat well four eggs and add t ▪ well together ; line a di jam; then peer lathe motto/ nearly three-quarters at an 1 pudding is to be eaten cold. Wises I* Marry. The ego at which women some *be duties ef wife and long been &debatable point. to give their opinions upo but the variation of though more apparent Louise M. tains that the age at which -to twenty-five, as "few girl for the delis. of married life either physically or mentally Harding Davis holds it to hi sable to lay down airy goner! reword to toe proper see for marry, as ta prescribe • us which shall agree witb all ati m▪ arry is when she meets heartily loves her mid whom loves, if she is old EOM helpmeet its him sod sot a d Madeline Vistas Dahlgro yoreeg woman st twenty mu shoeill et the social aft which the lives te be able inate wisely, and dist I of marrying should be re tbe ebb and flow of heeirt." To Leery Stone du able age far the beide aO4H1Ia twesty-five to thirty. Het lays down tbe principle thal before t t his finds • re =of married unhappines contends that Interim temity-five is the beet ai marriage. Eunice White 1 mita that there are many merriage of girls from eigis ty-one would seem proi pont union, provid love was dm foundation. 11 regards immature marriage eoures of unhappiness, nu satisfeethe ofhaanovere ideal, us. indefinite. Adeline D. T. nM mord the m "on. to be uut in figure hma▪ c'nfidirtebatable point led mind and evinsi and that no marrying standare ed, that the hits and min life are °sleuthed to omit =illation, if they terrain, It will you to boy your Ifernitete from the undersigned as I have sow as ensetei an amortment as then le la the ("minty. I do eel adopt nay quark soltew of ad Vert i•inq • cheap .peciesty. keg a mil yes • gen In the Enda/liaise I have stoo k seined for 114v poor as 1.1 ell as rich. I havealsoarldeA the process of Embalming. so that partite hevisu to seed bodies et Mende to dia./sore can du moat nameable met. Nv....ireit.eileiterick. betimes the Post Ogler and Nash stilitlaildL -trot 21tb, 18116. 2014 im • Extensive Premises' and Splendill New Stock =1.11 aa Cqpdada aloes. re swat ere,' man awl ckihf eke tressAlest ossa Law los* I e horde Ilr /Uwe% 1.11ur ran CIE° isgAiniscv Beek (S4 Tares), containing ever ion re= ctgif.=...:. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER. TIT Whit CATAIMI Cum A NA god I TIT Saws limn anima Pius..S0. bol A good naanrtnseett of itches, Bed room, Ihn.ng Room and Patin Fornittere, rev •• t 1 toles. Chaimethair. 4)111110 sad wood aciated.. cupboards. 11444siteds, Waahretaad T 00014110100 & 00- Oohs ameate. laradOese ' Lounges, tkitsc What -Nota, Leckie's glasses. nn't JAME S WILSON . R. - erimplete ammo 'mese of I °Mrs and threads hafiliffitg at ranisOnabla rate . 1 in this matter, as in all others,' its on- w alk errIalll siti I t required, the Elixir will be p item heti proved futile. It will hard- ! saying that it has br 'ken down; Mid Sootland will as certainly hare 1,.cal op ' tion as she has tor three decades had the Forbes Mackenzie Act. A Tyre Around each Irs,ittle ,1 Dr. Chase's 1.4ret cure is a Nit.isoal Guide and Re eine Book containing wine! information. over 200 receipt's. and pronounced by Doctors and Drodinsts as worth ton these the cost id the mediciiie. Medicine and el. Sold Ire J. Wileoe, *Me Went Stratford has a mutual plate glass limo. isik VI With '22 members. and has assured 4, 50111 feet cf plate Oast. It pays WO salaries. The tweaks were bilt two in number in !nab owl rose $107. geed tense. Many mierets haying esedieine ham beet' disappointed, fliont Ws it up, bay • reliable article like Inr. Mime% levet Cow. and "nth it ro. get a recipe book Pk 16•ht• found moil In Fever* of & Metals' Type, mil the TafiOila evil 1401111110 following expo. Imre to the cold or wet winter, It Mil combination M Cinchona cal ...iv 3 and Serpentana Ain universally r. as ilpectlica for the above-named sheer - Said by all Natives I* Fassibi Ifelisiese Prier, el per Dottie, OV t•41 iko tits for ea 111101.0 AOIRATS, IsE To the Ilrool I; ',laws of ae Surrotstaiss9 Ws reiela stingy thee we are prepared to teke Fear Wool its escheat', fee (lioseW or work it for per late soy of lee (ollowing arsirlek els Blankets -White, Grey or Horne. Shirtings Grey or Check. Cloths - Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels White, Grey, Colored, Onion, Plain or Twill. Shestint Irt or Marro*. Stockist — White, Grey, elfin eel r n Color*. Carpet Warps made to order. RO Lt. OAR DINA. Om facilities for thle work ma Sur Ceernm Arianism and Reelinfinnr got awing 0111 Ott Cup, Mane or flee, bard fr WI I w ist We seem a pnairltra in de an Wm,. of eiss woe', emir dOne 111 a fell met caalons • II*11 Wia ollarliMall en de far yam amIlaarrola. ad1"414wira.a laze "" say "? Saar la 1 4,4 anew hand SIN isurs•• ter hl .6.112 DESIGNS VT,A.LL 13.&PER Now, t he linse.11 yen str:oh ore or Inn n ice mains at h0111N11. t 0 NV 11111111•P DO SO 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs HARKNE. Restores trey hair to its ea tural color, re seems Da stops the from falling increases growth, mad set mil AS a deg It lure Heiooita Indere and alasre.17::lees 1,1111,,,...r.Y,r101:11.1zIle.::::tycorIs. eat and ass hem. at' The 11161 & 0 Prepared mum itad Woolea )1 SW by awl nava% Deallsea Lambs, OM. 11. McCANN Qu urr OIL WORKS RD SS OI kat/la:Est Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all O. during the Exhibition. It has been awarded 0101.. MEDALS durtnig the last three yes.re. WU. that you get PEERLESS. It ia only made by SAMUEL ROGERS ec CO., TORONTO. Pot Ask * Temp•Ozet. Mb. Rural Lady -"Is street r you wish to find r B. —11re merest °beers of is Omabeidge, three time here." flambee" Medlar rausie ; 0111 11 the esenvivesep veal when anyhow. t lib