HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 5The loses Idea% 1+w.esa "kW full„wing "pouts” fully Deimos 14.0 :- 1` hp bis. and mourn s while ger the sweet old days of yore. Tho Idle daps trespass b They're suss funnier inure. Cite.- Well roe ear bargain tore. my Will roe torr bargain sore Fos the days that . ate U wore. Oh, beim, well here t do the work, rot sow were shows we can The glr.s will all the cooking shirt Oa oke ••uubie creature, man. - To bake and .crub and doe and pew. Hescrturth our lot shall be . The ash she toll gad plant and boa jai r are then we. Al pbaisa potties. and iasttgbta Well hare to take the can Our lives, hereto of alt doltgkta W Ill sena end la despot/. la�fttlpit Drees. and lawyer's sows, The girl* will take our pltor , And trove u• here to fret and grows. Aad MAMMA our faliea race. ( )pew than, dear lads. well do oar bast. Vow U w~sa same. um de more. Whoa tins tired ( well And rslcas., na tore im oer. t/`/s Ur run b late, bops. ell drink Olaf ,;up of sorrow yet £wbtza.. Mrs. O. 8prusg has gut hack from TueoaW *liege she bas beets for enteral weeks getting a tuneor removed. She to farora bly. Geo. Tindall boo warkmeown bedding a new shoe &hap fur the times N Maley i Tindall, who take Ike betimes. of P. B. Wallops - 8. Caldwell has bought the property ea Main street formerly owned by P. B. Wally.. Dr. D. M. (Jordon has taken up his abode in this village, and intends ter peactice the healing art. P. B. Walla., who has carred on the boat sad shoe business bre fur a num• bur of {sear* bee decided to try his hick ID the Northwest lie intends to locate etIt� ed that • very respectable farmer ie the neighborhood, has a bar• r.l of mai-Boon Arid oueessl.d on hie premiss for an illicit dealer of the gill- el. is this el•.haa. The balance of the dealer's stock *saki to b. planted In the garden. Mies Anna West. of Leekaow, paid a Dying visit to Dungannon beet week. Miss Sarah Woods, of Rensafl, is visiting friends in thim vicinity., Lessallltt_ 9p111" wank on the rusk ; new. Lard to gel Mr. Whitmire, of [Awe. as osto- gesarian. is the Rest of Mn_ J. Cook. The hour fpr hsldtag the Bible clmsm has bone chewer re •m take plata before service, whir suits theoung people better, and ,Yaws forth a Luger attend - re* 10/011. The i4 the r,rchards at preempt progenies a great crop of Droit tins s.as,rs. Messrs. Calder and Livingstone who am in partmenrip this summer in the sawmill and limber business, are getting lent, to de. They are furnishing the lumber for the Blyth woollen mill to be MOHilmeoki,lldsoe`erected this summer. earlsratd. TttB BUBON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 7, 1886. FOR A Choice Spring & Summer Dress SEND TO Olt VISIT THE k:STARLIBHMENT or H. W. BRETHOUR CO 13RA11 &i `ORD_ AT Plit-IL\T WE ARE SHL/WINO NOVEL! IN P'anoy Wool Dress Goods, all oolora. Fanny Wool Dress Goods, in black. Plain Jahns, Cloths, in blaok and colors. All the New Makes in Canvas, Bouole, Sco. Rare Value in Bison[ and Colored Satins. WE HAVE A LARGE RANO; Or WASHING DREas GOODS IN PRINTS, LAWNS, ALSATIAN CLOTHS, &c. BOURRETTES, CORD STRIPS, GINGHAMS, &c. Our Prints site eery choice In dealga ad cotes. Our Olsg►sss are venire/ w 1. pri ^e. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. TAFFETA GLOVES, all colors and sizes PURE SILK GLOVES, all eolors and aizita. BLACK COTTON HOSE, all sixes. - COLORED a � ii i HOSE, all sizes. Brantfwrd, Maty Ath. 18116 ♦r OTICE TO CMEDITOIis. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford 2041 Des Is the swam of Jenne ofth. r Yates, of Zurich, 1a e c.. sts et Weir. Shoemaker. Tha abets gasmen Jolley. Roaming ass ride a•amigaret t. a V pursers. et as Vic.. (imp et omen* of all his /lasts sed abct.. is (rusk ter the borsht of kis credit. MIL A aseatasg of the ess4iier. of the said Yea- rns Honeetne will he held mess Ori.., la the Omen Beast 1. the Tows of Ood.r{d, ea PRIDAY. Me Seer*& IMy of May, A. D. 1P.i6, at obs mower 1:m e'cteek n.. Inc the Pur - peso of the . Nis t;frlag of directi.es few the dispose. Wilts —. Gladden are requested to Ate their claims aselrt the .sad ,exel.e with mo oa Or before the repaired by the Aet mestiag. ct. by na4rluaa ROBERT GIDE N& Sheriff at Horns. Dated Apra lith. 1f111 pitib.4 GODERI©R TAN HAMA( peremse•d tbs titulars et JOSEPH dporort tf70RX Marta, Carter, I take non op- usionteof Borru . thaasam�wi ate MeV pjrepjathe eerie et red to execute all orders 1• MARBLE it GRANITE Etc., Ede. eanstfrifts eThere was a groat increase of live star „eposo.socioodu here last week. Two mares owned be wit. slay furor pts with their erten. Jus.. Morrie bed fuels the melte night,and one of the cows had twin calves. The mammoth barn of H. Y. Mtn)! is now being eompieted by Chas. Mor- ris and his ;sea. All the eorkmen have a uniform eider of hair—red—and they sires fiarMhdt I .. too. Our jovial eoginer is .t preemie at Ridgeteed farm employed in sprint 1 • e 11 UIUU n a ann Juin ii1ll NOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC., Supplied at Reasonable Pates. Those loteading to purchase Monuments or Hes4Noaes will dad it in their lrlrsws.i to GIVE US A CALL. People wishing cesetory d workose, such as repalri.g isecrtpiero, straight/ming 4o head - stares, etc., earl rely on the wort being done there, trades taking • father- la • tt oust . manner. las Lstle.t is a wow of sill no super. ;wire solicit an inepeetion or the work now is the ioteuds the ei .lady t for eb.., !,e yak, .ad r"'"tb. ep ;a ITDBENTSON i BELL. the ssiag with an alarm cloak chise to orrterteh, March ttaelk. tits rW►lm his ear, whish he mid is hotter than tTc �ouzo whistle. He is aseditating challengingMoaners �r Some of the North street young mea to a v+.vane+ t� *sadly shaisk. W. Oyer, how Oasssiton, Dakota, called herr lent week visiting friends, telling them be often heard of them in hes Surat. The Dunlop news was like a weekly letter to hue. Hast Wairsaosa, Sans of the farmers are through ma - ding. This is early compared with hell season. W. were dea.e d to see that 8. who bas been ill, was able to cherish oe Benda,' last. Alabastine. Don't in House Cleaning itltnut It. �# Will Make Your Walls and Ceilings Beautiful. It is Cheep. Anyone Can Ap- jn'ILtgMillinery Some of the boys in this vicinity are 1 ht 1111 Lt*M'ior to Kai prsomisieg foe the twenty-fourth, u it Is Whiting. understood that the Qrss•'s birthday two he .deed o in Blyth, and "'we SBI IT !TBI IT ! TRY 1 MRS SALKELI� two haadred dollen will be given in r • � sm. Nearly all .theists. sports will —Ho opened oar bee ti given, and elan • bicycle rase. Only to be toad from R.th v OLUTION IN CALL AND SEE THE--- - TREMENDOUS -BARGAINS- Now BEING OFFERED AT IMILELIEna ROOK - STORE PIP Pit ,Pe'r'J10ORih4 liki st-es lit in Trial -.NI Conince. FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT LOW PRICE MAKE QUICK SALES A JAS.. IMRIE, Moorhouse's Old Stand, Court Hoose Square, G-0DERICH. e roost approved Styles Is f James We n, R AtoNnrittand a �y� SPRING STYLES IN MiLLINERY Les K e northern C'. *G6 A •� "7w King intend satli as tft b ' • and has sow the late.( and4 this t. sommet. 5 Look Here ! Gentles SCOTCH GINOHAMS u 10.. (raining SCOTCH GINGHA118 at lYjo. Tun Roar FACTORY COTT*\ J„u tier mu for the tsonry 6c, COTTO\A DES, SHfltTlrt;B, AND FLINTS AT NSW* Tr.r WILL Aslv'imIS Yue, I. All other linea is DRY 1100D8 a whist.. 1 - r 1 FuLt. Sawa or GROCBf1:Sii. 1 We Buy WOOL, Bur rya MID Links. 1 COLBORNE BROS, GODER.ICH. ERASER & PORTER Haring purchased the Book and Stationer, Ruslne.. of MK l•(K1KE, eat united with of the business formerly carried u„ by Jnr. kItAt1CR, would now beg to a„uuuncu to the Public that they hart • Bitot and t'nol,- .e Ston of Books, Stationery and School Supplies OF ALL $ZNDS_ P Wall Paper, FaocyGoods alld Si1#rure! WITCH THEY WILL SELL. AT THE LOWLST 1 •.sa 1tLE .From their load experience esoe in the tumors* they can. racuuddcure, prs.y r W GUARANTEE MTIQFAITUt\. Special Attention wit be sires to the News Hu. lneas, Magazines, Periodicals & Newspaper; SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. AT SMIPPARD'g OLD STAND, Colt NORTH -ST. AND SQVARX.. Oed.rleb. April Ida. Int, nt. SPECIAL. ONE CASE OF BL'K & COL'O SILKS C+RE.4.1r v. - CALL AND SEE THEM_ J:ric C.DLOR & h April firedJ±1'Co. 1114= IMMInumniymi- I IAVINII ILE- ,uy sh•Myhe latest Tutee 'rw wU 0 hrued Ming eh s. hired a jouro.) lie Hier. we ere in position to do Setter W o r. shun hereto- fore. Lad Children** 11a1r made a all days to m M/ &Lure KINTIgni O -ret n; ales 11 est Street. two doors , gat or I'.0., Galericb, REMEMBER I REMEMBER ! TO ('ALL A r MAL. McGILLI7RAY'S NEw GROCERY! The Cash System haring been adopted in buying and sclllag, 1 guarantee Cheap and Coal lierseins. al An Inspection of Stock and Prices solicited. Highest Price Ysid for P.r.n Produce. 'Remember the Stand, Two doors south of 1-14.14.07118110% A r. Office. North -q.. Godtrieb, tiederlek. A pill Etad, lest 7 -lm R. W. Laosasw. Go SOHhallos, Flowers RlibooShnti as&Furniture Varnish/ Paints, at tett awanosh prompt. a r C., Entre Value. �An Inspection of the latest ♦•If . which .he has row os slew, We hare the hetet v.In. 1a T Is the ('aunty. Oederfelk Aprlt fa.d, Int 11k fall whist in the townships of Beat ALL KINDS. miaow or rd w W Oils A E t (food V I w e fro In hwadwsar b.sstU.l so far. 1. cordially 1,,lted • • A A I n . . Farmers in title secti through noodle Th P retty well tn.Intact Importation of Dress Goods expect - g• • .piing a w,w,k la ed lea few days. nearly a month earlier than last year. 1 rloderteh. April lead. Dat The mmaltlsnt of the Loaf's super Wee I last Robber is Kt. Aad,eo'a Presbyterian and Methodist disrobes in large eoagreg.tiose. Mh. O ledenisn.trei.tyla mmeninx forth Dos'mon 1)57 one of the grandest Oslo - ever Arid in tide vision,. •resell her decided to err salad improv.- ' d the attletw et this w the tt ' to ate to b crated at ,.er tutus b L Th. solo erakhwb Areas Mara oar - reel Hearne. -,A' Burt In make fan Day on 1111.4) a Wo1Rli POWDiliti. Aga rtma•rlaa t. posh• tasresta their eau I. a rs1o. sats, a.. `eager, ef rMi•e la 0111110141•4= PORTER, P.) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SPRING MILLINERY 1 G-114.33.A.M .:m-.w$b�srma,,,,,.mrwt..s.rtr i TRIMMED !bNTRtMNRIM Yirt�lllhied be oblates, 1. a 9 Feathers, Flowers, Shapes, Egrets & FANCY T IMMINGS IN PROFUSION •w a . . V • HARD w ARE $ 4E12 • 101 X, 9 Clam Ladies of (104•1111•111 •.d ttriabty .a eardt.11y Melted to PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, Cwitthelsaa EE Cf003:DS bras plod. u Cort '` OMertsh, April alb. Ow neve door to Moor*. Dry deeds More. fets-Pw GODERICH.