HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 44 mew Ad Thai Meek. Removed John trophy. saee W.sk Osly Itubert H Haled. O.nerel brvsat Wwted Tits ud -e. To the Pulite to General Alex. Mauro. pore sad *Wk. Making -Mule Stewart- Gederteh M Works- Itubenaus & HAL (Mao .1 liana Yitimisettut.s Peter Adam - to•.. Dees uoode H. W. Hvraboar t l's., West- ford. NEWS ABOUT IIOME. Till HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 7, 188G. toTI.. Bible Society reepst y seat front Om genial fries/ Daa °arty, "the PagrApIlu trot St tame Ytturva a - et t,10 thirty .truugly bound volumes prlsst's amu," lice t.dt hie ear cu diaries Mratimuuuoaealarelugtkehrieka.*age .d the memoir's for use to the tuieseva the week. His bright subtle still beams so lung oocupi.d by conductor H:ggius, q{mnley school, winch tomo to St. An- on his many friends, al1Pougli las hearty a seemed story being added to the strud- drew's church. The doattun wan iamb laugh eanout bei heard Dm is one of are. Whoa oempleted, the house will L the uswt popJlar men la testa with be • aomnwdwus one, bud prebuilt • Or rob Oo6•datts.-Capt. McKenzie rowel and old. rich dna pour. handsome appearance. kir.. DLbuuun for Gude- The Sebtertb Sten say.: "Mr. John nitwit& to aocoamodele sumuinr .Lotto's, left can Thomismachs final week) y aced her szalleut reputatwn should Ivisit, to take charas of Lu schooner, tel Scotus, our worthy dtrtslsw wort olsrk, draw Patronage u(b ■,d Glen- Frtwt 1 Ariel, and expects to set bail for the Ica p1•c d a telephone to his residmee wawhat km', if this lady, we feedGeorgianB• momd►y next week. - in order to moot the Santa of the pa►lic. carred she will be a hostiles who will be sa- M We are pleased w rote that Mr- B. w certain tojgive estufacti o. I (K tncardine A chiel'ssmarm ye. 'akin notes r, ondea.onng lar carnet the AO faith he'll Areal It." I The newest Ailwton to °t ...Ju• n a''k, ' the tiettes, and ho wads late w bowue as Tru Ynurtx:k•t UP Jesuits. -The 1 u the rawest 11 1* .ss. to d by A. p gaily *lar au *ficial as bar Predeeewww. Derby, England, Shorthand Writers' Tom s:sOM journalism. It u minuted by A. Deo- Winn,' Association takes credit for the fact that holm, formerly cal Kincardine, and w W mit whom rec tly tired it as lel g If you are anzloae for • trued photo 51110 I most cred,tahly Ret up. Woodstock r.corge rtewan sad be made tapp). He anew I ought to be able to support an tveaiog to pious his Faros*. Field sod louden swede st fiatrg5 Ofd•v. If ' Pill* l• o0 want buil"' 15 crockery sen sad net•A Jew peddler tryies too ride • Heavy Iiio prices. Orecerie• at bottom rates. Gro. knew created • good deal of t OW. t'•ll at MaL Mdiillivey's the grocer. He around the market on Saturday abor- ts wtw117 meettit to his choice new "'wk. ' nonan. He bowed on the saddle like a welch for high quality and low price, cannot c ,rk on • rppl j sea, and tel penpers- ►e excelled. tion steed ea his forehead like l'ekbrate the day by ■ ring on the lith Ina new wit of fantiow a cut bough' from be•de, Y. te A. IMdbam. t e stylish tailors. Th•tl R. R. Robb, of Stratford, 5b. in town • semible way of doing it. FiNK TAILOl(ING. - For the casinos( last wink, acting as advance agent for e pilog salt, foe rtes seems. sad mer est B.iM s Cotmidy Company. wkieli sill gond,, for the o)eest and beet trials's. tar appear here week alter mixt. Sam is 1.o o .th YLR p to Mvetberm ae. still ander the war of the Mikado, So tar the prophet• have berm away which i•e considers agrtaios tel mat be weather. but we one catching mute ever written. make any mistake it h. may. R `billows turns oat first class week 1s tel pbwograpk ile's good. he [a See the stock of hourefernishls55 u 8assd- era' Variety Store .5511 raper. etiolate shades. cornice pules. picture ba4 e ! mouidiag. and . line stock teff tinder m carriage*. The cheaper e on O. C. Robertsen. Kest street. is ether 'real bargains in barge . wire mattresses aid bed roepl setts 1 *111 have a lot of sew bed room setts me arm of the week. which 1 will mil at • moan advance es Gest. New is tel time to Ret wow hareems. -Wynne Roach or Au..' -'-Yea can noir procure for aft teats trees my I • (.oderich a he of Limoges R Royal fo sere rest. great remedy ver , .warier virtues and •lone .1 k .rise have .heady pre- 4ucs s " free' the artaet- del cities • Del the feet that itld• s et D ons,* frees. De est Mtbsa t tint [t doss not roan• ases t r yes from of souse eaterprWR terseness decor gtv[ag Its trait There was no quorum of the school beard trustees uta Monday. Severs' Clinton Oddfellows took put in the exertion on Sunday. Mies Dolly Vanderlip returned to Brantford sellers last week. Mw Lissie Gibson has gone te Mani- toba to keep house for a brother those. Mies Annie Cooke returned to town last Thursday after • long visit to relati- ves at Pincouning, Mich. Percy Moorbowe left for Pineoeni.g, Mich., on Monday. to vm,t his brother mid sister, who reside then. Jen Addison lad week made an esti- mate of tel damage on the north pier. with • view to speedy repairs. We regret to learn that Mies Blair, the excellent teacher of ti:e 2ud room in the central.cbocl, a still indisposed. We are glad to .m Godfrey Hamlin able to be at he post again, after being laid up for • week with a seven cold. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Smith, of Clinton, were in town last week attending tel funeral of their relative,Mr. David Mor- row. The person who took the lock off tel Rate on Britannia street, is requested to call at this office, and he can have the key. Mrs. Scager s Sunday -School ohms pm. panted her with an Easter gift last week. The gift was composed of • card and • pair of races. The schooner Kollage left harbor o s Tuesday for the Wy f,•r • load of cedar lumber. This is the first departure of a Goderich ve•eel in 1886. A choice selection of Swede turnips, Hungarian and mallett, Dorn and buck- wheat at S. Sloane's, woodsman, Gude- D. M. Gordon, of St. Helens, having successfully passed the examittatioms of the Cuivofsiy of Toronto Medical School, has decided to locate his prectlm practice in Auburn (Manchester. Dr. Gurdon has our heartiest wishes for suc- cess. Our Herm boys make skilful Rob& Bell, wbo has been working in Chicago for the past year, has returned to Goderiob and entered Into 5ith Mr. Robertson, in the marble works business. He has practical in the basins., and the new firm will now be in a pesitioo to give the moat prompt attention to orders. Roy Harrison, eldest sea el J. C. Harrison. of the Palos roller rink. had his arm broken Deer the elbow on Tues- day morning lest. The little fellow stood up le a baby carriage to reach something above him, and while eo mice - pied, the wheels of the corneae. were bet to militia, seesaw bice to fall. The •teentles of the street inspector is called to the fact that garbage heaps are nut Ott the etreete in different parts of the town. Lest Friday while Henry Curwen was driving into town his bores took fright at one elf these unsightly mounds, and ran into the ditch by tho roadside. Fortunately no damage was dune. 01' 1 w first awooiatwn to Engles.' to (rum the position o librarian Gudericb Mechanics' Institute, will brie before its members the •dt'isabtli- dwrtly remove to Toronto. He was • ty of taking active steps In the direction good citizen, and his well known figure of making the year 1887 • Jubilee well 5111 be mimed in Knox church. Mr. I worthy of the inventor of The subject was brought before the Imo - Miller left uu Tuesday for a few days visit to his son Richard at St. Heles'a He will return to town early mist week, and leave for Toronto on Thursday or Friday. He and his respected partner - in -lite will reside with their son Thomas This annual meeting 4 the Mechem's Iastatute toot place eta Muoday evening. The t..lhiwiog vers elected °Boars f..r the ensuing twelve months : prmtdeat, S. Mahr,msoe; vise -president,'(' Westh- erald; second vim -president, W. H. Munisy; secretary, Geo. titivate; treas- urer, A. J. Moore, Directors, H I. Strang, E. Sharman, W. F. Foote, E. C. Russell, C. Blake, C. A. Humber. Messrs. J. H. Colhoree, A. Morton and Geo. Rice wan elected honorary Immo bora Bus BALL. -Tie "North Stars," of Wit exam. Wive written the "Actives," et matt u in • paper by Mr. S. C. J. Wood- ward, who remarked that although pho- nography was almost in its fiftieth year, it was still in its youth, and its utility was not as yet sufgcieedy ooderrtood. Mr. Woodward strongly led the Netiue•I Cel.hrstiuu of t1 . Jubilee of Pbusugrapby Tu the Canadian Shorthand Society is due the honor 0t first bringing before the photoVraphic world the idea of the Jubilee, the sug- gestion bavta* been made by Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy, of Guderich, Out, at the aiavetttiea last inmmer. --{T1s Cosmo- politan Shorthander . Swamp Whiskey. Constable Hicks, of Brussels, brought an important pris- oner to gaol on Thursday last under the fullowiag circumstances :-On Tuesday Inspector Cavan, of Stratford. and Con- Ouderich, the junior champions of ilio stable Scott, of Brussels, made a raid on county, cancelling the proposed match the how art Gen Barber, in Howick fixed ler today. The Actives are cone- township, neer Fordwich, and arrested gamily d 1 Our teem kat so Barber fur haling an illicit still on the good • record that the Aber Globs are premise& Jas. Burt was also arrested afraid to fees them. It looks u if the fur being • partner in the affair. A inch Ooderiob boys will have to go sway from tab and mash were footed in the cellar. home to meet opponsota In that event Some 00 gallons of liquor had beep they should net put up the trophy fur manufactured and sold. The charge was competition. Let those who wish lar try withdrawn against Barber, and he told r for the cup come to Goder►ch for it. The that the balance of the Actives are open:to receive challenges. apparatas was stored in the garret over The early death of Mrs. A. D. White, the kitd►es, where it was found by the of Listowel, daughter cf Jamieson Reid, ofhoers OD Wednesday night. Bert first of this place, has crested mach gym- pleaded mit guilty, but afterwards with Why. Last Autumn she was • bride, drew the plea He wee fined Ow bad and left Gtderich with bright hopes lox two months' i in the county the future. A few short months passed. jolt. The esu was tried before A. Hunt - and she tall into • decline, and acs Moor std Jon. Shaw, J. P. on Wednesday her pergola' kerne fur rest and •psisl al beruoon. care. On Monis; she died, at the early At the Official Quarterly Board of the age of 21, leaving her young husband to North street Methodist church held mourn the its of an affectionate nom- Monday May 3rd, the followinttresole- 'solei pinion. Her end was bright and hope- tion was adopted fat, and her Christian character grew this Qarterly Baud piste on reword more radiant as the close of her life drew - their kith of the ..rvtm a of ny(h. the Rev T. M. Campbell, diaries his It is to be hoped that the petition pastorate of 3 years among us. In the signed by many of the aced ialsentalI swims duties to • 'minister • C. 0. 7.-11 the last regular meeting of Court teedericb lila 32, the folbwing officers were duly installed :-Bre. Alex. Sounder.. C. R ; Wm. Pridiam, V.C.R. ; John Pridbam, Chaplain; Thoma' 8aeyd, F. Sec.; Wet. MMecCCreath, Roc. Bea ; C.C. °rabb, Trema ; John Spiral, 8.W.; Roost. Ellis, L W.; J.C. elastin, Jas. Stewart, J.B, Mir Oanthesi, elocutionist, will ap- ear is Qodorieh in Victoria Opera Hottst on the evening of Friday, M•y 14th, soder the atomises of the High 8.hool Literary Society. The managers of the Society guarantee • treat Mies 'Wyatt and Mises Radcliffe. vocalists, will amide ; and Mies Cooke and Mr. D•Pea- dry will furbish 1 music. A stallion race for horses owned in the °oantime of flufue, Perth and Bosco, will be trotted at Seaforth on September 3rd. The following owners have made the seooad payment for their respective homes : J. Campbell, Magloian ; George Whitely. Carlisle ; E. Livinoatone, Mountain Eagle ; J. Ward, Mohawk Chief ; A. Smith, Gudench Chief, and R. Thompson, Gulddust. We are glad to sae Arthur Cantelon around again. He strained himself mv- rich. See his advertisement •rely nearly two months ago lifting some The mission school here is sadly in heavy backs in he cellar, and his liver, need of books for the libraries. The lungs and bowels ware affected most cause is one that should eoli.t the gym- painfully foreseers' weeks. He is now pathies of the wealthier Sunday regaining his old -tin vigor, and we schools. trust he will hem nothing more than John McMillan, the popular reeve of the memory of the •ccidetnt to trouble Mullett, has been prostrated with a sew- him after this summer. ere attack of inflammation of the bowels. At the fortnightly meeting of the H. but we are glad to hear that he is now 8.1,S, bold last Friday evening the fol- lowing proem' was presorted : Address, R. Hamden bas returned nn Mdaday the president ; reading, Mr. Allen; solo, to Toronto to resume his studies. after Mt Heddle; reading, Miss Campbell; spending the Easter Holidays with hu duet, Mires Ralph and McIntyre; chor- parents, Mr. and Mrs John Hamden of us, the members; editor's selections, Mr. Napier Street Heddle; reading, Mr. McLeod; solo, Mr. Mrs. Jordan dad babe left for Mont- Carroll; ,queti.on drusen Mr. H. 1. real on Fnday last, where they will Strawy; solo, Mise Maxwell. spend • couple of months. Mr. Jordan 1 them thither, but is expect- ed back this week. • Me- Drummond, she new locsl Meta- • rrr of the Bank of Montreal, has arrived. We welcome him to our midst, and treat that his stay here will be a pleas- ant CM • rrsperoos one. Ile. M. Nicholson, the West street dentist, makes the preservation el the natural teem a spaciity. 17 tend from P a m. to 4 p. in. for the painless extraction ofteeth. Thr Salvation Army marched to the station on Saturday night. to welcome the return of the officers from the open- ing of the temple at Toronto. Then was a joyful scene at the station. The (nand,.'. Meth.,.hal Vngo:in• for May is a very readable another. Among the most readable articles an John Me- 1o,nald'S "Lebow from a Merchant's Diary." For .1e at the bookstores. )rev. W. Johnetoon preached in hay- field on Sunday, and his place was taken here by the incumbent of Bayfield, Rev. Mr. Hodgins, who preached interestins and instructive sermons at both services. That relic of barbarism, a cAariwvri, disgraced the town tin Tuesday evening. Some of the children who took part were more suited fol spanking thea for IM eheap cigars they were foolishly indulging in. The Salvation Army exer••iaa at Tor- onto appeared to have stirred .p the members . as there was a Mg perade of that body on Sunday last. The officers soy they had a grand time 40551 Toronto. We regret to learn that rsee. J. R. Watters, the respected priest of this par- ish, arish, is lad op with $ painful same el int . rheumatism. He has been ailing for the past cook or so. and .51 }ere enseider$ide pain. Hos speedy and thorough recovery is di tired by many win, are not of bis own flock. rose Beam ah, will be speedy. The teatimes was • seven one --severe to 'mjaotle& The murder of Maines was done soder the most tantalizing , and that unhappy affair bas already cost the elder Besinish his lite. James Henry Beam,sh should be amt at liberty. He is said to be in the disease from which kis father and one sister have died dace the trendy, and to which another sister is aloe Rev. n. R. Tr nee CALL -Three months ago a unanimous "call" was given to Rev. G. R. Turk. et Lucknow, by the quarterly board of North street Metho- dist church, Goderieh. Tbe board is still • unit nn h•vtn4 him here, and the Oungregatiof generally are eager for hav- ing him. "You can't put it too strong,' said • leading member of the board to a reporter yesterday "We're bound to get him if we out Rev. T. M. Camp- bell, the able and popular pastor, has spent the allotted three years hero. He has got the church in • good working spirit, and Mr. Turk appears to be the men to wear his mantle. CANON F•sa•a'a NEW Bong. -A few weeks ago, what Canon Farrar was in this country tens of thousands of people paid as much as ami dollar each to hear a single lecture delivered by him, and were well pleased with what they act for le Guderioh in favor of the misses high calling, we bays fueled exhibited ice of James Hour/ him great seal for the Master, ability and power In preaching, and all the graces which adorn the Christian charac- ter. W also feel that we are largely indebted to him under (kid for our pres- ent condition, both spiritually and financially. We likewise desire to express our kindly feeling toward his beloved partner a.d his aged mutter, a• npe in Christian and we tea- cerely hope that wherever their lot nosy be cast, the blessing ..f God may attend them -that they may continually b..k in the effulgence of the Son of Rigbtsons Dentistry. abundant ▪ life's work is done, and then "an abundant entrance" into the realms of ` ICHU[.SUN, L.D.M. glory may be theirs M. _ Sc•ro*Tn Mrrro.laT Cr use'g.--Rev. ' ii 4 N T A L R OO 11 it. Mr Salton, of Guderich, addressed the f !Eighth door below the fort (M1oe. Wen -.t.. children of the Sunday school at the I uomwicn. 9025-ly morning service last Sunday, says the :{tin. Tbe children sod their teachers 1 • Ill a r le and s THE GREAT BARGAINS J. A. REID & BRO. AHE NOW . ViL1l1NG IN DRESS G(x)DS, GINVHAMS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES,kc SPECIAL. We have just purchased (to arrive in a few days) a job lot of FACTORY COTTON, which we will atoll at less than Mill Prices. ME, Come anil See THE BARGAINS IN TWEEDS AND COATIN(i8 FOR SPRING SUI S IN ALL THE FASHIONABLE PA 1 t e Ina 8 WE ARE SHOWING A NIO LOT OF Wool Tweeds for Bots' Wear, from 35c. per yid, u Which will he CVT OVT FREE OF CHARGE. Highest Price paid fur Butter and Egg". JAS, A. REID & BRO. 'formerly field k 0aeyd.1 Jordan's Bleck. Colonel'. lath Aoril. INC L W(N►LVERTON, L D. 8. Office Odd Fellow. Hail. North St.. Oodt.rtch. Miners moderate. All or war - occupied the front sesta Miss Brett, ,.aate.t 1916 - organist. The children Gans All hail -- the Power of Jess name," and after She Peoples Column. prayer by the minister the children sate( "Make the Saviour your Frieud." After r ENERAL,q SERVANTe.. WNTED- catechising the children, the minister j 000wegvs gt5Ooo Arefrret.ce. preached fico Jade "Keep- in indispessable. Kngnire at Sn:N.L Odce. It :he love eta, O" Tim children int as I `{I88 STEW ART, DRE88r. AND as 01staei; sad listened with 11 marked attention, showing their exalt- Mast.• Raker. takes pleeaum i. nor aoaneiw` that she bas opened rooms over Mit Sunda/ school training. The pa'pit G.o. Aebeeoe's store entrance nus the 14qusiw wan gaily 'eked with a motto of ter where she will he `lad to receive orders from , the ladies of t:odericb and vicinity. AU klade of sewing. et tow and rutting done a tnoder- I nw ate prices. Good work guaranteed. 5516-11 ` OF HURON EXAMINA- VTIONIt. Imo. their money. fteverel of the most ice- dowers "God is love," and the happy portant of those lectures and addle•s.s faces 'of the children shone with Christian with other papers are now published by faith and hope as they Gang "0h ! See John B Alden, of New York, and can the happy home, by and by." Little now be had in a very handsome cloth- !children took up the offering, and the bound volume, for the prim of 40 cents plates, laden with silver, were • burden Some of the lectures are elan published th.y were scarcely able to bear, looking separately in his Rfe.rir Iwlrery in ' plwb•td, no doubt, with their grand East - which foto the bottom on Dante sells for er collection. In the evening, the rev. 3 cents ; on T , 2 cents ; on gentleman precJtOd from Pauls epistle Ideals of Nations, 2 cents ; Thoughts on to Philos oss, n of greet power, and holy fervor, in pleasing tortes of • silvery voice, with which his hearers were delighted as well as edified sod ioetruoted. Pott LA" La. n aa- -The Rev Mr. Americo, 3 cents The millions of in - Calvert will deliver • popular lecture of telligerd people who admire Canon Far- " The Air W • Breathe." in the lecture ear and who were not able to hear him roma nt Knox Church. on the evening - lecture, will be delighted to find his of Wednesday, the lump inst. A &sleet brilliant, scholarly and eloquent collection to defray the expenses of ex- thoughts placed in this handsome form perisnents will be taken at the door. within their reach. The publisher's The lecture will be given under the Illustrated catalogue, 132 pages, is seat auspices e( the Ldiss' Aid Society, and the Res Dr. Lore will preside. The Wi i for an excursion from that in June. Could the party not be in.loced to aim@ w G.derich as well as others of the same character during the summer season. They came here a few years ego and had a grand day of en.oyment We will be glad to to any addre.5 on receipt of 4 cents ; or condensed catalogue free. John 1t. Al- 1 wasa soldier. and 1 took up arms - den, Publisher, New /Y ork. BaDk (d5r b e. E PYGMALION AND t.ALATIA.- A fair Ton tyut__Ths teniae, audience (comprised chiefly of Wiese. Alas t1atielbeall. h•a-alave-Bank attended the of "Pygmalion clerk No. 3. and Galatea.' by the Go derich Thespians. Bat blood will tall, even under •slate's The we,. was wall plead on the board,, orb t Toy,o lawyer. and the acting was an agreeable surprise g f to a11. Mr. Reynolds, as Pygmalion. That love scene was my first ox - o we . ur t'ingham friends here again. astonished all by the vigor and perience in the art. -The law clerk. (l.lanch will be more attractive than of his .location, and trod the stage with Tell that to somebody else •The ladies the ease of an old actor. The other gen- in the cast Ilernen were not up to such g..od form, but did very fairly for amateurs. J. Tina new Iron avleays Stricken wee a gorgeo,tsly stored soldier. A. D. Diatom was an .rt "patron," and The Wardens committee, consisting C. C. Row and F. D. Widder were rather of Meese. Rata, Ell,ntt and (iirvin, and aristocratic looking slavesMir the clerk and county engineer, met on . c int s in beet Order. We La,re va neon w.e by for building 0anty iron bridges at Et- Trem/w M a and Ca1sa Just Jua pleasant game of marbles for me, you know -Dank clerk No. I. ever 1 his summer. Quarles Bl ern ra T. -An attractive program of games end sports has limn prepared by the onion a„amttloe of the A (1 1 W. and the band. The prises are liberal, and their will be fun se well as the usual run of athletic games. The price .4 admission to the ground. is Mw, and tel dim day ought to dr • emit crowd Georicin.'►f M,c k acting was (f w Thursday afternorm to let the nostMete some "stare" oh, made • capital oat, mendetlle and Port Albert. Both bridges into town. The tog of war will be • tea. Mw Radcliffe as Pygmalion's wife I se !ow tear iron bridges, about 64 fees contest h.tweee wood (handl and mw -played • difficult part with much fidelity i in length, EgrtendviW bridges boot els (A O.G.W.i A concert in the even- and Mir F1.. Horton did alightly the Longer, and both are sefg- ing will wind up the day's doings very nicely se Myren*. livid left • pleas- ' ciently strong to sustain a weight of 100 Rmit•wrtc An*ta.-Bruaeals has been in impression. Mise Chilton filled the I lit- to • square font. The tenders were elicited over a romantic ease, in which 1 pert of the 1 Daphne in a very close, and Sen as fnllnwr - the wife of a blacksmith of that place is manner that struck terror intotheheart Rgmtnedvllk. 1"n Albert. • chief agent. Her first husband, -o5 a I of her beg* lord The la ran ver Hamlt(es Bitty' ('s pr h 515.54 1)11.;5 h g play 1 Tnr tate Ii.45 11.10 man claiming to he such, moistly .raved smoothly, and gave mach Gatiefactwen. poteebor5 "JS loot I1 in the village, end hod • warrant issued i Before the enmedy, R- 8. Chilton, I- R ktneardtne '•15.07 I1111 for her arrest for bigamy. After a can- I Consul, with a very good imitation of the The last named eotespany was .worded • nitelion with the wouan and Mr pees- brngoe,resd Tennyson'• Irish poem "To- the contract for the e.rtetradt.rt of hot ant husband sad some friends, the is. morrow," and w applauded in • liberal hedge& Ea sewndville bridge most be formation an. withdrawn by husband runner. At the ekes of the play, he enmplei.d by la of July, and Port Al- No. I. the wo.5aa in the ease signing read L.owo11's Yankee dialer' poem. hart by the lot of Autast, trader •pen- $20,000 PRIVATE Fi'N1)fATo LEND away her right of Anwar, and giving him "The (`ermine*rtis'," in •• way that elicited alty of $10 • day forfeit. The ermine* ea res cu Fal Tow. Pttmpvvay at MweM h - to apply for • divorce. She much laughterr sad apples.5. This elo- looted epee as being • most rusnna- terve,. Menss rsgwu pnrrhad, me ('emmt•ahto ie now happily married, and has the •yin- eutlnn&ry trait by Mr. Chilton was moth hie figure foe the work. Mr. Renter, ahaBelli ('eavel.nriwg Fsse twaseotssbk. pslhy o t thus eoomunily, nwitag to Ike 1. l hen was • matinee cru M the Mimi sad the Kincardine tsnan who if ttitle ntisfaelory. i A Vigo.1 it J(►t u nhappiness slteeding her first oaretege. Mosiday. will build tel bridges STO!f Mater.. ac.. <>,tdeileb. yet 911 3Redical, rr E. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S., 1.. out. Phvoici•a, $arrear, Accoucheur. !e. Ogee -Med occupied icy Lir. Hetchiasosl Daaansaoa 1 silos- Mar tin'• motel. ea - 1151 - DR MeLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SCR - MOON. Coroner &e. Moe and residence Bruce Street. aimed deer west of Victoria Street 1751. 1RS. SHANNON dt HAMILTON Pnysician•. Sorgroaw. Ac•oucbers. Act oflloe at Dr. Shannon's residence. seer the gull uudcnch G. C. 4u•niiov, J. C. HAMIL- TON AM14TON 1751. Loans ane insurance. fe500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO IR CAMERON HOLT &CAMERON, Oode- rich. 1745 MONEY TO LEND. - A LA RG E ammo of Private Feeds for investment it *west memos omach SMortgagee. Apple toOARItOW t PROCDFOOT Pleased class nonprofessional a*aminatIo5 'PRIVATE FUNDS TO LENT) AT count) • tie High licbools ■ the ounty on Hooday. 5 and 44 per real on ars'-cLes se taro ear- latb Jane 9 am. Third eines nonprorrieaal nye Apply to R. C. HA Y8, reuniter, Gude- at the 1114th Schools in the ('oust, r14.b. !t►et os. I ueaday. Rh July. a m. First clams. grade (', 9losday. Itnb J dy. 1 p.m. First clam. rpo PERSONS WANTING LOANS grades A and H. Tuesday. 110th July. 9 nota 1 or desiring to rhaage thNr goa Candidates who wish to write at either Ctla- • reduce their rate of tntenst- foe aq"ly ton or Seaforth must notify D. 1I. Mauacc, 1 Private funds to any amount at per Beat. P. 4. Inspector, Clinton poet °Sloe, not Liar we here else reoslved ism rwtioaa tram a 'ban the 91t► Mel, stating which of tel client contra:ling a trust fund to ked out a schools the wlsh to write at, end these wes t.: limited sainsat on Mat close farm ewe to write at Ooderieh most notify Jade t once to K. Ton/Tit . Pq .St.1., Kamer, at the ams date. (I 5 1-ri per IApply a olbe to BOO f • slim; of SRAO H & LEWIS,r, optioeire the Colborne i t an i air app ie• fur • . as G.Ntrrirh, IR Nor or wel will be forwarded to the Department 50)5.5 the fee a eompanles R. Fonar of frosppllcad may be hal m the secretary. Tbh0 masters of the High Schools will please send the applications of their eandldatea le the County Inspector of the division in white the High School 1. .it noted. f ETER ADA WON. gee y R. Lara Oodertcb, May NYI, tela. 11(6-!1 (1R088 KTYL4►IR.APHiC PEN -AS tJ gnod at new Price. 51.54 Apply •t lids oak, . l011- A,fl'USIC.-MISS (;(NIKE, AFTER 14 Al,ears body of mmdr. is prepared to receive pupils for the Piano. 24 lob mons quarterly. Terms art per ',natter. 9111 . SHORTHAND. --ISAAC PITMANS PHONOGRAPHY. The moat popular aye - tem taught. Inetrier,ion 1.nnk• for attest Tet? Stoo•t. office. Every boy sad girl should learn shorthand. as 2n4 class examination. No e ttl i' 1099-tf non For Bale or to Let. FillIt HOUSE FOR SALE -THAT ane new frame hoarse on Nelson street nearly opposite SL Patrlek's ward wheel le eabn.t fer sale on reasonable terata 1t has eight largr bedrooms, besides parlors. dialog MOW. Iihrarw kitchen. p411151ea. closets, rel. property_ .,il1 thoroughly at •b,.rlatfinis Apply Ida The 1Mitfha swinge, . BMK.tT11. (:.dermeh, (int. 111PARM TO LET FOR A TERM (►1+ ■. years. L. 151 ave. In the Maltlsnd nate. ceu e.. of the Tovoiehipp of (kiderleh, app'l by letters J S. I-IM.ARS. Strutted. 19110-tt CAMERON, H iLT it CAMERON, Rarrlelefs, Sodleltnre la em.. 'Lederieh. M. C. Cantons. Q.C.; P. Hnh. M. O. l'aa.wrnw. C. ( Roes. 17N - R. RADCLI FFE, GENERALiNSURANCj, REAL ESTATE Amro MONEY LI/AWING AO T. Osly Pirate -rinse (bgMani a Ifeyreetwted da Money to Lend os 11111alrl,t loans. at (15 lowest rate of interest piss. L any way to sit 11. narrower. rIOFFICK-$broad door from Figure. West Street Ooderich. 1445itf INSURANCE CARD. R'. F. FOOT, Fire. Life and Mortar leaernare Apes', (iul?RRIq'H. sr 011 -r onprlte Colborne Hotel. The " London A esurswca•' Incorporated 1751 The ' National.- established IAlt The " Hamlin hand.- the only ('otnpay licensed to insure plate pima in the Dominion. This shove are all arstde.s sad odd anab- I lred conipsaies.ei Rieke I a linnets'? ream. Ooeertcb Dae. soh. I5N. 1075. f50 Mil TO LOAN AT 6 PER kr R 1'l RONTO 0 NT. TRriT, COT bile bolt e1 15 isaa ori esess, at 4 per e5•L. W TERMS 10 NCTT BORROWERS, ea Irss-ela.5 farm emeriti. A poll to t AMERON, HOLT & CAMILRON, Ravvielet& Agents far the 'Termite Omen/ Tra.ss (Wy. Messrs. CAwsawiw, Hots & CANhove alae a large a.5eant d vete F5ads to Mt on firs class fare Onderleb, Oet. L 1501-11 $100,000 PRIVATE FENDS To Isad M Imes l .led town t t t , st "!bests Y pare7 m5. FoY of ( tan MI $54 7TrLeas peuui 5.. 14. S. baa 'Mats esewey a eel day.pp }( WTI A Rar rs..sag. Ie.. Ooa.rgh :! J IU ct ( 1 7 A L 11 A u Ta wo pec an Tit Ws en Ws abc Ps. bo. bar in t at l I fan Ply rel elm dea gas a* 1 1 NI 1N ▪ 1 her sen bear anti Pro'1 this lr aro ase Pier Ium .%I▪ li tont V tial Pis a tri os. ".f (1 Rid o u ly iota thin the his whit tIO tel▪ l lie I II car 8t dim was wbo chat S lea• d will two a a J Kin 1•ko bow 11 1144