HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 22
A •bdegt, M
sa'ttls°■tl�ia trays
wont Tam.
Tula All.. t of the must _s/_t
students at the MRA school iast year,
spent Iia Seater holidays here, and wore
a beaming sods all the tiers.
W L. 11blyertme dentist, is of •
scienutic miff mectutaiaal trent. He has
built a small telegraph line, connecting
with several busiest* Flacon, mud the
click of the instruments sa often heard.
The Library .ifny.i;ice, published by
Julio B. Alden, 31113 Pearl street, New
for -knew appears weekly, and is a cheap
edition of choice literature. ret. w,eiel.
a. Jobe B. Guugh ia the last it!/l _s
a capital one.
It u a question if at etedy •add he
tined fur walking ea the gruve on the
court hos•. equate Kittery body wens
to think it is perfectly ash to do .o, and
aoaeely seems to be able to at ,p them
Can't there be • "tan case" on the quos.
lies. Whet win be the weenie
The Norwich GuxU, kis corm tat
with a sew dress of news type, and
lunka west and bright. Brother Bar-
tholomew (who formerly "spilled ink" in
Kincardine) mean to be blessed with a
plethoric wallet, when he can auks such
improvements these hard tease
?h. Stratford Ifeeroai, whose editor it
a lard -Lead Presbyterian, goes fur Fath-
er Chinetuy, who lectured is that city
lately, tonna
am t. work hard for• living don't
take much stock in this peripatetic parses
and his tirades sealant . Romanism. " He
s a walkiageaample of misdirected en*r
We have res.ivd the fifteenth annual
report of the Ostari. Institution fess the
Deal and Dumb at Belleville, for the
year 18/6. W notice that there ars 15
pupils an attendees° from Huron
county, and (bat the total amount of
papilla ever seat from the meaty wee
44. R. Mathison is still eupsrinteedent,
and the delimited his effete he discharges
in each a unease as to resting the high•
est peeiss trees all.
Rs osoaitrtta1. -Our Mu' temeis Jky.
ere hare re-orlewtaed fee the measo%Mid
began p1s7 this week on their gaiwtdn
near the ligbthoee.. Tke new Alen
are :-President, S. Maleoatson ; bet
vice, F. W. Johnston ; second, 11 A.
Starke ; captain, Dr. 11ulses ; .°creta
treasurer, R. 8. W illiusm
s; semKtes of
mamswmeat, E. N. Lewis, C. C. Rosa,
F. Width's., J. Strachan and H. M. Rey-
nold.. The club has a memberatip of
about thirty.
Our old tried, Mr. A. B. Henderson,
continues to gain new admirers. Hia
appearance at a Methodist concert in
Meaford u thus spoken cf by the Mirror:
"Mr. A. B. Hesdereon, late of Gods -
rich. sang 'Ashamed of Jesus,' 'A Hun-
dred Fathoms Deep,' and the 'The Owl,'
in s l.udid style, and was heartily ap-
plauded. Mr. Henderson has certainly
an excellent voice at,d delivery, and will
command a very lante house when next
he may honer Meaterd with a visit."
Mrs. Thos. Bates died on
29th ult., from a cancer in the breast
An attempt was made last year to re-
move it. but although she appeared to
rally fora little while, she continued to
fail, until she was taken bum*. Mrs.
Nates wee .erred daughter of the late
John Sterling, one of the first maters
in this region. She wee a devoted mem-
ber of Knox church, and bore her pain-
ful affliction with Christian fortitude.
Her son, from St. Thoma, and her
dauehtera trim Detroit, came house to
pay their last respects to the remains.
The Toronto World say.: -"Mr. 11.
W. C. Maer, .f W iugham, has been to
Ottawa in reference to the C. P. R. The
Govrom•nt have promised a grant of
13200 • mile for the four and • half
miles, and other satisfactory arrange-
ments hare been made with the Com-
pany. The prospects ..f the rood being
built are now 1//00C1 The boring for salt
at Wingham is being rosecuted,a secord
well haring been sunk in order to strike
stronger brine. The i• being done at
the request of the C. P. R., who have
no salt en their lines. The discovery of
salt on their line would therefore pro-
mote • competition in salt rates and in
the salt trade."
Londoner• bare been in the habit of
i.oaatine of the superior purity of their
drinking water ----'the purest water in the
world, sit' It is supplied from • large
reservoir, which is filled by pumping
from ponds at the feet of the hill upon
top of which the reservoir is situated.
The idea of naming nut the romancer
suggested itself • few days ago The
water wee run 08 last Saturday, and the
bottom was found to be covered with
"sand, gravel, Inci, dirt, leaves, filth,
lizards, crabs and fish to • depth in some
places exceeding threw feet, while the
sides were incrusted with a fowl dep•rit
Jest fancy dunking water from s semi -
stagnant cistern tr ritaining seek an
accumulation of fifth and tastiness,
and delodingone'a self with the idea that
at was the purest in the universe
At the nest District meeting of the
Methodist churches tt (:oderich Dtstrictt,
to be held shortly at fiesf,onh, we be-
lieve an atteml.t is to he made b. change
the boundaries and nature of severe! of
the circuits, among which will he the
following : Te take Zion appointment
(Taylor's Corner) from Hnlmeyrille, and
attach it to Victoria Kt., (larlerich ; drop
the bummer hill appointment altogether.
and put Sharon, Ooderich tnwnship, in
eon nett ion with Cole's ; thus leavi
ilolmesville and Ebenezer to beworkted
by one man. To take Turner's, Tinker -
smith, from Geri. fit. C'lteeon and re
place it ennnodk,w with Lt./odes/wen eir
con Of comes these changes may not
be made, but they are promised. As a
natter of feet L,ndesboro village should
have preaching twice a Sunday, ,.r else
the Methodists there should build a new
church that would accommodate all their
congregation at error.
♦ tn...ass after.
" 1 feel it my duty to say " writes
John Berton, of desert P. (O., teat Bur-
dook Blood Bitters cured my wife of
aver emu at, from which the had hoes
a ('hist( sufferer. Her dietromiler,
painful 011> i mon on gave way and 1
ti /r/.sgd the m.die2ine lis
Government N•gillell stud Abuse
of our !sadism Wards,
• e. l'aaseeee-s ceset,•ysa tttjoeeb RwAew.
er ♦ Trlaa.e re bas PaeMs se■serj ♦b^
P rom the Loudon Advertiser.
The dunes/ on in the House of Coes-
atom a.a Thursday night ou the AdMio-
wat►wi ..t Indian affairs was one of the
most remarkable that baa taken place
the l.uion. The government the •veo-
iug before aruwunoed their ioteetea uf
/nitre oe the fulluwioq day with a few
std thou with matters relating to
the . P. R. Company, hut with charac-
terutu bad faith they took the Howie
out of Committee without completing the
work before it, and then at uooe pro
peed to gu into supply, endesvoriag by
this action to take the Opposition by
surprim. sod to get tutu supply before
any atom could be taken to prevent
them. Forteuately the Opposition were
ready, and Mr. Cameron moved a reaolu-
ti.o, coudemnnng the administration of
Indian aSeirs, which he supported in one
of the most coo vlacing tenches ever
(made in the Hume of Commune, and in
fact, a speech which seemed to strike
the Government with'c,.steenanen, He
charged tbem with having( robbed, de-
frauded and starved the Indiana, with
apiuiating teen who were among the
Must numeral and degraded of wank n,d
in many places as their representatives,
who treated the Iodises with shocking
brutality. In many canes the Indiana
had died in the immediate vicinity of the
Government agents of atrratioa, and
moue were frown to death, and all plun-
dered of the appropriations made by per.
hansom on their beba&L He drew •
frightful picture of the immorality that
prevailed at the pipe of those agent..
He said that moots in some oases bought
Indica girls for from 110 to 120 apiece,
and that one party who had come out
bed been
ooa (;oveernm coeliee, had etabbllisbed
• harem, and that the matter bad been
more than once brought wider the Ger.
ernmeot, bet no effort had been made to
reaves this man.
Mr. Cameron pointed out that rotten
food was purchased, from the coosump-
tun of whish the Indians ia many cases
took ill and dead ; that thousands of dol-
lars"spent me the purchase of ag-
ricultural and farming
utonai of various aorta which
reached the Indiar►s, nor were they at all
used He read from the reports state-
ments which showed that several bands
had reesived agricultural implements to
several times the amount owned by the
beet farmers, and yet these Indiana pro-
duoed nothing ; and Mr. Cameron cbal.
longed the Government to give him a
committee and he would establish every
charge that he bad made against them.
In fact, Me adminetratiow of Indian
affairs u ooe of the most acandalora
thislps to be found in the history of any
cleiltsed country. In 1880 1114,524 was
paid farm instructors, 1119,867 as farm
wages, 162,7(,4 fur farm maintenance,
and 12,486 fur fans inspection, or 199,-
680 for them four purposes, besides
150,278 for agricultural implements, and
yet the total area farmed for this enor-
moue expenditure of 1150,000 in a year
amounted to an area of 1,798 acres. We
mention the one year because it is but
• fair specimen of what has happened
MIR einer. If the public were fully
awarent the scandalous mismanagement,
the robbery and corruption connected
Indian affairs in the Northwest, very few
indeed of those who stow sustain the ad-
ministration of the moony would at
present be found on the Government
Mr. Cameron declared that some of
those who have been appointed to office
were simply ruffians ; they were men
without humanity and without any sense
of honesty. It wee their conduct main-
ly that exasperated the Indians at Frog
Lake, and the attempt to ears men of
this class from the vengeance which their
cruelty had awakened led to the murder
of other parties
Terrible as lair. Cameron's indictment
was against the Administration, no
effective answer wee made ; in fact, the
plea put forward by Sir Hector Legevin
was the plea of sympathy. He pretend-
ed that the challenge made by Mr. Cam-
eron was one put forward because Sir
John Macdonald was absent and sick,
and yet Sir Hector himself must have
known that this challenge would have
been brought forward at an earlier date
if Sir John Macdonald had been present
io the House.
Why did not the Gorernment aoss"rt
Mr. Cameroa'e shallengs 1 Why did
not they deaths charges which he bad
levelled against the Administration I
Why did thq not challenge hien to the
prod t Sir Hector fangsvin knew -that
the admintatmnon of Indian affairs by
the Indian Department of the North -
went would have been bnwght to light,
flirt they could not bear that light ; he
knew that Mr. Cameron's charges were
■11 true, and that if a committee were
greeted Mr. Cameron would have no
difficulty in proving what he affirmed in
his reeo.lutien.
The Nlisbrj tastier.
1. long distanced by a ten rent bottle of
P'olie's Nerviline, the •.west and beet
pain remedy. It cores cell., cramps,
colic, pain in the head, sciatica, pain in
the chest, ; in fact it is eemaily e8IcacioW
se an external ar internal remedy. Try
a 10
e of the Resat pain remedy,
Nerriline. Sold by druggist.. Large
bottles 25 cents, Avoid substitutes.
t•s'ebmeeas Siesta•...
As 1.. the charges of immorality among
the officials and mnented police,Rir N.
Jter declined to admit That (be tenant -
meat was responsible fir the private ►e.
barker of them men so tong ee they did
their duty to the (internment ---[Ottawa
tor. Montreal Star.
The agents are the vnardans and pro-
tectors of the Indiana The mounted
police are the representatives of the
VARoian civilisation which we are en-
des•erinR to Impress uplift ib• manna's
wards. If kir Hector re fairly
sad if lee hes semesseed the,Niv.e�sst,t
peliey, the missionaries may as well
withdraw at owes from the Indies reser-
rations. [ Montreal Herald,
tie'" S""'
If PMrasent has any resprespectlositself,
no heels -
PIN" 41* tut"' al+lele•atiaaas b Mr.
Meaty few miles, charters will be heelsA Non -Partisan Journal on thill
ed to The letter boat Me. Pew. read
to the Railway Cuesenttee by Mr. Wood- .
worth, takes with Mr. BON'S ems ed. jL arses taaee 4elleme He ae•er■ mme
nisesiose. shows tree the Tommie pew
muter bee been all aleag o. tits make
nesse, elbows
He warded 11,600 • mile for b1ltlsstY
oe 11/78.11110 is all, fur hie services as a go- I/rem the ratites Aeagdl.■
itwc.•sta (lapitslisa were tocol milli It a mpbt 6o be rerun
1 held ole tu•d ao muck tvymrrd big �"a"rd'7e anbjeme of wafts in
the people of M•nlluD•. fur this lama 7b' ~ cseNasa poet
grant and the bends, bet Mr. Beat This baa two m and dpadyal
would nut deal asthma he • •seta a oalut and impartial
million dollars as a shavegut over
half • "'r these who aPpn,aek tate s
mtee. Ho was impressed on the trans-
pressed with the moon i twit prejudices
ata nut libel
(bat (bore . Nettie,' in being • member 1 cuael persons
of Parliament. The memllteo who go to I the must preimpartial811opinion wbu
Ottawa to serve then fact air exons. any opinion on
to sit u " meat
aeon barn tensible u ~• •re liity w he charged
thea• are with a many members in the ed is maipartntatnuyg.hdifferent a
Beaty. Voting
anO nionithe e'
pi pe••pts of Canada west Aa,neN gu►•
Cher f euraWe i ernmrrt or not 1 A moot many furl,'
ors of either political party. without mien-
sing the risk of hariuq their motice.1
i pugn•d, and their fairness denied. i
Prevent all induces. t
Was tlls.asb. seem
Omen the etre/f. 4 Nraa-ua.
The issue to be deputed $$ the gnat
tatiaw u, hew a (rte jurit7 of Ib erectors
of by eoYntrysu/knswt sssg•1 steeggt\
to (knew utf the mass aid political oorrwp-
iiuw that has hosiers aaeuetttlatine .ince
i 81 There are few c.1 uu movie's& d •
strictly political nature helot► the pa'., -
i Pia- H'bother Indians, the want of the
ed this ae I melon, .hosld be owupelled to •et the
tenet are re- I entrails of dead animas while a Liwt •
y politic.. ' Guven,or .t,dltds 1453 of their money on
Weer. It 1 window blinds fur hi. office, s a queine
ludgutent; of morals -nut at polities. Whether •
abject with 1 la.wber of parlament should make
y t, cum. money out ut hes .eat, ,s (tot • pohit.al
ad, besides, question, at least a would not be ,u any
elate any J o worry but Canada Io the same way
such sub. + we might ge over .11 the other gseeti,•os,
with pub• I and we 4sd Ih.& j Ue aura ut
re soterest- toes. aro �n a(
view of the The asw t.. Ice decided i. th Du
has leu ase to grind, John Whit. bee any. 1t ono sae *sprees
Thoma. White, C H. Mackintoeh,Tease, on any political subject, ei
Vance Rykert, Houton, Farrow, .t haw or Yafavorsple to the pulic of
genua mine itse dependent upon pap in
ehoe shape w' anoypecrisy for ther. et c liewould
b ld be rank
parol feet Tunes to ouodeisn agAt•.,nd• .t this should not
haw his grab
pomessed Beaty, simply dont mea ape•kiug out (ran.,
cent prupo'rtiun. than theirs agnifi• sosidemnatio' of what u wrong
crew uugkt to be dieeiarged, for the whole
ee" I ♦I et iv s p1 what it right.
pin pay fur alt. None of tbuae ' e n •pity that the t. men.
tuft, ) hurter-.. egerioyl, otfice i Isdans of the Northwest. Oannot hos full
members of Parliament could receive one tzifeff Bred, apart fri.a the
heat aged
dollar which was not earned by the hard I atrif° "f political feeling. But ae.sia
labor et some Canadian, and the mere to be impossible. Many who are not by
those fellows got by their tricks the less any moans political t in the
beim telt a
there was left for the honest workers cool deal of interest in the rseunt dis-
wbos• labor produced the wealth. Tate cause*,
°f't\e sujeet both in the How
people can say that they will net be bled of Cgnmons and in the newspapers.
,s that any longer. The � Some of the representations of the state
Sir way longer
moo soca a cue Put I of the Indians -such as thaw of Rev. A.
that be with not hos able to position Andrews and Rev. Mr. Robertson -tees
Public wtt1 01to buy able
of wed the i to be ee
Pleiet- be more ►u sum/iNiog, t an i this map
And that is the first duty of the self -oto Pay have
ae than is redity,
fictive canon. -(Hamilton Timm. Foch person may kava truthfully testified
_ to what he aetwity saw. The fact that
see w maser t■ oar W,a. OOa man did not happen to see the ante
_ stab of things (bat soother says he as.
dThe ries and fall a the waters in the hia not Prov frac no suck Nate u1
north-western Isicsa, and the ttonsequent orally •acted. The difference has gen
dangers b the Zak• cities, have fro- I bran inr regard to specific
quently been a 'ee.stiona) subject for went', rather than shout specific •rat••
i.cttlrtioa. The resat memo as to mattoes o! tact.
the ow which rolled in ware.,Cleveland a in the e In Hsmeoh un the Iodise question
lowefew ring
since, and the piling -op or instant, lir. of Commune, us tate pre -
•ritit of the waters by ouetioued seated • r stroCamng
snay ,, uf f testimony,
gales, sr., of course, real dangers on se- showing that the iodises at severalpoin new
count of the • idden■es. of their occur- bad lima literally starred, or supplied oral
'eves, though bapp,ly, they are rare and with amenable and unwholesome food, coat
eventa. But annalists ars which produced disease and death ; that d
that the continually announcing the discovery ire nt6aa.placed
gradual or secular changes in the Nertbweet had, min tawver ny insta
the lake levels are sure to bring dist•
Hone result.. A they- honeyed their trust, and pro•
According as the waters they were not 6t for the Iresitu.n
are rising nr lalling, we hear of grave occupied;
fes that some lake -port is likely to be had p and that some ut a and i
inundated, or left high and dry inland. alit promoted shameless vice and i
Recent reports in the daily7 'moue the people whom i s,
that Irk. Mico Press indicate boned to protect- Missionaries,
Bing eroded. towards u ing • threat- papers frienely to the GuvuraNect
suburbs. a The Chicago and its reports of agents and other wit
lake is now rising, the re- were
porta state, se the rate of mutual inches e Paterson t7 quoted hof t, l
Pre' Tsar ; and one needs onl to im aced a e. .gatio of Brant, in ewppnrt
this rim 7 imagine of ism John
Me os Among others
prolonged at the observed tab Rn. John M.Dv
fora few years :o get an idea of start/in Robertson Archbishop
the sere
poatholtt'es for the Garden Cit i beat to and g 10 5. ie Tache
were se
City. But � cited a, testifying to the terrible des u
the records of the fluctuations in water- tiuu
level of the Greet Lk mrd immora t d that prevailed old man
been carefullyk Lakes, which hart Iaanosg the Indiana at different pointe, ;tragi
kept fur many years by I Sir Hector
the corp. of engineers, U.S. A., do not son, of Lang.vin del ng Feign- he l0
warrant is in prolonging any observable i ruetnet* of
treplied,thee* charges. the , hie en
rise or fall indefinitely. (►n the con.They trent
teary, theme records indicate that weson nd contrary evidence, and 1)r. Fro seldom
variations in the lake levels. above the kiowled ethat claimed a know tote persued t 01 * cue
below the mean stage, are confined to a were aundo. of the Iodises a8. who torsos
very few feet -about three feet wt the d' sat to hays died from the effects •f m„
mama. The variations are ,sewed meat and uwwholseome food had
Lke Ontario, lees in Lake Die. in ! really died of fever Both them gentle -
La in Likes ..mHuron end Michigan,till . Men throw discredit upon the testimony
which form a single level surface, nnd of the miwoneries, whet had written rs-
twat of ill in Lake Su pectmg the deatitnlioo and licentious
/east With ref- I nese which were said to prevail *most
scene t. Lakd Miebigas in particular. a 1 the Indians.
glance at the waterlevel curves publish- 1 After
ed in the report .f the chief .f engin I w ger ep all due aweight and
U. A., 1813?, stows that the averse* m said in reply 11 Sir Herter arid Dr.
yearly •aria!,,,, in level of that lake Ferq,taee, as well as to the denials of
about tree foot, that the maximum kis is. forced contractors and others, we ars
tion dressing any one reed to believe that the cherge. of ac-
the inion dura (1361 82) covered include included
per feud, and a (nal starvation, of the sepply of impro.
fished rec,rd was two feet and a half, be promoted by G.vertiiimmorality
ent aernp loyeto
and that the extreme ductwtinn during are sustained by ample evidence that has
the same period from the blithest stag. not been disproved
(in 1869 or 1876) to the
(in iMt.4
respectable canons say Canada
want .otueat lruvsrwmea and
have et. Perhaps they are nob
opium°. Indeed it s assumed
hat h
overr.inent in Can
y w the I impossibility. It u alleged that nu gut
Sae, a* of walking 1.a. opts Nd WWI
scythe air ptckturt en the qk of
atasding in au open dont or nut
Yf epee widow, et waking sheat e'
upon window, of week* abo°tthe s
wbee ale°triedy is pk.yisg freisly„
set the absurd idea NotaMe to "'wt eta
fathers, or taking off cri.oliso or •meets
when a shower cites u Yet if t trill
is wrvinedy apprebm.uro 04 a
home- its herr aad soothe aid
Ynttl 0. tern* it ssatgrpwn tit
ed. it a dreadful to be w trend •
, ,.
suwething to be low;►t stptiest sad' tote -
Seed, rather theft eseusesigd, ratter
tbau euouraged and Mermaid.
Use Prof. Low's Sulphur 8sy (ur
Prickly Heat, Nettle !teak, SeeleyZr.,.
tom, Itch, and all dt.aaaud ou.ditems
el the skin. 1.
faeerd■er sad wa■werbttg.
On In Thursday there wall a debate in
the House on India„ manag•oent In the
doss test Northwest, whet' Mr. Cameron. of Hue -
win mot on, told a story about ceGov.
t i4 loser He recalled what had
by mauy years ewe. by the Winnipeg Time
ads is au Government a
organ, which nem k. this
and th. eminent eaa bold power and be even
!passably bonsai. Weall remember the
ria ut tlu candid Tory's remark that "Jleckeesie
y was too d ---d honest to govern thou
country." 1f the theory that honest
povernou.nt a an inpssibdity a, ('anada
s correct -and many Tories hold it u- syn
Liberal ' este had !10,000 pounds et bacon nkat
en all that cap be done by the
p.rty is to try and keep down t
of rascality as much t* possible.
set ; Log Lodi., an Indian chief,
asked for beef at 12cent. pet pulled.
instead of bacon at 19 cents, as the latter
was hurting his people. Cwnsinenitsse
l)owdney (that's what he was thee) said
the Indians "could est hams or die sad
be damned to three Just then a
ner o1 Dewdoey's to a certain land
Ao rutuve; he wished te sell. The intervene is ube
I ram. As a a.iner of forcible and .z•
I presents phrases D•wdney takes rank
e, fret- l w'H the late lamented Vanderbilt, who
us are uric' said : ' The people be damned "
Child -
Fever colic, unnatural appetit
(ultimo. weakness. and c.nvulaio
mum of the effect. of Worms i•
two; destroy ohm warm. with 1tr
Worm Syrup. 1a,
fitae.Nse t* Sees 1* ter tease.
Even physically, Mr. Gladstone r the
most atnkwg psraona(e, in the Holm of
ComMon., aim files at once that atten-
tion of the moot careless observer. I
need not describe a man shoe. physical
features are as widely known, not only
is Eneland, hut dauntless aloe in Amin -
But I may briefly say that
deeply lined fence. his stell and
mud bis habitual dress, wh
, in the Hume of Common
y quaint, but peculiar -black
a vest that opens low d.,r
lays an maple expanse of shirt
rens of 1 • Isiah standing collar with • black
races, i carelessly knutted-no one could take
eJ that ; bins far an ordinary member oh Partie-
s they I meant, sten if he sat in the roost ohscure
arced* , part of the chamber. Mr. Gladstone
minor- euatomanly sits in the eentrered the Min -
were isterial (root beach, to which he betakes
trews. ; himself, generally speaking, after the
sad ;other Ministers 'who are all bound to b.
gores " at hand at 4.30 p m to answer questions)
Cameron i have arrived, and when he doss come on
the scene of bus many triumpbs
, the numberless conflict., it a no e
Mr. I teen to my that he concentrates on
if the eyes of the while assembly,
titu. ' on the floor and in the galleries.
looks at times a if he had
months to lire. Nay, aometi
ka as if he were actually d
he lays his head in the bac
and closes his eyes. as he
dues, the color of his face u t
apse, and ba eyelids seem h
r . But his appearance at sisal
ret is extremely deceptive. Al
such timee then u net another man in
he Home old or isomer. who is m ab-
solutely widest/rake as this old gentle -
mac of 75 years of age. Let but the
speaker, to wham he seems to pay no
attention, but whose every word he in
reality takes in, hake a single statement
whish interests him, or which calla for
audible air risible assent or contraaiodic•
tion, and at once the apparently dead
♦ severe Teta .
Those who widen the torturing panes
of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, Lum-
bago, and similar painful complaints are
serenely tried, but there is • speedy m-
eet it. Haryard'a Yellow Oil r these -
sands wbu hare meal it joyfully
It banishes in and lameness quickly.
To the t.edie s r•s.wb., can aas wbseis'
PhanPPha . w may re■.eft,
with Elute phatit`!Cleme° a ur Nene Ionia, a Pios-
pierc- recta, Formulated beb dPnu(onAmine,
.ti ,
ie► is M. D. of Boston, 7 Professor Anatin.
a, net Masa-. cures Pultaott-
ary Coneusptwn, Mick Headache
frock row Attacks, V ' Nei -
n and and all wasting d and Ne____ a
system. Phusphatin�Tnot era= sestet but a Natrimuut, because it contains no
�'egebble or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Nircutia, and no Stimulants, but
ly the Phosphatic and °ertrie aliments
found in our daily food. A ' bottle
u sufficiunt to convince. All
sell it 11.00 pee bottle. foveae E
Co., sole agent+ for the Dominion,
66 Front Street Rest Toronto.
Seeing u believing. Read the yeti
and mooiala in the pamphlet on I)r. Van
xuggusa- Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bnttla
him- and relieve diaries -
yuarselt of aU those
ing pains Your Druggest
toil rill
matt• all about it. Mold r J Walser' Rat
7 tlsc.a Gud.rsoi i
.� !' 1 WI LSO N'3
wakes up with a bocnd I
forward and pats his hand to his ear,,r t
111041, Of shakes his head, Of starts to his
feet with • correction, or a retort which
Inn and crushes the aecailaet.
curious thing about Mr. Glad -
have noticed within the last leer
If there is a *totem mai in the
is he, and his Noe has not •
humor in it ; yet he root only
e Hou., laugh at will -general-
fu a an opponent -but he him-
$ hesrtdy, and almost like a
en, tar instance, after a veto.
inion he has put the enemy to
London Letter to Boothe Herald.
sellae agl■.t Pave.5$dr.t.
rown, cf &,tbwsll, Orete, mus
with chronic humor in the
• says on. dollar Mottle of
Blood Bitters was worth more
00 pall for other bttdicunes.
able blood purifier. 2
lowest **age I In referring to this subject, it is get ile
or 1873) was three feet mid: oar peepare to enter upon the phase of world it
Bevan tenths. The highest recorded 1 tate disc
stage of Lake Michigan, mature which hal
lgan, •ix, that of , ventilated in Parlament ; bbctt we fullyem so I tib �b
1838, was only one foot higher that the +express our deep regret flat the demands ' ly to con
stags of 1859 air 1876. Ili seems toter- ff d political d
ably safe, therefore, to conclude that the i it chew d+a2.ge have rendered , coif laugh
t prospective dancers to Chicago or any of the testimonyand disparage and discredit y , child/ oh
cities from too much or too Christian missionaries wbbcharacter
there is every I rout.-[ die ri
little water in the lakes are All such Se teeeseon to b•lieve,apnke out honeatty and ;
may be overcome by acts of confirm, in ' truthfully in behalf of the Indians, j
the shape of time! items in the river etgainut serious evils and wrongs that stip
and harbor bilk- Science.
they witnessed. When the Rev. John Isaac B
McDougall states that that the promises , biome H
is • veld or cough ar its ill made to the Indians hays been broken,
,..0 is a no better melody(hag Ind that they hate trees 1 Burd.>alt'
Heasedi'Peelutat Balsam. '2 by Indian sweats- when he speak +Itisd re
___ - , "the shameful and immoral lives of It is a veli
of the employees," Nagy
btmawal Te..ielsesj. PI less," and asks Our ' .m_ ` g
ployeea of the Indian department Irian
A� �f"L� Catseron's bill relatirtpg to . will be true to their country. i( net b
the law 1A criminal eviderce was rejected their God, who will refrain from .
on Wednesday at the instance of the l*zin m, i, dntekennetw, gra
Minister of ,loads.. The Rightist e i hisinawy'• IM jegegrees the um*. ow
Justice admits that the bill u in the right i support may int"w pKiioe tomcat tit=
direction ; that rise princip a of the
1 Ks o may
toa ere quite
immure is sound ; that it has boon more I onnfid.nt
than once carried through the Hoose of
Lords at the instance of Lard Bramwell,
end (het it was only het hecanee the
House of Commons had not ti
eider the matter. But the Minister
Justice intimated that in all probahili
the imperial Parliament would legials
upon the sohject, and that it was deet
able that the House ..f Commons
Canada should await Imperil action,
rather word., the Minister of Justice as
senses that the Parliament of Canada
not se d,mp.tent to lecislate for the
rt a Parliament of th
me of Tbeadeees.sg,e,
A lady friend recently confessed to me
her erceeitine terra' " unng o er-
(to,rms, 1t was a matter of education,
oho said ; her mother tied bees
timid, and bad brouq very
seine fear. %S lite frank( admhew itting
M the
. 1/cDrnetgaU would not i knew it to he against y miffidu rhe
Mare made the statements contained in early training, she wee yet, ford due to
his letters and in his interviews with the • own unconquerable (1$yit reconquer*.
Mail correspondent, oaken he was fully hole r, terror, bringing u "own'Iueas.
convinced of their actual truth. It a dim in •1. q K D her own cAd-
sir to Mr. Mc D.
same w W
of he declined to substantiat:ettheechathat vust rges , tering of ind and thunder, she in the asset
rain and distant mut
ty i he had made, ..o, being embed to do so. and called began tis, Pale
to It
certainly wee n.4 ha liminess to find faces clustered around ber,ho with awes
in ; witnesses and bring them forward to Ito ase this education in timidity centime
In prove publicly what he had stated W 1 was a,.tr
by / ed to another 'eremitism.
�th. embittered transgressors onblaly filth soptethin ca Timidity a
fe he overcome. not enamor- t
aged- Not that i wow.( teach ch IdrM
to be faolkarlly, or
ase no da or to
red how to shun it, and edYeat.l
thorn to .
clot. or ignore reel
f hem. Rather sever illi• I
• Million away th '
Ple a.( Caned* r 1 lime
-nited Kincdom. The Minister of Ju
and and discredit Mooed o1 the approval his
tee propene to wit until we ase wha
the Engteh Parliament pintos',
then to caro,' abet they have done.
[London Advertiser.
s ould he be compelled
rans gressors whore ini-
quities he had den..ut.ced 1 It i
had that a manly and unpartitan con-
' I d.ssnae,.n of a disgraceful state of thin,
' I should secure for • man disparagement
conduct deserves,
A Sean Raynor. --F„ ,
ria, and all recant colds, Dr. rhe moi.
Southern Red Pine. Don't let • oioughh
cow troublesome when it can be ether -
ed sad eared by this remedy at the small
eon of 26e. Rola only at (tel.,, 's pre-
scription drug stove. 1 m .
Oct your sorting sale bills �printed at
Teta Bloat office. They W stwa dens*
promptly and at low rate& Notice is
drawn 1, Was through Ti,. Stowe
of °barge, wheat i. read
co t.
MITa1eI1e1�><l; SPINE.
By wearing the noir
clots of int non, of Wares
pr Spectacle sod Ede Ouse
Mewl foeforAl,e p� t )nd &re (Massy hese base
ineynae aabuaad•t R1i. la every
1111 hese, iv rota wu.inw.
?leo Neverj
.redten leanTrraver.MALL Withallt
antes & Ach
■ateiwanst ■ tatttim,
�cDERic E
waryla.d }tame Herres, (toed.
LONDON. aGti(;(,AN1).
i.araree i illiel Harttortt, (Mote
este e•,monten ott with • *, , o her nr'n I.
Jen. r+eh. tmtt.
I venturesome.
tiger, but rather point oat tie
danger •
torn aro v courageous. Childhood's!
old ether stp6ig
♦ • rowardtes�
tow.lMo �os1s• Phenomena of nature an TM, Nae
Ilsrry Rieardo,of Toronto, an -tans to earring ; on• cannot afford ttagtly tae I T.rt1t
the henwgts resolved from theto
tees combined troab� bathe severe ; ea will N It if hghtntstg strikes I All
and t'a.te fake l (ref Clam
Ha,,,sebo.Hire atM goodsla
he Italie
tit- Week et W inn. Posit,,, torn
Gaut Undersell Any
PurnIbe NM tare Man in Tows. Other
aesvN N,gl, email gess
kind $e
ret,. � YiChflD 1
onenslieGesterleMani pus Niece e
Vee. etceMei
use of nervosa g1• into
Hs,yard'a Yelk,w ilei u a con f.r rhes- storms over sant thunder. FU
mecism and SOOves r( storms meet be tiwenontersd Ice ,
deafness, ►e a�eetton with • lif•tiws, whereas
we. are one • n
a e thunderboltno to to ; s• cell! not stop
n • l.ut once The ha N
to tort thousand
*fiances f
eat. sl_ett� ( •the nae (*anew is antra, a
you troubled whit 13811 Rhsw we will tiid.ttte r. er know what heel tea Ae-
(Routh Skin, Pimples or Osaka dieve ; arv.esd sot we
everyom to all + 1 A
cap at °nee to lima u., fat N *ever room I
goo* and
.1 •_kind shelter ender arms' .,f
• tree an open I
Ret *ricer, it MmOr+age
er 41 Parke'. Carbolic ote. hinse
it wsa never known b fail. ovule M►winc ' No.
eider their possibility, why sae til boa -
Are t
lean to let there eve a!! net
Torch oboe
,� einem r
I at
not 1
the .t
like a
this 1i
. •was.
tithes I