HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-5-7, Page 1II • e. wO 0* *X 119 „Al# THIR Tt'T-NINTH YEAR. l W1UOLi SUMMER Kati. ! OEVOTETo coUN THE HURON SIGNAL Is published •tory Friday Morning, by M. O'u,tuunor Smog- at their Udo.. North st OODICRICH, ONTARIO Aad Is despatched to all parts el the surround tag ena.try by the earliest malls and trellis.► NM -OLIO In advane*. postage pr.•paid 61.13. U paid blare aI leo. b. if aot ea mead. so fid. Tith relit wUl be Wetly lives or Eight oenta pe Nb.s liarites : tare* rots per One for lad ____ liberties- libeties- Yearly. Witt-yards 7 contracts et reduced rates. aim NM....it's hare also a tratelaas jjng at In eon.ertic, sad pewee t.towest eomplst. out -I 1 *Ares tide of out work In uudarlca, la Omit Ilse at prleestjyt casaol bs bates. a•d of a relic, that mane( be orsseM4.-!erste C.. FRIDAY, MAY 77N, I1•8G. Mr. Pleb looks black and u sulking tommeee hs will got be appointed • Cabi- net mioist.r, and leader of the politioa1 antiquities. In fact Plumb is troubled with black knot. Tint soy that the members of parlia- ment and others at Ottawa are cuatinu- alty (Mailing poor Mr. Farrow over tit• squibs that appear about his celebrated speech ou dm hoes laying bigger repro and the cows loyally giving more and racheir milk bassos. of the N. P. Cot. A. M. Rout, we egret to aa has retired from the command of t 331-.1 Battalion. Ws are of opinion th t8. present junction, for obvious was not the time fur the Colonel to wand in his reaignatiort. But, doubtless, be keows his own business, and has good masses for bis retirement. in • TChicago e,caliat, do,.'t appear to he very social in their receptions of the,! ssthoritiaa Those scoundrels who ha into th. *quad of polies o. uerlay should be speedily tried and as usndily hanged. Labor unions proper. y conducted are b:notable and benefits I NEWS Lin the peer ladiesot. o>t Must foam on rotten pork or sniff the gond. While viewless of the pretties. tackler wards ¥malt all ib. harems of owcial lard,. Out es the Tury crow who wink at this. Aad say theme d ragate hareoneaammt sings•, GODERICB. ONNT., FRIDAY. MAY 7, 1886. WEST HURON SOLID. Tim louses Motet appears to be doing• • ease ut whittling In order to harp tip M. C. common'. courage ,a cur. of his cunfrunt• law leis constituents shortly. (Lueduu Yree l'rnss. As usual, the London Tory organ is "away off " 11' its surmising. Ten Stu - 'AL, It is trues, . puttug tai solid work ft r M. C. Cameron, but the labor is being dune so that Cameron's majority in West Huron will prove the death koell of Toryism m the riding. During the present session no man Itas dope bet- ter work io the interest of the country than M. C. Caveron, and no man de- mi/tree 'fleeter at the hand• of his consti- tuents. The free f'ress and other Tory sheets biacklettered biro for his 'poach on the Landry motion, and thought by ao doing that they had driven all tba nails possible into his socio, but the Tory organs didn't know the political es td poise the people of West Heron. In 1872, an effort was trade by 'terry- . erry- Sooth Hun, to keep M. C.m Cameron out of the Hoe, but the effort was • failure ; in 1883, Cameron's old coostitusDcy was practically gerryman- dered nut of existe ea, and the Tories Rao. Memento has mid many unkind things of lfr. T. McGillicuddy during re the past two years, but he ad. Lia worst statement lest week in the Stray, when be insinuated that Mr. Mid}. ono tributed to the editorial columns of that joust al ' Teat charge a the nadir of cruelty. Hoyt. &tarsal) BLAst was bantluetted by 6i. supporters at Ottawa on Saturday evening. The gathering is said to have been a rated enjoyable one. !lir. Blake and all his followers aro hopeful of sac - owe when an appeal is man. to the coun- try. The f; t have been losing heavily in the house this session, and th• old avenge makecity of 70 will neves attain be reached by a Tory C in Canada. Tee Liberals are united said 1 at Ottawa ; while the Tories, like wolves, are biting enol de - retiring one anothlr. Toryism i. doom- ed. t IT w .nstesty a the public a and e,ee t Y. morals that the coaditu.s of our Iodiaa ° he attain are so bad that the most modest a reasons ( description of certain phases of the con- , duct of the C t officials and ca maunted polio. can almost be under the heeding of indecent liters Yet the truth must be told Au mere recital, in the meeted guati;e, as given in *hocking to the public wand, what the reality be io all its bareness clime 1 Ler us get now protect., our Indian& Let wit turn the out Lot Christian wen read the ar tont the (iverd,an sed the London errt.ser on pags,2, bought he had no constituency whereon • rest hi. foe(. But they counted with- in taking M. C. Camaroo into account, nd they befouled themselves as a result. West Huron was so after t6* rein, of 1882, that it stood, when based e,...4 • on the figures of pronto. elections, in a ton. Reform minority of 117. M. C. Come. d if a run accepted the nomination, welt tan. through the constituency, wiped the Tury be so majority out of existence, and redeemed meat the riding. IJ and Since 1882 the has beep re for • fretting inure and more leavened with rascals Reform, and today Cameron can d.Di- t'clm plecen t l y t t he outotonnity, but the socialistic and agint is a delusion, and a curse to any people. so • ltd Cr Ilei fto tar N. bat Tea Ottawa o 'lo fie mys :-The Tones weight to small dust tonight by asserting tha ears gone by Reform memb.n of Par- CI *meat lad sought as Co embers of railway but Bir to chatd Cartwright spelled their game i A y pointing out that it was only since ; of e prevent f teams low power , •U hat the system of snheidisin% railway. ; chs Owe Irish readers, and all who favor • me lei asutte of Hoes Rule for Ireland, ' II rejoice at lbs stand taken by Hou. li ward Blake. Hs waited for Mr. a" ,stig.n to take up the question, and - RI hen that Tory patriot declined, accept - the eta the task himself. .411 honor to the " Il bend leader. H. will never shrink 1 smile at those who prate about Id- West Huron and Toryism in one breath. Aod when the election is brought on - It matters not whether it be soon or 6te the M. C. Cameron can depend upon ma. • n iam lorities from every municipality in the 1 t in riding except Ouderich township ;- - triton u solid, Godench town is sound, (borne and the Wawannahee aro sura give him heavy udda, and glorious old Afield- the bearer Reform township West Huron -will 1 largely previous D•aj.,ritiee, and greet its J mpiun-M. C. Cawerun---with read coed. I melte jrtihAa. H PEARCE'S PERFI How the Government Buudoeed the Halfb • %.w war re Oer.ta ANS GENERAL ,NTELLIGEN meutt.t.SeCOf►Y Piton lioneteneem 1 61.30 A VICAR IN ADVANCE DI. wv►TT.147 E_VP"I►RCEVY_'1-T. IV HAT'S UP? Toe Canada cameo during the past roods. Agent Few week, has had some iutareeting COM- reoda. oeilleations on the enf,.rcem.nt of the Tblage That Are Happening Scott Act. Among these contributions' Sita ler was ori. fru_ a 11 k w r easiest-ttesiees of a Oee4 N N • flown Lown Ow Around Us. M Prises Whir r►e •yNM•s" l'en wurkeo in this town, amid his words are rt.eemites t'ast'e et Neon etlsse.s awed. The Tories have ...welt to make much capital out of • report submitted to the tut the Interior by a Govern- ment meat named Pearce. It was be- lieved by Usvernseut that the public would swallow Pearce's etat.senl with• out that it was the work of • can specially chosen by the heed of a corrupt department to artfully whitewash the record ut a venal Govern• agent and a rascally colonization scheme. The Globe, buwevee,see.t a special corres- pondent to St. Lome de Langerin (the place of Pearce', well -salaried labors; and the following exposure 1s the result :- Regina, Apnl 2:.-Yrwr cornapu lent spent the llkh and 17th of A inst., on the lands of St. Louis de IMerin, whence he hes just returned from inv.etigatin,t the subject of the Pn toe Albert Colonisation Company, William Bremner, a respectable tisk halfbr.ed, was drat Interviewed. bitterly c'.mplait.ed of 16.0 treatment. During four years he bene true and timely ; OUR UL -TT IN T$$ eisiT.L Soot the Sot Act be worked ss preing and important question tome, as the art is to take elf soon.number of countieu very soon. depends upon the workers and fn the Act as to its success. Of c.0 an imperfect act, but it is all w• at present, and we *suet dothe can with it until we min get sons better. You my, "What is t., he and bow 1' Now, I am of the 1. that the work , that working this Act as a prohiation, is mom one of the mo cant of thus country, and far reaching. And until th glom, moral and ,se this fact, they will not n tot either the e, the meaor the sacra- ril O0timn hos that is absolutely necessary to its Ln- a1eas. As soon as this ie honestly ac - 1 and acted up to, then suc- cess will Brawn the effort; but time • patience will be required, and very startias a eselway tasepstp. &Dana "Ah-ahew '.' "Ash -shoo '" "Horse- !" is a e6.. :" Goodness, gracious ' if this at this changeable weather hasn't given me the Set in • epizootic, ter tense other equally power - Much full ailment e- "Horsshue-.w-ew "' You ea ends of s, I gut wise in my own conceit, and tee it is thought July had conte in April,and r. I eau got pranced around in my shirt sleeves and best we dunned some of my Bummer gear, and .thing did a number 01 other equally simple dune, tncka. And now l'm walking around pinyon Miami my eyes ahat l.ulging out Lf my ., the! bead like large cnione, • nose un m• m to Tike a lighthouse, and a snow that re - 'swot. *enables a heavy pressure steam swaps of grand a lua,m.etive. "'Oh htores-shoe-ew.ew i' • tilt- I've hem mining arathsd In warm nbleu- , real- kits, turned down with crash towels, INV tte it lubricated with , irrigated with --well, au matter; -but what 1 meant to say was that if • wnt of eject- ment is not issued upon that ould it won't be fur want of vigorous proems on th• part of yours truly and the united ef- forts of the other members el my ami- able houeehuld. At cast aeewnts it was thought 1'd manage to worry through, but 1've got it bid, all the mos. Thers's a motel to this sad story -"Don't take WI your Muter damsels until after the ••114th." "Kar•hors-ahw-ew-ew t" -However, my bodily ailments must Dot interfere with my duties to the pub- lic, and 1 mist begin to let the people know what has been mi deck during the petit week, sad what is likely to conte up to Has near future. My hist►raeal sketch of the old "British" was kindly received by the uldtinsera and the outside public ; and even uld fossilized Tories were forc- ed to admit that though the editor of Tag Swett. wrote abominably had poli- tical articles, and was a hide hound lint, 'full ut deceit and tiemperately wicked," yet Ajax's historical rawinise,umes were truthful and pure atJ of good repute. quaint and homely of , it u quite true, but withal veracious and truetwurihy. That's what comes of hay- ing a reputation that grew up with the t. 1 country. -Th. Big Boom seems to bare ran upon • Heat, been stnuded upon a nand bar, ter tient on a desert ,slant, or --or - ! something. The hes svadent f4.Im' ly reached the end of their string, and at present the scheme is tooting itee,f, as it were. One part of the favors con 1 the artesian well principle and the other at. leans toward the Holly system. The def- eat, colics that I pointed out when the pies - re. tion Wise tint ,booted are gradually toe tea I comma to ,cake themselves apparent to .1. I the big -brained prymctors of the scheme, y, lud a halt has been called until new h; bearings are taken mud the uoin.eitte'e has pot, a chance to discover where it hos allowed ts. itself to drift t.. 3otrs of the utore in- nd t.11igent members of the committee ra- n o ' cored the bringing' to torn of a enapet• pt. ' lent hydraulic eugaueer to give expert as testimony en the project, but thine ooic- mull /Willie %I.e was overruled at the a- 'tiute. Erent ually, however, it was ut found that the parent of the project did it I not know u much about the matter as he 1 he imagined he did, and it esu found • that the advice of .. I teen was la • uecoaaity. Then the great heads of a one of the koowmg Olin of the coin_ or ' aerate came lute reotuisiti on, and they - I sent to Stratford and brought up two ,experts --a (owner and a othemkeep,.r' 7h. Stratford ••experts" waltaed around and much Scot- secrmboe of our ease. Our footings must He b. gireu to the work. The law cannot be made a encases aim- s " p'y by g•tt.ng even good In tors and police , as thaw atom aro nut sudieient They must be eJfeienHy barged. ▪ h • my," some toe mays, surely you o not want me to be an 'informer' t' ad that magic word doss the word. It err tases more than the damns tor raho success of the work impels ; they do not eatable to face it. I want today nein IttTCslD lNT1t7 for his homestead Asa matter of feet, d since the sale of the land in the latter a part of 1883 till the first of January of the present year, nu settler of St. Louis de Lann.enta could get an entry from the f Dominion Land Agent at Priatce Albeit. t Dissatisfaction wag, naturally the result, so thus serial% Rist an easy opportunity of 1 getting these halfbreeds to "'AMC CP tataA. Irl auswer to your correspondent, Bremner stated :-"I am unable to English. In 'December last, Mr. P who said he was a special called at my house. He was ed by Mr. Dnek,1kmiuiu. Lands Ag,.•1 nd several others. An affidavit, milli think was partly printed, was read me. The substance of it was that 1 was asses) 70 DgcL(Rg that I had known nothing of the Prince AIbert Colonisation Society previous Mr. Pearce's visit In comm.'. with the - .ther settlers who could n..1 read I sign- ed the document. I miens(' it through ear. When Mr. Pearce went to my son, useph Bremner, the latter said, "It was hard to hare t• sign a paper the • contents of which hm could net read. e refused on these grounds to sign tt. r. Pearce then got very- indignant, and .Id my sen that if he did no• sign that per he ,'OCLD AP D tie TO mom in ten days. My son rid not shot Om paper at that time, bel afterwards he t afraid of imprisonment, and went ter Mr. Pearce to Prifit_a *Inert. Here u signed the atlidavit." Moise Bremner, rho witndeaed th nature to Pearce's alliJatits, declared hat it is not to be wandered at that it«r For the fast u, that real, thorough t is so somas that it real great moral courage to avow it and act rp W at. Just w noon ea we can ?t Ir. get the churches, the 1 read. and the lovers of law and order to mere Pen to w61 3)07 St. df one rem the t ion the the States exists. Of coarse, the Pre. is Pr...s tion to th claim is fou of th only heavy press non, n, t Tet ed wee the di ing job m his duty. - *Today he is Canada'. trite ..on, and the next Dominion tot will prove at. Iia ni at London Pr.. Prise will now have F wrestle with the fact that the city ID fo Ch it is published has deerssaed some an population during die "past year, Thomas has also, we regret to mate, t *ripely in -1090 in w year. All over the province similar lash Its ambling made known ; and yet eat „subsidized press" ..f the Tory lac- e o continue to boast of the emcees of the N. P., and deny that the exodus to lee moat in each locality, and become a public committee of enforcement. we shall hate no more talk of •'conformer'' us it, this This is only a small c0 part of what might be said ou this print to out is, perhaps, mould' fur this article. 1Y ttleTt with public money had been introd • objection is not to members of meet holding stock in railway emu es. but to their abusing their pis '.inane too got subsidies and bonu r1 front the 1' Par- :lutwithatanding the and M pe. 1I 16e franchise act, Toryism is u dead as ti bile I a door nail in West Huron, and the Tory P' see ' press kno.. it. THE FORGER ANI) HIS TOOL. The Oodench Srnr aa. caught its uncal non ere- po Tea Nso;tAL. 1b a characterise attraio tee printing d ee a history oftheMtraaaactinti, Star comet in ever, p•nlcelar. The matt er one of say twpartsase ; hat it suety show that rabid Grit journal' like cue trAl. rannot poatdbly tell the truth a most trotter, tame. The abate item, It to noodles. to es THE "HIRED 11[d N." go of he Tu.. tar of last week, as we expected - denial that the "hire*,; man" the let work ten its editorial columns recently4 sig k to I or ever, and the truly good editor &mum- th goes ed the responsibility of all the bad 1...- bofat guags and falsehood which have appeared of u that "subsidized n ref organ.' for some y. months past. The truly good editor alai pre THE 33RD BATTALIe3N. *estuaail.■ of fel. 4. I.. - Mae. and W. Ir. grime. A meeting of the commissioned Deli of the :Rind Battalion was held at the R tm,bury house, Clinton, on Monday 1 to consider matter relating t" the •/Neejxrtitet .4 the force. Among th present were Cul. Rosa, G•,derich ; C. Coleman, 8eaforth ; Major Marra Clinton; Q Bock, ()mimic Lieut- J. Varcoe, Dungannon ; Ca Forrester, Clinton; Capt. Wiesen, Lieu %YPson and Robert, 8eaf.t :Capt. • Lieut Kaine, G•une ; Cspt Elti,tt ° Lieut, Williams, Wiughun ; and Ca Ruddick, Brussels. Mr, J. Venins w appointer' secretary. Col. Ross then tendered his resign tion, statinz that owing t•, his ..mc duties requiring all his time, he found impossible to give that attention to t duties el the h•ttaliun that was nese gory. aid while he regretted severing h the with whom he had been associated f 22 years, they would ever retain a ten der spot ie* b_- is ltlpathtea. • His ' was accepted, and tate following resolution carried : -- Moe, Capt. Keine, seconded by Cap Iliuu, that whereas Col R.ss, altar long and happy connection res ire the 33. regiment, feels it a duty to wit an (r.,, the Crdohelty, we th. ofllceti or til. acrd regret his retlrinl.ut from the emir duties of the regiment, hut trust that If will always trmetder himself an lamworary Inenihrr off :h• historic :(3rd. Major Murrt m t ,in a brief speech, al. tenderelliis rwslytlati.n a Junior Maj,, of the battal,.,,t, stating that on of his age, and inere.atr-g infirmity, b awld got Linger the dunes t the pasiUon Hu tetireation was ae*upted, sows th following resolution tamed : -Moved bi Capt. Wilson. seconded by Quetta/emu ter Beck, that the uffloere of the 33rd battalion desire to covey to Major Mur ray their regret that he lints at neon. - tory to 'serer hos emen.et,,n with the hatlalioo, .,f shie/ he has 1,.,.n a mem nor since its inception, and they trait that he will consider himself an h.wuorary ,member, and that he may ling he spar- ed to riot and meet with then, en eater. Other matters pt'rta,ninv to the bat- t ihom were dismissed, and a committee epdeocntwl to mods trait. at the SOWN place, for the further I of the same. It is generally understood that Major Coleman, of lie.lorth, beige Ute nett ut a om,nnd, will he* appointed to All the vacancy caused by Col. Ione. en] C.pt.em INalkwgh and Kam*, being the senior copulas of the banal. , will be promoted to the pol- len of `senior and Junior Major, re pectirely. -(New Era. at Pearce canned from the Hamilton Spectator, and w will claim that the hos of impute of DO 's caused by the rush cf emigrants sea • Northwest taisiGuilian, tat this will b• quickly dispelled whim it °."` worth list case from the Hamilton .4.per• territories in question aggregate el to doubt, be published as • testis*. good character by its local echo, t r. But ir'hen we state that the . inally g 4 its version of the Wm jilt lost his t•mper and asid THIS SIUN•L WAS "i my "a wilful liar," hut he didn't my we no he wore liar all the mme," as he lir *or said .4 Mr. M C. Canieron. For which and .1 in Euglisli. Niemen Mackenzie, John Baptist' it Leod, Peter Gerson, Charles Nolin, Thomas Molter, *Meier, wn Ilse lands nd that the total white populat;on I., I, ,r, and that the latter inertsbol t ry, it will he seen that it isn't wo ch as • certificate for the hones our containporary after all. Th mor is the Tory papm that inven that Omni -illy false story about "A se Cameron," which appeared in t r some weeks ago, and for which t postior took the two "subsidised to task in a very ebis and eon . Ori this point we 'nigh that the Star admitted that th , and mead. the following eon( some 33,000. Thew. is a hasp of figure work Aliktuid of the Tt.ty Ing of bmwmen now old the next elm - ed gear last week, although it derot ""i rIjr. thyme psalm of a column to St" seism fid the 'Men' lasts print- Kr in this county, didn't attempt to VI" I 111 VO IND or Um rasniaipaiity of Oodoriele 6°7 ip fpr sms shim and yot the "A isia Government should h• chary/. flal". lista f towns Donau ad timely the prr practice Riving Sinclair ae authelt even if been r isolate mier, it awarded hut doled Chagos . Tom itton And yiet dm !ranch drik mod ' we are duly thankful The truly good a editor of the Star luts developed into a roll be mold, lied we regret that his bad amo rth Mates in the asnctum and he has edi- t./ torial associates despite his denials- bate, to a caused his to wilt aud his old qi t- fiat* assumed 'murky of manner and Ile„t n- getitlemanly demeanor to dieeppesr. mit he And rieht here we might stet. that not. Pri he withstanding the fact that the editor -el r- the Star made his barefaced statement - last week we could, if wo felt so to number of writers who hays assisted him D6° as editorially during the past yam. Per- Pr° the company since November, men, five timee that amount under II"' 'Micros of th• franchise act for - his nosid•d information, it drag.- L A limed statetneut of what Judge ‘1°) did in Hamilton. Judge Sin- SP.4 denied the truth of the allege gret set forth by the Mar, and thM .10" ent for us in the premises. But C" the mowation of the Star had am" ostrast, how differently did Judge (h° act to Jodie Doyl• The fee- 40Tald is mid, atilwd for bentims, and it It ths ontotract to the lowest teed- cd (6 The lattar asked for no Woodsrs, rwstin the work out, thrreah hie In to a few put misting '41°1.'4 a last end Rt.". Huron th. taltuti witieh certainly ant sot the Pewee& war. passed *Wee. ten am some p•opito who sap las am Is Dia b poliMilld WON. hat bole• jotters ars hat MO. with the exception oft C.eop-ain Hcorrie hie eons, the only tl es who ould English. Mr. Nam* AstKED sign the obnoxious timmateut. mly one wittier, John Tootgotel. • no pestable, educeted Englishman, got hie ry in 4 mtober, 1863. Mr. Duck. Do- i.... Lands Agent at flits time in me Albert, told loogooti that I...we _WWII *Note going on for theist* by the arnmant of the lands of St Louis de n November, 1883, . By - wished t.. enter a half section. Mr. It said he oould not entertem has position - the oho' lateaded to he se sadetal.004." ad yet the Sim published the item wing it to be an invention ot the after thnt manufactured that litt ," and the editor of the Moe Mapped dem out and published it, and en it by stating in los journal tha as "A Correct Diamiosia," forgetful • fast that etch tontosiente went not for Monday achoel purpose& From of whieh it will he erten that th alor tryiug give the Mar repo fur truthfulness ia on a per with nterfoitor. -a maker oi base coin - endeavoring to give a Alkmaar for bioassay to th• moaner of the loges own who has bass astiorlit ta the MIL Arcades • 110.11/1y 118111 Serseut tideelet Ole, if the int„ Mor had three durum editors, --we are out ▪ bound that the "nominal editor" shall "ft be be held responsible, and not the hired "in 111 LAblla DAD the hands"( the Prince Albert left left the *ohm, for the molt of jet fled Rod. r. Poems and Mr. Mick kept the avit affair • secret trine Cloaks No• McLeod •nd a few others of the intelligent of the settlers. he following settlers wero in the par- .( St. Louis de Longterm when the a yews sold to the 'Prince .411set nisatithe Society : -Widow Margaret 6tte, Charles Noliu, Maxims lo \Deport nucleoli. Mike Kenny, A. W ohm laselore Boyer, Bar nate r, Bruce, Fred. Fiddler, Amite ard, Elmer Swain, ifoeist• Lino. Joseph Bremner, ilr•mtmr. John liaotiste Boucher. fieptiste er, Baptiste Boucher, sr., Widow a,. Boucher. Alexander )1cDoligall Duri for the M,,e4., sifts a flourish of trumpets railway en the Ifith of Jammu,. . loaves s Vhsee aro tint mimes of the Moms formai were deprived tit their land. by the 3 30. erneemet 11.tene .4 the Priase Al- rives at Colonieation Society r" usual. Molotov aflid fivet7wely knows It meow nothing, more he therms. ?rivet Menu teleelirrnessattelltril thetar:e:11 lea' neteetarae Bet, on the other hand, the T.triee ish b. atm% es into any each deal es that f the Innd limb Arran Hotol affair if there. "tioth- ouil 1 Railway passes, toad "amorthine for the Kroft I Boy" in thall Hallesty- W nand to yet h deal , tiler, mean about the saes* glom. Hoye • ming am IIM "SOW Ilea. lett*, Oar astemorsed emetseapotery the ',trek- "f.. ing that "the distribution of puhlle Mari mune, tit Th• tads OW Oansal We Ma •iriPt the Ottawa nolt Otowarnonsoit this yaw is hbeval." it hints efid that it is well earned metal to Ow wear Ls and tsar of oranseetnees Two thoory to said Mended ou th• false assumption that " Moe ionowfmarors of th. mains have eon- who L@Menem, sesnethine ',soy mailed t.. hare ea - owy am few years and gmrs ago. --(Law Wirt t. proved bo adopts at eatopling "ersoir'' • ' front hotel pumps, but notwithatanding 7ittyS of Prof. Ellis, of Torooto, had to , 011 secured to 'analyze samples of water • got fruni Mier parts of the town. That gentleman has made his report, and Om Nate there. The question will bootie to gm sultry again shorty before t ; the past floor years has been focal mon - ltreretford, cmitection with the seam • institution. As the boys my at fariewoill Nilwithres. "Goderichch's loss will be the gain of the Indian city, for Mr. Glass, whose admirable yoslities of head aud ! heart have gained for loan neatly werm • friend• in this section, will prove • valu I able militiamen to 'idly- Patersoet Mr. Gime, torriitg the feet that it'll likely take alone time before 111 be able r -The new local manager of the hank is Mr. Drummond, fruit Hamilton, • with • decided t.e the late Hamilton C.' 'them 1 am also itifor.ned I time he is • trios Itlue Paw --art • innovation in relit/tom yinticiples a. tar as hank ahem, ans concerned, an this part if ore 4...1'1 worship an the same tabor - neater 1 es. my old and highly cite•morti so fir th• 'Morsels 4.1 Gook. Isiah are concerned, Mr. Thous*. Kythi, has amps with the robins to warble amp more in "or midst. I haven't had me ftb. portenity of e invents( with hien sitmehie return, but will suolosver to do GM short - 1g. Von am l'es eager tte ma at Ho* teal iniverelsoss of the Worehem reamed obsilibed Ass Advertiost. Tim n•,J the past month a slosh( change better nee taken pima in the time tante. The main tui.a t 12.13, her minutes earlier than y, and Om Inter train departs at 3 30, ten remotes swirlier th&n This latter time could hoer ND*/ •i upon still further.