The Huron Signal, 1886-4-30, Page 88
The Young Men of Not th Street
Methodist Church Think 80.
Tbr> s.•t mid Nall gad Warble gad
Mate •pceraes to sa.w That Tefey ems 'be Lanka Lecture by ger.
e.. U. Tart, .r Lool sew.
About a year ago the jolting isa1M
coiinectd with 'North stroet Methodist
church gut up a social which was entirely
conducted by themselves, even to the
ticket selling et the dour, and the speak-
ing from the chair. The young men
have been gathering the11eelveet.neeth•r
ever stave to vocal, if pomade, the maid
OM la eke cullWry Mid wcial OD*, and
Hood Friday evening was chosen as the
time to !dike the uwanifestalxut.
Notwtthstaildiug the ram. a good acid
fence ssembled to witness the effort.
The following geutlemeu were the active
spirits of the occasion : -
G. N.wto..
H'—W. Armstrong, J Acheson,
R. Bvpiby, M. Roberta,.u, W. Shard,
R. Robertson, J. W. Reid, .1. Cascada
W. Cos, J. Henderson, C. Tete., 1'.
Wygle, W. Pridhain, O. Hamleo, W.
Door kir n --0. Fermin -Join, J. Tru-
ax, J. A. Riad.
CsArrs—.Tess Peoria, J W. Vaeatter.
('Aairwan—R. Barnby.
All of tits above were single men, ex -
chairman had been seen alts bemeetinI Breath Parltameht, Gladstone will ever did le the ai■■ipl.. ••Fdlsw M." 1
leaning over someb••d front gate. staled before the peblte mind a same of housed yea is the aof God and
Laughter-) He u byglsuliaS Dr. "Owed Ofd Mas." We west more :nen humanity arise, forsake all and follow
Uomglem's maxim it @heed* a teat. in ear indium! HIa. "God, give us Him. He fiat fultoweth Him shall net
"Take • good teal, gentlemou, a full men ' prayed the lecturer. Polities walk in darkness, but shall have the
text. Do not speed your h.-uw in build- will never be nghi on•il we have the Isht of life.
lag a sermon &boat a fragment of • teat, same code of morals for 1t that are s t The lecture abounded m many striking
whilst countless passages there ate which plied to the other relations of life. lir illustration, aped quotations and tights
ander Ile •Nike of the botulism' of thought, kowever, it wink' be beat not of eloquence which we are unable to
tin ught will di into sparkling diamonds W eater 5010 aoy di cussiou of Canadian give to the space at our disposal. The
ul v gb. ' tiwiety sSighipostni of two uollttp, although theyuus men „f this audience gave frequent token of appro-
clasaes, the La,4t s and the t.4. Both uu siould study pis nal his
are indispensable to maintain • proper
tibr 1 every age there were
e„ try lar etatwa.
macre closely. There was a wide differ- A vote of thanks to the lecturer was
awe between parte/ism and p ist,ro. leas heartily carried, and appropriately re -
thosetaut. In
thu.e who ruse abuvetbuir fellows. They partyism aud purer politica was what the speeded to by Mr Teta.
were the suns in the world's sky : the country needed. Otte tea Men, au.( the The m.sic.l porta if the program
fixed stars to the &insolent. The lectu- men will give us measures. blecaut''y, was eutirwly nt•seultoe. The pteo.s were
m thea &aced at some of the worthiest the great hansom, essayist and states- the product of male mond, and to a-
ot history—fano like Almander, Demo.- man, was next described, sod a high e,mpesuta were Messrs. Foot and
themes, Hannibal, Cato, Cicero, Dante, tribute paid to his genius. Carlyle, that Brown. In the early portion of the
--general., poets, nesters and pb&1us grim 'oakum, philosopher and historian, evening a selection loy mambas of the
e t h town band was warm) received, and the
For Sale or to Let.
One new flame house.. hil u
'welt) upweslte k Path, k's want sat
otter. d r�r irises rMwuahle terms' t hot
.labs ttedreems, heatsts.sassts.
nes. 4lrartii kM■ r1
lays. J-, .. all t orwafal7
F.isMIA red A.Uod. h. OM.
e parrs, cathed flee. to the-. 4tcb , J
minion. of the Township of uetesesew•
b lefts, tea(. ti. t.lZ-tl:a. alratf ed.
Q ACIES * LEWI'l, BAR1tlt3TE1ui,
Oe rle4 J. A. liu5Tast
('. assegai J�
R1C.LwwM 1107-
1) C. RA YIL3, SOLICiTOR ke. ,
I °doe corner of tan •rite tltscra"r. and West
mosey to filo ted a' low rates of IatehaoLature.‘
/ AIV W tt F-�IOL'D'lf►l)tl', B A k
T Rl It A. edastle t: rte
0oderimk. Uwrtww. Previsloot. CS
Oars, end came down t r the lead n of also ohne In air review. Perhaps the 1 1 ase cowtia.ts to wet O.M.down 10 JrR ]D6 NT the wust to Yuy0001i
the nineteenth century. 9 'me one had ('greatest achievement ie the Ids of the quartette. "1 umiu g of the Wheel• of Isvits all 6616 ar. U y
y ()wills an RIGHT PttlCle', to tall os mat A i mlleve eke Cache
said that "renes was the dream of the Chelsea phi' nuphar was the opening up Tune. euug by Moeara Belcher, Halls, VALUE- + would verdlaltp
wise, but war is the history of WYE" of the wealth of Gentian literature to W. &nostrum' and J. Hyslop, was loud wilt be Harr,rime catmnnau.
• s" --yeah mind Lisiitj is an Age of 1 •pplaeded. bleier& Reicher and J.
DRESS 000Dc, SPLENDID WEAR, 131C. lir yard.
At the optuis; Of th. 19th oentwry aft Ins w -o ams, he, haulm mei with
ath 170IJOOO.ge000enfiher po pulation by �fueeggiss against tom. Freud` Orreea trig. upAftK'the lecture, Mr Belcher
the decrees of kings or from personal Argyle and (levees Ellet, in England, gate "1 Fear Nu Foe," with power, but i
choice, were fighting each other. France - Bancroft, Prescott, Irving and Emerson he lacked distisotoees of articulation
, was largely responsible for thin condi- is America, mod Withrow end Dent, is With an impr,wem•lt in this direction,
of •Ea' re Na leen without doubt, Canada, were also named as celebrated Mr. Melchor will make as 11
was a great man. He was a born lead• to literature during the century. It had
sr. Hie/ropy to a member of the as boom said that Canadians
eembly who expremed • fear that he was were not a literary people. To refute
too young to take command of an 1m- that eslummy K was only necessary to
portant expedition lets us ion) the secret read the list of Cesadiaa authors, and
of his Missiles : ''1 seal be older when I stamina our system of edeoati.m, which
return." The iateenoe exercised by is oonfeasedl the beet is the world.
Napoleon upns the world u without aApplause.) The speaker then eloquemt-
paralle1. Std. by side with Napoleon, and forcibly deseutsoed t►• trashy
emit the ushers. who have owb been un- hat iafiaitely above him in true great -
der the matrimonial yoke for several nese of character and leadership, stands
years. Ed. Belcher, the baker, another Wellington* the "Iron Duke.' He had
married man, was taken in to balance not one tithe of the glitter and .pe[kle
the chorus. The young men were attic- with which his great antagonist
ed in lung white aprons, with bouquets the world. But he possessed the grad-
ed natural !towers, and they also wore sat of alt ,unes, • sort of inspirsdeos-
square topped paper cape, which gave mon ansa file knew whet he scold de,
them a spree., uuifoem . and what M could not do, while Napo -
The waiting was prompt and gave much lean often cootoundd his ambitions
ttatisfaetion. , with his abilities. Wellington pitted
The refreshments, all of which were against Na leu was the man to win in
petered by male hands, war aot�wdant the end. The former never needlessly
mid toothsomme, The case wa piping sacrificed s soldier ; and that also could
Lot, and the sandwiches, jelly watts, be maid of bis 'memorial coadjutor Nelson.
fruit•akes, oo, .muut cakes, etc., were The sneaker then drew • graphic picture
voted "just excellent" by the surprised of the battle of Waterloo, which was Wan
gentler ax. The young are Lying admirable bit of word painting.
up future at the wormer liagt•on's character was esmmed up is
picnics. 1 Q his reply to • Sandi oolreel at • critical
Mr. Hornby, Righ School student, moment in that ruumeeWw contest : "I
occupied the chair, and made the (.,llue• and you and every man must stand our
i1t1 opening address :— ground. -. The lecturer wooU not pray
Tit Ctatsttax's erases. for war, h• would not hope far war, but
LA>ttiM A' D �glt:trrsx,— X11 311M an should the day come when war wee forced
upon us, may we prove worthy o f the
doubtless ►wart, I have been appointed sires who bore us, and tiled and thrilled
chairman kw the evening, but I can aa -
with the spirit which senesced the
Imre you that it does not give Inc greet h___... ,d W.tetloc, rally around the old
would r to staid up here tuuight I Mag Applause.', He then went on to
would tether sit at the door and enjoy notice leaders in tb• political world.
the entertainment. But in this life there The moral sod petitial state of the world
are donee allotted to us, sod we must at the time of the downfall of Napoleon
perform then duties ae best we may. As It 0.041 In England the
I have no prepared speech, and cheapen public debt crushed the people. Taxes
ing is far advanced, it would not be Pru I were exorbitant. Bread wee taxed.
dent for me a tr..uble you with any Even a ameasan and necessary au sea.
attempt at • lengthy unfree' I trust , cls as sea sea taxed many ttmn ata
you all have enjoyed yourselves ; that I worth, in some cases el2O •cwt. A taco
you relished the tea --or this coins, rdh who wished to improve his business by
er--provided by the young mem. I can advertising had to pay 7bc. to $I fcr the
tell the congregation that alt was duns privilege, besides the oat of the adv.. -
Ly the young men here tonight in the tisenient The newpaper mea don't.
(gallery. Applwse by this congregation think the sdvrtiwe (reel,
and blushes by the young teen in the enough nowadays, when them are so
gallery.) 1 hard can remark every tale., said the lecturer, and the audi-
where tonight : "TM coffee is very mice had a big and Criminal laws
g.,ud." I think, therefore, the young were very savage, ween administer -
Teen are to lye congratulated upon their ed with twat relentless severity. Ed -
Become in this line. Ab rut • year ag" mond Burks used to my he could pass
we had an entertainment got up entirely any bill through Parliament which im-
b�� the young ledges, and it was a moose.. used th. death penalty. It a mea
Har, piitar.l Rat I would say to the Pn ,trod Wsatminster bridge he was
giro tonight that I want til show how our hanged. If h. abot td rabbit• er stole
entertainment is superior Co yours. Like r rt te tbe cepa ul `1.25 he wa.
us you had the flour to bake ; but who prom ty banged. $.presentative pv.
tilled the land and waved the what' eminent at the beginning of this cent's -
Men. Who took the what to the mill
good basso. An i.struwiental trio by
Mr. Foot (piano) and Messrs. Donarb,
(violin sad pyrt u), was very pleasingly
rendered and" fathusisstisally received
W. Hyslop man "Committed to the
Deep'' m $ matinee which gay. much
eatistaetios to the audience, who desired
an encore. J. Hyslop then gave a tenor
1 o y solo "Flow Gently Sweet Afton" in a
reading that is ec abundant i• the pew- very !west thosgh not powerful vism
ant day, and made • strong plea for mon The rainfall and the heavy peak of
elevating literature. The best advice thunder, with the late hour, put some
matt to "Keep good company," was of the vocalists at great disadvantage,
"Real good books." (Hear, hear. A nevertbaeas all acquitted th.maslvea
hetweee the social orrdinos well.
of the world at the beginning of the Mies Headstone, is moving a vote .t
proem' smeary end.tedy mast demon. thaake to the yt.asg men, sand eke ems
stmt. that great strides have been trade not odi the program, for it would not be
upward and forward. He would not en-
ter the Meld era candid between o.pital
and labor. There are grievances on beth
sides; yet he believed the struggle would
result is ultimate good. A renew of the
condition of both classes at the begin-
ning of the century would do much t•
heal the breach. The Golden
Wile acted out would solve the
whole prwblem : " Do unto ethers
ea ye would they should do unto you.'
The lecturer then paid an eloquent nib -
tits W the late J. B. Gesigh, the temper-
ance apostle, and was loudly •pplaudd
at the et his miesicyne. This
led the speaker on to A. condition of
t affairs in Canada. H • said,
"In many enmities we have the Scott
Act, but it io not acting. The cause is
part!y with the t, but not al.
together. The people have passed the
measure Li eg majorities, and
these people should hello the t
W enforce the law. ( Hear, hear. He
deplored he het that anne who voted
break the law. Ile held in supreme has just return from college
th who h t or th ra i
ry was • mann =amt. Two-thirds of
and ground it there 1 Men. I can tell the members d tie Commons were ape
the ladies that tonight no woman has po lilted by the peen who owned the
had •finger in this pie. (Lttghter and boron ha Alter alloding to the prong-
geti.e.) You know, too, that in order . nenl figures in the carrying of the Re-
te get the water and fluor to ria, yon form Bill, the lecturewelt at length on
must mix something with it, and that
two great statesmen and life-long politi-
ha been provided by man. mugbter.) 'I cal antagonists—Beecuu•field and laded•
The ladies also provided for the mind, stone. He describedli first
and I think the pieces they gave were
co.n mainly by men. (Expressions
of dissent on the faces of the gtrls.' I
believe that everything intbe intellectual
line tonight will be composed by men.
t Male applause.) The ladies are food of
talking about wom,•n's tights, women's
rights, women's rights. We men also
have our rights One of these is the
privilegeof going shopping. He thee
quip the opposite sex about their
fickleness when shopping, and closed by
intronluoing the chorus by the waiters. • hungr boy at Christmas K wasted • divine pd room when he leads men
Three gentlemen, who were very anthn.- dice of Turkey.Turkey was gaffer the erupt. Oh that in ,our influence we may
iastically Hominid, sang the following protection of England. Ruasia bad the lea men .might ' One other thing
by Willie ArmstrtoL, to - audacity to forbid the Braid fleet frees there k which gives character permthes•
the air of "Auld Lang Syn. :— paging the straits. The Lion wa c and that is religion—the religion of
aroused. The English ailed up the esus Christ. Is. • certain garden there
seemly, as the entertainment esu to be
eanducted entirely by natlemes. Yet
the ladies had limo allowed W stand at
a distance and admin. $he would my
that the yoga[ men had done well, very
well, lodged. However, Isom* oma
should whisper something to them about
pstitsg water in their Auer to maks it
eiisa (laughter.)
Mies Rob.rteou had much pleasure is
emending the motion. The lecture had
been socks as they were not often privi-
leged b hater to. The yowl mak had
se captivated the ladies by then gip
and aprons that they wore scarcely able
to pe a slaked judgment en the
eo6a. (Laughter.)
After a vote of thanks to those who
assisted with the program, and to the
ehaieems. the meeti*Rclosed with "Gttd
eve the Queen,' followed by the bene-
diction, _
A�appH�EAVY AND ('li'E til' STt*'[ THROUGHOUT. sat Ire'ectlsg l
liming Ibis week win nonmed my Mock to all the various iters. Ile saltl R
believe yes wait acknowledge th above Matemat et leo prices tu be correct.
/)'sees hirer is mid nay Inoue. "Waal Pe Undersold."
t u W . H. Clutton, our medical student,
to put away liquor shout ask the render d for his
to ewe
.d ( summer holtdaya He reports ptrogresa
April t 7tk,1rR
g3a+twtek. Apr(1 /lib. Ill .
vv ■ e r t � -SOI V
The Last Foch aid kIllencali Style
contempt a man w having voted the Scott Act, goes into the tavern, J. Rielly will in future set as overseer ill �� ors Flowers F�
f b H. and will t7 i
drinks behind the door, then ootu.s out, and yard boas e t • mw-mt ,
and smacking his lips and wiping his relinquish the post of teamster er toJ. Jar-
a,.. lis.
mouth, is ready to shout for temperance. dines formerly teamster of the Star Salt
Such a man has not enough backbone to W
make a sptpml column fur a mosquito.
(Laughter d applasa. T
mrd ebb and tow, but the traffic in in- t mowni, would atrdy be paper, be would \yyrgT gTRF.B f. AOUKltCH,
toxicants is doomed to be swept away. goes Tos Iasi tIL of tie 9th that that Goderlc April tib ►!■■ !
The people have given an expression of al geese wow a Lenham bird.
epinion. and that .. • cannot ?be story is • genuine ace, but we do w sys•� ___ ■ m ■ �� M M 1 1 1 1 f\ 1 i— i1 ��
wgiully fat. (Har hear.) Liquor, like not want et. rob Leeburn of its honors.
Sits, cTora�b. .The Chicago House
Sit -DT Tor t P1rxa—ii �r0• Boggles,
the scribe o[ Para -
assistant to Jackson,I
e,>etaeg•rine, could mid should be pro-
ro- Dunlop fowl are not ambitious ennui,h to
bibited. The lecturer clued with the
break the reseed er die in the attempt.
following eloquent peroration :—"1 have
They leave that w Paramount.
endeavored, imperfectly, I know, to
tory—to outlia. ithe eletnents of their
.coos. There is cne feature I mist (Rep cid b •telephone from Harter MlU..1
not fail to impress—character. If know-
Gammon. April !a Ise.
ledge s power, ties c0srseter is power wheat. tram4 v bank ..... ..... M n ill" il
is a much higher seam. There may be w►bestt. apogean is r l tiAnusk. ... o M r 0 TO
mind without head, intelligence without Whsat. 1 0 bah O ss e fan
virtue, cleverness without goxodne, novo. 1 alliecwt. . 1 111' s/
power but fur mischief. We may ,b. Flour liaised) c cwt 1 le 0 Be
Roar. 1Nmag takers. e c !
d b these laden, but we can- Yteoc tnstesi) carr..0 t
1 51 •cd s
s of le
d pick -Peas., huh .........:• se • 51
sketch a few of t e leaden of this con- --""-
dtedcrlca Mr■Iets
wt .... In a !
instruct )
not admire them any mon than we
would admire the security • Barley. a huh•
..... •......... 010 ti ss.
pocket, w the horsemanship of a high- potatoes Y bush 0 s e1 3s
Dura° is sp-
end debater way rubber. See that glitttering iceberg Hat. 1)t
cad tined kis mum u
nn .................. .... 10 a M It
patience as • pa
baring with him "Peace with Honor." and glow in the sunlight. if we are pro- ptensil c,R
t return front the V mon congress
MIS S c E A F -I
Bas now at Mr Showroom • Large sad well wawrted start .r TI Mil ID & UNTRIMMED
MILLINERY *outposts( everything bkst ems b estatnee is a
}Int -(La ]t►uioery betabiislttu•at.
Feathers, flowers, Shapes, Egrets,
The Ladies or Ood•rieh and vicinity are cordially invited to
Cr.ILi T Y l livi.�.tm�iJG+ �'OO�mw/S.
West Side Court Usama Square. nett door to Munro's Dry Seeds Stator.
Gederlck. April rm. NIL
that life clad( above the ocean. How �� goapack.d►e dos ........ 0 !0 M I1
its tower, and minarets shimmer, blaze Cheese. •..•.•.... .•• ••.-• O fY N 11
a res o TO
Beacoofield loved England, and was
jealous of her h000r and
amongst the nations. The Vienna con-
gress was the orwtiing triumph of hM
political caner. The Rumen Beet
came down from his northern forest sod
sat upon the shores of the Bosphorus
not c„ntnnt with its vast po•S°seioO. kite
0s0" r
dent mariners we will not venture too Cbuppediltttllatawt...... •.-•• 1 100
near it, for it is a• dangerous as it is screenings. 'J cwt ...... ... . - . • we " 000
beautiful. Some titres great leaden Pork. 61.41w1 .. .1••••—•• • 10 1 50
K Wood....... .. .... 1ss" 3M
dazzle the gags of the world. but ala for hides .. .:..::......:...... i io " 0 50M
these who diode themselves to them, or fheswslsr ...... . ........ . ....
follow their lead. After all,
"Tie only nobl a to be goo:. -
and the leader only accomplishes the
THI i0i Mt YL�+ t1ONet.
\\'e come before yon. friends, tM�t._ -.
With crutches thrown aside.
To show yon utile of nor might
testi. eases you'd nut Mrttht.
Our aprnn.. remand bread and cake,
We think them very ogee:
For making all we honor take.
And rest up usury alter.
To greater work w• do aspire : mein Pnr pulpit. prows. and ;
And al important things require
The cable help of man.
Far up above thio world we soar.
To meas? sun and moon
Ih•.-p, dery into the earth we hoer.
And search down
\L a need not with the world content
For rights which are our own ;
We know they always seed young nt.L'
With muscle. brain asd See.The ladles thlak they do reel
With needle and with tante
Dot sen than. ser tee de well.
And.o1* the peoples taste.
Hot di.bwashjnC we de ,lted.;n .
N e do not think 't i• fair
'i o make the noble crest nr.. man.
Pooh ugly work to share.
Ret as t i bsohel•s life were doomed.Aad have to do the work.
lt�m• st palest rig well get sop ow
To waoff all the dirt.
"O' my e
where are the mesa." they say '
Dardanelles, and dropped anchor just gr w • tender clignbing shrub. Near it
below Constantinople. The Russian stood • sturdy apple tree. 1t was the
army halted, but it was at England's nature of the tiny plant to climb, but it
Mira. The Bi 1 but the Lion was held down by a ' , Besides,
roared. That roar struck terror to the it was a weak, that mese whew the sum -
begirt of the Russian Bear. He torsed mere sun fell upon it, it did reach out •
and fled, @sapping and snarling, to his lath Howard the tree ; but ala, it .wild
tome in tie north. Tb. Lion is °low 10 nomad Then the cruel wind
strike, but he does not strike in vain. c• ught and hent and bf'oke it : and the
Applause ) 1862 will ever be sensor- little plant fell to the ground in despair.
able ae in it came to the front the other 1).e day the gardener came. 11. knew
• Ieadine light of the political firmament de adore 4 the pent ; se be tenderly
of the 19th contrary. Ths (Ioverwtnant gathered op tie tendril.anti hardened
was is tnuble over Midwifes, net an tm- sheen to ttw tree. Now de tender
usual thing even in Canada. 'L.nghler. • climber began to feel the thrill of • new
Atter a brilliant mooch hii the Chancel- bA It ggeatllwty clamped the bark of
Int .of the Exchequer (Disraeli),
i the tree with its tiny Meters, and wood
o'clock in the morning a young ;Arlie- by the amorous kisses .if the sus went
mentarian rose to reply, an 1 soon his laughing up toward heaven. Man, by
magnetic vuioe chained the attention of Nature, is like that little climber. He is
the Home. At 4 30 a.m. the Nouse di- born to climb, but is held down by in.
Mild, and the 0 1 sea In • lie cannel byseeking Sad est good.
minority of 19. The hero of that hour The stre.,es pe. * s
dOnd tsmpeetiom
mss non° other sham William Swart Glad- met him dowdtsad wsrwhehe him. But
sten., the men toward whom today the Religion mynas, ummeewger of Yea. Datil
es re
• of the civilised world atarred. bis •ffaetome, intelligence, will — his
test night afetal Matadi quitted 1,1,44. bob,.the ptdvwnly and
"O. war. where are the twos r
roe, very IRt.1^bthe>'11 seed the Commons for the ('peer Chamber, ti* sternal. ( ! Anw M Awe
And say. **Whore are the m r the two giants of debate were steadily he into his prone* sp The
GPIs" -
Notwithstanding dist the disclaimer about pitted against •soh other. in feet, nae nrow.r dwnnitkts of mag is ' rim .p-
M dishes d b th t
washing t e es ma • y • I"'• name was aline" •ertaia to autreat the ward -101+4[11W nee." R•ligiuo r e •
i. the song teen ahem, the venerable other. It is not disparaging to N u'
fiat tM hooded 1 eternal frond which binds nun to and.
o vton says t
chum', 0a r that sea lar tM "rid over to him next day in • cleaner condi- y P� rani of 1°u hays fish the teed el One
fico than after any other social ,or tw- Am never ant the egtml 4 the present Dever gland. I shall mover ford the
wl.ettog. premier of England. He has mal. more moment when that t.,udt thrtl .d my arm hes than any living roan. dga,j heart. geld her vt►iee..ab. ►d se
Rae. Ilk. Trek f , • prefaced
T0k t.nrTaws. He .radio is s than lane, and • is a fro.o tM clop of sig asd bade als=o le
geed as he to great. Hera living ralie- tomi life work. I "mold scones Aa1,
fati^n .of the ss•evliewi that it is im - a 1 o bt, the seal .>< get baptiamli
his teeters by anise that be really M- Peso toaig
lieved that after all this talk of the abia afty
tat gptot iw•n tm b„
Chtisttan. apKt Trow that wield • srptm .k
M gem..) wbntltgr tette 11a t►e ion* *ark a enroost of earthly w^bility. Brtvtb•
niee,y without
' r n o tar that the ^f 1M
chairman about the young mss doing so (A
th t rpr 1(' ladies, h• t Les now before the ors, do yes not beat the vete* whet
would not b• surprised t b g
, RT ,1 of aWrit el
'1'o 'tl It : (Jsfeyl as
lanced out ef
11er Majesty's High court Jostles. Cban-
rry Dlfiel0 and an t WIlt of Pier1
/tarts. iotas 1 oat oI Rer. Kttt�t Hlgk
Coati otJustle . 1' moo
)1. acrd
too p ii
aid dell the
Lapels as(amcTe is of.WW1Ap ma
and J afrt Ire• . at tOW el laanai L
1 R4,es. 1 e and lerea 1tt i[rseatloa
and wl ll offer for r. at y efc* is Om
('curt House. in the Town of 1loderfch. on, the :i 4A /pay of JULY, 1885,
at tna mar pj wren of OW 01 *lb* fere-
aomt•the right of dower ortbe fefrad*et.Jawm
Mo-Klft.EY as the widow of Roamer Mi Knit-
ter. deceased. her late hushes .1 1a that gar
col. off lard a Mpeer�mime.
11bang[ iAt
Nq et
Han. ooatamis es SC��
or leas+. Mal all other
ewe* owe
to ties and
Interest of the mid Jave Me INLET In, Mot
put of the NO lauds end premiss.
Sheriff. Heron.
March !!l►. 1I 111111041
G. oeRnoxa
Takes pismire to that he W
opened ort • sew
Osafestiminy 1 trait 8tin
W!88T SZlR3aNaal,
�sMes.Is 16 tlfisrs Bram rant
the�l.itY MM has a ught «em
111E ittS ART 11ERY LOW.
A •••1 M rs°pekefly L wtis4.
OedorIeb, llawh Mb. tI. IOW*
Haring bees to the Markets. aid having selected ipso OV■ dWOem almtmeat of
as anyone could desire. 1 will offer the tame at such Reasonable Plicas as will engem rat*
tion te the gad myself. and wilt endeavor. as in the past,
to do all la my purer l five satietsetlew.
ley Milker, .'.Ween all the Newest Sheds of Coloring. sad the most attractive designs.
My sleek of reset' Goods comprise all tlhe lasideeleatest Ibises la ental Lewes
1. nicer f b*vsi ttha seat Ya eepeewsnbl..
Tinsel 1s Lalli of an the Newest Ilhagy, sad et prices Mat win lame. a sale.
AVM ' Mamba Department is nadir the sanagemeat of MIM ('AMR who we
devote her sole attention to her ('ustolaKr, mid w111 endeavor to plisses all who will .sire
has With their area&
March Mth. res. MS- llamihe. street. Ood.rteh 1 doors from Collars
1 JsmkiMr,
A• anhr a affilillehneet.
Q ,,
aid . per yard.
whit. and 'Fisted.
Jt>iih Yee efa,
blank aad • hirer.
SIIk CWtiere.1d ..
Osman sad Weei.
soe Cetus.
Canton Plosioeds,
lialtand ad
P pial.
Calan' testa,
(lnmbiwetwwi Awifs,
Table 1100.,
(White CotM«t,
%bvlr (beton',
&e., kr., 41.,
Elide Commences Saturday, 27th March
0.derls* deed illta Ire. >tilg
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to tl
is fist
of th
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ing j
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