HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-30, Page 66 • Che Poet's Corner. To Been.' Meese BNeow. The Toronto Mil says -- "The fol- lowing graceful lines aro from the pen of Mr. K. 8. Chilton, U. 8. consul at (lode - rich, who to the proud peseeasnr of • pair of sleeve -buttons which unto belonged to the famous Scottish bard. Mr. Chilton has no small reputation as a poet among his countrymen, laving been selected to wnte the lines read by him nn the moist cooaaion of the interment iu America Of the remains of John Howard Payne, author of "Home, Street Home." 'flare agate buttons. diver -set. Once served to hold bis sleeves together. it he sang. a singe the laverock yet uesuartng from the purple heather. •n.•ath them pulsed his hear't's wait, Me. Perchance, when 'smith the hawthoris blossom. Ile clasp d while seated by h. -r vide. His Highland Mary to hi, boao.n' Perhaps they meted on bis page When he bemxned the uurle cattle; Or when be scrawl'd. In noble rage. The Bruce, bugle -call to battle ! Or whet be ussnd the daisy's fate The meant. eri flower That fell beneath the 1 weight To bloom lmarartal trona that Mur. O t, what a .bower of song from thee descended! Wbet rainbow tints thy magic power WIth all adage common headed ! The Doom for thee more softly flows , The lark, wbie upward springing. Rotas blither notes ; tee very rose Is sweeter for thy &laming. But more than all. sat best of all K'er said or 'nag by others. Thy creed, let wbateo'rr be6fl. That all mankind are broehers! Before the shrine. of rank and beth, No boo was thine for bowing! fly Mal was Manhood. sad tbe earth (iron Metier for thy pieuebiss! 111h 11 Rule SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 18b8. A Incas Rattsor. - For coughs .pth ins, and all'reeeut adds, Di. Harvq's Souther, Sed tuns Don't lets eoegh iron troublesome when it Gan be ,lsse- ed aid cured by thus remedy at the .titin Duet of 'lb.. Sold only at N'ilwu's pre- scription drug store. Im The tide water pipe l`.► Bradford, PA., always keep a st ick of (Biles Iodide Ammonia I.inimernt on hand It is a necessity and achieves wonders in all aurins of horse troubles gull by F. Jordan, tiuderich Merchant+ ran art their Bill Heade, leiter Heads. Ike.. tic. printed at this oA.•e Tor very little more than they generally pay for the ppaaper. and it helps to nArrrli,.r their houtmcsa. (•all and see sample and stet prier. Mew Life foe FamrSI.5• Wrarened sy I- era.e. Orb 44444 sae aseseaute.. The t:rest German Invigorator is the only specific for ungM.ttutcy, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no natter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kipd, the Oreat German Itrmedy will restore the lost functiuns and secure health and happpps�rens. 11.00 per box, .ix hoses for 15.00. Bold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid •by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole remit for United States. Cir- culars and Is gent free. Sold by Uro. Uprise sole stent for God,. riot Sot A Rawaius-.O( we hoses •TWsa $Y" to try woe sorsakeithe bat Ler lift• rhyme on 'Ya&o*t*T, the reasriable little gem for the Teed' and Bat:.. Ask your drepeest or ad%ri A ser:easfal Basalt. Mr. Frank Hendry, writing from Seaforth, says : " I purchased one bottle of Burdock Blond Bitten to puri- fy ray blood. it did purify it, and now 1 have excellent health." As a blood purifying topic and system regulator the result of taking B. B. B. is always sueoesaful. 2 Freemsn's Worm Powders desteby and remove worms without injury to •dell er infant. •lm IMPORTANT TO STUDENTS. faadia ss fee Mk raw les examined al the ■Ise eirhosis. By arrangement merle by the Minister of Education with the authorities of the University of Toronto, the l diversity of Trinity College, Victoria 1'oiversity, and Queen's University, candLdates for natriculatios will have the opportunity of being exalniwed at each of the high .choola in June and July, at the same time as candidates for teacher's certifi- cates, and the Universities will further- more aclept the results of the non-pro- fessiobal elimination for teachers' card. cotes. so far as that examination severs the subjects required for matriculation. They may, however, if not candidates for teachers' certificates, take the University papers all through. Applications for ,matriculation will be made as heretofore w the registrar of the university at which the candidate proposes to matricu- late. The papers will be laid before the candidates by the local presiding ex.slsl- nen, and the results reitrned by the de- partment to the registrars of the respec- tive universities. It his already bees sonoanoed that Vietoris, Queen's and Trinity University appointed a common etarnining board. Jarh Frost Congaered. Although during the cold semen " Jack Fast" Rata in his work lively, yet ITagyard's Yellow Oil bests him every time. curing chilblain', frost bites, and all their painful effects. It also cores croup, sore turret. rheumatism, and must painful affect inns. 2 It is a somewhat novel practise to ap- gwint a coni niatii.n, have them repart by telegraph, then revise and alter the reports to writing and tear up the first reports. What reliance can be placed in people who do bustle's in that ort of a way l Uer.emra. attests.. When your hone is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, lathe twice daily, sacs apply Mc(:rtigor &Parkin Car- bolic Cerate. It is undoubtedly the tined healing and deeming arpliei*n' for it Ile sere you get McGregor & l'Arlie's.. Sold for _':,c. per box, at George. Rhynes. Drug Stow. its Bad Blood. SYMPTOMS Hoti'. FFrupil n.. PMMe, ra floes Rashes. Tumors. Abeoeaw'e. Had Completion, Low Vitality. Poor l'ir.,lation. As lei punt Mood sad Poor rirewtatl.w iv shirtiest to Calla• nearly every disea... the fly 'opium* Tittle! rary according to the Organs moll •R5•ted. s CAUSE • s,rtfanes r'n,,.i %era er Hereditary Taint in ala Sys- tem. Mid Air. Improper Dirt and Manner of Living. Ned Draisagn, In*etive Ware% wee Mien.•ys. Week Lewis. Torpid i.,vrr,aod many other OMime ese e.. Ineleding IMAM ( 'lea nIInert. Air bowerM In le ae4kn mat". Vad Blood. sotoo Bad Rioted in turn mak., imperfect n. -lion of erery 1efB7 1 ►rgnn. Mem CUREell,.erer atrielely all *1. lssea of Neal. h : Kemp tae ekia Clea t1. n.o.o4. and K'doer, h perfect were, order .. Carry offtI . ere mare t s fllRf. Lirlwlt: Dai Arrartn fare Healthful 1.e.r.i.. 1'..t Plain. V .a Fowl. end take BURDOCK BLOOD DIVERS EMENEVE Pi&RY DAVIS' "Ile PAIN -KILLER IS sr Pkyvicidnt, Mfnistert, Niastoa ries, limerrye►s of Factories, A-'nk-sAoos, Nfalstatio.a, Nurses it Mopeds, —Vs Mort, waw las over gives tt a trig:. Tara IrTsa14LLT =IMP wine A wore *Leal Or IOW IYrt•t AND area*, yr watt IM FOt'?e A MIMES FAIL110 • frig yea SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, C(O!i- GESTIOIi OR STOPPAGE OF A CiRCLLAT101t, CRAMPS. PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT . Ac. APPLIED RITI•/ALLT, s=1.111RI et WWI moven IT res MOOT Pelt -_� AND SKIT LISIMK?T 01 serail Tag rats AatsixO PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM. NEURALGIA. SWELLED PACE, TOOTRACIE, • BURRS. F1116//r BilBfl, &a,o he.. q,Scb, per Bottle. NfT Beware Of Imitations. "Dr CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC The 14, -eat Key to Re,l'h eisirkeirtieeke in the `•r• rpt Irma by act gig aper. l M Wt t :gr,4 nal 1.o,nt• of iloslth the +NNisrh 44e How Moral. 1•Ihtii...41 /111.Rdmei hg.o..d fermis makes Pen Meed. l CAMPBELL'S, CATHARTIC COIYIPOUN ie effective hi small does, acts without griping, does not ens caeion nausea. and will not d create hai- as do any b mof tits usual cathartics a& ministered to the form of Pigg, tie. Ladies sad Chil- dren bavl.tl.the most sensitive too.ntachstake t medicine without trou- ble or Ca 's C*t *.TIO CoMrov/o is especially adapted for the cure of Lrv.a Coain.AisTs AID Buaors Die- oltDms•. Fop Aczn ere r.OM awn Logs or Are MOM TOR Stct HRADAcws awn DYSWRTYT A. FORC C Fua * i. CoMm..uive *anis•. tt•ru A 1)1,RDEKan ITATK ur T11a St., MAC11. Thin medicine beinc in li.inid form, the deme can be easily related 1.) meet the requirements of dililereet per- e.u, thus making it equally wall adapted to the use of the little child ail to the adult. Peat up is three ounce bottles, and sued by all dealers is family medicines. Trite admit es Cents. WIENRIMMINNIZIfing CAMPBELL'S ONIC?_ 'ntis egeeenhle yet !rat prison. tis a especially adapfgd tit. the Valid and cure of (lt•t �(at of disaffirm attendant upon f lnw or reduced state of the s 'stmt. and usually arcnmgqa•annied by Polito, Weakness and Palpitation of the Heart Prompt reaffirm. will fallow i'4 tt+O In C:1-,er of S.t.l.l.•n I:z hatter..... artsin, fr.ut L'•as of Blood. Acute or ('hrot,i,, Diseases. end in the weakness that invariably j, the recovery from Wasn't; Fevers. iso remedy will give more speedy relief is Dyspepsia or Indigestion, its •etlon on the eu1115Clt being that of sr gent le and Ilarmleas oink, exeiting the nrtggaa,ts of dler•t non to action, and thus s&tr ding ininrdia'n and Teraina 1 rat n•ti11 '1 fan car alive properties of Use different aromatic! whkh the Elixir Contain,' reader it woeful in Flatulent Dyspepsia. It is a fah:able remedy for Atnuie Dysp'Pwia, whkh ie alit to otWit fn Definite of a grant eharaeter. -- �►� For 1 > 1 Blood Brass of Appetise, Deep( ncy ,and In all cess where M effecters i eltrerWn atimu- lad fa' Teepeeod.lthe Elixir will be found Invaluable.. `-+ - I'- - • In Fevers of • Malarial Type, and the various evil moults following expo- sure to the cold or wet weather, it will prove • Illinabin restorative, as the combine of Cinrinma l'aliesya pard are universally recognised e mpsM4s Mt We a' . 1 chair. dies 4, $,•U beekrs iR Pas iiy Medicines. &iiee. ! t Leer AIWA er "is IiefQ SJrr Devi. Lid renoo Cb. (Limited) ADMITS, ouimsae, P.Q. The sisal IleaMe/. in M.N. a of Felder Hill, Out., sista. the' Id, brother •a'11 12, was alit clod with a terrsble mild. fre•m the drool. of which he I. at lis voice. Haggard'. Pectoral Itm•e.ui eared the cola and rest •rsel his volae in the must pealed manner. He says it aura•.% Im eaceeded as a wtnedr /or easeds enit whim. 2 In the history of suede:mai no preps ration has received such outlier/II cum mendatiou, for the alleviation at affords and the permanent Burn it effects ie kid- ney diseases ss lir. Van Buren's liniment Cure. Its action in these date...mg complaints is simply wonderful. bold by J. Wilm.n. lm ww . Flaw ofearatey Is the only instantaneous relief for Nee- raiga, headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking natae.•us for weeks, but one minute's apple atio• removes all psiu and will ve the great value itf Keane. Fluid bluing. 26 cents per bottle at George yeas drug store b Dr Harvey's `llUier5ssJ RSD Pus has beau prepared wait reset .kill and carr. aid the proprietor 1. owtfident it will maintain in Canada the r.petatiof it has so justly won in the United nates Fur sale at Adapt's s pSWC,Igttyy drug sk•.� Aistt. , fieoelai agars nt Puns ',. (11 (leld watap, ( int. , days '� Dr. tfarvgV Souther. Reg Pawithout doubt the hest cough merlidiw� ewer sold, 11 las done 'sore geed than mbar, and A s household wurd around Coldwater. Ism: National Pills act promptly upon the Liver. regulate the towels and as • per - eat iru are wild mid tbeetattglL lm To dee frseseat Mseweea..ao all Whelan a may ee.era. Phosphatie., or Nerve toes, • Phew- te Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary C Sick lisainche, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the' human system. Pbosphatine es -net a Medetei e, but a Nnetement, bereft ed r -rise Vegetable or Mineral Ponos, Opiates Nkrcotux, and no Stimulants, but amp' ly the Phosphatic and Oartric Elements found in our daily fool. A • le bottle is suf5ciont to outlier& AU DruWsta sell ie 11.00 per bottle. Inertias & Co., solo agents for the Dominica, 55 Front Street East Toronto. minim olden, Mass.. Fels 1. 1ti, Osgttrmes - eatreeed with .tracks at Mak Mseaa►s.- euralgia, female trouble, tor years in 4 the most terrible and escreolatiag man- ner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or our. until I used Hop Bitters. 'The fiat bottle Nealy eared see s' Tk 11 and .tram as when a child. 'And T have been .e to this day.' Illy h..bed seas an invalid for twenty years with a .erlodg 1Kidney, hver and urinary complaint, •rl.•.....d by iiemess'e best phyea- Ciane — Incurable ' Seven bottles of your hitters cured him. and I know cif the 'Lives e1 Sett persons' Is my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitten, And many more are using them with great bun*bt. 'They almost Do rairacles lm Mrs. E. D. Stack. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND IMYUTMENT 60PPAN1 Thr.. (uwigwnw is Lamming Moire on ram' Yrcueify u1 Lowest Bolos t{f rlwtsrest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 5, 4 urea/ 5 per Cent. ftrtlerset ANeneed en Jkpunti, aaurdiwq le 'sweat awse e1 neeft. OFT1('K t -Car. sr Market set and Noris Street, Uudericb. rURAulc IMOFT(SIN *leach. Oee e n ub . Aug. Wk. 13116. WNW JODt ilarkot, .• kiidres & Joliiislou. ALLDM OF MEATS Careful Attention and Prompt Ddtver7. A CALL soL1crrip- Dee.lath, iSM 1167- ggTicnitural Implements. C. H. GIR4IN, 'the Mawaet hearses'- was Rene tale tali t►seict/*r.l fit Vle saes{ b,ssbem, sad repeleeeta HAIR/8 lb SON, Brantford, BINDElfft, M(IWEK$ and ilium" 00CILSHUTT, Brantford, Pu►WI., HAYu)AI►Ella and Seumasa 1/418.SON YANI't'ACTURINO CO., Oshawa, SEE) DRILLS sed LAWN MuwEwt. AOSNT FOR GODIRICH BOILER 11911IS Maveleep sesetvwd yssSs waked BRASS A IRON BTEAA FITTINGS 11011111110 N811 S!fler Zeiii& IaClLllhI O_ H_ GIii.VI�Ts Hammes stress a M dear. hobo the OYbana• iiaML eep Your Feet Dry! BOOTS & ssoEYlcs s E.DQWNING, s 1 1ppj! es head seer'alews a Oderkh. sad coarprtaes ev.ey nae `4` g t." tl1.aH 'lawn sb.asert kM tis sash all the Mermdtaa grwz t• visit cow w st Prices tit Will Snit Everyone. a' ; t to, In Batton or Laced, iron $i 0O to 15.00. ruses and Okildreis Btro 3cboal Recta, fru 75c, n e i 11,001 up, ail other Lines Properaonatsly Cksq. leas and will salt yoa. beth d ••••• •••I poem. E _ D 0 -VG'" T = ITE - , asbbes Bleck Foram I.st hewn sad Square. BOIIIERS &N MANUFthe tries. Leather sag listless to say gwtlty, u Lowest Pries nr. Jim Satg� sHana Shortte00llers EA 1TD SECURITY Mai orders tor sew work end repair./lett I �'�t• ♦ ��\ emir, prompt .airtime. ` s CHRYSTAL & BLACR, Worheaegr O. T. R. Steel.. 1(oediddi Fesb.'ss. IU ITV a PI DUNN S BELLII3G Urre BAKIN AT COST ! R EAT BAR AlliS Teas, 3rdc- Tiazwaxe, Crockery, tVARIC•i. Et,- Etc. T_P.Z%ad ('rabb'. Block, Court House 9e1 Oodericb. &h.April h• itltB. IOt'! Farmers' Attention The sadersigeed has • Choice Selection Of Purr. ('lean of the fallowing varieties' White Ductless. Lucers Alake. oil. yea Vine and Ileal (lover. Timothy sen 011121:0=1.E1 Onisn Suitable tonna(.pxaa,H.Mt; qRuin. ('ore. Tfdlraelrs aid 1M2 : a�1�gs� mil i ateteb Seeds o t ,earl t4'tIM'ue Inst.. A f*tlh.sortniiFF1 and I•edd. ' The dlebnt Rion Chiles regia unci Ise the madtet. .t coe/gnment of Choice. Fresh Tea. con slating ff titlark, (limen and Japans .1hula- -sea satiated. A large amount of Money to Loan. R. PRICE, Masonic Blo reed i•.k. March 11th. 1IUL Ile 1n) 1883_ • c-ODERICII OOLEN MILL13- T" the 11'.ot (Irutrtra of the R*n-oinoil, ul Ws *tabse�as,that wew_prepar. i btake , fyoar yoeonl la otel i of for �lr s/urf8t far yo tnte•at1 to tr facie.. r Blankets- -White, otoi or Moan. Shirtinge - Grey or Check. Clothe -Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flatlrit*els-White, Grey, Colored, anion, Plain or Twill. Shootings-- Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps meds to order. -ROLL CARDING. (TrateMinter for Otte wart canner M etR We w111 endeavor In meat eases to do t the ay it Is broetlgist i+ Kaosuyrd. ceder!' Spinning sad itaellser. es teinalns es th'('ap, roarer or ins, *re of weft ,tile•. as W in a pewit Inn to do ail klnd• of r,s tem k, seeelly dome 1a • 811 art resters mill, d we will g4srantea to Ado for roe hilly se if not a little better than any In our lags A ail raspertrally eniteked. P.OIAIDE iNECQgPSBEST FRIEND RAVE D�tpepsi� trussfasistre�'Neadscke, ,presets. tM Na. s lsti.ess-, w arty arses from a dsrang. wed Da. (:rust's LIR. Cosa wt11 be feuad tar a s and awe, rasssdy. NATUR['S REMEDY '•e tiswthied success of Dr Char's Liver Con i Liver C amplaint rests soMiy with the fact amt rt r venptRaied Iron natures wea.inown liver n lator' Maattpskc AND DANo.LroN, co -bind walk num rWts seelea6le. mask barks sad herb., he .�a11. t es the mains" Swami, saki. r wa•A SSL000 SOLD nna-Aa!/ ai:liew ir/ De. Chas?: R end ewer r..J r. Caeda does. IIs ,tont stgyPy..sr .sasasm ,%• regatta/ •rid Lae/ Cam Alsi.ir. sw�.' ream�lr. IM[lrlssllei Gess Am FIFE w q1 �+�'ttsr .t71indh Cas e•sy�bolsi'id- C6anoai�de iR!dl moon. 6ltsedml aria and . ,sl ttte. and worth tea times the price TRY Caws Catu's C*TASM film[ A .ifs sad port:. warty. Roos, •1 casts. Try CwAWI Mon mu Inas phis. n ttclFw i,w SOLD By ALL DEALERS bb T..mMAmmom a 0A•. item ....ts..amee..' """*JAMES WILSON C3ODERIC Ocl !lid, lrs� Restores grey hair to 8s ea teral color. re motes stops the tial from falling oat, i sate **s =the,the, As a hair dres sista it has emseriar Goer imbed harmless Prepares B. McOANN, t =tat. Roel Rad Woolen Min.. I fold ,v all noire Ooddtch, May 181., ism sed P5_"t 1.J,.1a. This cur reprewents the double that without the belt !Cote the praltloe of the Z. .hspea spring situated far whale •1MOUNT bot easy IV W Ausad PW RD �nC O LERIVAS - Dru Sti F - 130T -.E ANENT, GOI)E'RT �laa- y DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKEI AND LP:AIN'O UNDERTAKER. It will payyen to bey year Terntture frau, the I. 1 have now as ea an assortmenar �M as there is s the count I do not adopt an; yea* scheme of advertising a cheap specialty, bet wiU sell yea • r oral matt at price, that oaarwd be sorpaared'quality Considered,. in the undertaking 1 bave stock suited for the poor as well •. rich. I have alae sided Ike peewees of Embalming. so that parties havtsy to sand ladies of friends to a distance sen do seat reasonable cwt. DANIEL CORDON, Meet street, Osderteb, buttress the Pest Ocoee sad Hawk o/ Mwtreal. `lent. 2lth,188i. 11•14-110 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GEO. CRY, CABINET - MA.KER AND u r llrat,TAKERI Hamilton StreetlGoderich A mesad ae.ortaiwt a P[Hchen. red•rwm. Thn!res Rnom end Peeler 'IOrwltar seta se 1 tales, Chain their. cane and wood seated). t'upbe.rds. 1t -steads, Wee reuses. iVesh•nta.d Lo.ngew mdse. W hes-l:ets, Lashing Masses. N. R. A complete MAIM 'meet of CoMas.ad •seals always os hand alae Hearses for hilt at reasonable rete . _ Pietur. Framlaq • q.e1kr.+A ear esNgSM. 1741 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER Newts the time. it res grid) speer twptyre roams at home. to see Putter Goal el. Na has ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Daimon. rotors sad at prireeleee thea very mach ►afarier goodie. Cal and sea la eon. (fee are Mewl tetra• sad mast Desalt! T talk pring Bazaar Pa11-es & Fahions; ATB ITZr.ER'S Q 1 EN U 1 x OIL WORKS •Ii)EERIIEss OIL Every Darrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all the • Machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded RIZ GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. iir8ee that you get Pi IIRLE88. It is only made by SAMUEL. ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. For Male h YATES & ACHESON, Goderich. UMW. Nev. ISM. MIL s !10-17