HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-30, Page 3JUST II TIIE. Beane* beet her steps eseebsniesHp tewsrds her we room, but ■btu she stood uptu its threshold she remembered that AuWeeoy Lockhart was medius ft r bar ee•sewhere--wattiug du for the BY ADELINE BERuwrr. pa1..d Nptawllu•- Aid she had nu Al rroa or "140011. Wars," "U1rsa Clig14satiu• to gigot re, a w.wweot Yaks Passaress," At . Beelriei s heart sank ; tees It tow ague on • wave of bitter indigeation. What OHAPT1ilt 1Cj11(toiwt,wrud/. right had this stranger to interne* on Do belts!( of Bestrtoi s interest I A Throw was 4 4040011 jigptrite shod sk,td frost bur omit nit tlsgarded l•lm =look .f startled inquiry, not un- with • e°rt of horror. But M.r- ven wither looked auk spoke. It was • great r.liet to the girl, per- haps also t. Morten himself, when Dr. Airliw re appeared. He closed the door bodied him, then wslkod up to the Earl sad .puke in low distill aceonielftmg�sasu.l acquaintanceship. She resented tones.1 the idea of Anthony's pumrtng • larger "Don't elate yooreslf. Re is doing share than herself and Morten sod well enough. You have not hurt hum." Gerald of Berta'. ouufideoce. Slee ielt Boobies uttered an Oat/lent/try salols- idles Dat of aha quastiaoe. The relation .bioa of thankfulness. But Lord Morten between pert,. sud Ldias was separate did rat took tip. and apart • "Will he remoter 1' hs asked. Thiakiag of thew nags she question - "I hope w. 1 thick that he ray. .1 whether it would not be better to go His sooditioo u bettor than I expected." to Berne himself and tell him the whole Lord Morvan Rave no give nu sign of story. He was tender hearted sad shit- gladaees. Hs sat perfectly still as be alrous enough, she thought, to hear the had sat before ; only a litre between his wont of (Jerald and to forgive. Bet brows grew deeper and blacker as he she shrank • little from the 1. Looked before him and said nothing. She did not know that he had .pees The doctor glowed at him, sod then at de&nitely to Lilies of bia love for her ; Beetriee, before 1110 returned to his pe- and she, with her emotive pride on the tact. Beattie, ihterprH'd the look es stere, as NA es ka. tallow aro Of as appeal --the Sector wasted her W say *euro', bapphssM, was intro ad to far something w pacify or amide her scop h rots sin. She was rather of opinion that Morten woe best left to himself, but she deferred to Dr. Airlii s judgment. She kilowatt he sit be; but 10 had knewa tris mai tar a taw winks or mouths only, while they -the Ruthve.e —bed been hairnets with Bettie from his very boyhood. Beatrice did ow/trance that the cireumatanoes of difficulty sad denser into wbieth the mans had been d forotogether were likely to have link- ed them ter more closely that years of THE HURON SIGWiLPR!DAY, fIS6. I. mien i is ►(a boyhood, Ito know that Dr. Ain "I bag yusr pardon,' he said, is a he had screwed butut owe pupil by • false harsh, vexed to ; "1 did not !sow --at oath is order to awe the repetatios d lost, I nag we had perhaps better pet Lord Morve.'s faxed!y. Aad oat of this ug this ouorera.le tioo until 1.orruw. great wrong, one which he W brooded Duet you think ser' in 'ileumfor many years, there had "Why r aid Mw Essilam..t, deity. eons* of grows up in Anthony's heart a eons* no stammered eat soasitkieg shat Donative el and injury wherendered the Weems of the hoar sod her seed of lora eecelisrly ready to think the went repose. A. be spoke be looked at bee and hope tete lout from men and woe s ennomsly net of bis ball shamed. IZatt- who bed high poeitiots it the world angry eyes, an4 theogbt thane wan the n He believed that they weall •lite— mast bs•utdul woman that he had ever ' elf male*, insolent amid false ; that seer. Bet kis rottenest est ..d almost true uobil►ty of stool dwell with those sullen meaner told melbas d his a1 near - whu tale* and strove tut ew daily sureties. breed ; and that riches corrupt the hest) Be•tries s lip carved with • rather sound el sin itself. He despised luxury and so*l sours. wealth, leatbisg the tnw sptatiuthat "It i. melees to way that we," alto they brought. The ow point os whish wwered. "I am prepared to speak to le ustably and even weak wee his desire you, and I wish to get the matter over to do wotk that the 0000try would video feo as soas possible." nada--to bs in sena way or soother • leader She had eat the- nada to the table of men ; sod the uabl elises. of his sus- , ..d lighted a loop tibia stood goose by nem ia this direction was • bitten g. drop while eh. was speaking in his cup which he owed also to Oenld "Now," she went ou,"we can see each Rethvea. For he had arrived by re- other's hose, I always like to seethe Aectien at • pretty clear idea of the state roma of ekes" with whoa I hate to do, r's send ut his Rr•edtathel what old Ma . Wall, Mr. Lockhart, bots you •wythips y)0, that you were at least a kind hurt- e d eart- "Yea was tautaken," said Aothuoy bitterly, "1 ask not kind hearted. I have to mese b be. I have been wrvsged all my life by - ' He Sopped short, bit his lip, sad thea west M these slow- ly. "By membees oil the slams to whisk Gerald Itetbves 'meow. Aad I will bare so ssere7 oe him sow."Th "There w mere in your deteesaloatbs lima lies ea the serbow. You bays ns NON special erode* ..r4 .1 Gessld. autos bate him for aue rause or oth- er 1— "You draw c.nclusioas rapidly," said Antlteoy. Brat she noticed that he mid (either or au. "'Is it getten,us," abs asked, "to let • odium* grudgodium* your jsJg- ttseet r "1 am Dot generous "Tour cousin would scarcely like tohead see (d injured disgraced---" again eain meat tabula to have j.s- tice done," said Antimony, aloes* stern- ly. Beatrice was silent for a moment. Lockhart come to the Polios Ootne to -1,o eiy before I begot r' Then she spoke is a.wnowftel tons, he" Itis •••••Has • wpotty arse •kat With OD. head resting upon dumpier, but fee that means* of stills- i0'ol•1- ktx.ry tabic, tad her eyes easel, re- erly .nstried by ---h pitons Dr. Airtie woad � ping himlod , She okw resolute sad n ow here beat mor otet Okeheedei Be' so edt possessed net Anthony wee some - did not grodp Berths Douglas his good what taken •bank No woman, he "The bead of the family I Of • t•mi- tortsne, bet b. bed never twee= the' tho.Ilht, woad gook tad speak in that ' 17 that would time bear my name, Dover ad Retbroa, It wee we el the tied!" manner unless she were ww sore of her own sognmy esieteoew !" ivied Astlany. Ana hod whetted his fife bit Peeef-- - pBea*o.sd. This relleatios shows es that . "If it weest fee Berde yes thick woe me def b "ell lax °sada I[t. Lockhart knew very little shut we- I ahead he hen w ro1 Be is the only Retbv.n with hie Vitt and uen tak. him m ; for women will w •a ftaissred oxo d tis Lwkh• t• who ergo Mrwtoked ►d forth a h•to mai I Ma ...maw to. "Good heaves* I" he said, sod thea he eon* ; bot I ewe .. lb ether of laughed s gain. "I believe the gift thinks the Iwtkh iI• /r - 1 Slat the can bribe me to keep the se - ••Toa ee•a& thus ted. rsrklana erst !" ".end is the to be the sod of our fraud - ship with the tnskh.rts T" she said. "Yue, the head 'f the family, se you wally sr.—yon turn against a'" own future,' she .•id -hawing all the Ono that Lockhart eared ler use pro swmu weld uately as any mu du—, even J you aro perfectly willing that year younu.MONO smn .hord e nnjo) your pow live sud powwow all the •draat ages of m which y ,u would make au mush more see tban'be still you might care • little ter an Sxprea•ion of your grandfather's real feeling for you. You might perbapa like to taw that be grieved ter his harshness, that he thuuwht of you esti , tried to provide for you at the lest. .� Would that not soften your feelings to- ward bora r "I might do w, said Anthony, looking at her intenty. Theo, with • sudden change of countenance, "You wean that yo.+ know wm.thing shoat him that l don't know. Yes, I should like to hear." '•1 do kaw something, ' Bestow re- .poaoded softly. "I hum bow to r mattes' the .ittes' that you and Wrtie de hold. Duu you uoret•nd 1 You may meter .ter at Giuliani* it you hke. re cooly hen to say the word" 'What word r'cl "Say that you will not harm (herald — and I will 001 you all." ma She had de her venture sow. She had thrown her batt ; would the fish vial a For the uaten; she held' bar breath ; the rugs that she was playing wee now to Mate ; e had never bargsised for any- thing before. The edemas .std fora minas or two. It was broken by • strstlambg. lamb hoot Aatbuwy—wit agitated, .smirthte l las gk. kat the last ef' hies!!'• w 1+ dud." dh." en the Eager" ay, fokir !leaner eaner se a weapon of sdhoberf-dws ober suing skald sears bite sway trona a 1 shameful oow•rdios He had never they ars lgteardly quaking with doubt family of which on. bad disgraced him. m1a•t N stay eves fee w hour sada a.d two. AAA Bounce knew that she self as poor Gerald had done. Load Yene.'s not ; as it was, he had 1 „lis about a enter coos • dant, of made o Step towsed• him, end opened Oa for other hand woul(A it be honor- net yet broken broken bead in the which the teas was ataaa4y prob 5. P• Act li to kMlth- to let his 604 usury Lilies without tell- house, and did not intend to do so ; but „LJ oL• Bat Morten took her by3eurprise. lett Aim the story 1 his revengeful project had been stayed. "No," said Antboay, with so etort. He lilted kis band and sud in lavas Between love fur her cousins, concern He meld de nothing whsle Ows1d gay "I have nothing to say, except that I for her old trised Hattie, regard for the •si u.le.s, perhaps epag ; let he bitterly trust that Mr. O.rsid Ratline u use, - honour of nit family to whi.:l she be- resented the poeitio• of fort . wee into wise g lest ; and if be 4$e 1 aheiM Rive him se longed, Beatrice lost somethitg of the which he bed been thrust I• mite ed! "8. is better, I believe. I es thetas lee his Gerald'. Weems he would have made • serve► eAgue M EIINN i yen clear, calm jad;treat and haughty dui. you knew, kb. Lockhart, in fsWms•k knew that he dsays ala INNS woe for wbiek .Ae was noowneo she dean breast of Iib suspicions* to Bert- Jg • „maw. with threats •ed banns woes 1 vas to telt herself weak and wavering as • child i. but for Beatrice's intercession. Best- •.Tse.e bomebe, deetituts bid el Set yeses Sb. wondered that neither bliss oat rice bad interested him ; he talc himself "I pgomtwd to giro too Gerald'. so. t It was a weeder that I did hot go straightBertie seemed to be aware of Gerald's 'bound to .how Beatrice some little oho- plamstion el his pesetas a1 Qlanbsevia" to the devii,_-Again I keg you pinion ; "Exsetly se. Aad it ,heti did not I harm 410/ that fie a word whish ons Bet truest be bwtiMI le haw keep your premiss, I team to be tree to doer set w in . ledy'a pros nes, bet I wok ao ; •ad bantitstl be eau be torte,. "Don't ask roe to tell you what he said. H. has di.gesced himself, If he Wes, I- I will never tee him —novo speak M him wan. H he 4e.e, I shell ',ke th•akfuL" "Sum explanation must --be made to No Lockhart or Mr. Douglas," .aid agrtrtOe- i►Rjy 1 They have no right to de" sSsild' Mylatatiose whoa—when—their rt5 is restored," said Lord iluetwn, —eti " pont Beatrios J/Relented t'—Aad WO III fused ase, and ousted mole pts ekstp hotly, la Beatrice did sot Bike lented ! Ido art nese !bit hs did re. eoaditioe. Neither of them had some to inquire after him. She learned after- wards that Dr. Aiello had taken prsxse- tiohs spies* their knowing the extreme 'ideation, and yet hw etahwd he bad newer sew her. He wished with all hie Bart that she was not • relation of lbw GOOD whom be had vowed for years to TO as OO)iT1 U$D. • Ise um Around seek bottle of Dr. Class's Liver sure is a I[bdissl Clair sail Rio cape Beek osabsinieg unseal itbst•sliss. ever Soo reesipa, sad pro- .. ..' 4 Dutton sad Drsg♦iti as worthies tams the cess of the seedisiaa 10e4loiln and Beak $1. Bad by J. Wilma, sols safest. Says Drydes fib.kaows her teen, sad whoa yes feet and swear " Can draw you to her with a ' le hair. ten my oounirt Berne Douglas. the whole am sot •egsttobed ee Sieg. I wee itn•ured by the use 04 Cfa♦ALraa HAIR 8°/4 .t else bJ. Wilapa ry, w le , in my opaline, M aught W stn h ettarvsd sad beagle sod donne from p 1 ' 1 r -r - with haegbty bitterness. "Good btu- - gravity of the situation, and that after polish, and whom destiny seamed at k •., 1st to post for years, I don't may this Beatrice's fingers deflated the edge oC flb7 way 'el e•eeplaint I rejoice now Read the testi rob another wan '" •s ` ' ,g letter from the doctor, "Near.t was a man so bawd by air- the shawl that wu draped round hit a that I bad that expsriwnse f A tomtit ms-alliitlat'110 pamphlet on Dr. Yin "It oeald Dot be," said Beatrice. "011, Likes had peacefully to bed. Rea.," he eaid to hireeslf, s•grlly littiw orate closely than hoicks, but her many that I should newt hale !shoat Bit..'. lgidoey Cure, then buy $bottle Morten, it is impossible." rice turned from her room to her cousin . «I mast alio, some gratitude to the we- •cies was w tool and steady es ever without it It taught me, amongst nth- so tog pretties yourself Your offgall eth &strew "I have kieuwn word for it. Thy do. —there was only a sitting room between man who worked with ate, for Bettie i when she answered t tell you ee thio_•. t° Jot no %with in en7 man— ell about it. Sold try J Wilson Goderschl you force mato soon N ' ba eat rebbiog the Esu roots—aid looked at the grotty asks, only •few boats ago. But 1 woi t "I sm here to ask Tots to retests me especielly if he he 9m the house— robbing Bertie. Douglas's golden -haired creature as she lay asleep. bs forged into silence. Unless soma et- iron the pramiee..' "Thai was a hard lawn," said Ba - house -when you found him. There is The early dawn was creeping in between planatious is forthcoming I11 hen the' She looked at bum unflinchingly, as et Inc.,iwho was wstobing bio attentively, no other explanation. He does not deny the curtains of the room. Beatrice best whole story out to the light of day. Pee- .he had made a very ordiary request ; "Ay, it wits hard. I learnt it in pri- it. lig only mud fiat hue hod n worthl down is the dim !slit and kissed for to, will believe me now. I Lave toiled there was even a touch of imperiousoles son." object. A worthy object indeed i - I cousin'. forehead. "No berm shalt come herd °neigh to get into a position when it ber tone ; but Aotbooy's leo. changed "La prison 1" heard no more." to you it I can *vest it, my darling," she they would believe me. I'm tot going when he heard it. A desk swept einem "ti's, Mia a .sila.ent Yeo are talk - "He cannot be in his right mind. murmured, a the turned away. "I to be baulked of my nvenge, although his forehead ; his brows contracted a if Ing to • man who was once in jail let 1 Some delusion must hare taker hold he will sacrifice .mytltitg to your h�pi- Miss Esilmont /nay come to me • bun- with anger ; (ben h. .railed i0 *D odd, theft." him. Dr. Aiello says such delusions ars seas." \ dyed times and beg me to keep the secret. suet of way, The grim triumph of his tots, the "Ab," be said i. an , still st�ghtlorwtrd gleam .f his keen dark looking st her from under his bent brows .lea, led B.•tries to exclaim, impalsivo- with a keen sarcastic look, "this is what .n— it is to trust to a woman'. word." "Ah, but you were not guilty !" Theo Bstrioe flushed scarlet."No," he said, and • sombre look "You speak ," she seed. ease Tato these piercing eyes ; "no, I was with dignity, in .Fite of that vivid blush. not guilty. But I bore the penisbment. "You do not know the circumstance 1 aro not really any the wane for (bat in which I am placed. I would not will- either ; only—it wee nut • ugly bre.k ley word, bet 1 am foread— piea••nt one. I do not forgive the per - forced to"" son. who broeght it upon me." "I understand," said Anthony, with a "And now," said Beatrice, with • slight bow aid eatirlcal smile. "Yee strange tittle catch in her voice, "tee find that the matter cannot be explained time you bite made your wa7 in tie satisf•ctortly, and famty pride prevwsN world, new that you are known and re - your acknowledging the truth. I soden Iced ad , now you re - stood perfectly." ggret that you have not the pudica which She was silent. She found it difficult would have been yours by right if your b deny his statement ud the note. And grandfather had not disinherited his it would have taken a groat deal of pros- an !- sere too bring Beatrice to the point of "No,', said Anthony sternly. Whig a his—oven far those she loved. de net regret it" "MT.Lsekhart," i les , "Tee eo,ty , ate P•r1N- ly and coldly, "I am obliged, ss I ttgMgg, %bit could have been $ leader et about to a7, to throw myself upon your ► Ti. would bare had a greet esr- toercy. I era going to break my word. sees," T do not lite breaking • promise, but it is no arts to ask me ' beet. this owe. Draw what conclusions you will. I shall say nothi.g "Enloe me : has Mr. Gerald Retbvw ;sea ! to think that (.rsld should try W w*tug feria hour or .o end receivi.g last to have pled within his hands. B�� hlsevitsg. ibie. And do you net remember,'' She west beck to her owr room, sad Of all things in the wcrd a secret is what taut Betric, gaining couteye •s s1,e ther hand fell by movement I hate. I will not be bound down to went 00, "that when he was little boy, upon the packet of paper that had fallen keep 'this one. And yet—it's • horribly he had some odd fancies --optical defu- out of the box in the burning house. She hard thing to recuse her—under the civ - Bions init things of that kind ---" drew them out and het them on the table cumudaneea" Lord Morvan had reooverd hu esim- before her. Should she keep them to Re gnawed his black mcoetache and neo by thio time. He owe and took his pelf. es the Motet had cnenedied `• looked down at the Boor. He had stop - cousin by the hand. "My dear Bow- Butte 1 Should she conceal thorn, or pod sheik in bia walk, sad was leaning trice," b• aid. ''t•4921114 .6 even- rash thought --destroy them as 5 .151051 a most, pillar wbish format one neper led him to alai- " It this cense hs links in the chain of tratdence tkst might .f the nipper% to an archway about half - accuse• h►ms.lf of staling. He avuwa one day be Seed regale proving of Ger- way down the corridor. Thus absorbed it ; des night almost thinit that he glo- eld'e crime 1 Which should she do 1 in thought, he did Dot hear the rustle of tied In it, I wish 1 had reason to doeli, looked down st them thoughtful- • woman's dress beads him, and sot w- hin word." S row determination moulded the til • glesm of light front's ile fell Be.tric. 1.yed her yot•nigat cutteirt. �^es of her lips and changed the ex- upon his face was lib conscious that Miss with • sister's boa Lilise was' well pressipn of her eyes. "At any rate,' Esulmont had come at last worthy of her affection ; but (herald,wild, .be said to herself half aloud, "I will iks started sod changed his position, wayward, erratic, u his coarse had al read then int." looking at her will` involeat•rtly admit - ways be... received perhaps a larger big eyes. Then was something in her .bare of her tenderrit.e than 11. by any appearance whi.h compelled hie admits - means deserved. It was this .eros.. tion. She was still pale with fatigue and waver sisterly foiling that welled up in pun, but there was a light in her spa her heart and mooed to risk even Mor which told of • triumph tibia he toad ten's displeasure --tonally • somewhat not understand. She had not changed formidable thing—Dy pleading in (;er- ald's fetor• her dress, but from some womanly is- • "Yee .au help to sacs him. will fou .tinct, perhaps, of 'tiding dignity to her , she had caught op and Hung aoto Moven ?" she aid. "You will set round her graceful shoulders a rich, soft be er$l to liar 1 You would pot surely - -auntie--give ilia up----" She atop .bawl of Indian manufacture, where gold pad sot lung to gay mare, although threads Blamed out from between the 71 c`ijtAPTER XIV. atATllt•Ii c •A$UAI(t. Dull, inspirited, and entirely ill at ease, Anthony Lockhart had waited for what rowed to him an eternity of time. Miss Sssilmoat had estanlj protnisd to we his again and, if posibte, to ex- plain to him the suspicious circumstances ander which Gerald Ruthven had ben ijjly tam area of her eosin _Totad„in Bsrt:.'s house ; but she abyed than sayone dee in that household. away so long that be began til wnniser himself preseot- d . which Lord Murv.p ba "1 shall do nothing," said Noreen whether she had forgotten her promise, ww to her on • n141 from a tripto stonily. Then, as he tuned away, Rea- or whether he had been mistaken as to trice heard him murmur, "I bare dune what she had said. He had chosen to India. Beatrice's left hand was in a too much already."oaks the long corridor bis resting -plat. ; ding ; she held the candle in her right, and as she raised it a looked miml She would bat. made mom. rejoinder there were plenty of seta ranged here and proudlyinto Astbar S faro. ' but for Dr. AItlie's re- . The and there along the sides, std numerous 7 old man expressed some surprise at bar pictures and weapons on the walls with "May T trouble yon," she said, "to up so tong after her eneoing which to oeespy his atteutien. Ilut come with me into the library t We of excitement and fatigue, and recant- Anthony was to seriously disturbed in may be 1 bete at any moment; mwnd*j„ her in polite but perersptoio mind to give any thought to these die sad I have smoothing important to say Beanies aeeopted trueness. Re was beginning to .wake to yon,' doll blue and crimson and amber hues -- •'No, 1 1 fit fors gas., daugh,tar been unable to make any repr.sewta- tious to you on the 50bhct r "If be has," said Beatrice, . • y "i am soot at liberty to lay them be- fore you. "Then," said Anthony, tentatively, "you are prepared fax my placing the whole matter in Bertte'a hand. 1" "No ; • thousand tuna no." "Then what do you expect me to do, Mie Essilmont i' "I expect nothing. i only .•k you to he generous. Borneo pmpeity is in safe The man's spa Bashed at the wend Of the softly wawa- eawtescs. Then he smiled, and folded his arms. "You red character quickly, • Miss Essilmoot It is a dangerous gift," he WILSON'S W 7 Wit said. ane snow i.... he would - - ledge to her that her words were like $ obrion-call to hint ; that she had laid her lager n.erringly on the sore place in his heart - the that he must necessarily rrimais obscure for many yen, even it he obtained ■oecea in the end, bemuse of his poverty, and the bed start that he had ked in beginning life. VEo SHED . PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT FRANK LAZ.,,ijR,US (tate of the Arm of Lexa.mi�i.itorris) Row* sd lipstllebs stalls Kisues These etteetaeia andrs .• 5s have been used for the put hi yeses, &Mntvea kt every Isetasee unbounded eallsf etion, They aro ram ware not veva Vow -a. TDM sever tire. amid lama maiey year* without change. run BALL 1st Yates & Acheson, ■ltevrlfts Y<Ma%loo, C#ODERIOH_ FRANK LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER 114ltarilas4 goad, Harrow (taw(. IA\LOf(, gNGLAND. Hate Lazarus & Mohs. Hartford, ('ono l Row she divined all tins ebe smrcel tta.No nnneetlnn with any other Arm le the 1 1►anielon et (a•amida Stanw. Perhaps the needs et the spirit Jen. fatb. lost tp011r bowed end followed. He felt are easily divined by those who have her diem meaty, only bargaining to •keen souse of the x+ AnthonyAntittahT hands. He has been wronged of notb- felt the same And Beatrice esu of an e to bo celled if any dengeroes symptom sud cateesbleoss of ehis position. •flet eteseeioeg that be ought ko apologise that li A. • tag h ht to tell her that he could tryst tag' ambitious dispo.itton. should deslste itself or she 000ld be of .11, ss Miss Redltrtneit lad said, be had any use. Lard M seemed to take .o especial tight to interfere. if Lord little notion sI bar dspatrturs He wee Morelia— Katie's guardian—woo gaffe leaning .pina the well, as if same un- Bed, T.eekhsrt could do sod ay nothing. wasted phyais•I wakeeas had overtakes 1h• knew well enough flat the einem- him ; hie he wN deadly pale, and his elegem in *high be had been lewd eyes were rivetted to the Boor. It wee raKht easily be etplained—that he hint - Stephen Airla who opened t11. door for self would parody have thought thew Mies Nestleseet, and bowed her out with sssptsiw but for tbs bets in Oers11'e that Orem (*Overbear whish classier• Plot .111.0, whisk merle 1Iu, is An - led him in eempaay with yowl psupb, . dues'a eye, foo Byer untrustworthy Ho teed Marven did set hear the doctor had known for years that it w Oswald tfYppord in the girl's ear as she lett the Ronne, Lead Mnrven's brelb r, who room "Keep tb••• papaw to teereelf, eolenitted ala theft harem the bookstall 0o he MM," lot whish Antbony lad beet penirad her and would wait for an explanation "Of Detbieg t Well, perhaps not enol it was for her to give Tet • man has surely • right to know him we; but his teugne seemed to clave to the roof of his.sodh. He Geoid not speak. She led the way to the library, • gnat dark roots in which her coodle made • seers Bicker of light.. She set It down on the fable, and then signed to him to take a chair. A queen could not have bas MOr* oddly distant in manner, cr mote enertennely mindful of her visaor'e eonvenl no•. • Here Aethnny foetid teast when an attempt to rob him has leen made-- - Beatrio* made • sharp, sodden move- ment away from hits, u if he had in- flicted physical pain upon her. Anthony stopped abort ; he felt • moment's oom- penetion for having hurt her, kat he was in no particukry gentle mood. 1. ou , are eery hard," said Beatrice, Bet, swing that he would not show base pate tdm beloved he felt, .he chang- ed h. felt, .he slanged her tunes. Flhe was not speaking at random ; she had • point in taw. She thought she saw a way d beading even this proud man to her will. Time toter began to ria in her cheeks se she went on ; in spite of her ..sal calmness die telt her hands trem- ble. She ►.d • test in her possession, and she dM tet msss to pre it for ooth- amost pemi.is.tey "What makes you ins- flow leech wood h• pay hue he en hand r' pare yne no pity t i the knowledge of what ale knew 1 thought, from what Bettie told us about "'Caen it nos ere ao :hub oboes rut B. CORNELL UNDERTAKER, Ilse the Finest Asewtmest of Finn (-(sus ('nuns, 4'eskets end t'5dert•kan' tiocele to Tows. acts Hawse tore e as Itesaonabie FURNITURE 1 1- - FURNITURE 1 A• 1•.n.l he Keeps the ('HICAII;'T AND BURT Wash of mittr Kl('uh o4sof hi/traitors. 1 N it fo I Oan Undersell Any Other Furniture Man In Town. 1 Aiao Dell the C,etetwoled It. * armed Im proved Raymond Suring I&chiie l stn wr. • (''all au mere Nona ODe••rte Mortises Nast. Hmit.tltos Goilerlch. p.c. tn1, 1ttt,. Ell.