HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-23, Page 66 STRAWBERRIES. • flus ItURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1(16. ♦ emit ler paamp'•. a N ash the (ass a twlMMe of carbolic aced, allowing m t..ep..eoful W • pint of water. This le Garden °altar* of This Delioiotts •n •*ce11e61 And verifying totem, and Fruit. say be used on the meet delicate akin. B• careful shoo letting tha_wab get Ito to your rye_ or it will weaken them. M . 1 • Better, a M) . Were, and a Sed of limed well de le Teethes . - Wow - bee Iv.. People living in large cities have due • the past law yews been supplied with strawberries during two Jr three months of each mama at very low rates. In fact, strawberries have been the cheapest fruit on the utarket. Possibly the recent los prices have had the effect ul discourag- ing growers from planting new fields,and quite likely the price of berries will b. higher. Strawberries are generally ••.eros and high in villages not on the line .1 any of the wrest railways. Com- paratively few people livtug in village• sad haying good vegetable std dower gardens raise .tawb•rnes for the supply of their families' still smaller num bar of farmers isirll stratelm.ress. The resson for sot raising this must delicious of all the fruits that can be produced is this latitude are various. Some think that they can not afford the money to lr. the history of medicines no, preps buy the plants. Others thiuk that they ration has received such uni•ere•l cues have not the time to sett tbeut out sold iaendatiou. for the alleviating it sBbeds ettltiv•te thew. Still others have an and the permanent cure it effects in kid - idea that crest skill is required to raise' nay dreams as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney, strawberries, or that they ors luxuries Ones. Its action ia these distressing that only wealthy potpie in cities au complaints is simply wonderful. Bold afford to eat. by Jr, Wilson- 2se The tibjeat of this article is to show how any family can be supplied with strawberries of excellent quality at very small omit of money, tune, or laud. The method described may not be the best one, but it te one that has been followed by the writer of the article for assay years, with the must satidect..ry results. The amount d tend required is one square rod ; the number of plants need- ed to est it is tine hundred. Them Oasts can ordinarily be obtained for $1. This is the only money outlay The laud should be moderately rich field or gar den soil. It should he spaded by use who knows hue to bindle the spade skillfully. It is a flood plan to layout a walk from owe t.• three feet wie en tirely around the plat The pleats are to be sot in rows eighteen inches apart each way. A eau ammestomed to the tee of • spade an prepare the .oil end maks lb. walks in one hon,. Abunt hell ar hour's time will be regrind for letting the plants. The veto.* should better that sprint from ruiners last year. The lower and dead testes should M cut fr•m thein Ire the wee ul .hears If any of the rots are very Iota[ it is best to shorten these with s sharp knife ur shears. H..Im for the mots an be Swede with a laiden tr..wet ••r a hie. If the Omuta are set •.ut the last a April or the firer .d M1ry they will cost- menee to gr.e Ismedstely. The culti- vation ea very eider. It coaaats is keeping the groan entirely free from grass and weeds by the use of a sharp hoe. All the ground in the bed can be worked with the hoe and the walks cleaned out in half on hour s tome each week. As tlowerstalks appear they shuuld be cut off before blossoms opens. The object the first year should be to seise pleats and not strawberries. If the young pleats produce dowers and be -nes they will make hut a small growth. If the dower stalks are re- mo.ed the plants will grow to • large sire and will occ•ipy nearly half the ground. In July and Angust runes will appear, and as they do they should be cut or pinched off while they are tender and before they exhaust the strength of the plants. In order to ob- tain strong plants for setting a bed next year the runners of the outside lows may be allowed to take root on the strip of ground nest to the walk- After the young plants have become established the runners connecting them with the parent plants should be cut off. 137 adopting this course they become self• ss .porting. 1 case there im a drought late in the summer the plants can be kept in • growing condition by covering the ground between the rows with a mulch of green eras • r other material that will prevent evaporation and keep the soil cool. Om the approach of freezing weather the plan alis be covered with straw, held i by long sick.. Early the next We this covering should be removed, and the soil between the plants loosened by the use e( • fork or hoe. At this time a new bed can be formed end sot with the plants raised on the edges of the old bed. The bed first set will be in the best condition for pro• ,4ucu z e large crop of fine berries. Three hundred punts will furnish straw- berries fur a large family, though they est them three times a day. 11 the sea- son is favorable they will also furnish at least a bushel of berries that an be canned or preserved. .The crop will not be an enpirow.• T'f of its production is , 1 by $1 worth of plants, one gay's work, end nen of one std of ground. The pleasure the strawberries will •tf.rd can not be estimated try money. They will insure grad living at time of the year when luxuries are difficult to obtain on farms• it lands wares, as it may be in the case of a village psrdea, the plan" in a bed can be spaded under after they have prodtasd one crnp. They will continue, however, to produce fair crops of tolerably good berries for two or three years. Rut the largest and finest berries ars produced on plants that have been set bet one year and cultivated in the manner above ds.rnhed. No ber- ries obt*ined in a city market edam! thew g rown in • garden and picked within an hour of the tire' they are brought to the table. strawberries that are to be carried a long distance in • railway ear must necemerily he Melted before Ors are fully nor+. They are lacking in the color, taste, and smell of strawber- ries that 'have became fully ripe on the vies, and wlieth have not been injured M handling. InOdom/ trona • g•rdon hod tor the nen of the family only the riper should be retested. The hull should he left es the stalk. and the harries placed dir.stly is the duh in which they are to he pet oe the table. A little merino will enable one to Bath vie them as fast this way as can he dose whiten the hells are left os the berries. National ('ills act promptly upon the Lies,. regulate the bowels and se a pur- g•tire are mild and thorough. len IAO 0/ Fa1DArt-Person. who have superetitiout dread a Friday will net be plumbed to learn that this is a thorouehly Friday year. It case in ue • Fruit., will go out on a Friday. and will have 53 Fridays, There are four mouths in tb• year that have the Fridays each . changesuf the 111o•m occur five times 00 • Friday, and the It meet and sli..rtest day est the year each falls on • Friday. A Retorter, -Of one direst "TSAasa air- to any one sending th. beat tutu lin- rhyme esu . rtasssay, the remarkable little gein for the Teeth and Eat.. Ask your druitetes or address Dr. i.w'. }'learnt Worst Syrup An efreeeMe, safe end .feetESI remedy t.. remove all kinds of weeny. tai SW PERRY DLVia' PAIN -KILLER Phesieseas, Ministers, Miaskuwaries, iltenuyere Aviaries, Work -sups, PIwtations, Nurse i• llospttals, -oo short. eeer,llodp everywhere 0n, 44.1 ever gross it a tea:. M►I5D Will A 0 ISO OLASS Or 0Or DILa ACD SUGAR, IT WILL Z5 'UMW* A 54*1400 CCM' log SUDDEN COLDS. CHILLS. COIX- t;F.STiON OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS. PAINS IN THE STOMACH, BUS- TER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT ..11c. APPLIED 1*ZTaaaLLLT, •I►.aISCCI 111A8 mores IT TOR MOTT tl rSCTIVE min ZEST Lr01MEZT 00 /ANTI! 10 05005100 T.a mal! * 0 (8100 I•O% SPRAINS, BRUiSES. RHIEUMA- TiR'f, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE. 131 R't , FROST BITES, be , E. Vets. per Bottle. p' Beware of Imitations. "tag CAMPBELL'S , CATHARTIC COMPOUND is effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not or rasion nausea. and will not create irri- tation and eongesti on as do many of the usual cathartics ad- minister+l In the form of Pale d< Ladies and Chil- dren having the most sensitive sto- machs take this medicate without ttue- ble or complaint. Carragl.L's CATSASTIC Coweot-?D is especially adapted for the cure of Livia Correa -Demean) Btuoes Des- OaDssa Fns Acre BTOMACI1 ACD LOU or AP- P./ME. r-r/ME. Toa SIVE READACils Ain I)T.PZMtA. Fut CO0$TI?ATI.OI 00 COOTi?taw. Fos. ALL COMPLAINTS A•ntao rami A 1)1•ooDga5D STATE Or Tali STo- 01•'w. This medicine being in liquid form. the dose can be easily regulated to meet the requirements of different per - eons, thus making it equally well nptexi to the use of the little child as in adult- Put up in three alae. bottles, and sold by all dealers us family medicines. Pelee Mail. 2S Cents. CAMPBELL'S ONIC1 ECIXI tion potent �h 7adapted forte relief and cure of that clams of thunder* attendant upon a low or re.lncnl state tittle aye est. and usually accompanied by Pallor, Weal:otos and PalpIitatinti est the heart. Prompt requite . will follow Its use in rates of S i filen Ev battalion arising from Lasa of Blood. Acute or ('hrnnie 1►isra*ew, awl in the we.kttr.e that Invariably accompanied the recovery from Wasting Fevers. No remedy will glee Imre speedy relief in Dyspepsia or indigent ion, its action nn the stomach being that of a gentle and h•rnileed ionic, exciting the urgent of itgeatinn to action, and thus affording immediate edit permanent relief 'Ili. carminative properties of the different aromatics which the Flier contains render it useful in Flatulent Dyspepsia. 1t is a visitable remedy for Atonic Dyspepsia, which is apt to occur In lemons of a gouty eharacter. - -_ Far. 1 I Blood, Lore of A ppeer, 1' , and in all ratio.• where an effective aid certain s.imn- l•nt is iegnired,tthe Elixir will be found invaluable- b. -4k r n In levers of a Malarial Tmi, and the venires evil remits fdlnw expo- ser. xposer. to the Mid or wet weather, it will prove a rehire* restorative, as the comtenatlon of Cinchona Calieay$ and Serpentaria are •nievesi fly recognized as apecide. for the •bov.mamed disor- der.. Sold fy alt !heeler* in Family Medicieet Prim, $1 per Dane, se miss /tattle. fur 0 Davie et Lswvenee 0o. (LNdMd) SOLD Acura itiowm.s,t, P.Q. • Same'. nese amlZSs.g le the only relief ter Neu- ** Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- tll� a ben drupe briskly r all that a Deeded No asking nauseous asedisIDes for weeks, but •ate oinute'seopplitamee remorse all pain sed willthe great value of Kram s Fluid btainj. 26 mats per bottle at George drag More b To tee amuse) r,wse•etea, ono alt whim M tray s'eiesi. Ph..plat a/as, or Nerve loos, a Phos- phate Element bawd upon ttcientibc Facts, Formulated' by Professor Austin, M. 1). of Boston, Masa, cures Pulmon- ary C , Sack Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting drsmees of the' humoau system. Phusphatine is not • Mdeoine. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Pourer, Opiates N amentia, and no Stimulants, but snug y the Phosphatic and Oneiric Elements found in our daily food. Anngle bottle is sufc ont to convince_ All Druggists sell it. 1$1.00 per bottle. Lowbill & Co., sole agents for the Dominium, ITh Front Street Eat Toronto. Char* It, 'Malden. ltmis.. rob. 1. 111. Destbmea- 1 mitered with attacks of sick haadaehe,- Neuraltrie, tamale trouble, for yeas in the moat terrible and mer. No medicine or doctor meld give so relief or cure until I used Hop Bitten. 'The drat bottle Nearly cured me ;' The around diadem' as well end strung as when a child 'Aad I have been •e to this day.' My husband -Pas •a invalid for twenty years wits a serious Kidney, liver end urinary semplaint, 'Pronounced by Boston's best physi- ciass- 'Incurable ' Seven battles of year butes eared bio. aid Lkaow of the 'Lives of eigl-t parser' In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitten, Aad many sure are smog them with great bereft. 'They almost Do miracles lm Ms. t D. Sleek. SELLING OFF AT De Harveys Soura•alt Rao Pros ket been prepared vote meet skill amid ear.. sad the proprietor a onidden% it will resusisiZ /n Cass& the reputato l it ham se jestly woe in oke Vatted Stales. For sale at W stain's prescription drug stone. Alas Baia, ttwerel merchant, of Coldwater, 1)nt. , says : - Dr. Hert er's Bosthsr. IW Pias is witboet doubt the best eusgb sedidins I ever sold. It has dune mum good than other, aid is a household wrrfd amend Coldwater. Iwo COST! GREAT BARGAINS 11e Teas, rsc- ,i. tz.L vv GAxe w Crocicerar, MALL N" ARAN, Sic., Eta. T_ P. Z 11.0) ('r•bh. Block. Court Ileum Sq. Ooderich. April •:i. lSSI 1543 Farmers' Attention The undersigned has • Choioe Srtectioa el l'.ir.•. Mea EDS of the following varieties: --Whin Duchess. Lutvrne, Alike, Trefoil. Pea Pies and Red Clover. Timothy. Lawn and all varieties of Ossao suitable for permanent pasture. Oats. Whoa.. Peas, Dsrl.y. lire. /leans. Bucbwheat, Cora, Tares and Pim; also Field and Garde. Seeds of last years grewth true to sane. A full assortment of Flour and Feed. The Celebrated Value Churn - -the beet is the market. A ooasignment of ("mice. Plinth Tew am - strains of Huck. Grain aid Japans -whole- sale what -sale and retail. A large &manual et Money to Lean. R. PRICE, Masonic Block, Ear Street t3.wele►. March llth. 1,N. 1Mi • GFOI)ERICH WOOLEN HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Thu Company is Leaning Money ea Forum Secuw'ify et L.u.tslt Balm of interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINO8 BANK BRANCH. J, 4 grad 5 per tier. Internet 41wred Deposals, (cordiil y to smoeat end time left. OFFICWr �M ked Square sad gore HORACE Holtifeir. *awarsa. Oodariob. Aim. Kb. fins. INN - MILLS_ To the W.....i I:ro err of the Surrounding , CS/entry : W0 sielt to say teat ere are),rerirrd to take year west in *measure for atom- or wort 14 for you isti0 soy et the following articles. viz Blankets White, Orey or Horne. Shirting's or Cheek. � Cloths -Tweeds or Full Cloths, , Light or Heavy. i Flannels --White, Gey, Colored. , Union, Plain or Twill. Sheeting• -Broad or Narrow. • Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Onr facilities for this work ranee( be ear osased W. will eade•vor la tweet eases to do ti tee day It is brought in, 1f r.pnired. Custom Spinning and )t..line. or SNnni.g on the Cap,warm or gee. hard or soft twist, a required. We are In a posli.wn to de all Made o1 sae tem work. usually done 1a a fall art elegem Mill. avid we will retreatee to do for you fulty must if not a little kilter tee. miy 10 our A call reepectfuiIy solicited. E. McCANN, Ewe Red Wooten Mils, Ood.Nrk. Nay 11th, lel. West Street Int lariat. Audres & JohllsEdD. ALL Keit1m 0r MEATS c0.d.I Attewtlea orad PreerI Delivery. A CALL S01.1rnKD. Des. tiee,1818 tare SO TO KNIGIiT'S Pea • SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAM POO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS Styr 0? P.0 1M17 GODRICH BAILER WORKS H••• just received 4arge .tock of BRASS t IRON STS FITTINGS - Agricultural Implements. C. H. GIRVIN Hop sage Myths Agricultural ispM..set berseas, turd repr'aseau the ta•rwero Romeo : - HARRIS as SON, Brantford, BINDEKb, ¥owl wf alibi Bini•O" CUCK8H1TIT, Brantford, PL(►wti, HAY WADERS And FVLI$a. MASSON MANUFACTURING CO., (hhawa, SED DUILLn and Limy illowklis. BOILERS & EQINES Hes Salt Pana aad Boilers littsiit en Shortest Notice. Nal orders for new work mid repairs (cell n prompt attention. th BLACK, Work. near O. T. K. Station. Iiioderick Feb, U. le.l Ins DUNN'S BAKING POWDER n��mcae[stEn AURNT TOR 11011111116 New YorI Sffior Se*Lug I3CbiloeS. , IIMe OHarries street. • few deers brew the oiliseme Hetet KeepYour Feet Dry! B061.6114 �&� SHOES AT THE t1SORE OP E. DOWNING, C abb'c Bloc 1 bare MOW M Asad use tersest stoat ever Mower !• 0ederieb. sad comprises temp lies as esey feud is • So elms shoe stem hens the iseet W. through all the lateramillate glade to the heaviest cowhide I will sell at Prices that Will Snit Everyone. 'us' Botta, it Button ar Lam, from 11,00 to 15.00. Asea sed 0hiin'a Strang Mug Boots, from 75c. ap. Bey: de.,11,0014, all other des Proportionately Ohetpr DjHAIM YOU � a.lj.� is G'petai cit., 1 ..ee A.:. is Bt .ea.e, ar ray Assess arias Rem • damage i.w. Da. CsaKs Levee Cosa wilt he feud a .v rad ossein ready. NATURE"• IIEMEBY !ti _aeaetif ma wmsss of Dr. C1ss.'e Ilse Care i Liver Ceetpt-iia,.ms misty .ill the fait that it i a..pwaded fromsbrl. .ea.kno.•i 1 Mmiesue alta DA•itaLIOII, coating WWI w Wier iteledble roots, larks and. la.... - sawwfsl disci en u►. Kidneys. (onion. Sewels+. Sues 11800,000 SOLO► Jur srinlr. 140. wf Dr. Chefs Rare. Bosh 0,911 041 b mange ahem. bre ere ..wy .e. •arae. ea/ AIM war Is *.5w*te.I rad Liar Cor /doll a Sri eat. eara1r rowdy. BRIM= Mia. Allyn tterfrDlt Napped tiseTithlaittpLttleofDr.CkrhL/wrCs . veleabb .5fehid Medial Side red R«p B osethe esetekthe met ... d sseemgoIsts*1 Mvalm acus. mid sea U..e.he priesl8.madisssdliier WITMN Ceg. 4. sat ted piston Pias. ei ewes. DT Straw's Korn as tint Isla. n tai pr but SOLO •Y ALL OILALEAS p T. SOMA•00M f 10•. 0.5* Agents. Osedr.0 ai'd bh JAME S WILSON GOIDRRICH_ Oet. 73.4. ItM6. lnli-b HerARe��SAL III RAM ', eiYa Restores grey ' item! color. moves Dandnmff ethe ha ke. rabbet cut, lacgeues i wed tail eel the AS a hair dna ire. it has=tit. Gief a RrltatM/ t Lein Oat. amhr 1 oa..ed wW Nit you, bets is goods sad prices. _ 0 w NTNG,' Crabtia Bleak, Curlew lima street and Bgsare. N.1l---Te the trade . Leather sad Sadiagv in say Qeantl y, et Lowest Prins. EASE AND SEC u RITY " • Viiia napest•ts tilt da.bie trace without the belt. `tote the .ansae d ain sarhde wows thawed in the gad. by tile!) • totr4LNT lt.t .5.y WARD GOGBRrAS,- Dru SOLE AG -ENT• GIODFr .io IAV•iry Stk. 1006 DEHIEL 60RDON, �ABjNETMAKEA% I) LliktAILNU $, UNDERTAKER. y it will Tay 50 to or i tai pour 1 home from. 10* a . sad. a limo . sew a emm•Isb i demo" adept my ewer menet of advert'I .fly, bet will see Ion • gem pekes eral meet at e. that mama be surpassed Kt= oesieteredi. baths Catenating 110.5. abet veiled for the peer ea well as mai I base aim added the p..ees of li,mialssies, 5* ties parties haying to seed bodies OC frikm tsse • distance made teat reasonable cad. DANIEL G-ORDON, Slstreet, 0owee derlcb. b.Sa the Poet Ole* sad Saab _I 9. ria 74111. 16N3. Leal -mss \ - Extensive- Premises and' Splendid New Stock: aEO. ELArtiPkilir, CAI3ai MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton 8lneet,pGodericb A greed sosertmees ee S: sslisa, Dad-room,Duit*(� Suva and Parlor ' Enilame .art M t Dles.Cheir.tbair. es, .rd weed seated). U.pe_irds. Bed -steeds, Ystrtssee, 'Tunisian-I., Lawmen, Sofas, What -:ten, 1.eeki.. uta.,. . of OsM•.aed Blreads always ss bead alas Hearses ter J at re.so.able rate . Ptot.rs roomiest a seeeislty,-A eat stashed . 1751 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPE Noels t he t Iter. it you wish one or ewe Nee rooms at home. tools Bettor seat Se Ne bee over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Dsautlfn mews mid at wirelike* tem very musk laterier `rods. Cal imams les. ITN arethe bootees/ la tows. avid mast be.old The 1aiest Spring Bazaar P4s & Fashions, AT B �, ,<..FR•FJ Fun unb 1'ulieeas•n-"You I here ler es Auer. it raided el yo0r awes. It a mime satisf•eti the man who beide • year homestead. H. sosept year premasa Minster -•'i •m to new chime for the clic y0• 11" i,eJw't door to th A pair d duns► balls U,q.eo(itabb pawn of pugilists in the apt There ins • man io T • ''0asle.k." 1t is to bass lite this. "Yoe are d•rged • by so epee window as sonoyeaso of year tie marietrite. "Orally "G.itt ' ''Five dull your Homer," proles who had preferred the torimithe tarounistanoe inimagiseL He playa spa, 'We ere eery Masa mad L" ''O ! 1 It is estimated that deaths are cawed by r try than by eoevtry ohm Andyet tare ■ drowelog them by the York, while ram as about seeking wheat Whoa a scan diem Irmo a wry is sot raised t. ■ barrels or dump the Rarer to provost .t Mg victims. "lir. T`ri•Ikal•tio•,' to tie bskk.e�.r, "y day hat week. was essooced • feaefal el nay year ' said the old ai bei 9ete Dido TKA,. y thought Lora yew titttksla•d bet. " nit salenes.) _R'tr reported beim C .I. r erosterol. The wile fist std rleet al thing, Gladsome theism smile. Within the deme 1s AttNd, •wit� 8 S hrtw• !ass.•�nsh the t wFi► ..eh ea mer 1>br en basil F� W' eti•ra11 Ig Ne Mie the And deep terse That she'd goes l(r. Oases ie .1t tate This is ppsbatl7 eaf to flit eat. Tim 11.11 l.F The (rand further traissba which we toots ie f "mows" R might. that the work by d.eidi es ties' effect it waste 'Then te situs in the remark and read about the fight ••a rim Rad that Mr. Blake the aeeeatesa .d, aced. • bad ' meet made a Romps made a will gain votes is liberals who utast also made a will be able to rio. Tao a murretitl all thea talk about • is that polities is which our The ohms hof the political sham bets make the people -rad way Moore Mai so a to dawa as ttmair `bolters' may be dpi ASIS- It to supper for • assist and may have had when they sated ettii.sae in the Eking 'moves' life of this ora degraded that two MOO play a game halfbreed, it Neigh allow tie hal rat the flirt Best waif) so p Q umLi'11 t,t l x OIL WOMB PEERDESS OITA. Wiry Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all the thin during the Ezhibitton, It has been awarded 8LZ BOLD 1t®ai.8 dart the last three .ars areae that you get PEIRLggg, It 1s'oniy made by rev SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. \FATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Times, Nov. Me, 1116. 1j r ls Kthe gime weer a We world fain k number of those oegtromme Mete think therlorre of them, we are • anything of the el� wi. M Yw"!'"'� teed the bides, are pIoper��l) gate•. Their IS better than the ars.' For five slanderous der eekeuede gree.: meet pales' of err yen ago Sir Alf lbdtbee Ottawaaend • widerlet Reit �Rtso M ta•sa ; gad ens 11 heaIb, isee Min le 11..dyatee#ad wsseasr mad 1 t1.vi17 to same• dining