HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-23, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL n, 1886. John Pearae,ia! West tl awaaosh, is laid op by an .bole el pleurisy. John Colds is floating he supply of logs down tie Maitland. The river is quite high, the weather rowel, and every - iliac favorable fyr a rapid transit. Mrs. Knight sad daughter, while drty- iag Rome from wrote, oa Sunday morn- ing, wen stulsot thrown out of the Dot Mrs, bight was seriously hs John Grandee, who on April 1st suf- fered frust exposure, is at prve.ot in s critical condition. I .e.mmatuon of the lung is the prank al result of John's ta- ds/rows is strong Brittk immiUer. Mr. Stewart has puroha.ed the property adjoining hu cwn, and consisting of 17 atria, from Jonathan Miller for Slrtib0. Mr. Roister *has fat the contract of building a shble oo his property nest the bridge to J. McGibbon and A. Heddle Ws must congratulate our newt fledged soot , Thomas Good, on this sueass of his maiden attempt on 17th lnst„ in 000ductuig the sale of J. Miller's personal property. We would judge from the oomplimentary remarks passed that he will get his share of politic pat- ronage. He was trod at that stk. will nu doubt be better at the nett, and will won be bat Rev. Mr. Cameron, Presbyterian min- ister, of this village, preached in the Methodist ohur(lit here both mono's* and evening last Sunday. We are glad to learn that the youno people's are largely at .d hese Tho dentist visited Dungannon last week. He lilt some of the young ladies minus their teeth. The sign which P. F. Hamlin has sweated adds greatly to the of his shop. Mr. Treleaven has moved to his new reaidenes hen, f rmorly owned by B. J. Crawford. Ws wish the old couple may live to spend may happy days in their new home. lusmoiat. Robt. Murdoch left on Monday last for Merrimac, to attend tbo wedding of has cousin, Walter Dryden. Win. Davis finished seeding het Mon- day. - 11is is ad sit bad for the editor of the Paramount Owe W. 8. Gado:, our esteemed black- , smith, has ,voted the farm of A. Mc- Lellan, formerly of tins plats, and will doubtless show the fanning community how the sarieultoral business should be carried on. The Murdoch Bros. have started to build our now Methodist church. They intend building only the foundation be- fore harvest. The crogoet lawns aro now .11 nicely fitted up for the maws. The first match gamy took plans on Saturday night last, Miss Jennie Brooks and W. G. Murdoch carrying off the medal. Alt Anaanors Goose -On Wednes- day last, while one of our farmer: daugh- ters was going her usual round. collect- \ ing the ems, abs was astonished to find the favorite goose dead on her toot. Sur- prised at the very sodden death of the goose, sod wishing if possible to find oat the reason, the blushing maiden tender• ly lifted her from the nest, and behold had under her tau bog eggs. She had doubtless bee. trying to heat the record of that Dunlop goose, suocneding • admirably, but died in the attempt. CUWTox'a A —Tbe Clinton seesaws haus was their labors. They have tmpp4ed the following ab- stract : Population 9731, an increase of 93 over last year. Doge 81, an increase of one. There is an increase in the vales of real property of 116,865 ; of Dnp) other than income ',250 ; e[ ta=abN income $6.2510. fhe total itaeresap of taxable t is 129,315, made up as above of $16,895 in real property and 112,500 in person. al and lawman The tutal value of per- sonal propssty and taxable income is 154,150, si nal property $529,e9666,— total taxable srsesrmsat 1584,115. It is impended that the United Empire will INNS Sarnia on her first trip up this tion. ea Tem ay as t, the 27th inst. Dress Goods for Spring Wear. LOOM Here! H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BRAN •i•.m •ORD ARE SHOWING SPECIAL VALUE 114 THE rULLOWING BLACK SATIN MERVEILi.EAUX, pure silk, froln 65c. COLORED SATIN ItERVEILLEAUX, pure milk, from 75c. THE NEW TRIOOTINE, all Shades. THE NEW FAILLE FRANCAISE, all Sbath% NOTE OUR DRESS GOODS. GOOD WOOL SIEGES, for 10c. GOOD CANVAS CLOTHS, for 11c. GOOD FRENCH TWILLS, for Inc (IOOD 45 inch FRENCH TWILLS, for 25c, GOOD ALL - WOOL NEW SHADES, for 22c. THE LEADING NOVELTIES: Soudanese Cloth. Panama Cloth. Tricotine Cloth A FULL RANGE OF TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. SAMPLESISENT ON APPLICATION. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford, April 15th, 1816 2041.3m HERIFF'S SAL= OF LANDS. Cooatyof Huron. tt 117 winos of a Writ of Wit : ( "Moe tossed out of Her l j..iy'e II (`oars of Jostle, Chan- Tooery DI sad sa areas Writ of Fleet Patios ogli to/High to nee directed sad delivered agalstt the Lands sad Tesensents our Waage Ractsa and !yes McEtrrtiv at the wit of iWtn•t.t. a: Ross I have sad takes in *doe. 1. ion sad wire ofikr for at my odtoe. la the Court Hosie, to the .f O.derlch, es Tuesday, the Sixth Day of JULY, 1886, - at the hoar of Eleven of the deck. is the foo aawwee,,tot ridded dower dike Defeads5L u, s MegtwLsv, as the widow of Rosstn McKim - ULT. deceased. her late liusbaal. In that par- cel or tract of land and premises. bei ssgi Lot Number Sit. In Cha Eleveatb (ososssl.s 51 the Townsend p of Stanley. in the Dstmty of Hem. essatalatag os. husdred .ores, taro or loss, and ell Mbar the mitts. title and interest of tot said Jaws Mc Utes in, to or out of the said lands and premises. ROBERT aIBSONS. Need. Huron. b. Tile Latest French aid Aiileiicaii Styles ' blaek ►ad " ed. 1 Spring Millinery. MRS. ti. r.sET.n —Has opescl ear her— SPRING STYLES iN MILLINERY and has bow the latest sod me eggaMwoll styles It FIoeN,i os s & TrioioFeathersR b OF ALL KINDS. AAs laspectiott of the latest soveltis, 1s beadwear. which she has sow is view, Ooderich. April .Zan. lilt.SIN Is cordially invited. 2\4 =SS VV , t t lituctxs SCOTCH G1N(iHAMti at 10 c. Catania SCOTCH GINGHAMS at 121o. Ins Basil FACTORY COTTON you etas saw for the mosey Ix;. e COTTON ADES, SHIRTINGS, AND PRINTS, AT Pilcas TUT WILL Asrtxwe Toc. All other lines in DRY GOODS cc implode. Feu. STot•a or GROCERIES. Wo Buy WOOL, Brrrsa •go LAM COLBORNE BROS, (iODERICB. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ! w ILL=gam JEA.Y WILL SELL OFF HIS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK AT COST Amnia, (lo.lt:nw, Dress (loud., a I t. Prints, Gingko nu. Se. sad So. per yard. Marlins, white and printed. Lawns, Silk Velvets, Velreteens, Sheriff'. OMSee, Oed.rlch. ► March Nth. IoM i I04S.t7t — 1N-- Hosiery, ilk,Ci hmere, Lisle. COttoe sad Wel. Gloss, Kid, Cashmere, Lisle, sad Caton. Ribbons, HeadkrrrAiefs, Silk, Lutea. Comm. Ties, Cretonnes, Lauer, Beigiors Pliaatiels, OF Wineeys, ('a Moa Flannels, ('or.rte, Xhirfings, Shirts, k!Unnitted and plain. 1'drasol., Uwebrrllua, Shirts, Drainers. Ladies' Vesta, Cotnbiwatitnt wits, H(onkets, �+lu, Hotheads, Table (loth., Towels, Nnpki ns, Curtains, Netts, Fars, Huta, laps, ikertings, White Cottons, Factory Cotton., Yarns, .(-e., its. t,40DERICB T BONNETS - Bale Commences Saturday, 27th Basch HA S, wks-,iwt-i,sx, Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings liATORgB _ Etc., Etc.. Etc. Having purchased the badness of JOSEPH vANSTONIL Marble Caner. I take this op- portunity of sanouncing to the people of the County of H.roa. that I am pow prepared to execute all orders In The Chicago House. WEST STREET. GODERdCIi, Glotere Atartl N0. loin. _ — "t= , Don't Miss the Last Chance to Buy a Little of that Cheep Meat Before it all Goes. Dederick, March kith, NS/. 140 PORK ALMOST G-01\1-- N' J I REMEMBER ! REMEMBER ! NOTE THE LOW PRICES ! TO CALL A r SUGAR CURED HAMS, 11c. per lb. SHOULDERS 8c MAL. McGILLI Y RAYB SHORT, CI�eAR SIDE MEAT, 8c. MARBLE & GRANITE .:tli A reduction be made in the above prices by the cwt. llono�co�s Ili'1lRthOPS w GROCERY ! Doderlch_ At>rtl EDEL of GEO. GRANT. I The Onab System hariag bees adopted in buylo� and selling. 1 maeraatee ('heap sad Good Etc.. Etc. Rse�atns. bovine twelve years practical experience. 1 feel ronlldent o/ Ewa, satisfaction to those tAn I i Stock and Prices solicited. wens may favor me with their orders. Highest Price Paid for Fens Produce. dorRemember the Stand. Two doors south of tiraow Sims AL Omer. North -.t.. Goderich. Goderich. April llad, tllrt. 11017 -lm _tats iiidosoor Sills HOUSE FURNISHINGS, EIC,, Supplied at Reasonable Pates. Those intending to purchase Monument. or Headstone, w111 and it in their interest to GIVE ME A CALL. Mg ItstWectlt►a of the work now In J. A. ROBERTSON. - Aedertdh. march latb. INS. naFaa ERASER & PORTER Hauls( wrcb s.d Melba aril tistlu.rry Manses. of Mo. CHOKE. sad united with It the formerty tarried out by ylr. FRASER. would now beg to aasoa.e to tot stile that they have a Lavas and Cosecs mock of Books, Stationery and School Supplies OF .410,1-.1,..g.... . Papor_Faocyoods ailsSilerareall)W*ICTN>tY WILL rz AT TUE LAMEST POaf'IM.E FSM. From their loan experMsee In the beslness. thbe.yyelm wsnideness. embs to OUARANTEO SATISFACTION. Special Atteetloa will be even to the News INusltaae Magazines, Periodicals & Newspapers SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. AT HIiEPPARDb OLD STAND, C(►R. NoRTH-ST. AND SQUARE. (llederleb. April ldtlt.1w. • EN - 44 E3P NTO- HAVING RE- EL RNiSHED my .bop In the latest style. pat In Three %ew Sarber Chalks, two of them the cele twitted Rochester Tilting C b• I r a. and hired a Barber. we are 1n • p051110111 to do Messer Werk than berate - foes. Lady's R. Children's Haircutting made speeletty on all days except Saturday. Razors and Scissors ground. Js/t West ats.at, two doors east of P.il., f1odorich. SPECIAL. ANE CASE OF R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, Wholesale and Reid! Deafer in SHELF :AND : HEAVY HARD w ARE, BL'K & COL'D SILKS 7.7".E3S.1 PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS GODERICH. CALL AND SEE THEM. y „s.c.nETLoR & co. NEN & STYLISH Gins MILLINERY. Dederick April Irnd Hartwig bons to the Markets. and having selected with 'are as line as assorttneet of MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS ..,toga.. meld s ire,Gm i will sip. a� ym selff. and win vetraw at sock jelationtakb .ai i tkes ie ppaaw,easure .alta 1do is au gees Is ttryetl My Malltsffss.et tie_ Newestlt�ia{d: la Ortmral IaeM deelgss. M1 �•s�.ads erg: / ew ..lot alas r t; TI ►siM of ail Newest 1l a. at fist iwown a .ala as� is el tag Deprtmest Is sneer t ataasgvwesnt .f pot e O who will rier.tAs maw w a hot an.as..ru, mod ..ut ..e....r t. rllssas sa win w�0 woes., Bprii Opelim on April tab atnd 3rd. 01,“ vow, riewittfaler• MRS. C. H. GIRVIN Mareb 1110. lase 1St► Namilt.s rhe, tllodewteb r dimes See Ceibers. HOWL 1 SPRING MILLINERY 1 MSSB C�RAHgM Has sow at hse ws ins • large and wellamortad Stock of TRIMMED m UNTRIMMED I�[IiI1..II..ii�`ffILRT,t►ntnorl.ing every qm that vas to obta sed la a awl -Clam Mllllae i0ilabhuk.e.L Feathers, Flowers, Shapes, - Egrets, & FANCY T IMMINGS IN PROFUSION. The ladles of DM.►ch and vicinity are cordially Inrlbd M art A.�T T e• �i �.d GI -00=0_ Kral awe 01 t Mems aware. nut door to Mprob Dry Geode Store Godseish. Aire -----AT A.z�.�. u ii ±O'S DRAPERY 00 HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE, Ataoag which will the h.nd • Complete Range of Underwear, frees the sin llert to the largest *ism made. Choice ('loaktsgs and laaterlage Double AllWoolShawls. Mack and Colored, IN: DESiONSI, A fall rasgw of Knitted Nerdurrs. shirt.. sPScree v s. MLaieet rltyle of Black Jerseys. As intensive taste.( rise Beslery sad Kathie' Terse from the beat known takers. Dram Goods la all tie How Tint. amid Text area. sotaMy SBDIL PILBBYO AID TRICOTIBB ?BRIM Irl Tatler -Mads Salta --Plasia Soles., LIS... to.. to motels. �.1. Crib .ad Cradle iNsakels. Oho We .f Oemfertars mitre tame sad heavy, at eeaa.nti.ot pries, STRICTLY Ok9E num and salami eefteey to alt. M.T O_ oeNelek, Dec ora, ns, MOW.