HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-23, Page 44
hew ei ti ent.emeaa This weer.
t eeeial-J. l: D.iwE c..
saewsoemeat N'at.
storing MIk - ra
e Y
NoW Greeorf anMeOlal
Ie mrle Ps.- t►leve f
er hessian
W.M.-As !late.
=tt le ; g 7.. nada !tete.
peat it."
Tont Tonna.
N hes pie want riot new picture trauma
call at Georg. Stewart's tee
?hey are cheap sad good.
TINY TAILOIUNO. -r.r tbe cheapest
apnea .mut, for the newest sad so►b tau
steads, tar the 'West sad beat erfsaaiaa• toe
style. It and Satoh. go is itso(armse.
Th. !mea about $f, Joke A McDonald's
SI a wiehittated twaay, but se fee who
b'Os..gotsdMmppsist.d. W.
7 avers r I A Prldhase.
ISILY Onineenillo,-Tb, garden soil is
balsa tainted early tin mama. mad 8dbw* is
'maim, nal ever.( ahs meet attractive pbo-
k. ru phm Yet *hewn. (sal sad set renews
3atssl w
"O►. ain't More, beautiful sad cheep r et'
elates the !elates wbu sm the men loras bay
aa$ Naraders veriest sten. They
.aa! at lower
o tIp rtem ►ham say
est reseived. Vielliespeut Wiese
of weer far
eee'Wci lour Rotten Of ALI_'-You otmm sow
bta bottle m "Laesadrate hum ea It Wawa,
Royal ulyearated Sebum of Fir." rim greet
reseed, ter coeghs alta ewe timeat, mad
ladpt.at ooawam Tow superior virtues
arm of tab Mr. already pas street church this evening. Refresh -
dewed • ofwetaat frees all the prt.ci- meets at 7.30, music, eta, afterwards,
Psi older .f the 1).s.l .s. b..et let rim fact and • lecture by the Rev, G. R. Turk, if
*that It deem set emanate trees tow laboratory
et seism eaterprWag ttreiesmr detere. from La,know. 8se bills.
girls/ tt a total. tsr4jiw Rev. J. McGillivray, B.A.. assistant
Bert Smith is Imre ter the Eater ' prior of Kee: Church. hes mitered
holidays. upon his duties. Rev. T. E. Calvert
Geo. Swamies Leas busters trip to will remain for a few .Lathe yet se a
Trey, N.T. sob•titua for Rev. Dr. Ura, who is
There will be aloud Geed -Friday ..r- about to take • Yuropeaa trip,
wises Itis year in 8t. Paters. E -Mims Joie Coetheui
Keith hleL.. snd "Dick" Osseeoo ( l Ceothwee) hes bees mimed
were i• Iowa dating the week. by the High School Literary Society for
Friday evening, May 14. This elocu-
tionist mimes highly d. The
mooing of readl•p will take the place
of the annual - t gine by the
High School studenta
Mrs. E. Dowser, Mime Downing mei
Miss Prime . H leave for a village smog
the Attestic is aauuple of weeks.
parpaee aptIeg sums three
treks to ole.4or
old Iaad-
Tle Woodetek Amateur Atbleta A.
ausintwu has kneed ea attractiverte
gramme of games sad sports tee May
NEWS ABOUT HOME.44th and Ybtk.•
Bryan rase. •ill be the
priueipsl events beth dates.
Pr )I, lii.hoesoa, the West street
deuti•t, makes the preservative of the
sate& teeth a specialty. Gas sdmu.ia-
tered from 9 m. m. to 4 p. m. for the
painless *ausarten of teeth.
Mr. Fuller, sauced Mrs. Palley, wh
has been laid up foe severe smooths,
taken to Toronto for treatment d
ease is vs. Inshore
needs expert
in the way of medics/ aktll
There is mid to be totema split it,th
water works tamittee. Home favor ti
Hotly er kindred systems, and the others
go in for ertesimu well.. The diepueseo,
however warm it %eta, cannoileserit be
ed as' a dry e.
Knight, the West-st. barber, is to th
(rout this week with an illustrated ads
It represents a palette! termer/ Salo
with business in full awing, and a Koigh
is s coat of mail apparently superintend
Tag the pruoe.diogs. Yso M
Tni lite mt's tower,-Remem
her the ye( men's social in Nun
Mrr. H. Helloes was the gse.t of her
rister-ia-law Mrs. Jaime lxebeets.a, lest
Ogilvie. a C., d Meatiest sad Gala
rush, have ler $1,500 by the floods is
Wm. Malmo, drover, hes been teak •
ing heavy percher* of cattle for the marker.Britivii
D. McGillivray, M. A., has catered ea
Ids .masers work is the weak. 1.1d the grounds with (lowers, shrubs, etc.
of Dawn, Bothwell. At present the school yard is s most dos
Cort Jeffrey, of oke propeller Mont- ulna looking spot.
raw. ►f, neo klieg up that •case! our Georte Acheson has let the tooter for
tag the per few weeks. buildings mobile hall Tit the bloat on
Two sitar .asking a tar- the corner of the square anti West street.
meth a( ma tuna tteioa, - Nr. Acheson is fat) et enterprise, sad is
lett tee leo. ea Friday afterma'. tum of lbs tow Era who sre cranine
81 Oearge'm ehttseh choir are oak' new build yrs in Gedsrich the so's.er.
apt.ial etatta a fsroiah moa His new dwelling home will be oomplet-
E•Mter'stwo nest ed maser is the Thoes persons
Wm. J. Swaeess, sea of our teener Into* wooed 1bu14dimming* proms h, ahooa-
sssa, Gee Swears, le now roomer of move,
mous m Gfd.riab, ahoeld
the mambo* week/ in Kansas City, M., cepr. chambers,sim popular rap'
T►. let vasa( sewn 00 Iain Ham hies el the tug Jaime Clarke, did not
from tins pert (ut 1886, was • tog. sae* &poet with do *shift ge.t, °wing a
unknown, ppsicsdtng oath last Saw- tis Waimea !limn, to whom he was
day. attached. Tose led, • bright ht -
Lem Saida, was Palm Seaday, and ti. kllow of nearly 6ve years of ago,
was eel's1.or,od st St. Peter's. Fr. died on Wednesday monis' atter s
Len sSeisted at the d.stnbetwe of the painful illness of erne weeks' duration.
pee- The ailment was too that baffled medical
H. J. ',morale, court 'spotter. was skirl, bat the Inti..tieeee bun every -
recently married to a sister of the well 1" al with r.o.•rkabl° pstia.oe.
n 'mere shorthand writers, the Maesua At the Roosting of the Hieb School
Literary Society last F:iday menisg,
Zara* PRAMS Seavlcs.-An Lear' Mt. Taylor was •lotted president, Mr.
praise eervtse will be held is North Arashoag etaprecedent, sad Mr.
et rem Method's' chunk amt 8aaday Bedell. editor. The electio.s were all
eyewine. waved by resignations- The foll.,wtng
Mr. Distend, of Lemke, was in towel prow was two prwaated : Raeitatiou,
lam week in with rho km etre McIntyre; reading. Mr. Taylor; eelo,
es.taieed isy (again Uoacy at the re. Miss Tht.pmo ; r.*diag, lir.
ant fire. $irwag ; reading. Miss S.11nwa ; solo,
Rev. T. IC Calvert gars a timely ser. Yip llelotyre ; recitation, Mr. Km
cow .is Solidity evening on the Immo,sats ' recitation;Mr. Baraaby.
of children. Somm of ba wggeet,tna Cars. x or Etn.LAPP PA1o'wu1 Me-
ws. t expellees. moan. -These movies. in fit George's
Joseph Kidd, jr , hoe rented the home eborrh men boiaj "stall" for tbo rest
end smirkremedy occupied by J. it. '+f thin wsek Hors of .rune today
Mille. An irarestsug metal eyelet eir. (Good Rids ) 11 s. ba. with todebnem
ti '
SOW ise looked for. of Holy (Lmo*ise, at 7 39 p. m.
MileFletcher, daughter u( the kala The Easter Sunday services will be st
Rev. C. Fletcher, Is the nmw organist of the uses, hours; th. Holy C
K n.,: ehurmh. She eared rpor her being again celebrated at the morning
daises last &noisy. .Kris.. The vestry or business otsetsng
Mn. (koala Martie hap "Maned sheet
the coogreI will ey held in the
from tow Wesleylwdee.' Cuilsge, Ham- W
sheet ream on Monday events;.
then, to spendan the Feaster yapt.oa Ni as rT GODflatcl 01 GosLrii.-The
town with her person. War (Fig hes the
rummies nt.dila
itay. G. F. Melton, of the lows, will : cal man was sanding on the street at c
Prat the sermoe of the G ---h the ether day in t f
order to uhe brethren of Clinton lodge •wok •friend, when • 8. A. moldier came
1, c e 11 F. wit (tataday. sp and hooded him the balance of an
There .i11 be erotica daily in fit.
Gees.. church daring Passion week
frees 3 to 4 in the afternoon, and at half
pest seem In the tanning.
It. R.4.4.6o pse.de.d at the Fire la -
sureness Agents Association .of Canada at
the &angel meeting held in Toronto last
week, and was rte -elected president.
(*fart- --Tbe Gudench cricket club d the West Huron Cwrts.rvetieu ease -
will pati wietota ler the opening er Sao erotica, ha beteg given the prat of bgh.
season ow flood Friday afterw.on. Lovers home keeper st this port. The coater
of the good old gars. are invited to at- for the poaitiow was keen, bot Bro.Fred,
Wed. W. Johnston, • probable Tory candi-
Etghtor ter mambar of the Clinton tato for the Commons, and the pre. -
gun club will ,hoot against as equal d.nt pet tee Sent** tight in favor of
number of the evident& cub today on Campb•I(. John 18tirens and Captain
the .sual gnouads. Wrne good shooting Trunkb were het favorites for the peei-
iw expected. tie*, and Lewis Elliott at time con-
A. McCallum, e.( Tin•rton, we are
tunny to born, has not yet recovered
folly fraus an inlery he rear -,rod from a
Mer'. while living hers He was so town
during the week.
Yrs. John Pr.dham Laves tomorrow Coed' n a bug burnous dor-
os • visit to Point Edwnrd.tc awful lb. int the aumm.r with • W.
wedding of her nett.. She will •lie end.Mand the! b. will niak• an •n-
widt hisnie in Maser, Fort Gntiot d~tor 'o put samss.r refreshments
and Port Haven. within the reach of eacersewists end
John ilsery, s W of .beef fifteen str•neers. There has been an a ort
pears of ams, eon ret G. W. Rrtvy. rt• "'d. in th. pat to moo! the wawa of
ammo a poet the ether *ennwg, *hit• i• outside of the afore! and
plating ••Haat.," sad hook. ha I.ft ensifehila' 0.r,., ill prior for orris and
arm et the wrist
(emery. avy
wall be (coeval most err
(emery. He deserve. sneers
w.. Stoddard, .4 Wsupaa, We , The Grand Jury u the Ease' strips.
leather d Nis. Morrie, of this tows, wh•.
thee 8ceoot.-lnapector H n.
visited Godsons& dories the week, sad
imsp.cted the G.derie► school Varies.
is were m used. It is •
pity the the hostess std wdeata mo-
or come to some t to adorn
T, 0, MoDoud•!1, Division mart Yak,
as a 0 .:`
A n pesek trees is hie grows -
house. They aro now in Wore, wed w
• rdtwsbine sight. Mr MaDougeli's
favorite (rate appear to be patches,
strawberries, grapes, and -potato.•
Some of Mr. McDuugali's sacatun must
have been Irish.
W• esderstand A. it. Polley, the
well-known braey ase of this tows, will
disp°se of hit ttvery outfit on Torrey,
Kea 11, by hlis auction. Some twee-
t, bereft will be sold, and • large sum
boo of vehicles. Mr. Polk/ is retinas
(ram the livery business so that he can
d.yots all hie time to the buyt's! ua(
hornss for the American markets. EIsi.
Groff, the beet Canadian mare, will he
pet up at the rat.. San is in first -slam
suaditios, cud ready fee the turf.
A Foarves Larr Has. -We under -
stead that by the death of an aunt in
New York, Mn L.by, of this town,
mother o1 James Lab', groosr, has hemp
left property to the vela, of $40,000.
Ti. property is in New York at Now
Bruuawick. Mr. Luby is now ending
it;) his liminess hen, and will leave in
a few weeks, es his mother's Meet, a
enter Into personal pawners of the
caste He will visit both New Brune-
wick and New York. We haus not
b turd whether the family will remove
from Goderich or not.
(.ouaatcn CRtcasr Cir. -This club
mit foe election of oiboen snd mineral
bushurs on Tuesday. Abut 26 members
were present. The president, Mr. Mal
euesson, occupied the chair. The follow-
ing officers ware elected for the se.un of
1996 :-Hon. A. M. Ron, honorary
president ; J. T. Garton, Q.C., honorary
vise -president; 8. Maleoowoa, president;
W. Prod not, vice-president ; R. 8.
Hays, sec. -trees. ; R. A. Starke, captain.
Managing and Edd committee --U. Mao -
Denier, jr., J. Strscla.s, A. I nipey.
Flax -011 Wedneed y afternoon,
shortly bettor five o'clock, an alarm of
fin was mended. The engine was
promptly eat, but its services were not
needed. Some children belonging to A.
Dickson, , bad bin experi-
menting with at their house,
and the discbarga had ignited some dry
leaves in a deckhouse, which structure
soon got sb4a.. The !tames were quick-
ly subdued before much damage was
dose. A portion of the femme was badly
singed, sod the deckhouse almost de•
Ties Gossptca Areesra Terseness.
-The Ged.ricb Aostfnr Tbepimas .fall
pine. W. G. Gilbest's thrower comedy
entitled, "Pyg.•lioa sad (lelat.s," en
Um boards at Victoria Hall en Monday,
April 29th. The pet will be nod by
Mies Radcliffe, Mies G. MtMickinagg Mise
Chilton. Miss Fra Hort me, H. M.'
Rey -
melds, J. Strachey, C. C. Roes, A. D.
Diekes» and F D. Widder. R. 8.
Chilton, American eooeul at this port,
will alas reed • couple of selections dur-
ing the evening. We 1 the
Thespians eo•tamplate favoring Seaforth
with • visit shortly.
-A parlor social and was
given .n Monday Last at the home of
!William Acheson. Than was s good at-
emad•soe, sod all present appeared to
enjoy themselves to the fullest extent.
The chair was occupied during the first
pari M I by Rev. T. H. Camp.
bell, std during the latter part by 8 P
Halla. The preemie was eontnb.ted to
by Pro(. dePeudry, E Belcher, Sties
ltarg•ek, Miss Faber, Mia Henderson,
Mia Eva Acheson, D. )4etmilicuddy and
Thee Aeigvs. Refrmahawaa were served
dsraag time .,acing.
Etercerroa ort JAPAN. - Among the
hooks recently received from
the U. 8. Burma of Edr.ation u an
Jinn volume on "Education
in Japes." The pamphlet shows that
Japan take. • front task amid the in-
t.Uecteal necktie of the present day, and
gives peonies of greater things. With
a of 37,011,36,8 it. 1882 the
t of Japan spent $13.417,501
for public education. ThereM.re$0 normal
schools in the land, and 6 ladies col-
leges. Kinderrarten schools are also
supported. There as a treat future be-
fore ...pea se •nation.
As t'ssarrY STATE n► ArrAtRx.-
David Dickenson, the well-known auc-
tioneer and bailiff, of Clintcn, has had
heaps cf trouble in his family during
the ped, Oa Wednesday last he
had his Men, eels Dickenson, aged
boot 19 years, before Judge Tom.,
barged with staling a pair of pants
mw the father's ?mum. Dickeneon's
relation/ with his family are not happy.
Mrs. Dackeoson is at present residing in
the east, and Min Woodman, whose
name has been connected in recent law
muses with Dickenson's in a not flattering
way, a now his 6
'Views u. new C 'item Fivi.s
We are indebted to George B. Rob-
*oa,' photographer, of Petrolia, for half
doom large views of scenes in the
Canadian oil regions. The pictures are
a 1 taken in Mr. Rob.oa's emeetknt crerst
red sr* tui of intermit iitd fro[f Ijr
Torpedoing • Well" is • picture that
natal adorn any magazine. These
seems give r.ne an idea a the imam*
trade done in oil is Petrol* and vicar
ty. Mr. Robeon's letter on the oil
trade is not leas graphic than hi* Thies
and its pormal next week will make the
.Id aeooxnt. "Ah '" mid he, „all the
lawyers in Canada would never have tot
that • while back, but the Army has
breet,ht it round." He had hardly
"Mad sps•kitgq when another soldaqr
hooded him a $10 00 bill to settle an old
smears. "
Goosar, s Ltosytot•.i KRnTE& -
R.ht. Uampbtefl, brother of the t.residsot
*Wend his chances als.ont certain.
A Port -max Farm $tons, -The new ti
fruit store on W.st street, near the poet
office has been doing • trade con-
sid.rine the dulness of the masn. Mr, u
er eager to read the second letter,
hich he prorniess in about a month's
A bad customer.-Wingham Times:
On Monday .vsnl chief Pettypiece
arrested a man earned ,John Finnigan,
ho has been drag chorea .meat town
a short time, on s charge 01 being
nk and disorderly He was defy
lacked on and spent the night in "dur-
ance vile.' At noon on Tuesday Some
passers-by happened to notice Smoke
rasing from the ventilator of the leek -
op, and thinking all wee not right they
at or.p.edged Mr. Pettyptiee When
he arrived mad rimmed the doter he was
met by • great Hoed .f smoke, and the
prlsowmr ruled oat half wffne•ted. The
re nes Sow etting.ie►ed and Finnipn
was leaked sp again, bat or inter. pre -
W been made against a recur,
d fire Aboa dwag to the pprann-
d• --- - , he became. &whilly dry.
en elenit1on being paid to his shout •
he est Ire to the inter.', to attract
cation. Had he remained in the pen
w'siestas meager to would misdeed*.
have been swwotheewd. is the
starers* he was takes Wore mayor
Neelands, who sent hies to Goderich jail
!1 days,
was tisetbg friosd• Is. th" ssst.,an, ham lot to the interest of attowawi
left for hie western hone, owing to hie that hllew:. Keit mad Is'sbtp Showed
h eesttaatid ssveve'lla le 1• boped maintaining cnd !a
mtaals esti poorhouse
health sad .trh. three e.,testiae.
The rwticipalitiwre
as. and
J"l'i te.etlor. and have het one jail for vi
that . willIu* seen recoverm. I in wheel to .holler the 'ease
psapera of the en
The pertetenhip between Messes Me- evened aro asked to Ssderee this sshar• ing
(1 Ism and McQumrrie has been dimly of mw'
d s/ oitaml' estment, and Mr, ktpMlitt+foI3s • it ltiaalt
I1eQaar- is their bast is,ereasa Itt • reify that
a fa
vie, the retiring partner will Worn to Path, Hereat turd Brum mar* omits idly
Ileo. in Aerehmd 4)hia
will be
eo tiswei by
leer. NThe me the ♦.eseiem of a pont home Wing
. hes. i• Shot sees!, week, be the men K
11.04ibyr•y. a sonsieet poise for the iaditstii.a. for
Neat' Ad goners.
Oa Moday last Yr. 3. P Fahr
Amhara, sppeard Woes Mr,
Police Magistrate., to ..seer to t
•wes et rotation of the boots A
lilt apiest him by Impious Yates
The twine the fire !butt Act
that had coma before Mr. Bert, he p
tam" the proceedings with ore
marks bean* spun the abetter 4.1
.$p.. 0e said that the eponym
been expressed and was entertained
rot • few througboot the oountr , t
such .close as the one to which lie
been appointed were mad. not so m
to hear and internam oases as to ma
m*srietions, but such was • mires
impression, the appointments being
re -
Ladi . Coie d See
leaded to prevent the defeat and dela
of jostles, and so kr es he was careers
ed, be proposed to the beat of bis abilny
to area out the strictest justice to all
mea, arid defmadente appeasing before
bus aught feel assured hist they would
not be robbed of say of terms securities
with witch the British oonetitutwo has
hedged around the property rights and
persons cif citizens of the maim. The
belief was alo, held that it was right, nut
Wily to throw obstacles in the way of the
due administration of the Lw, but that
parties would not hesitate to make use
of threw* of violence and actual Milton.
against the officials intrusted with that
duty. !hie country was looking fur -
ward confidently to • groat future, mad
he contended that the hope of such a
future lay largely in the bold, vigorous
and decisive administration of suck laws
a the Nhaens of the country may sea.
for the tiombmi•g, to be for its moral and
material advs*ags, and surely Canada
was not the piece we thought it if anar-
chy and misrule Gould bid defiance to
law and order ; it .as hoped tees every
honest, loyal citizen would, in the roar -
este of the ommtso. lend assistance
to the oaken is t1tG administration t.
Wration of
this Lw as they did with regard
other laws. He further said that t
Court fcr the hearing of bion
an open evert, the public meld nut be
excluded, but be reminded all who at-
tended. whether for pastime or ether
wise, that it was a court, and as smolt
entitled to all da, respect, and he warn-
ed all those who might think differently,
that be wosid inertia all the power with
which he was invested by rirtee of the
office to maintain the dignity of the
Nr. Campion appeared fur Mr. Fisher,
and stated that he would place no tub -
•tache in the way of justice being does,
se far as was eoneiatont with the intor-
tsh of hi. shoats.
The enameiaatiun was thea prometied
with, Mr.Ystee the proeeca-
tion personally ; a camber .d waterer
were examined in both cams, but sore
of them required as witnesses brag ab.
seat, the •xamiaativs was postponed an -
til yesterday afternoon, the see being in
programs as we go to reels.
On Tuesday several Men against resit
dear of Godericb, cane up, and a por-
tion of the morning was occupied ua the
r. In the afternoon, is order
to sat at rest doubts which had arises
as to his being properly sworn is, Mr.
Scott declined to act until the matter
could be looked into and settled, which
we understood has new been dons --
[Clinton New En.
On Wednesday police magistrate Scott
came up t.. Gtderich, and took the
special oath of alle(piaace, which set
bad been overlooked in the swearing in
on a former occasion. We
that these cease can again be brought
before the police , and some
new cases am expected to Dome eft to-
Inspector Yates has been working
these cams up during the
past . few weeks, and is determined
to do ha full duty. Int the friends of
the ficott Act give him all possible help.
iteaunee Mona ter a enesble."
Oa Tessday evening, says the Clinton
Neto Ere, • number of young folks start-
ed far Goderich, in a double carriage,
intending to take tart, with otters, in
certain e$ercisp then going on. The
party were in good spirits, but these very
quickly sank, when one of the hones
began to balk, and refused to budre un-
til all had got out by the roadside. .After
a little delay, the part managed to get
in, and party
(n,derieh with-
out any serious difficulty. Bet the re-
turn trip was what caught than. When
shoot four miles from GoJerich, the
borne took it into his head again to stand
still. and refired to budge au inch, not-
withstanding that every remedy "sore
to core" • balky horse, was tried, and its
mate wee as keen to go as the ether mea
to stand still Hae was a nice fix -
eight miles from home, five ladies in the
rig, ev.ry tante hovel i. the lorries,
sed the inmates taking the peaceful sleep
of the lost. The driver concluded that
the truly thing to do was to get a bone
somewhere, so be started wt, and after
a trip through mud and mire to three
separate houses, manana In me
.corse of • popple of hours, (not one
minute lase,) to hod • farmer hospitable
enough W hire one of his bores to re-
place the balk one. The ladies, in the
meantime, had "feasted on the essnery,"
tramped the muddy made, sang ,•it's •
pleasant night for a ramble," and pat to
the time as beet they could under the
very annoying . However,
the party. after two hour, delay, got
started under the impulse of the froth
bores, and swaged to reach town at the
temperable hour of 330 a.m. It u only
jest to the owner of the horse to say that
he wee not swan of its "weakns: ' when
he let it go met of the stable. If you
want to snow certain members .f the
Clinton Gospel Band, jest try, "balky
horse," and the thing is done, and the
worst of it is " ye editor" was one of
the .nfortenatea
Tbe farmer sit his halter hack thew
days after, and had to pay 26c. exprem
charges on it. That livery man is a
generous (r) 4041... -(En. NtcNAt.
AXE 8011 orEttillIO til
We have just purchased (to arrive in a few days) s jab
lot of FACTORY COTTON, which we will sell at les than
Mill Prices.
enteeu, Offi8 aid See
Wool Tweeds for Boys' Week, from 35o. r y'd, up,
Highest Price paid for Butter alld Eggs.
Iforssrly Raid r tleeed.t
Jordsa's 11cok, (iodericb, lab April l>se.
Dentistry. 3 lebical.
1. Oat. Pity/Ochs. hargeon, Aomiscimtr.
U R N T A L 1400118. tc. Ogee -Mint fwu.ety oeespted b, Ili
Right!' door below the Post Ofoo. W/et+L, t(st0*Iag
l •s•a•r.aI`ig►t mdse♦--liar-
UooRatce. M1-iy lie's betel. MI -
w, I.. WOOLVERTON, I. D. S. DR McLEAN, PHY8ICIAN, 8(.711- ,
Ood Oat-• O44 relbw. tall North xt., O[ON, Caesaer Re. OAoe and naidm..s
related h. ('karge* moderate. Alt tor`OW - tl Bru a 11110., weed deer ears m( gtet.rts
Pa7atebas. 8
• a rwdesec sear the
end Oederke U. C. BenXig0x. J. C. Hum-
Wool se mew -Price, l.ye. Apoiy mt
Use ie". lets- Loans ani insurance.
She People's Column, orate t ttr 8kaargcoas, ACooscbern, to
esu-► t
geese.! aa refill
anted. Rood wogea 09,E TO LOQ
Rarermess rpy ♦e y is penes i0..- 1 `s' CAMCRRON HOLT a 'T TO
diatsly 4111(8 JOFITisu`- eer•et relate rick. ON Oedt
and Blit. elrests.
WANTED - Anions -wines will be reooty- armee st t er•p asbie tee Iavtwt Apply
rd sty t►e naderefgaed up to Maturds7. Apprrti1 tooAest rata me se cl,o yrrtsasm.. ♦MIs
lith, at 7 p,m.. f.r tb. pp000•ldea of aretakr Utt't F'RUl UrO(yr
•.d Iibnria. tot the (ltdarkb lleebaatos'
ilrsi 11.1.IdtwoA44 t Y iNTON,sorntary oar ani > A1'E FC N DS eA LEND A'lt
p•t4h ly per runt ea .ret alas. farm
Icy. Apply to R. C. HA T8, Me•
two y or desire
found Rural Bleb tar the greatest c desiring to e
mad scarcely tots d odd' disease APIA/ at •ad reduce ., rate of tf a creure ate p smote
tr. K. BMAcna rocer7, Victoria etpeey or West.. ha funds toed received
In a pro- may'
at my residetee. Korea Read. stoic We hare also re.rlr
and sell thoroughbred Pi moat. Roc rags Iimn limited lient metro/ling a ort c fnt ad a
her setfine : frit and ornaments! trees, amount r gest clam fans owe sii0
N.rab. and small 4.tilt. at I 1-2 p r Dear. Appy at .nee as
1017 .4. WALTIR HICK. 7)04,LerfRk;:h.erkixistiihis;;;;:a____:_______ K1 i.r;W18, opposite tee ashcan
wwnder*igt'ed baa fav tate :
Wheat. lyte, (lemon
Potatoes. tiatmst7 Ne4ot. $WWII t.
young naw sated cows C REAL ESTATE Asp
Railway Tim. Telegraph Pbtet forgo e• Dy MONEY
.a.....d pepesp*ly
awn i Mrs grown le distinct
sorts, •.,d j
171 yeas sod; ref murk. 1s
receive pupils for the I'iawo.
quarterly, Terms: he per o
k. at Honey to Lead on 1 VA ,
torue or interest gong, •' at the
salt the earrpwer, •e7 meqto
4 West K Ootter door dGtrout Square.
The entrance rumination for adenosine to
the High Reboot will he held 1n Oodmricb hod
Rueter the tub, ask sad 7t► days or July, next,
lag es Monday at one n clot i< p.m.
t 1 raadtdstse wbe intrad to write are re-
quired to send their names and addrreere ant
later than Wednesday the lltth Is.tawt. to
either H. 1. voltam. IIA., ;3...lertck• or to the
Iasi. P. C. W. Hero. Me-
iW• F. TOOT.
Fire. Life *al Marine /aeyn.nes Ipin.t,
The I oaenetrluw to r.iteene Heist.
The -Narrow,"
,"estabisj*" I wd t;>G
licensed io lame the e Company
hotalntes. plate 'rt••s. Ir the
Hebei! The
a -o n elrsitjew l iSnot-classad
. old .. .
Hteka sike.a at tmeesf rye.
(totem -h Ore. Mk. lest.
;)07000 TO LOAN AT fl PER
Etat P.O.
O.derte, April Ilii. tt11. shit
SBORTRAND.-TftAAC PITitAN't4 srHeRprv plwi' u RR4L TRL'YTe
tees taught. The meet popular eye ebbe Molt vealr. y 'M•7at4psro rel•••
t fears thertbited.
gee. livery ever., d girl Nto.m. TER S T() BUTT IiORROi►Z
tuvea. he. I curry bps mad
fila Apply t, tint rtes. I•n10 •••erlty. •
For Bale or to Le
AYRROR. HOLT CAY><1tpG 071. h,
Let. Aatr'.errtMToter
atr,M• ewl.ra..vcAwt>•ow. t t CAyw„n yy'
■utattttw VINE HM)l-SE POR RALE -THAT e" er.nley, t•e••aast'turite. t•Ot• e. teat
Al II" eyoldesee of the tett. * h1Mr ma i' floe new tram, holm ea worse. street. (jo+twkk. Oa. (, Igrl
April ink t.► R,v !• a• /tsar. Ih. Rest• irari7 r)psdt. 8t- Hwkk• *art „Mat la M(Lt,
April ink of Rees A'aw.aaM, f let. Little. eared ter sale es reaantside terms. It kr. , !.000 PRiVATE D8
m ee res od poigeteoirr ie Wreses , kbodddest dial/ O! `ts
t doriek'1►~e.euad uaa 7• s" 11"; _ •waver. T. SMIATIi. q.delnk, OA yts,tM Ce1"11 r°674414.11"8 asy746111 is
(lamtsrme, aged 1 years. • ITA TO LET . rr
1' m
N, :i'*••6•Meyr ysa► La fl.. ►:G A TZ a_ r,newi,vee,;
top .t. 1 wseM.RR er tb. a i tt elft•
wst v , klteben,
resew sn ire. Nn tk.n gh1Y .04.bed taste` The ee l f , Warms ;mW5 peMrt) o low -
tar Tsar te J. 6. L It*, A VIM,.
ultra . It rf I ten -
star Tyr 'asglrr► ant e
a me••W r est.
Juan Peuoikyll
laid up by au antic
Juba Celtic is Le
Mtge down the Mait
quite bigb, the weatlt
thing tameable fyr a
Mrs. Leight mad d
hag hose from sorra
nag, wen vtuleotl)
nosy. Yn un
John Grsvantoa, w'
fared (root exposure
critical etadittuo. I
lunge is the Nractital
dalgse.o in strong dry
lar. Stewart has pur
adjoining his cern, ao
acres, frets Jonathan
Mr. Reimer sees 1
buddies a Mehl. on
the bridge to J. 11
Boddie. .'
We rust congrati
fledged saotiooemr, Th
M*Moats ut his maid•
ism., in Goad acting tit,
passe.•. property,
jopto s t►a compliments
that he will get his a
rename. He was yon
no doubt be better at
soon be bat.
Rev, Mr. CamBea,
inter, of this village,
Methodist church hen
evening last Sunday.
We are glad to 1
tended ba
The dentist visited
week. He lett some
MUMS their teeth.
Th. Mon which P.
his fly
Dlr. Tinkers hes
reeid--t.1 hero, f
Crawford. We with
live to spend many
mew boom.
Robs. Murdoch
for Harristoa, to art
hs oonsia. Walter
Wel Davis finished
This is ttwt so
of the Paramount
W. 8. Gordon,
.meth, bas nested
Wan, formerly of
doubtiees stow the
bow the sericulture!
carried ea
The Murdoch B
build our new beth.
intend building only
fore harvest.
The eregomt law
fitted up for the
game took plane on
Mies Jennie Brooks
parrying of the
AN Aastnovs
day la.b, while use o
ten was going her
mg the since, ab. w
the favorite goose d
pried at the very s -
goose, .tad wishing
the rears, the bi
17 lifted her from t
ale bad undo, her
bed doebtlep base
record ul that Dun
admirably, hot died
CuxroN',i A • armoire have have cos
They her. se • .
street Popelstisa
93 over last year.
of one. Then is
value of real
total increase of
$29,366, made up
in real property
a1 and r om&
social property
$64,160 real
total savable
It is expend
will leave Sarnia
seems ea Ttso.day
¶311 Pa
rrom tbelr 1,
Haying baste
es .areas amid
My mum,
dw T'1
►.r P24-
Inch sal. tee.