HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-23, Page 1•
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WHO-NtJlIl1R gisu.
Is O i uoonoer Boma. tb.tr Whoa Noy Monde.. ry W-
th st,
Aad le despatched to all parts or the surround
t osesir 61.
ariloot mails *ad trains.
T adverse,postage t .,aid
T if
id. Ups=isr before bans tried,
j If not « paid. nu
Raves er Amvaarrnle.-sight mete pa
lyse Ibr
toe Oar flet Inosines . thio.
mob .wbgermthwrtioa. Year) -yearly
mid .macts at redwood rays&
Jen hs alma Anacl•w
} obblss dapartmo•t 1. commotion. sad ponies
lag the meet complete out -it sed best facilities
for Landau oat work is Oederlob.
10 do he=lms= is that lbw at gibes tial besaol
be beams. _hms • quality that *asset b. Cash
FRIDAY. APRIL 23a, 1886.
Our legal oattempoe.r7 W beim is a
bad plight fer some tune pest. The de-
face of the Ooveroraet o. the North-
west polio., and the priads[ of the Do-
1 RS DOMINION rims LISTS. Teta tall wheat in the.ou•ty of Hera
There are a.m. areas in this wide has come through the winter aplesdidly.
world who are not panned of wfbeient
h •{vee. ant T•• Ouderich fishermen are loud in
ib. .
gumption to let well aloes their coodesiortive of the Slaw Island
editor d the Sim a mows the
number. Some ti see ago ws referred to grab.
the ovation of the •x FOODS es,.
that was mooned is the printiag of the may seem, had an 4s open to the wain
voters' lists older theDuminion headline ohaa...he. hs get th. bliod sh,tw.
act, and mildly isinwted that it was • a down hill u
god -send to • ameba of our Tory ave- Tea T part! ng
, gives to kelp lame doge rapidly as if the declivity were greased
over •tales them hard times. W. pint- for the occasion with o
ed out that last year $901,000 had bossM. C. Carraoti s of the
dietribeted "amongst the hired Tao
Tory pr
in the shape of (1 i advstiaep. Ooversamemt oe its Iadi•n policy was •
ear. powerful abort. The Tories did Dot at -
As that animist was altogether too
iog for advertising aloes, an effort was toiipt te di.eredit hi et•teueuu ; the
dieub.rs were called in. Th, fool 000 -
sew being diad• to seed grist to the &ties of Northwest matters is nut amp-
digL• of the Tory olio,. in =ooh •way
log the att.ntwa of the pDotti..
that K 'raid look es if sore vain idbig
been received. Hoses the printing of Wau.t.ten, of West York, professes to
believe in the .f the fogged
cablegrams got up in the Ma dam,
purportiD( to have pined between Blake
and Edgar os the Rid question. The
peopled Tat •boaldn't les so innocent
a gather= stray as far east as Ottawa.
Totts Loudon AJ.ertimer, edited by
Hee. David Mille, himself as able par-
lisesatary speaker, describes M. C.
Cannon's speech on the Indan question
to be 'hes of the Bost ing
speeches ever made in the Huuas of Com-
mies ; a speech which, in fact, seamed
to strike the Government with ooneter-
Things That Are Happening
Around Ua
I as 11 _rhe O•r«toa Again rr.basA, er-
Joes Werra,.tt.att.a .r air Jobe ■ard.samd.
Weise vadess list have proved to be i1 the Dominion voters' lista. Our West
hg111% We Wittig epos the energies of street immediately rushed
the able editor, sad se a result, the ear -
visna of the "tired ear ked to b. orfte lu• Mame el the system, sed .had
lished • ooek.sd-bell ass about how
ed la to kelp him ewer the hay leant► thing waw dere dews at Hamilton, sod
editor the day alai .."" most os the tried to prove thereby that the Heron
editorial tripod d ear Mttompoesrr, the
e•matte bent of the "kind elan has
Tory prow ware not getting pap -fed. Of
Mees=, the Huiltua Mari was d N
tont a 'Ostia of N small sowers M se .Eest+K our comteitio•
the truly geed editor of the Tory jour' that the amt was , and that if
est. It was eke "hired mases who c!- tea o< tee lint. wan t•rmd Dort
• dully sesoese•d in the celaese of the to Psalm' at Macy tlgvs
Star that M.C. Cameron w . "-
i into
of s tiie work to abbe
aempetitios, a less would nese to
the ratepayer", aver, we wrote to
the two intereits; parties in Hamilton,
ad foaed that the ineartioa of our we-
enie regal to the laic( of
the work there was s Sotioo--joet as we
expected. But oyes if the Hamilton
yarn Ind baso as set forth by our con-
temporary ft V5&4 eat base altered the
oast, and we will prove why : The Mar
.ndertook to show that the printing of
the Domingo• vote's' list .oteled far
mere labor end masa upon the printer
that did the regular autisipel lista, in-
asmuch as 400 extra copies were requir-
ed, end the additioo•1 width of the
pages added to the coot. Of souse
moa Calla vi 'an. they
saw mush absurd ream= • incited
why Jowr priOea should be paid for the
work. In the Brat plass, the 400 addi-
liillMi espies involves the extra Cod of •
rest of double -decoy paper -say $W-
and afar boon additional , the
saluted widths( page is mere than com-
pensated for by the less number of pages
to handle, owing to eighth sheet pages
being "made up" instead of sixteenths.
Tho, again, there are no covin printed
and bound for each municipal let, which
mere than compensate for all the extra
wort claimed. We have no desire to
talk "shop," bat oar has
boon to make capital out of
sat si1.noe regarding its ally oonteotions
pmt forward Donis weeks ago, and we
have determined to give it the quietus
a the sblect. Aad with this object in
visa we will quote facts that no reader
mood go outside the corporation limits to
verify. A saeple of months ago the
clerk of Ge‘tilia-Tleatasitip asked for
feeders for the municipal printing for
of the Ooverrime•t. The truly good that township for the curnot year. eas
Sinew. tendered for the work, and offer-
ed, amongst other items, to print the
votees' lista for $19. When the coma
amen, our was awarded the
eontreet, it having t..dend lower than
Tea Stant_ Now. w ihmi
than are some 711$ (fires on the
Dominion lid for Galli' township.
which M 12 .oto a w• would toot
up $92.20 for the job, er Moot five
tidies what it ate for practically the
=.ore job from the m.nieipal seoncil of
0oderi.l township
The man who can't new ase tl:inindb
lar .0 the sans," for the truly good
editor surely would sot endorse .ask as
'etimate of the Dominion memabsr for
ti West Heron in kis jeered. It was also
the "hired man" who clipped from" the
Spectator the fable about " Asada"
Cameros," and inserted it in the lifer a
few weeks .go,•nd for which a sound old
well-dwned drubbing was adminis-
tered to the truly good editor by the
8e•forth Expositor. Aad last week the
" hired maw" tried to lift the star out
of the pit into which he had mat it by
writing a labored artists to prove that,
although Mr. Cameron did not me the
language imputed to him by the Speefo-
4, r, ueverthelees theIlton neweps-
• p.r was perfectly - 1 in libelling
to mamba for West Haken, and the
Star was worthy of allw for repub-
lishing what it low tube • deliberate
falsehood. Bat ea fie pilot we will let
the SIor speak for itself in reply to the
• Expositor :-
I "Oar contemporary then Domes to the
defame of Mr. Cameron by eying that
'Irow►er. In that speech from the betla-
slag t. tl• sod does Mr. Cameros d= eLn
himself to be the frtead sad admirer of the
whales rubs&' ate.. am did he aware that
ao matter what his setae. • w with Treoch
Mood 1n his vales •bald sat be heaped
Casa: readily admit that Mr. Cameros
did net one these e=ast words, nor do
N Nm • x iotesded to be
we imagine '
g0 undsreteod, all of whish the Expositor
needs set to behold-"
Del ayes* ever hear a score hardihood
avowal of rib.labbiug than the stunt
__e Star admits that Mr. Cameron sever
timed the bngn.gs attributed to hie, it
does "sot imagine the .`spectator intend-
ed to be eo oodentood,' and yet it hid
the hardihood to publish what it admits
it knew to be untrue, simply because an
able tonneau was being hounded by
• Hamilton literary saaassin in the pay
editor wwld sare7 not have given him-
self away by Do realise a .iatem.ht
111 No, N; the hand of the "hired man" is
plainly discernible. Once again the voice
is Jacob's bet the band is Esau's. 8o
that everyone may doted the brilliant
writer mid framer d "se mach good
l agligh" (1) es the colorant of oar con-
temporary, we take abs liberty d it8iat-
gemthee exited Eros the article
epos ear readers. lid possibly the pmb-
lie tamq ba regained of the peculiar style
Of "English" AAM se largely prevailed
-My reflections oo doge last week
attracted b attention around
the nortbua•s. 1 beard that the mem-
bers of the 1 , iraterutt7 who
have *Mose in that viewable pile- who
in the sultry summer weather etre thins
soiree betimes sitting on abs cool sups
and adjourning to the pop shops fur pur-
poses of "irrigation '--didn't know whe-
ther to mortify the flesh of years truly
or decorate ms with a medal fashioned,
shaped and made out of the hide of the
a.uoty bleat and tan. Up to
date, however, 1 stili lire and move and
have my being. and the grave and digni-
Bed oast of has not been
marred in any way, adapt or form. by
any unlawful attempt on the pert of any
or all of the divers areas I
national, who might bore been actuat-
ed by the powers of darkness or the
sprit of evil to waylay, lay for, hinder
or in any other way seek to make it .51 -
try tsr '.5 in 107 p.r ;K who
esirht have been incited to injure, tear,
fresco. or otherwise make effort to de•-
tt y the moo contour of m7 beanies
, or who might have beat
instigated to otherwise do me bodily
injury, with maim afurethoegh, and in
.f the laws sad tee sta-
tutes of the realm, which have been
handed down from precedent to prece-
dent,for the better establishgsg,and main-
taining of the dignity of the sewn and
the of the rights of the sub-
ject, as graphically set forth, elucidated,
elsborsted, amplified and tally exposed -
ad in the 00..olid•ted statutes of the
Province of Ontario. Dominion of Cana-
da I gases its time to dip and tats is-
termisawn for refreshments, alter such •
sentence as that. But what I was ging
to may is that I have'wither been anni-
hilated nor decorsted, bat there's no
knowing what twenty-four hears or a
black-and-tan may bring forth However,
as the assessor's attention has boas called
to the number of dogs around the eeart-
house.and as my esteemed tri=ad own -
cider Jacques, e f Howsck, is likely to
have his scheme for amassing dap ac-
cording to the length et their tails, per-
fected in time for the June mooting of
the county ooencil, 1.11 let the canines
dicker for the present, and devote my
mental power' to other nutters of mo-
-Did Toa hear on Saturday that Sar
John had published his political valedic-
tory 1 If 70o dant you might to hate
beard it. It was the bilged picnic I over
maw since I s•sd to go kiwi.
when I was • barefooted yoosgda is
the sweet long ago• Why, everybody
was excited, and all wasted to some at
once. The Grits were jubilant, sad the
Tories were down in the mouth. It was
hard to get in • word edgewise en s7
other abject, and the weather sod the
fall wheat had to take • beck seat. I'm
afraid sores of the politicians didn't
sleep neatly Saturday night, and that
their devotioaswere disturbed Sunday by
the appKitinn of that tive-0olu.D vale-
dictory. Monday afternoon when the
Toronto paper owned op chat it was •
little rase, a smile d relief shot athwart
the of the Tory body politic,
and the Grit pablie frontispiece bessaas
much elongated -the old heads sawn
the latter philoeophs.•lly making up
their mind to bow the meek
10 they okwe
yeThe t • while longer.
not Bir John M•edos•ld'• at all, but was
the farewell address to the Amsriesn
people of that great and good mss,
George Washington, which first maw the
light of day over ninny years a o. The
patriotic had kept well in
the meantime, be the style dgdiet in
s way resemble that d Sir Johne. The
jab was a bad deal on thepablic. "Pisa"
did it with his little st ".ora.
-But while I'm on this subject might
l sot es well argue it out 1 By this time
700'11 have disavowed that I'm • kind of
fair to s►iddliag i* the matter of p' like
flea-. sort of Baldwin Reformer,
In Lewis. Well, such being the ease, 1
want some old dyed -in the -wool Tory and
Dome fossilised Grit neighbor of his to
sit down hers alongside of sae until I
talk cedimen SWIM into them Now,
then, we three old-timers are away from
the busy haunts of men. tied lot mos
talk gaiatly to you. Ws are note of se
Do yes•{ as we used to be ; sod we can't
an me as we aced to; or handle a
Gouratc0 has many attractions for
summer visitor., and soros of these are
succinctly described this week by the
energetic proprietor of the Poiat Farm,
J. J. Wright. We ars glad to be able to
sate that Mr. Wright is making a big
posh to drew a large number of visitors
to his popular wmm•r hotel this se=en.
The prosperity of the Point Farm will
be shared by (Jodsrich. A summer hotel
within the of Goderieh,
i mo•ged by J. J. Wright, or snob •n-
etber MID, would be • paying invest-
ment, and a buuo to the town.
iWet La. 1 YL Itl$MaV •Alt =Maar
ringed politician for nearly halt • isa-
t.ry. He's always o•rned a heavy cargo ,
on deck wl in bold, and if the span
ars getting weaker, and the masts begin 1 The
to lean to,. mesob, and the ribs are be-
coming more apparent, and the hold
ain't as good as It seed to be for par -
poem of stowage, r it to be wosd•red
at 1 Now that's the shape things are is
ao far as the old politician a w.soerned,
and Du matter what are oar private opin-
ions we can't get •w• from the facts.
Sir John is past the sued three •Core
and ten ; he has worked hard and et is
only latsly that he has undertakes to
take oar. of htatasll. A few years age
he want en the drydook and was over-
bawled by Sir James Clarke,
{O.eo's physician, but • ship is saw
the Came after being overheated, and so
t- is with Sir John. So far, he 1•e sot
made up his mind to retire, all he uses*
in the ordinary triune of events aaes to
it ; and se we old chaps have loft the
farms and gives the boss into 11. beads
of the full blooded
time must some wham Sir Joke, hate
Heaektah of d1 most est leis house ie
order, and prepare to depart
ruiner ief fair Jeha's reratios was a
little premature --jest • Iaad e
_ms's ell. AJ MI.
White - Jamiseon - Bowan
t,and Dent.
MMrme 1 yard
Ow a fowls* Ilialmamsollref .b, lose.
A tanker meeting .4 ale Sub -Commit -
bee of Privileges and Electo.ss was hold
os Thereday to eust►mw the gsveaaga-
Coo , is refereae• to the shares= gado
. gallmt 14r. John Wluio•sd 1[r. Sow-
ell. The scam of Mr. David
Gilmour, 01
QtssM•, •d 11
wee gentineed-
~were, el Dille, was Ma enemata.
It was made to appear from the endow
given by these podia that Mr. White
sad Kr. Jams•«• were the reenithe
is haws as the IllheNter
O▪ .b.a.tios Cep.y. Yfsrisseea
tamed ex towa.lios soar
while they deed to the hinge AMA
Geleseamma ., one the ism
terms that they bad sited 11e beds
whisk were afterwards de _- by
The e•espied the theta W
Company was soest•d et SSW* et
w hich Mr. White .d Ma. Jaime
weeach te resgive s•►ia•Aegsllt 11
appeared teat Its. White ea the Mb of
Mare\, 1689, received trema tee • of the Comeau] $1,000 b7 IM w•1
of bass, bee en-lielf of weigh twelve
nestle Inter he repaid. Bet it did sot
appear that il[r. Wine W se=
any of the galls made epos Gilt
el the grapey, abbess* Mr.
mid that be was M M se. i. did net
snow Men the Mae e1 the Cedigiasy
et frees ••7 ar'naaieMsaa text ane
had between tee •.eme=ry and tAadillago
sat members of the Cumpay, tbM Mi.
White .es ever rhoasked 10 pay sepeldep
Sams d the somehow had paid as many
ea mess sills, het Mr. WW ked gad
Mr. plaso.r said thei W WIMe's
Mare of onefuerwst\ was M be the
Mwrity of leo Campy tee the twos
yeah they meds to lin, bele be da•
se mama epee slush
me payment s meds. and
which Mr. Wbise W doe ..tkies we
neer., amid M • ueenriy far 11e
dvaasc of $1,1104. Mr. Jeeimsa ad-
mitted that be was to bane W sae -
twelfth interest is the Praia A1hA
Oulu= matins Compaim ; tat es ead
l.r mama i
paid Mr. Ramos r
tbsd the Mepaa7 w1'• M gams to be
eeet elle d bin •
erFis'ad w b•°9 y
twelfth istereet in the net preen. .el
thie he refused to swami aeon* as irr
militant .its .at Mr. WI** had teal
kin He admitted that ha W .s•maM-
ed Mr Bonn, std that Mr. 11..41 W
dvieed him to eased epos W =sta. to
1a.i.1 epos o'w-iwebh of the shale es
t1•t 1. velgbt have • wader illus
This was .►desist., agreed to by
Ant eeaapaay, and be ail this mann
ea the Cologne day On Ifir. Jill •5
Mr. Pekoe/ for $1,MH. W bor-
0. P•
060 hem Me. Nowell to
ami~' se, sad 1e had readred Mr. Nadi
d the sole whim it
at el 11. presoak
w el,uMd. Mr. Jsmemos •amnia
i• bu mina* that he was the prowl
proprietor of tee Belleville I. ,
that be had b•••g\t trews Ritz Bonn
be W tivm•m • ws'rltaidpsl Pima'
die fog the penses
this stage of the isve ttogatisa Mr. B.. -
el bean very =demeans at Mr. Eder
std ailed vim "a - - +ask sed
&•=bread that he was =menu ilio nat-
ters w►ink were none of his best telt.
Mr. Edger i•iwa•ed Mr. Bowen that 1e
wasted his meas palled,
,osiM the proas.diae
the eanittoe
tensioned for the der.
Oer resdee{ wiY w hew far Mr
Bowel seined to have been mud amp
with the , how la he was
interested in the order -in
Clewed epee .soak the letters eaten to
the eawspel were plead. bow fa he
netegateed ie •ga=la* arrsatements
by whisk $t,, Jswsiesoti might
-finales Advertise,.
To the =her .f The Ste as .
In these days of over
'rhea miry be=am= of 1'
in .comm of the demand, the giving of •
bones to either a=l=kali er "sit musk
woold be both awes ..d
ea• sy=, Moreton it .ater*Uy behoves
• harness penis to leek east team
and see what eluate are minetatry tt 1MD-
prov* sed bold op te• teed* of
respective loe•litime. Gadmiok, thes0k
oat masa
ly poseemes •dvanteges whisk *mkt
predate trade; which after ail r the re-
sult sought for to times days id sharp
bosoms .ompotitios. As a healon fur
wormer visitors she fa ends her ethic
ovals en *he great lakes, sed therefore
should attract • armee d the Isms
dream of holiday seek.'s that m==ealy
pour oat of the aces ed Moves in
marsh of health .ad ooslurt. T1. mita'
*turn as all teat o•n be deemed, hong
lirb and dry above the waters .f bot
lake sad river; its pare air, .leas broad
streets, sad splendid cematr7 reeds am-
orally comteeed it to tie favorable
setae of the eon desirable .is.. el
!bang within .00h easy
lento num• like Detroit, Cleveaud, Ole'
masa and the popolou. Seesaw valley,
it ahead be • aciparatively easy matter
to fill op the town by the class is ism
Coo. Several plass are joet sow ea -
gaged in bidding for aka trod•, Tommie
••d the Georgian Bay may be more pee-
tical•rly mentioned ; therefore (Mirt=h
must wake up and by for alms wanes,
the outeids world she is • live• favored
ter as well as the powwow
position. Let all sa•►tery retaliate=
b. atoned, the platting of shade teem
lid the ted trtraduce 1dowers tea 11
seed' •este to
Deosra•r7 s=oa=r'= fssprrrr keep
plans with the times.
fho butsl .s0emud•tione of the town
aro beth good and exteosi•e, and tee
livery e.tabbalsio.ta excellent in point
et equipment. Private hoses keepers
should she be able to sepplea•ent the
by letting
roams they mam spare, as numbers of
the oast of sea homes
.14. theyq will ail seems esseseons,
besides adding to the cheerful appea-
ses* of the town by the somber of well
dreamed people on its streets time&
families (my guests) who sorely came to
« ere 1 va
t.its, hams M-
I.maimed perswmtly among 7oe, lora
out large mins of money and pouts
employmet to • somber of poop(..
In moealemon, I miskl be pardoned if
I inaidsstally msnti..a .eat, es am indiv-
idual 1 han dose, during the ped tem
!•aa- My hoose hes «xitnbeted up-
wards of =arty tkowaand dollars towards
the beninasg of the town, whech hes bees
distributed with the bakers, neaten,
groan, the henna, bl.sk.mi1h and
marriage .baps, deo for books ad sta-
tionery, boom sod shoe., hardware, dry
goads, alethia* sad fay amides, sad 1
amust eel have amt the baba, es •good
barber .hop is • desderation to a summer
goat on • bet day. This result las
n s..oeplrhed without • dollar of
brass or resales of • eat of taxa&
C."per•ti.ss, like individual., snot let
the poblgc know whet wore they have to
dispose of. T. do this, tet die msggsat the
cooly pleaded way- 's ilk. I
may tey,persemalt7,I •mdome atm iethis
digestive the• ewer before, ham( just
tessee a large emultrs.t to • lithograph
is Termite. which .i11 ee bye ate
to seed set through the hoe' sad
ineilth el the land • Goo pi4Mrgal .d•
earth me•% of the legality, and them
brims Galeria and muigbberheed mid
prosiesetll before the sett.e of the
emended travelling
arrsmg.am+ts with
clear the Mrbee on mssday ler the Thar
tee =loads•
-•*aUlat. sailing over tb boaadlat mala.
"arre a"ack comes lunDeals:
A large number of led
on the pier on Mooday 'nursing to wit-
ness the departure of the fishermen for
the northern fishing grounds. The day
wsa • bright and pleasant ooe, and some
of the crew wore large straw hate.
Among the• were • 000ple of
Salvation Army lames. who were do
.irons of giving • hallelujah farewell to
some of the soldier -fishermen.
The tog James Clarke, heavily laden
with similes, towed the bed, and de
spite the threatening boss Af toe, got the
beats safely to the upper porta Jame'
Clarke, owner of the tag,
tis ao .. Capt. Alf. Cambs% ow-
ing to the fatal Wear of his boy,did sot
ort, and the tog was pieced is the
skilful hands of Capt. Ed. McGregor,
a 1 mariner. Capt. Cham-
bers wilt leave next week to resume
Command of the tug. Four of • crew
were on the James Clarke, or ail persons
in all. The fish boa= in tow wen :-
Pearl Elisabeth, Craig ♦ Patterson.
Wave, Jane's Sutherland. Heather
Bell., Alex. t Thos ( aigie. Maplti
Leaf, John Crtagie. Ali.. Mand, Wm.
Pounders. James Clarke, John Bain.
Flying Cloud, Daniel McKay, God*.
rich Belle, MCDoesld Bra Foams, Jas.
Inkster. Peruvian, Dan. Matheson.
Al•aks, James Clarke. Parisian, Jai.
The bat two boats were not fitted up
with masts, etc., and were to he manned
by some Seeman fisherman. As ear as
we could learn about forty souls were
mastered among the oat ward bound.
All thea boats will speed the sus -
gar in either South fhy, Manitoulin or
Walnietd Basin, Georgian Bay. The
fishing off (lod.rich has failed so daring
the pant few years that it does not pay to
ran the rink of resainity hen for a etch
in the gra ma•ig.tioe edemas rf our p.rpstreted at the pablk by the Dosi-
ermeaspmrmry leat4all- stun insane port=al=s job deserve, to
"Jest a word is reference to this cant be taxed to death.
•boat "sebeidtsed Tory Organ• " It is
.coapted prineiple in everyday life
t oho', who list
s loaded shout their Two masher for West Huron is now
own vines an the lead to be trusted looked urine « see d tho Mole ptomi•-
ad M is gaits possible the role may holt
Cireethe ea" d the Sspesitnr ed.toi, set figures in political lite in Canals.
in vi' nee, he teras sip kiswvelduricir the Moot session
eieatafed honor, •md like the Hi'
sPelialbes ba.;ems of old. "theatre Ord that be . have bowl aalorised by the iedehpslost
Met as ether saga are, or as this pabli• pram, and 1. onslaughts on the Govern -
No_ man who is the mast Msn
oe ail., "aka."d the Tory
'. the into Bend el sever
party in the petals eadamstlae. Mr.
in the early month& owever, Rebt• I haodspke.l. lmgsit'•bse with advaa•
Clark, Allan Mousy and John Morrison tar; or'rs sink Do Wei 61 • bars mils*
hardIto the both 'grounds," for it a when eke P•••• -1100 boos *bored aloin{
lard to say m bmha luck Bods.=. hsr and .0 bands and the assail boys are
d.•.ttee t old oureebooappanm d Eboar:a. go hr.mia{ veeaslvea fa the rusk fa Mit' orfthe B•1ersism 1 Tia an read ars . K we woshtn't.akomosk hea
regularly to with flail tbr•abine *my teem . K
deed on the distant Wends for the hen- not tare about earrj!ui a hundred -weight
.01 d all band• o1 flour aloe* • "Wasted" track a donee
The Saba( to O lyssa a on d no little im- stiles throegl the bah, the way it
ad ey th to manse The assa=y ss i d to be dose in this =anion • soon whereby •
d a abeam toile's tis our mann Cres r beak. N tat es the O. T. Ry •ethertliws. pe
h ..d Oban fawltss largely lumlagegad tiakot•
K two of Tema 0. we M Z rrtrlrs M missed rasa are
sore, gam as we saes were :the to i•s the rates e
Tho I.risi.s satin oat mfr
Charles Tartter~ti~ M wade tt
wag tire T. IMOS DOD IOW eat epee- assWerke.M used M
The Leedom pM° is s.rvKA. sir
Charles was erainally • eaeelar ; path's
sway at 11* stadia diligently ; beasme a
doter and look to bothria dhow
shaped Memel' for polities ; welted his
eppneeefs ; his poverty didn't last long
after t,is, sed sow he is on of the pol-
ished upper "vela
nes.•" iter'
Mr (halt, el Ma=ma! Wed, aa
ardent miaserialist, wee n aeto.m\.d
Thursday •t the reveNiosa of Mr.
Paterson. of Brant, respecting the 0.ttom
{ser applied to the iodises for food ley
the ens •f 1.0. Bake t Co., of Ma-
nes ; that he ver, mesh .:aced and
saM : 'That is the tan contract that
brat will get from the podiums& It is
di.grm•efel." Mr. Colby, wb vita
Weil cf kis and bias, Mr'etded oat ha hand towards r.
seeded editor l 'lar aaN•eP^nry hi. Cameron deserves Ply oar population. Thsown e sawed 9111• have seems tee, rand Oak, . mesh as b m ' Get do•a-
the verde tat paarmarks M boars
his meaty. Like a skilled pit/deism, sf and resolving the Mets !regnant ,sur begin ' to ws low, aid Don't es mein yourself... s.yt. ' lir. owe.
the unmistakeable earmarks d the he has Probed the 'motorise sores d lig fine• $ to r•9 ani h e7 p.e.er to forward j Melt
however per ist.d to via dApremtorl
man." aid ve ladlK las .vidsM its and W re.omdiosded treat- The ate w duty foes, het the the Magee d ear hair at the tilde an eo a •tevr. m•diark►
had, les kle she maim the bur. W met Aker a reidese' of over 30 Tern I
redni•od. Bat tId rigor will ba the rawlt Tts.n agllee to hardwerkt•{ •.t ef m.n ad vile t■ the old slime, i ashy the Md in ►is slat sed will sot nest. If ►i adds• 11• fnlbwod paha". bask us are emmiwr a•a+ •asrtRll likes W*.re l•s•cm• kis,d >q p. Tab i• M is-
rheumatism twforehoodo "vee beginning is aws "slung story
ailments, eta , r•IIg•rasthe ob ed
ipeos awe bask ►•h=ead oar saes,
shall always eMtiese 10 take w intrust A.M. Clesg and Harry Baia, of Saw
be health a • the mea we ousts were. Well, N., I e1 tows sea wg11 M only neo wlilo ►ostia= with mors, ewe
tle.i• m!•t .1'. the sleeet7 nannies who the gen- the dab their s•pital, and their lives, re wbste 1 wood roe. a w we w M N obi. to disks • peoibb4. ••s Br b, was me ew d .n
files., tease ansysphowever, pians in this re4a.tire hams .1 mild. tat r ear
la a.ar• pane d eorrepdie•, wish Torii••.. % s env, is ga gad rain .f 1 rl A look ad Sir John He.* elder eke• os *.et1•a, th1t I1 _ Pr•dioto eta "nate ,Mayday, April Intl►. ,Lias Clay
ad the seam d the ftili.►,1.ein* Be l std add b Ali pre•PMit7. • de•*Mer el Joseph Lkt{t. leve eiy
b . . J%d M a••ap say kealtbfal, a..a_. stt►s sands, ohmage of gwvKawsest trio give diary. gad •k•lrpd.
N r era• : ht \ •
taMh whisk to mato t►o hasrml (loveeseaN. 16et tod•v An regeeowt to the 6lii•{ tads•try ef d been •ill- The P,wnt i.ram Surd April. 18th. d ib{1•as.
rr Maw • is the anew t 1 os
of es --1 - d we Area
kag 1 J. J. Wattles ]rand•, sed s smile of recce Clegg.
sited- e( straw W L .oe worked will his bead,ji
• 'orf wlid he Muga at 9. nam i• the esiseoiti. the great idea