HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-16, Page 7JIIST TIIE. BY AD121.1Nt MItOKAler, Memos Or "LWOW*, Wars;" "CMuslt FALSE reRT11aeL ," it C. CHAPTIiR XII. (('uwtinviod) A YTarrar, to a few moments Gerald was laid up- on a hod in the room that had been hie pen when he was a bel. It was tea the ground floor ; one of the moats in the west wing, but separated from the cor- ridor by • guvd-stwd Bute -room. Hero the yuuug mag misused to revives little; be opened ba eyes and turned them suzi.n.ly upon the (saes of hie attend- ants. Thea he groaned and turned his lace away. "Is Airlie not 1. Ow house 1 ' said Lord Mores. impatiently. "He is awing ; W is here." said Bea - tries, with a look at the door sad a sigh of aslief. Then, ins low to to her euesin, "You may trust him, I am sure. I will blare you now. Mr. Lockhart, may I show you the way to more co.t- ftntable gsart.rs 1" Mr. Lskhart bowed gravely. He r.rvelled at her ..U-pusesstou. "We are math obliged to Mr. Lesk- IINNI int his assistance," Bald Lord . Mor - wee SS.rteously. And thee the doctor entered and Mise ifeailnont signed imperatively to An- thony to follow her from the room. The wilt pennies left behind beside the patient were Lord Moreton, Dr. Airlie, sod Martin, ea old and trusted ear- va.t. Loekbtart iasessred the doctor with nee of hi. 'harped 'levities es the two wet in the doorway. A flash of recog- nition peeled ever the tease of both mea, bet it vanished as quickly as it had eons* and left no trees behind. Lockhart looked • little mere than usually forbid- ding ; the doctor glanced at him with e smile of simple and childlike geniality, as if his heart wen en full cf the silk .f human kindness that he most needs die- t pews 1t to all comer'. Nevertheless, if anything mold be gathered fr.m the of Look - June's oyes ae k. ease soddenly face to free with Dr. Airlie, it was • look of in- volustlary diegnet sed loathia., snob is that with which ee regard's ve.ssoea reptile or a noisome besot But the doe- ter's leftmost, hyo.dly nails betrayed oe of that look. There MSS s • pause no Lockhart's part. Then he slowly klluwed Beatrice oat I.to.tb• sole -room. "Yee knew Dr. Airlie," she said, with tie accent of conviction, not of tnterrog- atieo. For the tenth part of a minute An- thosy hesitated. Theo ke answered with his deliberation, "I hare met him." "In Scotland r ' bedew of anxiety. retlert:ed. "It is so use,' ahs said, with an evid.at effort , "you wnuut shelve the matter iu that way. 1 promise to give yuu some ea phaattus ; herald's hypur de.auds it, 'and Lord Mnrve.'s too. 1 could not wi- der! that yuu, or anyone, should thiuk twat b. had somatitted • dishonorable action. I dont want Berne Douglas to ttink so either. But-- whether good or had -1 gate yuu say word to make the akatter plata to yo.. Will that sd8ce '!" • "Perrctiy. " He hesitated, still with his .yrs upon the ground. "I newt hard• 1y say," he added at last, with an abrupt- ness which sounded almost harsh, and took away (row the somewhat ouuciiatory n ature of his words, "that I ask for no oil my own account. It is only fur Bertin'. sake." "Oh, yes," she answered, with a curl of her lip, "of course I know that. Only for Bertie's sake." He turned W go. She leaned back in hey chair and begsn drawing off the long tan g'oom which she had not yet remov- e -1. There was • very weary look upon her feet. He glauoed st it as Le placed hie hand upon the dour, but she din not Turn her eyes upon him. She was tired of his presence, she wished only that he would go. Antaw►y suddenly felt ooactoua of all the disadvantages of which he had once , pekoe to Bertie. His own roughness, his akwardnos, his ignorance cf women's ways, casco with • rush into hie miud and arrested his steps. In the last hour or two be had almost forgotten that Beatrice £s.iltnont was • woman ; she had shown herself strong, brave, golf -reliant ; she was a woman who oosld be .o thoroughly bon ro narudr with anyons whom she lik .d that he had scarcely 1 his old scruples at dealing with the feminine element, r,f which he professed to be pro foetidly ign. rant. But fist! as she sat silently in the greet armchair by the table, smoothing out her lung gloves on het knee, and spewing her weariness to swear in languid posture and hall • cluued eyes, be knew that o. -had be.D rude and harsh. H. longed for a moment to make some apology, to set himself aright in her estimation and prove to her that he would gladly ooteede.11 that she might wash, were it not against Bertie's inter- ests that he should du so. But he did not know how to frame an apology in fitting words, and while he hesitated, Beatrice looked op and spoke again. "There is one thing that I had forgot- ten, ]1r. Lockhart. You took charge of th bo I tb'to k t tb bo aha THE H U awl SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL IG, 1 86. . 7 pas into )n bie'. at ..tern. U.be Ott ".e. 1 r I. .. 400,11 n11 1 don't 1111 11•., I..4,111. 1.o , alit., a • ry a.k- ard p' elan•... I wee *ion) as Bertle's re q ,.et a .1 1 1111.4 .1.. •lay duty. Ile 5.1...' 11 • .,1 .-,1 1,. . ticker r.o.-• "i here 1.0 ,.-,u... t„ • rink ass Mt. Gerald Relit :e.•'s h.•....l .•. h,a,rat► " Beetnc.- s*•.•••.111 Autb..ny was he'd s:w•_I 'r,.'.1, as it ipy,•a,cd to h r- but Ili. re s.. -.•aur Muth in what h, 111.61.1.l. 1..n l,r.ul.iy ..label that G veld tae t1.. ie t.•• aeolpele h�tuseU- il he could He lied *Aid • icer words t • her in the r•••r•••.0.• hr,.• ,h . bad foetid hi 11 which made Itrt p.11 .ully doubtful of his a.cloy "You y•.,.. , It •..d .\.rho,.y with startl,ustartlings.,r,.pn.ens he h...1 lou0d vot.• and ..•rds at 14.1,1. d ra, Jtic ad W spare north.,( --"yaw yourself knew ,• that there r.. s.methna, t.• conceal when you bested ...e t.. keep the crowd away and no to cath the police. You were afraid en Y u newt not Ware tor afraid if you had kt..en that all was Net." "I ,eight 1s., Braid for the moment. I -I am tort afraid a..w,' said, coating down her eyes. "No r' he said skeptically. I am glad t.. hear it 1 have no mote t.. nay, Miss Esailmout. I'eih•ps you sill permit we w He thought that she looked as if shece were in pain. Her fawas pale, and she was biting her lower hp. He even fancied that her else were full of tears. But at thm at o.►.nt the door of the bed- room opened, aril Dr. Airlie mase out. The old torn glanced curiously et Bea - Ince and thou at L ckhart. It was with an expression of profound eompsasion on on hu venerable face that he stopped softly to her std. "My deer Miss Nesilmont," he avid tenderly, "this indeed • terrible afflic- tion ' "Is he very all f' she asked quickly. Anthony could net help waiting of hear the answer. "So ill," said the doctor solemnly, "that I fear --I fear very witch for the result. He u now aloes with his lord- ship, to whom he wi.hes to make some of importance - Beatrioe flashed a significaut look at Anth.Ity, then she started up. "Lit rue go in too,"she said. "Let me see him ; I aright to see him pan." Dr. Airlie laid his hand on her arm, "Sit dowya, my dear." be said qu etly. "You are suffering. What is the nat- ter with your wrist 1" "I think I sprained it • little," said Beatrice, rather faintly. "It is nothing m ueh. " ge The doctor raised the little wrist, n- erally so round and whit. and Bleeder. h was swollen and discoloured now, and dropped helplessly to her lap when he let it go. "More than a strain," said Dr. Airlie, with /some emphaaia "What were you doing at the fire tonight Uan you tell me, Mr. Lockhart The tones were stave and pulite enough, but Anthony frowned as if un- willing to address him in return. "Mies Es.ilm.mt probable Injured her e z, e z t we wrist in lifting something tato heavy for found -r her ,'• he said briefly. "13er "I gave it into the care of the Super- and brayery saved Mr. Ruthven'a life ; intendent of police, who .s present," I fear that she *uttered in return." and Anthony, hardening himself agaiust " No very distinct information is con- veyed in that statement, Mr. Lockhart," her at the nau.d ut bar clear, compo.ed said the doctor, with • benign shake of voice. "He will give it up to ay cousin the herd. " Rut I shall learn every - in due time." thing in ties.. I always learn everything "And yuu told hip -"in time. it is my specialty. I shall bear the whole story of the fire by and bye. "I told bis simply $bol I bad found it And now, my dear young lady, let -me in the house." ' see your wrist again. When Mr. Lock- "Aud the other tbags1 Did you give hart is gone I daresay I shall be told a little more." Beatrice had always pro- tested to like the white-haired doctor, but at that moment she positively dread• ed has boasted umniactenct. She looked round for Arthony, as if he could pro- tect her. Disagreeable as he was, his d "No, I did not, Mw hsailmunt. I sternly honest face wail preferable to the "I meattarts little while," she said ds.etor's unchanging smile and impen.tre- "I mid dpi iso he u, whether- bare them in any pocket." ble sky-blue oyes. But Anthony had "Cine them to me." she said impiri- L "And now," said the them to a policeman tool The -the crow - "Vali rill Anthony, quietly , "le bar, for example t' $outland. " She did net question farther. She had fixed her eyes auziously on the bedroom Beatrice's face visibly whitened as she spoke, in spite of the coolness of her tones. wiawNN..,," "Whether be MID explain hie errand to my ewin'a beano," said Anthony. "Ezactly " Her tone bad grown very haughty. "Pesibly you will be se kind OS to lit NW welt for that • before yell inks Mr. Doggies asquaitted with the FNM." - "I aka be happy 1. wait with yoe, he'reltiid 1 "sod, 11 i1 is convenient to you, to hear the .zphastien. " The tone was perfectly polite, but it was ens of at.died coolness. Beatrice's cheek flashed ; she bit her hp. But bee answer was given in • very dignified manner. Yea wast allow me to say, fife Lock 4 'dart, that yoe have so right to d...a.d any expatiation st alt." "It is gape sufficient if it is given to my cousin," - said Anthony. "But I taoeied that yea did sot wish to give it to him. As I •itasdt know the aireom- sts.eea, it might be easier to explain 'matters II little to ms. 1 as not Bertie's legally 610Pantad guardian. but 1 ata his *serest relatioe, and 1 take at interest in his affairs," "Evidently," said Beatrice, with some scorn. Then she turned away from him and Vied herself in a chair neer the table ia til nonose of tba room. Her facie was pale frown Cairns, the pose of her grees- 1ul figure indicated weariness. But the dark eyes that looked ova from beneath her level eyelids were astrillient m aver. and tbe tense Hese of her mouth did not roles. She soul&net afford to Jet herself Anthem, looked at the groom* and 't knitted hie hems as if he were debNin, • .me point with kismet( nen he spoke i.► • lee time- "! will leave the matter in your hands Yoe weeld sot do a crone toe amerce*, however small i am sure of that. (tttod night, Mies Esitaoet." "Are yes going r mid she, with • q.itk ebsags of maser. Relief and Osmanli seemed to be downing for a rse.le.t is her eyes, bet prweatly the susly. "Excuse m.. They are better io mine "Yon refuse to give them to me !" she exclaimed, a ware of angry color flood- ing her pale cheeks and spreading even to her temples. "Sergi,, yeu are not in eatmeet" She neje W'iksr feet and held s out b hand ebb s summand gesture. "Give them to me, if you please." "I will give them to yoe, Mee &ail- ment, when I have hosed Mr. Ruthven's ezplan•'ion of the way in which he came by them," said Anthony. "Oh, it is shasefei !" cried Beatrice, turning away. She did not rats her voice, although she was deeply excited. Indeed, the whole opevereation was car - on in an ; both speakers were mindful of the patient in the nett roots, and afraid of being overheard. "It N abominable ! Yon choose to suspect Gerald Ruthwee-Morven's brother - my CORDS- of a crime ; you insinuate that he was stealing the things that b. owned, when it was easy to see that he was saving them- cal•rying them out of the hoose, as we all were earryiag thine, ! As foe the tools, you knew well enough that ,they might well be need for innocent perpoess--" "No, that I dos't," broke 1 ily from Anthony's lips Bet .he took no apparent noties of tbs etelamatirtn. "And how can we tall that be had set taken them from some boeeebreaker he had entered the -holm by stealth 1 Yoe have no right to throw a h.m surpisies upon him. He is a gestlesu, s 111114 e( )to.or, yet you ape* .1 him r if be were a thief." ' .1 have said ttii tine of the kiwi, Mia ioiilmont. 1 have any **pressed risen eaters! surprise .t your somitr's prtls- eno. in Bettie's bones, is di.gdse-•-si raw yeerseU said to Lord Warren -trip . hn.sbreekees took on his, ..d a box of valesbls *violists is his poems.ion. It 1. aMew)," said Awith Sleet saatesept, "ie tell ase t•st t►.es Mort have no meanies. i don't wast to is - Soriano is the abetter. It eight ie be doctor, quoetly sitting down, "you may as well tell me what Gerald has been doing." TO Or . cholera Preventative. in order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of Hood, and the proper action of the stomach aro re.Iuired. Tu insure that end, in the cheapest, moat available owl complete manner, nee McGregor', Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and impure Bloob. There is nc purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for Indigestion Dyspepsia, C.atirenev, etc. Aak your neighbor or any nersnn litho has used it. Trial bottle gsven free. Sold by George Rhymes' Drug Stow Im 01 of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, are promptly removed by National tab. IRA LIVER COMPLAINTI SYMPTOMS Yrllew %yea Mallow Coen - pie xOlt, Pain l'nder /timid Shoulder. Al- tersate (o.tives.m sed iILarrh.rs. Tows* Coated with dark heavy Slime- taint `+pints. . Weariness, Sick Headaches, Variable Arlie - lab, Poor Circulation. Debility. Am CAUSE The Liver ludas the g*Ls� and a ver Ore Blood. llh s�gf 1s oftener di5sar .d t ha■ most otbw Or- gasm rgavel• bots la salami esti buttnea he chief oGlce besides is to . rete �whlch i. the Natural Veth&l are to tile ie ewels. What- ever than dowers' the haled et isa proper 1.51, had .5 .. bad air. tta•lartal Pag 41 MI 5e Deets ere.: on wf•tsv r wilt ilsig ij tM 1.11. 001111 w01 1Mtte. uv.r Uum- CUREaad The OM* shouldbebe Plats N11eeyt1osed Hesto �y Pure er.. Mom Use sores al nee a.MtIred. Keep w.at Mord saw*SS rreM, awl taw aitly. Power. rr.4sesaMi•a11.lae_ Liver seise Mee Crwstd BMOC' BLOOD BPTTB8g W11sf este 1M tar tee.. tt ttNw chs Rneela -std ga.il� wMl. R 'sgwlets t►M Tbia i L I kre !tea `tuIslit. J. C. DiuTLOR & Co. WILL l.Fb'l.R i Ut( ;?O DAIS SPECIAL BARGAINS IN - gess Goods, T„ ., needs, Masitle Cloths, Ready -Made Clot.' A Y, y CALL AND SEE THEM. iloderlcb 1.u5. 1115 LS5. ************0*********sok******** FOR GREAP G000S www ra�L ro cew. n THE PEOPLE'S STORE travelling $uthe. UttAND 1 RI SII KAer. toaIes• Mucin 11 toed, I tla.si ' Itdep.ml 1-tl p I b:Ma.ta 13::5p.at 7:70peen wtrT. Mlaed. Nixed. Y.apreas. Stretford I.%. ama.m 115 p.m tint p.m Dederick I Ar. , 1e:14a.m I 3.15 p.u, I it 15 p.m Galerieh IInt eitratfurd Ar Amusements. 1oDERICH MECHANiCS' INST1- 11TUTIC LINK \It 1' AND It KADINO st�� is our. ut lust street and .u.re p cu Owe Iris 1 to a per., an.t from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOCT (00 VOLS IN LiURARYI leodiny /kills, II',rity "o.1 tiledntbJ Payers, i/u•',,_iera, dr., u„ flaw. tibSIHYMSIt!!' Tlt'K1i.T, ONLY *a.ee, granting free use of Library and Iteadlsr 8000.. Application fur membership received by I.ihrarian, is roams. J. 11 t'OLBOICNE. ALKX. MORTON, President. Secretary. t:odertrb. Mar, 1. 111 b. Iles. lass- C.A.NAIRN HAS L kitl'T1IING tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-tttttt YOU WANT w x , IN Mar. 11, 1886 The People's Store, Goderich. 010C El/11Es ttttnitttttttttntitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttn/ 1 GEO. H. BROWN (8tteeesser to Dat. WHITELY./ PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added • Freak stock of Drugs, Dye Stuffia, Perfumery, Eta., 1.15. s to supply stork, bane to blown t►e 0114.... of at Iteasb tyet he V sow able Ie supply thea w.Ia PUME DHCUS eat CHI:MICAIJ3 a Rsaaoas ble Iiia.. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. BOLft AGENT FOR SLOAN'lnJ 11V JU'JLAN TONIC, tine Greaten& Bleed Partner et &ne see. Iive 7 Bowe doll a_seed. bind a BrainSAO ail UGAM 1 to 4 p.m.; Bee to 930 p.nt. Albion Meek. 0edeelek, isle sty, MN. - Mtn t t Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. CONTIIACTS TAKEN AM STEAD ENGINES, FLOURING 11111. 110 NTNEA ■ACNINENI WANTED. Flouring Pills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., eta, at Low Prices. 411 Kinds of Castings .&fade to Order. J. B. R semen. R. W. Rust -mix Geierich, Nov. 7th, MI I!t►Iy CARLOW. JUST ARRIVED, a very heavy purchase of SPRING GOODS, n some very nice Dress Goods, Colored and Black Qantas, Haberdashery, Shirtin s, and the finest lot of English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds ever shown at Carlow. My Motto from this date :-WON'T BE UNDERSOLD. CLOVER SEED FOR SALE, Good and Fresh. I trite all a cordal invitation to all sad inspect. -- M3_ RSA �wtiaea.M.TZ,S, CARLOW, NOW COMPLETE I NOW COMPLAJI. bi I A CIi01CY STOCK OF DVir Or0013151 ezid. Groceries_ SPECIAL LiNEA IN , DresslGoods, Shirting., and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter B& Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON.' THE RED, WHiTE AND BLUE. ooderteb, April Nta, 1Nt - BOOTS &S OES r� c3z W edea, i Beg t. aneoeeoe W the Public that they have npened business in the above Star in the store lately once ed by Horses Newton Having purchased a large and well assorted 'took ofSpebm and Rummer Bonds of close figures wears detormino to give the Pwblie the Monett. QUICI 811E8, MILL PROFITS WILL 131 OUR ICTTO yrlPlsese tell and etraabies cur goods beforepereksaitiq eleewhen. slr'p.wlter the plods, sent door to .1. Wilson'. Drug More. MIrCu tens work .ill *emirs our apeeiel .tte.tiou. /i1iase ha the best of asaterW .sed sad Nret-algae workmen employed. j/Pitepdting neatly dose no the shortest entice Goderieb, lgareh f let=. DOWNING & W EDD U P NEW AND FRESH Fula-- • 1888. He is showing a splendid assortment of Cliiva and fflssure. Come in sad look, it you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Goods. C. A. NAIRN, Court (louse 4us: e.Oodderich Dee, (th. 111114. CNOD)1314I013 PLANING MILL 5*1 ABI18I1YD 1565. Buchanan,Lannnn: Robinson MA?ttrACTCaxas OF Sash,Doors & Blinds D&ALEL IN ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's' material of every deiscript/es. SC" FVMITBRE A SPECIALTY. MFA Order prosptlylattended to. Goderieb Aux. 2, 1113. r-ly PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAVING BB(,'URED THE !! of (111aMi J. CsM►ra$. td H Pfanohttte'., Msaufaotot - tared by Meaers. Mee. A West. of " ,.Toronto, 1 sunprepared to sell *5. name at Moderate 1''rrlce• lad on easy 4Eterpayment. termite Having. thorou,h knowledge of the/ O ata_afactare of Pianos, and what kind of material awl felts are required to make • Ar.tclass Instrument, inirnd- H lag purchasers will find it to their ad- vantage to cunult me before purck-- Oing. feal.g and tvpalel.g a seee.alse• Ai QtAll work warran- ted first -clam Orders left at the Rook :Moores of lira, p ask or Mr. Imrle promptly attended IIDW'D L BROWN. P1AIIOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Oednrieh, Sept. 1015, ttill5. 3014-11 The People's Livery trottarart JOHN KNOI, Proprietor. The euburriber is prepared to turwlah the pub Ile with 'The Finest Rigs AT REASONAMLR PRICKS C'Ai.L AND SEE t78-Oppeelt the Colborn Hite Ooder►eb. o.dertea. /Ob. 1414 iN H A9YA R t 's YELLOW GIL %HEuM • t' FREEMAN'S WORM POWDER. le take Q..ialn Omit eta. PosesSirr,. Is • was, soh. and 0411.111‘. ltAewer of ~ma le oyodeum et Milk