HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-16, Page 61 t 6_t:��$'�y,.:..4,.'g",14:;„ '' rah HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 18)58. Fun anti Fancy. It ws a beat• man who declined t he vae.:at.ated on the ground that he wu nut 'u be towed by any living than. You may talk of the signs of the weather. O1 the coming dal. you leer sing. But sitting down oa • rod hot nisi• bathe sign of au awl) spring. Worth r in • long letter from John H. Hall. of Baddlck, Cape Breton, N. 8., be says :" I believe wens it not fon Burdock Blood Bitters 1 should be in my gore." 1t cured Ins of kidney and liver complaint and general debility, which had nearly pone.' ietal. 2 "You can't add different things to g.ther," a•id a sero l -teacher "Ii you add a sheep and a cow t.a.ther, it does not stake two sheep or two cows." The little son of a milkman held up his hand and said, "That may do with sheep and cows, but if you ad 1 a quart of water to a quart of milk, it makes two quarts of milk. I ve seen it tried." A St es Rattrl.t.. For coughsasth ma, and all recent adds, 1)r. Harvey's Southern Red flue. Don't let a cough grow troublesome when it can be reliev- ed and cured by this remedy at the small c wt of 25c. Sold only at Wilson's pre- scriptive drug store. lm : A room crowded to discomfort with furniture and ornaments, no matter how costly, is never restful and homelike, and Merry. sugg:etive of the shop or a mGM .Inti. bead latae. Ai ' ny sntleren buying medicine have been disappointed, don't give up, buy a reliable article like 1)r. C'hase's Liver Cure. and with it you get a recipe book alone worth the money. Jaraea Wilaa., ate agent. Says Dryden : She kn,.wa her man, sod when you neat and swear Can draw you to her with a single hair. But it mus: be beautiful hair to have such .ower ; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use •.f Coreetata Hila Kslrswsa. Sold at :Acta. lg./. Wilma 2u Seeing is believing. Read the testi menials in the pamphlet , nn Dr. Vas Buren'. Kidney Cure, then buy • bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your bruggest can tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson (loderioh 2m Wanted tits Mosel's Werth. Dr. I'ighead Twits Mr. Coldham, the pork manufa_turer. • • Well, Iny dear sir. I don't see that there's anything radically wrong with you. Go to bed early, don't drink any - thin, stronger than coffee and you'll be all ruvlit w • week. •' What, are you not going to give me any medicine ''" •'Certainly not. You don't need I1." "But you get your fr,:i just the sae.• ties. Just so." "Wall, 1 don t think it is a square deal. S posin' you bleed me, put a mustard plaster on the back of my neek and gim- me a dose of salt.. Everyle.dy that w•.ris far uu s get to earn his salary'" - [Chicago Rambler. 'tear Marsatlee's (seer Mr'. Nelen , th'. Whitehead, of Nixon, was 4chn.ate sufferer from dytpopsisand liver complaint, and was scarcely able to take the most simple nourishment. Even a swallow of water caused great distress. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitten cured her, when all else failed. She heartily recommends this remedy to all sufferers. • 2 A Pleasant Y.p.l. So you expect to go Into the country so... Mies Cushittotdn. Yes, she replied, we aro to (Mit Uncle .lames, and he has such • delightful house, with the wide porch all covered with trellis vines, and grapevines, and boa -Ines i can scarcely' wait for the train to start. For Rough conditions of the Skin Shampooing the head, Pimples, Erupt- ion and Skin Diseases, use Prof. Low e Sulphur Soap. I Some do not know that a tablespoon- ful of baking soda, in a quart of bailing water, thrown into the suck and left to run is a disinfsctaut, and that the same put int. ,pork barrel and thoroughly washed hound it, will cleanse it and make it es sweet as when new. Merle la a Little. Hamilton Dowd, writing from Burns, Ont , says he was atfllotad with chilblains which were very sore and painful and which nothing relieved until he tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil; les than one brittle cured him. 2 A little turpentine in the wash boiler will notice clothes very white, and will often remove incorrigible stains from white goods. A tahleepnonful to • taros boiler, or a teaspoonful to two (rations of water. There is no smell, the boiling preventing it. Dr. bow s Pleasant Worm Syrup - An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to rem, re all kinds of worms. 1:a A PoteT Tr a DT1IRT atlrc. "Tn ad eternise anoceednlly one must advertise right along, -Mid • prominent New York dry -goods merchant. "Ws ones hit ubon • novel expedient, however of ss- o'•rtaimng over what area our advertise- ments were read. We published a OUDIe of half column ' ads.' in which we purposely mil stated half -a doyen hu- torical facts." " i)id yin get any re. plies '1" " 1 should my we did. 1n nes than • week we received between three and four hundred letters fern all parts of the motility from people wishing to know why on earth we kept such a one• eliminate fool who knew so little •Lout American history. The lettere kept pouring is for three or four weeks it was one of the hest paying 'ads.' we ave► printed. Our lettere came from school lays, girls, nmol sans. elereywten.'Athol t taches, and in two instances from mai. nest men who have a world-wide repo. tstion. 1 w more impressed with the vslee of adtertisine from three two ai• vartterments than i .hook have been by volumes d tt..oriea," 1 _,....,.nrD.a.a to the history lit medicines me r*tiou has reoeivud such unnenal o s MelIdatiuu, fur the alleviation it affords and t la permanent pus it whets is kid- ney diseases as Dr. ''an Buren's Kinsey Cure. It. action is the distressing complaints u simply wonderful bold by J. Wilson. Ins The Kincardine Rert.•,- haw the follow- ing sketch of the sin of a former resident of Goderich : "J. C. Cooke, sin of the late Joseph Cooke, of Kincardine, was born in this tv an on the 28th Jay of May, i$.8. He attended schuul here unul 1873, when he eunituenced studying for his present profession with J. P. Wright, chemist and druggist. He re- mained with hint for three years and then attended the Ontario College of Pharmacy. He there paved • success- ful eeaminatien. received his ditil.ma, went to the t'nited States, and while there served • time with W. H. Peabody, who .owned one of the largest dreg stores then kept in the United t4ates. lie re- mained in the States about three and a half years, returned ►d, Canada, and com- menced business in Kincardine. He now occupies .i. 1'. Wright'. old stand. H. is competent, affable. attentive. and highly respected by all wbu pall at his stops. • Freeman's Warm Powders dsatroy and remove worms without injury to (mdulter uufent. lm — P>i&ay DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER 11 aUCOMMaxDID DT Physi'ians, MEM -were, Mfuiol.artew, Jfenapera o/ Factories, Work -mops, Plantations, Nkrara in Hospitals, -in abet, everybody everytvters wAo Asa ever mot it a friaL IXTasaALLT arise WITS& • WHIZ class Or NOT HILI AILD •L -OAR, 1T WILL 1a r..tliD A aavaa VAluMu eras 1OR "kV SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER ANI) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT „tic. APPLIED 1XTIRM•LLT, Ix raaT1RC1 MAI POOT•M IT Title *Orr ar►ECTIYI AND MUT LulIMIMT OM IM $XMOYIMO TMs PAIN Ashler PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOT)1ACIl1;, BURNS, FROST RMS, Ito., &c. 25c'ta per Batik. ilei' Beware of Imitations. iii CAMPBELL'S; CATHARTIC COMPOUND is effective in antai dents,- arts without griping, does nut oc- casion nausea, and will not create im- tation and congestion as do many of the »anal cathartics ad ministered in tit. form of Pills. ac. Ladies and Chil- dren having the most sensitive otoo machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint /� \. AMruILL'a CATWARTTQ COMPorfo is especially adapted for the cure of LITER COMPLAINTS AID Boions Deo uaness. FOR AciD STOM•cw AND Lose or AP- Fon nFos Rice Hs*n*cws ARS Dvsrsrsu. FoR Co ertrAT,O, OR CoeiivsR•ia. Foe ALL COMrLAl*T1.Aa1{1*0 Piton A Dnuannzesu or visa STD• Mac". The medicine being in liquid form. the dose can be eaaily regulated to meet the requirements of different per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little ehtld as to the adult. Put np in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers ,. family meubcinea. Price Retail. 26 Cents ffimimirsa C A MPBELL'S TONIC ELIXI • This atrroable yet potent prepare - Urn is especially adapted fir the relief and euro of that class of disorders attendant upon a low or redia -,l stale olthesystem. and usually accompanied byI'ailor, Weaknea• and Palpitation oo the lleart Prompt reau;te . will follow its us In came of sudden Ex- haustion arising from Lost of IIJ.wrl, Acute or Chronic Diaewe., and hr the weakness that invariably arr.nntvnies the recovery from %Vasting 1•es, res. No remedy will give more 'speedy relief in Dyspepsia or indigestion, Is art ion on the stomach beityg that of a gentle and 1 .rmleae tonin' I' %ruing the organs of duceatton to aetioti, nn.l Ihns :Moiling immediate ars) permanent relief '11.. terminative pr qw•tties of the different aromatics ehiehi die Elixir rowels* render It useful in Flatulent 1)yapepal• It is a valcable remedy for Atomic I)yepepee, which is apt In (Will' In Demons of a gouty character For Impoverished blood, lass of A p.tite,11 ,y-.suetinsitcos when, an effective rd certain stimu- lant is required. the Elixir will be bound Invaluable' in Fevera Of a Malaria) T\pe. and the various evil multi following expo- sure sure to the Cold or Wet weather, it will prove a valuable restorative as the tomISostion of ('incbnua Ctdirtlia and tierpeutara are nniterw.tly re.•..gnired as speciAce for the above namtd door. den. rived Area Deniers is Faintly, Medicines. Prim, Si per /tire, ere .1 Bottles /wit:. Davis St Lrwrenoe Co. (Limited) SOLI AORwTR, Mney-y.t., i' \l. noon.. , .. — .I.. name's mw ateas.l.a L the only 1Dataateate„q relief for Nino Aga, Hss.tauhe, Toothache, et.. Rub- 'f)ilgt a few drops bttakly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous modicie e• for weeks, but owe minute's application removes aid per and willthe groat value of Meath's h's fluid • Mang. 26 Dents per battle at O.urge ysaa' drug scute A RswA*D--lit one dtneu "Tease* ay" to any tape sending the beet four lin- rhyme uu • Tits*earthe remarkable little gem fur the Teeth and Pat:.. Ask your druggeet or address Te ter leedlral rrese.s.e., roti. am whom 1t may rear's. Phos.hatino, or Nerve luno, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Profeswr Austin, M. D. of Roston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the; human system. I'busphatlne is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains nu Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but soup, ly the Phosphatic and (}artrio Eleuwuts found in our daily food. A single bottle u suticiont to convince. All Druggats sell it. •1.00 per bottle. Lows.as d Co., sole ag nta for the Dominion, 56 Front Street East Toronto. Csariwa II, "Malden. Main., Feb. 1, tum. Gentlemen - shivered with attacks of sick headache," Neuralgia, Ieniale trouble, for years in the most terrible and I. man- n er. Nu medicine or doctor could give ate relief orcureuntil I used Hop.Bitters. ■ 'The rst brittle Nearly cured me ;' The 'wood made us u well ad strong as when a child. 'And I have been se to this day.' My husband -ns an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary oomplaiet. 'Proneuneed by Boston's hest pby.s- oisns- 'Incurable ! Seven bottles of your bitters cored biro, *ltd I knew of the Lives of eight persons' In my neighborhood that b*we been saved by your bitters, And many more are using them with great benefit. 'They almost Do miracles !' la Mrs. E. D. Black. Farmers' Atte tion The undersigned Ims • Choice Selection of Purr. ('lean of the following varieties:- Whirr Duehes., Lucerne Alsike. Trefoil. Pea Vine and Red Clover, Timothy. Lawn sari all varieties of Orasws,eitabte ter pennaaeat eaattno. pay, Wheat. Peas. Marley. Ityc, Beans, no. wheat. Corn. Tares and PURI &Joe Ftrld alert ndw deeds of last years meow tb-true to *sea. A hill assortment of Flour and Feed. The Celebrated Union Churn the best in the market. A consignment of Choice, Freak Tea., eon. listing of Mack. Green aad Japans whole- sale and grail. A large areem't of Mosier to Lean. R. PRICE Masonic Block, East street, Gotten,. Mar•h Mb.. hal. galls• SIEDS. HENRY SPENCE t*ruins •w elasd.l r • Now on hood and arriving• Dee varieties - of ('lover and Timothy. Turnips, .'arrow- aad an e. -ellwt assortment of Field and Garden . Seed s. HAVE To. Roller Oatmeal apt Roller Wheat Neal. Liver C.mphier, Indigestion, siliaasee. Flour. Chopped rNtK and reed. I.cuc laand.ce, Hssese ase, . pain 'm the Rea your order with -�a my dress. from, from, a doming*1....'77.76. ut's lovas Cows s wis bw bond a sio tai certain 'newly. NATUR['a 11[MEDY the ergssr.Red aurc-ew of Tr. (lease'. (.iter Con i Liver Complaint recta solely with the tact that it i xsap000ded from natere's wai.i.owa liver regulator. MAaDIIAres A.o DArnatuoa, combined with man shoe i.velsbis roots, baths sod hertz hating rserfal effect em the Kidneys, Stomach. Beals am Mood. 600.000 SOLD 'Trye war- a6' antis IV Dv. CAads Ira -i$ Revd erre till is Catsals aim.. art maga Carr, ova. wears mini chili r..5o h bells/ wit. Lieut ta. Ibiat at try this tzarina manly. Sent' we w. Gnu AwIy fare Wrapped amend �erf bottle of Dr. Chases Liver Cm • • •smalls R .erdd Medical Gaide and aerie. nook (la pages), .saear'iag ear ems trait prosinisnord by medical ares and druggists 5. i�►a Ye, and wort►. -s h.- w prix d the me dici.a TRY Cam WW1 011111LA sae aad psiaiw teener 'ss rents. TRY Goers am Age time Pea. is acre BOLD •Y ALL OC*LIR• 4, T. SIIIIMISON a 00 -.eel. ag.ota, Orediert Dr Darvery s `but.'TMsse Kau Pisa has beets prepared with greet Atli • d eat.•. sad the I r..lniet•.r s couAJrtst it will uau.tate 1.1 Canada the r.twtatt..I at las so Justly sou us the United Stater. Fur sale al WYslwu'' preecrtl.t,..i, dr , stare. Ales Reid, grit. -rel merchant. ..f Coldwater. (►.t ,nays: l)r Harv.y'. Soother,. Red riling is etjbowt d, oht the brat aauuh na.di.Ls.e 1 ever *old. It has donna mor19 giver than other, enol is a household word ar.ued Coldwater lot HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY This (.nap.rnv is Lionised lfowv cava Faroe &rarity oil Leu•' t Kaes ..j /raciest. MtI:T(A(ES PURCHASED. SAYINGS BANK BRANCH. t, 4 am! 5 Per ('rest. littered .4llowv.1 % Dermas, armor/Mg 1.. otrt..ust prof time left oa b a. OFFII' .:: -Car. of Market ttgaare aad Neet Wier(, titaderich. t ' 11O11Al'10: IIOItTON, MAalua ill veli. Awe! MINUS& ttw- r- 00 - 00 TO KNIGHT'S FOIA SHA V E, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS RASI' OF P.0 inter GODERICH BOILER WORLS Balmiest received &partite stock of BRASS & I1101 STEAM FITTINGS --rUK— BOILERS & E1GINES New Salt Pans and Boilers Built en Shortest Notice. Mei order. for new work and repairs steer t - prompt attention. •utattii.rAAL & BLACK, works near (i. T. R: Station. 1 Itioderich Feb. 321.. 1881 Keep Your Feet Dry Yot/eea du lbw at eery jridlsg nee by boyish ye.r BOOTS & SHOES AT THE STORE Or E. DOWNING Cra,bb's Mock. I lave now en hind the Tamest stuck ever .hewn is teedrrch, and comprise. .eery Ilse tie wally wind in • dret-•-l.ss.hoe store• from the Nees* kd, through all the tot.tredtale grads to the heaviest row htdr. l will sell at Prices that Will Suit E v eryoae. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 tt 15.00( 118808 and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75s. up. Boys do., $1.00, up, all other Lines Propartionatelj 0heap. I ane and will suit you. both to pads aad prices. . D O v7- Na- Crabb's Block, Corner Fast street and Square. �.. N.B.-Te rho trace , Leather sod drldinlrs :n any quantity. at Lowest Prises. EASE AND SECURILT Y This cut evepressnts the double trues witheur the kelt. Note tire panties of Melia seem lapdog skimmed In the P by 'phi- aCt/SST ANT but tray 1N\h'ARDaad UPR-AIEw GOC E Pat by truss is - Dru t,tie �, SOLI AGENT, GFODERICH_ Fsbrtarr.(h. 11116• DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER •ND LFAIiIOu flUNTf'S UNDERTAKER. it will PRO yea to buy your Futidtut. from : he undersigned, as t have now an assortment an there Is in Mgt a.ent BAKI.Nb Ido not adopt say '-s a of he s r- a end s sing a cheap ered.. y bat will sell yon te gen � cral nonan at poen•+ trot Danson ler surpassr� tgeatit) eonsdettd.. 1 In the 1 adertaking I have stock •sited for the poor a.. well as r.r 1. 1 have a.so added trs process of F;nahNMMeg, so that peruse bawling to seed bodies of friends to a A:stance dodo se at rraaon.ble .an. as moillr! POWDEcooets THEFRIEND r*.pt. °Mh "lido DANIEL CI-ORI5ON,vt West street. Godear. between the Post Office seed Bask of MMontreal!I4-Sm C. H. GIRVIN, losipRARp'� - :6aNT F(n: Q1111DEWON Gem No*rYor er Seer Iachiz, i 4 )tanu:actttaer of the ('elebrate-d KITCHEN CABINET LIVER CURE HENRY SPENCE, JtcSur'a Old Stand, Hamilton ettreet, Gndeytab. Ooderick, Marsh nth. Noe. 513: -Inn 1885_ O.O]DERICH WOOLEN MILLS_ TO the Wool drawers of the Sorrow -4k, 1 uttwfry: We wish to say that we are prepared to take your Wool In exebange for (foods, or 'anti It for you into any of the followitgarttck+. cis Iilaakote White, Gley or Hens Bhirtings Grey or Check. Cloths --Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels - White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheetinge Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn — White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our faeilitiea for ,his work rennet he anr- N'e will endeavor in moat carrS to do t ire day M 14 ttpeueet is. if required. Oentotn t iittnlait and Rerling. or esinnbyt en the tap, emeer or one. barn or soft twist. as rr(f torr& We are i■ a portion to do ill kinds of eon tons work, ...ally done Ina 1.11 art .' ,.m mill. and we will gnarantee to do for yon Billy equal. If not • little better than a07 In our surround i nes. A call rergeotfully solicited. E. McCANN Kut End ll•orb.. Mille, Ooderleh. May 111th. 1866. RAIN RUM "d"' JAMES WILSON O'ODZRICI3_ Oat. t'.nd - -_ 1111{8-ly moll sea .r.ra•11177.11111, ow Istria HARKNESS e Nesters* Ir West Street lig mete celrg, R - - - _ewes Dasdroff ' steps the had tam (albeit lacresaes it • growth, and wR mesa the des - As It bafr dais —. It bes leegorior. Guar eietesdhemeheas _by Hrrha me sa G I -me" OM. Allres & Jollst9ll ALL KTVttic of MEATS Careful Aftellialii and Away DMiewr. A CALA. SOLICITED. Dee. ltlb, itil<. Illf- Ii_lrarb "d PrialL 1 1 ve • tad slbiskatf Farniture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. tt Machine •')lis and Needle always on head at reasouible prices. J CALL SOLICIT:D_ 95 t1 • HAraiea street. • few doors below the consorts:: kneel, C_ H_ CI-IRVIN ileellemwo Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. rEtikrUEILITs CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street,?Goderich A gpo d aaaaaappr�tweet eaZ iskee. Bee seem, dosing ii..om and Tarter FttrnIttfi! Moo chaiaslhstrease amt wood seaesdi, Cupboards. Med steads, Maltreat/se,if► Losages,Sofs. ,hat-ilets, Looking &lases. N. R. A rospleteasseemeit of Cellist's/4d Shrouds always n head also Meagan ft/rtkl at reasonable rare . lien or. Frami ng • gaeialty.— A sat: 'elicited • ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPE$ Noses tit time. t: Feu wish owe et two eke rooms at boom. tante Beller sem •t. Fee bee over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Desi gns Itas.rtlfu colors aad at prl.,.Ieeavkaa cert' mneh Infevterlgnode, Cal and see he are tM boa alae i o tows. see rest beaeld Lala Spog Bazaar Palteros Fasitioos, AT I31L) � Lz7R •I� QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS p WR Z F 8 s p= 21 Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all the Machinery during the Exhibition. ft has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDA.LS duringthe iast three years. sir See that you get PEERLESS. It is oral ade by Fer SeteSbAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Terme Rev. 1 YATES • & AOHESON Goderich. Mit. 1�, �•, ,pay eye .`<•••(Ir _t