The Huron Signal, 1886-4-16, Page 3THE II N • 8 GNAL.' FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 186. t got clean higelker sad an hNee+iew was all too bent 1 rejoin on meetieg him here 4wgtht, sod Wit that my weeds, brought (rim star, Whoosh not fir fetched, for. lb.y are *h.in of my heart, lady het to Nate M all inure firmly w the hoods at a lasting fricsdship. I cell upon you all to join rte in "The 1bWe Celebrate," St. Patrick's day, 's day. May its neat find its children ewttl.i.d and free, under their •own vise sold fig tree, fed by their ow held. weed by their owe psriiasseut and cheerfully submitting to their own laws_ The cheers that followed th,a were miegled with the iwpwriog straits of r' SL Patrick'. Day." Song.. Is the Weld like Is. Nothing nae *gtul Poison 's Nerviline its s remedy for internal, local, or eamr- eat, pains. It is the strongest, therefore the beet. bervilitae M once to the nurse of dimes., and affords fmmedtste relief. C. B. Allison. & Co., druggists, Picton, speaking of Nsvv14as ante: " Our customers *peat of it is the highest teres*." Nervilioe nerve pain care will always o.mtaaod the prase id all who w 1t. Nsrvilins is an hooset Always sun, and prompt to re 42idir , and therefore ie the bast remedy keep in the bone. Buy a *ample bot- -ttht which oasts but ten mots, and be • IfBesd that Nerving*. is the best peon •at1Md7 to the world. Sold by J. Wilson, drsrgcat, Gudericb. OOMMUNICATIONS. W4= rtgi bye k far ,,,, tars to glib • beaos . selves to • . TS, AMP rte. 'ro the Editor of The sena. lira,—Aa our older woods decrease, there 'Mho apparently but one meow genetsU* .sad to give the country shel- ter, that is, long tent ofwill be pleated. That s what has been lotted most suceeesfuL It s necessarily Gar more sooe...ful than maple or other decidenes trees, he thew only give shelter in amenner, w1t41e it is in winter they will be greatly need.d bere, Th. * tato of Ontario in winter, if the woods disappear se rapidly as they are going, sad nothing is planted to replace them, will be far worse than that of a culd pe•irie 000etry. Many people in Que- bec, and wine in Ontario, base left their firm. became of the bleak winds of whiter and spring, which now render he- at ing to the old homestead disagreeable sed / unhealthy. I These are staple mamma of shelter, if we meths few years before the old woods -are quite guile in procuring 1t. Young —pine, cedar, and the spruces --can be bad in great numbers io some localities, and will transplant easily wheu email. When in atter year., a line of these has arrived at • good growth, it forma a higb,.elid, bimetal& wall of he- •irg green, .tlntmer and winter, and is et stitch %aloe to s farm, in preventing too rapid drying out in summer, and in keep - log off cold blasts in winter, tbat I never Jtnew an wdividual who, having once h a , would hate it • cut dcwn for • tbnusand dollars. In the States people ere to go very largely into thew schemes of field protection, and 11y the growth of evergreen seedlings is carried on in very large scales by wine of their war cry mw. le Waukegan, Illinois, lately, I ear the nursery beds . 1 Mr. Demotes, perhaps the chief evergreen , ,Planter in the States, whore .they are grown by millions, and sold in vast quan• titles every year. One way in which they are sent great distances is to sell them when but four to me hitches high, when four or five thousand can be pack- ed in • small epees. The buyer, on get- ting these, plants them sometimes in his gardet, and transplants in two years, or places them at once in the line where he wants them, sed as they on be planted clout+ at first, there are plenty to spare in a couple ofcars to 611 up ibe gaps 1 any tail are .old at very low pilon three to nix dollars a thousand, and go to all parts of the country. 1f then was a good demand is Ontario, I have no doubt our own nursery teen could grow them as cheaply. But, so far, there are yet a vait quan• fey of, to he &nod in ods athe wane in the fielia near them. In early spring. when the roots tete kept fast, I have known them lediplasted with great.eec.w. The Meet time is the first weak in June, bot that is so hurried • season that it is better to risk wares lose If the be taken up young, ayrunder • loon. with plenty of earth adhering, yew well. At least, I know sassy instating re whethey hare succeed- s& reeve• R. W. Paten. Ter4fflo, Micah. hill, 1886. Field I.Qrntlas. All sufferers from that terrible tor- inwnt, Neuralgia, oan be made bsppy in nae t.om.nt by • single apbliostian of TlluidlAp$it8g briskly rebind en painful parte, INA withost using any Mittman' medioino dayafter day with little or no result. FluLightning also cures aa ef- fectuall Tootheehe, Lambago, Rhea ma - tions. H aded's, and is only 46cents per bottle at Geo lthy!la. Drug Stare. 1m oto The tide water pipe Co.. Bradford, PA., always keep a stook of Giles' Iodide Ammar% Calmest ea hand. It is • .ehiws. woodcuts i. all fere t troubles sold by F. Mr. A GREAT DAY. Gladstone Unfolds His Home Rule '8chein°. Tremendous Excitement Am- ong the Parnellitee. THE G. 0. Iii. CHEERED TO THE ECHO. Ireland to Have Her Own Parlia- ment. .. Bepre.e..alle. •1 W 0.....f Lords and • seam of Timm rause The ralteere of cerrele e - Tar tUrsas,.. Karim asd lae.eral T.s.MU.e he hie M lrel..d A •burry HaaC.a1..d -Taw . Wintery, ,seas., e'nae.lal Atdrs sed e'.oaaee 1. Rem - .1. ONA the etesp/es Failure .r 1s- gltea B/.reeN A lSea5M.—Why sr. Tor arose Besle•ee or. rammer. stews. Lo;tpotr, April 8 —Today has been the most eventful and the greatest in the Engluh Parlmmeut within the recollec- tion of living matt. A. early as 6 o'clock in the tnuroiit , wbeo the doors of the chamber were opened by the sweeper*, •.mMrs were prows ready to secure soots, some of them bearing evidence of not havivlg closed their eyes the whole sight. The l'h.aefites were wrung the fleet en head and massed mots ie a oust - pact malls in front of Mr. Gladstone Few outsiders had any chance of being spectators of the moat memorable scene in the history of the British empire. At $ o'clock every seat except rrinisteee', which, of *cane, we always reserved, had a hat on it Nearly morn thousand applications for sesta in the galleries were made to the speaker and all but • tittle mon than • bare hundred had to he disappointed, the seating capacity of this speakers gallery being only fifty -taro and of the strangers' sixty-five. One hundred pounds was offered for a seat without • transfer being effected. Members In m•tty instances sat in their chairs and slept through their chairs sod I slept tbrough the time until the house was regularly opened, haring food and drink brought to them. All day lung crowds of people gather- ed athered around the gates, and besides iedulg- iog in all kinds of horseplay cheered or hotted members as their fancy pleased theta In the afternoon the jam was amply t the multitude cov- ering all the space down to Westminster hedge, and extending pretty well op Parliament street towards Whitehall. In addtti,.n an immense throng of people tilted Darnint1g[ street, where Mr. Glad- stone's 1ad- stonis oiBctsl residenes is situatd. This crowd was patiently waiting fur the premier to make ba departure for the nouse of commons. An incident that was taken as an of ill-ouoen was the fact that the enormous clock to which Big Ben. England's giant bell, rings time in the Vetoes -tower on the southwest c ornrr of the rarltament buildiegs, stopped at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. precisely st the hour the speaker took the chair. OUTYIbt TIME ROI'.$. - Soon after 3 o'clock all the thorotlb- fares *boot St. Stephen's were so crowd- ed with people that attempts to carry on traffic in that neighborhood Lad to be suspended, mounted police were placed on duty pstrul'nng because it was impos- sible for the officers afoot to gel ab•,nt. 1n the house of commons members now began to divide themselves into parties. with • view to their probable support vf, or opposition to, the coming speech. They also indul,oed in considerable ban• tering of one another. Peter Ryland., Liberal member for Brunley, who had failed to secure • *eat on the floor, but had one in nae of thegalleria, attempted tc make • speech from his lofty position. He was greeted with a volley of yells, which rendered his von. inaudible and compelled him to relinquish his purpose. It was 1 that on loss than 460 of the 670 members had entered and se- cured their seats by "Mining" or per- sonal before 14 o'clock. Be tw.sn 3 std 4 the Parnellites entered in • body and took possession of their seats. Thom.. Power 0 Connor explained the • haste exhibited by his party W secure :.arta by minas that the tones had or- ganized r- ganird to take possession of the wale in snit a way as to sake it impossible for the P•rnellitea to wt together, in or- der to rob Mr Gladstone of the ch-erp. of cheers which the full -throat.& Irsh w ebers would be sure to give ham if they wars in a body and the orator were to their liking. ?Jr. O'Connor mid when . his colleagues discovered the they at once took steps to t 11 byreaching the scene in time to get the coire of places. Mr. O'Connor said he was ..tithed with the result and added that the Irish chores would be not only full-throated, but . Shortly before 4 n'elock tie weather changed. Chards gathered, and the rumbling of thunder was heard, hang taken by the *ominous anteing evil to the empire, • feeling of dread that was fly increased by the .toping* .f Rog iBon ae previo..ly referred to. Nevertheless th. nem of people outside iaefs..d and bemuse denser. Catholic pria.ts were cus piceou.ly marrow in the wird, and no tea titan ffi b.aaehe. of the Londe* ormathraties of the Itisk National i.ag.e were d by full deputations, whose identity was wily estatitlehed even at • distant by their regalia. ?blithest clubs beyond amebae were also present to take part in the donnou.tration. At 4 o'clock itloe. from 39 liberal e1.bs had hen sweated in the t►rnsg. lea• n. te, u.'e neaeSt0O err vile mown*. Mr. 0h1. spent the whale wre- st his offing widows, reading the at tM H ese tate for Iresesebesep Weelten.d by IN' •••••• saoelltr els f—gmess. The Great German Invigorator is the only ipecac for impotency, nervous de- bility .Bivcnsl brigade, foeg tfuln.sa, grtow bash .r sides, so asNer howed the system etey be from es - of say kind, the (treat (hems* ani Neer. health and happmems. •l.60 o1H bees. Mt lila Sold b+y, Suet ow receipt of primp, . h 7 J. Cheney, Toledo, west ler United Stabs. °tr- ead twginioel.ls sunt hes. Bold s. Payees, .ole semi for deb - s y • restore the Pest function co'fereuse of a • ' h. After lunch sad before gots o the looms he took • dints tbrough bt. Jailors' park, going away from and avoiding the crowd. He desired to be a while in the fresh air be- fore going to verbatim/et He Wormed 4u kis rwdeuce, mid to a few to Wales emerged uo his way to the r,mmurna The police bad cleared • wav for bio• to i'arlament *tryst, and down that acro.. Bridge street t.. the house. They had to work hard to keep 11 open. Mr. Gladstone went is an open camege, and his app.arauce was greeted with deafen- ing cheers. The enthusiasm of the peo- ple eeple all Ilia way to the commons entrance woe spontaneous and thrilling. It vent- ed itself at the boo tuung of the journey in • res of applause, hearty and great enough to take the great statesman dizzy, antjs9rken the whole immeaw multitude ba the signal one treason - doe. longi ..staineid cheer wan sent up, the like a w.bleh was never before beard in London, and which was plainly aud- ible in the house. The cheering cootie sed until long atter•Mr. Gladstone, bad eutered the parliament buildings_ IY T.t MOi'$L Precisely at 4 o'clock the Right Hon Arthur Wellesley Peel, speaker of the souse, took the chair. The chamber at the time was packed to the very extreme Inuit of its capacity, and every doorway slowed the hallways crammed with pet► gate, all craning to nee and ►ear . Half an hour later Mr. Gladstone sates* He was greeted with load and p.,-shi l cheering, which continued for several minutes. Among the Liberals and Psr- ndlitee tie waded- entbuaiasm prevail- ed, sad it is safe to say that no such scene was ever belong witnessed in the house of Commute. 'Che venerable premier was evidently touched, bet he strove to maintain his calmness and succeeded admirably. Quietly sod with surpassing dignity and gentlemen of manner he greeted hie immediate frie.ds and then sat down, apparsotly the only unmoved Bao amid .11 the tumult. His fame was inscrutable, bet WWI his bitter- est opponents were forced to acknow- ledge that at no time ha* he more im- pressively appeared the "Grand 01d Man." It was a picture which will ho- w to the end in the memory of the b. - holder. nit aCHt.g UMFOLUap. • When the cheering had subsided Mr Gladstone roes and moved for portals - soon to re a bill t.. amend the proving !eyelet* and to make provision fur the future government of Ireland. His manner was as cool and unh.eitating as if be were making the most ordinary motion of his life. At Cyst his voice was somewhat husky, hut speedily be- came as clear, fresh and strong as at any time in the last ten years. All was hushed as in making his motion Mr. Gladstone aid the time had arrived when both honor and duty required parliament to come. to a decisive resolution. It should be the endeavor to liberate par- liansent from the /restraint. under which,' during late years, it had ineffectually struggled, and to r.stnre /gielation to its unimpeded corse. It is our duty to establish :•artnunious relations between + Greet Britain and Ireland, on a footing of free institutions in which Englishmeh,' Scotchm.n and trishaw have a like in- terest. This sentiment was greeted with prolonged cheers. As moon as quiet wad restored, Mr.' Gladstone entered upon a brief review of the ge • tall features of the pat legis- lation for ., He dwelt upon the coercion a 5t''" a- ' e measures which had been pit• - . from time to time, and•deprecated ' further resort to tie red- remedies . intimidation. "Since the year 1433," be said, "only two years bare pained without coercive legislation Eve �r1agaud, rod in spite of all this the law k.:nti be disregarded, because it s -Mthe eyes of the Irish; wilt • fortige Were further co- ercion to btg�ful it would require tip condition cru yvf p of the gov- ernment and t ecyuf public trans- actions. ..Pa its cheers.) Them aia- spring of the law in England is felt to b. English; in Scotland to be Scotch ; but in !retain/it is not felt to be Irish. The first condition of civilized life in Ireland demands that the people hare confidence in t law, and sympathy therewith. Thu lem, therefore, be- fore parka t nt time is to reonncil..i0 ith the direr- sity of 1 Heltev*, her t had found thus o.uf this problem in for establishme,a parliament at Dublin, for the coniduit of bovine= both 1epala- lative and administrative. (Loud cheers by the Parnellitee. + "The polititxl e.'nalif of the throe countries,' said its Q tkuc, ."0051 be recognized, theteforrd there must be an equitable' distribution d itbe imperial fonds. Ti. pernhaorireginstances existing in Ireland aien =the it wisrmry to establish safe- anarda for the banality in that so.ntry. The (' it will be obliged to con- sider the clam connected with the land and the relations *hick they will sustain wifh the P land is 15 rt will theref Irish woman eskag telegram*, s iuw inters. Net a .net '0heal 1e /rss Ws Imo ynel his ismitedir a eabNrtl1n and erne, t111haf by Ire - tont minority. As Ire - democratic ,Iggislature for the tiles to Mae here." "The iute•ntion of the t bill," Mr. Oladstoes said, "s that the 1 at Dublin shall be a deal body. It is to be composed of two orders, each of which shall have power to veto the acts of true other. The first order will include lOQsmemben, the second order 806. Twenty-eight et the present irsh isys will cootintts to sit in the house of lords, and they will be granted the option to have life .rata is tie first hist order. The office of v1'of Ireland will not be di.continned,` ire bill intends that the vimroy shall remain, and that the .ffie0 shall hereafter be won -political, IbaCtie beet of Aim will net 1e ort Wits. with the downfall sateistry. The hill empow-, en the;chip. a to iol•,te 1e the viceroy seek of Illr as she may The irsh oiwmtah.l.ry will retrain ander the aced authority as at present. 'J'J11e bill provides that tee parliament shall have no sutbenty to ectal lsh or endow any psateel.r religin...sat. it ifit tele. poweee red. b:1h:9;, to deal wttb ( t�,Rth�'wi wei_gihh sed sera.rwo and t� Mmstatiteatine- "`I'ld l ww01 preserve the heal unity of the .make, bet the satire proceeds ��e.staow mrd evens dunce tint country. Then funds an to sed for the dsebarge of Trek obligstitrns, soy balance which may rani• after this to remain in the book ezcheieer. ,.The novenas of the bill vest in the flesh legislature the general power of Impaneling taxes. h s propend lbM the maximum duration of the Irish Parlia- ment .halt be bre years It .hall have no power W interfere with the prerega• tires of the crown, smolt ea the army, navy, or other armed/otos-a. It aball have 'scold'', to du with foreign or colunial cro be coatisued es .Imblh stwr.l a Seismal, roar. James Alex. Sproul. of Ori ngev1Ue, says he has found Burdock Blood Bitten to be the beet medicine he ever took fur Kidney complaint. with which he was lung suffering. He declare B B. B. without • rival. Y Merchants ..n rel their Bill neon. Lotter Heads kc.. t.:. printed at this Aire fur very little mere than they y pa=lei t i paper, sad it helps totadvertise theirD.tal em. tall sad err samples and get prigs. a wren naso A wide range of painful affections tray be met with Hat/yard. Yellow Oil. James M. Lawson, of Woodville, (int., speaks of it in high terms for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, and many painful complaints too numerous to mention'. (. js used internally or externally. '! IMPORTANT To °wises Or ATOM. Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removes all Unsightly meshes. Cares L , a.ness in Cattle. Spinal ytettt.gici.. F.ander, Weak Limbs. Spa r ia, WR ta[borae. Sprang Kama Quitter. No noble abould be without 11. mlaieg acid excuses cesspools* ail am Giles' Liniment, sod in the great racing *tables of Belmont and Lorillard it has ackbeted wood- en. One trial will viper -Woe. Write D. H. 011.le Box 340. N. Y. P. 0. who*11 without harm. rfrb advfes o• all diseases and also en the _ tofcattM bottle red in Sold byuarte at oto. all druggists in whlok there great saving. The Liniment in white wrappers b for family ire; that in yellow for cattle. eilles Iodide Amm.ab Uesw and Cattle Powders. Cred by .11 the I^ailing I Jerome Park. Fleet wood. Hrebtee morel. SSCSpobesd Bay Mid Bull's Head. Never diva oint, w• Worn+.. Cures lndigesrtss. Qaic. Bots. sore Throat. l:.earrif. Founder. Pink -eye sad Rheumatism. The dace u small sad the power is great. The Pewter are and ftaHtnt to obtain a Cure Mosey Illedeuideet Sold by F. JORDAN, druggist, Ooderick Oat 9D1ily W r WILSON'Si __, qwT NISfE fill, 0 73 C 0 CO 0 '-1 m MIMIC Jeffs 1r hand, for wh.ts b east std lald dew. , Ik.� will be held for the bawds et PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT sr weerhlg /b..why FRANK LAZARUS Late of the firm of Lasarus & Morns, Repotted Spectacles Gad Eye L1lwa Thus Spectacles and Are Glasses have been toed for the past St cars, and given in every instance aabonnded ssttstaetto.. They are 1Rt earn to rag w0Suo. They serer tire, sad lit many )ears without change. Mw ISI S 5T Yates & Acheson, IS MOW AIM ■BHIC�AIrT., G>•ODZr7RIC7H_ FRANK LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER et Maryland Road. Harrow 'toad, LONDON, ENGLAND. (tate lasar.s & Morris. Hartford, tent nolo c*nneetloa with any ether are is the Dom taloa of Oneida. Ju. sol. Mal sly A. E. COR,NELL, s.awesea, atae.tse. When yuer horse is galled, scratched et out, or has en ugly sore, bathe twin daily, and apply Mot lama •Park. s Car - hobo Carate. It te utdoubtedly the Guest healing and cannon* appli:dote for it. B., sure you get McGregor dt P•rkei a Sold for 26.. per hoz, st stieuege. 1'thyne's. Drug Ston. lm Netioeal Pills sot promptly epos the - Liver, regulate the bowels and as a pur- gative are mild and thorough, 1. Get your suction .ale bills printed at Tits Stwt sL aloe. They are always done promptly and at low rates. Notice s intern to Wee through TUN bMt aL free of charge, which is reed by thousands. oats Bora fared. Are you troubled who Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimplea or Canker Sores ; if w, go at ones W (:oxo, Rhymes Drug Store and get a package of McGregor & Parks'. Carbolic Cerate. Price tb aeon It was never known to faiL b 1888_ EEDS. The Largest Stock in Town. CLOVERS.- Red, Large tate. Alaike, Whyte, GRASSIDI.-21 Beed Orchard Gram. Hea•.Ba�Aaa and 1tlalt. nal Teo w■ Grein BEAN:—Mende, p•tde. Wu, Better Beans. OATS. - Its Aoas.11aa, Black Tarte/ion. IVRtEAT.—Mack w►est,rtls- OORN. 4a.4 Yslbw, lat(r Miasmata Stowell's rgr • ttres's. Beres Tmuk. PEAK,—rum Peas, White )darrowbt, sad Black Eyed, etc., boast Wtlwrke's_ Ho la.a'. Little Gem. eta - FLAX HRK matt Seed. lensed Meal, :ff rwittel ether ttttd- ail Red. sad a TossuH. ms all other popelar varietiesCA oto= a rlees Ia- �,� •asii invites ms• Asti` t sad Rfean caaarati tall kiwis blctted from the beet • A at Fresh proteid Oatmeal Just strived. SAMUEL SLOANE, Hamilton Street, Goderich. Ardent•, !'s5 Mb, lM7, seat.. 3 " wheels el noes' Probably osv of the Burt difficult our piston to doctor: is whooping cough. When treated by ordinary insane the poor victim is left to whoop 0 op as best lit an. Hai yard's Pectoral Reliant Rives relief 111 this se well as in all throat, bronchial, and lung troubles. 1 ♦ Frei Ctf1- a -. Aroued escb nein, ••f Dr. Cham'111 ver care is • Medial Guide and Re- cipe Book co.taiuinj useful t , over 100 remeipoes_ and 1 by Doctors and Druggists as worth ten times the oat of the medicine. Medici.* and Book el. Sold by J. Wilsoa, We agent C. L. McINTOSH, Neil door to Rhyna. Drug Store. Ieepe .onetanti) adding to his well - 'elected stock.. hutoe F'reeh Groceries, which wW be found to compare faro/01y. both as regards Quality and Isnot, e any miser stock in this rlctattl. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. fa returning thanks to my customers for their pttruasge, 1 would also lsviq eit►- en who w til, to oalt sad inspect my 51015, O. L. Mc.. . 8H. South -Wear side of ole square. Oodericb, Feb, lath, INS. Clover 84 Timothy AND alt Donee Or SEEDS I ;ELD AND GARDEN H. OLDS, The Greece, se the ftg•st.. A tuY Nuck of Fath l�y Groceries lwaya on hand. Telephone Gede Soh. March ilea t1t1 .. VS IA r.4 r4 . ik4 ) 4 ;6 it :.fir O 4441 NZ -1 WO) 1:4 0 X!144 itr4 a ■ OW 1%41 2g1 fl ge Q A �v o w &JAL PAY YOU IMMENSELY ! TO CALL AT IcQuarr!e & IcGllhiry's New Grocery! We aro now displaying a Stock of Groceries, which for Freshness, Amendment and Zzoellenc. of Value, cannot be surpassed. Stock all New, and was bought Cheap for Cash, kenos we are ggivieg Grandest Berg sins to all who favor us with • call. Choicest Tear and Sugars • Specialty. Full linea of Tobaccos, Fish. (bur cit, :bap, d'e., (bi*fertionery, UNDERTAKER, thaw floe Finest Assortment of Float flea Cewa.. 1Usttet. and Cndatakers• Beal. 1. Tows. also Hearse for Hire sr F-.suaehle • FURNITURE i - - FURNITURE i AA.. fruit M R tee CHEAPEST AI5D AEBT illoek of all Lit1dre ar.rwltur.. 1 Aar m (Lae silt I Oan Undersell Any Other Furniture lean in Town. 5 Alw ts0 arse OeMboMell High Armed Is. Bali Sing I&chlae l ttafeillevelraleeti steneteh. Do. ha. flea Purest Syrup., Oatmeal, onto, Ra trout, Potatoes, dta, Cornmealn�{,,�e� teet w.w, Polar, Pickiest Highest Prime Paid for Far.: Prodnoe. rRemember the Stand. Two doors math of mow Sion at OMlce, North -.t.. Oderich, JOHN McQVARRiE. MALCOLM Ma: ILLiVRAY-, Roden.► AMI 1.t. t1M _ �.I .. 111137 len Sul Jinee, Sul Iry ,n, .(•,'. FASHIONABLE TAILORING ! SPRINC GOODS .AIL Pt et 1771151), • And will be arrivl.g all 8esa... CaII and See the New Goods. � U G -H D ii N DOP, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ rR . Maw—West street. next door t. Bank of Mestreali Odertol. March 1st.. Una FINE TAILORING TOR TO CASE STORE. NE w GOODS_ The Newest Patterns GN Scotch, Irish. English and Canadian Tweeds. The Finest Selection of Worsted Coalim. Choice French Suitings, 4c., &c. DON'T FAIL TO SEE STOCK ANO ASK FOR MACES. 3E3,. ..iio.ILar_ MG.rf t, Neva OMs. ta1{. 5216