HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-4-16, Page 1I= : E THE HURON SIGNAL r!g .� rrtd•y ]tomb ►y Mc - sT Iea.a.. s tk.Ir bene. )tomb at OODI RICH, ONTARIO Aad fa de.petehed to ail parts of tie surround Lig biota* earliest malls aad reales litter t lt1 In Means. hostage pee-ttatd u 7l.�ti paid before sea monde Moot to maid. Tau rule will be wittily Ties or h vatrrmtso. - Elg►t conte Pe fp iteepa�wtlwtiw; tares neat. r Ilea for sa411111120enhi:vio Ma Yasrtie. Ysarl7.�-la+etf at reduced rates. elan•tint-ela s .:Mandtetiplab nut -tit sad timet biennia, f w est week 1a Oederiob. are prepared m dp kcal -1• that lane at prfose that ceases vs.rmd. c1.. • quality that enamel be Cosh FRIDAY. APRIL lir., 1846. Tai Hamilton 'fpectmtor was batty be- F.glgsd oe Monday. Like the Mail, the Tory arena et Hamilton must Dorm dews to the workingmen. Braves deal with Woodwaith as a rascally transactise, Mad neither of these Wilke' parasite will be returned to the psrliasest they have diagramed by their greed sad dishonesty. Ws woader why the airs doss not publish M. C. Css.roo's weigh on the Lsdry amnion in tulL And the speech u so " astf-000diats.tory," too, you know, it eight to be good Tory cam- paign literature. Bot our sou deal really believe that Cameron's tomb is "sell- ," and au it dare not pobtast it A row days ago we noticed in the Wage M. C. Cement', the able repre- eent•tive of West Huron exposed the realities of the " Forty Thieves," he made • ten *nuke, for which he deserves the thanks of every honest man to the Dominion. Wag. Rte are driven Into • corner they usually btu one another, and the family quarrel between Mars. Wood- worth and Beaty cosstraist as to believe that the Tories down at Ottawa are last section hemmed in. Tee gentlemanly and pious editor of the Altai to the outstrary, M. C. Came- ron is not • "d-- liar all cite esus " Isn't it about time the Star let up on it. vile abuse of our fellow citizen end re presentative in parliament. Tag Hamilton Spectator bas thea tar tailed to let the outside world knee whet are the prospects of getting 5110,1180 el r population into, and $58,000,000 of s Led renes« Ise out of, ch. Northwest Territories by the year 1800. The city of isaitfetid has issued a handsome ilfuntAtted psmphl t ds.cribieg the "Telephone City." The work is etre which r.6.cts credit on the compilers of the book, and also upon the Brantford 3rpowfor, which printed it. Brantford is indeed • and attractive city. Tea volunteers who were at the front last year will now be glad that Doctor cablegrams that the "loyalists" of Ulster Orton didn't take the oomm*nd of the were negotiating for the purchase of area, rums* 001 of the bands of Gen. Fred. me am they might rias up epaisiet the Middleton. The valiant medico has just prissipl. of Iri.b Home Bele. The I °outs to grief as s fighting mss at Otte- "• loyalists" of Ulster are like the "ley- wa Feeling " oocke'" over the fact alista" eat Utak rod everywhere else - they become disloyal just seams as they are not allowed to " rule the roost." But we have no (ear of the Ulster "pail ars of the co.stitstion" appealing to arms. The ordinary "loyalist" pesters loud talking to fightiag, the the Visitor brand is oo .issption to the species. Dt•ateo the remarks at the finish of the rail) between Ortos,the rowdy M. P., end Thomson, the plucky juornslist, the wineskins tones of East Huron's M P. were heard, saying, " That's what we will all have to do." If the legislators in the Qeesn'. hotel, Toronto, and can stand it, we filmy the smashed • let of crystal and china in the men can, especially if they all come out dining room, scaring the derby waiters .f the maga as victorious as Thomson &last oat of their wits. He was taken did. Thomas Farrow thirsting for gore to the station by the polios, and se ent would lead ea to Refer that the whitings several hoots in the Dell.. He is a black - class -leader and exhorter has fallen tram tlw8, •ad inotbieg short of it, jsdginv grace. It would seem that the hunting by kis conduct as described above_ Dr. up of big eggs under the N.P. bas was- Orton has never dared to bring the pro ed Emi Huron's comber to lest to before the courts for describing his row - crow. It «embody deease't tie a knit ea dyi.e. He is • di. ace to the paths - him be may do something desperate. so»nt of whirl he u s member. Lovas; of hbaniy antiverb of elo- quence should read the msgnithent ad- dress of Fay. Dr. Bert-, the able Prin- cipal of the Wesleyan Ldi.e College, Hssiltee, which was given at 8t. Louis, on the evening of at. Patrick'a Day. Those of the stere wi 1ss "loy- alista" who b hili•t ao Proe Stant ow be a friend of bolas rule fur Ireland,will fiend that the kip.betined and big-hearted Methodist prcw.ker and Meshes is houte role to the beekbsw--Iled an the way through. As • sgedpmtlw 1 slogeeeee, -- alMiutr, barest rd $141dwkistp, we coat mod Dr. Barelaf aJiess (es be towed ea ser uss.od pt>Hs)"tic the int.11gl•et MHO and women who end Tits 8tot.•t.. A. a weakest* of the J•utd•es view takes by the Trey members of the pre- med p•rli•sust, we append the words of Woodworth, owe et the b.sutisked all.sbss, before the railway oosmittee, last week : " As • promoter and direetor he was eusplst ly abet out, and felt he had hem grievouslyor,. By writing tech a letter wdmated to sh,w Mr. ?Mary that it was his right to have • stare teat he had thrashed Johnson, the Mail oosrsspoadest, a couple of years age, Orton bat weak cowardly assaulted one of the Otebe staff, named E. W. Thom - eon, to the lobby of the House of Com- moaa. Albert# taken Ity surprise, the journalist got is his work on the doctor, and gaTe him a Severe pummelling as the reward of his t attack. Orton is ton ikomd of liquor, and has too big an opinion of Pe prowess as • slug- ger. This cheaeting wilt probably do him good. It is sly • few years mace this rowdy ILP. gut on a rampant drunk Sows time ago the Hamilton Syectotor got at loggerheads with • trades union lecturer name Fogj, and, as at stony* dos when the argument is against it, resorted Ui.g, at whi* it is an adept. The lecturer was sttgmatizsd as • "blatherskite" and • "vagabond," and the Tory journal then considered him crushed. lest Sunday, however, Mr. Fops again appeared in Hamilton, and lectured under the auspices of the Moulder's 1'niom to a large asembLge of working people. He didn't fail to eke& to the gestleasoly treatment ha had received from the Spectator, and he was wet long is poing the syenpsthy of his s.dteaee against bis cowardly assail - eat. Mr. Fred. the editor of the Spee- fater, who was present, asked leave to speak, aad was accorded to do so. He posed ass "workiagmai" is favor of radical reforms, but that didn't hinder his frees pottier a hot reception from the toilers sod moiler' whose cham- pion he had bla°kguarded. On Monday the Spectator wore aaekcloth and ashes matapborio illy and apologised for having salted Mr. Fogg a "blatherskite" and a is any pailesage goisg in eossedtoo "v bo,d." The editor of the Sports - with the bedding sled equipment of the tor, who was thee famed to "eat crew" road. These wo.ld b apr.e.e...t. of darks sad varies• other ibinp with is the same blooming Tory patriot who semben of parbeedet hint to tike ed- meetly •Boded editorially to the Dinah eeeteRe d in the 41"1.111114 their sou- cion member for West Huron as "A•- ter.) Thom yeas ee Mbar (01 (Laugh- ter.) alias Cameros" because he dared to «- Hater, with W ercephion ef Mese i. OP' pose the res edities of the timber limit who eW est gd(L ti4pwtamit seal al belt jobbers ; and the editor of init'did these Mims. agtss-AA the journal is the naa who referred to to his peeedrimy •fen. triad Resat the macther member of paste• met --Janne smugla, titM.' ass eerily 'nothing Somerville of Beast -ss the "fellow dog wrong ` thkt" All of whish lewdo as to believe that the et A's'str,, .spry Dews** that fettle moral sensibilities d Oerrwplioeist edam had uumtitthd a Iodating rseslity GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, APRILI 6, 1886. AMBROA^S VINDICATION. When M. C. Cameron made his mes- taorable speech at Bromfield, and stat - e1 that there were only five Tory mem- bers from Ontario Wieling wheys be had not found stridence that they were bound to the service of the Administra- tion by bonds of bribery, in the shape of Caber limits, land schemes, coal belts, dna, be was cried dewu as • ntbless Wadley of the records by the Toronto jtt.u! ; he was nicknamed "Ananias," by the Hamilton Spectator and its Weal esko the Star ; and even Hun. Thomas White thought that "party exigencies"' dowsed - ed that he should take the stump agaiaat Cameron's utterances, sad **desist to casks the author swallow the Brumfield statements. But the member let West Huron isn't a politico nemesia, and he failed to .wallow the stratenuffille be bad awe.. #g,_ sora ie lire him M Wingh.as, and delivered arc* apseeb there, wherein he flayed the camp -fol- lowers of the Ad in a merci- less saaaer ; and not motion with that, he made further of the ini- quities .f the (loversdient and in hire- lings at 8t. Masa-the place wham "DISGRACEFUL JOUIL ALISY." James"' Me- an reoAwee row tlsss••1 epos renin *emitter' as . UM- 41116bow • d smash Jewenelese. hoes tax Horse Expositor. The fell..wi.g article appeared in the Inst MOO of the Uoderieb Star, and se reedited to the Hamilton .`Ape, tator. Ws pale« it in mat that our readers may form some id« a the kind cf literature the subsidized organs Df the Ibomiaire G t send out to the world. It 1sas Mani : 'Rae Grit party of Ontario la to be c•egrs. Iodated epos dao political death. by suicide. of nowise Gasmem member for Watt Hans. This oatortuot a pwr•oa le la • a.sesr, the remiss et smiths. Observing tea great Pro - Waggon that Kr. IOUs had anWrd to is the ps(Q hi' 'DOOM of pr,nting resumes 1■ sheet hsektare. sad barley. and ▪ saether d veriest �nee « ed ot j.abq. luta sit wy unmated .be stem tad began to tie at a Mee that sate Mr still' feeble sews leek. ►►yy erne drstitsl e*nd almost raspt- •hM But W ''subsidised" Tory sons wfo- kelty sad nuiliedoesly exposed A.a.taif ao ttee& sad they seemed .ad were swept away bsbrs the decd of hat. beet int[ their eater- tu me author fel .f shawl bitters's.. Mad • 4Mlre et eresses, Mr. rote ee cesesre gave him Ms eppsrtulty. He leak �aeytlas, justice. •snot-ibsss were .otbleg to btae : be mak peves � engdieeeq. the great motva iddsvele talar Landry'. B feelerthat r -- .d himself to be the Mame and of the sehusmtng rebel who eat eget the lives of *cors of her mess, sad of nosey : he declared asst ret abases •rims. a sea -,1. thea*• bleed In bf a yobs Hoe. Thomas White had shown symp- ,,pas not los „await i. toms of unbelief in reference to the mat ' ibat W brut mummer " _' Mf•t �rs1� UsterMs. Thomas goett, ebowY set bare w( ter eontatned in the Brumfield address. had to/ bra mina bneedy .Nuns. AL thele Aaaaian deeWrd voluntarily. Bat Wee M As Cameron continued to rub the charges is to the 0 t and its parasites, the Mail, the Spectator sad even the tadpoles of the hired Tory pro ranted and raved and raged for upon the member for West Huron. No'ia- guags has been too coarse or vulgar to apply to him, and ten epithet has been too vile for them to hurl at his devoted toad. But Cunene heeded neither ash - gibes, sneers, our taunts, bet boldly held his ttround, and hided his time. Aid his vindication has cense far quicker than his lame.. expected. The Beaty-Woedwerth exposures and per- sonal , together with the t of Hon. (1) Mackensie Dowell and J oh n White, 1L P. for Lac Beatings, and other exposures &bet ate pending, pave ly that the half bad not been told by Cameron, so far as the venality, the rascality, the bribery sad ti of the present Domi- nion 0 and its phalanx of are concerned. " Turn the rascals out !" was the watchword of honest men when Bole Tweed, Connolly, Sweeny, and the other thieves were discovered in their nefarious work in New York city some yens ago. Every honest man is Canada should joie in the cry, " Torn the rascals out !" against Bon Macdonald, Bowel!, Beaty, White, Woodworth, el al,, who are gnawing at the vital of the Dominion. T=! !d MILL. M.tf the Maeda is W. mid rice e.brr..e Weft Matf--Terre. The employees of the best mill here owned by$ Ugilvue A Hutohis►nl were notified on Saturday last that after to morrow the staff would be reduced one half, and that those , would only be employed half time. Among those who expect to be dis- charged are four or eve married an, who, with their lastliee, will be forced to remove from awn. We 1 that the Messrs. Ogilvie wit! gi a em- ployment to some of them mea In their Montreal tuilla One of the wages that leas folioed the mill to act down its expenses is the fact that ' bakers" Hou h' ad ems seen tb*sg that the safari mete tens aIle dseWed- lavd.atarit -bus iw isms ►bat 9baU Le Mari thremgh t� td ma amt hwrseeMlib et the country • is declared mat he ever Mad. t Ontario ee.- t alae itJuustI lovi s el (4...i. Mere Mends •d dial w es dead as Ube absrsrees rebel bice. U.' We think that every person whoaseds the above will agues with es is «pe g that the writer of it u a blackguard of the least type, and we knew that any person whip has reed the official report of Mr. O•meron'■ speech meat admit that he is • liar. W• are not surprised that the Plevintor should publish garbage of this kind, because it roeates abo.t $12,000 a year from the public treasury for +wag it, but we are surprised that a respectable man like the editor of the Star would defile his paper t r approving- ly oopyu it, simply to injure a political The whew of the Star mutat know that the above gutted &roots, be- sides thing offensively abusive is abso- lutely untrue. Becwuut know, because he must have read Mr Cameron,s spaeeh, having quoted copiously from it, that nowhere in that speech from the begin- ing to the end does Mr. Cameron declare himself to be "the grimed and admirer of the scheming robe)," dk. , nor did he " declare that, no matter what his crime, a man with French blond in his rieee should not be hanged in Canada" H. must know all this, end yet he repro- duces these barefaced falsehoods without word or comment, and gives them to his readers as veritable troths, knowing them to be false. U journalism has been rduod to this point in Canada it a certainly $ very led and deplorable state of affairs, and it must indeed be • bad cause that needs the practice of such deceit to bolster it up. Mr. Cameron condemnedsthe hanging d Hied on two distinct grounds, first, he contended he did not have a fair trial, bean the prosecution refused to per- mit his counsel the neoeslery time to prepare his defence, and because they refused to permit the appeas►nce of cer- tain Mimeses who were _nn*r the a- tm' of the G011,1 , and the pro - denten of certain duoements in the possession of :be Government, and whisk the defence claimed to be neces- sary in the interests of their client ; and, saondly, because he contended that the evidence showed the eased to be in- sane on certain prints, and that tau en- titled him to the clemency a the execu- tive. Whatever force there may he in WHAT'S UP? Things That Are Happening Around Us. eamori fig Awewt leg* Wk.. litchi rare w lel • Trugsdr .111111 • W *r- iven fled ,ser .l the **Moir f ew8.e. ' Oh ! Miser. do•'t ye want to bey a deg. lnYt meas geed mu age weal. 11's w Wag as • fairy Amt nut es eery wiry'. Aad it only gut three test -I recollect whew I lived down uo the Atlantic mast, a neuter of pars ego hearing the on the street sisg- that little "pose." I didn't ttnk tam* of the poetry, bet there was lively jingle in the inmate, and the kinship between dogs and sausage meat was welt -leaked, as it were. I don't suppose that Bilin rhyme would have ever awoke from its slumber in one of the back Dumpers. meats of my brsinbelder, it it had set beer for the racket that soared over in the ooert house last wash. Mebbe you didn't hear *bout it, Well, 1've been told it was bot while it lasted, sad for a time it looked as if there wore gulag to be wigs on the groan. -Yea See, there are more dogs around the court house and owned by court house oft cels than you could shake sticks st. Robert G. Reynolds, dep4y sheriff, has one about the size of a charm fur a watch -well, it wouldn't make more than a sausage and • holl- and ' Bob... proud cf it as if it weighed a ton ; Y. Adamson, count clerk, hasn't a dot, er if he has be �'t lot the asessor see it ; Judge Toms went allow his dog to follow his up street; neither 1 McOILIJCUUUY EROS F ratte/mars gt.M ♦ YEAR iN AUVA\C1► Sloppasettoa. We understand that the petal cnm- tn.dor• of Cedar Cliff hat. decided to iadefiuitely postpeeie his .deet to Scot- land. , *cunei• D. A. Methenes, of Toronto, was in the village kat week visiuog his brother, C. A. Mackenzie. A magnifying 'law given by Mr. Mao - teas to the pupil obtaining the tugboat number of marks in the meth elms for the month of March, was wen by John 8. Mullen. Qarbrsiti, R. D. Morris, who has returned after several months' absence in Michiitan,was warmly welcomed how on ' Tuesday eyelet The hospitality_ eztesdd to the rams bJoseph >� and his family was is keeping with that gentle- man's tatioa as • big-hearted and gg .aae.�tmo host. The mazy tisane wan 1*- dalgedim dtnjag Om enema. 011110811111. • Av cleric Rt-rer.-As John, McPhee was going through his farm en. day last week, his dug began to bark loudly anti excitedly. On investigation, the caste of the racket was found in the pn•wsoe el an otter, which was captured without mush trouble. The &metal measured 43 inches long. and weighed 15 lbs. Rube. Rogerson, of the Nib, an amateur taxi- dermist, is now stuffing 1t. AAtfl13'J� The chimney of the Auburn Hone took fire on Show day, but the fin bri- will Judge Doyle, if he an possibly pdbo_ under the able maoagemont of help it ; Sutherland Malcussan, master in chancery, got mad because his dog uersisted in meeting the assessor, sad traded him o8 for a collar -box full of A fight to the finish, Marquis of fishworms ; William Joseph Russell Queensberry rules, took place on Friday Holmes, county treasurer, rejoices in . lot, between two young men named black and tan colored anneal with $ Joaea sad Fowler. The latter was streak of bull is him, as near as I ma obliged to throw up tho sponge. Time Sad out ; Dan Msdenald, clerk et the nut given, surrogate court, hoe a mate for Robert G. Reysald'a little bunch of yellow hair ; and Its Lewis, the beaming county M. awry, is the proud possessor of a 10► leaste pouf dog - a good-matsedl critter about the size of a baby elephant, and about as alert as any of the others. -Wall, Tuesday of last week, Sten Heys woe over to the sheriff's offi a on business, and when coming out was followed by Robert 0.'s little "yeller during the week. dog." Out in the hallway Holmes' black A. and R. Cooke, of Holmesville, sod tan met Robert G'• "yeller dog," mod visited friends hereabouts last week. before you could sneeze the black and ton 1 to chew yellow hair. Sian. and a well-known barrister under- took to Separate the meals, and in do- ing oo used their boots. At this critical moment the lofty owner of the black and tan appeared on the .Dene. and be- fore he was aware of the fact had ad- ministered a reproof with • No. 12 bout to the legal gentleman. Thou theta was a smell of brimstone fora few momenta, but n bonus were broken and no gore was sed, the treasurer backing grace- fully into his den, after grsndly 6ourish- ing his long right arm, and loudly something that they spell w ith • "-- " to . Tim matter was figally settled by the trea- surer logiung fur his sudden rush upon the b.rrlster. Of coon., an spolo- � is a nice thing, bat it won't heal a bruise half as gaud as arnica, nor cover a getting &Ander rotors *ny damage was 1f the census had been taken a stow day, Auburn would have been able to [ora village with • yy��ve, awed fall eminent board. We tiiRrt Ilea hasty wt nee ergo against Bayfield. _ =stela. Quoit playing has been Indulged in K N. Shaw, of Border Farm, turned over the first end fur 1886, and got away ahead of our Dunlop aei,gbburs. Rev. Mr. McCoy, of Egmondville, preached a most acceptable sermon here on Sunday morning. A sheep here dropped three lambs the the other day. The ntotber would suckle only one „f the triplets, but the other two are thriving on the bottle, and are being much petted. Death). Miss Annie Luby, of Guderich, was the guest of Mrs. Tobin lad week. The big storm that unroofed factories and drillsh.ds, and blew the gable end oat of Totowa shops did not w much as overturn a haystack or kouck down • clothesline in this locality. The moria sore spot anything like as nice as sticking wthst the architect, realizing that the plaster. Fur ay part, if I was the legal big blow was on, gut his saws ready, and gentleman 1'd accept the apology, but his windmill took all the wind old B.,re« d the same time I'd offer a premium for oo.ld muster. The doors and. sashes the loan of the best bulldog in the sec- wars aside tt a wholesale rate, and the tion. and I wouldn't rest night or day force of the in was spent in vain aatil tufts of hair and bits if the hide of against the windmill. Fact black and tan were t1yieg Leas 11, clerical, beaevo!- aruund in all directions. ent looking gentleman appeared in our -I •int malevolent. hut, by my ley ba�gb, sbo„mpanid by the handsome reds. of Bdderich. The citizens •t first Mutat name spaniel meetings were •ute4t4tid by theological looking gentle- man, bot he tared set to be the county ram and the spacial meeting took stalker. pfm. He was shown into the p ulting roes of cur sick ocmmit- tes, And toned. the far-famed tonic. , As these objections, no person who reed lou so, I'd put up • job on the author of my speech caw thane that he eery ably the Mask and tan dug supported his position by the strongest Roraima w roost "strong ors r,whc is a evidence, and however much one- !may By the way, I nee the organ of the from Manitoba wrest, cassia be made differ from him in his then Tory party hadn't quite recovered on here to advantage.h no person who nen trnth(ully my that Fly 1a� t��p the offer.« of the The firm has now 90,000 bushels of he did not at least have very stung ;milli iwtioa a� pub- 's speech in Tng local wheat stored in Guderich. The fact that the mill baa Airco to pay i conclusions he did. Bet then is ample • darted - -a at of an "Eh ' the result of his sire and experience. and targe is also said to 4n something toIf room for lowest difference cif opinion on wDst's that 7..about it and as • ONO who had spent two-thirds of do with the move ; eat [act u mid id that the main question, and if ionised of i really thought something had dropped his lite time in the enemy of Hanes, the the m111 is almost • white elephant on belching forth their vulgar and nares- snort it. Next time M. C. C. makes a drttggui•bed visitor 1 the the Weeds of the owners. coning abuse, the organs of the Go.oeru- epesch in the House the Onderich Tory UPOICil ridable cereal!, and one that (lebmes any that there's stlliona in it. moot would, in • calm and dignified editor won't be so "brash," as we need w popular in Scott Ad However, • domes or so workmen get manner, eritice« and endeavor to show to say dawn llo.th. Ant I'venoticed their roar wtomorrowma , Mad those remain- the of the he pat fur when people go hunting for trouble they ing will only get work Wt time. ward in defame of his belief,their not,' n gt"oeally had it. would be ,osrmendable instead of repre- 4cseibte. -Now that'. jest how I get caught We ere not ted In make these remarks mysetf, and as its • secret i don't mind with a view of ddeading Mr. Cam.ron telling your readers all about it. Dar - tic oasilante, as he needs no de- ing the peat winter I was averse to mew. eo&l I ,ad' reasonable grounds fir arriving at the stawAt the previous week. There was The Guelph Conferees* of the Metho- dist church will he bald is Godniet, cosneoeine on Wedeeed•y June tad, sad esatinuine about • meek. The asembers of Conform`in aosArl'ea •' eros sheet MO, and as thhodist families ismimt, for rte adore eat ttu sort •t know what I scan, a0 7h0 w. I Cold will cot be able to 1 bout.. for an Iit•rature they heti •t nim, the iron do the folk's at the house that 1 wasn't the ist,istss b „tombola., the houputal- �y sesesitt.. Mad popular," the .h- indolent, but that i had no hankering There it of faml8ia of other churches w1l1 be j� of tick buts' W. Haply "er" it after winter sports et the kind named ; y ser 1847 toiptwtase. se s.r.otiIy as we that sy batt~ eras alieg.th•r toward g°r- th•.kfs aeempid, whew en ma t iiyttod .or °an. "el"' the diearse. that is being +ening, sad'sheet"g ace yard• in the t)K' 7 pr'' y a.di isd acetol jnuinlalism the peneti. I,vautilel sprieg time, and watebies els The bowers clean ender Mr. Costes «s eeties of other cietehat may be bl In In" in the cart ern .ben the held in Ooderieh. T. M. Oastreett. retia! • ramble and worthy twtitwtin" by held their final on Friday trveeirc last. t e zephyr wafted t •tweet incomes IburvaL. Heavy Cogen leaves kr his new home in Mucbig•n this week. Wm. Agar, of Morris, mule • deep gash in his toot the other day while et such asgeilants as the above. •hhs* lhmei ud stove ! ing m working in the bosh. b 1:. Caiw•.vm may wan pray the and other similar wearines« that the The Guest family have left town fur ince the on.i.e tbf, mer deoh it heir to, -- er rather - well you Detenii; Mw.-Ptimrsnd family have become r ants of our rel wee no loud around here this year. Leech'• men are on the drive, and soon the lop for the .seen will 1,. down. making it • odium of hbeteod and gen egood was well «mei hissers ash. as nem portion *actor he 01 the flowers open whish the dew upon .b. gond Woodworth are so edlemeed then they in *Mmh the Freete/o► was ktegell inter• Lugt oa CsaMt -Faun sarebet were the degraded without •lfeeting sure the glowing nK•Is Falk u John Johnston,he s.w'a gels blutaA. lNi wo,li tont lice oar el •she ___ �� The wetkiegsen bet t„Amady trade for liquor iw Clinton btu week by Se twl/usteo•ed cwfwln•mof all. mnwde at t f„or goal botelkoep- Iatpmstrx else, but noisy to tie matter pshaw ' What amok Wes-.nv. pm • dance in the betel hall in haw Nevertheless, his enefseies hese mat- the HaasAtea Tory Mid' aid its leaking oat before had, .afisislt eve- ;tight on aarm w 1 What 1 many of *5tmng the sew thaw history, whit* elm ,!Wrens* of M. 0. Oesees.es si editor. deers of liquor befog onset was writrings meat to w spier has gag" is oe its way to .oms pletis. milejned to w•rr.et• prn.meuWti. We sod ewasssr will meow he arm deck. i. 11. McCetekse ne, who h•. boon speed- aseitid, Wiss glm, mei 4*. Harm, New onkatAbese harm hese im intro, bowever, that Impactor Tee will y has the light of memW y whew tarke 1 ing mister, die as 1e west, hretsr•ed b •re the gfrw sou truof e let 10 *Fall at • lively rate d.ri.t the pest swath. h•several ammo before the pollee ma. better take • grip of W rake. bee and He reports things britt net then. ea/ e• mail dark phew al Ih ry rase&lky. :They melt hare Tutt vet. rebut* at Maim ea Tanyham Tandy went Arse. sr they halets of emsti's The "Comedian Beed" --tie frees - were were very ys,eied on Monday. The sold heads s that seas winter **part- ed. However, deal put pier overman by j.0 yet