The Huron Signal, 1886-4-9, Page 88
is the wised ljd1•wt5 wbNb unfold. to
• view
.A Further Demoription of Mardi • IS of 1earea sq ""el lb" lest
sad leavW that oar d seen are meths
Gram I esivable, wave their diaphanous heads
to the .l) preens au Mocha that they
Fret's. ■ad ■a. &medew s t hiletp•e look,et grey• greens so dark they
of tae Plasm• a *gripe of apilvader look u.most blue, emerald, w� reen,
awe stash- "lite gteve, ultramanue, all shri
gold and crimson, said united to lately
— forms and crowned with royal odors ;
file following ct.MtiL4atnon of the :maids et most comely f.i*tures sad fault
Mar.L firas festiv■1 was t ruwded "w. less forms peer forth, and add theirad The hduunncot usr Pato o v wed our Imtaethe'Mect es Wda eiley oast ?bonnie/ an DICLIQHTHSD-
I.,.rhness to the •erne. Earth leaf is so 7 ss buyers
tut wish. !arse that upon its verdant breadth, lies We Have
Kew Oats'se, March 17, 18611. one of thus+ timorous maids, ah" at 1
night slips within id boor= and deeps.
and the blase a tlleminatu.ra vie with T when
places o observation •unit •rote • Proteus hurrying a with him through i
of the procession of the `m1, of the apace. brings us within earshot ,,f &Baud•
FRIDAY, SATURDAY and BATVRDAT NIGHT. superee4t•s old fasksesed these and teat /ales*.
At night the radiance of electric lights he rustle t.f the barbs and the deeps.
the glare of aeon. The *Recision tilled of verdancy tarries suit with us,
all 1 fl the t
any Carnival. They margined the streets of music sweeter fear than
for square atter window,
peered stars first pits together. It is
fru. door and window, ter were mswd
on platloriu, genet), and bahwny. There ISARIRu.u.
was nut *vein eiaodwg room reqs! long One of th• parts of the great shattered
before the gorgeous pageant Proteus, world, is seen, where then evermore is
vta1oMs Or "Tose WORLDS music, both of instrument and singing.
euuld be been. But slier waiting for Quaint and carioca instruments similar
*owe time, Proteus appeared u the die- to those used by chanting cherubim and
tutor, cumin/ forward, en.hrused amid seraphim, lutea and lyres, dotes end
resplendent soeuery. 'l'...+ crown of flageolets. violins and viuliecell„s, gui-
aural •nJ s.aphires whist bedecks his tare and mandolins, breathe their hearts
placid brow rnllec!s • thousand rays to the air- The ser is enraptured as
His tunic of siker cl nth, his robe of the they pee by, for their strains have a
some silvery testuro adurned with dying fall. and come like the sweet south
sapphires sad precious stuns' emit lash wind that breathes upi.n a bank of
es of radiant light. Destining shouts violate, stealing and Riving odour. But
of welcome greet the appearance of in its place as a fitting to
Proteus. On'y • few m moots, and he Harmonia oomes
i. bores onward, the bri�liaut tableau FLORA,
rnivu . r when ills inuring
They square ed male for k.S awns&.
fadre from view, and ,n ib Oak* looms the country of Sowers. Here the Roes
up the Sun. An incandescent mass is la diacrown•d and the Lily is Queen. At
before us, seething hales are leaping the tout n,l the Lily, to loving homage,
heavenwards in 'no,imsing motion, as are hyacinths, purple and white and
they spring upwards, blasts of scorching blue. Lm;ing from their bel, peals of
MUSIC eu delieste, soft and intense,
that it is felt like an odour with-
in the sense. Near by, to the front
of the car is the Rose, unveiling the
depth of her flowing breast, fold atter
fold to the air, till the soul of her beauty
and lore lies hare. Thickly strewn,
around are delicate daisies, filling into
psvillions, white, blue and purple, to
roof the glowworm from the evening
inhale as we do, gi.le harmlessly dew. Like young levers, wrapped
heat are borne on the sir. They oast a
reddish reflection up..0 surrounding ob-
jects, and yet heedless of the light and
heat • strange being is seen perched
upon the summit of
while in the midst of the burning gulf
beneath, three other strutter beams are
holding b,yh caruivel. The flames
which encircle them and which they
Oodertcs. April its. ISSIL
among the wild beasts, from which ttk
can hardly be distinguished. As thle
vision ,.1 wilderuees is removed, one can
cud see the long reeds rustling in the
wind. The last tableaus is now befur•
ea, it is
Yarrt its,
A great *:pane* tet water, with here and
than • crag rising above it. Odd sea
aonatera *limb upon the rooks, sal gsze
inanely abut them. Those orsatures
are must resembling men, and are mould-
ed somewhat upon the patten of fish...
with legs and arms, and enormous tins
upon their limbs, backs and sides. The
dripping water trout tea rocks. es i►
catches the light from the torches along-
side the ear, glitter with prismatic col-
ors, and the scaly costume of the fishy
inhabitants shins like polished armor.
With • flash the lam tebteas vanishes,
and the dated spectators, realizing that
lbs magbi/cost pageant is concluded,
slowly mauve o(, hearing in their hearts
an ineffaceable souvenir of these gear -
goose and delightful widens of other
worlds. A. L. McGa.uoa.
on their re+uctant bodies. and seem around and filled by their mutual atmos -
made to caress rather tbau consume.
As it recedes we catch a glimp.e of
In the centre of the car rises a tree
whose spreading branches all ter-
minate in a concave plant, mod having
the shape of an open umbrella. Around
this trews huge serpent ie twined. The thus Comet.
inhabit•ota from evposure and heat ars "They ars eoliths isms ser woman.
tanned sad, bjtnekened. They wear cu.- Tbey are 'either best nor human.
...They 'comet' ghouls.'
tomes •f ,thelight... texture, which They hold in their hands brands mon
dash wktli,their every moment. Their temble than Jupiter's thunderbolts, for
necks ••- -iirebe are adorned with rare they threw them in passing at outlying
jewels. They are seated upon toed- worlds, which, when struck, shrivel up
stools, having for companions domesti. and are shed into dual The king of
ested serpents. These inhabitants each chess creatures sib upon the forehead.
have growing from the middle •f the The tail of the ccmet u a marvel of
back an open umbrella plant, similar to
brightness. But let us ice the cornet
those sprouting from the ground. The elbow rooms, sud proceed with Protons
umbrella shaped plants are much ad- to
mired, and asthey are seen wavering in utast,'
the distance eyes aro removed from
them but to gaze upon another charm- elle unknown planet, and the hems of
int scone.
aubsolar insect world. Fantastic butter -
phare, out of each flower is seen the
.ptrit which dwells within it, which have
animation and life, and assumes to mor-
tal eves the shag:* of elves and furies.
Bat let us proceed to the
Strange picturesque creature* oc:upy
Here up*" • blush mound, covered with
a rich crop of verdant gram, repose four
mother -of -pears bivalves, joined togeth-
er in the shape of a cross. One of these
shells ie fully expanded. In the upper
portion • oomely being of stalwart frame,
enveloped in • vesture of hairy fabric,
stands erect. In the lower portion of
the shell, reclines, as in downy alcove,
Moa still oomeber being, with head grace -
telly poised back. She gases upon her
lover, whose tender eyes bent toward
her, dash glances of amorous desires.
Through the half open couch in the
rear, a similar pair is *sen. Such are
the inhabitants of Venus, and such their
habitations. Lost in their dream of
fondness, the lovely pair pee un in utter
unconsciousness before the envious mul-
titude and their sight, revealing possi-
bilities of • land of eternal affection.
Next comes
The scene that is at hand beggars de-
scription, by ata cold and silent beauty,
covered with ice and snow, whose pul-
l' hod surface reflects the pale blue light
with tenfold clearness. Bleached
volcanoes dope above the congealed
soil, surging from each gaping crater a
spectral being appears. They do not
aur ; they resemble marble statues.
Breathls's., speechless. • They are clad
to long robes of fruity raiment they
spring up and disappear as they came,
without speech, thought, or motion.
Still above them and above the moun-
tam 'pecks, the toe rises in slender
-columna-- Between each frozen column
hones a of glittering pendants,
uniting them as with a bndge of pris-
matic c.: Mals. A plater. of silence and
cold deeolatinn this, but dazzling in it.
Arctic beauty. It disappears, accom-
panied by a chilling current of air, which
se happily chased sway by the gentle
breath of zephyr blown from
cutest AND Wt•1L\ WAR-.
t)ut of an almost extravagant •® ,r
eissue', surpassing the mysterious splen-
dors of dim and unexplored Amazonian
formal, rise towering trees reeemhling
fantastic turrets topped by triumphant
Sewers. The air is thrilled with the
mermer of low fountains that gush forth
in the midst of rises. Floating in mid
sir, and thence alighting upon the ver•
dant slopes, are strange wing tipped
creatures, clad in gamonts of gold, with
!Fres In their hands, an,l flutes st their
lips. A. the ,,leasing splendor of Mars
fades away like a sunset glow. • scene
of a more dazzling sort appears, and
nose is mon beautiful than
a planet of mineral opulence. As a crown
with four , whose roof and
door are studded with briniest., sit the
far glories .4 universal power ; int,
Geld, with robes men golden than the
Odom sun; near her is Rilver,with neck-
ties of *min and a girdle of newer ending
eller ; behind her is iron : frnwnang
by her is Copper, shining
in her glistening dress as Geld herself.
1'pon the reef of the cars are scattered
innumerable jewels, as though rising
superior to noire ulcer sad gold. The
Malty of this tableau will long linger
in the memory of all. Not lee beautiful
tie• and quivering glow worms la, en
the Best Assortment at the Lowest Prioes.
R. B. SMITH & Co.
pasta Albert. ed the
The iso os the lake is stall Mary lets.
David Irwin visited his brother this
Jae. B. ltawkins
Monday morning.
We regret to learn that Mum Maggie
Hawkias has been very ill during the
past week.
Jost Wikeao has tented Mr.Osrcell's
vacant house, and intends residing in the
Port for the summer.
Alex. McLeod, of the Wave farm,
turned over the first sod for 1886 coo the
Stet. ult. Good for the Commercial
Ac, oss Tex BRINiT. —Our jovial oom-
modore leaves this week with hir brother
it Bogie, of Wisoeo•in, te eaves the
ocean and visit ens mon the land of
of his childhood, the banks and braes of
bonny Scotland. Family business con-
nected with the cloeittrg up of a 1eegga.ryry
which the Bogie family ace interested,
takes them over the Atlantic. The com-
modore has not been on the salt water
for years, and will take with him a bettl.
of Dunlop tonic as a preventative of sea-
sickness. Bun royage.
The following are the names of the six
best pupils iu each class in S. S. No. 2,
Asbtield, for March. The names are a: -
minted according to *Rent :—bth class—
Bridget M. Dalton, Jae. M. Dalton, John
Noble, Lizzie Hussey, Bridget J. Dalton
left (Jr London nn
Sen. Ota—Ansi. Dalton, Ltzn. O'Keefe,
Martha O'Neil, Celia O'Connor, Kate
Prinderille, fineries J. Dalton. Jun.
4th—John Dalton, Joe. J. Dalton, Mary
Noble, John Sullivan, Mary Hussey.
Jobe► J. Dean. 3rd clam—Agnes O'Neil,
Mich. D.Iton, Lizzie Dalton, John
with 11 ht and odour pass swift and free; O'Connor, Agnes Reilly, Mary D. Sella -
like gulden boats on • sunny sea, over rat,.
the gleam of tbe living grass. There are
no killing insets or gnawing worms, or
things obscene or of an unlovely form iii
this paradise, but there are bees and the
homelike ephemera, and soft moths that
kiss the sweet lips of the dower, and
harm not. Fireflies dance and hum-
ming birds sing. The queen of butter-
utterdies, with transparent wings, and sur-
rounded by three attendant., mild eyed
dragon flies, flit from flower to flower and
poise upon a blossom ; and
cheery "rickets chirp their matins. The
flutter of wings gives a singing rhythm
to the air. The charming sights and
sounds are still fresh on the brain, when in stuck by J. P. , for the purpose of
Ira vanishes to make num for
quenching the thirst of the drouthy
clans, guests. It appears that about midnight
a planet where fruits abound. The king or after, John left with a heavy load of
of fruits is the pine apple, yellow and the above mentioned compounds, and
mellow and glorious. The sl'awb.ny fell near the Luthern church, and got up
vine cluster about his feet, and the grime minus his coat. He then struggled
clamber over him in many • bunch.,along the street . the front of P. R
deadripe and without a lustre. Indeed Wallace* residence. where he fell not
the trembling vine, which creeps about to get up again without help. When
him seems bursting with its veins of Mr. Wallace Rot up is the .horsing
wine. The cherries are globes of honey- about 6 o cicek, Grabiston was lying in
ed sweets, and the tempting apples seem a semi nude enidittnn, &o much over -
ready to be culled. There all fruits are come with his potations and the cold as
on an equal footing, and are not trim -I to be utterl laseosible. Dr. Toting
bled by such trifles as longitude and tat- was t•legrap for and succeeded in
Made. A fragrance, far sweater than the bringing him to consciousness again,
mortal sense can enjoy or endure, fill the but he is not able to resume work yet.
nostril aa this vision of fruits is beheldit is to he hoped that inspector rates;
Next in order appears i will try and have the matter inveetigst-
aYritTRlTt, 1 d, and put a stop to the illegitimate
a world of shells If ere could imagine ' traffic which is being carried on in this
the bottom of the Atlantic devoid of its I mutt. • _
waters, we might begin to realize the
wealth of this wondrous world. Imbed-
ded in the shells ars wedges of gold,
heaps of pearls, iaeatimable stones, un
valued jewels. The inhebitats of this
land sr* animated shells. A. they more
from place to place they reflect and shins
with unequal splendor. From Amphi-
trite the changeful monarch carries us to
Our village was the seat of conaidera•
hie excitement on the morning of the
1st inst. It was rumored that a man
was picked up insensible, lorered with
blood and bruises, and was in such a
condition that it was almost impossible
for him to recover. On making inqui•
ries was learned that* thirsty shoemaker
named John Grabiston, in the employ
of G. F. Yungblut, had been to the ho.-
telry .4 J. P. Fisher the evening before,
and got too much vinegar, short spruce,
are some of the other compounds kept
Two a Del'. --We have a goose in our
hamlet that lays two eggs a day during
aha season. Is then anyone that owns
a gnome that can heat this ?
d Oztoby, formerly market clerk at
Du.lep, has become a modest of this
Ilsok Stevens, of Lk. Forest City, u
'Maine his uncle J. O. Stuart, Bow
Park farm, Batt•rbet Row.
:t melancholy ram inhabit this sphere.
and much riven to mimic. With minor
chords they play constantly upon the
mandolin and guitar, and they sigh
ly. They are moth like, having
grey transparent wings. They have no
hair on the top of their head, alth,wgh
from the lower part it streams abundant-
ly. They are cave dwellers, and dress
in a style we salt ride. This tableau is
well roeceived, and admirably tarried
out. But it tarries only an instant, and
is its piss* is
This planet is presided over by eight
moons, and int inhabitant. have eight
Iambs. They also have • sort of crawfish
tail. With their eight limbs and their
tail moving at ones, they look like up-
right *mermaids.. They live in the midst
of prickly and ahrimeenny large *esti,
with Think ibs sesntry le °merlin. Neat
In this land, Tong lines of sisrile roes
stretch along the w, sed here and there
wmineseee ries above the rooky *oil. The
enh*Mtauts are half human, half besets,
ms,ustroua is forst, wefipbed draws ivy
long trailing hair. They live is caverns,
John Pickering lost a valuable eow last
week by inflammation.
On To Tit Warr. On Tuesday lest
Semeel Murchison and I) G. MtcKeazie
left here for Dakota They are good
fellows, and we wish them every mac-
F, 'amaze 'MR RANK.. --Ort Wtadnes-
day evening last .mho of our prominent
bachelors, A. Smith, (peeing the error of
his way, forsook hie old •e onstes, and
now he aseociatee with somsore else.
Miss Fannie Marten is the new sespaa-
ion, and we wish thein •very happiness
in the (eters They left here oa Thule -
day morning for Pans, on their wedding
Tattrda.ei - The °Scee• eb*led fur
the miming quirterare as follows • Cosa,
bro. Woe. O. Murlleeb : V. C . sinter
Sarah McKesde; R,S., Iwo. H. Mertes;
slap.. boo. Ram. Kirk; tress., Mw Alex.
Mc[harmid ; inanowr, hro. Joe. Agnew;
herald, bra. Peter McKay ; Q herald,
sister Martha Murdoch ; A.S. sister
program i. • Miry •eovptable
manner. Mr. Hedy alp same s sung es
titled "The Ship that Weiler Returned."
showing • cultivation tet voice that does
hits credit. R. H. Morrish leave a re
elt•tion--"The Man wh., it... from
Nothing," which was well received. Mr.
Stewart's reading "Why Aunt Sally
Dever married," brought peals ed lau�h-
ter, and Mr L.Touttel'e r ikation--
"The lilatben Cbimse; ' called forth
weil.skeseved praise. A diak+ge. •re-
titled "The professor fizzled," was dens
ample justice to by the participants J.
McGibbon sod This. Giro. Yr Jessie
GIedhill's reading—"The Tv. Reeds,"
was read to a tone to ant Y. piece,
which ooutained a ped mood lesson.
The meet esdtitig part el the program
was a debate on the seb)eot : "Nature
is mon admired that Art, ' thI►pesken
being John McGibbon sod J•oea Gled-
hill for the allir.ative, sent' Andrew
Heddle .ad Thomas Ginn, it:, on the
negative. The speeches dere iostrse-
tine and amusing, and speak well for the
debacles talent of the society.The
Moore,chairan, Mr. of et4ah,
High *.heel, atter ably nmmiug up the
arguments os each side, gave desmion in
The Sacrament of OO..* Lord's Supper favor of the ahrsstive. The president,
wail administered an Knee church Wt • G. W. Bandl, rendered • defamation
Tb. Morse a
" Cots* hers, Tummy, acrd sit with
me until your Wiwi eases down. I
want to tell roc about the reihoad SOU -
deet I've just been through."
" Guess you didn't •etkeit r'
" Nu, bet how did ye. kauw T'
" Why, besties paw said aka elks*
day that your cheek wemld meg fns
through snytbisi. '
Teas, araC.
atf atiwiaiiiq
Cxc'cke55. y
SMALL W ARES, tie., We.
Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Anderson, Tiverton, in good errit*utiatd •tyle, after whtek s+ J. w �w v s'=
officiating. c. IwTMsel *Am onto." "Hard *Coda'. mak, cart Kers Se..nstisa.
Sickness is r
prevalent in this yieinity, Tie*•" to which h. p1yd a prelsris `` INSn
a species of cold and chills, on the flute. Chas Walters reed • very H 1GG 1 N S
int* inlammatioa of the lung's, beteg the i 1"111•14."121" hams "Peek • Had
prevailing complaint Soy," and was followed by • osrihy wture
The fall wheat in thin 'initial leeks is rendition wt "Sing .4 tF.on- st
7 Dundee, which .hewed this iteter's abi-
good condition. There is • tares a reage INy as a g*d musk. 'The est etaio-
sowa If the .est soup?. of week! are meat closed with • dialogue mulled
favorable, the prospects of a fur yield .'V.ea ioa" kW member, atter
will be good.
Taylor A Oiles are building • fine
strttstur• for their tinsmith bummer.
The building will soon be xompleted,aad
will no doubt add to the o>t
the village.
which the •ttdimam jei.od with the
choir in singing "Gd semi the Quest."
The e.tertaiam•ot wee • decided sec•
see, and refloat. great credit us the
A meet dia graceful melee occurred is Maio.
our village lately- psrtiss were
brought before the reell, bot wens dealt Mies Katy Dean, o/ Kintatl, teeth
leniently with, it bait their int offence. hen last weak.
The constable should look after well fel-
Otto IAds.—Angus Murray, a former
laws and bring them to gine resident, has returned to reside here.
Martie Finland, jr., • former resident,
now of Wwanoeh, paid • flying visit to
kers this week, and received • wenn
welcome from friends, particularly the
fair ones.
A New LI.ruA1t —James Rose, of
Kintail, takes the lines of the Kincar-
dine stags in place of our jovial friend,
J. MouaaMtey, who for so many years
had okasge of the conveyaace of the
mail along the line of route on the lake
shore. Jack was well liked by Dunlop
people, who will miss his familiar form
and cheery note with the horn. He
goes to live in Hares country town., to
start afresh in life as a &seinen.
Zest Wal nose.
March 20th, 1886.
Commit met today ; members all pres-
ent. Petition of W. Thorns and others,
eekl'hg for grant for wire fence opposite
lot 27, con. 14, K. B., weeroadFate's
centa per rod was granted. — Begley
claimed damage for giving roadway to
Win Smith --laid over to nest meeting.
Petttien from John Gerdor., asking aid
for Mrs. Welsh, and from Wm Durnin
and others for Mrs. Phillips were read.
hire. Welsh was granted $.t5; nothing
was granted Mrs. Phillips. she not living
in the municipality. By-law No. 7.
1885, was rend s third time, and finally
The following were appointed path -
masters for the curreut year : 8. Ken,
R. Kirk, Jas. McPhee, T. Tastier, Wm
Jones, W. Dunkeld, J. T. Campbell, H.
Smith, W. Oliver, A. Clerk, P. Phalen,
R. Medd, A. Fawn. T. Nicholson, J.
Ellicott, J Carwen, W. P. Gri*rwn. J.
Smith, P. Pollard, W. Andrews. J. Fas-
t en. B. Boyle, H. Taylor, A Scott, Q.
Woods, H. Gla, D. Fowler, E. Fowler,
R Bowen, )r , J. Thome, W. Cullison,
W. Liddy, J. Brophey. P. Ginn, 1'.
O'Connor, W. Harrison, T. Woods, G
Ward. R. Smith, J. Cameron, Ink Mur-
ray, T. Alexander, J Craig, W, Arm-
strong, G. Tiedall, J. Edwards, H.Ruth
erford, T. B. Somerville, E. Rogers, A.
McDonald r. CIaYk, E. Haines, James
Ramage. I. "trier, T. Cummings, C.
Smith, W. W. Scutt, T. Soothers, A.
Wood, P. Campbell, W. Miller. J. Gor-
don, G. Weatherald, J. Campbell, D.
McKenzie, E. Jarvis, A. Emerson, J.
Laidlaw, J. Martin, W. E11.., A. Me -
Millar, E. McQailbn, M. McDonald, P.
Anderson, sr., J. Gillis, J. Inglis, W.
Webb, R. Tbomp.on, A. MettleA.
Sproul J. Trimhle, R. Hiscock, J. P.
Brown, J. lain.
The following seeoents were emend
to be paid ; Mrs. Weld, charity, $15;
C. Bailie, two advert*, 15 opposite con.
1 and 2, $5; star, advertising,
90; T. Andersen, culvert, Ij4.25.
Cooncil then adjourned to ,tweet on
Saturday, May let.
R. K. Mute, Mork.
J at11ir.
Mr. Rambler has started s amoral
store .t the Tolls for the
of his employes
W. C Dundasand Mn. R Dundas,
-fif Putnam, are the inmate of Mn. R.
Rev. Thome. Bowman, from Allen-
town, Penn., Bishop of the Lsatlgelieel
association, will preach in Englisk in the
Evangelical *Marsh in Colborne on Mon-
day *trains, the 11th April, 7:39 pm
Do sot aim this rare oppoetvmity of
hearing this gifted man. A .olbotios
will is. takes up
A desirable acquisition to sea asigh-
bothood is John Roomier, who bee rat -
.d Ms mammoth farm near London, and
moved as to hie raeently purchased pro-
perty, i;herrydale farm. ' As be ant+da
Charisma Restos : guard, bra. `fell Me- to ge y into sleek rsieleyg, he
Mermaid ; sentinel, bro. Wo. Davis. bases pw.haaad fee smashes. J. maw,
Os awl from kis boa* to tine we what 1. ksiewn es abs Slattery fes. few
mill,Alet. Hamiltao loose Mrd'a neat Ir
ra=iwg t>•*p°aK Me whale will be
with three eggs in it. This is pretty Moder the maaalsmat 01 J. C. LToo-
early in the moos for hire' neater, and eel.
it appears that ora Destop's r000uroed TM Dental Coker'. Society pre gra
Joe has mot °nese Mines sti7 yet. Pro or meetiwg os the evening o1 the Okla
betty this is what *Mow is fregeeet u when in azeai4rnnt w
visits to Potter's Hill, for if Joe Inds the pommeled Is • et+wded ' Ran -
mat be to shame man to *•u& the lirde miller choir, emit.r the leadership of
What say you, E. Y. Z.1 Thos. noddle hreiehd the reseieal part
C. Souza, Ja. . J. A. Monroe
It. N. Lintas WM-
Oboe sorrier et tee square and West
"met. lioderlcl. over Butler'* bookstore.
money to end at lowest rates of interest.
ttIMTKRt' illittoraeyn Solicitors, etc
Goderick. J. T. Gerrew, W. Proodfoot. 175
Barristers, Sonatina la t,`l eseery, Ste.
3oderick and Wingbaire. M. C. Cameron.
C.4P. Holt M. U. Cameron, edd eelW. Z
ara- sti
traiten. 1751
1 •
1a the matter of We. D•t *nen, of tea Til-
lage of Hath, is the County of Mersa`
General Storekeeper.
The above awned Wm. Dorn'°tin bestsade
%a smisameet to me la pun eenee to r ♦♦ie-.
(`kip X. Ontario, of all his estate and Menet.
la brut for the beeest elr kis credttnie. A
meeting of the creditors et the .aid We.
Daa-nttowa will be held at my oflbee in the
Court How, la the Town of Uodedith, ea
The NinrtewstA Day of Aril, .4. D, Li06,
at the boor of the o'clock p.m.. for the per
peas ed tea
the siting of directions of the dt ppoosaldirectionsof the
estiCreditors ars remeested that. their
agaism the said estate wtsa mei es or
before the day of mooting with eoek proof
thereof sad particulars as ars required by she
bit said woe.
i herM of I. Berm.
D.t d April 7th. Int. web
FOR PCR/TY. Swirl'tsa . & rt.Acult
it will greatly
Agesor foe wasters Cas.da •
Oakland's JO( Dain',
Ii+and for Free circular.fb
Marek ?Sok. Isle. fl►ly
6szai Ts SALE OF LAJiDIt.
comity se Huron. tt fay Orme er a Writ of
To wit : (nerd "was tanned oat ea
Her Mtaleuty s Hist Psora of J ('ten.
eery D4 Minos and a alias W� Parr(
C9sro Arms! out of HeeMslottre R1b
Come d Armies committee os W vielen
M ase diluted sad delivered ageism the
ImMom,and Tenements of WIWau Bioaua
seams JJtwn Mettet.sT. u esti of�� e�
t Mom, 1 hove seised en stakes le Rmestto•
sad will ells ter Rale, at my Mies, is tie
Coma Arms. la tbe Taws el tioderfek, es
r•er4 ertae &rtA-Q�M o! J, Iftge:,
tea kat of
neves M• aloek.IL IsF(b lMrs.u
woe.** rimer newer of the Ihefendaet.J*1•
Me•K the waste of Rnsssn Metre.
*u4g,T, late hseba L ie that gar
oe1 or set of sad peeattass_ bel La
awb is tbe a!11•weetb l7mtea/Ia- el
of Raid*, 1 t Croat of
�r Mea mar•
locate M ef�t1i a Nits and
sees c teeter Ia. to or
eat of the seed ,ay *��
ahoe411, Hiies.
ibr1.W Oderlch. ,
Ma fol. HISS. MN 131
so nth: areogotial2
Wall Paper,
Wall Tints,
Carpet Lining
Hanging Lamps,
And • General Assorfbient of
Huse Flutings!
The Oheapeet"'— House
Weatet., nest drier te the Post trate.
Ooderieh. April 1st, 111111.
HAND( rosiness of JUMPS
VANYTON R. Maeda Clutter, 1 take this it}
pea ii nitr of to the emple ef tie
Couaty of Huron. that I am sow proposed ea
*anent* all orders In
!bluets, 116alsloots,
wisp may raver no vs:11, thee erillseft
Wllidowsandlloor SillS
le tbeir lanes* ift
API eche* au lesoealis cif the wort *ow hi
the seep.
iimieele.b. March lei 11, 1111Mailli.
Ms I
items or
"balturreien mas".1111unsiewlivti
rascally trai
polities' pm
publish M.
dere sot pa
alists" of
they Woos
are sot al
ili.tfuttlee whit:
The cribs
the mill bi
and Thom
were hear
will all ha
can Mend
Men Oall,
el the oia
would les
grace. II
ed East
crow. If
Queues al
eidminFal 011
Day. TI
be • trim
fled tbst
rule to t
satire, h
need I)
tie oer
takes b
boos • g
its say
to his
Aft el
es a