The Huron Signal, 1886-4-9, Page 3- -- / 1
ii/iii l ,1.f1li'I! ��. f�*��� i-'.•��i
saaised asd 1� R* a sad there was d w MAU hshet that h h 1
��► subttd► she to witness it would do • great deal rather than allow oro words and sl.came at the pru.erst
D ps • r oidia y w femme s *r*, as • »tened
to Bestries s •ahm
• Lord Morveu .roiled a little, and esus- H• b••iteted'Ms • .assent, sad then his brother to be pebliely s.ea_ie w die- form wtttub eke was kelpies Autism', 1
ed kis elms• went deem the Leg eorridur to thm hall reputable a eus hies. support.
* "1 home the pipes, eirtaiuly," he milt, --e very "ming to lits meal the had preeered a •nnt sloth front "Lave bits to
pew*ed+n, H N' '" k
Anson or "Jwost's Wire" "Umos. player » y-----ml-g outside the woe , asa rule to show any our had insisted upon its being era "Tee, it is a
IrwtiY Pasrsscaa," &c. doe ; - 7 ''gip W mopped 7 Pees," she answered
isg the arrival or the dope/torsi mead her sousing passive form- the There is no olio eke who can du what
"Where could L. Imbrium 1 ' talus -d • mintage ; but it this emus h• wee wanted very mesh to matey hies to the oma Oh, Moms, don't seed m•
. heat, in. teatime window look 'height SSuiD•ly &axiom• to meeetatn whether Nearest ane. bet the had fiend d►liottlt- away."
CHAPT7jit U. (e7�t+iil.$) down •epee Me ritaer-" -• nM Beatrice bad some book mate and tee in the way. To bogie with, Mr. There was • ring of seek lets., suo-
nwvsw's urawr. '•Noisome, Lilies," said Lord Mor- '.11. Perhaps he mind was ineusuoed iwekhart had urged strongly and mica owe in her voice that Antboey Lockhart
vee, sternly. "There are many plains c some a;tmt b the souad of the cod- sternly that ads ought to take the mews —dark, stern, •wpicivas, as b• stood
Din.., was served in the old banquet- from whish we •cold hear kiwi I willlament."7
Y -
BY ADELINE 8ZROIAJT. 'lead I euppnse that Som• waaderiN,g habits of • was tar too some
plass es her way to the Tower, and said "The M de plass ter yon."
nose tMorv.n
tag hall—• bin room panelled in man to the pleas where he mond (» with his arm underneath Gerald R tb
+/+- lead nt mad •agsirm. H. has tin buu- A• b•'ent•red the hat he spoke to one beet eared is,, and that it she warted to- ves's faiutiug Iwm---Rlas•ed keenly et
oak, wei.b bad own black from sass to play w sear tee windows—" of the servants.
There wars great feelsr antique carving „Uri.. said the girl trimaturly. "t. "Hassearch bees rade fix the beg- him, woildt • front b• better about her as if he would reed Gerald : Did .b. perhaps lov• tbt.000dinmost hies
on wall. sad oilier ails ; the tom wan
play .Mayo's Unmet.' " ,
also •( ppl4 es wk, sled this exp•mes ?iW Plapea t' Ruthvr.bould not be lope out o( his —this Gerald Ruthvsn i Was that the
of dark wood was ltardd relieved from The Earl hit his lip, &.d fur Ike firer "Yes m7 Lord." beuthor's hoose—hie sutural ksm• -or secret of her her sodden
the chime o b! the blase et time ',suited d 1. bentsslssoed "Wish nq remit C' lett te the tender merles of hirelings. passion 1 Sb saw that tors was a
"The rano bars not all oo.•baek them Gerald %Massif, with recover- qu•etion i• his eye, dtboegh she could
this 6m os hearth, or the steed Reba
•y Lord,' Mid theism. with asses sewp beg sen•ciouane., bad *midway and not measure Its mast dgnillsaass ; bet
d srmMot. sharply declared that le *add be car she answered it by •flash of atter scorn,
"Did you go yafrptf ried w the T.wea--that he wasted to • Mamie of indiguaat and haughty can -
"T., in7 had, and saw nobody r ase Nerves—sad that it world be the doer. His ',elide dropped beneath It.
The Earl nodded eligkOly. His face rel• of bias if Bestride did net giv. way It woo sertaaly hard to believe that
did not change. He permed es towards had take him at emus tut the plc.s where fie sweaters, so freak mad bemvo a two -
the door, orbits the teas looked atter him he heal the bees r4iM jy� p. nine as Beartee Ilsstimout, could ever
curiously, and tarried to whisper hewed Beatrice rmtiedidelpiest her jay- have sunk se low as to ren in any way
his hand to one of his fellow merriest. A meat sad is spite edit -thane •ppreaen- but • meanly way for die inn now ly-'
tumour of the st
"Mur..a's Lannert," had ran like wild- Dodd do fur Gerald should he dos.. Lord Morass .
the y
of the sesserose was readies la Ibe other
caudal/bra. The nem was so long that
the dieser table with its lights and how -
e re seemed to •institute a eters oasis of
brighten A a model of shadows. 'Lord
Murree disliked • glare ; 110 gee wee tel.
Ire. me to the utber in surprise. The
wind had indeed rime (although Lilies
fielded the het), and m..n.d mend the
sharp comers of this mer, but betty'''.
its sobs and 'sighs the drone of the bag-
pipes meld be distieeuy heard. A wised,
wild time mashed Berrie'* iter -.eases
q� la OW koos*, sad �� whisk seemed t• carry in its plaintive
�dulgasl>i :a oto jaasiba of i 6 't•
inrNrasrali iss1/614.114144144 task. ' woe , easily to be rem..bpr
that Alai*" IMea 1 •hprfd phut ed—in felt, it had • curiously taunting
tical Sortie mea analMhat atia."d *`emetsr,ISheafterwards diesoverd—
sod depressed by the atmo•phen d and jai it wr
stately gloom te whish he found himself. P�*�ty On*. N
Lord Kermit was • cold, it 't seemed
to AM ews7 lea the dtdlaaoN
hat. Cilias was ' then it swelled forth as if the performer
qniet and shy, sod mos very soda" teed, me fdl were the
Athos h her eves beamed when they Doan that the three (irteeegs "mid
rested eve. I •corset simultassotmly to the door as if expecting
afraid to sddrw. hies is liar brother's to see it f17 opsin to admit the auaimiom
preemie& The servants, well drilled in . maiden sad we haetramort
every tone and peters, moved about the Iced Kossa, wale ohm tint to mow
room *Pith a qubssase whin* could not k Be pmheyt beck his a- it mad
opeais , were il-sniellieg eetieastetfk a
per ktaasstatiwq esearnieg •sd coq It
easily be psrpttapyli A greet maws of rose to his feet with • short laugh.
•moored 8p•ateb leedser bad been plac- "What folly this u," be t•1tY. "Will
ed batt way down the room, between the yue he persuaded, Lilian, if we retch
table end Ilhedest, le healer to lakes the this wsndenn{ minstrel and send him
,intpresares; o1 dremrinem eiVSU by tb. to prism fora week t I will have hits
extras** length and height of the room. punished fur frii1bteniu1 l0, iD the
•boverthis semen the diner* could hint -
17 see IIte little Meow* or miter, aib,ve `•It win ha no me ; yon wilt not find
the door, when, in olden times the him.. mod uric faintly.
so*icimn. Med to sit and ploy to the
iamb bedew.
The savants left the room at last, and
short interval of ail•ace ensued. Ber-
le who bad oaths Mama nothing, Waned
'back la his their, toekimg Witte said
fatigued Bet for the wash of strength,
of which he was becoming painfully,con-
scious, he would have proposed to tbeck
to Glesbervie. He was restlessly .eget
to ksow the course that the flames had
taken, and the &menet of
which bad Data dose ; he win arrefotm
ileo , the long absence of
Anthoey and Beatrice. ale wondered
that Lord Murree said nothing about
lin cousin'. non. . ; Lilias was
ryidently distressed by It, bat her first
to armor d • is•tastly.phecked
by her brother.
"I have every essdide.o. is Beatrice,"
he said coldly, "She will return when
she thinks right to do ea The carriage
has gots' bock fur her."
And Lilian mid no more.
gut is these wsomwttr def Wince when
dessert had been pissed upon the table
and the inerrant; bad withdrawal' strange
chanRe *once. over bar delicately bdt.ati-
fal [ace. The startled look at first per.
ed f, but when her eyes began
to grow large with lib t.u.r,
and the soft blue. of her *hooks faded
Into ashy whiteness, Bert» remarked it
and bemuse alarmed. Lord Maness.
wrapt is his own rei.etioss, ttotised
nothing. H• was hafting beak d, hie
carved high stair, his fias.patrics, lap
slightly beet, Axed ayag.
ly noon • tiny ghee globe of flowers at
his right band epee the labia iiia
thoughts were evidently very far away.
"What is theid" said Lilies, sudden-
She boned forwierd a little, in an stti•
tad. of profound sdte.tioa, bur dilated
*yes futased open her brother, bat lips
parted and white as death.
The Lord roused himself from bar rev.
I♦ and looked at her is surprise.
"I hear nothing," be aid quietly.
Than after a morheat's silence, during
which Lilian preserved the same stated*
of rigid attention, he added in a mon
doubt -fel ton.--"N•thiig at beet but the
"Then u no wind," said Lilian almost
below her breath.
Lord Diemen frowned.
"i with that yen wool& pat thee
ildisb fancies from yes, Lilies," hi
'd with sense dispisse a Then he
orned to Rertie with a slightly apctgsti.
.�[y sister has listened to ell *Wes
ad family legend* until she is helmet
ith .0 mesh superstition as any, 1%igb-
land soothsayer scald desk*," he begat
But Lilies iMM.r,.pted h Put ergs
she did sot listen to his wetds,
Do you net hear air' shame& "Mor-
. do yes net heart BIr de you
hear einthisg t" c
Bartle alewcwd simply -s-s hit
her nothing shaming. I hear s
yisg in the court,
1 n�sw. h is tether a tnetenabefy
1t i That h it r poi
t• ilia* i■ het
*heir, std *areal life 'ibt Berta.
!eared lett she tiipM AbM, aha half
alerted ea to live her sLdet w, But
her voi'•t 575 were Orel eagerly, with
w Saimaa@. rime
Jame Al..xSproul, of tlretttterill•,
says he how (vend Birdie* Mood Burns
to he the twat reed stn. he ever took fee
Kldsey *complunt, with widish he was
lung •uffru.g. H. declares IS B, H.
without a rival. 2
In the history ..f medicine* no preps -
ration hie received such universal Dula
m•ndatlou, for the elleviattun rt &fords
and the permanent cure et effects in kid-
ney dime as Dr. Vas Berea'. Kiuneys
Cur,. Ili acre w in them distr.=
cum iota u amply wonderful Sold
by J, t�'iLun: 2m
The bwsi.t. will tie given from the 1st
March ft the end of the year fur d1 00.
new air! Per remotes• weaae■d 17 M•
warm fseWfpy mad Dese/,
The Great German Invigorator n , the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
isibty, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system way be isom ex-
cesses of as kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the lest Unctions
and secure health and happiness. $1.O0
per bus, NZ ho=e. for $&OO. Bold by
su�ll drs/pista Sent on receipt of price,
?CRs jam, by 7. J. (lacy, Toledo,
Ohio, sole resat lax United;Mod testamental. testamental. sent free.. Som
I . Rayner, sole agent for Gude.
rsoh 3m
range old legend •beet Bios et the owning , lh, All tial she lag et hat feet
rugged his shoulders,
Ire tbrwegh the household 'se seen as T%. in whisk he W bees "As Ton plow' " he said; distinctly. -
that weir& mask mads itself heard Drat- fend were toe stwsge end mmepwiese to "Bat it le Mel to treed sP the eery- -
w easily .xpWaed sway ; but she weed ante away in this aa.•»,. He most b. '
After all, as the & l bad teisrew oma. de her best to screen him from this pre- serried te his ream sad attended to,"
reeled, these woe no reason why dome Ag RoaaipM4 maned *het westd edetate- ' "I san Barry him myself, it noes.
read/wing rouathn should sot have 17 1i• a he weems in a my," slid Asth.... 1a@
• for
rationed 6iniseR below the wisdom rad eel gems, mead key*
d key*t. tilt Liss. "Show
aide the walla
m *NI dry play'yg a hila. which wry oft Yf phis if Gerald bad remain- alL^
as wd1 hewers to sill the amass, people ed seer led boss able to walk ; he '"UAW me sem t" said Bootries,
n the seighttorbosd, It was seldom had messed .o meth sisunear whoa bo wib ellheillyailbg
gleam toward the
!Syed ie Lord lorese's , hearing ; the arm seter.d ilio ewwsge. end as well lark ' "Yesfist will he the last.
iliige folk would hats .susi4ieed it en able to enter foto haw ervisgessgte, than ilfartin"_-eke raised list votes a iittl
used h
f,, ilii Ti
at art dlro.eeemai Ori •s die ill onion she bed seircely tore undoes "boat til sad ieslAd am pl the serrreete—"hole
o 1st those autos bo tedidod white be mesal arrival e1 the Boor . Ho awl tilts pntbmeo b esr*y int, Aug"'
as present but it war quite posaig a been ab•s1et* admit tbroe*boM the ashes been !mesa very MIL Merv,
that wow vagrant who eoao.iv.d bimaelf drive, and as Moo as the carriage drove wig Too help 1
to haws hwoo ipt isjieed by Ow DP to the door and he 'attempted to She herself seised a light that was
Earl or the MarlIt llilmight liaise 111mveWetness0 o, another attack o[ Wetness ova. burning on a table in the bell. and led
way of rwr.oR wg'biw4.lf, knowtu ma enwer dhim, and hk biro helpless is Mt ',Pei giving wow dltti*k. d.eieivdr
the r wtltid u[ the
"Lemont" L....1 dot •web
Why not 1" a$
id .rile. sn hour sod 4 melt pre
a ss woeldeta..
Lord Morvan with Ito hand on the $. the aspewtiti•eo sad
lash rope, gave him the explanation, ince te the breast* W all the Mite's
"The Moo flit you bum.- b• said, in dimity, ,Zees the difficulty p[„aukina
• dry, cod tens, "i• supposed to have h7ie *54 to 1b•{font of the hangnetiwg
been composed by a piper who was de- Ilooei ht be eiveraotee by it
notedly attacked to the forts,., of our determjlled man, although Cilias main-
tamily two kowdred years rase es the Mined then and on future occasions that
occasion of his master's execution in it was mut to iippossibls 1m any one w
Edinburgh for revolt and treason. The tisk bb t•tT.lilsas wash en adventure.
story goes that Jul moats the earth occas Lord lliarven thought of the things
eiepallyi and plan the tune ar he used
to play it in or near this very room, My
sister mistakes the performances of some
isselest vagrant for the legendary Piper
himself, I am sorry to say.-
ay.-Then Lord Mon*, rang the bell
sharply, and gave his orders Co the ser-
vant who appeared in answer to the
"Therm is a man outside playing • 0 the
pipes, I wish to use him, bend out some
of the serves s to find him and bring Mw
hen to sm. "
The man had a soared, *widen loos,
bet he bowed .ad witbdM without dis-
puting itis master's Lord
Moves's tone was imperative ;, he was
not ssseatoind to M disobeyed.
Beetle drew nearer to Lilies -be even
ventured to take her heed ; 'far Lord
Norms, certainly as. dietarb.d than
he liked to show, walked op end down
the darker side otlte room with bus ye.
upon the ground. And agais the wild
strain posted forth, wildly mournful...
a the piper were standing at the door ;
mad Lilies shivered, and hid her face in
bar hands.
"Why should iddistress yogi, deafest t"
lijertIs msroored in her sec "Ise the "What does all this mean 1" he aaidn
piper play on forever it b. Iikee ; be can- "Why bare you brought this man here,
not harm y0+ or yours." Beatrice 1 Let me take your plate. L
"Oli, Sortie," she said, "you do not.ite insensible I
know, Wb.. the piper plays 'Morvsn's "Look at him," Beatrice.
s he . . . & they doter, but the re-
membrance of them passed away at ooee; in eueh bosdate de tee live, eves bee• volt.
and perhaps forever, as hie eyes fed timet to our owe serried!, that Beatrice • to ea
.Jpon m group gsthered'wpon the steps. E.silmont, rerardlete of as
Beatrice's tall sod graceful figure was she could be, beaitatnid to lame the am rile ZaNarer Mese
there, •tad haalioag Lookhart'e .taiwase Ioniahment eoaehasan if lire had er-i - t -matter of skill importune• °^1° -
frame ; end between these two then was ( him to draw op hie dorm at any Wear, a with os10r appliotions .1 el.ctr t-
olit7. By ibis ag5M7 Ambos o NervHin.
—some one. Moven efiald tot see his ! place. It wee bar list as- *made to pampered, to the rtsest remote
face ; but h. ssw that they werj rapport. 'patience of this restssiate imposed epos
ing a man who seemed to b. in • state sae by the necessity of u.___,, or the
art complete . , d he oonj.e- fear Of di.etedit.N* report, and she
turd that end of the sert•nb, or one of chafed ender it already.
the arms of Mise &ailment end Anthony worded mesas to the servants se she
Lekba,t, She bed .sant de pt 1di passed. Again Anthony nottoed how
into the house almost reason—to hurry inmirielively she took the lead, how
him away to hi* own resin. where he reep.rtfetly .he wee obeyed. He wee -
could asap Itis Motives (and hie was- dared snore sad more what wee !et-
tpexins) beton the ssrvsatf' eyes had phonies is the hese•, Had she wealth 1
meted anything uemual le gis *plisse- Wm she about to be married to Lord
ante ; bat these intentipee were [rusts... f (i<advss t There wee so arrogance, no
ed 1)7 thin poet gunshots* !misting et. midge .eslrmpties of authority in her
and aha sew ktssteiy regretted that they miner ;Ink thaw was the mime, egonbi•
had not entered the house by .the side dwsax'ot one who was used to gov-
door, where tbej , could perhaps Nasse ern, mad would put down with a Strong
easily here escaped Bat teed any symptoms of (1 tenderc7 to t•e-
the his *ed hoes injured in Anthony Lockhert sae aloe chaffing
tits gra But why shield Beatrice have ender a veil Of lute ml renews, B. ws
brought him to the tower 1 • demount by sonvistios ; his whole life
Lord I(urv*n emit forward hastily to, had brae embittered by a difference of
mist, perhaps to egpost fists, And he rank and • attun ; his mut revolted
sew Beatrice tura • white frighteeed eltsedb thio tyrmany el the nob sed rose
lass towards [tom, and heard her sat to is kayo' of the oppew•ed and peer. H•
the servants— could not well refuse the request of a
woman whose life be had just .red ; het
his heart was full of anger at the thing
which she had asked hide to doAs he
sat opposite Mies Essilmont during the
long dark drive to the Tiwer, he went
over the matter in his mind, again sed
mein, with • sense of increasing irrita-
tion. "Here am I," he said to himself,
"engaged is the very task which is least
suited to my taste—the srsening of •
loan from pe.ishmsot, or at least from
public inquiry, not because I kine- his
or because I bellow him or any
other decently reasonable saw, but be-
cause he is the brother of a Peer, mid
because 1 had not the ooarage of my
Faopinions when $ woman told me that
he asked me to do this thisg se a favor
to bee, Why should I .hew my polite -
NM by the sacrifice of my convictions 1
If that fellow had been a tramp I suppose.
she would hers ked so hesitation in ro-
ommate him to he • thief 1 People
don't usually Re •bon with burglar's
tools if their tntestione are innocent. If
she thinks that I shall promise to hold
m7 tongue to Berne she is mistaken.
Not even onoaiderasion for Mile Emit -
w ont will induce me to play him false.
And I have • score to settle with Gerald
Roth.•n too."
The lamplight falling on his Dace at
that moreent made him look so grim, v.
severe, eo terribly is sassiest, that Beet -
nee, who was secretly observing him,
felt her heart sink with a sudden feat.
Then she recovered herself with a thrill
"Keep back ! keep back '. Give him
air. Het has feinted sesta ! iI[oves,
for heaven's sake, keep thea back."
It needed but a word Trow the Earl to
disperse the little armed, of esteems who
had boon ;burryityt to. Miss Resilwont's
sasi•tance. He himself reached bur side
in another moment, and trifid to rojieve
Ism of her burden.
Lamest' seise great sorrow, some great "It 1• Gorski "
deigraes, is ready to fan upon the house.
It hos always been se, and it still be s.
sgaia, I am afraid."
They were silent. The music had
seemed to some nearer and nearer as she
spoke, and at last Lord )Torten strode
angrily to the dace and threw it open, as
if he expected to diu,lrust the player
upon the threshold. But there was tin
ore there. The music stooped suddenly.
A Mask alone. fel apps the little com-
pany of listeners. Lord Morten rentals -
ed metionbsa in the doorway, looking
met into the eurriier.
And in that strange and eddden silence
they heard the carrier" which had boon
gnat for Beattie' Esalmoet drire op to
Ihe,greii tall door.
♦ ifirfallY. paint at Wee. To the Earl. as yet on- of indignant, outraged pride. "Gerald
Lord i nrves's brew cleared. The eegsinted with the of will explain everything,' she said to hee-
eoantenpleee roll of the wheels, the / Gerald's on the some, Bee- self. flet, after all, she trim not gifts
bound of the •pssiag dose, seemed . ' trice's sxeitesent seemed teaselled for sure that Gerald oould explain.
restore his ..If-puoesios, "There is and a lits reprehensible. Still, se his
Lord morns steam vi*iliifllt..-"'Per
once his self-control was overborne by
sttrprise. "Genii !" he said, then why
do yen sot call tb• se1ram% l—why—"
"Hush; hash," said 'the girl retie -
Moody, but still in a lower vuior. "We
will tell you everything toy -and -bye, but
just now let us get him into the boos
and carried to a room without letting
the servants oboist,. too chesty. Look
ala hie clothes—look at his face—his
70U will L He is dressed
take • common wtwkra•n--don't you see 1
And has darkened his eyebrows and his
skin. There will ise not end of rondo
lied scandal it he is seen is this state.
Idorven, you are not generally so slow '"
Anthony Lookkart, kmal7 observant
of the faces before hits, thought that
Lord Morten might well be excused for
a 11111. edemas in ing the
L orf 1rinrvan awoke at lest to • sense
Be•trioe," •1isid take(. few crepe ss.• till epos the scam., wii.d fsetiaN of the diiioaltise .•1 the sit cation. 11. toes aft•v Ire ew:e FURNITURE! - - FURNITURE!
forward sad thea liestenisi swim, .bthgri to which for mine parpoee or we deeidedl7 d1•pl•.sed by lar. Ho had , rete •- _ lalmalaw: w.�w i La
°New we shell hare a Tittle sold .semis altar Gefstd, Bothwell had dimes to at )wen dissstiat.d witk 0.seld'. ;minder* jam
hie et
and reality r-- His 'dark 'lbelr -saftglllDe ere himself, rd the attempt at disguise tot rime tlttoe. To ase him br*ttrht
late a Melt .f retailed teedeeMMI fled lidded in what had MOO been some
home inwmibl., is a tsevkrnsa's ul..thee, .�n. �•et�
,.tidj whiab tread rias. told s kWh eb nth*ebs
vtlyty contrived dsrking ' t gave the finish's/ touch to his dimstis- d�errrb, R.+uo.g*ta ee
server seem than L .rd Nerves plaid, herr aed 5.*plex . Lard Mover's R honor And that Beatries should '•" Pia" as"' Ms
laevo—every bee., measle end ligament
is read* to feel its bee5Aeient pewee.
Nerviline is a wonderful remedy, plea&
ant be take, eve by tie you/street child;
yet so powerfully tar reashing in its week.
that aha most •gasisiig internal or ma-
ternal pais yields es if by magic. Ne-
glect se longer to try Nervilise. Buy
to -deg • ten soot that tattle end be re-
lievelihom all pain. J. Wilma, dren id
Guderich. write.: " Norville* Revs
good s•tielaetiou," Sold py druggists
and country dsalen
Tei Tory prem is bully e.g.R.d
bunting op a new Liberia leader to
replace Hon. Mr. Birk,. The solici-
tude of the Tory press for the welfare of
the Liberal party u • good every* crop
this year.
My horse stepped on a rolling stens,
Spraining Isar of hind leg, badly swotted.
Giles' Linens/nit iodide Ammonia cured
her. G. B. Coburn, Canton, Maes.
Sold by F. Jordan, God•rich.
Salt •100_ hood.
Are you troubled wits Seat Rheum,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ;
if so, go at ones td (lea Rhyme' Dei,
Store and get • 7f McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic Carafe. Price 25 cents.
It was never know; to fad. b
ty .
oar wet tb•tr Meads. bort•.
rua.s. RA. priated at title oMee for very
e mere Oise they nerall py for the
paper. Arida help. toa.•r.wesr Devises.
variable Ap-
petit*. Faint
Heawirig at
Pit of the
;Leed lad t#..rt.i� .. �gmi.adHfra m Food
t tenested'To lel. Hli hr,
('sated Toss.., Low Rptr•
iy, .adwrtag Pita• - •iipe•Istly is Leh
tfde. 1.0ageov sed Debility.
Neel r ttnit
I CAUSE trizzt
isatinsi teed •y.
Ise. N doer (:ow.
pastry cheese ras• a
��•"`'{ tiara,
Imp to Hard Wert -either or
ettpatioa{:Brei t�ir r
iamb elsslata bNeiheMaly is w bees .f
ViAtkillt Magma
woad ed. —deftw.:
iGiles' Lin/ment Iodide 4 n'lonis
ttemovee all Unsightly Boehm.
Spinal YealaMtl• (.oirs.Les.Nee alfa de.
Founder, Walk Liaise.
1pruag !osse.
miner sad expMWst000mRpaaiest az; m•! Ou..
Liniment. and in the great racing stables of
9Neeat sad for Ou• mat �c�s gra
.eb»ye{ woad -
11se-D. R GlLMIL D
alto will, without charge,v. s r .. e].
d aaad also onthe glee ad i mM.Dawat{ttlaleY•.
ssN ta'stt• at jl.3e, b Which IbMK bad er• *Pr"
o great
ssvtag. Tfe Llnfweat to white wwrraappper ie
far family iiia ; that in yell.w for cattle.
dales Dulido wmdms .. i uses aero Om.s..
Used by .11 this Ivding horsemen on Jerome
- Park, Fleetwood. Brighton beach. Dbeepsbesd
bland Beryl !load. Newer dteaapetst, are
?oats. f*d�wd Mamie peeS•re
'f►•vm•. cater Ittd ? tion. C,olirctn
Tbrwat- Catarrh. ounaer, k.7p ad
Jtlwaltt•tiaes. Tim dila 1e small sad the power
is great. Ti'bb!! r.wder are csareese el am eselu.g to .tats. ears r•ere
tehNed. Qp�
Sold by 7, JORDAN. &gimlet. 1T •rich
Idols on a o
Ry wrarint%.��
elate or the firm of LAMM 1ltwvlm
Reamed Spectacles sad Eye Classes
re" RorM•ctee end Lye (.1 teem bare been
used for the past 36 years, and given in every
iaatan.•e unbounded entiefeetiett. They aro
rue eve ind TMs WORLD. They never tire,
tied 1si sassy rears without chase..
- row eats 57 -
Tates &+ Acheson
■•angle* ■setae 5TR,
• maryised gleed, Harrow Road
11»te Lammas k Info, Hartford, costa.)
rialto oonneetioa with any other OM i■ the
Detalnsea of Canada
Jas. loth. un.r-
Ha. the Wisest AOprt*w'nt of First (lees
�itmMss w Dow •ad Gass. (1eb*s •M V.d,viakor floods in
R•ie�se o Ltvlr y/ r ease sir sato uses++ ter Hire et Ae�watee
uv aasveis•. bet
CURE met
and tevnaslweg the
' wa*eslw aNw..: Avt4 drtsa-
•.w Vasw5n-. elm ar
t .err 1Wa r�r.Stom fns.l. Milk
ate- setae as
is Iia Ira .nab. T'ase Der -
Hitters, whit* R•gnatr time
i I. Users
A• Ceaal h• K rhe r BRAPM'r AND
�1T !nook of alb Rinds traltare. 1 15.1
osh sad
I Olen Undersell AnyOther
P'arntture Kan to own,
'I Ales Mu the limb Arw,ed In,
whited the %eeel lee hese. i'esttasstsly brows cne sited, sada slight red flash sate ►sr.olt w meek sbnol lei. to 1 The' a 1. eft. hb ..d 1► t. tier /NNYssw
for hi., Bristle mod GMiar were ten teach Mutt elp to i►� very tom pts Hie Mini- • "`r""t.
E.rl's Meow grew vary dark. hie impose- �
►embed le wish other to entire his 17 pride hnt taken *Wm ; Beatrie• jed7- iv hew wore a look of profound di•pisor ( Bur lost Clowl ( sow Drep••fisin.
BaJmond Soft Machine I
(flee ewe a (111 aid Rife 1Iee.r
�g�. a 1tem:si s'e Het. Heedit w tSw.a
fiii•.tm►. D•e. 1rd, Iy�flifr