The Huron Signal, 1886-4-9, Page 2:w
Mat•. wirers MaYI'e LAM M.N.
Prost the Moffitt -eel Past.
The speech of the leader of the O,ipo-
skiort will, 1 routine to predict, be re-
garded throughout all future complies -
twos of a eatud g kind as ovum the' ea-
sel, tire, legal, seaatitutwual and hbb
rah rine of 'shelties against lad gores -
ingot under emanational rule. Mr.
Blake, ea was mature' with au Irishman.
took the aide e( tee oppressed, uaturts-
nate Milkweeds, and by the clearest eve
demo and (ruts the best authorities
showed how orally wree.g was the exe-
cution of their leader. His arguuteat
that the corner stone ut the proem Bri-
tish oos•tituti.o wee the sacred right of
resistance, and the Act ut Settlsw.ut of
the Crown of England the embodiment
to that right, is bks. Mr.
Blake spoke till ear one o'clock this
morning, and was listened to throughout
with th.m ost rapt attention, the Railer -
inn remaining crowded till he ceased. Mr
Bl.ite% concluding declaration that he
was unable honestly to differ from the
view that it was deeply to be regretted
that this execution should hate been el -
lowed to take plane, end therefore io fa
vor of that view he must record his rote,
was received with loud snd long ap-
plause. Every Irishman to Canada, tea
matter what bus political leanings may
be must feet proud of Mr. Blake. t1hs
this occasion when Pomo
timid hearts felted that for the ulterior
ler. M•elemmee, itereormal enrs- oral, esoafta*i1 D$I .
Swart tress Mr. Laurier's Great Iasesh•
Speekiag of soya'a aputugei Imre the •
Government, he mid - "Bet ib. Imhof -
able gentleman weut fnitb.r. He 1101
elute setters, tl •
the Biebl sewsp•p-
for the reb�ss,
ibis the then -
us, sh ed t
Fatt+ser a trio.
or as Wogs pp
but he also X11
sir Admsuhtlmf.vs. He ear that the
sda►tratioa 1 that Oovernmesets1pem
tbe limo they Moiroarto tee time
W Is
they left, .a a portent black
WW1, Mr. gprskesthanes , t b a which
c.nuut he made apinr the present Ad-
ministration. Their administration was
Mt all one blank. Blood, blood, blood,
prison*, em fulds, widows, orpb $s, dem
tituuon, ruin—the are what 611 the
blanks is the administration of this
li t of she affairs of the North
he would be loon ng
with those who had no regret for the
tragedy of Regina and the long -continu-
ed wrongs which ted to it, he has con-
firmed himself in the affections of all
who bold dear the privileges of
men. Again be has shown his indiffer-
ence and contempt for Orangei.m, ani
the bloodhounds of the "Order" who
have ems itoted themselves • power be-
hind the throw to dictate life and death
to ministers. The Irishmen of Cdwds
sherd ass to it when the time comes
that head these whoaeted with him in
this maitre shall not prier from Orange
riodiativesoa. The Irishmen it; the
Ahave made no uncertain
Them are Edward Blake and
George L Carey. They might well wear
the shamrock with honest pride on St.
Patrick's Day. With such mon to repre-
sent -the Ir'i b race and Iriali sentiment
in the Parliament of Camra, we need
have no fear for our future. In tbla,the
most memorable utterance of his life.
Mr. Blake did not appear as a Libsrai
marry, nor .. a party man, nor as lead-
er of Her Majestys loyal Opposition ;
he spoke as a public man and a patriot,
feeling tis responsibility and kLowing
the of his alien. He has
debated his attitude, and in doing ..,
has left on record a speech, which not
only jestilee that attitude, but renders
any ether false and unworthy of one is
his position. Ile also made it clear that
W net bend hie fedoras to take his
view. They were free to act esthete saw
at- I. doing this he showed • delicate
reward for those which have
no part fa his own Mmp u.iticn.
chaise Article *bees tllem.•s slew
serpb•rs and T t
"We utast' sr. (s.ftesNist the better
ai It' rot'. " auo a knight, *ratty girl
to • $ Fraaei.m Maga* t'porre.
•'W'i are .•pereettal�'F•s. everywhere
as seonugrapbars,tetepeph telephotos
o�et� e'gp e , sad typewriter.Then i�t'r*tite ea meat el Ors employed
tut the loademer, herstmt telegraph
.aaa' and the irk*bere Moses et the
"oily. Their smart is cone sstly ha-
mming, too. We work ebs.p'r thou
the mow ; that's the reams why we are
working ourselves into the mans planes.
W. can afford to do it, too. You see
almost ell the girls hr• at home. They
don't play btultards, smoke Mars, nor
west. But, Mr. Speaker, there might
te say, ea the ba geode -
num will apprehend, upuo the Adminis-
tration of the hao "amber for East
York Mr. Mackenzie of the &Hain o1
the Northwest Territories, but the pres-
ent would out be a reasonable tome, and
the occseinm Tay arise hereafter. But
let me tell this to the bon. g•ntl.mas :
If the administration of Mr. Marginate
was blemeabla fee uta treatment of the
affairs of tie northwest, if they were re-
miss out then duties, 'tow mash mon
blameable must be the present Adminis-
tration, which has nut yet dont that
which should have been done by their
1 (Cheers.)
dusk ot'ekt•ile—things that must of the
IMMO . d'1'h•s, yeti btmew, wren a girl
goes at to the theatre or anywhere else
ohs meetly has •a escort who foots the
biU. She is net roared to go in a sebum
and treat to the drinks or two -hat caters
wheu she meets old friesda Sue jest
gives • hunt and a kiss, which is raves -
Moat and don't leek a rut. All she is
sap. ted to do is to dromaiaty and look
sweet, though I'm booed to my some of
them don't do •itkec. Besides, you see,
most of the stenographers and typewrit-
ers have short hours at their woit,whuch
gives them • geed deal of leisure .t home,
and this tiro they stili.. in mending
their dream, trimming their bunts,
and doing all sorts of things to make
themselves presentable without being
extravagant. I myself trim all my hate
• id sake my Awn wadeeedh•s, though
they are so cheap anew tb•tahers but
little saving is busying the raw material
instead of the ready Lade ratmests. No
salaried young man, iter any other kind
that I know of, does •nytbiag of this
sort. It • such a big mvtrig, tea Just
for them reasons a girl wakes rally es
math len a arm et $60 • month as a ma■
does em es, sad the chances are largely
that die will save mors. This is about
eraelised, though, in one wap. for em-
fployers .. • rule will Only give a sir' $50
or what they would give • man $75 for
doing—the nasty moan things' But,
saybe", they give the Rite the wort and
gave the diEerenoe.
"Sem houses, however, pay their
girls real good salaries. Several of the
column•• empunies pay good eateries,
sad Wells,, F.bgo t Co. mid the reihrrd
sog gesi•s lura quite liberal But the
pre that gat high salaries have to be
very good shorthand writers and expert
ttittors ors the typewriter, and are
•ed to work nal hard 1 know one
girt metered In a wheelers liquor -
house who tote a $100 a month, bot she
has to wort just as hard as she eanfrom
11 till 1 0'c/twit. She is gdick and intel-
ligent, sod does her work just as well as
any we. "sold. I get $76 • month, but
I work as Mar i.0 every day. I have
to wort like a Rood fellow, tbough,while
I'm at it But we and • few others are
•zo.ptional cases. Ment of the feasts
and type writers get
from $46 to $60 • month. You nee,
many of them are to do
rapid work, and the horse that employ
them are just as well suited, for, whits
they need the services./ • ,
a poor one will answer the purpose just
as well as •good one. But whenever
there u lots of work to be done quickly
the pay is slimy* good. Women are
messer than men about some tbisp in
the atter of getting work. Many of
them will go and underbid ene another
just to get places. I have known girls to
go los house when a girl was employed
at hieO.and offer to do work for 1160. Don't
you think that earful mean 1 Most of
the ars, too,
and nearly air the houses that employ
make ut • point to have
the I done with a type-
writer. TM girls who opeote ou type.
writers, but cannot write shorthand,
are not very well paid. I believe they
mushy get from e.225 to $40 • month.
The My is fall of women typewriters
and 1 , and the numger is
A Sou R.w&i v. — For coughs. asth-
ma, and all recent eolda, De. Harvey's
Southern Red Pito. Dant let a cough
grow troublesome when it can be reliev-
ed and cored by this remedy at thereat'
coat of 25e. Sold only at Wilson's pro
acnption drug stn's_ 1m :
agp/nuaig al tae ttts•t.a
" upkeep Yap-'
Probably one of thesauri difficult cum -
plaints to doctor' is whooping cough.
When treated by doctor;
means the
pogr victim is left to whoop it op as beat
he can. H aril's Pectoral Belem
Rives relief in this &swell ee in all throat,
bronchial, and lung troubles. 2
uwrsgy M ane&
, R`X7r MOuril &
Mew 1e Grew, a•eeeol.d reed noeas-
Mr. S. Howarth, at the Wit meeting of
the Karsten' loatuute in etor, read
rho follow/lag ptswtlaal paper w
"Roots" :-
1 have bores ewq--d.d, to oestrtbutie
• paper oa the growing, s4.dsg. and
bedisu of roto. The ky+d• sk y •will°,
for feeding pmrpsejt sett m•og4de, 2ar4
rots sail turnip.. 'Po sewn • Maud erol
of roots it is a•eemsry is tie gest pinos,
4lat the land be t►usosghly drained
w•turslly or "frighten', and should be
deep plowed fh the previous fall, putting
on a good supply of barnyard erasure ;
iso the ether band if suture is not to be
had in the fail, it my be spread its the
drilla, is thespring, when a Item quantity
neee•teear-, forist ce for bS
dz mere '
cents per .umbar. roe sats at all hoot -
Cuateats :—Mr. J. T. Moore's charm-
ing arttoemon "Woodelr find Berra,"
maintain Heir 1•moiaatrn •f die
criptioa sed impair it/Meagre. •
stroking seem ant engrsviags aeeesip•aise
a paper log tM editor en "Landmaebe is
Hutwy,'Mt Tlq will attract mask s-
tipo. Mr. John Mamdosald contributes
a chapter of "'eves from the Portfolio
d • Mrebsnt," jiving graphis sketches
of the sausage variety of ehaeset•rs with
whom he comes is commit. Mush he -
mor in the narration. The Roy. B.F.
Bland writes M able aed ' r•
review of the We sad wosk of the eels -
hated William Wilbertescs. An article
of mach iateesst, is resection with the
development of our Noetbwest Teri -
ton, is Mr. J. Meedomald Oalay's paper
on Hltdsee Bsy—' •Tb• Medglertaa.aa
of Canada." A valuable chapter en the
Gospel of Si. John, by Cannes Farrar,
is of spacial interest as the 'lands!
wheelie( Christendom are jest erste ritlg
on the study of that book. Dr. Ling
concludes his ttwnohant crakes= of cer-
tain theories on the MAlenient The
story of Jae Tedrr'• Wife grows in
track interest The editor dimmer
Labor snd Capital,Misei•n Adjustments,
.to., A number of Saeger perm and as
exquisite angry -ins• Clt"rwgglo's
"Christ Crowned witThorns' are also
girls. Wx. Bhteos, pebtiebsr, Toronto.
Madam, aloe me to prescribe for you.
I haw hada long in the man-
agement of delicate women, And believe
1 can give you some important advise.
Fur the prompt I preesribe only for
your feet :—First, procure • quantity of
woollen stockings, net such as you buy
at the store under the name of Iamb's
wool, tbat you can read a
through, but the kind that your aunt
Jeruaha in the country knits fur you,
that .i11 keep your feet dry and warm
is spite of wind and weather; second, if
you want to be thorough ci.ange them
every storing, hanging the fresh ones
by the fin every night: third, procure
thick calf -skin boots, double uppers and
triple mks, and wear them from the
1st o[ Oetoper till the 1st cf May; make
frequent of some good oil
blacking; avoid rubber; altogether, ex-
cept a pair of large rubber boots, which
may be won through snow drifts or •
flood of water ; fihb, hold the bottoms
of your feet in cold water a quarter of an
inch deep just before going to bed two or
three minutes, ani then rub them hard
with rough towels and your naked hands;
mizth, now, madam go oat freely ih all
weathers, and believe me, net only will
your feet enjoy a good circulation, but
as the Coneequerce of the good circula-
tion in the lower •atremities your head
will he relieved of all its fullness and
your heart of all its palpatations. Year
emnithe on wilt be grentety improved
and your health made better in every
respect. —f Medical World.
Mode Is a tJtale-
Hamilton Dowd, writing from Burns,
Ont.. says he was afflicted with chilblain'
which wen Very ,.re and painful and
which nothing 'obeyed until he tried
Hagiad's Yellow 'til, lees than one
tootle cured him. 2
TSB London Fro Pros publishes the
names of ten western Grit ::.embers in
black letters beause they voted against
the C t to the Landry motion.
The black -lettered names are: AaM-
.rtnwu South Middler ; M. C. Caw
know, Weri Huron ; D. M. Cartanw,
West Middlesex ; CARRY, West E tin
11 , South Oxford ; Linea, west
Lmbton ; MILL*, Bothwell ; Sower -
mita, West Bruce , Taow. South Perth;
WELL. Fist Bruce. Every man named
ie sen of re-election by an increased
majority at the nett appear at the polls.
And we ask the Fred- Press and every
Tory who reads this item to make a note
of the fact.
Womb III
in • long letter from John H Hall. of
fieddtek, Cape Breton, N. S . he say..,'
1 believe were it not fret Rutd•ock Blond
Bitten i shield be in my grave." It
rated rim int kidney and liver complains
stud mineral debility, which had nearly
proved fatal. 2
Maims Chamberlain and Trevelyaw
have mimed from the Gladstone Cabi-
net. Mr. Gladstone has promised r•
brise down hie home role for Ireland
a shwa' era the St k d Aprii.
Ranted' Mowrst.Y.—Three new ser-
ials onrush the April Harpers. The
authors are Charles Dudley Werner. R..
D. Blackmore, and Dinah Maria Craik.
Mr. Warner's mien of papers. entitled
Their Pilgrimage," u a nary •f **wa-
rn asciely M our principal simmer re-
•orth • Mrs. Creak'•..reel, " King
Arthur : net a Lore Story," is a tale of
moelei c love, and is to be published In
three Wag parts, each oeeupyiag ever
twenty-five pages of Use Megrim. Ili
D. Blackmor.'s novel deals with rural
English lite during the exciting rims of
Lard Nelms. the great admiral.
sterner cesataptly Gwrssn•g. The competition
When your horse is galled, scratched is se sharp between them for work, that
or cot, or has an ugly sore, bathe twine salaries, except itt the cases of old and
tried smpisyes. ars berg steadily cut
down. If it morainal for the women the
might form a protective
union. But a woman does not can the
sump of hes Sneer for the rights of labor
or for anything else when Abs wants •
place. Now don't you go and tell who
told you this, for ifou do all the sten-
ographers will be puling my hair out.
,Crowded out last weeks The t•legreph and telephone girls get
Mise Nancy Shirk, of Trowbridge, tM poorest pay w( seyh.177 in rho city.
was in the village the other day. Some of them only get p0 • month,
}touseho16 }that.• ti.
Armed lank Willa vl Dir. Chases
Black lurch ts ouw the tn•boonable Live este is • Maier Guide Md 1 .-
wood for furnttsn. Ordinary white ape Ystek aomaglsisR naefu! ilderratiun,
SOO teo.ipL Mid 1>�se'�i1 by
Doctors sad Meggido se MOO tan ti WA used �. the h• fu hiuw bl•
wood te ea
fiarta s!.
aa, ulaotuve to tbreaws idrts. IIS•••• of the ursdwi... Nad is And
Tc artome. unit *over eke *rticls Beak j1. Bind M J. WtiM�, sora agent
to los mimed whit a this otsthg of tat-
, low M basnwsaK, thaw, with s sharp un- Dr. Law's pleasant Wore Syrup - As
agreeable, Me sad e%otual remedy to
remove all kinds of worms. l.,t
airttwitrgt, write the near is the tallow.
Ohm with a feather ; it'll the rah writ -
tea, the 'rarer, with uu1ir, rid ; let it
restate from rue to teampatea, then
dip in water age rub off, sod the marks
will be etched into the steel or ire.
Cori Ware. Fawn.. -Cold wary sup-
pers are coming tete general use, and
should in every way be et' oursged The
Masonic supper io Mitchell, and the war-
den's banquet in Stratford, at both of
which ther.. were ur kinds of liquors, nut
for the toe crop will alarm than by a1 etas the seosat,.m "plum poaduig"
p!ylsg blbado..t. In growing roots, rand "brandy sauce, ' were a succeed. in
have used nu other fertilizers, erupt stet respect. bed tar more enjoy• s
soil Memolds and cal should be iso the. table•.
ewe .. eerie to the •pri.g ..the laud la A Gum Cannot —A good c.m.nt fur
dry enough to work property. Make w•udi almost anything my be made
the drille as straight as possible, a that �1
the ,sltivator may work evenly and by mixusg together lithaarrgge and glycerin•
closely to the young Plante, thereby ..c- to the erineletoscy of theirk cream or fresh
Ing much Ibbor and Dost .f hereby ins, putty. This lament is eerie' fur mend -
Fur t.wrhtpm 1 b.v. foubd about the th)ttj rot moan jar' or any ooarss earthen' ware.
of Juss to he the best time for seedi•g. leaks is sass.' of rte peas
thickly and follow with the roller. Ile., Na Holes an Ines in dhanteuse in
than t•. tittle.' Pigsty of Rood cod and kettles can be filled and the rams used
manure u the 'act reelection from the for years in boiling water and furl. !t
leached ashes, which is ve .d u clay j h the cis bed been
g.. ' that a t e "cup t Serf
Mopping ut
wsab len, creeks or ►.Airs is iron
Bettor err by owing too much sed
daily, and apply McGregor /Perks i Car-
bolic Cerate. It is undoubtedly the
finest healing and clearing •pplioetion
for it Be son you Ret McGregor at
PPrke's. Sold for 15e. per bot, et
George. Rhynes. Dreg Ston. lm
Mr. Leech, of Manitoba, has been in
town the ped week visiting friends.
His reports of the country are favorable.
Mn. John Farrow is around again,
and is steadilygaining, Mr. Etcher is
Moo en tate mnd mend.
Mr. Lightle has sold his farm and
intends ging to some new country
where hero have the privilege of 'ivies
when no trees grow and blizzards thnve.
Mr. Jae Timmins, our enterprising
, h.. purchased the stook of
Mrs. Co.wver, who is retiring from
business, and also rented her sew store
y, as the this and weakly pleats may aro he used to fasten on lamp tops,
floc most 8.ed dh•uld be teem(' be to germ lore arias, to sena
or *swing. I row from 2 to 4 poueda loose joints oI wood or lion, bines b nes
bolts whose nuts are rod, to tlgbteu
per sen. aeoordtng b gdahty ref seed in wagon-huba,ani in a great m.oy other
Do out aitsw t►e plaote.te gat tae Mello ways. In all cases the articles mended
bile's tb leg they wihl M elm.des shoed not be owed until the oetnent u
and weakly sad tray tree he st t. W re hardened, which will require from one
ht statn
Dever. I might be. I woe W ratherdsy to a week, aoc:,rdtsg to the quantity
the weeds im rhe roil b hi
spout yea cultivating
1rrs used.
sad bsrrerer than by phenol", as t4
math the poll Geer. dogged will thea Jlbrriuville Review : Small ferias make
germ►w►te men sad the laud near .eighburs ; they make gad roads ;
will be in bettote *tons for drilling.
melding, lding, the land should be stirred
rhes .to Mop it free from weeds, the
rim will Air grow the bete for it In
gain l7
thinning, I would not thin out to single
plants at first, but block out with hue,
leaving several plants together et dui
ream of dbot eight rehab, later they
Sae be 'bused to 'isgla pl•ntm. Fes
harvesting, there are digerati mother ;
for instane•, too ping with the bus turn-
ing tops outworn, and two drills .f bulbs
i. together ; awiMor topping as before
sod keeling of the field, sad then har-
amrowing the tegnips out of the ground
with team • another pulling by hard And
topping with knife. Storing, if done in
the ler, the pits 'Meld not be too high
sad should be as tereight as po.sibie, say
about throe feet ; if trio lige they will be
more 'amble to from. The Int ooverizg
should be straw, shoo a few inches of
earth, then mare straw, If placed e se
to keep the wet oat sae -half the quanti-
ty of earth than would otherwise be re-
quired if 1 from the wet, will
be sulhfcient If taiea to the rot cellar
at the time of lifting it will etre muck
handltnai. Plot •allays are emsnotimes
built under the bars her, in which is*
trap dew to dump them thrupgh, other
lengthwise on one side of the building,
rod ssmetimes hereon the end of the
huddling, with a •umber of windows.
When at the sad eery little handling will
be required in .tering thaw. Then should
be a moveable slide or conductor with
epee spaces wedewneatb for the dirt W
fall through, reeding (tees the wagon to
insole of sellar windows. With doom
*peeing into feed merges Irma the tel
lar and the steak facing the purges frees
both ads. is, I think, the most convenient
for feeding roots, as a truck cae be run
from the ostler through them with mots
•r hay, aod let down from the bars
above. I cooaid.r it indispensable is
raising and fattening stock to hare a sup-
ply of roots te he fed in Moderate mean
ghee, may shout • basket • day to a
grows animal. They serve as appetizers
and give a relish for omremr trod, which
could not otherwise he used to the same
intent. With regard to the
value sf mangoids, carrots sod turnips. 1
have personally made no le.
but pretor the marigolds to the other,
because they are more reliable, easier
cultivated tan be saved while the weather
is 6w, ..d all kinds of stock esu lei
them without the labor .f cuttiq or
poor things ! Employers treat their
female employee very nicely except in
the matter of wages, and the male em-
ployes take their cru (rem thou above
them. it world not do, you keen, log
employers to take women of doubtful
character into the confidence of their
business again, for yea are' aware that
stesegrahers get to Meow • great deal
about the business of their hours. The
mon modest and ladylike • girl i•, dr'
bettor chance she has to keep her place.
Employers will not tolerate too mock
familiarity between their rale end fe-
for the present. _ male employers, nod any scandal shoot
Some of our boys, who attend nightly • girl ie almost sure to cause hes dis-
• prees had to pay rather dearly for art
evening at Gerrie, at i concert and ball
last week. But they have learned s
Some have been ing that no seal lease
"balls" have yet bean held in the For- Mrs. Nelson, W. Whitehead, of Nixon.
rester'• halL it ia to the credit of this was •ohrenioau5.rer front dyspepsiaand
lodge that it can he maid that tore have liver complaint, and was scarcely able to
not been any, mer is then going 4, be. take the most simple nonrishm•nt
The school boys, have got up a hr.. Bram a swallow of wooer eared Breat
d d Th Bitten cared her, wen all e1.. failed.
y y PI She heartily L this remedy to
Tari rirtr
lest Jae Robinson was ek all "'amt. -"'amt.- 2
ue the head with the bell, And was pain-
fully. though not serioealy injured.
charge. Now. I ees I'oe told you
•bout enough to set all the girls talking
for a week. Good by."
e1 I eI ub, air ppla y every ay. y distress. Two bottles et Burdock Blood
✓ it 1. health if it is not
present. 0.
Mr. Rlemmnn, who fnr the past year Says Dryden
and a belt has occupied the politico of Mho knows her nam, aril when you rent
principal of the public school here, sent and swear
in his resignation en „anent of pro- C•n draw you to her with a single hair.
treated illness. god is bound for the sun-
nyBut he beautiful have south. Mr. Tltdnprom had •errpted such pnw•r :and 04 Ciel hair can be
the position for the 1.nnaiurr of the Srasred by true use of .t. by.eas mom
Rswgwtn ('robe •t 6o rte by J willies
A war tae
A wide range of painful of etione may
he met with Heayted • Yellow Oil.
James M. Luso., of Woodville. Oil.,
spears of it ia high treses for rhewmati'm,
lama lack, species, and many painful
e-olnplunaa too numerous t.. umemtioa.
it is seed iaavnaily ay.nt•rnaly. 2
Seeing is beliovlmg. Read the teoti
itanah b in tt;e pamp let nn Dr. Vas
Birch's E Cure. than hey a brittle
land relieve yourself of all those distress-
pareposit Prugge't can tell
it Sold J Wilson ���
they snake good schools and chariots ;
then us more money made in proportion
to tl labor oboe 1 ; mon
is raised to the acre, besides, it s tilled
tetter ; there ie no watchiot of hired
help the mind isnot kept in worry,
and fret all the time.
The lister Redeeter say: Peer 500
hundred people assembled at thie roller
rink on Tuesday evemisg last to witness
the lir. lure bene berme Meson .thou.
Besrett and Alia 't'.il, both'et this
wilier, for $10a ode. TM lead was bold
lar ilacrett for about 2 tulles, but et last
ul pared mud gnd.•lly gained. When
the race was canal --ail, was halt a lap
ahead. The Meier interest was dis-
fellss rr.veatatlre.
in order to witbs5ad Cholera and
such tike epidemics a perfect purity of
tioud, and the proper action of the
stomach are required. To insure that
end, to the cheapest, must anilsbs and
complete manner, or MoGregor'.Bpaedy
Care for Dyeyrjsia end nipper liloob.
There u pc purer, safer or sun reli•bl •
remedy in ezrltoaos for lend' .on
migbbor or
Dyspepsia, Cootivener, etc jour
any meteor who tea aced it.
Trial bottle gluon free. Bold by George
Rhyne'. Drug Store. 1m
Diyrusted guest : •'Waiter, I'n'ure
this napkin hal trees ta.d beton."
Waiter : "Be four, our 1 Sun, you're
only the third as has had it."
National Pills act promptly upon the
Liver. regulate the bowel' and se a pur-
gative are mild and thorough. lm
C. L. Mc SE
Nest door to RD
�.nstantly gMesioesed-sewehe. ''4ALROW
stew, Fresh e
Let the laving hens run at will in the which *111 be found to oampa$*1te favorably.
barnyard. They had grass reds, par- betb se regards gsanty amt prim with
Melly digested rain. eta, and .. rituals any ether stock /n thisratty.
Islas 'drug. 11 you ezpaet•egg. this TEAS AND SUGARS
wmther, don't ...met to etre them •
het mash in the morning. Beep a big • innte ALTY.
tees pot hidden under the kitchen table,
and into it throw parings of all loads, all ten retaranal th•nksl des teuetomsar•erUor
it pat-w..w.. wou a► ti &•i
sorts of table refuse, and fill up with ere who *111,uoakand ia.pestmyateek.
small potatoes. Cook until very soli and 0. L. M INTOSH.
keep it on the beck of the range all fieri► -urea alb .r W Snare.
sight, to order to have it warm in the mallets► rah, Jath. tett
morning. Bohm feeding, trek all
well, and stir it' bran, Ines' or mid 1886..
The wrest of good puff p•ete, or even
blain, iV to have the butter teary. Wash
it in ice water and Batten it into wafers ;
put it rob a cod window. It should be
almost brittle- 11 you keep to this rule
about the hotter, and always work it in
with • knife, flouring your hoods when
you have to touch the paste, you will
have light parry. A tablespoon of salt
and orts of sugar go to • quart of fio.or
for light paste. Add the water judi-
ciously, as too much water makes pastry
For Roggh muchness of the Skis'
Sl ing the hod, Pimples, Erupt-
ion and Skin Dioceses, tea Prof. Low's
Sulphur Soap, Iin
There is quite an art in pressing the
seams of a dress meads at home to give it
a good finish. The `.•odiee and sleeves
seams ought not to be ironed ou a flat
surface. but over • roller covered with
lanwl ; this gives them the true tailor's
set An ordinary rolling -pin, such as is
used for pastry, will de. The white felt
or flame' covering it met be naught
tightly together and overcast, but the
edges most not overlap, ss they would
mase a ridges. All the seams of • bodies
ere ironed over this, and the dider•ncs
over those ironed on a Bat surface must
be seen to he believed.
Mr. TruI vgs has purchased the bouse
and lot the school from J,
(111.047 for Mit
O. Robinette, A•hfeld, purchased •
spemdid heavy draught brood mare (nom
imported stock in the township of Tether -
Rev. J. L Bowen, of the New Jeru-
salem church, gave a lecture in the tem•
prance h•11 last week. At the close of
the lecture hedletribeted quire number
of tracts explaining the doctrines of the
Rev. G. R. Tarek, the premier pastor
of tM Methodist church hen, bas been
of Bred a pastorate and salary of $2,500
from a wealthy eongregatio n in Georgia,
U.S. The rev. gentleman will likely 611
his time of tinenney in Lo thnow.
The roller mill owned by Mr. Trotte-
rs has ewmme.c.d work, and no doubt -
will tern net excellent materiaL The -
propri.tor has spared op expense is fit-
ting up the mill i' first -dams style. The
mitt has • capacity a 100 bbls. par day.
No doubt this will be a great boon to
farmers ie this vicinity, and sbo.d n-
oire their patronage.
Ohetrndimi• of the Pltomseh, Liter
and Bower are promptly removed by
National Pah Int
Sweet oil mixed with melted brews:
and applied with a soft Saner sloth to
w ooden harniture win rive the wad b
high wallah. it is pertieelery •elute•
on natngaay snd is whet was tad is
Southern families haler IM war, whoa
polished .a1� ahm
were pride h�beepw
The twitter should 1M well retard rube
the wood. and thea pehrhed oath a der
prim pf Amara
Freeman's Worn Powders destroy and
remora worms without tajary to adult or
infant lm
ell-Maaseed 4....s..
In the matter of Noon for meals. for
Mang and retiring, conform wither
hautatios or marmot to those of tee
hospitable household It is underbred
and selfish to keep breakfast weitint„
because you have overslept yourself, or
dieser w tea, while you 1 1
a drive or walk unrvaaooably. 11 s meal
raw 1 cooked, it is injured by steadfast
beyond 1 of serving, And
if our hosts' time is worth anything you
are dishowert when you waste it.
it is quite M eel/me in want of tactful
regatq tot others' feeling., if lean glar-
ingly • to prevent yourself
below stain long before the stated break-
fast hour. You may net like to sit in
your bed -chamber ; the parlors may be
in perfect order fur your eccepasey or
the library tempt you to wtob a quiet
hour for reading, bet she is an except-
ionally even-tempered hostess who does
not Bush uneasily at 6uding that you
came down by the time the servants
opened the house, and have made your
self M home in the living room ever
sines. The 'Meteor is that your deep.
for room was uncomfortable, or that she
la indolently unmindful of your break
footless state.
i have an anguished reonneetina of •
long visit paid to sty family by
an aecomplmbed gentlemen whose
every intention was purely henbane, yet
w ho demanded to the parlor each mora-
iiK at as boor en barbarously early that
he had to fight the ran tow the piano -
keys on which he atrvrented ..tit break -
feat was ready. There is a saving con-
solation in the lu.,wledere that, if he is
dIstinguiehhig himself in the heavenly
seamier as a pryer wpm itwtrnmente,
them is no mother with a teethes batty
and • h.adeche in the room overhead.
Fluid Ug*uag.
All sufferers from that terrible tor-
ment, Neuralgia, can he mads happy in
• n• ammo ret by a ' aiagle apblieatiow of
Fluid Lightise beiakiy rubbed on painful
pane, and without using asy diegsai+•g
medieine day after day with little or so
read!. raid Lighter,/ also agree se .f.
f.s telly Toothache, iwwieso, Rheims
lino. 1learadis, and is My Bleier pea
Wile et Geo. Shrew' Dry 11Nsr.. led
S .
The Largest Stock in Town.
CLOVERS.- Red, Ls- rge Late, Mollie, whits.
oR*1=aa-Tiesetby Seed, Orebard Oram.
Eestacky Btu, 'ted Top. Lawn Oram.
Haa.arma sail M1tl.i. Tares.
RICANS. White, Golden Was. Ratter Beans.
0*TtLsWhite au
straall. YLck Tnrn
thaWHEAT. -Buckwheat, Odessa, Fite.
('/KN. -Canada Yellow, Early Muss•....
Stowells ttv erarree, Hone Tooth,
PIA4 -1 td teas. White Marrowfat. and
Rlaek sled. etc.. Daniel O'Rourke's, Mc-,/
Leaa's Littk Gem. re..
FLAX PIKED. -F1•. deed. Llased Meal.
Ground. Oil Cake.
MANOOLOB,-Mammoth Lear lied. sad all
other kinds.
TURNIPS.- Swede, and all other popular
varlet ire.
t'ARRfTtr.--White Religion. Red Field In-
termediate. and all kinds of gatdea oar -
Puagowerneeds, tad aU kinds of Field and
(Unicaartfully selected from 1144
beat holism .
A consignment of Yn•b Wowed O.taml
jest arrived.
Hamilton *root, Gndelick.
Ooderfch. Feb. L'th, tete. I01114m
IMexalr s ole ssaM-1
Now on hand and arrt*ind. Rept Vedettes'
of ('beer and Timothy. Taauppse, Carroty mad
as 'salient assortment of THM and garden
Roller Osteal ep(1 Railer What Nal.
Flour, (.boepsd Staff and reed. lwwre
yew ore'. : with
Montes old Mand.
Baenikep Street, ooderlch,
Ooderich. Nareh 4th. Int teal Ito
Clover & Timothy
rn ♦t t al)irril or
— roe.—_
The Grote,, ea too Bemire.
A ton stock of
Family Groceries
Always on hand.
Telephone l'ommunlcatio•,
ooderich. Raab lith.1111111.
Farmers' Attention
The nnoire•irned has a Choice Selection of
Purr, than
.1 ilea fMIswl$eg Witty
vee. Amethe' - P Yin.
T 4wa all varlets. of
asM�w . R Osie.
DIM Flea,:: den Ma mil Santee
TMhU s" l der, sheaalha
blas la
•semeisMON•tt M Moles. /Wal Teat re
tsleta.., rtr01.*. Orta and Jape..._ wills.
• Mtge aslant et Mower m Ise.
mama* ghee. gem nurse, e,eserrea
Mare nil, 'sass lar
Acvitoa or "
Dieser was t
tag hall--• Ise
rile, whisk had
There was • gra es
&leo of pilule
of dark wood
the eltargsno f
the les on th o 1
of the numaroa
candelabra. T
the diawr tar
en seemed to
brightees to a
Mumma dislike
4 d..ted ha the
*aims, ware it
i..uisera111ti w
that (thee gee
Iles Aatie
and deptrnama
stately gloom hl
Lord Marven w
heat. Lilies
altttorgb her u
twtmd ones hes
Vapid io 54dr
preemies. ies. The
every Mm. and
room frith • qui
easily be eerie
timbered 8pani
ed hater way dot
table and ly d,
o‘-capresiec .f
eztreehe ►engtb
Aboverthle sew
ly a.. `he little
the door. who
meaictlns used
grata brew.
The servants
• short interval
)s, who had eat
back In his el
fatigued But
of whirl he wee
seism, he week
to Glesberria
to know the cot
taken, and the
which ked trees
also moncern et
Anth•.ay and
that Lord Mu
his cousin's moo
evidently dist+
to armor of ear
by her brother.
"I have ever,
he crud coldly.
she thinks r•ighl
has gone back 1
And Lilies se
' 13i,t u these
dessert bad bye
and the servant
chanRe Come_ n
ful face. The
ed unobserved,
to grow large a
and the soft bit
into ashy whit
and bemuse a
wrapt to his
nothing. He
carved high alt
slightly beat, 1
ly opon a tiny
his right bank
thoughts were
"What is the
She leaned f
tide of profs
eyes fastened t
parted and wh
The Lord ro
.11 and look,
"I hear nc
Then after a
which Liliam p
of rigid rites
doubtful toil•
"Then is no
below her brew
Lord Mori
"i wish ti
hildieh fanei
d with son
urned to Berl
• 9ly siati
red I•mily 1
lib as meek
land soothaay
But Lilies y
she did not li
"Do you .
van, do yea
hear imthi.t;
Bartle Saar
If stepper
tome." i.
"Thais i
Lilies Menai
chair, end til
feared lest
Martel N
bee rai:•t ay