HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-26, Page 8• JUDGE AND JURY. Seeds ma ghee at dim Hares memos The spring mimeo opened urs Monday, Su Ice Ruse presiding MILANO JUST. Adam Aiken, C.1O,rue ; John An- drews, luhn Cluff, Peter McEess,(iiide- rioh ; W. Iflwabdl, Brusaela ; BdwJad t'urbrtt, l'lu.tuu , Richt' 1, .a, IJlrphee ; .fes Co. per, Tuckersmith ; Thee I s eg.xy, Wm Smyth, N Ingham ; Jobs. Hawk aha., Etut.r ; Win UMW, W, Metairie ry, Aahtield ; Johu M•ur,Henry Rundle. Cebu/Ise ; Samuel Reru.se, Hey ; Win Sense, Huwsok , Jee Walkin.haw, Thur %% Jk teen, H ullett. Te• Jt nubs citation lis his addresa to the Itr+,od Jury the judge mid be ■ ay, idled to mil by th• sheriffs return that there sae only Pee case so fir a• k11uw.s to (rntese their at- tention, and fru,u • list of the prisoners in gaol, with 01141 or two eiceptto..e,ther. did out appear to have been many ca... ,a the county • f a serious nature h was rimewh+t difficult to judge whether utiles vias on the increase or not, be cause an order tb+t criminals .al✓ht not remain Wag in cue oily haute tri+d they have the option of going before the county j•aJ.ges, and that option esu of ton exercised t., the lighta,iut of cases THE HURON SUPTAT, FRt1)AY, MARCH 26, 1886. Arm tins at visiting this eeSAty, eat b•.pe you will be long spared le sweep, iur 1. •..•sable pwitwn yea •t►w ooeapy. snips Meech hese-- flee shotes se Ire a, We hems visited the jail, and tiud tt,rssstre maser. is nem and sisal', the prisoners ad.tt.A.d, the gnosiIt + u,41 turnkey ublsgu.R. Ata remit mettle of the eessiwi oil lac rssls.dy..6tht woks sod throe Ir Kota .hurt li drt gal , the folwat11r minute wwasrd•.ytool Al pretest thew -ere t wdve pt isU era to 1 g mates 0 the melee, one is Insane, rhe wvatou, i•• •ter ver the removal 1.. throe.rn va*•.uts, too in for fateouy, T..rouw.d lir. J. R. M,Urr, ..eo .a ilr woe for pfoll teargery, and one for utencerefusing (" ,n.mlr.r., agree W wat.pt hie reeliueIs. •. WS his pall tea -.Il under aeuteuue. /)( of the clerkship of the sameim. rod of ream!., tiro are vaarauts, and use in sous ; both .4 tb. vagrauta uuder sen h1e peestluo as reprewutatt.e elder w the h she,r Juuru of the eheteb. lis w d,. io, Inn, time) The two insane prisoners have n, heartily butte Ia tM I.e.4ulwe both biosis repot d to the proper su, h .r w place ou r.•wrd their 1111$11e.uw.te UI Mee, mud are to w ratting rwuuval w Mr. alal.r's ad u.irable 14"6111"8 se a •b. asylum ; oertho r of thew are what Ilan and Y a Cbrstlau , ....d their ep 1 , .ere violent. 3 preciauun .4 the highly .Ifi.suut seri ten We would atr.nRly recommend the I 1U build a motto of ehi.h he has ruudesed us the a t.gregr - t county Rfy CUu11C1 it u at fteu*w, aseert.iuly wrung that pm tineidurl.g 11h. w1N.. 11m. .'I Iib c uect•ou with it- a period WOW eawudomg p • who are unable from some crow or w upwarua ..f enliven years They note other to sepp.rt themselves, should be with -ouch aatidretius the good wort ,laarod immolate, trlmuala s e trust lou. by him in the (wilful ds..her e of the wallet .111 be again brought for his duties Y an uflieelrsarer to tier ward, and that the council will purchase church, and .my sl.cwlly would they 1 Wilde'.e'p without further delay. txparty sud erect suits •'1e u, le n Wilde'. y pre p. ,ode the eall.0.. t rv.am Ise ♦e. re. - 4. The labow question men tiva.d tow , county much. ou account of IS being w and teacher of el3,Mwcleft, whicchh a..•L.m lar el ricultural. But we would peeves - Pram. cafe has grown to very Lyres peeves- prupon the Guvernmeut the naeaml- (tulle. Those.. p.alti lie bmbarWiwi +rlurid stir - tope Y won acert • hie labors have beim uch ded in the cep.acitie..1 superiute..1.44 "y your Lordship does nut afeet this of the t.hheeth eeh.wl sud .a c.i,.b-r tee of taking such • IJ 1..sly fur many years mid to both 'a the higher ceJrt. He then egoism's' .nee conflict that might cocur hrtereu the law recording forgery in a very Glee- capita. sed Iabo'. The eu.th t e , while Jeeply .,cretting and succinct manner. The grand jury All of whisk is r foil submitted. Wrpug wish their dear hn.thsr, cordial occupied a dtdereut position stn relative E COtasrr, Yureman Ir unite to au io% hive prwp.rity ans. d t./ the admwistration of justice than Asppsues in his owe house and calling ..hy other branch of the court. They la reply the J .i himself 'char prayer Is that upon him Mad hie as lad that their labors d been cum family (' co .11,,, t•• eke...,l.sd the reatricttuo of the number •( K mai, pariti.ely Itght This. his Ent ufk tal duwu his chwR Weswulpt bulk 1.p - id auJ ap,ntuil, ,uses that should come before the owtrt visit to the wisely of Hurn, had been for trial, after having the preliminary indeed • pleasant nae, and he hoped evidenceas in each case •earl to them bpleasanty n. clerk was instructed to transmit the pru;,.r ut5 i•I. if the a%mloutra iia lite would be spared to make many a copy of this minute to Mr. Mihir. e m..re It was oert•inly one of the finest air. Malar was for fifteen ye.reall od flew of justice is not pleasing to th public, they can make then'rlves heard hewas glad it bad and richest antatiss is the pr..vr.. ance, and Liapeeter of Wast H., and .i Ow not felt the eommer- 4 his energy and ability os the through the growl lun7' .ver room impress 5., be sse,„,1 and ,r.sts. set ee; has cfsl smea cdeprmutr that h. ince uponother, aclo'oL of the ndiog, He was aka /. r no nue c: ragl.t t.. en usre of you Y to iwsinrtes owitrsa The inrarcerau ion nes many ycan C. ptais of the taompuy n. 1 y y p _,•r people and the noon,. u. +w.' • !s' , nwtored in O.derich. and waa • or. you have no right ) wcoral ouu ties, W. atm Coat snook 5.954 tranep.,es t , tel any one. .t:.d the object of that an enthusiastic volunteer. He has home gage the attention of the Governmens a pru,nment tempai moa, workor. testi a h. nae skink •t•1 bPue" W your own Thom should M more ate takes Inac l F good citizen generally. Io hie removal f • in any d;sces.t..,r In your room you of sloe eiko tugs to different parts of the country, useful members He he. entered open .tore the insane and decrepit should be she DrietiGu ut tow, hawing jwned the confined, ins•ead of being pet and kept firm of Fullerton, Cook d Miller, a T .- in gaol. It was a pity that they sll.•uld rent°. We shall 1.. glad to hear of his us kept is gaol, where it was impassible ,neotas in his new profession. ler the officials Were L. take pent. r ,•are _ of them. He thought tt•e w, ••.,, , ee , ,- the grand jury a very goals" nue, usd woo go reason as in the hest interest of society. 1.4 skew unfortunate in rant. peopleIrwin Guderick the tows loess a g.e•d think them u anything that should be t must ergot build- ,ban and KJua church .nm of Iia meet 3ered r) the IA.minton or Ontario Gov. r, cm,nts, you may make it a subject in ,ur;-resentment ' Iletlwndwelt upona y Jeetiun that to now attracting u►ecb at- trition in this and other countries 'he r.-istion between capital and labor. It wail a question that this aoun try with other euuntriee must face very awn, and it was to be h..ped it would ,.asst with peaceful solution. It was not .suite right t.. say that Leber and capital were in conflict. or that they should be. L. the nature of things they should not h, They must work hand in hand If the true interests of the country are to be considered. Whale it would nut do to have those who have been placed by the public m pesemion of lsr{e fran- I:isea and gnat power through wealth to handle it to the detriment of the ..unity, on the other hand it would never du that those who have the power to make money, the power to labor, .hould b.c' ebie to combine and subvert the peace and order and prosperity of the ;..nnsry in order r-. sec. that Id forward it to the •.lament He understood Mbit some the grand jury were also members of the cr.uhty cues. cd. They thou d remember that it would not .. .., .,./_ satisfy theft cunananeea by merely presenting the f w th rt but should urea the act • On , natter in the council. In Hamilton' the *rand jury pre.euted that the I risu sere ai'lov. in the jail were very much coutented N'r are glad to learn that Mrs. H. Richard•. who has bmn very ill for a.m. time, .s slowly teoorerine. Mr. Grey, teacher of 8.3. No. 1, who was it.diap>eed far mime time is again able to •tte.•d to his duties. The assessor paid the villace a visa this week John A, McDonagh. who has just re- turned from Scotland with three entire horses. reports experiencing very rough weather. 36 stallions were put on board. 404 only 17 landed. Mr. R.,zhurgh, of Cedar It•pid, lost 8 out of 12; O•Ibraith linos , of Janes•ille, III , I..0 6, all they had on board ; twit were on board for Mr. Hope, of the Bow Park farm, and both diel ; s Mr Birrell lost rine. and Mr. alcDonagh lint one. With the ea,, ceptlon of the first two days tI, wires throughout, esu eatrctuely r ugh, and on the 14th it blew • terrific gale, heavy seas going over the decks, and the spray eying over the fuunels. The of Are of the ship did their u.moet W save tke Animals, and for 24 hours stemmed dead slow and headed the ship to the storm. Capes Cod light was rather • plensinc a.itht to all Uu beard, especially those ' +uiuc horses, as with the eaoepttam ut Galbraith lirte., nod the two for the Bow Part-, the rest were uninsured. AahnalL The last lectors of the winter's Conroe Ito teunperi,..o hall. ass Jeli erect but • Friday ,•vaung by Rev D. 0 Ca.uer"u. .d Don,.neion Suhjnct- '•Relttioua Life .n Sc,.'Iand Previous to the Radio .1151 ion." 'token Harrison '•ocupied the el•anr. These w .5 a wed attrnd•see,and etcdle',t ottei.twn was Ivw the spirit- -it ad trios (o nwclog the vote of o troika, very (swore% e corn went was nod. upas the Icu'ure. W, F. Clark returned hums last week, ha, log completed a course of vigur"es sgwy s the .etcrn.sry ached, TurewMo, bur gee a.aa1 ,n of 1S6 can 1 • Edwin Mortis, a flarbrsid, ie t'iehie[ near Hensel' and Easter. EMS* dab insurance. &IQ.MO TO LOAN. APPLY TO NV O &*ClI MOLT t OAMIM"NS(ied* tm.1. 4 ONEY '1'O L*lt0.- A . A it G ♦ mamas' of Private Pmsds for lavestassnt ttlewwst nom sec.,t etas Monts .. AtrplI ttrf tltlsOW a pa011to1' JOT. PRI .Tit PONIM TO LSNI) AT • mall per nest. os tns•Maae tarsi era er- uty Apply to IR O. HA Yr, hotkator, Clod. risk„ IMP e f t 8URANO1[ CAIU). l w. r. rooT. Arct(fssod /tonne taswnae.e Agrwt, mrOa as. t• Colborne Het.1. The " Leaden Aswtrauo+' I n.orperrted 17]1 National."es The " National." established tai Tho " la Mad; the only, Company licensed to Moore piece stam u. the pommies. The above are ail drat oleos add ult Petah- Wheel maspeat.a Riess taken at lowest ream. tao•.red Ice.:.11th, lir. tors - a st/t.V CCNT)AK AT B PER ruK TVltoirro OICt(ICIt&t. TRUKT:t COY are preporrSdrlibumoa s money at mot.. pal T• ERjlMS l'i HUIT BORROWERS, on &n -class farm security. ,ApO(l ro LAWYKON. HOLTt tCe{AarMt,KKOfv. /►gesaa toe the Toronto amoral Crusts CO Yeasts. Cas.m/m, HOLT t Cassmsow 112 e ales a large ameeat of private tunas to Isla ea tgttclam tares mearse. oadersrb• l>rt t. IM3. Wl-11 mid toe well taken caro uf, and that they should be ler well fed and made to work a little more. It was a rather incongruous state of affairs than an honest pour man bad te work bard, and even then find it difficult t keep hie family,• hilts some lazy or vicious mons were ke t is 'ail in comfort at Pe + i ♦J tht•y .hook it ci ti,nu uitcre.t. II b expense of the pnhhe. The authuri- stss•rl••. 5..ak is 1.i 1•h'•r sold chits pas wens stow to go forward to make wh•.eommsed emit*, cannot h.r.nonizw thew criaYoia help to support thaw a .ark quietly and peaceably in the selves, bemuse it would cwt too much dnstenlu.n of this proleet., then leeisla a first' and because ti Labor queatf.n tion, backed hy pots!. "puttee, Inset be was in the way. He believed that pie,- L`ougi,t to herr run this solus o,istrsti.n P•• else trespassed assed the law should be tallith, tit tt is harder to be in gaol 4 j uhcc kis unf .rca•i. The right of the than Ni be out of it. and s., make it ler whja.r ender the iintirh crown must pleasing asd inviting for them to be .n. be maintained whether it he claimed on He thought the treatment in gaol should behalf uf capful .,r labor He closed by be snore sever* ; that the food ahuuld styled tint sown newspapera were en- not b• r gird. that only enough ah. u J •leavurul t., luck" capital ►,v these dif• be givsa to kip life and strength in tereneee, and said it •00 d not de to those impneoned S also that hard work take tate word o1 tweeP*pen eh° were should be provided. • Ls Toronto K Ira nut tanwillii.g to sneak out honestly on this ao unoom,aun thin= fur pa,pls to break sobjeet. Aher a brad allusion to the a window. is t.rder%o get lain Ra., fur work of in.puct.u* puhlic 11'1'1'1'114e' the the wintry. Hie lordship, after wwhing grand' jury owrn perm;atad as retire.them • safe journey Nimes, discharged The Quenu es James Bailey --indict- the trend jsry. mens for stealing hallos boxes in, the Wilson esFarris►-Action to recover ;loaf Act election of 1884 Mr. Holt, monies under • oovessnl to • deed. Noon lair prisoner. asked hatcase hepst- jury *she C.Seag r, fur M. G. lemel u.'i'e prl- CrlgpIron for deft By consent .,f par .user's ..ffidivit that material witnesses ties judgment tor pl'd for POO and dusts, sero alpcnt Hu Lordship granted the and that upon the deft paying pl'fT. 11u.1p,nonent, she prisoner .a • i'g int.. solicitors within three weeks frim nue, aauanty an $1.001, ami fleory Martin proceedings under execution shall be and .4n,athan Miller w $.100 mien. slaved fur one year and • half, for the The Qoe5I vs !ratite! J. Door•r•a--in- balwnce epee mortgage on his real stale dietitian' for 1. rtery Prs srsor pleaded being given. peaty, and after an i.upremivc lecture Johnston vs. J 'bnstou-Action to en fre.0 his L'rdshsp, was t us'i ns:ed to 14 form an *greement Oarr.w d Prned u'.tba i:nprieinuient n, the Central f,.ot for pl'ff ; F. W. Johnston for did s. Pawns The parties agreeing his Lordship direct - -1'Ire- first case on the "ell Ii.t was a th,.t the defendant re cowry the land millet or. T sos.I.y uoorntnc. (iraham van to, the pl'ff, that too pI'ff release the de i orpto'se et al. The parties reside in fondant from all claims, and give t' ,,.j044111 ;Is gctpw 5Y1" mortgage defendant • .rtgage upnt the Loot - .. e prop o f 3. WK) tosabuls "1 white paytsle at his (the pl'ffs) death for 1140 ¢ whom, which pl.ms.ff clamied defend- each petty to nay his own n..ats. Th ens had sttrrroi t" ,eir':heee. but the lat defendant to give up puaeestun with th Mr i)ean ha• r.tuiti.l to h., ter opposed ou the ground 'hat the Jird. t K.ntrahndse. $20U,u00 PRIVATE FUNDf3 To leads& farm sad town Nu propsety'at low- est iaterest purchased. lee es- mus.on o assts for the Tru i.od Less Compri the Cooed' Landed Credit Comma,. ale ads Less remora, of (setas Interest./; awl 7 per oast. N. 11. Bemuses Gua obtain mossy m Me My, It Ude act OAVI4ON t OHNMTOH. HR. Barrusera. !o-. Dederick af0.m /'arta a.4 T0oo l4t1YATE FUNDIat TOI LEND bvlo Ps'•p•r4 teweR ta• toms. 1 1. el Commtwion ,.Iseeed, 130: revs rva.trsab'5. if WMM. B. P.cse•vssn roesy is Gooch 97'ON Ytsiertis a.M DOo4.roV 18011 t JOHN teaical, T.If0A8E, Y.D., QM., I1L41.1P.8., OntYaet(. ow, Ae eowelen, £'o, aloe- !usi xcttp.rd W, i1.'. B.toblissl undersea. . Iehs eine- Mar stab boll. 1Mt- D1li M4LEAN, PUYS(tN, SUR - erase (Seines ata. 011..ICLsad reeidasoe tits (eire}t. monad doer west of victoria 1) R. SHANNON A HAMILTON P1yelctans, Soares, Aeoousaers, t aloe mt Dr. Shaatws'e'neer th agaol0sdencb O. C. sir, J. Hasid. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS w ILLI A111[ IC •A.Y' MLI. t111C1.1, I'FF H1'.4 I. ARG F. AND VARIED STOCK AT ills v.o . (lemur.; Ulatenya, Dread (:•4o11a. brae ass..ral •nt )rants, S.:• seed 9y, pc- yard. white ar,J pr .M•1. Lattvt., .ural Vel.et.. Velwke.t., Mack Yd ,o. wed isigeo, er Sestets( he Osage their mortgages and does their reseed isle W e eeppl, We her re are alli es from t p • ellen{ eeeterlisg • treat teed te• tap tout • tlmlts4 ammat M Ares Glsm farm moetgaser at 5 1-2 per _cent. Awryas rtes to SSPAGAR LKW78, ,ppoatte the Coaborse Otodesli ISM tlev , tai. eine/ INEW FIIII1T STORE. G. C6RDONE getout, te, lie teLeti wider the agree - limns ■Y at his osn Twirl. J T. l:ar- r i.. • .1 411. II D,...1 *.•'' for plaintiff ; W u lemot arid IC E Wide f..r deft. Al err w Womble' •.f bfteeu t tin the l ' it fwturnwl a ver 1.-•t for Off for 44. w .11 his Lordship order. d ju•'C tment to Iie,i ,t.red for (lilt Amount and owt..4 snit, Herne ran tattirel-An action to deter soar • lewwtary Istwe.0 cornet. luta in the .ow,sshto .4 C••Ilesrrse. ()arrow & 1Pr•w•f1..t f r p'If.; E. Ca'opion for deft. Th jets Puma diepan...1 asth hi consent .Io Igoe.' w,..nv-n 1••, plff for 1150 dais lee, with full stats .,f suit, and the iriuucto....nadi. perpetual. Sural, 041 - WWVMeaT. • Wits.n ' a. Witem Ae.u.n for amount km • owes AsiJ u.a:,u,••ua pn.aecuisoa. O ev • Q C., nod Pr•,ndf•.'t fr plain t4r ; 1, .•tt, Q 11 , and H.dt for deft B U ....cot ..f t• sal a jury wad di.- sells The partied. agreeing H r r•r4hp dire•te•I ,is.t 11 gnestiuna ar't '. ... *N4i m.t rr, is.. lading the 4*'o-for-or»arw•, tie w.fo red 4o Isaac 1 It r.., K y .boli. ••f she coenty 11. • t'u I►sw ...only of Hen'•s tot enyui- 17 4' port mid. r ..•c 47, J A 41, L-------11, - 't,.• tole e1 .row ,r.»•re.,t'd1h•par dr i .ods s' dna the said referee A • . 4 • ',. • •' •w ••a' I y paid In an ar. ',, •-114.-h nos total) o• costa is the ay,. ' er.r,•r.h.• ny the party payees N .. 1.. tin. a. 41 referee T ,a green je•' h •. la the fuBow- Th • jnr'.s Io, ..o5 n . • -alio. Lady the ilei to, •.s. th.ir meth preset. L W onngrat.. age yo.r Lordship On Richard re. Merrifield -Actio,. to re- cover wages and fur adonni..tration Te. families from Resforth and Ask S ager and McGill few pl'B ; E L Dick field here come to reside here. enrsn for deft Non jury see. patties committing. hos lonahip 05 that all ques 'ons •ruing herein (erred 4. H,.tberla..d Melo moat. referee et Oodwrioh, for engo.ry and re- port. under section 47, J. A t►. All questions of stets 4. he disposed of •41 the mutiow ..f judgment. sod hy c."s-•10 01 counsl Hu brain forth -r ur'I. re•I that the referee may tm.ke she ehsa•:es e aaily allowed I•. e, taitr•4.ra. to Ire (•5155 in the souse, paynn/ t. the party who may pry the same Th. Rank of C...'.oerj. vs Wright at .a1 Action to art sad.' • con mry tools a. fr-o latent against million Derr.. - Q l' and H•disive.awd lot pi es ; &new Q. C and KU.wt Inc O0dbett ; M :l Cameron for Charlotte Wright Nos jo Mask 'L Judgment rosoryo This completed the be.s„eas adore the kettle Th, Mies MroD..sald wee the great of Mire reeteot Hc1'hss1, of Purim's Hill, las. week. he re Mrs. %V.ottley has rvtur..ed from a vu- E•y it 1 • friends at Autumn and uoer O.ut- t.•m R 11 M,:D.,na1l, nos u.anectad with , . holraale h. sn at i etr•st, finite 1 ht. ...rents this week will, his bride, from Waturh... F.alsuag 051 the ice at the lake last .eek eat all the go Au eleven pound r. ut was mu;ht by . er architect enol 4 tiah e•Ile.1',sayer• Ay John McAllister, , al. - sod th 're oro lots nn land, hut sen t are the ,naide of a ' et- RsrMaa Mr, R QO.id, who has been leis up for 14 remits teeth a sever,, •t 'sok of rll.uu4Al.o10, was advised by 11r a.ltral attendant to go to the hospital t Tor•n.t... The -MI atrial WI rkmt.s" rat O...Ierioh. of which Racisty' he le a member. visited him often Mn Quad Ism the sympathy of all her ■etghbun, who hope her husband eit11 Se hermit*, h, the ohs -ma Firie,ds from Aahi.lel • .I*wt here have bean ter, hind to hoe, 1. r winos Mr Quaid wishes to Was! tier, Do behalf ..f the U. W. .1 H Mills , with Dr Taylor, arranged. simile r. Inc hie reception at the hospital. owed Veer. MND •alersci bey tng med.eass hoes been dtsapp..inted, don't give afi, hey a reliable ostiole Oke Dr. Chase 'aver Dere. and with it yes eel • rooters hoe& J eri worth Use mels0, Janie Wilma., eats seism eoert A Pose OHS. Arnaud Melt lotus of Dr C1*M'. Liver tore is • Medial O.id. add R. cape Renk eeetaie.ng metal isi/evw• s.,n, over 1840 rseeips and 1 by Domes nod Drumnies as worth tee Burse the rot of the modicum. M..d,cn.e and Rook 11. S.ld by J Wih,s.,, ands agent A council of the Rid Templar, of T visa ueg.nurd in ►M floss of T hell, Kanter, os. Rater by •feting. March 13, by Mr J .111 Rrh dell, deputy oreanirr, esti illi skeeter messbers. The eutrs.il is oumy.w.d d the leading buespm te.^e el the villa.., a 410 ariral 11, Takes pieaei•re 1a eon 'liming that Le tar. omitted out a new Confectionery t Fruit Store IJt OODIRUCQ. on NOV t:, r. STREET, atlolaimg [eight's Barber Shop. 'The Rook is new, and bas been bought from dim bast booms. THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW. A cell is respectfslly Invited. Godentbr 1 iaac1 ffeb. WYti. 106p4 1JZliil&11 J - Oakland's Eonmiss Dpi Debility, Indigestion and Consumption. Manufactured and for Sale b, • VNrlail'U OF Lilt, Casatserv, 1.t•tr. l 1J.uo: and Wool Ulawr, AM, Cast mere. Lisle. sad co: toe. R 11asJker,h;.ra, Silk, Litre. t'olton. Tor,, liver re. "', L1441.11, FSIOPS'i Cestbr.i,/-riot, 11-,at.ys, I Lnbw l:a oasis, ( strew, ...thump, 3 1 Aorta, Autda, tattled ond Asia. Pentads, Uslbrvll.as, ' 141i irk. Drawers. GaJKi Vesls. tiantn,wtwn I Mankato, 1 v, Jti, Hs,Ufa5ds, Table Cfetb, T..oels, Nephews, cisrfura, Netts, Pura, Hats, White Coons, rectory Crises. Ya r^u, &r., &a., &a. FE Sale Commences Saturday, 27th March Dol.rwb. Mar• -1t tuft, tt'I1. >w/ Oakland!s Jersey Dairy, HAMILTON, ONT. alert 1 for Pamphlet *Cognates What Is it1 What does it asomMtah i Math toil. IML 2140.2!_ MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. F. JORDAN, CHEST IND WHIST, Dealer in an the Peens ay, Patent Medicines of the My. Ais the Worries Proprletery Medioiwei : ORD A.l'q CHERRY PULMONIC, Pot Coegls, Coxa. 'Whoop, ng Cough. JQI I L '8 M,t . UID ARNIOA LINIMENT, Per Hpe•iy Bwefasge. Rheumatism. ate. JORDAN'S STOMACHIC BITTIRS, Fir Tether lse rid Loss of AJSi'*t JOTIRDAzg'8 (x)iIFOUND SYRUP OF SARSA PAPILLA, Tia Oeest Mood Portlier .TORT -2 A N'B nou.IARiJL DTRPIPRiA LURI JOMtn ANil& CANADIAN OOND1TION POWDRit, Per RUMS sad (Seeds. • es, 5`fosr•twar 111100•00. ` 1 INE TAILORING ', TORONTO CABS STORE. NE vv GOODS - The Newest Patterns iK Scotch, Irish, English . on Canadian Tweeds. The Finest Selection of Worsted Cooties. Choice French Suitings, &c.. (cc. DON'T FAIL TO SEE STOCK AND ASK FOR PRICES. $_ Oedeer'lek. Men&SM. tML S_'RTN :. v at✓51\41....r.+. -4 MILLINERY. • Jsr:cg been to lbs Mark.',. and baring selected with :are as line a• aa.oet..at et MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS 14,:14 Cea(rs, I will veer the e'...r .t such Reasonable Priem s win mere sal►----- taxa le tie Purchaser and myself. and will endeavor, as M th• past. ted • all in m) power to give .atisfaott.o. 1VtrKliiiaery embraces all the Newest Shades of l,oloring. and the sent attractive &aslge& Yee stout of Kone) (,buds comprise all the latest things is (Mental Lass and .alt -IP%er Kmbreader(es. In Gtr r, I have the Kest Vah:e procurable. speoi'd Tamil in hails of all e N^west Meriden ev des and at priors that wilt .Ne s eprody '1said. drThe4th ;mmiag Departmeio is uuder the, M1tC4 CAM[ 14 hew ll. 50wM &aver* hauto attention to h.. Customers, 5:.d iii: endeavor to Prase W who will .atrsat ler with their orders. Spring Opening on April 2nd and 3rd. 1 • un . rry reepetftt.11y. MRS C. H. GIRVIN, Mares `x0. MM. iw Hamilton street. Ooderlch• a donors Crum n ColborHaft/ =ST 1 McQUARRIE & McGILLIVRAY Rempoctfu::7 wish to a:noun..a to the Inhabitants of Uodrnch and the Public is tlsuMtl . that they hare opened out a NEW GROCERY ON NORTH STREET, Two doors south of 11titos '1 .. s. 4>rt'., r, where they are dispie ing a Chinese Arrest eat sr .L Groceries and Other Family Requisites„ such as Flour. Syrups. Sugar-. 4'..Coes, Spices of all kinds ground and whole, Tobaccos and T.-ta. t'untectle.ury of all kinds, to. Raving bought Cheap for ('ash. we will Ovoid! who will favor cs with a call, the Meet et oar (:heap Purchases. rrWe invite all to give us • 0a41 and impartial trial before pw'a asiog elsewhere, add ere for yourselves sifigbnt prior paid for Uuttcr sad Clara. JOHN McQUARKII.. (iderich, Horeb 45.15. 181111. fit SEEDS. HENRY SPENCE, (llrg.irs shin meant Now on hand and arriving, hest Varieties et (lover and Timothy. Tern.p., Carrots, •ed an excellent assortment of Field And Darden Roads R to kr OaLOSS! sod Roller What Nal. Dear, Cbompsd stuff ..rot 1'y,. d. Leave ewer with HENRY McNair'a t);d staid, Hamilton :(trees. Oedertel. 0011014:11. 'March 411. LIS. *L17 -t. .LALAR PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT Ry wearing /M only FRANK LAZARUS (i.4..f the ares of Laa•rus & Morvtal Roamed Weeks and Eys gloms These "py sad iia Ciba•'. hat. torn Med Inc vililst r rase asd item yt ev.r-7 11 imgaaoP onfssudsd mtises tion. liter sew 464 Last without ss erv.r 'res. Msun uT r Yates & Acheson, aAa11Aas ■sasaitirre. a►OD/Fart IC _ FMK IMAMS, WANUFACTIIRER M Marylsr/ Rand, floret.. Ite.a, LONDON. •NOLAWTL fled• Inntlloa ! Merr14 Haersed,lteami aN• emossr ioa with a ybar arm lathe TeirodJaw aka" IMP/ }!f tLCOLM McGiLLIVRAY. 1•07 la Legal. 1BAGER aft LEWIS, BARRISTERS, ► . /;oderir C. Swots, J. A. Morrow 5. N. Lawrie Iftp- 1) C. HAYES, SOLIOfTOR tike., Dam corner est stret,1,j'rioh overwMeti -'. bb ketene. Leery to sed at lowest rats of Iaeeseat, ('IIARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR l♦ RISTRIL9 Attorneys. Solicitors, Pte Galertcb. .1. T. Osrrww, W. Proud foot. lis LRON, HJLT & CAMERON, aryistes. 5.14 1.., M Ohaaceiry, ate. kb an s. am. M. C. Cameros C.; P. Holt. M.O,(.amsram, eadortal W, a macaws. Whiles. 1T11 A. B. CORNELL, UNDERTAKER, Has the Most Assortment of PIM Mow Celina. Verna@ ed Undertaken' OMds M Tows, atm Hears. for Hire at Rsseah4 Raw. FURNITURE! - - FURNITURE! As Nasal be Keeps the CHBAPiNT AND Atm Stook of WI Kinde W FFrwlttue. I Bay for ()a.1 Yl I Oein Undersell An7 Other Furniture Man in Town. i Abe Baa the Celebrated Nigh Sand Im- proved Raymond Sewing Lohine 1 Oleo .etas Call sad !tare Mseeyy • OplWte Manta's ileum, Mashes w oh. Den. ,rd tills. Clover & s !Wei 1a ma VOL the wooer et son. At Pets '11* Awe LAatt t 71. (5.l '(arch years a [eew..we r ti &ai7. tlltlatit 11• W. Orrieric ranted. QE, vavisW vim; I =AWL UMW Y IF A sei pa U leis el 1,(L recetvi germ iL 1.3 PH tem tai sm om al leans r H` Rate taulr eoRl trhe frit .Ft) rooms water loth barn street mow ea th 11 III Um e cess are 1 1 wee i1I5 ltd rd tits ' i F" 1y M 11( 1 awn aft. •0075 M SEEBSI --•Gw--• FIELD AND GARDEN AT G. H. OLDS TMo Oise, M ea Bleare ANA steak of Family Groceries Always en head"Ola. Oemmnah.atlea. irw li llir. MIR. O