HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-26, Page 6•...:---_•est,_
(he Poet's towner.
chid • atrepsy mated.
UMW • batpiag head. ml brother.
To the weary sass w. rare*.
Thaws aro ,.•a/ bowed with Marisa..
Y'atatt•s to do day's triter haat
Paso sot by a tail wars brother.
late tows ask for acid is vain.
Load a belpsag Masa, believing
Tote will pay you hack sesta. .6
Load a h plc• baud. soy beo1 r ,
There are cbsaoaw all tie way :
W ler• f us. ant a swam da 000rage•t.
Har. • lumping word to as,
N.adl7 warm aro halm and cumtort
Te the weary. sad fir) awake
Masi a heat, load sera light r
dy..ak thole tot a bruthct'..ak.
1e pus rss*rtl. of 4tr. tit) trate:.
Willis* heart and ready hand
Make tie way seem bright and IN, aorta
1 • err Journey thrwlat& lie 1•ad-
Nk•ai the nande uutatreo bra t.. help us.
With hopeful word *ad sank,
Lord a helping bead t. other.
It ofsraadlr woth fuer wkl:e
Tae Teettammid
01 hundreds u( drug¢1sta bear wit-
uuea w aha efficacy of 1'. boll a Itorrillue
at the most potent pain remedy in the
lour d for all kinds of pats*. tervihne
is c....p..sed ..f newly discovered ingredi-
eats, and utic, e'ir good fur internal .•r
materna) nes. l'urchaee • ten scut
atmdl, halls, and tett it at once. T. R.
Melville, Prescott erne. "My cuetom-
ere who Lave used \etvitttwspeak h:/;l
1y of 11, 4,.d 1 alai a41•113ed It •i11 take a
•eladiug place in the errket before lona."
try folaon's Nees ante 1.,. { si.s Sold
by as: 4ruuglsta and comity dearer* every-
leveed at eta. ai.1...
Thu Chicago Triono tells the cane ,.1
u you'll. nom who was regarded as a pile
n•,menon, became Le took Lis sister to
An the• eutertau,n,ents. anti actually de-
voted himself' 1,a Ler dnr.ne the lecture
:end opera, &eases.. leets. praised for his
unusual atterttiuq to 1 he seater, the
youu,g man pr„rtht:y an/! l.roudly re-
plied :
"No, there's 14. this.,; wr.nderful or ex•
tr•ae.rdl.wy aGaut it. hoc is this only
woman 1 g:,).• i,, wboai 1 hell tae most
thorough :danf.Je.:00. She is aleaya the
tune, always plesautt and affectionate,
end to tell you the andai truth, 1 aro
Arent she'll g.. and marry suave of these
an,rtatiutt sums arouud hem, and 4m us -
happy all her lite.
"She 't•a nobody elms to look to, and
1'I1 take care she does not have to look
to anybody else. I soppose some day a
ge.,utuo man will oohs, ahn,1. 1f hes •
i:euuuae mars, 1 wont ubject. Cuttl he
does comes, a'a,,. *.NMI .110.101 for me,
sed if 1 u. es- Lad as good a Kira, I'll ma-
t y her.-
er."The example is most cummendsble. A
yrs u ess would du wall to Mei, his 3
sister's .uciety until he finds another
lady as good as his sister.
1Tel:se/Adam et Gusto Mew NIL
Sea, -Cs a Grit bete th#beekbene.
1'sa s*t going to amens* the dew of
Liberal, sed I►m•lore declare myself un-
hesitatingly and enetrmpromiaia.tly Grit.
1 read the UI../..e. 1.la.v, iia the Ober,
but uu•er swear by it. 1 oot:a.tu.a 1y
w ad • Tory paper, but whenever 1 oto 1
Mut ttuubkvl with a fit of retching ; it's •
etruur,•ar dors than my stomach sea bear.
I rasa the speech ul Mr. Camartis. and
as I did so felt file slapping him of the
heal and shouting, "Bravo, old fellow,
you're the soul " 1 dont oars a cauda•
ental whether they bung Diel or gave
hint motley to get out of the country,
but I do adwire Casien a's pluck in at•
tacling the government on th• door of
parliament_ 1 admire him because he
waso'1 staid to toll tears ut'Lair raseal-
ity. I admire hutu became. he showed
up their rottenness i admire him be
oaten he exposed their login/writ, and
their dnvLle dealing. 1 Maui a•caug h,
.uale gnu toll !owl. Mr. Ldltor, but I
want to show Mr. Cameron that one see-
p •rte r of his. anyhow, endorses his
speech. grad that he can count on ley
vote every time be wants it. I'm a
hide bound Grit, Mune of your wii y --
w ashy, milk-aa.d-water fellows, and 1 it
stand by Malcolm Cols Cameron every
time be comae town us tie Tort.e likes
thousand of beck -they deserve it a11.
1f you're any doubt as to my Innings,
Mr. Uttar. let me give you further evi-
dence that l'in branded with the mark
of the faithful by signing myself
A &lsue Puss Gan.
ria HMI( SIGNAL InKILut, MAkell ,4. 164%6
A Mea War Illeabiea _ w w awesewt Agsssews, ass es, *sem
Rev. J. G. Pallas, Dutton, certifies:
r "For some years my wife hair been trou-
bled with I/yaw:pate, and bee tried One
thing after another recommeeded with
but little or no effect till advisee to give
Me(:rgor's Speedy Cure • trial. &nee
taking the first bottle I ha•e noticed s
decided (mtpru•ement, and coo with con-
fidence re000mend it to be one of, if not
the beet m.diei•e eztent for Dyspepsia
This invaluable medicine fur Liver Gees
plaint, indaiaration, Kidney Complaint..
is purely vegetable. Sold at (1. Rhyme'
drug store. Trial btttialgives free. 1m
acre C■ a Mor MarastaMbas.
if the system is properly cleansed by
40110 medicine that acts tion t1.., towels.
kidneys and akin, sorb as Burdock Blood.
ill::. r , • ••i ''oe :..Tr. ,•r viol! use Hai[-
• ! a Y_llote (h: mo,, rJaayt w ditectiuus
tb-ro .s •- '•to . .. .! . a. a ./.....44111. kuw-
ever bad, bot win yield promptly to the
.t reap .sanabik eleseeda.a zal.lstew.
It will interest the people of Tomato
to learn thaw the Rev. Dr. Heater of
$Manton. a pr.lnulent manieter of the
kilth•diat chiirch,di.&,nte from the poni-
te.m taken thy Ree Dr. Potts .1 this city
on Use Inds question, In • sermon
preached bef,we the I. P. 8.8. lest Sun-
day. Dr. limiter held that the ettisutive
ind.poudruce .1 Ireland is cwt e.nly fes
ible brit desirable, both from • political
and a moral swot of view. He said that
his ftttrude in Ttwento "bad achieved
antmewhat d • eti.etwa," but they had
done sr by taking for granted two things
that could not tit: o»oceded ; 'That the
frith people have no grievanc.•a, and
that the unity of the empire 15 seriously
endangered.' He thought the claw{uen,w
ezpendsaf upon tb• danger to the em
pire was "wind waited on the desert
• Coutra.ting the position and con-
duct of lrmbmru ►bard with their post -
tion and conduct at home, he was enn-
etcaiued to draw the logical oi.cl.wiog
that the race is not lacking iia moral and
navels/ attributes, and that the irt*,.an
at Mame was twpatient, dissatisfied and
:,..senible because he had cnovaawee. and
tlet those had ?herr source au "the cures
-f landlordism. ' The meant era of the
war 1.1'. H At u••wim•.u.ly pa,«l s vote ..i
tomtits to Ur. Hue tar for his eloquent
11.113 I.ithting dew nut hake a day or
.aa hour w rem..re Neuralgia, Iles•ische,
'Foothsch.e., Lumbago, or Itbeumetisnt,
but viol du it instantly, and w,th,.ut car
ryin1 row head in a poultice for a day or
Hain,( greasy liniments. Tiy • 7.1r. bottle
from Gautier Rhynes, drotriest is
tOJaaa a Tait is am • tat•b.w
Gout. • dtacoeston is genug um among
n ► ba• y(' *4x•1017 a.o:les u to alae boat
thoi✓ 1..r the c•'s.ipkzion ( her yuuns
lady, whose *leu i• • marvel ..1 purity,
felts her friends that ship woes mnttting
but rainwater ..n her face, arcus, meek,
and hands. She sacribes her lxsuttfsl
ru.p'rt,mi enur.ly to the ral . eater,
w.ih plenty .,I •o .d out ofd r t•zerctse.
the ham her (o4uwarw but there as •n
,•Aver lady, •a.h equal -y a• Fano a skin,
who laugh* at the rano water idea. mid
say she wipes her face with a price id
1'i s. flannel .tipped In warn easter, morn
ens sod night, and, tenet-i.d ..f drying
with • towel, alma presses hen .kin to
keep it soft and pliant. Tb.. led, mien
pr...crib., 'wt .4 d .,r ra -e (ane
t hie( .. cert on; neither of the p seer f-
lows can harts any rMe, •hoc • re
thee o.n rye .std e4 the kwl.•t i••.rdMa
which aim* ladies nee •.. '1w. ...sal.
Hawse .4 them have , each«I the .taw a.
that *my never g., with et a h,t of
.•heaves skin ..vered e,sh 1.•wder,
which *hof deftly arses -.•i u.. e . 1 and
l.erot.id The lady oho .aro 1 . wipes
her gars with bar h.o.tk. „ 1 , . ,a ■
pwldso pato will n•. x+., by
neat? niva nut of every huo.rod n•en,l $
.rel/ w..ntan Intl "catch em to ben.*
a role the !entente of the street. There
• res e. a.ewee of the 1MIe4 which rim.
Tena ens bide fres soother.
■ se Sem site press.
Mr Blake has gives metes of the
following resolution : "That itis the duty
of the Gomm/sent withnat farther delay
to bring down further papers relating M
as Neithwwt slain, sod *fse lost
cm the aitastion prior to, g, acid
aa`equent to the late rehaThis is
a direst root or co.Idence teethe°, but
at has not been lake Mr. Iaadry'a pre -
pard by the Ministers.
Dr. Lie's Worm Syrup Ilse res owed
tape *arm from l r 0...30 tart in lougth-
o y
it al destn.all knd, of worm Im
Dr Harwey's 8svitsS-v hien Pugs
has beam prepared with greet skill a•,d
rare. and the proprietor is confident it
will maiatain in C•••al• the repwtatiou
it has so justly won in the hutted &ates.
For sale at Wibow's prescription drtlg
.tore. Ale.. Reid, geienl merchant,
of Coldwater, Oat., sap -Dr. Harvey's
Soethern lied Pine is without doubt the
beet cough rnedidine 1 ever void It has
dune more good than other, and is a
hottsabuld word ajuo d Coldwater. lo,:
West Street Neat Market.
Aildreu & JO1ll1s[oll.
l artful Atteuton'sad Prompt belly/try.
Dec. c, lata. Itbt, ttSt-
TAis Cowpony �Loal.isy Mosey e. Pony
Security et �a(( Rahn of Iwtarsa
I(AV 1)ltlfi MASK HI MACH,
.4, 4 nraj 5 par terata interest Alleacrd ort
(arpoeits, acc.rdiiy te senor**
and fist 1.Jt.
OFI ICs: -Cosa Karim* Square and North
*Buse*. Goderb►.
Generbb. Asea. SWUM 1le1-
t!(�w TI'D !'wE
00 ORA
M may
Past tine, ur uses., luau, • vb..-
booed ep10 'easatib.
Rorotukua/ by 1'rot.stwr Amen/
IL 1). of Holston, Mas, cures Polio...
*try Couaweptiun, Kick Headache, Nee-
eervoile Attack., Vernet. sad Neur•lem
and all wetting dimmer of the hussies.
system. Pbumph•tiva M out • M.decaue,
bu• a Nut:intent, because u a.otaiu. u•.
Vegetable ur Mineral P..iwc., 00u41es
N treetica, sad so Stusslsnte, but soup
I the Pbuspkatie .ad Gartree Klerurtet.
found In our daily food. A single bottle
i• autbCtunt to anvlsae. All Dneposts
sell at. 81.00 per bottle. Lamont' A
, sole agents for the Dw..uoon
bb rrunt t'ttmat lest Tommie
RRatyta n,
"Malden, Mem-, Wets. 1. Itti ties•bssra-
1 sserrwd with aWoks of Wok bsed•utse,"
Neuralgia, laurel, trouble, tor Feat• as
the most terrible and excruciating wan
Nu atheism 01 doctor could give an
relief or cure until I used Hop Bruer,.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured use ;'
The second inside mean well and trona
s• when a child
'And I have been sit to this day
My beamed -•u au invalid 1,r renew.
years with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary coutpleiot
'Pronounced by 1t...tosa's heat playas
ciao* -
Seven bottles of your bitten cure,'
him. and I know of the
'Lives of rigl t persons'
1n my neighborhood that have beet,
saved by y••ar bitters,
And many more are uang them with
great benefit
They almost
Do miracles !'
lm Mrs L ft. Mash.
Rsaing is believing- Wad the watt
m in the pamphlet on Dr. Vila
Bur..'. Sidney Cure, that buy a bolale
and relieve yourself of all thews diattiafe
Mg prune. Your Drug/est can tell
all abo(tt it. hold by J Wawa (lacieri►
Maw Lige Air pateIM./ r.rias.eaN by OS.
sew, RNNWp sad sw.dpeaa...
The Great German l n vigorator is the
only specific for impotency. osrvoss dr
bility, u.se raal lassitude, hirrattulatisa,
pain in the bags or sides. au mauve how
shattered the system my In fro. re-
cuses of any load, the Greet Owosso
Remedy will restore the et functions
and secure health and happiness SUM
per bot, as boxes for 1116 .00. Sold by
all druggists. Sant no receipt of prior,
postage p.id, by 1 .f. (.:honey, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rrgset for United States, Cir-
culars mad t.tiatgauls mat free. Said
by Cup. Pb ysaes, male arrest tar God.-.,
rich 3a :
f''.7 ART BURN,
red ewer •osct••m
of Woman artall.a *aura
KtO10,N, IT(I>•Aph•
ext Btva4
T. MILBUR'N A CC.. rte
stocks elltSe e1oCrer1 acenaea d Oke
Rowels). Kyo r id Isvel • carry
ingot? {pvtualty witlsout weakening tis
system. all tete impurities and foul
humane/ the secret:moa ii at the stuns
tit.. Corrections Aci.Mty of the
Btoaaacb, curing Bit:ousnees, Dy.-
Oonatipction, Dryness
of Shelids.ThJaundice, Waft Mean),
Irydpeise, Soroftzla, Pbstiering of
the SSaenrrtt,, N , . and Oen-
arid Debility ; .t1 ihr•.*s awl many
other siailer Comtl.inte >islrl to Oa
triungt r ;Senesce of ]limc. a 01 1 ;
r,,, BIYr'MBti
T. PL4011 L tilt. Prireekt r-, Terri►
Restores grey
tZiito its ea -
ester. re-
moves Dandruff,
steps the hai
from falling out
increases it
growth. awl mil
IBM sell toe
As a bur drew
sing, tt has nr
seperier. Gear
messed itaetslaaa.
Harkness s
Londe* Oat.
ere a all
sad Pleat
Mart: roll
tm Ore H:ar, t>trytjrti I.aistita � s
:ani ar en, waved dam a damage�d iia (S ace's Lama ole M fared • me
taru.c'e 11[MROr
Iiot sapaarlad ~now et 4 ed% LAW Gas
U.. rwi•e
Mm.low.•r& mesa..... ewta vs. (sowmela me
L'"=:: •
t wy�
eep Your Feet Dry !
Y w eaa do thea ata very tribal tee iO' b•,) int year
AT Til= tag'
Cia►bb's �310C11�_
1 stave ave esu t.aad .to tante* m ock ever eh owa u Gosiort.b, led even: prima. cc cry 1. car car
,441147 Monad as • ter. *hue M.. saute, 1s a tar Wiest &M. *►ruer
se! dl tae ;ntarallate graves
• o IM• h.a.bwt ..us. bade. 1 • .11 mil al
Price,, that Z :;.11 Suit Eve y kttue.
Ladies' Boma, in Batton or Laced, from 11,00 to 15,00,
Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. ups
Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap
1 reseed will wit you. both 1. roods sad nice+.
ID 0, ciT INTTN(-
"1 rake was awe aiftaeh wM�tl ger 1'.e
a/s tter. soil ma t'a..adlaa, Ts. rr■rb�
ae a rue. 1 should h. parelod to my wild 1
Mould aim moat; Perm, o k4*r ip r
Hash.., useiAwr u/ •'T..► Brows s
Pollisbel E»ry Tbertlq,:.t *10,
)a'( uses
tsdeprerirat in Politica, TIM Weil aft
prole hr a ousp.tu•sal•e Table et Ursa at•
tolite dieter*: tastes wblob else within Ib•
sitar el • cultured hole,
As aree•ae a sne.w shirt. sof RW
M ``.rote u each number spur- / _Na11)UN
AMIBICA N. and E! ULisaI t't*4'no'ti nsr,
Aa us at the resister Custrlbwten n Pae
roves. (JUL ow nn Suri 0 . and • diis..s abed
sable; uses in Load.* has kind: nadrr04ea
to sopplf nyrvtarL ass rs•lith� at *tae
mid NNashusstM Loners w,ll
lar tatervais.
1n ad.f,ttsn there err special r .trtMdless
lima more of the ablest armours is the taer*s
um sad the I. sited .:.tots
hep bow eatered upon its tamed leer welt
lens' , . peu.peo*s. and wit! mere, !,`l
new testate& T---
11441/11577 11101119111011111. =a
$ versa .s.. Taveaseslms
iron& aratwerrr en eypiw•a4N$.
TUI W X>rIC la ass s* tie sant tallawatlsl
*week la *.`rads. 0.1•14.1.0 ,6P4.11110.
• Harer's Weekly -
t;aitl.b', Oka, Corner East serest* sod 3gtearet -► s
;a J•
-Tb Mia meat. i..itatos.ladaadiapwa* 1Mi.40 ,Mosso PVIsmm•
Thies* rePtm.sd the d.•hie w4tlteat Me belt. m e 1.. ••ti abater*
epees *nomad is the Pat •i wash a OtUNItTAPIT het II VS* tett"
tis alb•* aha rrume Y
DOGE 'RHYN ; - Druggist,
• F301.33 A011BIS T, C30D E azc
r•bewaer Stk. MIS
yzy�. vs/ 1 - ..S90N
)lets to aaawa.a tact .ha basin ..tock .n lazy.• : n vaned psrfltsiot..
The Very Latest Winker and Spragg Fashions
stege" .sold rw.p•atha:ly {Amite tko(edtc.. to cal: sad are the issept•) at
�'he Chicago House.
Md 1.Ort ted tats.
WONT L(TRte: a. Pur :RIC*
HaRrttfe ureal.* hags tow, for more thaw
toasty year.. w swt.wed ma po/tiee ea We.
leading lllserste m •.uel•ly Obeli vows. 111 Aar
erica. With a .-r••:set lacerate of Is
sad stoats re..uertss, it 1. stets oar M ti.
roma* year sutra4iaw* asrigualitd by to/
previous solum... r.el.rt•lpt two capital Cion
*waled serial .tucks, ala by gr.1'.....
wwronrt the foreenswi .411.sag writ,» w ata
tic.. sad the other in Mr. Nacre* it aur.
i oar ut eh. Masse rspadM rising of
aerobe.. Krata'•4 1U5.frebes
a � 11
interrles maiden n coat rArs of the ceaa
-aMtaaatag mow* worts* cereus thus
trate&, b) the beet writer*. ad atm mem
Paters* bf Wih auttoritl.. ee the c4set teptoo
of the day.
Kerry use who &mires a tree worthy pater
cal guide, as *otartalaiag amt* tsatr.atve
tuna; )oolo.I, ectirrtr fare from obieotaos
able t•*tuts. in el' i her letterpressor Db.tz.
twee. Mould .atbserihr to 1I sttnirb W sante
Per Weeri
11ARrxR'. 1r/CAA I. F let M .
N41 'X ?x4 HsveJti,i:. ... . 4 N
HARPXIt.1 PI,V.YO PJYrf.Lg . r b
LIRE. R I: Oar I ice 19t swsa4eroi .1t •
aa .4a •nsarriae►s in Lie Dtsu
The Vol WalsaLt bogie with the
test Klli r for imry of rack
year- Whet*
o telae laown' torsed, it will be vadrrstesd
that ti. aabser4Ler minutia memessealih
the %weber vert after the rrrisyt of ardor.
Bond PeluwwwofH*er,* ramen •••• fn
clues yew.. back, la *rat cloth Wadies, int
be Mont by mai . po•tase 1..i « b7 .'
tree et 'warner twos Wed 14• terinbt do=
eee oar dotl.r per villa.., Ler rleper
(loth *'Mara 1.r each ell:user, auitalde fat
biding. will be root by nae. postpaM, as
mecum of M NNc4.
kemitram-e• .hould be made ty rtet-011ne
Haver Corder or Dealt. to solid clemat-
.\'.,arp.ycn carr, Rat le reire•ttts odor bus
,merit writ&net aha ..tprrar erdr+•f II 411x•
f:f.0 llltOTfERP New .
He rper's M
ber \ember will hel.j•tiq
-oftivanswan. ylw W ()onuses noire, -lout i►awetis '
sad Mr. IlowIN.l.,'11-WW1 animator" -bold
1.1K the foremost place In r rrent serial Sofia
wall run thus/Nth was eral nwyk _• sad wit
It will /q you 4o Ms• year hrwits.n hos/ this h.: urrairned, ea 1 have co, :.. templet
*a amen meat as that, is an the rwseally.
1 do not allow gas)) argot ,slew* or sererUNnngg a cheap apee{aay. bat wilt ..rp yes. a gra
twat ea,* m rare Hess . sant b..att•ameed *ousuty cotrideredl.
is tae ri*tttawaking 11.... ac k suited roe the poor as well as nob. have also *bled the pit... ww of t.mha!min...o 10.1 p•rtie• having to bend bodies of
Meads to s Ammo." tela do his at resonviat out.
Woes. raw. Gederteh- between tea Post Office mad Bask o' kl aural
ann. Pia. IrltJni
C. I . GI VIN,
6811111110 New York Sflier lSeMe
r Iachuies.
And all klad.r o1 F..rnitnre.
Organs and I'',ewing Machines Rep.ired.
OM0ifee ONs sad Neadls• always on head at nameable priers.
s Oe LL SOLZCITmin _
Ia.lton agree• a few door4 below the Censurer Iron,
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Streeta,?Goderich
A pad vsseebwast. et EN•bas, Itstase.4 D,e'ag Room and Pular rnroieur^ vett n t
blas Malys `hair, Moa bed weer .a•tr•1., Gu4iteeng, Mrd at. .eta, Mm
Mttr.i,. W544.. t•rd
Let+s. wanes rbc► -elms I.a•b/a5 17laaema
Net A 0811110••••••••• 'asset of ('o n, .al :.aregd, sI ,i be heal lido Ifra: Ka for hl •
Pieter* "remise • seuric',.-- A oall m4ci! M. int
M 'd ssO.Os010i1 "" -
.r+k.tr . oar. of Dr. Cases/. RW* Masa
er add to Cori. Mia M. meant s...► ens.
www ami rat/ enly r. /►e.tld.I will Derr C e.a
is.•.' to "v ask •.r Mos ev••i•
OaenanR Ott CtttRM f`
r ..minaMMWrapped hswesrf Or.C1aMA Ube( ,
. aed
•sta•fdadfee cn..aa.iag loom.
, sadw..i ria ars der and
ilas eCfm mmiiart
Imam sae Ami me pals
TNT Sears flan mamas Paft seap..he.
SOUS e s u tors, a
Om. OK lRs.asst >r
Neuss (het.*. it Ira WWI 06401twoSire r•so,w.a•0o,e• t•OOP Aa*Nr eaa,
U..$.. e.es
' be totlawed by semi stories from R 11
111 *'itwo.a aid Nn. is M 1 1;1sa. Abe
rditort.•1 1-partm.w nt, duty...wag top.ra sty;
;rated by me current Meridian. of Aleerir•
and kompr, will be eoatnbutd b7 W, 11
ItoNnl.lr, brganoler with the Jo/niers awe
her. Ten, p�rrer�at Irtrrury eeeni or the year wtfi
be the publicataooa a aeries of psewA taking
the shat., of a story. soil deptrtied character
lotic (emotes of Anrrlea,smarty itais�ewe•t
aur 1e•da0g pleasure resot, wrytrrt by
t'naRLre Wester Waearal, sad Ithstr.aad
by C. !1 Itxl l•,taiiT. Tee M .r: •t1 r. g w d1 give
rates/dal attentive te Amen/am sslyrefa.
*.ted br the hat Ameriar a mime& star
Illustrated by kedir•g Amort.to artists.
yew yews
HARDENS BAZAR........ .,,,•• & M
$.Rrrx8 1-0114u Palk'
LIRkARF, Our ro ala
ad Mattr* Peer Ss ea ia or Ca ~etrlMfe al Me Mr
he r•nliaraesoftheMa.claaua q with
the Numbers fur Jane and 1 er
leer. When no tome l ops. af.4, *1 w** 5.
understood that the msbmcrlber whb• to
begin with the current N*ribet.
Booed Volumes of flaRratesty�satll
there firs back, la twat cloth hiedhaas,awm{f
be sent by mail. perotl.ald, on rennin tor ri M
ter vet..... (fleck Leaser ter bfed41, de
rents each h7 mail, sgematp•ld,
leder to 14 tRt1R'a X •casae, AIp habenea:
Aoalytk•.1. sod ('1...14441, for Ynlhnw• i u.
e.. inclusive, from Jugs. Utak to Jour, 1a1,
o04 vol.. eve., Cloth, p ek
Itrw.ltr.erea abseil be mode by root Ofnne
Money order sr D.eR, to avoid chases. N
unrest spk�*4 ere eat to ropy His m
morressors express order or H•lust*
se ar;,=
HARPRR t , , flew Testi.
fla rs YngPeople.
Il.11l"1"11 Ka".
The posftl.n nil Haarte's Yotoeo Pieria
as the I Is lagwell
weekly, i.. t.y fan
readers V wall eet.M�pieerdle� pal
where am. pales to provide thepest sad mitt
&U1.ctive readies and Illo■trstlo•.. TM
aerial sad .hart seise Miro .tree* dramatis
interest, while 'bey are wbni17 free ham
wIs tart is pernicious s vNpiAp eeesa.bt
d tate papers os •neral history .44 achaera
tra•el• and the bee of Ilse, aro by ww,�
weir* manse. =(n t uta alsom M
mann, and wales �tA4..
let e to supoa As t . �rlm� give rn lo-
ft clomp about h hest (*s praveT e ~
A• epitome co orwrtision motis Y
aria derbeMa la yeWeall. wed Weis to
er, • W ghfslto eve f *mato vi lqa
trades'. U
• It is we.elortal 1■ we weans a eatwrss
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
It.sitf• rrirr• w& ae pr,rrsle.a • ton r,•el mach Ieteoer foal aid be • how_ fI'ka
&Mole hies' vat le .• t.*a Mid Meat ar jj
fera•ties. sod iaMtaa- (4.4.fyq s ~.
K. T,
Post* Prepaid, =L00 Pot te..
1-nl, VII M iranoweer trio 1, !Alta,
t�'w�* in ore tbseoid a' e ot Math*
A`C It U TLE R • (4rvloama. i r l( r.''t'j
tat tang
A Storm w ab.a -" f es
1t�aM & &15 r ilraepte --at'
cupped 1p the Maras.. of *e hes verve.
• 4* TTuung MJies of N'kiteste ee alb
bow 160 tease . •1 temperance /m i • Star.
muothly eseettsgs, *loch bid fair 1.
chasge the order of th.uits ro that tui.,
'('bey ha.. hit epeetb• way u( ma'am
these en tutereetine that everybody
ivaaos to cotue. Btesideotspeac'•ffking,ee rove,
tabor, utd cin leg, hoand a
plentiful supply of ease are d*trabutvd
among the •.dieser. Everybody 15
made to (eel perfectly at homer, acid the
halt d l.01 r prevails. The seam'
fast week was prwld*J over by Mr. A
M. Cochrane, mad the speakers were ler
• ilsestus, of New lurk, Mr- lame.., ,•t
4'ulle4. Point, and ler. Ileorge it Ilett
It lasted fro s•rew to olrv.n o'cloea
and it eras hard to discuses the salient.-
evw at that IoM hurt. 'e 1511
Mess us Lo.g Inland cueteld*4baseeven jot
suck • tmstisx.
Wlstas Onl'o i Fite? Aware Tea
outwt -It was Rhe old Town Hall
wow the City Hra It was M..o.dsy
,i•gbt• stoney and uninviting out a.'
loose. Mae walked down the centre;
aisle, all oyes were tatted span ham.
Hues wc4 antsy remember that pale. 1
Laggard face, the lout, flowing, unkempt
;mit-••f teres bloaters, welch (lough
n.rtor1ca *wird bees fro'' kis kssd v
M Mesiad tae wseetittrr. lire cast was
bet10aed as the top only .i crowd of
thee* who read lambed at his Ilaoeheatal-
tsa arogp, hit wonderful powers of mon
airy, .od hie gtateslw dancing had 1.1
lowed him into the seetisg- As he
swvemaly ailed his signature to the
pledg. a h•Mseppwsecd, aseerto* laueb
err WWI by thew in the rear u( the
rill GumRL heard it Also, sad as be .
tali down the pal he tarred soddenly
open these .NSNh4d with, "Why do .
yew lass%*1 Aa 1sat aours T' '14.
.archei wee silent is *n instant, an
thee followd amid thea '
addresses which w alts yen made bit
!.+Nast •meal tett most ellettive work
snot eke 1 - eases, In all hi
atter 111{� he sever moored am
ante tram in this, his Geste 'temperate
address. Tern were brought 4• th
oyes .1 ell, and it was . sight never to
learMks by thaw who witnessed th
some. -(Weemsster 81/7.
The Bishop of Lotion, Erg. • in •
drooling a wewtis1 d the City est
are Tial Abstainers' Union, M t
Rei Metal Escheat., Lwide.MM-e4,
few arida ago, rad the .sly remedy t
be thea for seethe
moral d tree the era
Rom if Meld be dtmisi.hed, head
el tame who wow 1011 stroma Sri
would be 011t.4, while if the tempter
meld M ataiuMT ressoted. headssda
l►nompde would he saved hew rut
Dr. Norman Karr, who w passe.
.marc had ideally shows that alight
eld int
e 1tae *new «old nett eostriMM o
. od strardw b M .w
from -the me of aloobelic home wee
water it eentaisad, wheat moot! 1e se
sheepet in ill pent sod simple arm.
*to the suggestion AM. it snstnbo
test to the bodyy,, M coald ••ally say t
rareness had edietosivalf deNswetnt
that sd1 for a oesol to the world
not add one Sega emit d beat to
body ; oto the contrary, it t.aded M
it of it. heart. Be weld Dot ep.sk
strosr)y wire* the ewe d
honor by hesiaoss saw. It petal
tae bruin. Th. eats soft moves for
population to admit was total a
from *kabobs blear.
After May let the Solt Ail will
fetes is fifty-five booms distrust
♦.parts of districts, „ tbi
arse 000seas Mad perm of meet
and two rias. ?ronteu c wee
to be wsseg the phase to m
the militias d liquor prohibition, b
is sot, sad no nae mems to hew
memo why. The t - . mos
agitated and net sa►r...nably if t
leas sed mosey Um Ione for Both
and the deject at which mused isnot
realised for wet • year in eon•eq
thehmalMmg Of itdifereosoc or
of some ear at p'....t unknown.
ofSeer of Nee Seat Act association
that it will he fes Masons n( that
gmwimrtion es empire ire tato as tour,
Messetais how it stases that thi a•
is esaittid from the lift d count.
wail *slaw is to be seamed, an
ender ,i_ sembr ss- which ere the
inespbeabfes Promotion is talk
lest iy mimeo H will paw.•
to bete 011 the hats before estr.me
emits ere resorted to.
Osttloa a e.* fleemder.
i.'Mesar+i, tie npr seetatiee
aha chetah; is Quebec, mays : -
"It L midget that Mr. Ceruse
begat be costed se one of Mrs
has towhee with be peat, a lad ha
^*,,'��'{•, Istord bis book un
ries of iter•.ie struggles ss.
hay pout 1104.44, bes.nw. it .ail h
Gall roe the tants*).• f lupins tb
far atiwtios of ksa enemies always
easel itnked. Th• must odious t
Pkat Limdisgraced hum..ity
tock Site to their
week by gstt4.4tke nineties of t
ler their sets When Mt Owner
Iasdd /;aa• '•f ,,.r blotr! .e
.gain.* the 4.4 -.ufy .rapiracy
Orange lodges, lir. Owren clary(
with steam an ampler to the 1.
sectarian prey/Wives •d obs p•',11.
outraged Osht. ie sentiment
Carron cella seetsrisn pr.lodir
Cshnbeism bet • stare sect in
of Mt. Ow•ran oboe h. arse*.
Protestant •ra.pw,ty i A &trill.
1144 Kr. Geon.* 1505 teased ►a.
the Oran is mom., to throw h.
rl into rhe sewn• .4 Oranmtsis��IId�l to tae (.et 111.1
cv$Ii.ng pra,I. prodoesd by M
rrrrotttji,, showing *XII s...4 !Mies
the Or. linemen 4.asawd.rd the
Fr.ech-t'at.sd..,, aoholie, Mr
dad lot ••.teat ....rent the Alae
Iseeliai.•ta .4 taw 1 troaassfn.
great a note •1 art'hoe ta4 Mr
N he .A.dwwtnnpr .
poem t ,.i/ tn.dsd.. 11 i• .w
a nem 11•.t Yr Cerrito theeita
ragwva• M•
QMpe.. le ow'
mete • 1 • t.,.., is Immo
a_�n-d•-s. meorpl.., see .gm 4N,e,t
`y'•" ps '.ed ►•e *o(i.dwia and
Waal la tr►.atlrw, en whit be
eikted tor posts."