HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-26, Page 4•
norvirzevr•PF -vertervortweinitrtneft ittefiTt,..:'43tPkINPIWPSEIrto.milrk“'Ir. ,
Now A, nits Week. 1 A number of the simsboos 4 the Mail- The first bicyele cf the season was out (horse • sad North Star Meat Me 14414,1 -
tees R. Malawn. , land Ludes No. 33 visited the Morning yesterday. Jos. B. Semibold braised* 1 of shush fratronoy deceased was • mem 1
Mew Oulu .1. o. need E Dm ' risor Lodge No. 306 of Aimitt's Hai lest the maw whorl. ber. Mr. Linter was well Oiled by all
new Fran mere U. toodear.
-o Weaseeday eirestag. Th e insoles jougosogn oirregg.„dimos /mt., P. who hove hint, by Cow his death is
ririnerhrrom iltrastoes. Wm. Kai.
Home raid Lot ter Sale W Miller.
li'er= re te best Mrs Ito* W=.
. Opel/ eV. elelneter Ill=r6i/las. C.' N.
Oakis=oismiss Oakland's Jemmy Dairy.
A Microamperes yo. hale sot es
• faith bell a ores' "
Tont ?mos.
Geo. atetsart. the phateirteOht r. ha" • iro
e.oe piers frames sA • lois mire. ,:all "tad
pee them.
The opening of OAT 1g1111011 v. soon error
but ikact wai,t !mil thee before en rat *shot*
phottgreph ea.
soon be oem
ui11 ne-
Theril; j'ireof rament w.
tons inay sot come of this fear'
but •
arr. your spring sutra at It' la A. PrW.
Get your wont supplais and 'mineral eta
1...r7 Mn. Cairo's. The sleek is care-
fully sokeurd trent the bast houseosed to sold
-Wren* Iteacit or Al.1-"- You csa no
procure for My cease from wig111101.1 in
Gedericb • bottle of -Lamina ft %omen'',
Rural Ullosramd MMus ot Fir," the greet
PINEI•41 tsr 0•011bs. Ookts. sere threat., sad
laciplent coseumption. The superior virtur,.
shine or this preparation have already pru
ascot • censtast demised trees an the ri•Ci-
j•A cities of tbe laminates Do set 1.1 10. tam
that it dem set 'inmate hem the leberatery
et nese eaterpresing toreirmer &sow yes treat
gulag it trial falblew
Mies Newcombe is visiting fries& in
John Curry, of Brautford, spent the
week in town.
brethren were fraternally nesited snit tees Hill, Ashtield, Pori Albert, Luca dootoll regretted.
Lad a loom plossaut time. non end Beiges, hes bees sgdsd „„o Acoordiag f0 the ••trOBVIftefll we are
By •adsortimemet in aumther column mosso,. foe asp "List Oesiday t U b. toseted this sprte* to the speciaele
it will be son that William K*1. •ue ul Isom Fooystrick, who is masking ha 4 retber °DWI"'
uer attest sod main promineut mar haw, in uognneb, wee presented with sues. at win come to view in the west -
Wesel* Performs retiring from business. laamhbotes photograph down awl a nicer- 'I" 514, ilind remote on inhibition all
Those in want of bargains an dry good' 17 booed goo, by Ike mumwrs 01 dm night, resehiag its greatest brilliancy in
would do w I* owl and IT,( his Cruelest* eorps of the Salvation Army, as lisY. "4 rwlainu•I it fur tire weeks or
stock. a email token of setae= for•kne mews. faun irt thousiti reetiainius riallsle to the
first shove" of it will &Wi the said
irisd woos Ho thAuur judge Tools for poet • inter. which work he did ratio
stealing fruis litessnasylor,h1cLaug'hloi the prenutation was mails by Chip'. dal: of vilw. inhaboneaaresttapip.z..act: to
aod Peckard. He was remanded and Lang, formerly of Brussels, who is now
whoh ts neater then aey of the
arraigned on the two latter oyes. He vim iu command at Goderich." •
important celestial tramps bore velour
mutsucod to 9 months th• n°644' )MI Zeiss Tolson has been lucid 01000 ty
the Customs department for enrumiling
• .poltise, inc., fur his fishery boon, ss.
The offset°. occurred last spriug. Aech.r
Farrow, customs ulliras et this point, wee
the *gout who brought the case to the
notice et the deportment. We under
eland that he will get a elan of the
$1000 for tus part in the stattier. Tulare&
we. eu ardent supporter of the N. P., as
our load kuow, but h. dilu
tee the duties after all, it moose.
George Audrey*, of Seaford). was as caretaker of the banana duriog ad a" a u" "I: Period. LW
with bard Libor.
Tun W c utioiro newt -FL McDon-
ald and bride, of Detroit, have been
spending a portion of their honeymoon
Totting relatives in this nciuhnorhood.
We had • ,rlassaiit cell from the bride-
groom un Tuesday, and he seemed just
as happy as • big sunflower.
All persons interested in horseflesh
should atteud the meeting of the Domin-
ion Draught Hone Breeders' Society, to
be held at Chigoe on Monday mixt, at
*se p. We have not room fur nether
reference this week, bot a report of the
proceedings will appear next week.
!Special revival services will be held in
Victoria street church for a week or w
to -night (Friday). Rev.
Mr. Carson will assist, and the Chinon
(impel Band will be present occasional-
ly. Workers from any of the other
churches will be gladly welcomed. Sof
Mies Payne has released from a visit vices to . at 8 p.m. sharp.
to friends in Leckoow. Colborne Brea, Goderish, are about
Mr. A. Jamieson, &sleuth, is visiting to open a @wood store. They have so -
bur sluff, Mrs. D. R. wagon, this toned Ingersoll the point. it will te
week. teenaged by J. FL Consortia The large
liminess now dose in Goderieb by this
George liarry was in Clinton last week
g the fusers' of a relative, Mrs. twIlwatral firm will he continued. Cul-
stleadinMedley. fair doiling, and judicioas advertising,
borne Brs. ohave Fraud that good stock,
Mrs. Girvin's spring opening will be
held os Friday and Saturday, April 2nd By the mart a the Knox cake
and 3rel. Missionary &siege whish hes jest brae
James Maltsr, engineer G. T. K hos published, we see thee eee
aeon lag •P h7*••••t• **tank 01 in"' School snidest. take an active part is
oratory rbennimisim. the week, D. Meteillinay, M.A. bong
The Roo- J.u. Dams. of GoolPh, receuding &watery, and D. Pirito nob
will p,os.b in Victoria street church out serer, fur the seeress year. We songs
Biai&ay meriting imid evening. els, that the essistestapresses its thanks
J. T. Ostrow, Q C will modiste the to Knox Church b school for gift
Crowe banjoes. at the Lainbten sawn of religious literatisre.
to be held at Sarnia ant work. Thos. R. MIU. l several yours sleek
It M essfidestly expereed that twigs- with D 0. 84rilohniN boo Pwrohlwod ani
ties at Godsend harbor wdI open fully Int•rool in &Yellers street bob -
seas, and has meowed be seesaw The
three weeks owner than 64 year.
mos finis will hissieftmt be knows' as Minn &
ara Phaaad la kart) that - McArthur. Mr. Malley will beteg to the
Jeanie Wilmot. teachers who has how- hubibsis • sad /sal suausisui
very in tea ta. 9aut hva litaaha'i. mat- no far as the trade is minsersed, sae we
ming. wish ham sonelle. is the geese City.
Ludwig Meyer, division court clerk at Bs kit tut Tweet, es kji,iitusy.
Seatorth, died os Sunday the 14th beet. We are plowed to learn that W. IL
He hrd reached the veserable age of 77
Maeda, a former fondest el Goderish
years. and modest at wee high wheel. hen
The Rev. Father likes in themeless of psssed kis seesud year esseeiesttes 10
his hectare on St. Patrick's Day at Soo mgthii 1f.diosl wino. msetreel. tok
forth recited the poem on the Shamrock inn fingogisis kuusis • sed
by Miss llamas Skimmings.
moteria mediae, sad nested ekes in the
Mr. Dunlop has removed the versudith other subjects. Mr. Donald's seems, is
from the trout of his fine plate glees .11 10. sure creditable to hies as he has
frosted store oa West street. The store ned wee, ddoce:tose to gootsod wok
ie much improved by the alteration. G. N. MaDeoalel, for many yean
A praise meeting will be held in the iiskikstiiis keeper sad
Mission Sasebo, school on Sunday after- ub„mir this pert, 5.. sae" the
nowt. hollinnmil 01 • quarter 4•1150. position of city missionary at Trenton,
Pareuts and friends are invited 10 *t N. J., $ ewer, $1,000. lie will
work specially in the uttered of the
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street Presbyterian churches 4 Trenton. He
dentist, makes Ole preservation of the '.s good man, and Trenton will be the
natural teeth &specialty. Gas ethanol.- better of has lbs'.. Mrs. McDonald is
tiered from 9 s.m to 4 p.m. for the pain- new in town winding up household
1.0 extraction of teeth. affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. R. John Elliott, father of Reeve Elliott,
8. W,Ilisms, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Dr. of Godereek township, a.401 Mrs. Rob -
McDonagh, F. W. Johnston, and C. C. art McLean, at Clederieb, and one of the
Roes were among toe invited to OA oldest settlers in the township 4 God.
bachelor's ball at Sarnia. rich, died in Goderralo oo Monday, at
B. maccormkg, the ognotosop wee, the see of 75 He resided during the
has removed his stand to the Toronto last few years of his 1de in Gederich, but
Crab Store, He has a splendid stock of was one 01 eke Piesow• who *Waled the
"forest primeval- in Goderich township,
tweeds on hand. Lai has a reputation
fur good cutting and fitting. and helped to inake that township what
In tbe contest for the Caledonian me- .a. now is, an excellent agricultural 4'.-
4.1 between the members uf the :leder `net-
ich club, S. Malcomson won the final Sr. (;lol1011. FiCPII)•Y &noon -This
hoM against T. N. Danny, and is now S. S. will snake their annual appeal to
the proud possessor of the trophy. the congrayation next Sunday morning.
It. is to be hoped the response will be •
We have received some pretty calend-
ars from the Kisoardone &porter and liberal one. The evening collection will
posebouoe standard, The Reporter's be for ordinary purposes. The assistant
calendarus very uoteuious, and one which III Preach ere th. subject col "The
Privileges and Possibilities 01Childhwid
refiecta great credit un the printers.
under Christianity." The parents and
A parlor concert will be held at the
(needs should endeavor to be present at
tdence of Mr. D. Gordon, en Tees-
wneeen,e the review 4th. quarter's iesscons in
day, hlarch 30, in aid of the
Missionary Society of North street th"t•r"".
Methodist church. Admission. 15c.
Leat week's War Ory contained $
bymn oo "Adoration" from the pen of
the venerable Harvey Hooks, of Oudeo
reek township. The old gentleman has
written a number of hymns during late
The finforth Sun speaking of Mies
Wynn's singing at St Patrick's concert
Soaforth oo Wednesday •ays : "Mies
Wynio's tool.* were partieulsrly fine, and
net with the hearty •pprecistion of the
BR! Pt) ra. -The %sliders for building
1141)Intollef and Craig bridges was opened
yesterday by the Committee an I rued
comes moonier. There were f. unesti
tenders fur Benneilor bridge mincing
from 07,700 to $3,300, and tattoos two
dors for Craig t ridge, ranging lions
$600 to $800 The ouutract tor 'wilding
Bono iller Bridge was awarded to L
Hordy. Exeter, wiel for Craig bridge to
Wm. Kincaid. In the event of either
4 these parties refusing to accept, the
rood emoinceser was instructed to lot
teuthe Dolt tamest, leader.
• meeting ef the Scarlet Chapter of
Godwin' Dietriet was held at Holmes -
vale u 'May lest. There wan a good
enesdanee. The Sir Knights present
were Rd. Tiehborne, J }tied, R. Plunk-
ett, L and Smith of Goderich ;
Cuuk, Crooks and Colbick, of Hokum -
vibe, sad Hanley of the Hayfield Line.
Vinton, D Cantelon and E. Fioody, of
Clinton. Fueroneenbers were advanced
to that illustrious degree, after which
they partook of a splooded sapper provid-
ed by Me. Ease. -Ma.
J"41. Toms, Judge Doyle, Regionir
Dickson, Clerk of the surrogate 'Jour'
McDonald, Master in Chancery Mieleolno
so. and J. T. Gerrow Q C. were in Sea
berth lest work ai the funeral of the lat•
Ludwig G. Meyer.
Thillre is some talk ot establishing •
branch of the W.(7 T. C. is. drugged&
Mn. W. IF . Leech, of Goderich who es
a very enthusiastic worker in anteroom'
with thia society, is eapected to wine and
tire 1. steel. --{Post.
Maloolm McLennan and Edward Com -
roll, 4 Ashfield, left for the Western
Mr anEgmend, who i• nearly 74 yews
Staten on Wednesday with • hod or
ate, and very few sI its members are
hareem Amongst the neathow were mit -
end kn1 clue eteibous. we wish them as actin se he, notwithatandin his age
Messes is their venters.
G. Carden*, an enteTievai Itodien.
A hi Kay, of Brunel', hs..co.pt.4
the peoition of assistant in the post office,
and has entered upon his duties. He
has had considerable experience in the
business, and will, we believe, wire
sate. faction to the public. He was for-
merly a typo under the Wits( of the pres-
ent proprietors of Teo HIONAL, and he
ha. cut his eye teeth. We understand
that his predemiesur. Thos. Graham, who
hes spent about four yaws in the part-
ake, will ge out west.
D. Masa, who for some years past been
manager of oar local branch of the Flank
of Montreal, Las we learn, been promot-
ed to the position of manatee, at Brant-
ford, and will shortly removes to that
eity. We oringratulate Mr. Olass upon
his promotion, but personally we negret
hie departure from amongst us. He has
proved to be a firstmlann loan during his
stay in Goderich. Brantford will get
ealushle sepossetions in the presimee of
Mr. Gone and his (molly.
An OLD THICK. -The Clinton !foe int
says . The Salvation Army has no more
enthusionic memillir in its nuke than
hes opened out a (relit an ea y shop on
West street, 10 . es demos ram ..r the
Atm The stock is temptingly
• bayed, and Mr- Cerslooll appears to earner in this notion, and his routs was been down to the heat fieleseessy after -
elated hie boldness. only frees OA te Cietteroch and hack, no.. fitting mem pipes, sod returned,eirt tN•1"•lnain 1::•=
el IteririekTiteenenn. of Dakota. formerly the mail and other packages necessary, ramplainine nf pine is the bowels. Not- woo of Dewar io mu wag Lopdp ea, Teo,
• in seeding his mineral auto were earned on his ban, sod he "hoot- witheteoding
In °everyone ei the other day, • *rated
that el was rbo untismal thing ffn Aim
walk from here to London in a day obits
there wee no track bet a surveyor's limo
an.I4me had to took their passage over
*temps and Inge. He ern the first mail
ed to cowe W for nsauy years.
Brussels Nit lost Saturday Mrs.
John Leckie, well-known to nearly every
in this part of the ouwary, died at
her residence Toronto, after • long and
severe illness, aged Ni yean. Fur the
past six Teen she has been a great sato-
er sad her disease was such that the beat
mediral skill proved unavailing. Before
Wm demean she suffered • great dm!, bet
amidst 11 all tbere was a calmness and
that only the Christian knows
5)500. 15.4
was brought to Brussels on
the Monday aftersora train and weenie&
at the stateou by a large Dumper of re
halves and friends. The . then
formed and proceeded lielville church,
w here a short service was conducted by
Reeds. 3. Roes, B. A., and Rev. 8
Junes. The interment was madetitipleor
Brussels nate . The pall
o ers P Scott. P. , W. H. Mesa
J. R. Grant, J. McIntosh. and J. Shaer.
Mr. Leckie hos the mincers sympathy of
all his frisods in bin sorrow.
Tog thesons Maaao.-The Winghais
Tunes last week had the following
''Coosolerable diseatisfaction is mani-
fested anicamet our onion on sccount of
the way to whicte they have bees trusted
io competes; for the Gibbons medal. It
appears that when W amines woo the
teat meatch elteirist Wroxeter, it left the
clubs ot Seed orth , Goderich, W Ingham,
Wroxeter and Brengel. Poo and it WW1
the intention to leave it ova foe *morn-
ition ono! the next seasoo. Lost week
the Brussels Web reseind a letter hem
Shane Gibbons, stating that they were
barred oat of the competition on secoeut
not01 bet...ging to the Octavio Breaslo
Royal Caledouion Club, thus Ionia,
Wallahs** and Gado:Ids with only owe
game rash, with no other nob to Oley
against. and having the medal sity
between Wroxeter and &afar& Bea -
forth has won it ease belure and it is
thougat they will beat Wroxeter sod
take the medal, in which eves, it be-
comes their preppie,. But if Wroxeter
wins. it will kismi et opes for ecimpatitima
for another year, sad they have not woo
it at all yet. The Wingless Ines exams.
themselves se anxious for Wrezetor to
A shooting match took *non March
22.4 between eight somber* ot the
Clinton gun club and $ like. smother of
the Ooderieh gun club of which the fol-
lowing is the score :-
F. J. T. Naltel....1 100001 000-3
W. Ellard 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 01 1-6
W.R. Miller1 100 000 1 11-5
J. Nisbet 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 1 0 0-3
C. Seeger 1010000110--4
E R.Wateon1111101110-8
H. W. Ball . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1
W. Ragusa 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0- 6
Sew ?um -The advertisement in
tedsy's kneeholes J. A. Reid & Bro. is
owe eateslated to Minim attention.
Memo J. A. Reid It Bro. are well sod
favorably lowers is town, sad we have
ao doubt will not out, retain the trade
dune by Reid likeetyd, but considerably
add thereto. Drop into their establish
meat and take a look through the new
=You will ind that while the
Brothers believe in big advertise-
ments they rely as well upon selected
stook and low priest It will pay you 10
The assemon for 1885 are at werk.and
these wbo are not yet assessed should read
this :-"Under the Asseesseseit Act of
48116 • new class of voters will be added
to the roll, that of , , who
sone • declaration to the effect that they
hare derived and earned +sees end in-
s from their trade. uocupst , call-
ing, office ur profession, of not lees than
$250, includinio in mem of townships
ceily, however, and estimating the fair
velem of board end lodgings, during the
twelve months preceeding the said dee-
C. E. T. 8 -A goodly number of the
wearers of theee mystic letters brayed the
storm to Bt. George's ecttool house ou
Mnoday evening. The collector for the
proposed C.E.T.S. and Sunday school
organ, reported progress sod was bidden
to go un and prosper A cumuli.' t'..* was
appointed to obtain quotations, e.. h a
view to purchasing in the near future.
Arrangements were then made for sp-
Peeling seam to tim ever rooly friends
01 the Society for a varied premium for
the next open meninx to be held April
6th. Programme next
Tam Bruin OP nig Team. -In view of
die great Colonist Exhibition to be le4d
in London, Eng. this seasoner, the old
reliable Allan Lice are making exten nye
preparations in the way of putting no
emirs steamers and providing seperior
accommodation for the thousands of
Canadian visitors to the Old Country.
This mann already applications for
berths me posterior in. For rates, tick-
et*, lista of summer tailings, and all in-
f.ineation apply to HAIRY A IMPT110110,
agent Allan Line, city ticket Arent 0.
T R., near poet-of&e, Godench, Ont
At the regular meetiog of the
Society bat Friday evening the election
of offscers for the current term took plan
and resulted as follows :-President, Mr.
Barnaby ; Vice President, Mies Miller;
2nd Vico President, Mies Aikenbead ;
Seerenry, Mies Rolph Tress. Mr. Me -
Lind ; Secretary of Cinm , Mos Max-
well ; Librarian, Mr. Cameron; Coun-
cillors. Misses Grant, nerd and Allen.
Program :-Readingo Mr. Taylor Cher -
ea members ; Recitation, Mr. Barnaby;
Reading, Miss Allen ; Reading, Mr. Mc -
Lined ; Quinine Drawer, Mr. Strang;
Reading, Mr. &rang.
DUBLIN &rano Covent -Specially
interesoug services were hold in the
above church un Sunday, at which hence
oongregauons attended. In the morning
Rev. Dr. Griffin occupied the pulpit. In
the afternoon • saes meeting of the
Sunday 801)001 children of the church
and the IliWe classes was held, attended
by • large number cif the paresis and
friends of the tiors. Rev. O.
F &limo of God , addressed the
younger children mere partenlarly, in
as espionaily pleasing viesswer, taking
for his subjeet, "Be " The little people
appeared more than delighted at the us -
hone address, and anotoer visit from the
rev. gentleman will be looked for with
interest in the inning a reception
service was beld, Mr Salton preachine
from Matt. 6, It - (Guelpb Memory.
Asorsia FICODUR MATH We retool
this week, says the Owen amend Times,
to leave to assesace the death of Mr.
Charles Linter, chief earnedr of the
Governmest seguser Bayficeld, mow being
reatted in this harrow. Mr Linter hod
C.A. Brown 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1
W. F oter 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1- 7
Joe Rider 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1-4
Thos. ()who( 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0-6
J J °beaten .0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1-1
A Overberry1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-3
Jas. Yount 1 0 0 1 1 00111-i'
D. A. Forrester0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2
The shooting was at ten Dinh' each man,
but the weather was very stormy, and
militated against the score.
new Itlettag Agrtearanral *meetly.
Oodench, March 22, 1886.
A renting of the board of directors of
the West Riding Agricultural Society
was bald in the court house, Goderich,
today. The members present were : A.
McD. Allan, president, J. 0 Stewart,
E. Bingham, Woe. Young. sr., John An-
drews, A. Allen, Isaac Salkeld, 8. An-
drews sod Joe Watson.
The minutes of last meeting were read
sod approved.
Moved by E. Bingham, seconded by
Wm. Young, that the W. R. Society hold
no spring show. Carried.
Mowed by Wm. Fool*, seconded by
E. Bingham, that the W. R. AO. Society
inn too as a donation to the Colborne
&meek on secount of the W. R Agt
Society not going to balm • spring show,
the donation to be paid on or after July
lst. The meeting then adjourned.
Oath. INA MM, by the Rev. Mr. Maitiaad,
at the reddenee of Chas. W. Nutley, MA.,
fraimelty. Cers Cleft*, m Prestos. to R. Me -
Dose*. co Detroit Mich.
Al the R. C. Clrairsh, Amberstborg. nn
Werlsesday. March 44, * Rev. P. Ryes,
Charles A. Mclatesh. of Detroit. 1111kb- elder.
see of Capt. O. terhoton. to man tomes,
only daughter of M. Twomey, Set, mayor et
Assimestbarg, end formerly of Gode rich.
Comity et Hume. I Rs vines et a writ et
To Wil: 1 Ayr( Marlow lemma out el
Roc Marty% lows (Oleo of /11111111k MY-
ele7 Divines, eel ea min Welt ef nen
Court of Just fee. Coasston Pleas 111 Kam&
to ase three red and delleeredl the
Arida, temed out of Her bielwasolneli
Limns end. Tenements of WILLIAM BOON
and J•ve litrEisturir. at the mitt of Rase
O Rom. I have wised Ma la X
the Rix* ot Dower et the Joni
hirKietts. aim the wide* et onserar Em-
my. drosairret, her late InweissaL In that gar-
net er treat cot Med owl oresoloso. bolus Let
Number Ms, Is the Osman ociamsessies ell
the Township of lituietoy, is tbe Monty of
Herne. anatehileg Dee bewared
or leas wed aM, other the rightrtre=
mediae' et_ meata tel,e= maned. 1 =ether ha
a se7isteco 011 TUNICA V.
Twesity-weeetii Day of JUNE, fait,
al tho hridrult Mimes MI the Meth, la Ilt• tore
RORKRT 1312:2„
**Apnea few Tan &OPAL. writs* to his .4 II" Amery sten of the way, the donne* tent tos, he peeled away at the age of OM M. la Osen , tone
brother :--"We awned do withom it. I beteg seek that lie was required to sower years, en Timid., Aeration at 5 30
get to like it move an.1 tome. Is tomer 62 miles • day nu his top each way. .'sleek. His body was conveyed yester-
wo, gs *My measereel. I am in mewed He mates that Sheriff 14-1)005)4 .04 to day to St Catharines. where hie wife
wile its views es all the !mediae woo. shunk nothing of walkong frn411 Geelerieb and family meek, sereteded by hie ess,
moos 4 else day. It is just like • iteoll- t" boridon, between breekbet sod MIN and Melon Jas. Douglass sec! T.
lesleflor frees hem." down, • thetas.* 01 44 who ItearOOINIMO. 1 af St
somve: vv.
etier=0111ea 0Morroli. t
t-1,001,*,14/. Infilifir...,41.1141.11311111V4111paoli,
IP g
A 011111,:11111.6.4
Manchester House.
'1. rociarz„.4.... •
.2-74 !got
We have pleasure in informing our Customers, and the
general public that we have now received a Large and Com-
plete SPRING STOCK of General Dry Goods, Tvceeils, lic
During the Clearing Sale, prior to the dissolution of
partnership of the late firm of Iteid it Sneyd, the dock was
nearly all cleared out , the result of this, we are enabled to
show for the coming Spring An Entirely New Stock.
We have bad our Store enlarged. and with increased
facilities for the display of Goods, we are showing a l.mtura
and Brrrza AssoirrxErn than usual.
In DRESS GOODS and PRINTS, we sbow !,ome Spe-
cial Lines, in the Newest Shades. Our Cottons, Shirting*,
Cottonades, Linens, Towels and Towelings are CHEAPER
than can be bad elsewhere. We are selling. Good Factory
Cotton for 3c. per yard, and a Heavy make, Yard Wide,
for 5 and 6c. Towelings from 5c. per yard, up.
Special attention will be given to the TAILORING DE-
PARTMENT. We are now showing the Choicest Stock of
Tweeds and Coatings in town. Oood All -Wool Tweeds
from 36c. per Vard, up. Tweeds bought from us will be
cut out Free of Charge. Suits Made to Order in First -
Class 8tyle and Workmanship, at Lower Prices than ever be-
fore offered.
We have the Latest Novelties in MEN'S FURNISH-
INGS, Hats, Scarfs, Ties, Collars, &c.
With our in baying, and intimate acquain-
tance with the best markets of Canada, together with ample
capital to buy for Club, we feel justified in saying that we
are offering a selection of Goods unvorpasied in value by any
other establishment in the County.
We respectfully request an inspection of our Stock, and
while thanking those who kindly patroniieil the late firm, we
will endeavor not only to retain, but increase that patronage
by selling Goods at the Very Lowest Prices.
r Highest Price paid for Better and Eggs.
Gederick. ISM Wamb.11111.'
E ighth aser below the PeM GSM Weet-sa.,
Ootwasent. Welty
w 1 WOOLVERTON. L. D. 8.
TV. CS.. -O44 Fellows ganoNerts St„
Gederieh. Mamas siederate. An work you,
She People's Column.
THE 10riv MARCH, A
LI Wolk low between North street and the
reeklesee .1 5*. IleLose. The Seder wt13 be
Vsaitablfewerded by Meets, it el R. kle-
'a eat Market Iowa
• osb51ontio1 new plane -box bow it won*
pay theta to call at T. ell J. NTORTM. They
ham on. 1.11,oily 0•03, 111 • barrels. MIS
13 Pen Mk. • maims of papers sosesised
in • tame elmble.P8- P•Pers bieboollod to
10. 5.14 Devil MeCoonsil. of Port Albert. TO.
*oder will he renal* rewarded by Mewl
them at err evading them to the once
DA 'ISOM & JOHNITTON. hareste=eeke
years needy et noose. is pre -red ts
resenre pupils kw the Anna 15 .tomma
emartern. Terms le per quarter sas-
For Sale or to Let.
- - -
▪ 1 Tiro seat sue emorenoest noes. es
waseriso street, sear the High &cheek ems
tale*. Kee resets and • hitches Hard tied
est' imam es hie premiere. Terms reasosakla.
For pertaculam apply to WM. MILLER. IS
the fr•nlii•••.. Men
story frame hems. eentaining nine
rooms. Intense. Niger latches, soft as4 bard
water, stable mid dr**, home, together
with es sere and • half et land. a.4. Wrys
bearing orchard of noses. pears and P1UMP.
1111•41•111 sear Reselerd's grove. Terme too
seriabla Apply to 11104- ROOT. WILRON.
on the mammas, or at this *Sac MOM
111[013131 FOR BALE OR TO RENT
11 - That eesillediens hems situated on
the comer of Shoe lead Waterloo streets, is
ellbritel for sale ea noseeloese tern s There
eft MI rooms ta the Mum. and a Sae canes
pile or about two-thirde of en acre. with as
eseeraint grown adjoining. Yee partieslaise
eddrees; Ogoit a Mitten. Bar
Aram to, M [ingot. Emit, Tomato MIR -
I: years Lot IN five, lit the Maitland me
oesiess„ 5400 Teceephep54 Gederich. apply
by meter 151. IL TAMARA. Stretford HMS tf
el toe U. Worts of Town Piet, Asliflekl,
NS swim 4054. s. the moved reed see NMI
teem Ewan P 0, with Wesel boom ea the
5*1.thbegranit .1 rhooba. •
eJo4•1seeespmts AV1mjtte
aviscresorserr:11"Wili:040.716..777:077.74,„e7chridis.oretualyors""441144114 "1"raaralle.6"erki.e.
ox, waic:Jeast...
shy ,“
•11 etas -
OVISOmme Aestieseer.
stseeat see%
es •
hors sheritand,
- 'Lod Notices.
CKAMICRY DIV/11110111.
1. 10. nuteser of Let Mese* *54 40. Noss
half ef • Merit Miami 1
et Les *3.01 mend ilet 5*0
wheat Mee between Lees II sure 1114 aM
Ss the Third *.w-- =. be the
elleisten .1 10. Tow me*
is the Conan •11111"111.
hi Woe to hereby gime net nib RT ARAN
end ADAM AMAX both of &Mint
Township of Colborne, Yemeni. have
an 'mortalities to the Righ Centri et Juane
far °stereo for a certificate of Ude to tee
above mentioned property elides tbe
Titles Ave and have predated es
wht.sluy they 10 0. Ube °warn theme
5. 1.. free from encumber's:es steep( them
mortipag•• WWI! b) JOHN ARAM arid ADAM
AKAM to one HKNRY AKAM. dated the
• ith March. Mi. and a certain agreements
made betwees the said !MN HY AKAM sad
*DAM AK AM sad others and JOHN RIIS-
OON hi trust for Ow estate .4 Glesgew, Me-
er114) or pretesetag to have say title le or
• It Cs. wherefore any other penes
imerest is the mid Wed or any part Merest
other hiss under the morteages and agres
meat Mr mead is required es or before
Mewaisy, the PIPTD DAY OP' APAIL,
moo seri *ening, to filo • statement of hie
dales 'mead by atildavit at my chamber; la
Owned' Hall in the City of Termite. and to
serve • oopy oa Messrs MON Y N BETTIS.
at their Meer * the city of London 5*155454 ter the said HKNRY AKA InJi., meg
ADAM AKAN. mid In default evert neb
skim writ he hereof and the tlile or the mid
bees.. absolute &1141111411•••••11111.1111A•Pe04
ta equity sutural only to the
smartened in the nth metma of the mad AM
&IA the Mid roon411•Ces Asa sire* wlent Moo"
r011ar•tod so. .
hated this Inn day of Ilf•rel.
UKO. 8. noLnincrien,
UM -ft Referee of Tides.
- -
U.111111 and hy vivo. eta power et We niet.
Wined In rertsin Mortgage made by the late
3.00 7. Atunereneraa i•ilbe reader. sad bens
mu dare the teased 45, 01 May. A.1)
and which .554 0. produced at hie is. of
We, there ettli be Stereo ter .01. 05 Pulite
Auction. et Mini In's Hotel. Is the town et
Ooderich. In the Opera, of Hama, es SAT-
7Tee 3yel DAY OP APRIL, A.D. 1881,
at It &Mock soon. by Joe* Knox. anetlemer.
the fellow*, valtieble form ropprty, name
ly • The north half 01 5.1 number thirty -este
le the 'mood coseeselles of the rewash* 01
Wawaseeh. In the Comity of Huron, arid Pro-
vince of °stasis, centaiels, by admemere-
wont este headset as.. of last be the same
store or ime.
tienthoge mask* of a gems lug brew •
of preservation. non are tore methane
log stable raid • tremor bare. an 4.aoats
cot the premises 11•• soll I. • geed day
The above 5.s most dewiest& farm. sad 1.
elloste 1.1 miles hies the Town of (4o4ater4 4
miles freer the) amides .OI, of Motb. sed
from the vIOW, of manchester•
Tan MN 5* perms& doss 511111 the balsam
4. esie pn51h thereafter.
Per partimilare whir to C. TAX
rim Ksq. Myt5.. I) B. MOICINO•oll. Mirth. or
Vendor's flolichors
Desed 11111 10111•11,„A.D. 1105.
Asseimose. 1..4.w. 8511.-if.,.
Ours Peretotess flen.111MOI Rop.••••••"4
fir Igen* es Lend ea straight loses. al the
polo et imams gatoot. 13 Why .117 10
ti .
leer "r1rOciltil"‘