HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-26, Page 22 NEW ORLEANS. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. MARCH 26, 186. ' a-, is a pyramid of the aggregated weaMh 0e wears the trews of India, and tee a.+ruessuee of ova- Cann, and is arrayed ui royel 11W. quest The pyramid is .urmuuoted by menta A rich canopy supra by a toe vasa of /aquiline design and I. solder' spears erect hu :he headds of for The Cemeteries and the Pleasure fel workmanshipaurruundine the esinvgently costumed •tt.txleate cuo- pyramid at the lour ew,e.ee are trend statutes a royal shelter. T. shored edi- ()rote.,., Hemet 17. Mr. Ltiurher's Jonathan Ellis ban perchand the pmt apsetmwte of candelabra ; sad the foe is superb in architectural design and • h on the Roil e:eattliow last night r l"ik wo"Ileu will"' Puri' I)..• erg for .ris:orn otter t whole retro ups" /satiiG fabrics of roto embellishment, surmounted by • got- Pec$30 000• about tKl hand* an at peewit -sad delicate 1 , . The eel- goon doom, supp.rtei by clusters uI surpassed any of his former effurte in or rmplvyed In tel lin". ; Mr inti. wan at blames lit esu am likewise titvia►ly inlet msesiee gothic polars. Put apply* 001 of the Hemp*, .lid will take mak one time pub:teher of the Wing►am spemad, as hew statuary, and beaMitill AntliA AT rsvaaaa. ..cont the gnat orations reported in T'i .ad diadem SI die LAMM'S 01111/LT SPEW& w a CLIPPINGS raw &roger or tae noise rarer .a .puri Meats IMO W reals er meirea [•• ore W Mere exewurt.m. hews iseMime B .r4I drag limp Res Nps Maga Carel- .al Maps tiaras freeemasei. OSErifi raga Osr Own (' 1, When • man leaves the dry, bracing t old of our northern climate, and fur the tint time feels the motet and balmy breer,es of the Gulf of Mex:cu play across his brow, he is eve quite sure whether to be glad ur sad that he has left the one had found the other. But it does out take a crest while for ouch an one to mule up his mind that while he is glad he is here and an have • jelly good tone lot • month or so, yet after all life io Ontario the year round is • paradise the platform to tapestried with the inept the death el tin lUosersoua etre. He is eeagp•red with • eehtinuous residence taunts of the East. Following the Oar standing on a marble terrace, leading up hero. 1 have been here long enough to sonnaming the precious wardrobe of the to the cetafahlue upon which the hody of like New (Weans. It ie seas more quaint Delight, Q.eeo ul the East, cane that the dead Emperor lay in state. Near by .tad picturesque than Cabe bas drawn it laden with the spoils from Palmyra. The steads the grief stricken widow, and on A tow days ago we visited first tigers is that of the platform below are gathered sailed rims c-R.tLTSRlLL,A [wlebT /-LAD iv 01IL, warriors, who with sword and shield ter at !cast eight or ten of them. They and carrying the Roman ataadard, with swear allegiance to tho youthful leader. an all well ...coupled, the dead outuur ib. victorious ags atop. 1• ha neon The whole is nett in colors and elaborate +sonfour gl baring the beteg in the city. .o of are ares bearing un their should- In finish and artistic design. The neat tee tombs are very Be., bosingt built of ten ap.eismems of prissier ',brio, 1russ ea mammas dell d doeriptwaa Inn"- -6esn veneer (►..kis ape as shown a mega. t meg. Mona ird. Hoa eloquence, geese, diction Jewell (Minute the !adieu tremors* is sashed inrhtsciW tow en. /pun d ( ltd ded at way the piste and the reopens of which stands • church sec. commanded th • u iv •8u. . cier88otil A. doircod lit aitary cis poll the rubs. *colas/- Volition of the .embers fur two tad a Here represented aro .w the figures of six •.eal authority. He is •idretsing Al. quarter hours. Geugrstultuuns tad slaves tending ender the serenacusblimee - till. who .ods below with sword re- ce,npeots bate bn pounrg in upon tent weight of the choicest articles of versed, and •oa,musnted by-lj,js soldiery. him ever .tote, and w the chamber this %xnobna'. wardrobe. They are pictured Cpou the carpet at his Int are heaped aff.ruiwn Mimiet•ra White and (.eros as standing o. • circular platform of spoils of gold and silver, the tribute of wetly tot.rial, and exquisite tracery. dear bought peace The had of the tint spoke of it to terms of high praise as w ro Aund as seppnrta are floss French monarchial dynasty by here rope able and brushed &dares", eithctagh dd- ot the different articles .f plate of rare resented ai a youth of totem reonvlug tering from the view. the ►on, gentle - value and most intricate workmanship. at the hands of high diig(nitaries the ion sat forth. Some extracts aro ap- pended portion of the car which supported cone which had descended to hint by moble ey. They kIitt1..nclusurws in the looms of Tsdmor, together with s ASDswkAr•w •T T -IIB rLLACT or CILIA. front with flowers growing, or bouquets odleeties at trestles sal war emblems of Abd.rtam.n is 1 to the tab- u holders fixed at the head of lob vuiesedesons. Immediately follow*, leaser entertaining owe of the ladies of ewe. Urn or two chain are placed in u a camel of the desert, richly decked tate court, the are ,omptu front of each family vault. The tombs and heavily laden with manufactured ons and suggestive, and while the cham- are four and eta stories high ..d have apses ter foes to Mx mans one aeon the *thea. The cheaper torahs are made el brick and plastered whits The outer .trails of the old easetries in the city eine as the "Potter's Tisk'," in whin the pair are buried. It is Bra or sae steno high, and on the outside forma • nearly euntaeeaa wall along tots stints of the city. There aro rainy bee tools beipsgieg to different societies, sad many styles of architecture are displayed in hedging them, The eemetries are pa tally laid en leaguers form, with streets, miser and alleys, the roe r the ort eI 1be living. But enough of the data We toek • trip to tramline of Whole's value, with bore bar in the pawn cannot he mid to coiti- o n there • spear aid shield and dart, pare with the original, yet indeed, it is a g od miry variety of trophy esleel.bd lovely and one which ilk, aibd d**117 anown-yp n- '•ale to the fancy and the imagination. gass The ear m tastefully festooned The •ext rwpnesat• with wreathes of seasonable towers. Pau The Learn Ilezt in the order of march ease the prmehhns the Best crusade. The tableau stabea.dod and aka* girt. The erste awe • feudal cawlieemonifioettoo. Cou leaded „ ti. rock ribbed and inviueible, from the a.g yramp.r1• of which, stet, with the cries amb•es.dortt h elevated platf arm ooeopisd b7 tabgroep uplifted 1 an is preaching his first crode d ie esaQGt•d mitt►► adma Beside him stands the supreme pontiff, is nel:h titin of ran teztore, sod rsaglaa., sled in the royal robes of the church, of eller. Blew, on ei„ther the Minn PORT, sewn odes from the Crescent Cit by radioed. It la a atmmar resort on Lie Puasbatrain, where the dweller of the bested 'city go to enjoy themselves. It is • pretty ppl1aaees., well shaded with large trees, nallesrwkieb are tables where re- freshments are served. There is also a l.rte hall for dancers, where as hundred couple or .more can find ample room to sport the light fantastic toe. Thos i. likewise •a opera boons in the o air, (admimion 1e eta), and a mare which ea- red hard t escape from the circular @ideal the elevation are gathered mid while boring aloft, banner oft P P..d Coes, is , the Papal rhe =VIM 6lau 1 Jiesestb aro the chival- beth in sitting had standing potters roes knights, mounted opus ncbly eap- Tbeir co.tames are rich and bright in „pseud steads, clad to gruwur and sp- edon, studded with precious gents. The pbisdhlg the elogoenee of th. Bertait oar la slabovste in Mstsh, with gold nit* oplift.d swords sod battle azsa "01, wars tM *moonset Mair . Lest moon the Loal i egi•1•Mre passer' a Pinnies An wbio1 widely ss 'motel the Ycsnchite sad which gives vola to a largo number who never Mad the right to vu* before. The rroeiltciet Yearn? Lata are 'vainly based upon tar Aspearwrat hedge Unions a mese a,sse stab appears upeo the Aosessinont R,tl, ti George Noe, of the 3rd moa L R B , will nut appear on the Vol** Lista. Tuukeesmtth, reently sold his too,purted rMrefore it is of the groin' Import English st,llton, "Drummer," for a tog wce.tut awry num to wb. s rate ie prrice to num" Duston, of 11.1"'"/* rte. by this new Fn►oeki.o Ade geoid This burse wow imported by J. J. Fisher, blrrm.d !'anieularfy notice the 1q about three yawn w••, bed Can uut b. se is a applies w titres cleats. ri.auel, beaten w this pert of the iamatry, either tempe fer,t.rr, h"1"41` a, and fa"tiAedl for appe•rarc•...r stock get tug gwliues. •ratsu+ae lout week 6 A. Martin, of Chalon, As to wage earners the Franchise Act brattier a. ale..rge ••artiu, of ldrossrb, provides that passed his finial esuun.attoo belga'', the ••Jewry am. parson 05 the lest refs► Hoye! C.• lege of Dental l;urga•.se, Ti ed •sesssi-r" null as • wage earner who rant•', and esu , rednim.J • eo.tiieate lit resides-.. theiiaseul the electron is the lices..e tt prs.Us doasttetry. Mr. Mw beai munielpslhty is which be leaden tart was an "H.....or an" and sill take kis rule sod ho resided them tontine s brat pisco iu the preemiuu. only gime the of the lot Then seema to be an ern,mw,es in- _ revised •s.esmen1 reit of the mnilei prevwu w the mends •.1 mho, thiuugh- mlity. sad who has, dtari•ig toe twelve oat the county that the powers and du - soothe Nat prior t. being so or entered, t freta ties of the P..Itoe Magtstr.is extend tea dented or mined lollies, Ain . s the personal inmetipatios into supposed nesse trade, riolattoua of the &cit Aut. and the hi- profession of out Ie. than two benched stitution of . agaisrst the viu and iffy dollars shall be world le To trouble.d ,ne,onve- vote.". In the prow moo to which 1 belong, and especially atuuugat the race to which 1 belong, the execution of Louis Riel has been universally condemned u being the sacrifice of a lite, not to inexorable jus lice, but to bitter pantos and revenge. • • • It has bees stated, hese and again, by the Molt and by other Tory organs, that it wits the present increment of the French Canadian leaden to ortesoise • purely Preach Caoadrau prty, to lay wads all party ties and to have no other bonds of party in this House but that tie of race. 1 protest against auy such a•esertioo. Such assertion is unfounded, it u al ciliated to do bans, it is mot breaded on truth. It .mild be simply suscidel to pretend that Preach Canadians oosld form • party of tbem•elves. Why, as soon u reach Canadians, who are in the minority in this House sad in the country, were to o,4•aim as $ political party, they would. ouwpel the majority to organize as • political party, and the result must be diwtrous to them- selves. e • • The l/inister of Militia in the week that preceded the execution of Roel, stated his sentiments orf rebellion in these words : "f hate .11 rebels ; leave no sympathy, good, bed oe isediEesest, with rebellion." bir, why is hatel.l-I tam the word which the hos Routlegam mode use of -what 1. hateful is not rebellioe, but is the despotism' "which toluene that rebelling ; whet is hateful are sot rebels, bat the men who, having the of power, do not discharge the duties d power ; they aro the MOD who, having the power to redress wrongs, rearm r listen to the petitions tire an spat to them ; they are the ages who, wiles they are poked for a leaf, give a Glebe- The. hon. ,.outman hates all rebels, he rya I wonder If be will extend his hatred to the great rebel (Sir Gorge Cartier) whose statue anode almost at my .nn's length. I venters to my that if that man whose .tate les been erected here bad been living today, and had oc- cupied bis place on the bowery benches, he would have remembered that be wee once • rebel I have ion the day when the Minister of Militia bad but for re- bellion the horror he now pa••erea ; I have seat the dal. when the Minister d Militia had set fpr rebels the d deep hatred which be te the world almost within hearing d a . 1 man ; I have seen the day when the Minister d Militia had great sympathy in hie best for rebellion. woes be bad deep .y.p.tby in his beat for the very robe) when% be had in his mind, and whoa, death knell he was in advance ringing when he wee proclaiming his hatred of rebellion at Winnipeg. The( tbave*ourbt to 'convict the leaden of the rebellion. Have they taken as muck pains to con- vince thus* people, the halfbreeds, In- diana end white settlers, of their desire and their willingness to do thorn justice, to treat them ftrly I Have they taken as much pains to treat them fairly and do them justice, se they have *ken to punish wrong f And they never would have had any occasion to convince those people that the tow cannot be violated with impunity, because the law would never bare been violated at alL Bet to- day, not to .peak of those who have lost their lives, our prisons are full of ages who, despairing ever to get justice by peace, .ought to obtain it by war. who, fearing they wooll Dever be treated like freemen, took their lives in their heads rather than be treated se soaves. They have suffered • great deal, they are suf- fering yet. Their leader is in the grave; tby aro in durance. Front their prisons they can w that justice, that liberty which they sought in vain. But now that which they "ought in vain is at last dainties en their reentry. Byron, in the cloth 'anti tnwuni•ge, and goc,sess in N.zi following .tome. the palatial ear all its appointm.nts. Nezt representing Zenobie, queen of Pages, and her rat[Dalce BAasaRoataA AND roll etazAn- desky atteudants. BLe appppevssnn as dri•-t Dat. en is a chariot, whin► is drown by • trio of richly phoned tied dtap•d et1mit In A• app uaft in toe tableau, the Pontiff front t• • I 1l -ousted chnrin- ►..aced on his throe.►• crazier in hard tear. The bed .o whe*la of the and wearing the triple Drown, while tea vehicle are io with tee Bart wends headed knee, is observed the erect-fsl- sod atones the Orient predoted. Next Lee Emperor in the act eI kivang the 1e u o , in the pomp , the gurg.om teat of bin who had oily sn recently pati. constantly ascending. Thealligatoy triumphal ar of hand upon iia imp ri•l bead neo awful sd ..d .bootin l/fjes alto form ! e eam of Bosse The thrum is erected p° g gel rat trrtBoti Ara* p atuintsoin U>eaPsted din, and be- psrt of the attractions. It is a delightful pus lea in warm wetber,with a nice warm, *a.tando voderneath a gorgeg.wann? needs the iseposmg &rebm d as edi6oe from the late. Farther ripp the Weer in hand and in ell the pride of his dedicated to the worship of the Most lake is another place called West Iird, :arple robes. Applaoded by admiring High. The massive columns are aur, which i. nmo a very pretty avmtast to. *sbjnes surrounded by the trophies, mounted by a richly carved entablature, sort. The bell rang for .11 aboard, but o bearing,, and trwores of Tao- ornament with carved tigur.s of the the conductor was very tired. turd we gsiehed hoan' The roar is of elaborate mints, and the whole crowned and bean - had to wait until the fireman and engineer and exposit construction, forming an tibed by a magnificent dome. Fronting want to the saloon and persuaded !um to some along. But he was very anomer. dating, and would stop hie train at the grog shops no the way back to let the go out and tale a drink. I dust know whether the manager* of the 'railroad allowed hinn extra pay or not Neat toms the Noble Ltdtes of Rome. Vt'e also trek s trip to They are here drawn in a triumpW oar mteioa T1t1 TARTA1 MH[I.L BEACH. of ornate finish and Orhsetal design. A p scene i. here represented. on the Golf of Mexico, which .ffurde a Seated aloft on an elevated platform - Timoor is reposing in ao attitude of rul- good view of the Mississippi river. We they appear in attitudes of luxunous re- uproot. tranquility within a , , , also bad • walk over the old fortifications pose, and attended by dusky slaves who appointted pavilion, which fairly glitters and battlefield where the Amariean gratify their every want. The next car with the nchnes of i* tin* and wealth troops commanded by General Jackson, repreeenta of watenaL Irnmedately opposite the lettered the pride sod flower of the TI carobs or'MACi., tent, resting on • tiger skin encircled with • heavy fringe of gold, » the iron 19ritinh army codon command d roupPaek0- which ie impersonated by a besotifol •sue in which Bajazeta stands cey6ned. Imo.ks.s Tho field wotlas and the group tot woman Ske is arrayed io quonly Scattered about on the grass without are flteea under which Packeohem f w aro attire and is standio o the out- ttgg — Visible ; alto the hour in which t g p°O human skulls and cruse Dunes, • stave (general Packenham died. We visited atrotched winger •monster dove. Sha of the ferocity and barbarity of the u hooding in her hand a @pecimes of the Tartar. !Next approaches the car repre- feethered tribe. Around and about her neuting are prlands and festoons of rare flowers, coLCM.rs and nestling everywhere are represen- tetorninc from his Ent voyage. He ratites o! the festhery kingdom. ahs appears as relating his story of discovery whole rise out of • mammoth shell, beau uo Ferdinand and Isabel, who oscopy fel in form and finish. Following this the teat throes 111aiId w,rriora ars pros gallant warriors, ey lied lie gaily standing guard on either side and to the desked chargers They aro carrying rear of Columbus and directly within the shield and armour and standard., sur- ps of the king sod Qumn lie the net muonted by the thole, cgrncloding Aa ices of the new country, together with raglan's triumph and the first division of pieces of g..Id, birds, cotton, had .any the royal pageant. The prucwains of ' euriwities which proved too Kumon musicians and t mend tial •ccuunt of their novelty snd the streets ed t .?ant astames fol elevated throne, aoppore d by hi[hly Berharroses hurl upon the tritiated pears Probes, Aurelian's favorite gen- trustworthy attendant. Over and •tore e:GL The chariot in whish ke u driven rues sa •rti thojI, eoristmeted •reh, on is • massive vehicle d az tient architec- the summit of which rises th• figure a tore, showy, and inlaid with preswus •a archanrsl, with flaming sword and woods, brilliant lid oostl7 materml. piaiou., Next • 1 ip. ext •p pavement of the vestibula, stands • ti. latera • eat• at s .hence, both u. the Polies el.groatrse* and Aad it farther provide that -- friends ..f , who are not aware NTM fair raise of the board sad I•de- tel the trove pennon .,/ Oleos, we tan state that .11 nob es the es palet ef as wages be co ' above must be taken by',wor Vers lir or included se forpart et do $2b0." ether promoters, amd that do duties • The amount wbW the of the magistrate are to receive, hear is assessed is +wt tamable. His ..lame is sod determine peel sut:armatw•ns es soy plawd upon the ...Gesse t roll for the be laid before bias. He teas nothing sale purpose of g&itnt kiss m vete. The whatever to so with boutieg up eases must lake as .armatiee► is lid evidence. -(Clinton New Era tor' provided by Statute. and the Swnaraoaw Sroce Noir. - W. J. ammo" r r"mP•t.1ed h7 law to tits Id' ass, id the L enders rood, he• ed:b th+ obese toter printed (.t the ea eft ttgg gai Ike rsestictpdity), sand to eke thea fiiliR • herd inyt week : e flus theE1-bar.1 him when mewed un his work of masa. herd this wok :-Thu. moons when.. Hwa- tee 3s+ry hofiatAaliev lo emelt thea lett, Elmhurst, sic the 10 srasttsa dd Royal •hi mooicipalsxy two s oda This ep., Elitaherst, prior $100 Royal E1y►uM P Beery Ike drier fur toay new rotors. ofdi l only • se "son" includes ' "grandson," of tate first Arias herd of any breed ; his had ,.M„1 -iii be..'' and iM; weed, "lend - dem, Mat: prize l uI Unhorse f Ih, took wed, issltds "100.18*," so Al* too rhe float prig is her Sass. amid the int prim for the best animal oa the ground sone of toms* mol vet•. , Yonnefy ef hay breed or my are, and wee ■l.o in th5 ef l.r18r,l' goof to tete tD. Brit prize herd. W. Lstw imp.wter wan Be .fat b7 t. . , at (tri and bre.der 1t Shorfhorw, tit glary.. trltteb tks int int wee /coat?. f t purchased two animal* from the same • R. i• w a toe Dorm/ .taupe hos .d mak,.umia ...a By the Ontario Act of Mt nuns, bow - calf, Hole• Been e' °""et « tests... in .tam i.many five rizeI winners inn Matchless s • t _it WO all t e pews who are 1 1 Boo• Elmhurst, .oeeatedd io eargittg Ul P! fee the past twelve esouthe, • the A.ws- ls. art tM pyevittesal meet Roll ea k desire ing re•sived by lied pprsoo to to ksll i 1 I the U. S. barracks and drill grounds, (:/neral Jackson's headquarters, the Jackson monument, rice and sugar p•tn- tettons, fields of onions, green, an im- men. grove lit ancient live oak and pecan trees, mangolia and orange trees and tropical plants, Fort feauregard, Bit. Bernard cemetery, containing tombs over 100 years old, and Ch.ha.tte ceme- tery (.. t), where 1ie buried 19,000 soldiers representing nearly every State in the Urn n. There were gtany other sights too numerous to mention. rta[rar's PARADA. '! he fifty-first annivere.ry of the New Orleans fire department tcok place last holiday. In the ppaarade there was about one thousand volunteer 6rertten, oeh company headed by a braes band. There were thirty bands, over one hundred of as fine horses u ever man laid eys en, twenty-four steam engines, elaborately derehated• and four hook and ladder tracks, officers and citizens in carriages, etc. The precession .. aboot three nobles long, and very beautiful. Sunday is the wrest day f..r busines and pleas- ure. Open and theatrical troupe com- taeete their t*, the stores and saloons are open - baseball gamce borne amp in ez rasp had from which tb.y naw. lows. Some are dieoouninr p•stan -c . LCTw[a AT Thr Din OF wo11rB music, while .then carry ►•niers, •turd- .rds and other devics of • suttgeolive is.tb. sstt wbjost 1 es the •batacter. -- - - i at end Imo w is 111m4gmet J4i. Tas srnaD Diol.°, here arddressing the emperor and •utsa- of the pageant . grand historical i bled dignitaris of the Roman chunb. scenes beginning with Hadrian's persteu- The scene oecun m • chamber of t►r palace of toe emperor. The lefty arches, tion of the (hrstana He a bare re spiral columns, and the gorgeous sur- preseoted as sated benatb • g.rgeuw mending. o.orstitutes • beautiful and canopy with attendants oon either side effective bDleaus. and gazing with satisfaction oa the bar eche Ise. ear rat lbs request. of Rex baroas ap.ct•ele MI'.w. On t1. •dere with •II it. gold a.d Titter had scarcely beoeseh is ropreonted the manyrclum when a great excitement amongst of s Christian mother and her child, tht ea'e roved heralds the .ppro.ch of the • bulb of whom beta ie.n thn,wo bo aha comic orwmratiun, "Th. Independent took BM prise at tM 1511 plow, turd al- l0„ dAoldad's res► also votes, tied the word ! cal. h nod rat the bead me .1 the wild beasts. The child rias gases and suck tiehting, all gather .• )and of the Moon " There wen twelve ahead fallen and lie• Maeelh the ser are with scenes and .masks, forming a crowd of spectators on that day. - w. ri.ITR4 Twt ritr sod had the pleasure of 'smog the no - mho vpr-end. of o ur 1'ncle's useoufactur- ing the "almighty dollar " They stamp 10,000 silver dollars every day When one million is damped it is stopped by ezpres W V''ubington NARD1 ORO.. Tuesday, March 9. The people of the Crescent City have Myon themselves over to mirth and fes - fictions. Maskers appear and promo - gime parade the streets, multitudes are Wang p.tiectly to see the pageant of an, King of the Carnival, and to tet a ere of his royal highness. The tel this 5ntraeutag pageant ie divided into two divisions, the first re- ties Aurelian'. Tnemph. The rzear is the procession is laden with golden treasures from Asia. Here re pre.sited oro the emblo.ns of war, armorial b.sri ee, shields and .pears, pod the aee.sssSted wean h fr..m demo D oted shrews. Sawed roma and Ten - amble and neo, the golden e we aged, the sphinx. and mike. lanae, tae.. and garments both nn and *east. T. seated w is freighted with isdise riches in the centre. or - positive' the pori«.«.w oa the cites" (toga of its mad assailant, while very comical procession, and furnished the mother who bad .eters "pared to ,much amusement to the spectators. it witness the heart -reading rune result was applauded all along the route. The big in the death 111 her little one, is now crowd now disperse, dehwhted with the The • to the same dread 1... gorgeous procession they had just wit - The whole eondituta a the hand end ne.od My 1111.. is getting leo k6.111.ptetnro of at let one off the methods of will continua Mardi Gran in my neat. persecution in practice in early yen of But before closinv 1 want W tell you Mia Christian choreic The seemed car where to stop if you ever coves to New in the division rprs*enh Goons We found the place, and it i. • fine one. Good. Targe, well furnished rooms, a very pleasant, good-looking lady to see to our comfort, and three very charming and •eonmplished young ladies who would make any person fol at borne in their house oy their kind words, genial manner and visiting smiles. It is No. 260 Magazine street, New Orleans, La. A. I. Mc Cletwoe. ea ed Time rotor... There is no other remedy that has stood the tad of time en long hag Hag- yard'syellow Oil for , aeer- slam, *M Vel, plink in the obese, colds. arm", sore throat, deaf/ow and most mantel abetiese. 2 Yetnhaata ase sopa ..oder mit Ream, Lebwo Fre e. t• flit pristwl st Mrd lid. ter eorvery Ilttle ...r+ t►ae tr.. aw..r.t11 'raj s"ieess ri( TAT1A'r'■ TRIRtirw He ia standing in a profusely ornament- ed war clones drawn by four .taps, guarded by Roman legionurts and pre ceded by • espty• Ion. Larh•rian pro cows and the spools of the «corral. Beide the thanet march two standard bearers of the legion. The procession l is paring over a stream o r ricer, the bridge aa which has been sneered by • splewl0 -arch of Bowen springing with pillave 1 with wreaths, and i 1 by faeces The marble olemn• d the fear .tanners t 1 the hrid support frier embiematieal 1* - arse Fo.towttswgg the ear 1 /cu r iae's .gleed id trtempb tableaux t'0 tT•R•1wa t'Ra1715 &Marr 11 Obis m stediag ysd out side the eaaetrq d • Greek ceoeeb trims the qts •young wMro tee t is.aeesvd enter ]ilssbur i Tth, sod ib. 10 twat.rld tm. or tows• fur calf, mOld ates i. hM, pries SOO. and iu visages amid towasbipe for lore he asap d Malehhms prim Here ►w .lata who boys road with a great .asap first prism beth in her owe taro .MiUd to be phased Pert elan sad elm sinew,. iS lder • mss. The Indsstrisl sad Wedelns Pei* Match-- "Ludbslder's me else is - less 19th's sire sad dare ware imported tides in 1* tbeasiel s dee►eo18. vend. fees the heeded Mr. OrsohMoek. Sit- sow. or etooto•iaws who may have .0 jl -Mew Pita roiled with {j♦-gg„Gsd landholder. tyros, Aberdeen, io tlami -( Six ant' , , .,, shone. daring 21210. the year dyes bet prevent tee name tram _ e being enteed. It is very desirable drat Simon Peatlasd. of Donessson, •'mei one retitled w Tota shesM hew to the Methodist church hen tin silo• watered epi the Arsssagett .preached $pedal. His text sae. "As to Adana R'i'lla itt the first intents, sod ttpt treat to .a appeal .iterw•rds wbinh sill /b- ae herr died, erre . e ChM shall all "4" "sa.Asvable troekis. Orli*** b made alive" Hiesertrt••o was well dr- asth5 eaamttteea a 5.517 gig "lb' lowed, on be gives promise of • menet dviwos, so that the .'ars• Rt roll b' mime He has been 1 obi* iron will contain the .1 eyed the 1u rterh board for tM ministry. liberal in tie riding add beIlit 111i 1t . es pp. r*ftset m pnribl•. =set that defeat ere win Kieellar, sad half anter te lean et irk mad =i8. 1 w help. M reef 1Lt1 anA 5•. eamnt...ad gee Mtn Mrr, W. Laskai is , away. hinges on vigilance in attesdi.e to the assessment rolls had voters' luta. A few i R R Symo.d• ie shim w t» about days active work now on the part of local i 1 again alter a overt illness'.O.ntmittees had Ile irttlw •t half won Gen. Donaldson leaves for the Nurtb- All toe friend• of gond guvetnoeat ib west some time this moeth. Ontario should soder asistanee in this D. McDougall is home again. He all important matter. leeks well after the severe trials he has -- atedergooe lately. Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Ki•lces, teen - anon w- ow. ty lit Bruce, in a letter. says 1 " I have Fur two years I was troubled with hese troweled with Dy'apepsia aid Liver dyspepsia-rrold neither labor nor find complaintsEur a num.»r • t pan, and butt) t B B B am glad to say to the public as well as retie.. Less In nae' e ° friend. that McGref"r • bpe.d► Core. retuned w- bottles cued ms" So usd' and I am Only all iL I I f F Ile brought me sort Burdock Bitten lure firer and kidney , . ,, and all peeiliea "! tea system. that this ts trul n ton 1 y, - Sluggish 'ver Bilious a e Core - sees J^BloodABitte . u educt. • rignt,theeks to M.Grwtor'a Speedy Cure. 7 Hundreds of like testimonials aro fie - brie received, and are dad( proving w o orf u( retaed 9M RAN mms.ttee. coring aggr H dash _ slid Costivsaame. when all sloe fails Sold The knoll•, is and oat of r • . 1, at Geeing Rhin s drug stere. Trial bot will be glad when the Red debate Is des given free - They profess to believe that the Protestants of Ontario will unite to yon- What is meant by a " Chinook I" The i.h any man who doss not heartily lip- term is often used on both sides of the prove of the hanging of Rel. Asa mat- Atlantis, it as deebttul whether its es- ter of feet, it is not characteristic d an set .,p,,,ft-anee a at all generally wader - educated, Chnsttaro people to hold re- stood. be. G. M. Daws.'. is . letter to ointment against • man who h. expiated • .cientibe cowceep.rsry, hoe oorreoted his Offences, great tar small, with his life, ono or two prevalent mis•nnotntions. especially when his partnere in Crime 'As 1," writs Dr Di -twigs, .:ave made hue • sespeemt. Mir lobo "the Chirarn.l- is • straw westerly wild. becoming at tees almost a gale, whish blows from the d'notion •of the mountains out screen the 'Adjacent plains. It is ex- tremely dry, and as onepared with the removal winter, m• war Such winds mew at irregular intervals during the winter. and are also nut infre- quent in the summer. bet, Ming cool se compared wleb the average suss•er tam - posture, are in then oat recognized by the same nape. When the ground is covered with snow, the effect of the wind in its retorted is mar- vellous, us, owing to the extremely deeie- ested maddening tate air, the new may be said to vanish rather than anat, the moisture being licked upas fast as it is produced." introduction to the Prisoner of Cbilluo, Macdonald can command • majority in says : - the present Parliament on any passible "Eternal Spirit .t the chalet"' Mad' Brightest 1a d=ie thea art question, because he owns more than hoe the the 1• Ube bear. - half the members. But his head tis The bean, wltAi love of the alone can MO :MOM, when M thinks of why he hanged Tad wins thy gene to tette are ono To flee amd tate damp man. holes Kiel.—{Hamilton Times. flee eeas'Aers with their mart,.- A Ruts Rsrznr.--Fur c•ag1►e, iulh• Tb dens.'ma and all regent ends, Dr. Harvey'a Yes, their country has . wit► Soetbern Red Pisa Doe't let • noegb their They aro in durance, t..w troodeeoree when a see be tehw,- today - but the rights for whish they ed and cured by this nmody at the sail were fighting have been acknowledg ort of 25e. Bend eeip tit /lace• pis - W. have rod the report of the oummirsrus scriptiee dreg stere lag' yet, bat we know that more than two _ • thousand claims so k.rg denied have been A Tory erase charge§ Nara. Mr Mowat at lest it in . And more dill mora with "r",_,and ate• ily lerdisg (Marie d We have. it in the speech from the throne irate bankropta7 Thew ie sbs.Iutely ne that at lareprem"utton is to to grant- reed Inc 5501 as aeCMattufa rtgainst ed to those territories. This std. of the " 1 d Ilse sister pmvrwea Ilous• long fought, but fought in vain, t., obtain that measure of justice. 1t umtairserteltjys.earjw,asks what uLG Hemet, et WIheSberg- 0•t," Idad toed not acme .len. Din it tame after be Reiu by the eircalttios d tr'Aab sot pow a well day - was all broken dews the war ; t mime as the last oI say t of suck r that, sed adds that, "ea neatly with dysp5ps• lire, oossplaint, c.terrh the. And .rain I say that everybody kwewa, theMowat Genera- and deli it ty. Thaw doctors abandoned their country has c.'go look t thithat theft toes. "I______, pdmit s r.tlow tlr+••, w the hope fox me, whoa Beranek Mend Rt - and if w. Irick of oien nee "`"•"1"1""r""' ort all tee level Govern tors come to my reels e.It is the beet faet alone we have cause sufficient, is eve - amnia is the Doeieion. Ii other pro thane 1 have tier takes I say this for dependent ..f all others, to mond Away viand Governments could show ea good the benefit rel all selering as i did." 2 to the one who is dead and to thea • resar'd he this r.spot, erne of theta - who live. _ reser The Mnotrs,l Bore:. shocked at the A lar plan awrMwa. "For tet " says Jessie M ps el•r coaBdebee Thanks a trend ../sere re due to Mr. Blake we most If /mean's Worm Powders require an ibm• rill* y Prow*say, for taking Sir John 1NaclnnahI in odes, Pergstire. They are safe and sore Pref. How's Sulphur fkrep M hiekly.re- teak fir the bussrswry v►1eh M talks ie. 'to remove all retinae of Worms. he 1 led for the /pre of Erspiwe, England and .Akk puts trethh,tag Chafes, Chapple hands, simples, Tia, mai awaJty hold 0..trdimns 1n .khan. tea tai D.the EOglhsh .wall, believe that we .lays Dream ' She knows her seas, awed whoa yeti rant In the history ns nopreps Derr r array wt holy timecard .wen, sadd swear ration has received es area pp►eMeetly erpnised Wad reedy to ebbe the On draw yore to ler with a Ought hair- raendatio.n. for the •li•wiatire it .cords MAI h their movie., That we are bdM- Bat it motet be heastifel hair to have and the pereasnere eine it mato In klad• int` • navy fee thee, sad that we've God power ; had mamma' hair esukri iv/dsesae.s us hie. Vas Sures'. Kiang hereto, a shed ter Mem' ie. &nada.• arid seemed try the tied 01151.1.01 Heat Cera its miles ilk .001, eietiminf. AEgb•es wan 1 Alice nti, they do. Lawns. 5.14 et Wets. by 3 W plana eoeplaint• is simply weecterfot Sold 1 eine, they pee Rte Joliet Madan .Id t' • ha b, J. Wilma 2m .greed Orae d 111. iDdi-(Te Week. !gp.,, ,, aka ..a vcE J 1 1 4