HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-26, Page 1IP
WHULK •UAlt$b.R tiles 1
Is psblisb.d every Friday Mursiusk W M4 We-
011.1.40Usier Naos.. st their Utlos. newt!' at
Ass is desr.teb.d to all Parts of the .arrow{
tai oosatry by the earliest malls .ad tests..
Titt(N.-$LIF Is advice, po.t.R• pro -paid
hJt oMWers; tit.7f. 1t paid before Ina sheathe
sew U set se paid. TI* rale will M Wetly
r Rare' elr A -- nutlet oasts pe
las fee ares la.sstiaa ; three scats per tea
each aubseeseat Insertion. Yearly. ball yearly
sad quarterly eseta'asta at redwood rates.
JOO ►RUTtne... ere bare alsss,esastaas
+ebbing department is cosnecteos, mad preen*
les tbs molt oemptete Der at sad beet facilitl..
tar taming oat wart 1s Aoderlee.aretwvp.red
*do bsstsras ita* of am ties el gest miaet4
vanees _- Teems
lethal ,
MID- AY. wawa I* , INR
Otis ought to ddy heir int
Sir Julie Macdonald, lib..
holds the idea that private soldiers are
merely food for powder, and that the
geoernl is command should receive all
the honors and pocket all the smote
Tea Torcasio World, • streets National
Policy organ, doesn't think monk of the
"talented-' member for East Heron
Eters is its leteet eta -meant upon hie, and
• pretty hard knot it is :
"That's right, show them up," streak
ed Mr. Farrow, who hes the repet••ioui
.4 beteg . hoer interrupter in the hones
although his neighbor, Mr. Hewn. rues
him pretty clues make a strung
tam at this kind of w
Tea bauWses N. P. baa been weeed
rid in the house of a friend The Haynie
too Spectator, in a fit of candor, says :-
When ler. Fees referred to the oatortto•e
aa/ of the greedy mewoothts
wee own ewes With. 0.. ori.et sot halo
tainting that As erssdy is Car-
ed. weold be ~wets/ to wfeed Were**
epee mr. rem for beat rheas it sec( Wei.
Weare glad to use that the befogged
veaion d h. Spretator, w tar as matters
d putiti.ei economy are concerned, is
clearing up. But we believe the Specta-
te. blurted out the truth by accident.
Tag saw Oiutarin irsockw bill was
iotrueleeed in the Menem Legislature
before the Dominion franchise bill wee
introduced in the Heine of Gammons
1w his circular to the municipal ct.uueils,
-fudge Toms says • " 1 should say that
the Ontario and Dntniui•.n fraaochise acts
wall give about an equal number of
teem- The hats for 1886 soli be the
only Lair that can be made
.s to the roach of these reel franchise
A acts. They are both far trent being For -
feet ; and the lh,saussuw law is very un-
fa;rly devised
Ohs contemporary, the Star, has bion
entail t.. adroit the fest that Mr. Me -
:or el*, of L.oIdo., did nut make that
Iit1hl1 ors ecti.wrvy speech after
alL Tbs truly good editor has evidently
tot through with his .bare of the voters'
lista for West Huron, and will once more
try to straighten up the taws e1 the
paper, which has sadly under
the baleful iufl•>enoe of the "hired
-71te!--•mare wretched Bohemian than
when it woad be dtieult to ind.
JUsss Rose pew th. editors • kit in
hi address to the grand jury on Men -
da,. W. verily believe his lordship had
the Mail --its ...mersault on the union
ys..tios. and its burring of the " iron-
ol.d agreement" --before him, when he
E° s couNTY NEWS Lam.
Tem Liberal osudidete in Drums/wed
and Artbahasea has been elected by •
/ MC011,1.I( 1'ULY DROP t't•suru.M
c 111.,4 A till tet 1% AbVAKta
A BIG "HILL OF INA WHAT'S UP? tow for ducks," se the saying is. It I Hart W8lreMOSA,
The /rid' Osnadiun, last week favor -
has always been the aim of the l...csl
ma er,t of about 300. The Toryart , Things pp. 1 It nldlow•n has purhased a Litt.
j 7 F 7 ed "The McGillicuddy" o[ lea tirOsaL O••ter0m.nl to ►ave, at any rate, .
y•' T1un That Are Happening Uurham bull.
,n Quebec is doomed. with • few flattering remarks editorially, Around the one Conservative member nn the board The .nsea.or is ..n his rounds. gad
for which "The Mct't!Iicuddy" is duly of commissioners, but thus far although dogs are scarce.
Tun Ottawa daily Ree Prete has been {Cam Welsh intrude building a new
enlarged, and has donned • new draw of
grateful, of costae, acrd haate0s to return
compliment, with that courtesy so
barn nest summer.the cosh
type. The Prot Press is an excellent p y [tory Audera..a and Robert Stewart
paper, and is e perfect m•[••awe el re-
liable political knowledge. We wish it
a still further tueseure ,( suooesa.
the appointment has been offered to
several, no Tory commissioner ata be
°Maimed. It is to be hasped a full board
--I don't mew a "fell board" -will
shortly be secured, sad then I'll keep
my eagle eye un inspector Yates, aril
look to him fur results.
-I haven't heard from my old friend
Farrow, M P., Mem Dr. Msedoruald was
selected as the Grit nominee for East
Huron, but I expect word frogs Ottawa
every day. Macdonald is a real, lire,
active, wide-awake, snappy, intelligent
fellow, a fighter from Fightereville, s
platform orator of no mean order, and,
from what I know of the eatuatloo, will
give Farrow an &aesthetic at the next
Rev Da. Beasts, of the Hamilton
Wesley's Ladies' Collage, save en ad-
dress at . gathering et Irishmen at St.
Lints, Mo., on ahs 17th inst. •Tbe rev.
doctor, who is a bold ad Imiginal Mind-
er. with a bet hta% it grolid on the
question .J Hu. ARB for Ireland.
We vie shortly give some extracts trim
his able addrsi..
Tats Landry motion has beet defeated
by • iiaj.tity of K The Liberals did
not make it a party question, and the
T..ry bene. in Qeebee resulting from this
tricky vete wiU be very hoary compered
with any Tory gains is Coterie. Mac-
donald has woe more over reached bim-
anif, Bake has out 1 hist on
the Riel question after all, se the _coop-
try will shortly see.
TanHandwo Teary oma syr :' \\
"Mr. Blake rude into adios lasi* ea
the cry that the Ma cdo.alei-Cartier gos-
.rntssist was Is y for sot per-
t rote. t►. impossible task of c&tcking
Reel cad banesg hist."
This is news to w, sad will prove news
to e•eryoue in Canada exoept the sapient
editor of the Hamilton Tory organ Will
the Spectator be repaint, and kindly ,y
whoa that ere.•1 took pias
Aims Rosa has • peculiar habit et
closing his eyes when delivering a jedg-
msot, "Mole [tees his fate a tither
trainee like aspect. Bet he Dever pluses
ni• eyes to the soundness of any arra
insist brought L•rward, end has already
toado the reputation of being a fair and
t.wparti.t judge, with • fine . ,
h quick d t, and • deteatetaon
of the 1 criminal class. W.
understand Judge Ruse is fast win-
ning the respect of the bar, wh•la he is
a terror to "tweaks."
Solna time see the Orange Rentiesd
seated that it had never peblmh-'d any-
thing that 'right!, construed could be
made to appear that that eternal bad
ever asked for the hanging of Riel as an
offset to the murder .t1 Brother Scott
M C. Cameron, M P. for West Huron,
gars s few,of Me required Mistimes from
Tor Sweatier Crewdrd ewe is. Rule
Fsr,m.etaed ereubeleg7 Tbarsaa lee
most nerea-
oh•recterutic of the chivalrous Irish race intend going t, Manitoba this week.
JonathanBently, who Rut hit leg
fractured, is now able te go around ow
A new Orange has been started in this
township. They hull their meson's is
the t teen's hall.
The rerieal meetings at Hoover's
church are still continued. Converts ars
numerous Ibis year.
Jams • Mc lie) as preparing to move
into his new house, sod it is expected
that • =will be held at the dedication '
e1 tee hone..
Themes Potter bee pereiemel a free ! - •
flmdyyeeaarr old silt from Mr. Tannest fur the
landeogeek•Tannestme sum of $190. Thomas ikea
Georg* Oilman is mmeeed to draw
milk to, Belersve obese. limitary tbis sem -
ar- He hes perslmesd a milk wages,
and is makitat pteper tiooe-
As R. Gibson wet retursiog home trete
Mutcb's dance, ma driving ate pretty •
fast rate, three of the oeeerpaats .4 bis
rig were throws sat, but all secap.d with
slight injuries.
Thomas Boas has been buying more
cattle. He has a good number ►beady, s
and .11 are in the best order. He has ,
bought e.renl sines l..t fall, and is pre- t
paring to sweep all before bin at the tali .1
There are some thieves &{mod here
helping themselves to wood and otbee • -
&rttelee. Jas. McGowan had • sroaaeut
saw taken out of kis hush, and Oreg. ,
McGowan and Hugh Russ had wood stoles
one night last week- We pity them
poor drupes if Davis gets a clew of
Ou Friday bight of lad week • very
enjuysb:e Was was spout at the reedewce
of R. Mulch, 3rd cos., in tabooed pleas-
ure. A large gathering_ {tea 1.
Notwithstanding the bad Mak Yi the
rain severs/ cane treat a distance. Marie
and dancing were the proceedinp of the
Dight. The music was excellent. Joh.
Dingwall, of Blyth, played the bagpipes,
and hi. friend, Alex McKay, of Kintail,
denoed the Bilden' fling in the bed of
style, and everything went well until the
morning dawn dispersed their pleasure
and broke the festal sane. It was esti-
mated that over one hundred were prrs-
ent,and we might say that everyc.ne went
home satisfied with the night's pleasure,
being the best of the esseon.
I from which he sprung The O'Boyle,
of the Irish fltwadiun is slightly astray -
when he imagines that T.a _Sweat has
as exalted opinion of The Kelly, of
Blyth, or M. C tsiceron.
M P., for the shuulder•bit which he gave
that worthy at St. Thomas We have
already given our views r z that phase
of the eoatroversy, and will net waste
words epoch the hero of the Londeatxav'
meaty bridge "job " Ws in Huron --
English. Irmo, Scotch sad Dutch -know
Peevish Kelly tar better thee The
O'Boyle of the (,medico, sed can get en
iaf.Emation on his repot tine for trin-
e* er jobbery from HIM S.uree. But
leaving Kelly and Matt. Walsh, l:us-
tiq•is's secretary, to one side, The
McGillicuddy wants to pay his respects
to The O'Doitehue and The O'Boyle.
The latter, in last week's Gzn.ivan, de-
n tes that be ever was bought up by Kir
John Macdonald- If that be w, why
doss not The O'Doeoho. and Th.
(Yieyle refute the charge which has
.bass fastened spun them by tae /lun-
treal Post, et having sold out to Sir John
in 181121 Why does not the Canadian
deny the O-Duoehos diackwres of the
Poet, sad show (1) that the better and
sale never took place ; or failing to prove
that, (2) that The O'Boyle was not cheek
by jowl with The O'D000hee ii. the in-
famous tranasotiva' Of course it turn-
ed out that The O'D000bos and The
O'Boyle did not own the Irishmen of
Canada, and The O'Donobos, in conse-
quence tberarof, didn't get his full mesa
of pottage, bet The O'Boyle was more
fortunate, and from that day tc this hes
teal liberally st the public crib. By the
report of the Auditor G.iwral for the
year wbichended J•ne3Viis, Milsonei hod
that the Irsah Co+ludswn received for Gov-
ernment advertising mor"the'• any .other
paper in Toronto except the Moil The
Irish Canadwn which is a weekly publi
cation received $502 25. while the thou.
World gut 5477.60, the dally Telegram
$272 ; the weekly Orestes Q winel.
$83 25; the weekly Cdristien Guardian.
$52 70; the weekly Kesngslical Church-
man, $6.66; P $22.20; the
Horning Setts. $82.50. The Mail, • f
course, tc.k the lead with 51296.96
worth of advertising, bet it will he see.,
thatthe weekly d weekly
meu.MvS era.
the Sentinel in his mttsiieent Ilpaeeh on , ,II other daily and weekly 'ta►rw.
the Landry motion. intlt_llitd6 i and We think The O 1loyle tri 1 Ina
ether Torr or(ans-tete Oodsrioh Ater, salty in proving that he hadn't fed w. -It
amongst the nusober-ileo 4411sd that at the public crib for his "patriotism" in
Orange influence had bees used to fens- 1882. In rep ytee '.. sem. stricture. in
tests the a>f mercy to - the Boston Pilot, The O'B .ylo sale
Riel by the jury. The reselut►onsof the the success of his sdvuo•cy of the Part
Orange !ideas, the Orange ee•itioos to aeil
renders him "oblivious
Ottawa, sod the motions of the lodges of the fact that his share of the 0..s --
congratulating the G t upon nunient patronage duet not areu.ont to
having hanged Riel, look very Tench as
the talus et • `bill of benne ' " The
it the Raos sad Revert.. bating sea O'Boyle wasn't aware that The McOs h -
altogether on the Orange Tory side of middy wan misnaming the Au.Ittor
the Bosse. The hanging 01 Rill wee, General's Rupert, anal h.4 ds.toover-
after all, • peace offering to the Orange d that the Irish Canadian had been
party by Sir John for having harked the pap -fed lis the eaten, of 5602.26. dor
Orange i , 1' bin, wbioh wog ing the year last everted..., he wouldn't
- I see the *for still continues to
"bear" the market so far as my gentle
"breezes' are concerned. The organ of
refinement dvoda !approve of ay "bar-
room style." Oh, dear ! no. The style
of the "nigger slew interlucott r" is
about the grade to salt the editor of the
Stew, and of course it would be useless
for me to make an old dog change his
bark. Still I latter myself that as nosy
rand what I have to say, as do his weari-
some Iucubrataons ria current events, and
1 intend is continue to keep up with the
peace scion, and cheerily carol u I go, 1 shahs. I'se of eviaios that the bsnskee
is already raisin the mourning cry for
Farrow is Rad Huron.
-Therearse a number of matters preg-
nant with important results to the gee -
oral public that I weld like to minted -
vert (that's • good weed) upon this week,
bet already I bare ovetren the spathe
'allotted me by His Serene Highness the
High sed Mighty Potentate whom
word is law on the columns of Tee
Btowee. and fearing lest the presiding
geaiva of the waste beaket would again
curtail my rellacteses, I'll pet mit upon
anything that will keep, and tease my
philosophical meditations for the pree-
mie AJAX.
-Tweak*, twtr,kt., tittle Sear.
Mow I weeder whet roe ate.'
-The able•budied gentleman who
superiutends Tse Stomas. weak. basket
must hero got round-shouldered crowd-
ing my brilliant essays into that re-
pository last week. But u I sileed
from the culumne the cheery notes of
"Joie Maywood," of Deplete I guess the
waste basket individual most have been
distributing his attentions all amend ;
and s> I bottle my wrath, and compose
myself for renewed li•erary labors.
- I road, last week, Tea SIGtta1. r re
port of the excellent discourse of Father
M..lphy, on "The Day W. Celebrate,"
and thick a good deal of it myself. If 1
wasn't an ancient Greek, I'd be an Irian
Homs -ruler, but• as I am debarred by
nationality and parentage from cl•imiog
the honor of beteg • llslcsian, I will
simply stand by and wish success to the
cause and a parliament on College Green
speedily to the sons of the "tight little
Lilo." But ancient Greek- and all, as I
see if Father Mnlphy erer comes this
war a sin lied talks loyalty to the land
of his fathers. I and my bout* will lend
Vie of uur countenance to him on
the occasion. You see, the Greeks io
utden tirm were greet lovers of home
rule, and Athens,Spsrts, Ourinth,Thebee
and lots of other little states demon
, toted the fact that se•f-government
maerially ineressed the progress of a
people. But I'd hotter quit right hen,
..r Parnell wi 1 be hearing what kind of
a patriot I am, and may be offering me
en Irish home rule ca..didature. Much
,s 1 would like to serve the Irish people,
there is one drawbsok to s membership
..f the imperial Parham ant for me -there
i. no '..'tons) indemnity --and I must
admit that I have been long enough in
Canada to become 1 of the
plan of full value for serdets rendered.
_But to chsnpe the subject a little,
did any of you notice an error that &p-
peatedto my spring carol last week. 1'11
wager a weak a salary against • bite of
hay that wash of you did. Well, then,
111 %e5_lus-- \The prisMF made me say
chat die °iieallotoa weds twittering on
reltkrd it Into etc *divert and newt- - egitsaed by B.G. Joie *lits, M.P. for Irbve made seek a date.ne et The
papers wise would not "speak out hen- Hastings, a few sesames age. amonnt received from Government by
is tee subject." The imn.e•d — The O'Boyle wooed purchase a mighty
joke, however, overlooked one element Tus Tory means are busily engaged large "hill of beans," a hoe herd of
is the proowltatiori of strikes Tricky waiting epitaphs for M. 0. Osmose. is swine to furnish pork for his bane, and
lawyer do more than editor' to bring... Walt Hume-endit's 1•tnttweee week. would Lave a
iseat-kao in the blink after
striker. large retainers have often con- t •••, for them. In the meantime the a decant had been given l.)
strained able but unscrupulous lawyers at -tuber fee West Hemet doesn't weary the Parson faad-
to eesneel rich and [reaping oorpnrataeas is well dolor. bet **aliases to ,.sail the
Mw to eyede legal obligations, ant this a oemy at leery opportunity. We know
The revenue of the Oedtjrlcb post
has hese see of the most prolific sources a. mer► about the feelings of the people mare for the year althea nib Jeae,
of dissension between employers aad of Wast Aures se any of the Tory organs 1886, was $6,148.71_ The number of
their workmen.that have given v.e
oice on this gsesti., mon.y ordwe issued fox 'he year was
a,d n ase sen .aid axgaws that if 1.441, and their value. 546,113,45 Or
dors were ached to the amatent of $18,
We hey* been welting patiently to nee they think IL 0. Osmews is a poelitical 342.78.
the Med, Hamilton Spectator, Ia.ndon e,rp� thy war, ..we, mon ly
r rte. Prise or even our local Tory echo., stases out iris ballad tette of the Tana Reason West -Tbe follo
atreagly deonence Landry, of Moot supposed demi.. of t"iim'intrigue eke been the Mitchell Adeeo.ts is very ep-
meg sy, for bringing in a motion eewae, livid oe erste, anted ;" and berths, fa- pr'opiate"As anon .. me in
�a that tete SSlghbaws vowel" . meUt, eoe,i&I, suppsr or other hoorah .entertain
ing flit Joh* M.id.waald and his Gov -1 u M i M the .s the a mmittAk
se pays a vie-
erwesent for the death of Risl, but thee p.y the lent respects te the stigma Aa is to tee loose paper, and wise the „wet.
far we Mee waited i. vats. Th. Tory I Kritemeet seem, and • fight took pl..ae say of the press, in the shape of giving
r•i.h is he
their set of Hon wA-. in the bust", of the apeetabms. the items good free puff, to be estended,aal
otrg•wa ere •
bap' the editor will give them sea g Bloke anal M O. 00,1 ‘40.0". M.P.. for "este lamented- .rasa tad sherd Ant { she wl .e the of air coma' nS7
.-artist the resolution o1 o'wwre, the metre of eerily ones is tlhe t sestet, Tay i'•aris►ly tetget 1.. reser. the
wad ter giving .•ideast of tits faith abet And se it will he with IL a Owns. • wrM+y exteede4
•mby 44.4Puseto tbsa;lentthetausw►onNsdjerhe 1' ...fWattBares,eethetttme+p°rt p'.on &y T.tnier and O H. Cobhlediek, an ag ; mu.losl itsthe rseohtioa woe.. sr>seathed �'ToT organa. think he ke peN eaNy dead dot.wt hint the NbrieAwbiyt is bT mating thin there wore •'siva lows Mrs nwrnn, Pt i gduth Remiss, J Herman aad M. Me11r,e aup,tt74nes the 16.vara it&.ria►ewww rt.....r -• ---- ��.. -.pollee.Manes ; reeitatietr by Cowen and Lin
feretbl. with Leeflry m the, do eit11' Orr word for /1, he is the liretieet pa tti- eel, rsmsmb&red that a rep'.tse% tune List, bat l tai t ay -- -,_ J Ki47l our popular teamster, looked field. A- S rMOMha were made 1'y Mr
Astra 1 Li La.dry a "healer ' like cd subteen the, goer hal to dal with. is valuable, sod the eastern adopted. is [ w novae thaeslay has hew ttlo- rather forlorn last week, a he had to Hwthe iii Sera. --Ti ; " i i j ; htws'Wf welt
A,ti.t 1 or is he merely mowing a begee in all large towns sad .hots, et &steno' - owned on 6htiag the boated of Ilene' try bachelor life, aa.d was not a s handy pleased with T
d teed Mr. the renal eeuet,mies to the poses p ler lbs riding At the u inlet ern. Mrs IL tem visiting her Stewart, W.0.1E.
R'e Isa►p.
monies as the Inflames of flit Jacks 1 [I O► Asdsa.aia. ysrlti, {kis yarn duan tiler. vr•ooii lett saw touts 1>anents oar iweiwnw. that a ledged if.o. T be termed
the hitter he true. what kind of • figure threw lim.11u , of Teellwmisk, kayo to eesepteeet .f'...as Lei sfatte sot = p,wmjwa tech tears is a member short
Jose Sir Juba wt, u .suuini a vet. of
erasOre to b send s himalf.
geed �� _ rr • .. a .
Henry Philips has returned from the
lumber woods bale and hearty.
We are dad to lana that Mico Mar-
tha Tiffin is recovering from her recent
severe illus.•
Lieutenant Keine and sister lore re-
turned to Gerrie after visiting friends
about Du*gennon and Nile.
Rev. lir. Teener preached a sermee
on danoing on Sunday oreoin¢, oma
damning the practice.
William Stewart, of Colborne, has
gone to seek his formate in Dekuta,
Charles Gerrie, jr., has returned from
visiting friends nese Kingston.
RobertMorris returned to Dakota on
nn the 18th, after a Lew months of visit-
ing friends sreuad this village. He tnuk
a span of horses with bite.
Weare gid to see Charles Bailie is
round again after hie fire week. nurs-
ing of his foot. He looks gwte thin us
it, and dill uses • crutch.
Mr. McKnight had • wood bee Int
week, and got about forty cords out.
Our church choir arranged to take :n
the Ebenezer tameeting. At the time
appointed for starting it was found that
two of the young men did not tuns up,
so the other young men had to aho.lder
the whole responsibility. Wfaatlihe
natter with the absentees 1
Last week we noticed a young man
from our village in Dungannon, mould-
ed on his noble steed. The horse was
bitched to a :utter, and in the cutter was
a lot of Dungannon girls They trick •
circuitous route, and returned the same
day. We su pare they ware taking
the Square," instead of the "rperrntrs dc's of Sam, but they need net ferule*
t themselves. because be is on the lcwokout
twittering on the Square." 01 course I for s young lady in a more southerly di-
interviewed the editor about the mis-
take, se it wooed hare a tendency to
militate sesinat soy opinion aft an ornith-
ologist, and he explained to me that it
was • "clerical erns' -that the print-
er's *Mama iz laa the ,tem had
made the mistake. I suppose the expla-
nation is all right, but it's mighty hard
for me to imagine • ckrse.l error betnit
cesnnuetd by a "devil " The chaps in
the sews/ape, takes have peculiar styles
of parlance It u mere figurative at d
metaphorical, and
plain and devoid of
gusgw d we nowhen
There we called •'pads, • spade and not
an agricultural implement, and the
"hired man ' most have been up to some
hard deals down the wheat
we'd add hooand horns to his outfit,
and allude to him as a fallen &nget,i
Yes. there's a lot to find out before you
eta etanipslsto a pair of scissors seal a
paste pet with detterity.
Hebb. the chap fiat set op the
weld "swallows" monad of "sparrows"
1 it isn't half u
01 a the Ian.
wee on the farm.
Lucretia -D. E- Cameron, of Lusk
now, gave one of the slew lectures it
has been our pleasure to listen lo 00
Thursday evening last, in the Nile Me-
thcdist Church. fur the benefit of the
Iiuodse echuol fund. The subject was,
"The Future of Canada-" The eloquent
lecturer appeared to have the history of
Canada entirely at his command, and
dealt in a very impartial manner with
the political life of today. We were
doubtful at first as to whether s chanh
was the right puce for such an address,
but after hearing Mr. Cameron we came
to the - that the lecture was
worthy of being opened with singing
and pester The lecturer holds strong
views as to the future of Canada, and
his views are ouch es are now ',Stating
the minds tet the yedng men of the Do One
minion. Mr. amerbetel Me closest
attention of the aodienee by his olu-
quence sed reasoning for nearly an hour
and • half. Kew. 0 H. Onhblewlirk very
occupiedahtyoccupiedthe chair. The Nils choir
gave eknice'elections duets.' the even-
�uDyar- dtOa.\
Nim Louisa Oa sseday, of Oliderish,
(.eo. Kobe., )r , after some years' ab-
sence in the %Vast rn Mates, u touting
bis 1rieatda ben.
Capt. Gibson, of Goderich, conducted
the berries in the P. ch utak
last Sunday, Mr. Calvert being on the c®t
sick lid. The captain is always • wee• '
come raitor here,
Ramose.Alex Rapn. of ('onat•nce• visited
here last week, .ad Wath his host, H.
Horton, jr., inspected the fake sod used
the fishermen's nets, It was the filet
time b. saw owe waters frown.
W. C. Stewart joined in tho emigra-
tion of last Monday. going with his
cousins, R. and P Murree to Delicate.
It a bis intention to locate there if the
country suits him. In the social circle
he will Its ranch oilseed, especially by the
fair sex, with whom he was a general
favorite. 1. 0. (1 T., 213, of which be
was a member, Indeed • motive wieldeu
him every success.
tr ;y
CRYSTAL W xt,Dfwo. -- Mr. and Mrs J.
Cook 1 a happy erent of fif-
teen years ago by • social gathering of
frieude ant. relatives at their residenoer
on the 8th inst., when a pleasant time
was .pent by all. The greets wish host
and hostess agulden wedding. A nuntbes j.
d pi ciente were given.
Theennead- wdbd bee oft Rosewont''-=--="-4-
Farm was a decided success, 24 busy -
toilers taking a part with long saws surd,'
azar. The jovial engineer, from Dun •
lop, was present, and at nightfall he sal -
related there were 64 cords sat. That. = *.
Wilgus* of the day were Donn forgotten
when a number of maidens appeared. -
Mr. Foley intrudnoed Mr. Culvert, et •
Sheppardton, whose moon bet all bapp7 �I
feet to mono. for • merry evenirgs
dancing. All wish to thank Mr. and
Mrs Foley for their kindness an/ bispi.
wasted to :Lyme upon the puttee Omt fees"' hi.*ds here last wsek-
some people were in the habit of *ening rah . Vlywman, of Port ttwtsrt, beta
".wallow." srered the Steers. and peretmeed • farm el 50 acres here, {tad
Mimesis to buses* o rename
vented t" drew t$speetor Yate*' state Pmtracled mowers were held in the
tins to the feet in • mild sett of way, Methodist church lad week by 1 .... J.
i. (1. G. T. K-YTRRreINRINT --In spite
of the bed sleighing, the membsn of mks
Nile Society nearly all put in an appear-
ance and took • part io the
"Arabel:ie Poor Relations -as •dialogue
teas rendered in a lively manner by Mina
Jackman, Annie Heyd, .1. Tillie and J.
Saunders, who as contain Josh brnugbb
down We house. His readierr also took,
a did J. Sheppard's. A tri. by Anteet
Boyd wed Margie and Amelia HNhe►-
iftgton was well received- Tbe latter
wig . pretty sone on a sell for
Several teeitatinne were riven, whoa
were nicely renderso', The following d
ser home talent tack part : Ovseie reed
iteigs by J A. McAllister, >l Walton,.
J. * R lie. Mth an Nie htrsrd, sed nwdit►g ►a r at the Nile- With Me 107 tee m'isabs s
hate sppeiekd VW ing sitseded, and Me _- elf text &D J Corneae-, of Usberne. recently is of the uterus! wed, they !void melte
' paiatmutt,' ills teepe•:tor it "lpisg d S7 01.r hie yes el toast. good hornier.