HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-19, Page 8eellillelleemevelee" ...we-- • Or, ABOUT JAPAN. Env. C. 8 Iby, Missionary, on thrs Land °alto Mlikastla 6. a easeseelme erildreeops els the liartb MPISS 1101,6.414.1 4 borrfit Paateret sd dream- ers Lite., A tatty tall erase eallure with • Wee bearJ, and inereote Jan. ey IP, 14.- 18181111 the suureet us hie In Jepan, im thu Nerah wean deth.. hat elouree ors Seselay lee brae.; et wee unite other am. nee C $ .4 T Mee Japes., uee itte wet ketoses ‚.40505. 105 le the thrum', 4...1 • natio.. Moit Mr Large redo -ewe orbiter tbo Nitwits. sae ..oatod enact i:e! &Jarvis &WWI tbr *us it of .0* - 14.1,,. in .31110411. He ..1.1e1444 by earldo- ms' Ins regret eat he ems ree able to imam t..11 olorteb ellen Stet regunted, toot that his reek mow tiou:d lee is 84 were, a auppletneritary weermary were mg. tie would hut sive 1140$00.• bet e ither 4 101.1040.4117 1.4.1. shout the saes - late 111,41) In JAI)* • ()minty, where until lately 160 wurd of iJ..J was but little keine. W14a1* he wee d abode* hence' to Japan. he did n .t thereby patent is needy the eerk dorm in other .:ouutrtua The ..rd el the Saviour was ye watt, .az tA4 world, tout preach the teapot r and that %thank which am - touted WW1 with douse its own work .oilj--*be mirk a$ horse- -- wee nut in quipatloy web the heart of the Master. • It was scandal tu the cburch Cheat that after eight's° corduroys 091041e has been dime ; and that emery the so-called Chrome* cariletrittou eivi bemer rah. 4 than a belp to the of the Gee poi in outside ;meow. Wu hen been praying far years fur an "epee door" that 11".1 weed preach Ike Geapel to the heathen. Three prayers have brats an - leered, amid there is mut a' place Dow i 0 all the earth where the meettangire a the ceosa cermet ge. loses every lead, and almost int,, every city aud town oe this :wean planet, the chunk el Chrtat maw mod its preachers to tell the Gospel story. The church shawl.* mar rise to tbe responsibility of the hoer. The wealth ef the °hurrah fast roaressiug, trod if pet reel end thut wealth cuuld bring a knowledge of the Genet to tee ley snare wooers. and arid in a fe• yens ; but Maenad sof Gat Centeno, weft) putting up rem houses of worship, and bedding up their owe spleadid its; Natation, and genus a mere pauper pittance to the spread the Guano!. le the New Temeinest empluties is laid epee what the (lurch is to do. Its stun ia to "nuke diseiples of all r.ationa." It... for us to rise 14) the 5111418.0117 .4 our duty to this work, to get wit of our own sel- fishnets. and get en spirit of the Laird Josue Ching. We *heted ger nue the ides chat we.are partners *ill. Ood ia this great wurk. sad what we under- stood this, oar busmen on earth would be gleritied into Ileateely become, and there will be less business Litittreit than thine are today. If the &tacit of God would humor OW with gouda mad greater work tor Him, God wooed hector them with Ilia woe. to • 14reer ;tent than now. Rot the church dues rout believe I t .4 eel', and makes ri is liar. It will often be found that whore money is made aud not amnestied to Ood, it 14. - .me. a curse inste nf a blessing, but whew it ta used 1.. tlet hi•ii.,r God, it will he foetid that it hea.mas a blowing t.. owseereed epeakteg directly of eurk 4,. Japer., the speaker seed that if due ;cap was hunted up, it would appear - • as if Japan was a very little place. It is about the same Site es Greet Britain sad Ireland. and ha. whore the num melte tiers ft is true Wry ere heathen, but he cooneelled hie hearers anima falling is to the error th.t they were barbarian* uneducated. They are traitheu oisly in the setae that they ar. iteacquainted witb kneeledge .4 Christ. Just es tlet Greeks were heatheits. although they had phi oetplee a...1 (1 -..try and leartriete and • high type .4 ci. flintiest. But the 1.413(11.18•il ass eut there, and there was a no.ral INS ; arid that ..Id clod -zit went down in rotteenese and ruin and ha page4 away. In lepton the iateltectual faculties are highly cul- tivated. turd petty are/ literature and philosophy, politica and art, I1,4triall oath us, &Armlet., .4 e oire, &ff.:41)0i 01 many re.pects 1.. our .ern. They larked orly the tight of the Gepel es lift thee up to the very limbed poet. • 4 ciytilum rim,. The Japanese is lad eyelike from the °flints' eusteee, *lid .11 utilizing our ra.leay, telegraph and pistol systenos, ehd k is tan 44,14 the chinch 'to berg the Melt 4 the teepel mil :6 cerstereaser ate deeree a I ly 40 year. aeo that lend was closed le Christ, eut today there is a Jana leue transform/goy% mid there a Hot • laud on the fen sof the earth mere open vt the Gospel. mid where de towerneer1. hotter pr.4ectr4 than ill lapin, that empire 37.000 000 of peo- ple. That natters is in • stay ..t infidel- ity today excels*here the lospel hes been preach. 4 ; fur teday the raw. that Was merred mere than limy 411488.11 beets neatened by the htet 'melees@ of Japan a• due of Him who was the best sod purest 114.1 ,1.1 tr. 41 teem the earth. They acknowledge that the heat owes' Latching is that re the &id Jesus chive. It is ..ur duty te beteg thatdear taco .4 the Nan of 0,114,1111. Hearer te theta, until we lead them to. anapt Hia as ;be Ogre Mi., is ahle to 1441 114.. e'en, tho high plow. of thought that older Chnatoari aniattem have reached, lenitive( t 4 ere relative 41100410. of 0100 - ..pete to CA.livert the peeple .4 Japan, he said *bat . oe• ewefor each adult had bele spent el a year fer tee salve tem 44 the people. There ewe tlion (terrine there in the therch preaching ant tenehingmod 4048 transtatreg the bible side Japasseme arwl prettier( it. Bet APT,' *es ,01117 +showt me preemies to every 500 WO .4* populates% ; Met was at th.• tate .4 ten notaietere to all dm 13 ..f Casialiae Tuley, the tape- ao .4 the eineee, no. • city 14 Aeon a lattleon 4 people He paid slosh trib- r alio ,..t.wi.toarg moth .4 flen. Drs. Illealmeld mad Onetireee in the empire 4 Japes. Ne deintiosed the Jaen 40 w. 0 ;vette awl aleavedereopie. sad W WI Mat t140/11 *MO Ito it miter, on 14. foss the meth where there eras per- m. teed • otrestet 'rewire r4 religeses and ratelleeteal freedom Rio aja ie hie ebonies& Ms es rare in lepers as eke drd .n treinaiU:" Wa 11., Zby mid time she lidt osier no Jape thee Cando, henna dm fur. • eresat2 load au tromps 11 The Jape& to erse 1 prepodieed aiperes the •Ss•• aria& meat ranee& red thee eaod limelight ate • bed WWI I rarlafflitNi I..f their neighlers. (Laughter.) It 11••• NW !boar Ifs/0mM rod clatidneo, lett was tee beet ter t WAIN . ...I Hr. liter ettb WW1 ir011y. aw ea 0.4 • aucihey ef peeper in this 0W..111 *4. feel that Way ; !key Idle to ego 1i• friend. II. the thumb, but teal *4 mere fterdele, • Itseee heel. tor tie• N eves. Ho tear pare an intermit si • altereh c4 sumo oflea amines& .....• .1 no) erlimat had',,b • hopeless .Ireekor , arid inadoutty deectieel the leen ii.. o ewe t the people. His panels had t r7,4 it :40.000 ...ale, .14 the prow:hew tbo werd there bad ben blared. 1'..1 nation W44reaching out after klii4ea of ell Linda., la one city there *a- • medical celeste where there were 2.0110 ettelearts moiler a German ire 4444 r nation emetretereeted 'name& Pres- 1. - ire Otto, thee wawa sot fur foor hew.. re-. lateens to rtray• of eneoliere rap. lee,/ dint the scriptures. The &wetter 1. addretead audiences td 1.700, and WO had been termed away. ?bey i...r,' hese game for the eyed ef Mirs He intent; I al a crin ia which a peewit,: lied bees. i Naked repeatedly at the reuse o tea set , men to aintinue speaking, that toe cum tinted preerhieg all night. and the peewit N and to hear kis The speaker lad eep he handl had ewe stayed up Wien • 144 ooargrogatIon 4 3,600 in a etas old Cor. L-4 finals theatre, ta the wane there were ebiaks Wing is the light o' I day, and the peeple oho had splinted at 2 o'clock reasaieed and o'clock to Hal ten to mime eenielaa, sad whoa hermit • ' speak and need if they nose teady to I boar more, all held op their hands fer : haat 1o. es. Hie $eat nos, -Nee sa the norted time, now is the der 4 yell ratite*, sod up west 100 halide at dose when • eall for aaaeme .,no. ase made. At the euselanion of *is Wag service they held a geed old faahiested froilusehtp argratioir, abd many trees egged and mitheeed into the Mena4 Owl A wooderful wort 4 grace was* new be- ing asoeseelled amosag the women 44 Javan. • wished to impress epee the minds of Christiana that the inisiewo wort of today ie Jaw was ea none einikanou ay wort" to whet shoold be dun, The I church was mill playgoer at mediate • Tnere wete I.OU0,000 people is. the city I uf Tokio, and the ehapsh sere too weak au/ the oneologre tee few to reach throw A tenni fort was seeded seen 1,00* people be eadtered together, au.4 the natives instructed, sad in fifty years Japan amid be a greet Christine nation, aad be able to *upper' is. 1. and Siren mad foment inismenereso abroad flume - thieve was ended Dee, speedily, and as a large aisle, fro Japan. Dr. Cuchreme whoa he had 1.11 hated him in ol*P•le. bed written him a letter lately, goyim "Impress upon Canada* Methodism that now is a golden opportunity to ei rk foe Jape°, and that &tittle mousy wet and • few men will du Inure than much mete money aud an array of men b) and by " He Nosed by Impressing his dears that God's grace alight .or aeon all ehe heard hint, that their sypoostlites eagle be enlarged fur Jamie, until a 14005844H. 1100 would rest upon the wider Yympathy mel deeper love among all die Mowers 4 Christ. VIM (VIEWS Or JA1411. The Inter. as afiendey event*, trend by photographic sad ether ‚tees of impasse life and sonery thrown by • etwee, delivered in the Nerth street distt eiserelt by 114r. Zby, was target, attended he pane and old All were delighted with the lecture. The patens represeetiag ries cohere were particularly latereeting. Tee entree temples, entles sad loosen weft brouebi before the sedan" is a series of newt lent photographs fleag epos the latge curtain. The pet/este pettiest stud religious leaden 4 the euesstry were very cored comes. and in feet the bout aid a We eerie( ha part to the escrolleet descriptive address by the miesienaly, passed sway oaly too (pinkly. The evening was a treat to these gathenet118 the church, end all left with reslateed and snore syrepethetio views of mission life in Japan. •41044 'MAY, MARCH II, 1806. FIRE. FIRE. , 4 Loans anb 3nsurance. »500,o00 TO LOAR. APPLY TO • CANARON ttOLTROANNRUN Gene Mk. 1\40241EY TO LAND. -A L A It G le& amount at Private Puede for iatwoUnent g lowest retro se erseelees Nerieeses. Apply ta 0 ARROW & PROUDVOOT. DRIVITIL FUNDS TO IwiLliD AT 1 4 sad dr goer mat ea erevelass brat Baur Ky. Apply to It. O. HA Yd. Relicater. Gads - rich. sow 1NSURANCH CARD. Arr. 7711-0 0 T. Flea Life mat Maeda heeeiessett Amor. GODNIUCH. SIr 041*, opposite Colborne WON. The " Loader 44e0es50a." itweelleteitte 47117 The "Natiort;Elished The " Read ice emir. Cepasy Ilepreed la Mats 1111••••• ia the Dew Woo The ahoy, are all test ekes aad old estab- lished oanspasioa. *4.1Wise .3 44.5. seam Galliaidi WC. IOW MC - $50,000 TO LOAN AT 6 PIZ Mt?. TI(ig 1111004'41‘) DECIMAL •rutlicrill ccrir rhse.Marearir. ess to lam weary at 4 per peat- pee TERMS Ti o SUIT NORROWZRZ. te no arseciaa• rare eressete. • mile CASINOS. HOLT a CA MgRON. itseneses. 60•4.110111, Aisseta ter the Tweak °moral Trude Get. C•111101011. Pluto * C•111101.111 balm alao Ism amotoot of wireso teade to Ito II um 1,11-5156*4.5 wise. Oeiterteb. 0c**. *UM $100.000 PRIVATZ FUNDS T. 004 55 ism Nod erepotvat leo eat taunt W. 00 MI 111.110/4111111ter 46.Treat Mid Lean Deatimerw&sod* the Oamada Leaderla erect oareseay. tes Leedom Imam Csoopee et Chweart latereet. kart 7 par Ileriowere see ••••4786.114 Owe day.° Nee DA facientrwrow. ism imam Set.. Ogderieb Ilk20,11180 PRIVATE IrOrNDS TO LIND II ea ram sad Tewa Property at hreare la. tenet Martesesie haserisseearebewelz taos alae crged. Daseeyadaeerotiaala. X R. enwasasjaiatle°aIf Ode Is aetep. DAVi tr Irrpor• saferamr. ika sodkorroak. Eva ratiORTki AN D. MAO PITMAN 11 redeatmeoteret T. /Ng gm* pegging egg *ow sr. eller. No^ toned. loo=o bonito tor mhos. now soy and garlingeu 84 vgarrianc. .un electing nal tity Mock of 40 40 0 40 40 40 41 it 40 40 40 40 4I4 41 40 40 40 4t 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 :1FOR CHEAP C00138 All TO CAU.. AT THE PEOPLE'SI-STORE ALL PAPER ittttlIttttffittt ti I tittillittitttttitt tffitttiftttttttttttitt w x FIRE. FIRE. FIRE. 411..111 Mar 1!, Id81;. Tb.. Pecple's Stem Osicrish. n11ummutt2*nrummtstuttnntintut4littutt1nt1/4 _ U7:7ST 1.4003C I W PIPXR. kintInhy Si lac. anti I3c 4 McQUARRIE McGILLIVRAY Itereeertely wash to ..a801161. 50 444 Inhelautatil et tooderea aud Atte Palk* le diem_ all. that ibes bare upsimed rut • 4 For 5c. Per Roll. arr- se- ps- prs- ,arrm pW .11.01 ligt-IIP‘11_11111,1110 WALL PAPER, usually sold at Oc.. ;e5e. J. 35c. P For 10e. 'Per Roll. sor ear Pe- air a•-*1-.11-ftt-tre. '114 Ina Mr& to lid at Hal Prim ME: FIRB. FIRE. NOW IS YOUR TINE TO SAVE ONET pilirofi- pa- per lra- Airport. slir-ilkiliorilik-iarilarS41114 111 "In JAS. IMRIE, Moorbontrrix Old Stand, Court House Square. ci-opmrticx. -aaid ataia Farmers' Attenticu The sadereiresed bee a Malta Brio:A./on of rte.-. Cavan ED of tho follooriss varlet wo Whirr Doebees. Leisreose,A ake. Treoi. Pea VissaRd 4lower,Tria" .54 nZams••ts•ssrperaeeure, nag Wheal. PM's. •. Rye Roan.. Eachwhaa‘ Tares list; also soil coteries Seen ds last 1.•••• •••••wth trap o team A foil aasserisine ..1 Floor ant Per& 1h Vekehestesi teen tenni tee lea a 844. nwirkot A ootioorainent at Molt*. Fresh Teem coa- st.: ler of Mack. fife.° sec home rioiet•- sale *ad retail. A large aanouot o blower te Lame. R. PRICE Maiscatie Bleak, taw Week Gallerich. Narch 1116. 1444. INS arii NOTICE TO FARMERS 11032 FOR BALE -- 1 in going to ciesitteatie bettors begs tat caring. and will pay the blithest pries tee mond muddles of kegs. and .41 faho 1 lbw dor tobalup Mar.) aim ine.0rcriesiiisrorAietaseona% e 70, arattol.osay atr at will= er rae preto ,Mete bn elidgm sder Se Halm Lard and Sausage. I will aloe duties the melee awe. bare ea band whogreare rad Petits!. Maw 10.4 .6* goesso Poise haef. leathmattes. perk, corned toe( awl poen., ie seises All orders &Reeved to say WI tiwunma. Thank/2yr ran for** pear peoreseas grid soksjiies.• orwitisonbro 01 Mr 1011111 IR Om tem" sod shames rem lee OiopUtI.'0.8151 the parowee, t yew* very Indic ROEIT McLEAN, retr.t.1...71=8:trre SEEDS. The Largest Stock is Tam. ourtnna - Ned, Wimp LAW AWN,* Mete Weenie. ORAMINKS ?beetle Neill. ()tabard Orem. Restisekt leer, Ned Teo. Laura Orem. Huarrarlee 554 04051 Tama ()A ',bibs *5.551844.mita cc wits& new. W=714= ODRX Owed. rtelbstr, WAN& - Dericurbiest. OdigNe/1:: oefoi re Sorpgrope Norm 711.01. Yard Peas. ~its Krirreereet. god Drank gra Mg ISLA X Limetio Pea itsa. Liggeoll airipsed. ICC id A 14001.14. glamissalb Leak Rat mid ell et ?V KWh's. eseeki. MN" rarroo CAliJOIPTY WM* lierwri PIM kb terresedortm *we ea nereni co, rya.. tcsedecer OWEd e Sds sM w Gad* loo mrha& A othe of rood' drum& ()MW j era erestrielt Sada SOME. Hiss4lege Osiadirg4. et, er A. FAL 11111% • 84 Y I. . I • I • • MA 1 1 WILSON'S MOT IIINVE to tiI COCII 0 331 fel ; 1 er C. L. 2/frINTOSEI Nest door to Rhymes' °rye note. keeps eimastiwitte amuse men release stack. cheap Prob. Groceries, whelk ear be fend to eemeare terkeirit beak so ressen entity ead pew. welt riae be/restock la this elebstee TEAS AND SUGARS A NIIIICIALTY. Is returning twists Le say cashmere ter their estrenveys, 1 easel Nee revile say sib ere was will. to eels sad isapect we Moak. 0.1... McDITOSH. firostio Wirt ads .4tbe advert. Oederick /6. Mk MIL Ste* Grocery Store JAMES LUBY Winn 1. sassiggs• to 114 Priblip first lig Ms reseed est g aim Grosso 40 4* CTISALIN•131 11317...001C, wile?* he win be beamed to meet that ponies 04 414* Ambito ortlealMer• Neer (40.4. 44 At [Alma Race .414 6* amid ea the ~Ns Netatal Cometer lee Owen Ware* bibs sloe Sega istrollgood dirlikloget Prise 7514 401 Britigr sad Om. A .54 .044.447511 egligised. J.A.M OrobVs Pligelt, Nast Mae (leurt 40.5*440*85. ilielemeri. /*U. Mk MA 1111111-114 331R,TTIC ream AIM eirtrunra -SEEDS • /••••••, t.1W, tradiMr eartes foe pur o averse prearsil Thr, 71741s A teams •vr lawornptiro Mum.* I laiatispoktolanftfult, 411 he Inane* resat testi :tr. "4 I lens roar itaer segior log 88. Rohr, Nerket Gardrway doe thmatakeis eat awe it to their Intirtill to tow uvula. all c GO • IL.. III • , NEW GROCERY INTONITNIC errimarr, • Two leen sow et Honor $:5Ji 11.081tr. where the, are illeplaywar * Choke Aesertasest 4 Groceries sad. Other FamilyItecsisites, sack as new. Syrups. bows Oulters. Swot.. at all kiwis Arrows* awl wise* Tebeasse eel " Teem. Deatektusars et 81.4 Waft, ate. Havre.: bombe Chao ter Wk. we yen ewe all who rat *troy us with a WA. the 6m 14 sr.sr Meals Parchoes& el" We Mete all to gin ties fa:: lied imparted tried baker purelettsise itleserbets• ss4s81 hor pastel eta eirldfateet beek p5440, Nostior sad limn JOHN McQUAltRIII. Onenee, Nene Rh. MIL MALCOLM MeOILLTVRAY. 1117-tra I NE.W BOOKSTORE. - - - - ar. maxim sonsences Mat be bee treseed oat • NEW 10001C1T0N2 • N • N'Ixt Door to Cifeorge 4.oheinost's ea ikebeease. fie Stook comae or Nertemeeytte BOOKS eel 9130100L IIVIVIN1110 • Itatinery, Stlieriare, Faucy Goods, tic °mows 14...3s. not ta Seek an be preened ea sheerest esehes. a.allaMITC>031 lark a....kay 5465514.4.154.C Inearlige. Goiania. MARL 11111 Or VERY KIND. IL X. PRAILICR, Wait auk Speella. , r Oxle Mo.th. 0=.143r. S-P011i Rita Silori FOR 25 CENTS WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 50c. WORTH OF TEA. t itey eel Oive ns a trial and you will get satisfaction. MARBELALL BROS., 711 TH lo sok *54 18 ewes: be peel WOW waterer R are tee tee each sal cad gee illi Jabbing lee the two re de ea Ms beats litesters FR _ Oen ruvressb 14.34.141 reate•17 itimorsi '14. 1450 iscrisc Tau 7 Ponce rc • Yaissito Son is • pretty "Thu .4 11'. P beteg althuarth him pre teem at Tas b el in th erbee aid whe tialeklas ate wptil apes Mr We a sena cleating toe Yin Tim satred before t tattedt 1. 144. c Jodie tee On .411 gt cons." owl; fa astit eo sets. fest ; • fairly Ten Merchants, next door to Geo. Grant's Grocery Stops. Gederieb. Feb. UM. 111111- Nat -ba - UAV1NG DXCirlitll TO DTSCOWYINUE TRU PORK BUSINESS AND DEVOTE OCR ATTENTION ENTIRELY TO „Rost &it 0 CM Pa..B.; S We ogle war Large Sten 04 CtYZED !MATS at tee fellowleg prises: SUGAR CURED HAMS, Ile. pee lb. 18 " SHOULDERS, 8a ...”/ SHORT, CLEAR SIDE MEAT, Se la Metes large quenelles.* mention win be made la the shove priors. emir Estate of GEO. GRANT, Oellerialt fhb. lltb. US& 111011,40 GEO. H. BROWN, fSeeceeer 1 lett. WilITSLT.1 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Many keels added a Pre& ewe et Druiril4 7Dye Stuffs, F'erfthnerr, Eto.; 4.16. re grelialsircalritriniftill vied thittirates et Remelt "II- suir PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE A011247 11011 Etlialha..2•T'S II.A.2T Toisrxo, MAU 0400. 44.54 Pgrillor et the alga Soggy earls Ogarestad. illeadag o-1111 to 11 LW; II tot pm.; Mil Se NO NIN. Alibied Mgt. Oedggisk. V Ws. II* /MN Toronto Cash Store .1IL1ERA...1D .4.L.C341.124r.. NEW COODS 141.211111310. AND OLD 000011 BOLD AT COOT. Clall sad see sgar Olga de THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, AMT.) .A."1" 1P31203111111. nearceber 0. 0.4 :-7111/11 140110111T41 CAIN MOS& 0"3:=4.41., lor.e.22.s.grom- 94411111114 7,6.4014,4411 111111-84 '7..Prerer"