HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-19, Page 71
imktoh's Tsidss 1)01 N GS AT O'1'T A
e1d cashmere malts a nary wed
Hume of tin Matters SaiJ and
DOn! to Parliament
comb��itsasi'.n, and a cheap end infective
nausea... of thaw au be made in u.wrutog
and good alpaca
Three batons en the baayue at the
wast lase, meeting three button hula iu
the telt 01 as. skirt, alike the best sud
staple.& w.j 11f keep.` the hasping aid
skirt testator fur people who have tu.ye
waists with *mall hips.
Altairogh any eryl+..1 bene& cap be
vers, yet as s rule, those est up at the
bask to show the Mu aid trimmed hk h
' w the foot are roust Isaias*.
Wood's bells of oval s►a;re, covered
with floss silk, ars .m .nt the novelties
They adensen of a lighter shade than
4' am the dress they are to .dors.
Plastrons of silk medic. ‘.or piece bee
atad to Wogs from the throat to the
must, where they aro biii'bsd by th•, fan
el lace uta bus of Osborn.
Tight slimes, small at the erode, (sake
the baud look large. The cuff should be
iseasared over the hand st the Impolite*,
suemsal •d at,,the wrpt-
Nee lag Gnats with vests their
whole lea lige worn byjarg. yea, ar,J
ere mode of mor th cloth with *strait Ma
sloth ur sloe fur trimuung.
Skating Gwtomes of dark Wiwi serge,
or Wheel Huth, have hat and jacket of
the same material, and beaver mid gray
astrakhan are said for trimmistr.
b Chantilly, Spanish, Edelweiss, light
a.11stivae et Me.Wis and Srom*M in a
cream kis. are mu. h used on dreams
with rich silk end velvet embroideries.
Osiesp.s of brocaded on plain silk,.s-
haidetid tulle ee ell msslaa sae wets
with oora]et bodices. These`aiappp!rs mar
be plata, pleated or shirred, sa_.eiLLR t.
temps •
Creep hats are toads of corded milk is
fashionable shapes. sod are trimmed wish
lass mid silk roasts arranged a boat
Time hats are also made to .shah t
aBMill( oostwmes
Velvet feathersere shade up into wing.
!MI single plumes, embussed .a4 °satin -
el with rid. What a buns it I.onld be
14 the poor little birds if they were uni-
versally adapted.
A flume pot Slid with stardust sad
'arid hair was motored with ;duel fang-
ed .boat theatew," w1Ach vasuTty catered
toe it fee vimw. and ...is a very
jtl.l j, heir paaiaahu.a.
Short women shoold have U
sad mottles of ti. rime color, as a wrsp
.1 a sonttwstisg .sire s itis• le est the
mean In two, and Mks, front 1y apper•
.at height e
A very large bow of wide Rates di-,
meetly in frost .t Nrs areas. or saes a
claim of abort, fell ostrich taps of the
coley o/ t4. felt, w the *nmmiag fur tae
tarps soft felt hats now In vogue.
CIS are arida maven Ay worts .r .t
least seme tisleb of white at the wriate is
aseeas*ry for a nest,mad
jewellers have tree cuff pose for heesing
cut L tbp sleeves ptropeely..,
is.' Meek watered silk meet triad is
that with' waves two or three inches
wide, is ptellersoes I, the Mar datlils*
%sewn se aatigse, or else -the stripped
man *ad mare silk le chosen.
The ailments Fritsch tPolk* foe the
smallest tliildna arettri.med with white
Amon weal lass on the miler or cape
end the pleated skirt, and witb skirts and
1r' hews of whits watered ribbon.
Striped wool stefi, made of the waste
rf 6ne wools are woven in stiff pupils lake
reps on purpura for petticoats, sad ars
mads op to l.mgthwisti stapes or in erase
striper. as the wearer chooses.
itlack cloth skirts with wide quilted
.alio border ere liked became die quilted
part supputts the lower pact of the slut
Moony, while the worm cloth dings dose
Iy to the upper part m( the limps.
4 aspate bate& /ref hark brown bro.
elided velvet has de ban covered with
gold lase. Rows of white sad golden
brown ribbon velvet, arranged directly is
frost, foam the trimming. 'Pep primp
easel brown Wis.
A tomes of blue velvet is edged with
a bawd of chinchilla fur and ornamented
with hims
diem and cord
71ks mill. tothis N in beg
shape, gathered at the t4 : edged IOUs
the fur.
A tea gown Pot faded row plush. The
fates see wiped with hands of plash cf a
darker .8.4., embroidered in Sold in
hytsstia. design. The folde at the book
see held is position by Mods of the wase
Mr. Cameron (Huron.; thought the
doom was est tied to onus eaplaust
from the ger ns.. i at t., the conduct
of the revising °Mo•r. They had not
simply the atgteu.es1 ,.1 en b,•n.•rable
loan, but he had brought before them
..meet ugtano
no showing
& r n whethe said
They had proof that this revtaln„ .,tti••rr
rejected 1 he applications not sr itIndent) Ho
tit •• were in aee•,rdan.:e with the *pint
of t4. law and the lesser tis..- Th. we
of i8ia .Ricer was n -t s7 is..l•teit uue.
Is woe woe the revising salver ..fused
*boduteli to gn•e uue I..rty sal m1,114141.
Liu* as to what procedure would be fo -
luwed ,.r when the lista would be closed
Ar.atiter oft,cer told the solicitor of cer-
tain electors that if the tames were on h's
hunts by • oartaiu dry, it would be wfli-
hiul(, and when they wore put in his
heads two weeks before that day he re-
oeotad them teaaas° too late, and so un.
Mr t)aneer.:n said tot be hid many rea-
sons to e•.mp,aio. The .o -called rrvts-
iue barristers were cuaprisrd of people
who.* the naeolbere of the House and the
country had got good relit to complain of
rho junior judges discharged the duties'
d..olv)ng upon them as well as could he
impacted, but there were many barriers
in the way. But there were ou the
other hand many mandalpos asses which
he would bring to the attention of the
home One deekbrsties was refused 8..
ems* there was wriuwg tro the mitten of 1
the paper. Now it was known to every-
body that all eowem •d jester* mold nut
take say tiheeptioa to soap a 'ao-.afed
mistake. mere were other deslarstiosa
wide& were refused, and which showed
that it was political reasons that denied
the p.titioa.rs jest astiefecitos. Ho
elbowed .oma ddsrstioes , tad said that
emend men were neglected from the feet
that the writing was sot good, yet le 4154
that tilt emitting was better dm list of
any of the scimitars opposite
se tAtesty.
The e•r.fIl.siun is .(ten rendered
usmghtiy by Morphia, Liver Soots, and
Yellowness. The.* it is well krwen an
cawed by an iaeetive Liver ..d had
b:uud. Dr. Cha.*'. Lime Cure parities
the blood sad wool. system- Ula. R.ci-
p. Book fur twat recipe!, biota aod.ue-
NRbse oe M.10 peewee tbe complex -
r ua Fur sob oy J•11101 Wilson, *ohsearl
i)r. Low's Worm Syrup h.s removed
tape wens front 1!i to 30 feet is length.
1l also destroys .11 kinds of worm. Im
A remarkable drams trimmini consists
laarfort for the skirt and • stouredaer
*ISO fee the bodies, smelted in
the finest cuj let .bead. of various mime,
the skirt porti..n twine edged with a
hoedowns jet trio**.
It t..ee «.pared
That Nervitiaerthenew pain remedy, is
a good article. Some indeed claim that
the old fashioned preparations are just
se rood. but asy Duffeler eats satisfy bis -
self by eappeeadhig-ten cents on s .ample
bottle of P,le•n s Nervihne, that noth-
ing add can equal it for Internal, local
or Maternal pima. Always speedy in
*Fart, prompt sod certain in every care.
11. 1i We!)ber, Orenpville. write, : -
"My eestoinevs sneak very %tehls .1
Narviline sa • remedy f•w.ks.t4.che and
newrslgia " AUdvtegieist. and rs.rre.try
dealer. sen N•rriwa Try it today.
Justin MeOartIty, .410fthilog to Ne
Irish people, says "R .'.h ie the host of
.11 Magma: and however glvl y we might
wdsoese s day when es amid stag nod
spoilt seed write rn our nein langu•tge, wro
meld not but reed the lav watch would
41pereq �b�ll".g the lilet.,stope, • f Miami
1111111, 21111 all. Atm 1 Bork
Rev Our R. Vv.sn, .4 Josey shy,
attributes the roe overt .4 hie wife from
an attaek •d Prvii..MMis fav (hilae' lini-
ment untidy Ammonia. , 11141 F.
Jordan, (i. Bench
Paw all Sipe ant ai.
By satin fast the stomach. like. bot -
1. heel 61ted thane* • fusel, is lull
eat overflowing botnrs w• k.ow it Bet
he most Important metre is the food ie
swallowed belies time has been allowed
to divide it is n.11 osently small pieces
with the Meth: for hk. Pe is a tumbler
of water, tis smaller the bits are the
situsm* are they dissolved. It 4.. b...
sees Atli the naked rye that if solid Said
is eat op is reams .sell as half s pts it
dye..ts almost as soon without biting
ahead at all as if It had bona well ma.t-
aatsd. The best plan, therefore, ie for
all pinata to thus eoismiautetheir food;
or eves If It 15 Well chewed oummta dies
I. tee injury, whiled is of vary great ion -
portables is *see of hurry, torplfalaem
or bed teeth. Cheerful eon vermin.* pre-
vents rapid '.ting._
Rev. J. G. Fallis, Dutton, certifies :
'Foe some years my wife has leen trou-
bled with Dyspepsia, and has tried un•
thine; after soothe, recommended with
but little or no effect till .dyssed to give
McOreg,r's Speedy Cure a trial. Bines
takene the drat bottle 1 have unlaced a
dng•ldd improvement, and can with con-
fidence recommend it to be one of, if not
*h. beet medicine extant fur Dy.pspw
This invaluable medicine for Liver Oaa-
plaint, Indigos* iota, Ridaey C•.mplaint,
is purely vegetable, nold at *I R3hynws'
drug .tore. Tnal &asitias given free. 1.
Fluid Lie%tioy does not a*km a day or
.n hoot to rasa. v- Wellra!tl.. Beakadlr,
Tooth.d., Lamers.... ..r RAaearoatims,
bat will ds it ,nenwtt'• .n I cuts.,.., ear
Tying yaw hemi ir. a pool•.. f w • Joe see
seise evesey 1•. Roo , . 1' • 1fiv. t•rf*M
Imes (learn. Rlrp.a.. deo.. at. im
Me. Crass•. Attie* We M4 leo.
"The mooning of this is, that Onset
newer told a lie in his life, nor anything
that looked lake a he or an equ,vocatios
On 14►a point he was singularly dear,
Looser, and imperative. I remember tusk-
ing coo of his eons me time, taltotng as
we did of domestic lite: "Ass your
father a severe father when you were a
b..yf Had he any special pr.oepta to give?
I am curious to know what app gnat a
min inertia instruct be*ebildren T• 'No,'
w.. the response. 'My father was a1
.aye close to me; coosidenle, generous,
and ..ever gave ase but arae instruetwo
-never lur. "Lyieaeg ' he would as/.
"is the foundation .1.11 ancilla and fat -
11.." That is the only instreetius. 1
can recall fees .y father.'"
tl emeatees.
O.re dew of Dr. Chase's Liver Care
will ogre Sick Headache, Duainese, and
Hour Beo.uach 1 to 1 bottle, are war
ranted to our* liver Complaint, lndi.
gatl.wl and Bilioasssa Pnr sole by
Jell1011 W1111011. WISP WRs ite
___ M Arrlfk1a*.
Waiter, laing ase Aim, plea«, ra-
ther well done. Look @harp; I'm i* a
hurry !' • •
• V.ry worry. s het we aves% a chop
to ,b- Wane today.'
'Well, then, -I'll have *.teak.'
*Jest, ai bid sa before, sir, toy vis
'cello'& a stake left '
'01,, well, .hat joints haw. yoo t
'Bono. air.'
' W ha •-t ! No. Amps, no ateakr, Si.
Saint• ; what have ,..5 g.4, 14... r 1
'0••tijr bailiffs tet, snfnstswtel
. 'Ita,I1a, eh 1' (.b.'psaiag Ai. lade
u.• 4,5 (ark.) WI. Ming is • bailiff r
Inn Pilma's Plluogrolffs
Every/3°y and Girl should Learn
sH OR'i.t..1=L.A 1V
THE P1.I.ONOC RA x)1110
00/WON ANT13.
T 1 1 IS TB
1 1
a . - s an }
A 1,111 A 13E:1'.
• v WO
b1' f f
waivers w A/ lI ' aarRtari >s e)
41 11
1 D .l
111 011 et
TIC Teacher, 20c. is: SIB Iaiival, JOS.
rr mill
Goderich Foundry and Machine Works,
C Runoima a 'Bross., Proprietors. ,
QTS TIM MIN SIM 14. MO.IM. RIM MO VIM 111.011116111 WARM.
Flouring lille Clanged to the Gradual Reduction System.
Dr Harvey • Simonetta Raw Paas
►. • b*ts prepared w5b wrest akin at d
app, , *ad the p otrislnr is eon*deet it
1 +• • n.ai..•ain in nada flit rs.pwtettinn
1 el boa ea. ta.th wr.00 in the United Stater
' R•r s.sa st Wilson's peaseripti..w drat
.s..r. Aha R.►d, renrrel ..reliant,
.i ll IA Mater. (la•. , sort :-- Dr. liarpey's
•• rn Roo' Piwm is withewt d.r.b the
• - . e•n.rh ..••twlerre i erect good. 11 has
.4 ... .more mad than mbar, and is •
hoss.h..54 woad teemed Onld.w. 1s -
Bores Powers, Grein Crashers, Straw Cutter., Agricultural Furnaces,
Stoves, eta, etc., at Low Priem
.411 Kinds of Castings .Made to Order.
3. IL R*wersue, _- ..® R. W. Rc1wcs*aa
Oeirrie*, Nov. Ma frit Maly
_ A T •=n XieCOMTOINT.,17,,
A LAMB s mCI or
Works ---Opposite Colborne Hotel.
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used
on all the Machinery dnrin the Exhibition. It has been
awarded SIX GOLD I[EDAT$ during the last three years.
err See that you get PEERLESS. It is only made by
To,..$ Nov. filth, VIAL Apply
NOW COMPLi 1 i l
CWUCi MCI O!' uue: -MAK;
1oortY � ccOD8
pus, id Mae
6.3=dt. C/t i Vere eGm
1111101AL LINES n1
Dress Goods,
- and Tweeds.
b� Price Paid , for Bur Li lay.
.at:lea:... I
6d/deb, Ilm411M1.11111
-x.;1G.:t4 s.• - .. m.+r. time.. ,.-_ • �" /61^
'Lrauelling $uiae.
▪ ..It.17.11. tett \►i
K A..?
• bspr'ess Mia.•.1 Mined.
+•wl-r4•b • Lr.' sb K m i II:11 p.m1 3-1.1p r.
-Westford d r. I a to . in ; 3 .4 p.m n ;AI p. u.
w app T.
Mu(A. Mired. If spines
teetfuedl.v.I feta to'
I:LSp-mI •MV.m
•areh Ar.I Naha,. 3.4fp.w SAN pu.
t5)[)fr l.•H MBCHANIC8 INSTI
t rl•rjti 1.1 /IRA ftY Aetu RKAI)1\t•
oe1Y •u•r of hast street •Id Square Sul
.)pall from 1 to p.m., and from . In 10 penis
It. .l 1' 2O0O VOL ti IN LIBRARY
Ieo►diay llutlyy, WN4iy and 11:wafrufef
Peppers, .!,;.•Alam, .}c•, oa Fik.
wrMnkR91111' T1t•KRT• ONLY •1-.e.
rsntlae, free use of Library void Readied
Application fur membership received b
Librarian. n rooms.
. 11c'01.14111tN k, ALC[. )IO!:TON,
rremdent. rtincretar,.
*nderlch March I111. 1•M.
72,00( Li, PIES PER WEEK
»sees . Wein.. limb cwt 11.. ky
kit 1 Tmtiy Newspaper In Carad3 'a
PLOY taU. M. 11
Largess 11511461 -Pella Rs.rep.11la■ MI..\ly
rel. « . . ...spa ..,e.,
KING OF yo i65444.A1E8 1
Free Press
TI• !Zncuuwra 1..►rrm•,.. 1. a.ot•df..-
&,.,,ret (*0 '• n.• I're•.►" Elan rl.4)s
up to 11.. ills. ,• •.d • •,1' u•;trd
II) em•r-015 p,,,, 1,s all)
skilled .n Farm
N) 'retegrepb, Teerphonr. M...: r
a01 and U.respu, tri, ,- up for ,�•
set heseayub.anSol
_`' Seertal "Barbee wrpnnmres. 7. p,
1"e Atereeollvee Mrpariesrrl. (�
On. b e'ap/tat .carr alae 1. R..nl.g• ,_
taweel.. ?eager 4.1em.. NE
awwaere.• Reading. N
• a a • e w r w • • w ■ w JUST UP frit. ICS TN 1441&1 !
1a . member of the benweim1A eny;••l l) t.wla
11 AS BVRRYTR/\t; fee N eaeh week.
t �
S .
He is showice a epleadld wash •want of
Clea and Glassware.
Come .a sad look, if rou don't b.:1,
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Chart Yam.. ryua^r, O.hitrech
Doe. IMC N.` -
"'F!.ln1.Y IED 18':•,
Buehaean,Lawson : Robinson
Sash, Doors ! Blinds
DiALa' L( ALL st?as 0i
Lumber, Lath, Shingles
sod belleePs material of every deretirt ion
fxNML•1U11111ITiME fi SPECIA/TY.
ATA Order ptemptlilattemaitd to.
oedark h Aa:- t. 1153. :-1y
iiii..�� l�AlsA i
�JP.Eat.LLc» _ G;Lu$
s., HI ,. r-
HA CI tnit;('RtEll TILE -Agency of (lsrut es (•eMhrat,
ria High 1.We P;s.nlbrt.•'•, Mann's, Pb
Aired by l•As
eaoars. ea *bail. ail. o/
As Toronto. I .m prepared to well the
V 'rams*t Mudrrs(e Pric••i and on easy
Winne of pre)) went_
Wallas •thornngfikinw4dgeortter o
ata. :r
fi, nrr .f 1'i -n•... sod ah.'kl',d
sf•niQ-ria! and fait, ata: re*slq.d to g
Indio a fine -rime inwrale•'n,, intend- C
fag pure/weer, wer
ill n* it. t,. their art F9
.*erase to aeric* RIM bad lr •q,nrrhay. ib
0 lag.
Tanta: awe arptlrt.g • aprctehy.
Mr A:: wr rk warranted rr.t-ono:.
Order tot .t the Rook Stores of Mrs. 4-
Cooko' 0.. Tart. promptly attended
KDW'D I. It1:(tN'N.
001.r. ieM. 1UIh. 1511 lits&.
The People'tLivery
JOHN INOL Proprietor.
Tke .abeeri b'r 1. pepar-A to * u -n 1. h the bob
le with
The Finest Rigs
AT Itt: lggNARLz ;micro
°Wear 11,11W. us-00►•.1t the ('elt+or1'
4adierisYsd1ri.*. V/b. MM M iOW
1,, riche of (ear sad upward.. Vic ,-nth
111..-r a.we h •
y ran he wee . gent. •is ev.-
mot us for
$112. O 1IN PREMIUM& lilea
Va.uMmesl.. es.r .111,. el in t'anemia to
far the N ertt• 1 rev !Wee Mood for . cop
ed Mur Hesams l.Yt. tt.a yea the W esonsese
Ile • -0 .tbrtag. i•smpts copy free ea apeti-
445144/41 MIITI IS d.,
Lolruoa `(:arena_
WN110N, ONIVAIt10,
P,/ti*t.hed alternately in right aid twelve
pyre toren. mot lo women• pr moo by
enc of the beat web -feinting
primers Is America
as and.ap04ed fact that t'bP regular oar -
app Tag Wprultx Arrvawwta.. it
she lamest it Delano. with eat, two Toned°
euwp. ons. being over Is.asi.
LedRGEST $ 1 Pe11'ER.
Iw •lobe a taw and apwa ds 760. nook.
Of intermit t• ever•, member of ,be !Amba
Net-• few : -p'Int clam Aorient, anal Depart-
wiew. ; ripoetel'Mareben hepar went : Premise
.Aad named Meso.: later. ting Werke
Lad)''* sad Youth' Departments; Curious
tad 1' ..tui l,vpar meal : Legal hepar, meat :
TaL •IAslt'e WAtto.ne : and A u. emit N sirs by
t.'kwy*p8. *1I 55S4* correspondence
msAlt(;Ran N TALea1UL rRaart'ns
For w -ark. n, and toes Ht*Deatn $t•ar7AL
Num* Ior the ase., •srow.fet ser -m. A'tret•s
Pao►ery sod meap5' reins, ew apnoerten.
The most biers/ inducements vier offered is
(:&nada to . 1a1,.Krnppr.. A edn•m
Loomis. oar
18;3. GRIP ! 1886.
(' AN ADA'*: ('o `MIC JO( JOURNAL'
Ttla.tr,w.. taw .r r1ta .sella.
T aim of 'NAM*" is to set forth, is so
in.pn•:ial pad b•Arpo pdee, manner. if. p.as-
ing.••ruts .4 1•u..dian political and aortal
life. Its (:era tot speak more definitely sad
mon plr..14/1) .I sa w Loh. column,, of
sdlu.rial. 1.. be puhgeel . aril) apse. viable.
awl artist. tial- uI presra,lpg • raider., the
who:. blimp Intl r ri tested at ■ glance 1be
et W., ab. o I.ow well the fact Is
appreciated -..r Cartoon., on the gaming peg
t 1 carat...( • i e roman bring even mere
t*geriy o'orh, aft., than ,he chaste sad
• humorous tier -meta of the papershou h
the tailerlr penal lis t bet ofsay afm puha-
(alio,.oil ete • Wog n rte.
Ya 11111(Jeep M e-o*sid,raWy improved -
The nl•t 51,v• r is ,e the . la'.r•le.1 - the paper is
tunoulprlar If pnrtr.; while a band..vmr de
sago form. , *f. rap, • ,e-arrengehnr. of
the s.Krtrr, irt.A itepn.tad betlltiee for the
aril/tie . u. t,un PI lies ('arlton's, will
raat,erlal!) nth•••• Ilio typographica, app-
praraoce ..1 18. %sl•er.
Wilts ti -re rae-a.4 app rerr•naAero.
()Hp l• t,1 M ti» elan& .' paper of Its clear
fa A:eriee; sod these unpin.t.mn1. moot
dead 1 1 1 N ho
re Jr .5 ed . e 11. •a UP v nor a
tabsaay ., 1. r s1 is the p04t*4.l sod mocha
allots et Ir. -,•aloin Should be without (1r•4o.
sa_ t: yrs.. if. a lolet-I. le end st.trnalning
$slurlt.•.+r` V •1.. penonma11015"•
(;I111'1+ l'LaTTORM :
//,.mar tr thou( Vulgarity ; Peltlf ,a11
without 1'. rt,sow.Ai,r AWA •(•intra(
firglo et a lime. ierlagr pore.
Addre, app ft.,p Priming A i'vbliuhlaf
comma, ' .l 1w F' ow Rita -el West. Tweets:
or {rave) tor "niers voila your beok•'ller tar
titherforr •
- -
1888, •,
Z' aITAKr23cD_
world 11
and the
*Ions of
. tyles,
rota&. s
he the'.
the ens.
• tie.
rel errto
..f1 1h.
ter it
Alt M be eM• paper is *be
... .be choke. Mender!.
Meng rot ones ani. *be Imr.t
n .1 ei ••1 berwrh44 aonra-
1 1 r•tre•iine •ni de.e-rlp
I trim soil New T
� '.- ort
n, I atterr.•.beet •aprle-
r. M roosting ladies to
1re.tervi mate limes
1 It. sorer* on rookn ..., we.. w.kla, owe boors
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