HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-19, Page 5IRELAND'S APOSTLE.
LA Marring d4c .. on St. Pa-
iriok's Work in Ireland.
it Vie awned oeewetrs_-ins. F. a. settler •a
eeetwed's MMM•. wi.ww sed .l.p...
RI? The Do•epr% sad lestow to aelebrnte
8t P.trlok's day, held in St. Peter's
jR Q,� Qhb ua Wednesday •venug,
has ern atteedi.A. TM following pro-
gram was moldered
l..do . ,whisk•• Ds ]1r. Grine.
Sole eta
Me se" • labs W ilktcaus.
•1 t%erns......" meow". Cbur.
Y� psi... , . "U.d.r sloe). d Thy W lrlf
e l (Mr. !kisser.
Ba• le-. •Asha ei1 4 Christ'. i3. Carrel.
Deets •'helico• Miss WUktaeeir. Belcher.
Bele 7.•tsmrlsyesi 1 Reaves" Mr. r
bolo "Too Lute-. ...Mr. belabor.
nips dela "m. Pinholes Day' Mita Doose,
Mr. Otiia was a little nervosa, but his
powerful nisi gives promise of Boal
'• Walla Mr. George Carnot{, another
yellow voasiiet, she gine Fronde* of
mating as eurelheat singer. The choir
D M tee valuable members is thin two
yeses Mr. Belcher did
splendidly in his bane eek». and Mia
nth Wilkinson was never in better suis;
lbher anteing was much appreafated. The
char did well, and reflected credit upon
the otesetet, Mie Cook, who although
w aren; reeesered from a severe cold,
Th , well in loue pies* of the evening was the lee-
) Here of Pe,. P. J. Molphy,M.A. , of In -
11 les sU1� his . bjeet was " Tb. Day
W. tee" The following is
a ut rvaa :
rf !i The bttsrer *peeled his remarks b
w ise that he 'tithed to return • welf-
wiseMoterved ' f I t to Rev. Father
Watters, whs. W admitted that it wee
lbssrb the power of ,bMrs7 that be
h• W dadims& him to ems here. Be
1 w sot • !esteem ; he went fists his
Mrs pulpit mid Wight his own people,
hot *elide at that he felt rather at sea
folie[. however. ,Meted Ree. Father
Wens's, who wee s %MNo•g friend of
f1hie. to mew to Owdscicb, he bed kept
kb promise. There ere days, .Iasi the
iesteser im household which are
.bean Ass e� silk wilier r j.is a -dwys
ss the mattered membra fa
d the Wei-
, ly were ease mese, mod seats owe
1 se
. Ailed sem. Whenever
the year brings cawed the birthdays d
Ike pont ef w drily. they ether
their d.sed••b arw.wan
d them d eel.-
' bate the f.aWl
ithe wit& medal, wed
i• the same way the mutes bossn the
aesery of *harm ter ea the weaker
eery d so
bis birth, cc ea me gosh oar
gt aims, the people will desk the Mow of
Nee tend, Wallies datum with m prised,
L or Marvels. beer Ma And if this be
as ...k namsisws, mask
d iem should we revers the spiritual limo
who won au away web to God, and did
w alsok for the Oben& Lit sot pee-
per thee we sho.ld edeLrehe the mini-
w.a•ry et SR i '$risk, who bid wrested
Wend from beethes darkens? The
.ji wase .t tR Ibl.i.k was deme to every
Liao and Wh'tii, beset. for it was a
.ams that eared op reminiscences of ler
red'a talks mod Leland~ aisupbu Ia
t, the .mew st St. Pairing two wove the hie -
ll) tiary 4 Debtors brldls.t eaaitmtiuos.
Wherever mho Iriehm•a hi --whether i
t lbs frigid walk er
south -
eke assay suutb-
sor eo mesa dem hie ws
art expand
es Bt Panicles der, for then he as sere
i to rail the abigides of his eoontry,snt
the victories it W wee, inspired by that
sews. It tells bim .1 s sabots which
pi telly melbas the here, minim mid pas-
.igo of the Sow d did. bemuse it is a
h sebum that hes sawed for the faith of
Chrieti.aity ; cad of • ration. too. that
through esewyeired. still kept the faith of
Obrist this is Irshnd's glory add
the In bmes'a triumph. It is am min-
or: to My much of the life aid labors
el 8t Phrases. The history of St. Ps -
feta is, is a great measure, the history
wpeseait. although that people hoe
•.Lead keenly. the greet eharse/.nefie
et hie iwdslibls wear were stsmped
spot hie 'When Is the early part a
' the ittb e..Mry we trait bar of St. R
brisk. There by beam bb)da
mute me to his birte ils.e, moo saying
j that it wee Jeieee sew 1W.lsad, and
ens* liseliend. He .eek' hardly have
r how a L_Mhasw, however, from tb.
fast the. is lin ney early days England
lied built a wall to keep out sen.
I (Lust ter.) Then sus one thing about
be Beutshm•u that 1 like -they delight
1 jw eathtii••lbany cel.bwtinr the anni-
versary at their pane mint Mattson -
tie records wive the hot that St Pains
1 was bora in Fran. A prominent Irish
sa bung made a dement upon the French
wart, wed, •srwlg•t other prl.v.Sn,
tusk hese SR P.triak. Fur six yens
iie was • *Wive in Ireland,and the on y
camber• k. Wad was the Christian faith
wlirh he had received from bis geetber
At the end of fiat tame lee s•seteded in
maxim[ his weeps from Ireland, amid re -
tamed to his satin iar.d. Surely he
will www '*eve it again; surely he will
never again part freta his mother ; sure-
ur.iy ha will never spin return to that land
that contained so many bitter memories,
end is which be bad knows se sweat
sorrow 1 But tho.gh be had lien s °ap-
tly. mid • Amager there, lbw wee
snmetherg in the very air that made boo
king Ingo beak. Be 'maraud to return
to iniad, is shish he W known mob
i..g bat tears -be determined tars hack,
• but uu a mew mistime. He saw that the
' `. 4 insh people were noble. tkoswh bar-
b,n,ee, and M eosin go and try to win
them to God. If• spent thirty year. in
pr'spansg himself to be an epistle et the
Csthdis Churnk, for learning sod know-
tedee ewe te•ceewery to we and prwsoh
to the lowliest peanut; he taught them ! ti us It was a lore that had tolled teeth
the lesson of God's bleeders' and their e.tue of the graud..t acts .4 Armless__
own vdemlish He *bowed these that the that but ckalleuged the admiration .4 QM R LISMIItl, BARRItiTbltB,
Son el God bed coofrom t• down frm Hostoo work' The* ruble 1,410"'" of los. tludcrleh-
throue, and Irf ' v kundo/eel come down of .uu•try isundo/eel b1 renyttou , and c Naar1� .
J . J. A. Murrn,a
ami die ler the sw.?t u. They were tru. indeed mato the words of the peel . N. Lamm_ Nal
Seamed by kw words, acrd, ea use man, "I$resthei these • sears wite seal se deed I) Cl. EAVES, :tt)LItJ1 roe a r ,
auseptted the truth, which wase raved wow sere, to hirwrlt "lb sa•d. \r ogles •wAor of tae apiary and It r.1
run is se) own, ser motive lulu ► arse, i .I 'r''''' novel Netler'5 i.o.k.e•r.
IP" state 114444111 St. Y•1ruL was he W►s.e t.e•rt mss seer wattle him burnedAwry1e sed al lewe•a rates use interest
may apostle who tuned a anion pagan
Mild left nut w' partes of nice behind
hint in the land. Thu oruthte•t page in
in the history of lbs serld Is that which
records the stoma inaa•tawsou• Censer
Vern of (h. Irish people. It 'night he Could be aeon such Illonow *or tire coy I
mod aid win fee.. M. L. ' .a.rrw.
Mid that dist wb.\ its sig 59 where. Thackarey Aad wondered why lilt
soh It tJ '+ave. ti L. •
v would die • Meeaw
As hope his t., cleat he has tensed
Free" wandr...a as a foresee strand r `.f A I' Ii0 W • PILAU DF(10T, 13 A Ii
lrtsh.uau had moray rwurw to koro Ill- L KItil Attorney, delidtess, eke
I.ud It had ougmlnced scenery. Frew* J. T. Oerreer, W. Proud tent 171
or t;lwrtterlar.d had not more beautiful --
v• es, ur more euebautine lakes, nor
tirrieters. Hanauer. M Qlisasery. tc.
i • u w rap • • i fW.
way equ..l rep.�lrf
bvi i glwhmwl would go abroad and negfu t . Wlwmhaa.
t•.,, -mucous scenery of Ireland, ..•
near and w eutranelny. Ireland has its
round tower., whose origin and purpose
hd been lost iu fable. There were the
'nagulEceut and war -tike males, telru.j
01 the prowess of noble auosMur*. with
the ivy growing.rsli.at the walla, oath
each rnm pile looked
wt. that tree in theme*, History tell.
the story Not moo the bre of the
Dane ovoid coo• tete* that faith It
might deetroy s.. rythine else, but Ire
lues t iaith and tstbolicily stood .. of
at The moron' of reed,
the (.isb people were heated from then
homes, and everything was tried to
shake their belief, but trekked • faith rr
Mined Y pare ea when et same Isom
the lips of bt Petrick And, Omni
Oud 1 her children still have that an
seed faith -its blcanw as fragrant, its
luwem a bright, sed its fruits as fair ass
whew it was Int riv.o. It emwaut br
leatroyed--the past M the glorious guar -
sates of the futon. trishaws deserve
t • greatest praise for their tsitblelae.
1 • the belief handed down to theta
E. err bin/ that could be offered was
prwaeeted to them i1 they .void glee up
t .• Catholic faith; and because the
Irishmen was tree to die church and
true to kis faith, he bed bees stripped of
hi. possessions, end driven from the
hose of his fathom, es emigrant and
an alien, to make • new how for him
self hi • strange last These who had
reed history weld ka•w of the titer
when England W peeked off the Irisin
people by theassii , sea awn thele
mined in fever ahs, .ad Peen the
banks of aur 01r41 at Imwru.es wore
heaped the house e1 thee'& who had
died of the phew,ewhs5. Mem the
laud they teved. e all tits deep sealed
their faith with their blood, flee.* esu
sea nothing is tYa hat hssfiebea, that
it is bemuse the Limb are eewserative.
or became they kale Soaked. Well.
it sight truly be maid the Iriee people
had set meal wises to lave England,
and they ell sever be fully led to be-
lieve that tied bad owes es His own
spatial teed lammed ' Remy
the Bighth,Ilitabethand Ormewdl--sod
they eau barely be hissed ter it Maty.
is nut the oily posies is two hint of
man. These is leve of eseetry, love • f
hose, cove of Irina., cad there i. ale.
Moe of lite twit, whisk would lead a
weak people to keel before strange .)
tan. 8o it weld sot be lobed of Ene-
Inad dote that impelled Irisases to s•
u they Lad dew, sad glow ease sopa
Welled devotion to their faith. Tb.
Irish people wen is the..
wsya, but w were ether nations 1a
iegtand and Seabed today yes will
led custom• and menams that lava
ease down from Cmtkalte til, and
suet Boot& P could be
rowel who still panne Catholic cue
tome ; so they are . in beim
over thewgk they have changed their re
'igloo. C.tbalisit, u to the fres air to
Ireland. It is is b.r .elle, basi«
s r*ass and Frees kW; bin gnv,
yards contain reties I , One• .4
the glorious past ; .ed her ruins brit.
you back eo the grand time of yore
And 1t you are Iri•k,aed even are Qath-
oIiC, y.0 wiU •tin feel prood of you'
country. There is u the Irish heart a•
unquenchable love sad faint, and h
who would look for the troth meet nee•
look to earth, but to heaven It wa-
that .pint of Oed for winch 8t. Pa
trick had preyed. Be had preyed, tow.
that Li. Josh children would sever ler.
their early faith. It was that spirit
that 61 the land with confessors an.o
virgins, and in still later tames nude
martyrs of Ir laud's loyal sone, a.'u
helped 17ese to •soles• the ral.ruuni
deeds of their (siker.. And that spine.
hoped, would be so impressed epos.
ail her woe that time would never be
able to eras it There was nothing two.
sussn than for nations to give sp then
ancient faith. H here today te th.
Catholic faith that was owe in tioglatio,
in Sweden, and in Prosail The reeurd
tell me that in the time of difficulty s'..
,ppreusiur. these pps.t..�pl. (.souk {ben
talk Bat in Relaid today the furl,
that St. Patrick prw.ebed is then a
pore as when it Dome frees the bps '.t
the great apostle ; then ea trim se whet•
It was the crown of Ireland • glow,
these today as whets it was the bb"et
.tuned inseams s bold by the dying ban t
of those who would ,i.e op life itself a
lore they departed from that hale(. The
Irish people more than any other oati•.i,
on the fee.. 7 the earth had ben put t.e
the test fur their fahb The nati•ow ..t
the east did not bold to their early
faith. They ebauged et, *ed lust it, awl,
forgot n in the time of trial and mfictl-
ty, at tbe menses of M.huset or the
(Greek empire. Tesrihle indeed a •a•
the sword '.1 the false prophet, it was
never stained es was the sword of Oruro •
eel, 1n the bah blood ..f InMnd. But
the bloody sword could riot elttinjeish
the light of Ireland's religion fetter
cation has dune its wort, fret the ancient
faith Simons sad flu.riebse with all the
freebnn...t youth. If that . .-
had tnumpb.d •tees,. the people el
Ireland would have hewn hinweeht sF in
meed. ity, and whoa the dark boar
death Wood warn ea that our rue was
mea, end eternity was ahem to dawn op
on es, how sad and instate would he
the state of our soak 1 Jesus would not
thee M sear to sheer (n the try..t
boor. Think of the sohtsry ebip.reck
.d esarin.r as IM ens despairing witness
Mope end without strep b, clinging
•last helpless to the plank or raft,
"Like a warrior mitten hie 1,44
With W warual cloak around kiss.'
There are the wron.atenes, telling of the
,e1nriuue faith that ever in the past pre -
.ailed iu Ireland, and Nlttit ale of the
wreck and ruin tett took place in not
Ireland of that ancient f•kb. ivory
ruined church sod munastely tolled that
persecution, at a tame whet. Irish honor
and Iris\ gallantry were c..uepieu..o•
!Lew deeeribee this condition of allure
in Ms Y.sulrfal poem, "Rich mid Isere
Were the Gems She Wore,"ebesh poem
seas nod oy the lecturer) Ireland •loo
had ifs traditions. Indeed the iuntry
lived in its tr.dittoos Hat be did not
like to dwell epos ease painful esemo.
nee. There were the times of the
posed laws, when it was • crime fur a
loan to teach his chilers° to read. He
bad often wondered bow a country so
Krawd sod great M Engtsod uu4vudQ
, was weld deep to Yob a Dation of
knowledge and letters- Bet deltpite ail
these aorta to arab the whoa then
were sense et her best moo, -neo of 'e8
and of '4? 41 -.two. of glorious charm
serialise, she aasiload wealth. hum'•r
sod renews ; sad ierews t among them
ins that 'read •beweler Rabe Emmett,
a Protedase, who
"Rend fee his
sew W meetry b
Seeks I*ee was noble. WiU have trek
ea fhb be ir.stasted is its 1
Will the hope sprirenagfons sash a lave
never be cresta 1 Tee ; for We of
ow$try is the noblest parries cif tee
human eel. Aed th4 Jest God win
tinned David to mane the Philistine.
nod strusgtbNwd the MwMes se strike
for freedom, WU yet gime Irelsed that
meanie satissal bow-- Liberty. The
question W bees asked "0.s Ireland
4overu herself r Osly two requisite■
were seeded, let, the power to govern,
.od 2nd, capability or wiados be admit.
i.tw affairs. Thew requisites meld I*
rely termed intellectual sad physical
Igor. Who sets deo, that the leteh
have not beer teases in Ow
.meld of kitten. Io the pest .rd in the
prevent Irish iMulleete have stood
t.. the .etiostine of the oedema 811.
hoe f erne ted arms of the "western or-
o Is, end wane of the wise« wed mot
u.enerwptible judger. Her .on• bas.
Nies eluq.test in parliament, and sue-
• maul in the arta and meson, in join -
amoral and in yenned literature. in the
held her cone hart won high military
renown, .od they have Morays showers
honor sod bravery Often ha. the bleed
f Irishman been mingled with that of
the inglieh, Soutcb and Wel.h .'n s"rat
eietonous L.Id against • common foe
Boglish arms owes mulish to Irish brave-
ry and OWL Did tune permit I awl''
've man, news of men and field.
roday then is another warfare being
waged for hosed- A battle 1. new be
.reg fought in the British Parlsset.t
.rod flit mahout theouuutry-$ conetitu-
t owl warfare. In the parlament •
:'rill bard ut devoted met •re plesdiel
tbobbd's arm. with *kill mid eloquence-.
t virsuay, I hope b -fora another
1 at that soh3e l gifted Prtec
a .t, ■i ?'wtsii I.OraTii1tieu th. demon
ot '
o I ishweu of the pet, i 1. the drool.
of 1. *hetes' trade) ihat thi y w•, y• t
se.Ir.i.md free. Irrlaed today seeks
,1 .1. entire separation Hut she .eek*
or equal nebt. with Outside and the
-.Lams She would b....uch a me.
.ere of •e4- t se slay rl'-
I.,f ; this, eta 1 outman m •re. Si o
.oto not to be separated fres bye
1„d, but to reason M a messy, ell ad
joust ..f the empire, under the pnrteeth.n
end wing of ifogl.md, yet admisiesering
her awn purely I..eal affairs. This is n..,
. had by Cathodic. • one. but oleo b.
Protestants ; and .only a few is the north
.f ireleed oppose et. They er)I them-
,nl vee "L,yale.ts," bet the people 4 tka
« oath of 1re curd are just as h,yal u tb.y.
Lot a prayer he .eat p that Were kisig
dig way we the land of our lose, that
land of ehi.atr) end ren"won,
-Bright. `heloma and then.
rtrd .ower of tie earth sed Orel Ma d the
The lectors was delivered without
notes, cad the speaker was heartil7 ap
pleaded .t the oeeelmeioa of its delivery.
F.t er Wetter, at the elan of tie es
tertsinmemt tksnked the .•diene•, more
especially those Not of his non amenses-
• fro thew 1 and attention.
OIL rARM 1'R . r
NY the rtsest Asaortseest or runt (lm•s
Ogees. Caskets awe Uadertasere Oasis to
rum'. alms Hans ter Hire at Itesswaki.
As Ula) M Keeps the MICAPL'efT AND
BOIT knock ui all Kiad•er rsrshers. 1 Bs)
for Cod see
I Can Undersell Any Other
P.1rni*are Man in Town.
1 Abe Bell the llsi sed High Armed Is*
Bafmond Sewing Machine !
Olv ewe a lJsa and Bev Mone
pp����as.sttl�e a'• Nn Musses 1
. Use. 1e0, t� IML
Clover 84 Timothy
G. H. OLD'S,
The Oreeer, es the Spusrc-
A ha Meek of
Family Groceries
Alwre .a le.4.
Ma►a11 11th,
��`• . Lh►day�
4 mattes tet este
{treed the tins ef Lawrie 78 Meseta)
Racfuod Apostaelea alai Bye Gauss
Thee Opwofaelea vee Cye Olaases have bees
used for the pass *years, cad ;riven In every
nastanse unbounded w•tbrsetloa. They are
ram ewer w els woe1.0. They seer are.
.ad Wt foray years withered cbasgo'-
-raw sus eY - •
Yates & Acheson,
•AiiWAsi MOCiswtvt.
>r itemised Road, Harrow Red.
Mate Lemma t !Jerrie. Harlrurd. t7sws.)
MLR* sonnisetloa witur.rher firm to the
nesamies et
Ma. Sok. Mar. taaLb
ellewtlrs Nr mend./
Look Here!
Oesooe. SCOTCH OIIIOHANS at 10 c.
linnet.• SCOTCH OINOHAl18 at 1440.
Tx■ Hoer FACTORY COTTON y„e ave
saw for the mummy - bc.
Ar Pa,C* Tear Wit 1. Ainrosou Yon.
All other ham in DRY 000l►S c. mplete
We Buy WOOL, Boma awn Saadi.
Aug will be arra v ins all SaNM.
CaII and See the New Goods.
/Rasewber the Place- West street. nsrt deer to Bank of llontreakilt
0iderl•R Med UM, NM.
aavrDERs & BON
being defireea of nrakl•g • change i■ their line of ,
femurs. will dispose of their present elect at
Very Low Prices.
tiering this mouth they will she
Special Guts an All Goods!_
"'Che ('heapest Howse Under the Hun."
fest-It., Iezt Door to Poet Okoet
])/1v1N ±O's
Amoaj w!li.,h will he too nd a Cow:pkie Range of 1.nderwrer. tamest Olsen mrae.
hum Ihr nn:.11t+M to the
Choioe Mistimes .m Watering,.
I)oub:e A11 -Wool Shawl., Rio. k sad Colored. IN kW I)i.Ml(Nt1►.
A tall r*cr,w of holt tea Goods in Promenade ltasH.. Nubia.. 13e 'fres, skirts,
Overdresses:, M4..,,4.. Vests and Lamer !style of Manic Jerome.
Variate A n eseens're raiser et nue Hosiery and [rotting Yarn. front the hart koowo mas
sews haled and aerials Ned w - / 1
Gowerel et sTimothy,Tern rape Garrote. ran
ew ed. DpeI 811 th N•w TI a cad Tetinres notably
awo ce.elleo. w
aeertet of 113.14 and 0.4* ■ •
Roser Osticeel ea Roller stmt Reel. SED11, PILERIO 1811 TRINTIEE FABRICS Labia
Fleur. Chopped stuff anti Peed. Leave hi., Por Tailor
year order whh
BEN RI' SPENCE, sloe Bate et
MoK.Ws Old stead.
HassIttse'streak eod•rleti and uuitutm courtesy to
Aed•rtek, Karel nth. Mt 515-1.
limiter aid by 'toes et • peer date sea-
t• toed is ammo. M.eigasie made by the late
Joao P. AnnereoM M tam.sad bear
met date the .•egad day of A -U. MIM
•sA .hleb well be .ted.aad at 1►w time e1
atm, them will b Bleed tar tale s, P.Yae
(.1=i, a
1ehat Illente• Rebel. la ths
ibe Meaty blase, ea AT-
The Sent DiT OF APSlL, I. D. 141111.
st t1 edwkrw to'g
the word of (fwse d. After thetheft) waiting for the upheaval .. the next wave the t.Ie.I55 wuleeiser Pions tem p .oss►
Years d pre perste'. St llstriett, bteesed to daeb Mow roto tbmai ow Ito 4 : -Themor h heated Let *es aa.
by Pope Celmenie. set sail for Ireland . Ib ameo,. ►ape m t *Kist ill Lw �aw*w•r teiie OcemM/d•I ni., t_t•dd BTOBAOBIQ B17`iLRR.
tID11•t thoughts wast lave filled his soul ism. but her the cork .•f St Patrick vise" ef 0..,le 'wads)"[ it
ere ems amain Spon ►ba pw•o sMw*• o end the wort of 'use (calor+, e4. Ip ee• h •.mess d tame, M
Whet • Owner. heel bean otpit or Iwra JO1RDi .30'43
Inlaid 11 owes hr taaewis'g. Ot►er t.ahitica .'1 foe heOe� •motet el • meet law tawsdeO
wsvewht .n lie wy eine. • w years lA• rich meter • w ' ellen M�wsf�s .._
ales• a•F
Flt. Mum meat Plum.,
Made fruits Plu.hea. Velvets, Hi. nos. ate.. to u'•trb.
Hod, ('r'b sod Cradle Riaak.•ta
Comtenen este Isrne sad bear)..' ewwrmleal Meese
r'fftICTI.Y ()NS PRIf'i,:
JUN AIRTRD, a very hear) Porches.* .4
Dealer is .a tie P...Lr
Patent Medicines
Abe the LRewleg Presenter, MMdielase •
Comprising some very nice Dress Goo.Is, Colored and Black
Kid Gloves, Haberdashery, Skirtings and the finest lot of
English, Scotch and CanacVan Tweeds ev •r shown at Carlow. `v.
s My Motto (tees this date : WI )N•T ilk 1 NDKK.SOLD.
Geed sod Preeb.
1 rive all a osed)al iwvttstbs to sell sed inspect.
Per O.ede. odds. Whegiwg Coed. P'r S
art asr.te.► swvmwsa wirbabl-s, an.
f 1 t.e*a the suss Ter ineln.Aise end a•. et Appetite.
ddrll M i Ob. lee tis►, vete • he., ea teee
neem 0011,00111 8? t U P OF AA RAA
bac",.h.., se a 'its.. 4,044 ►o,, hi imams. lad many send gtrslit'ea, beet ..w tae ts*sl.•a P 1111./.
kid fed h I'm" . - -.- - .. ----z- •Lepra t,,e ekes had teak fowls
J. C. DETLOR 8z C O.
WiLL AFFIX P310 30 t. A t !s
1Dre c C-I-ocds
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earl eased apes the bsasties .4 oaten fi,., too ; sed but hr then ashy ire est.ae� tteslas,.sate the �ps*y� arts_,
and 0*. mssy evidence* of 0•.d'. p..'M land today wowed he see of the swot w pas tba tarlvess views g t •M t
mod gm.elsma tett lay spread Whew him nsti..•.s eyes jhs earth. Rut eal•s "mom •bane• et lhaybyst.r. A ELI DYSPEPSIA most w
1tww M met to his former ..eater* to ,MN ul th„ 41151 1 I Of tie T'Rttmlt- M ..rt..we,.eitlh•llslea•e
-- them tree liberty the l.hmrty ..a ism sail intorno* lend the misery. Is we arae 1
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• �.�.�.w poly M 0. R Ts
ser as « Mm�ti... cash. se CAlf ADI
sad int.11.•e.wal pw.piw. H• Iaiwha. mated twriee It is untwised with V „ f
raised op hie vows, ked wefertd tea every isle• et shim being ; N paws with Var. ked Pett farras3, A.� Mi$ON.
gtesdaed rat the Owe He taeml.e the Voir 100.06. sod bosoms Mtewgsr wka 10(114 .Olt«maw• ode'. eh
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)�_ -• ,1 ni�raW�Ri'ri : •gam" > , a4 1 . Yi'
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JiOiiDlN'S � �! �w �� .Ia 1
AN 0ONDiTiON POWDER, '38l�LST'-Me,Cle C.:1C'!ti
.6.62OALL AND BE:"t TII F)4.
sial. -h. -
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Petr as.... end Cause.