HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-19, Page 3w
Amens or "J emus Wass," "Crepes
num Parmenta,
sazurros acre.
Mur Keedesuot's words were mewed
with incredulity. The uthrr compacta
of the carouses, lotting at • lower Jewel,
and behind her, could o•.t see so much as
she could of the fire that certainly arm
.d. There was a great swell of burni..g;
clouds of woke already filled the air ,
but Lord Morelia *maintained his trati
Berl bed his white hand geutly loo Bee him. Thu y, ung fellow lowered his did not Lord Morena take you "tub
ta'e arm. liaad and held it out to her with • some him c '
"My dear fellow," he said, "I &en veto what unsteady laugh. Think not toe "Because 1 would not let bine I aek-
surty for you. But there is so use in harshly of him if, in that hour of weak- ed ham if he wanted to use main fora'.
reking your health fur the sake uf • nem, his eyes were wet with team. He There was no eotbes way by which he
n euttmwt. Yuu can do sulking , I esu had !coed uletbervw ; he had dreamt of owed get me boas !"
du nuttily:. it woolt be beat.: t•• re it in • tar -Ar land ; and it was hard w "In hu place, thee, I should have
tire. c,iue hack uuly to hod the old home •sed at," said Aathcny, u he turned
"You can retire if you like, -answer- I wrapped so dames. away from her.
ed Bettie, with • cold smile. "But 1 I "Thanks, Beatrice, for the •u;;ges- "la the mac • pefeet brute T" said
moot et.y I must stay gel era the I lion," he said, ampule her hued warm- Miele Fwsilmunt, indignantly. She was
• nd • ly '•I will remember it by and bye . you s..wldom thwarted that hie ineilisd
"N hody ao save the place. ' remain• , shall me to hat !.Juts aud 1 wall do. •• blame made her Moon But hu weeds
aerated Anthony "You'll be laid up Hatt the Bari heard the remark 1 His acted cm her as a spur to uxterttus. lib.
would show this insolent stranger what
she could du ! A woman was not stews
a weak, useless creature ; she had some -
tomes as strong a head,as steady a nerse,
as any mean !
Tee west wing was comparatively un•
injured. If the f had been
praseut, it might have been sawed. But
es the flames were still spreading,
though they seemed just sue to rage
lees furiously, the only thing that weld
be done was to save the tsrnit.rs; sod
the mon frocethe village were beady so -
gaged to tearing down pictures frim the
wails, throwing curtain and cushions,
tartlets and bedding and books, out .d
the windows. A very well forni.Md
suite of rooms that had been occupied by
old Mr Lockhart in former days was
situated to this wing ; and his library
and oodection of curiosities were well
Pettit saving.
Letbouy at muco neat forward and
threw himself into the work. A good
deal could yet be done, and his stmt
st mutth, his untiring energy, were %-
valublm. What vexed him from time tq$
time was to meet Was E.ilmont,busy ep,
himself, and quite as eoefgetie, if sed ae
Kron. He could not refuse her s tri-
bute of .dmirsti'•n ; her coar'ge. bar
agility. &ad her spirit were all reVtarka-
bl., bat be disapproved even eibile be
admired. 1a bis opinion Beatrice Lail -
moot was so woman. Her
determination to face the difficulty and
danger of an enterprise which shoed
have been undertaken only the tkotp,ht)
by the strongest and bravest men, for
remaining,00 the spot at all without Pro-
tector, without chaperon,. hs e•rertaees
to work with her own hands, even for
the saving of Bertiels p,snesioos, stem*
him as decidedly e..otrary to all ideas of
feminine propriety. And yet she was
es tnomphaatly, defiantly Windom.,
and did web astonishingly useful work,
that he could not bot ac . . . , —
grudgin,tly eooagh—that her services
were worth those of two or three slowly
covin:—laborers frogs the village.
Bat the smoke grew thicker every
moment in the rooms of the West wing,
The fluor grew hot, the woodwork be-
gan to crumble like tinder and burst
into the flame. The upper room caught
fire 6rstof a11, and the work of deKroc-
tinn atade more progress than was at best
suspected. Lockhart sod his helpers
were speedily driven from their work,
and had collected silently at some die`
tanoe (non the house to watch its final
, when a word was spoken
which drove the blood from every cheek.
Where was Miss Bssiluwot 1
".Surely *be is here," said Anthony,
almost angrily. •'Bias Bteilmoit—''
But there was no answer to his call
"Whu saw her last 1"
There was • confused hubbub of voices
in reply. One had seen her upstairs,
tearing down books and pictures and
curtains to throw tout of the windows ;
une bad met her in • corridor, with her
hands full of silver and china ; another
had seen her in the shrubbery outside.
But avague report was current that she
but rushed hack ince the bum. raying
that there was yet time to sane sone of
the valuable books to old Mr L,ckh•rt's
"Aud that room was in the west wing."
said one, I..ukitig op et the windows,
part whack • storm of sm oke and fin
was below drive. by the rising wind,
. iib fever tomotrow --1 am sure of at.
1'11 joie you at the tan by and by.
They say there r • gored inn near the
"An inn "' interposed Lord Moreau,
with • tomb of state'y surprise. "I trust
that you will out insult my hospitality
4n7 say Rout to an inn at such • mument.
"Moine of the outbuildings, pr.hably, Yu" and your friend Douglas 1 beg par -
dun, your remain - are heartily welcome
to Mervea Atom"
Anthony at.d. • quick morement of
refusal, but kis miter was out short.
Beetle's face Aad bees growing whiter
and whiter during tbs. last few words
be reeled now, and wdlld bare taller to
the missed bet for Anthony's quickly
"Used heames j" kid Lod Morelia,
putting on his eye-gltn.,0d sorvying
pose Bertie's pallid lir hetet hall closed
eyes with a kind pitagested gars, "so
he often like tide
t'Osly when lee ha had • dangerous
illness, .ndwso hie house burnt down
before bit !peso" said Anthony sharply,
a he laid his outman "--tie on the eraau
.ad felt kr his owe flask. "That's
Lunt Morvea looked at hila doubtfully
a i/ aM,o.isbed by the iruoy w:,:c' An•
%homy irfused into his voice ; but drop-
ped his *revises inmdutely and moved
homeward a few steges.
"He wants air," said the Earl some
what indiatisetly. "Stand beck, good
people ; pray do not press round Mr.
Douglas. Ah, here u Beetrioe1" Then
was relief audible in his toles.
"Ie Bernie i111" said Mir Eesilmont.
'Poor fell. w ! .'.' os boo: t .. erwt a
t Sema.. Tb fell eate.t of tie miaoetat strata on hien ; he ought to go home at
often" Islle4taeltillowe beide him and
bu y^ est well bei sone from the choice I I betbod !>N teras. •upelee DS talkgoj
but so the ether side el the Rowes a ly. "Bernie was never very
crowd had already cu:Weed, and a Amp
of mm with buckets had been farmed Meng, • she said, with • calm glance to
he said, with ►u ousted air sat alta. •It
is impossible that any greet fine ilswuld
UMs have broken out without our bine ie -
formed of it."
"Yeo forget," said Beatrice, turning
her head once more for a taoemeut, "slut
we have driven down the private way,
end that the 1 would come to
on the other aide of the gruoado."
Lord Nurses wee silent. Luekheet
felt soeawy, list Nettie, thosgke shah
paler sad graver than usual, showed oar
alga ofd .e... He even asked a
totally irrelevant goediea-
"Lady Livia is well. I bas. r he said
to the Karl
"Perk*y well, thank yam' the is at
h ome. Ad Find Mueveu, with great
urbanity, "bet she dad out like to !erre
• few friends whims she had been Mae.•
tatatst. aud—in fact. the afternoon (Ines
W011.41 have Mee ten told fur bar. She
• II ►e s e doubt pleased to see you m -
itmorrow—or whenever- -•"
He did net Isiah kis seste.cs. A
mash of smoke. a sands a two struck
him in the face. "Oaf," he mura•red,
drawiog back his head, "this is very un
Beanies had brought the bays to a
Mend ; they were ewe within sight of
Olesbervie. and them meld bow mere
doubt sat the fact, The house was in
between the building and the pond. In "rd. Lod Moms•
"You forget," said Autnony, airing
a few abort mound. the owner of the her a look . ( great di16t.v�r, "nkat he
Douse and his fnenda stood •mweRst the was woundet in India and has been ser•
crowd' wanly i1L"
"Whpn are the bre melees T' said ..l)h, no, I don't forget it at all,.' said
1:artu, touebing the thou der uf a man the girl comity. ••Ab, be to better new.
he knew. well, Bente, t s vee o that you
Macfarlane, the ta.Mtr, Maned ironed i 7 P1"
ought teat to 1a been"
title •start- Kerte, rallied fumed' and tried to all
t •tCllenbertie, himself !" he ejsaalwted. up. Hos tats was still pale, but hu old
Bh, lone but t►a M u ssrfti mis(w- amih• rose s.0 sena W kis lips.
tele 1 Netted, kens hew it awe about
&mums 1 They're awn' to Brae.ide, .n•I "I might answer you is Sheridan's
omen& be hen foe hooey. TM' mild hooey verde," be said. • "Where should I b.
u doomed, sir, 1'.n tbaekina " but at my own fireside T'
• "I tkmk so ton," and Berne, in a low "Yuu weed be better at Mortems
Fore fireside, I thick." amid Beatrice somewhat
face, as he approached, wan dark and
stern, a of (rum dtepleseure ;tout Le said
nothing that bore epos. the subject. The
carriage was waiting, and if D..ugls was
well enough to g,, he said, they would
start at once.
"I'll come with you, shall 11" Antho-
ny said in los friend's ear, as he moved
with vita to the carriage.
"No, devil. Stay, and du all you can
for the old place. 11 it were not fur Li-
lies, I would out go-"
"You had better /a" Anthony look-
ed book at the dark, smouldering pile of
buildings ; the night was fast fatlisg,
and the dames leaped up from time to
time and threw a lurid light of the spec-
tators, and tie scorched "nommen and
tree trunks of the n.rrwtoding shrubbe-
ries. "There's net mach to do, I think.
Fuetoastely ao living person has to be
And iodeed the work of destruction
had been so speedy and so complete that
there eau little bops ot saving much
from the interior of the house ; and few
pinups had been willing so imperil their
lives or limbs by venturing near the
blazing building. The abesmoe of Ire -
men and fi had been severely
"111 go book," Aotooy exclaimed,
rather .sddedy, s be perceived that
the efforts of the men who had bees try.
ing to eve the small West wing were
daskeasag, im the absence of a leader.
"Ill . beck and do what I can, now
tbsPpes 'fee bettor. Lord Morten is
geeing with you, I believe, and Mies
i assiltoant."
"There's nothing in the house worth
your running any risk for," said Werth..
"Airy prv•perty is worth saving," an•
steered Aothony succinctly. And then
he turned to rejoin the group of roes
with elms he had been working until
dertie•a faioting•61 erred bin to pause,
and, on turning, be saw something which
caused him first to start, and then to be
seizesi with a slight inezplic ble feeling
of annoyance. Lord Murweo's attitude
to Miss Esailew.ot was at that moment
ourlosly egestsonate a eusaal obser-
ver might have said lover -like. Ho had
taken her hand in his, and was bepdiug
his bead s be liste.ed to what she had
to say with f look et ,. I gen-
tlenss open hie Ism. And yet Bea-
trice's words were commonplace enough;
sad there was no mem why a stranger
like Anthony Lockhart thoeld be an-
noyed —even by an exhibition of ten-
deinss that be 000sidered very much
out of place at such a moment.
"You must • not day," Led Morven
had been ayinti to reply to some remark
from Beatrice. "It is not fit for you ;
and r cutout allow rt."
"Theo you wast tistdes it," said
Beetroot, looking up at him with s quick
resolute mails, "fur I mean to stay."
•'Beatrice, be guided by ase," he said
—and then be pat his hand on hen.
"For my sake —•"
"I will be guided try nobody ; hat you
least of all, Lord Monet.,' said Miss
&ailment with considerable spirit ; but
she Irocned as she said the words. "I
will have my own way, a I always do.
You of send the carriage back for me
in an hour. Be kind enough to remove
your hand. I Dupree that you do not
wish to take me home by main force 1"
She looked very hu,dsome as she aid
the words : her says Mowed, her cheeks a Bern . made* rush t 1 e
weer burning with .gcitetseat y
Monett withdrew Aiaband at ones. The minute too sown. A window in the up -
ca Id hook came tack into his fathomless per storey was suddenly thrown open,
dark eyes ; be lifted his bat formally and and • women's forum appeared in the
turned to the carriage without another aperture. Yes, it was Beatrice herself ;
word. Beatrice, who through some rashness or
Beauties gave her .ho•tldere a little miadvmtnra, had run into terrible don -
.brag She did not like to he coaxed ger ligan whish abs was totally unable to
any mere than she liked to be coerced, extricate herself.
and she had been stimulated to mutt- She leaned forward • I'ttk, her long
.no. because she often suspected Led black hair, Inrme.ned item its heeds,
Moeven of trying to coax her. She ears tented round bet sbe"tdissrs as she d d
quite well aware that she had no bei- se. her hands blindly f f• r
even Mr sous" het inn*: help. She Galled aloud, boo they crowd
d he was distinctly irritated when net hear what she said for the roosrinir net
on turning round, that Mr- the dames, the crackling o urutpg
s s were fixed en her with wood. There wee non ; i war "8,4
all of cowl surprise, ton plain that she must escape t.v the
"Aren't yea going leo r he asked window if she was to .soap. K a ; there
la se the amide drove et was o0 other easy.
"No ,they will meed for gse, ""tTo seise • ladder and plant it again.*
to eve scam o.f Beetle's things if 1 can. the wall was lar Anthoey the work of •
Come, there is nn time to hese," she said, moment. Mit 11
wa "Resit Resit sot dais
ber•;isr sway (rest him. germs matter after all for • woman to
I'1e ""ht her op before she had sacs- make that descent. Anthony, who had
"vomit. "Take bias bona, Monm,wi•l
"No sch tAiott," sail Mw $,.stlmonL,
p to hem ad „oaktse briskly yuu out 1 Mint how acetone Lilies
� "There Kilt hope for
a..na°g u be 1610". us la"
and ohosrt is
the west wblsetl.ad. Mtntsrlasedon't Anthony Lockhart wondered whether
stooka et. kir aseiegly armies words bed • par -
ottern� �os�mepNtrI• rat. They certainly pr
caber lino of Mr v art epee Bettie& m ed.
en" help." "Will .he be Milieus, Will she have
"ear. Lockhart a ear d .fait Hadar bawd of the brei 6. asks' as he mete
tans, torpid round and mortise as lata his feet, steadying himself by Anthony's
eyes fell epos Anatomy's dark resolute arm.
fan and stalwart sgore •Sea^ UNI a ! Lend Morten had sieved away to bad
it's the hold laud mb." said
' !d the sawlogs, Mod did ad hest
"It's his grandam." said Ser*►e a his
ly. "Don't look stared, Macfarlane, 'imag-
Beatrice laughed a 1iAMi, It seemed
o, ane along" i,. ejaculated to Anthony that there wase touch of
"Me seurt ! este oratkima • e1
Hadarlasa, se he followed the le.g+t to good-humored scorn in the laugh--so"rn
the scene of immediate action. "What which he resented oar his friend's behalf
nett will the lads and lassies say, I won --ss she asSagred, . 1.
der I' "You maybe edit die W1 .
The sun had sank below the horizon, thine, and if you are not ge/ak the ert11
sad the greyness of evening was stealing *vim have heard of this fainting 6t' of
ver the .Dane. roams bunt from the yourses be coming t from the aiok ler
u "
'hared et ♦ow hems and ~led up-
wards •momget the thick ivy creepers made there suddenly took' round. A
OM had clothed the walls for hominids grog jet wf flame, a cloud ot blank smoke,
of years. Gnat Teener d smoke rose belched forth from the berme 'how I
from the bsildisg, blaekesiag the trig- then mine • crash, a near, • thunder of
quil amain sky, sad driw►ee the rooks fallen: rafters aud stones, a the roof fell
° away frogs their homes in the great . Id se. Tb main pert of the boom was geese;
elms. The retiree( d the Gimes, the the walla only were left standing ; but
r eneklag of wood, the oce16ponal fall of the west wing was aimmt untuuoheal.
bay rafters, pee isdiestioes that the And still the fire burnt no.
fire cess !"Wen steady /,ogress. The Bettie Dourest turned away with a
mesa of-,-... were se imefiaent that smothered arose and put his hand tie to
ossa to stay P She was amazed by the sudden change
attempt to eses the buses itself was his eyes m Anthony's Gee. it turner! almost
iL sun ab..dnsed. The only thleg that "The rod hove s" he muttered to Mur-
the saw, ( b
coaled sane lam dose w to teem the self. "atlas vows I hero known ea img ! ` purple, theta white a death } o' M ..o
Losklmrt OTOS orourd neat be kept rilesos.
aletaree, be.^ka, std other valuable anti Matta the les'- of w,.
ols'i fethen '1 And Anthony, who was st•ndiolf it h "Oswald ftutbven t Ab •,e.uslioion 1•'
It was .hen fiat, Lathes., sheerly %_ k ted a stales sort of *Mot he said at tut, with a hotter .may in els
a' d little acerokei turned leer Patio Roe y I
"A star exelais'ed Aateny, is
amaze, as he leaped este the rumor,
which was anode full..( saw.ke, thruuah
which • man s figure lying oa the floor
could barely be duoeroed. "I must get
you down Gat," be said to Boatmen
"Nu. I sem Set down myself. He
must be tarried— iI yea ma do .1 "
"Gu then," said Anthony,
ily. "Yoe can get down welts I am lift-
ing him. Doe ; you carnet help me ea-
ses by te.iug at once..'
Beatrice made no aawer. She saw
that he smoke the truth. t(he gathered
op two or tht'ee article. which were
matte:oJ on the door, and began to de-
scend the ladder, while he lifted the
man - -subs had fortunately • light, spare
figure and hollowed her to the window.
She decoded safely, aud a shout of
joy mine fruen the watching crowd.
Then Anthony • (teemed —slowly and
carefully arcking his way down the rungs
of the ladder, frightfully encumbered
with his burden, but never for cue amen
eat keine kis presence of Med in face of
the danger which thrummed him. For
some knew better than he the peril to
which he stood. The flames darted up-
ward as if thee wasted teatime apoo him
like fiery serpents of deatrocti.n.—the
walla seemed to ,Dake as if they "meld
ooll pee before bar very eyes.
Butthe ground was reached at loot,
and only just it time. Through the
ory of •saltatfoa that graded tura Aa.
thee; heard • mak of tallies beams and
woodwork. He saw a bait d fin fres
the window ieaa disedly below the one
._..... �, ..._._ "
las tar!—•V is weer* a wig ' Leo you
mean tr toll me thew are nut suspuetow
, Miss Ess.tment 1 TIM
eau well have to give an account of
li m elf vi bee he rect•rru eunaause-
"He .111 give an acc.•uct .•f himself,
ao doubt, ' said Beatrice Laugholy. ' 1
know hem. He to • dentlemac
"Gentleman or nu g�eutluma0, I want
to kouw what he is doing in my cuusis's
bonse ea ideally trying to takeaway my
ocwtu's goods,". said Antl-ury .!oggedly.
"1f be connot explain his ermine setls-
factdrily I shall Rive him in charge t4
the police."
"Yoe are detectable '•' Mass ksilreont
►rake out
She had a fiery temper and • itrotg
will, and she war not accustomed to
mins her words. Her exclamation was
aocompuiied by a scornful fag, of her i
dark oyes, and an impatient movement
of her hand. "Any other mar. would
do what I wished ! You you ugly--"
"I am very much obliged to you," said
Antboay, with a jeenog smile on his
lips, as he kpelt down to examine into
the state of the man whom hided saved.
JI. did not call, however, fer further as
siabsaa. Beatrice was too angry to no •
ties the fad, but she remembered it
I• 'I'keein were noble elements in We
ekarsot ce of those two, this man and
ilia moms, belt it const be allowed that
.t that aseaect such elements were not
very visible. A railway well hard seed
suspicious. Beatrice wee&axioms, Weig-
h. had just gdttte4, which would tare med, aud passionately angry all at cos.
effectually sat • bis retreat had it, Seveed persons again dud near to
iLfywrred two esiowtei p n^ee y. $o•ei help. bet ek. waved them back with the
isnot the bailable W evidently fallen air of authority which seemed se aster -
:a, sad all hope .d further mese of pro- al to her. "Please keep away for a few
petty or human life --if ire weld in date minutes," she said in her clear haughty
gar --was at as need- The whu1s how tones- "The man needs air - ho is not
seemed to be wrapped in fimgse• s >,.. :Amt."
Anthony waved .way the Hank •..5 W "Are you s sere of that 7" salted An •
that preened forward to spplad and etas tins• to sea enderrtona
gralulate ; be carried the rescued .ten At thinerriat the man opened has eyea
to sueaeybotaroe fres the fite and laid and Raced wildly about him. Anthony
him on the geese .ward, then he turned' took is city of looking at hire
to-R..triee• 1 attentively. Now that the brown tint
"L a doctor here r he mad. "Ms was mthoes& from his features and the
young fellow emote to be ujur d. Do black wig from hes haul it could be sten
you know him r that he was a young .a handsome man
"Yet--ys,I knew bins," said Beatrice. —fair, light -haired, blue eyed. Is spite
in strangely agitated tones. of coarse and shabby gsrmefta, in apit.
"Does he belong M the town ! Wjrat -of a position In whiebdse had bees found,
was he doing up there T' Anthony was forted to admit that the
"I don't kouw-,1 can't tell—I —oh, fellow looked Ibis a gentleman, cot Eike
Mr. Leckhart," aid Merges, with a • common house -breaker. But wb.f,
collapse otter proud self•mstraint which was Miss Essilmont's relation to hen!
was .s alarming to Antbooy a it was "What is it; Wherd am I t" said the
ease to herself, "yea saved his life—•rd young man, trying to raise himself, but
shins. Dost refuse to help kits sow." falling back amity. Then he uttered a
"What do you mean t' said Anthony, groan—a groan of deepairinr anguish
awakening to the fact that thee" was which raoq for many a long day in the
sometbiog- odd in her manner. 8e look• me of those who beard it. "God help
ed at her keenly. Different indeed was me 4" he said. "I remember cow. All's
her appearance from that whish she had lent.'
flet presented to his eyes that afternoon. "What u lost 1' said Beatrice, bending
Her blue.*rjo drew was torn and sing- over him.
ed ; her hair was loosened freer its pins Be mama to become aware uE her
Md hearse in glorious mamma of clerk- presence for the first tome.
taw over bee stinalders ; bar forehead "Yon hirer he said. "Yuu ; •
was bleeding from a scratch, and bee "What u the matter i Can i help
hands were scorched and blackened. you 1' else asked.
Her face, too, was deadly per, and "No," he said, turning away his head
there was a look in her eye. whish Ae- feebly. "I I'm a ruined man. Noth-
thony amid not 1. Was it tog—nothing betore me -but disgrace.
horror 1 Was it exulta$i011 Wag it de Why on earth did 1 ever come : ' And
.per 1 He could sot tai. M bo relapsed into ineen.ibility.
H. duetted at the nob_ ���a• "1+y I salt If pee IOU that M expla0l-
and raised his elbows. "There's s very sties r aid £ultieay, keeping his eye
auspicious look .bunt some of die im- fixed rather sternly upon Mils Eaml-
elements that' he awned to cam. meet'• (son All servo of wild.cspicions
Whet was be doing in the haus, I woo- were sashtsg through his mind. What
occurred to him most vividly was that
He took up one or two &meals that his this mm was Beatrice's lover, and that
quick eyes had seen secreted in the she hal persisted in staying because she
man's clothes. "That's a 'towbar; ' he wanted to meg hien It was a degradtog
said, showing one of .L =rim
-Demote. ; txossdi.ltty, and yet—it was possible. He
"and thew are ale hey. Asn! was eertuu that things were net exactly
here". • dark lantern. , I don't as they ought to be
wish to be auspicious, but it looks to toe The question brought a flood of angry
very much as though we had tramped s color to Maas Esstlmont•a fat.
burglar. Ana you are marrying what I "Mr Lockhart,•' she said with dignity.
suppose he was trying to make off with," eine are I have appealed
b .ds)sd, lechini at M. tin Me whish t^ yew nn Bertie. account t:'rne--"
Kill held in her hands. It seemed hill "How can it be on Tlertie's account 1
to overflowing of valuable things --hs Yoe ages asked me to do a thing for
caught the gleam of the fire resected ea whisk I see ne reason. How came this
gold and precious stones, "I should sot man to be so Bertie's house 1 lie was
wonder,'. he said redeetisely, "if this n.,t saving this property he was steal
were not the gentleman who set firs to ing it. The village people dno't go
the establishment."
shout with skeleton keys, false wigs,
"Impossible," mid Beatrice lanterns, and i . assorts
' • Why impossible. Mia &ailment 1 minces. "
Here, some of you fellows, fetch me "11. dews not belong to the village."
route water 1 Is there no doctor bar*? mod Beeriest desperately "He is above
Can any of you identify this mat To - suspicion. It is (herald Rushee.—Mee.
"Mr, Lockhart," interposed Regret!, wee. broother, booties s hrathertoo."
in • sharp undertone, "for Heaves's
sake, be quiet. You dolt know what
you are dein/. Stead bete, mon ; Etre
se mon air -- eau don't west raw is
aroma os. Please, Mr Lockhart, IM
him just be removed quietly, aid say no
more about it."
ra, m
Met oobs,d odd hear.
bleakly, foto which nese-ice resented bot did nut
nm.d att • i r� that might to have baler Mdasmucd.
"This~ s to hrmseff. "Ile. hofs! "Gerald Ruthtm a{sin ' ' ttlen
1 h °t ph (M •'I ~ m�e eater flats ado, he mai cisme hs a seams • Andn played
„yon thele . t in year bed Yat mut that 1 i.e.stM ed
b the .. yw.rrl _ ant �M flea sat last . .boat his lips as het eked dawn et the
go + thee ° tf Mithing, a clan proutrhts kssra of Outman woe bed done
"Foe L T east w the w. 7'�e etch + 4�`
lc place" • �+�L,- -.t+ � nded rather sternly .n her ear.
"Say no more abeat it t" said An-
thony, almost rudely as he watched bar
lstbing the man's forehead and chafing
his mid hands ; "hot 1 most say neve
been w y of it, i am here in Birdie's pkee,
the hones, lost no tem in mwhmt.ag to ,
and 1 demand to know Irby this met him :t hie boyhood • mate, teeny than
ed the hi" towards 'h.!". wing : hr followed b sereral other mese to
scald g fes softened a votes sou
^ the wisdom, bet las wondered •tittles at e.s found under such anspunone cirotsm • .sell. erode tooted surer kar w. Had eatnon
vert. sat alts risk of she based e1salaesetjoa► Abs Put "Yee. ought to have gone. Weems Kewest .. given pis kis revenge at lana t Had
"Dosglss `s stares fort. her • quirk, trunk gee- - stew oah ie the way at such times M whet appeared to be her timidity in not a
Ala life " d need laid it an[tly egos thews.-
to morn until hes ease.. ' Soapicu.ue ' aerology. Tb^y wore Fattens that blind sod ise.rtaplihl•
11 aua ieities " began Beatrice. endoes dole rota F.is swan lab e n •
" of M in "10044 war. Mr. "Idaho haste, ars ea
"Lord 'Morelia .•• said Anthony.
• "he said be moo r •t y
Thr „vol..,- to"
- ' - age I •�=a Anthonysodded, nt.wroltasd bar. '8 . Iwekhert s 'modal
who and i.usa a •snwq "MOM mend " alt' esiJ "psi well Inmkhrt." mho aoewered, s du" •leek stir. "There's sets moment le lese." !sant y
Do wheat lou are dating new
et kit caged. The
t*wI s..vrn epon him, of 'kid' •seed- t,veb.s hefts h��kK Msme MA [,iiia, sat main Bot she drew heck. "welt,* 7^see
u ..
Terse .tea's tee. wear • height
li dean aha. "There is mite rise efts. There Yea are washing a brown edMtsess off
IMO eery fteigkt : bast throw war b., beeawa ether pace Its ace bore Here bite hat WS r has fins. The atce'. di..dad. )d 'fire &Witt. troll believer lent the Lee
and kit Ms ►sad gsla !Us shag. Aetku> ' �e yes a es, t Van* to the eft ,w 'F" re, !�► S1t00:
ease eomdktet M leu 1.101.1111". whit► f14 vied her the of eossolieg rte /rill bays to leek atter yen. Why aur e,blw ' ebbs le le vetting y
O ea pewee , ., _±"'M� el'r "-i f''c"1��'1����` ,�y .',"".''�{'t�I,S � ,'. N u.,. a e�.�,"•�e"�•. r� �; �' � c xgai,,n n
Itlly lases .wt e/l.ay
A '. e.e.rtaer.. 'Ilse 1
...................._ a 4, dj . �
AseAhooy w happily loss.
e6 1 .i, 11 111
cat16rte Me r
„Atuniatietio,t, t