HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-19, Page 24.V R 2 THE BIEI. MATTER. THE (HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1886.,r•iw&'.er.w. •mw.tstuwssty. ) Bet he wars carmen the swim shield have step in between eliwtb• the mountain it has w ruts •bout rwbelhsmiler,.un was caused by white smiler,. the prissier sad the sea out. First, is 1: mules and is only two mules from the lir. L.udearkto-- Why, then, dda't the grand iud that the •dminstrotien pre- sterns* pint, it has t., make w wavy yrs hark them i yoked the ouMUMStbieek ; sad eeouod, un the MUMSto gain the summit of the ewes i The Debate+ on Lotter 3109i0111. Tim lass,,steed with opr(ar, lipmusrd of 1t4m14 i lily lain. They use tiro emtriuel to that (lace. Mr. Royal seat es to attribute the Mr.r(.merou continued w argue the Idaho is 1014.11 a.,tw thou Montana but dad that whoa out w large• territory. 1 thunk it must A Buss- Yue ate gha, astb- osa, and all recent colds, Dr. ILnrvey'e Don't Red Pies. ,u't let • cough arrow 1 whoa it ems be reliesis eel and cured try this remedy at the sal tot of ''_da.. ML.W only at W loos i pre scriptiou druc store. lin. w iorreotion to lbs farmer' Union. It tssisaity plea a cwuteu same buena rotate Maio •/airs( tae nes.- 'sight be 'hoe is his trial did Doi receive • mon committed an offence while labor- be one but rock by itself with a gullet' •rsewtei mr. im werms d. aies da . fru play Hula the Gown "oaasesl, but it ism unifier • del.wi...I the law Old coha4,renutug through it to let the wear off. Max IJIssr iris in two hendrwd Tem Veld ibis tiseettor. Kiel 'Then u u 4.w sage of segeti's •t O. more then a ill to fifty-three rs1Ui(.o• .•f sus. was not the Mak el the G gisr.d out ow fnoq one but from two Burne trees have evidently tried Se grow people speaking Loma, seventy -ire mien f i orr _.. 1 lo fad, the Wanda geatleisn had to I2nuoaday. March 11, 1886. adroW it that the f -creeds bed grssv- suaros , that thissa did s„t go rich i bol As emus the Speaker took the chair he old Gtiverotueut ologeriop. Ap- this afternoon, and the doors were upon- Wnotly, efegbudy itod everything was ed, the etsurmou• crowd that had col act• too" ezoopt t% 0ovtrusaest. He ed outride the House of Commons made wvutrl owe a,s•• taw ostrtioa, which a temthe rush for the vineries In • war intended to titrnw them into the shun spate of time every available seat sumo a a party with whit► they kid was occupied and the crowd jammed 111) nothing to do. Ho eat down alter de - every corridor and Ise! the walla boring a speech noteworthy ealy (oe throughout the vast extent of the chain vacillattnt weakuese and for apologetics her. There was considerable suppressed against bit the man sub eaedtemeut,the crowd appearing to think jeetinii biweell to the worship of party. that tare would be • red hot debate. lava Gii''sult spoke neat He laud a They were d 1, how- would isel oath the ,iwastwu not in • ever, for the were of ilia t r,eocb "timid eptnl- as'hat wars to motet humdrum character. About hall case of a French -Comeau today it aught an hour was spent in nestles before Mr. ',sad rose to 4.n his bogs motion. he the case u( so lrybmen, • Sootchmaa 4.7 propose u.. an En_,..., •n tomrrrruw. He did The Speakers gallery was filled with en1 thtak the which existed ladies, wises aad relaryin o& meSben, were •ufticient to justify the rebellioa, play Macdonald crow. la •prominent but the C ; pre.oked the halt - in ilio front row. to the tlaoaNn Pie "d_AY with the ladies breeds t• rim, and they should have au gallary 7 soared dist when &eked to be latent of her immnedate suite, ueeupied issues with R &L The Donorsbls gmMk,ae reserved for them Then wase pretty a ka in grave, deliberate Noes, „mg full attendance of members. $t4. Julio the English language, hie e•rneet, ts a - Macdoald looked ill and worried, and preeuv delivery holding the ataotio n seemed ua the lookout for aomethintt or et the How and crowded valorem m . oel ndy. At loath Mr. Lodry erect- ..gvera," he maid, atter the ed bio "gust, iooyieh blurt' and pre.xd- effects of Tory t, "if it is ed to his teals epe•kiit, in "'much" He seesaw, to terminate my i waa grinning and laughing the whole i win de eo wtber thea approvi time like s man possessed of s hate ides which hes prdwoed hueb Iia/ whim De found greet diesulty in ken nwla N this woody." Ho replied u from exploding. Landry, who is. ` Dayan N those who might canto bus liste fellow sob s black .t•eurtacbe buff► with i io voting amainat photogrspbic "mile, resd hi. spercb fr.++t Blake's msetiest of comer* last ----fieri loy ltriw tyl lpk tat Sat st the speech beentt in Freacb, temthat he had eyD'tug k the Geves sway atter • mew sentences began ha meet their in8wstes would bo m'as`er to zone of eeenre s polidy d clemwy. bet tbmyh4 When he had isiabd Sir Hector ,fes i% that H, a the iso Lmgmvis wad on hie 1051 is an in• mttleo et Rid for those reasons : Meat mod claimed the Speaker's •tan- beesoee the was provok tic% with Landry'• b7 • bad administration of .Hairs in lies wend, ehowteg that Jae W etndwd itciedidest. Biased, bow be believe* Imear7.e leasoeortpptt •ad bid moi ter` that RMl ase tlreaporfs'►le far t+he Bret Zttbm COO He e"mplimeotd Lao- At maisb he tree emsvicted. Third, irel an kis moderation. amid the jeers d ,emtos Ministers iii not to ut ahie fact the Opposition. Near the close of Sir 1%M moeotwt aad .tbor Bettor reeeh, se he moved the Ier► ice srttsoeeii, He quoted Father/ Audrel viola gasatieo fel. the perpwe of 1►et- slag opi e• thte question of polities asamdd ting oat sU •aseodatenee. M heokd bhb . Beligieu Rid wawa• looser m sane mum. • min who ksuws be is doing • soweedly Ha 1 that the Medical Coate tri.k. Of course. wM esrryie[ elle Sista% was hot oosermeed et *ti meta.0 Sir Joha'* order. hot Lenges+, hd the insanit H1 made very strong points grace to be ashamed of ,pla part Ms, i q -R the esaHsh peseties rweat ASyot, one of the leading bullets, fol. the the sumM tbo (.[ lowd n English end (Who ni *me perdue, aad read sdewuies by Sir Vim. t.ung W.ws beton the 6 t'eteek esaam ooh Maroourt, whttrt Homo Searetsiy, Thousands oI mmeabled in too Aar. wan a galleries afafter diunn r to hear to rioeli► t, 01 y trbs p 1eoey, approved by the w but after rosin for • l'oo's Pre&ch, oar hundred amd 6 ty deltsiowm. Eyed if Riel vasa sia a •t the ie places, K t thomeand years and wily reaching three vireo millions German five bundled end nicety live albaa* Spuni•b; sad ..um biUium eight huudrd aad thirty beret peil1i.cs Eugltsb. l'ruf. Lo.'s tiulghur Soap is highly re- commerd.d fur the our o01 beupuva, ('bocci, t'bappud hm 4s. }'.s►plmo., Itis, ie. lm dem of his *seen:coq, bat troubled with bsUucwstions whoa be c iropoittsd the cre he was s .used d, he should out be held responsible fur his Milos& A• as itestamoe of hedeloeiou, lir. C•mer.0 read • report of the interview in which Riad n hiv ed(in ala is hhe lauds of Clod : "He was w be governor prises of aha Nor'bsest terrl- a.xira' Etcher Reel was • great solar or ivaaoe as religion end politica. He behoved him to have beau the latter. The Guveruateut would not be justified in baugiog a duct, much less • man, under th. !t was only a week before November 16 that the Govern pant appointed • to elawtue Kiel. Noss only wen the commiasi n incosepeteet, sad all employees of the G t, cwt the C•btnei actually and finally decided that he should go to the acadold before they received their report. tVhy did they decide to hang his ! Deesese they win pressed to du sn by that pews, whish has kept them i& oboe w many year. Right Bun. Brother Sir John Macdonald was -forced to du it by the order to which he be- long•. 'life Oreeyr Bisstiituf demanded hie dentia in ten uncertain weeds "The bled of martyred ttcott cries aloud fix vegsance." nge lodge 884, Merrit- Ies, pissed • resolution that its mem- bersv a elgtes, would oppose any ro.- esmmtmt whish did not srry out the wptetes, std this continued the speaker. was Met to Brother Macdonald. The speaker red re ehitioaa to the same eff.it poised by i oo M9, 160b, 1451, 1gdS 300, lee 625, 1588, ell of wheels ae dolt foosd their way so Sir Jobo s Welk Oo Deenabsr 3r4, lodge 1222 passed s motion eongrstulstts the Go.- ttwotttmt es the ttngedy. Oho day e( eneegtioe the first minister releivd more thian eM telegram 6rom maNas of p,smre lodges to this effect ; "Well dune th,ee good and /culla .mrvast ; we will vete her theifer everaswi." He dared the t3sl.ersmsmt to eery this. Mr. Cameros ooeetoded : In view of the fact that 1ib1'e 'situ was its doubt and the dfsteward d Lha Q l of the ?Wood principles d eoatnwoO jiisii15 te {be benefit of the oubt, theme avid ii this an end the faca 1 Warm subleitted to yon amply jus- tify the asichano I Wwe Onus to-tbd the Godermateut of We country do- esrvb cusdemeatioe at the bands of the people of this toestryI any. more- over, that foi two shah this Govprn- meat have litor.Uy trasssd is the dee• tiny of s fellow moedl. I toy that dar-, ing all doe time from his 000viction to his •i.mities this t wen tial- aecing in the veleta the problem of s hu- man We. I my that during all that period this govm•ament were throwing petition dice on the tiviwg body of liens Riel, itisg hu fate m °ranere or Bteu might ps+evsil. 1 toy that Louis Riot oto set etmevted N vindicate the m ajes- ty of the law sad satisfy oetrseed jwst- ic. I my he wen .:eceted blas there wee a power, a primer+ tbst wee perfectly irnsistible, that the motives by which to present eonwpt. 1. itobeeile t van &dusted sad moved when a hemss life was eomeern, d, deserve the easdms ratios of this hums,, ee I believe they will receive the of the people of this coen- pt zo ?tench. The er.wd in myna he bid not the iahemaN"s thea 'bowed disgas/ aid" dimapp w. Inst amiss u4. four foot io that time. 1 think the hst►e Riven up trying to grow and gut dte,.stad with the a•uutry. Washing. ten Telrritory u a shade better, but what 1 omen of it was pretty rough, but 1 a.11 told Sheri are some 6oe taruuug lands north of the It. R track. Oregon, 1 thought more of, althouith very woon- teasus in place. There aro sum« Due tracts of rolling lead. It is a great place for sheep mismsg. The grass semis to be very clow and use and gre.,a. I reached Fortlau4 at ice t.'cl.'. k p. m. and was there uutil ►be nest day at wo.sn. I'urtland ie $ tius city, sad seems to be and rushing abead. The weather was as hot there •s 1 ever felt it io July et Blyth. Theo I tnuk the cars t.. Tsaima, aodeos that rsilruad they cowry the cars on • ferry phout J lodes and dump thew on the other side of the water. This is done to static making • long tunnel. 1 stayed in Tacoma owe day waiting fix the boot and like the looks of the place very well It has •bout i ,00t) populatiou and is only 4 years old. Then by boat to Vis torie, which 1 reached is 18 hours. V iotoria u certainly • fine city, but sot so large se I expected a to be. The Victiriva ire very is•y going aad sake things ycry notal. But their day is past and gesbe. A s soon as the 0. P. R is comlleted to Vsaeusver the Vistoriw wall 'use all their assays( tgde, ea everything that comes into t oe'tp- has to be rwukipppd these, 94 they fo.elist very ddoone &boat it. hen from' Vitoria w Nen Wttfusitmier, a emitet t or 8 miles ie ragaird. Woolensater im m place •bout to sus of Galena. and is nicely *fueled on the brew of a riote4 hill and faring the river. It b i ley Mee sod thrtwist sity, and bssisem lively. Thee "truer the reeky road te mond be speech. Hie argaseot wap ode. the ca easteusa was tomer well prepared and he only set fiery whets aarrwi oat This 6 t should referring te Caron •spying after bks sad ban followed British psalm.. is Biers • to dishonor the 90th flat- case; He dosed with an eto.iuens psrors taloa for the cake 01 proving that si was ' tiara. • Th. jury in Nee Daae, be "sad! right to hang Riel. L•navin's se%rt "we English end Pratestaat, and s re, wee week for hits. and dayut robbed 4 cue neoding the prisoner to mercy wits that tart when Lsopvio bad said that "If Ries did right to kill Scott, the ( t did right to kill Riel." laagevin's question dodge showed the Literals what manner of men they had to deal with, and of course the vote on "Shall the gamete.* be now pot 1' will find the Liberals altogether oe to aide of the rays. He would acpport the mo- ues biose : lot. The treatment of the half-breeds had been most unfair and unjust. Th. alleged settlement of the claims in ram wooed for many years had been delayed ler many years, had resulted in • sham, or rather a spoliation by insane of scrip, which had virtually gr•tuttuualy given to strangers over 8,000 farms behingine to the half-breeds. tad. The was provoked . by the culpable neglect of the duty of the Ministry. It was not due to the &inbreeds but to . ie in whose hands the halfbreeda have been men . 3rd. The would have been avoided if our troops bad ,not fired . M. C. Cameron was t first first, if the hallbreedtake s had been ap- fo party. Was pr(oebmd by friendly there anything wrong io applauding an 4th. Reel gave himself up under to able speech like that of aha member for crowns that be would be protected till Bellechaese 1 When Mr. Written said the Government would have decided hu they ood and himoelf a false prrphet u were amid to vote for tho motion cafe, and not the Courts lith. He was tried for high treason far es he (Mr. Cameron) was c«roerned, and punished for murder. ',hid' was an indirect way of saying be 6th. He waa refused necessary delays would vote fur it. The discussion in- aud the means cf procortng necessary volved an arraignment of the G, witnesses for high crime. It involved their esist- ?eh. He actuated by • sentiment of honiansty and love of justice. Hilary will my that it wee et of the affairs of the Northwest that mooed Kiel to amend that slsgufd. History will •y that the Province of Quebec was at the feet of the Ministry aiming` for clemency. and that then were mode men in Canada ask ing for Risi's head for s crime for which he had been pardoned long ago (This was an amino to the Orangemen and Scott's death.) He was loudly applaud- ed os resuming his seat. Mr. Wallace (York) reminde.l the House of the dement from the seblime to the ridiculous by rising and resdiuo, from a local Tory armee bogus telegrams be- tween Messrs. Blake and Edgar. and wearied the House up to 6 o'clock by reading the details of Soot's death. Atter raves Mr. Wallace swallowed for • few esiuueilm, wyitig that if Riot bad not a fair trial Scott had no trial at all He predicted that the Opposition would in fear of Ontario vote against the motion. aim atm or OI LA B' Liniient Iodide ammonia. Sats 1)ryden She knows her man, end when you riot aad swear Can draw you to her with a giallo hair. Bot it mist be be stifel hair to have such pewee ; aad be•uufel hair can be ensured be the use of Ctiweataec Hers Rttrsw1L Sold at 60 ca. by J. W alae& was led by the jury_ Alta in this Dprtiareent, and tl air drf.•' to the clemency of the Court Mdhs nest election, and yet they with 8th. He was mat cruelly respited. held of vital interest in the I The Blyth Advocate prince the fallow Dublin" -from W• to yam. savertin a awe coach. 1 nes only 4 hours going the 12 milia I sever went over such s real in all my life. But after gathers theme I ss well paid fee ml ( I. The e.ssery of. die place bas to be Nen se pare you Aa ideal of the bort rel it. It hoe at one e( the be harbors in the world, mei to miter, •d oe .aouer hew big the stoves a 'tie ds, it is always calm muds, and the harbor is large esi osgh N Mehl all the *hips in world, and goad anchorage. to trouble to build wharves. The raiho.d is eumpldsd to within 18 mules of hen, said the eestsct will be let es Tuesday rant for the completive of the the There are shoat 100 miresds•eed tows site, and &Waken tae being rapid- ly done. Loa that odd foe $l fall are now suing for from WM to $2.O09 The cosep•ny is sow levee 800 acres more cleared off for s city site, and there an thoosende welhag to bey &s mom me the lots ars plaid io the mar- ket. We are gong N have • line of steamers running between are and China, Japan }rid Asstnlia. Also a line of steamers playing betimes Bea Trim - risco and her. This place is booed to be a city of imporlaoce at s abort day, and I •m eatis6ed it will boa close rival to San Francisco. We often Moe Bnt- iab ironclads in the harbor. Let week an isesel•d eras hem and the Admiral wee on shore with • party of earvwyors from the British navy. They were sur- veyiog out a plate for • naval statim at the entrance of the harbor That will help to make to place of Bose import - sae in itself, as all troops for China and the Pacific will be shipped from her. They can be leaded bare from Liverpool in 14 days sod then be in China fres bore is les than 3 wmmh5 Prises are yery high hen for ell MAN eL /sem They are about double sae ef1ts lour times hither than in but will be les when the road ie reanisg through. Tie is no ooin leis than 10c. here. I am noels on to let March to run $ store for a large lumber firs. Tay have generally •heat 15 lumber camps all the year mond, and do a hie bounces. They end nearly all their lumber to China and Autralia. They have been shut down for .iz week re- pairing the boiler, and will be rasing again in March. This the fret time they hays closed for repairu•in tee years. In the hiMoey of ttsedieiaes ae preps ration has received sato tmivenal coin mend•tiou, far the ...l•tiuo it affords and the permanent con it ante in kW/. lay disease ss Dr. Vita Hem's Cosa, Cure. Ia aches in these dem= ,is siapbweralwir- b .Ja7ita :na . r11e abed the Onsite party fore and aft, aad we int.ssrly severe in his ar- ers&igigwwssot d the. t for their eetlasto. with the order. Several mem- kers I him, &snug others Cel. A , who shook him warmly by the 'The how djesrned at 11. e, vis Correa bevitg the loot. Mania week. •• For two years I was trembled with dyspepsia -could &either labor nor bad relief. Ines than one bottle of B. B. B. relieved me -3 bottles cured me." So says John A Rappel, of Farmsrvillt. Burdock B1eud Bitten sures dyspepsia, liver and kidney comptaints, and all im- purities .d the system. fl BRITISH COLUMBIA. Soles ere Try teems 110 Cos.mosso Orli. The t;orerntttegt withheld ,th twee. (Hear, hear.) The Mints portant documents hie caw. - Public Works bad said they bad n thing 10th The (' t failed w pre,- to conceal, but they had and did wooed cure competent translators. evidence of their owe enminality. Tbey llth. The trial took place far from wen playing, as they always did, with the place of the offence, before a fury of loaded dice. These hrave.s.(t chivalrous vitt mern of different cried and race, the French gentlemen that we Lave heard M ing letter from the pen of Mr. W. H. Watsrn, a welt -known dry goods mer- chant of that village, shoo left for the Provioceof British Columba& ladautmen. It will be read with interest by his many 1i4.nds. He writes to Mr Jas Logan Crown eliminating the only juryman mf much about -why, what did tb+y W fader date of Feb'y 20th, 1886, and In. creed Such laws should bate boon now, move the previous question totleir chanced et the past senat.,n. motion'► ("Heir, hear' from the Op,u Wye . -- 12th. 12th. Riot's madness, upou which attinnista,) thereby shutting the Oppold- 1 arrived here safe and woad after • the Minis:rrs themselves appeared to be tion out from snaking an amendment. journey of twelve days. I enjoyed the doubtful, seems abut dant y proved, and Mr. Lawdry's argument that 'ho pieced- trip very much, bot tt is a long, dreary is evident from his d,ousys and sayings, ing s had neglected the half- pwa•are. Minnesota is • very fine *ate from le past admitted o.aducss, from brads was no excuse, for tbemvsa years' as far as 1 could see, but ft booms dark the absurdity o1 the rebolh.. 't,elf, and neglect of the foisting t, which the most d my journey thros,h that era from the report int the Medial was only aroused from their slumbers by state I aanoct say much shout it Da - C the firing at Duck Lake. (('roses from kota u nertunly fine, the land looks to be 1311. Riel WWI led to mer Ministeruli•ts) Mr. Cameron proceeded of first -aloes quality, but the farm hooses ey, and it must have been on account of to discuss the (ernes of Hier* trial. He are very far apart. On the 11.11 farm a mol the doubts entertained se to his sanity. said the scantiest p eeilde measure of saw 22 teains ploughing in ono 14th. The voice of the people prey• justice was meted rent to him. There lea* I supposed dt was a Edd, but i weld ing for clereacy, should hate been pre- was no preliminary trod, no grand jury, not see any fence to it The land all fitted t the voice of those asking fur the uses,' sleeeseds in criminal cases. through that sa'. seems N be good until Klatt Up hal July 21, Rid did not knew what uewnng Montana, and thee it begins to lbth. The order for banging seems to he would he teed for. His r.nnsl asked be more hnoken ; but Montana downs he the result of • axil calculauml. of th• for an adjournment of a month t) bring anything 1 •ver seen ; it is jus eae political influence, and the results et in witnesses and obtain evidence Crown mountain after aumlo r and awe', one Weald lams on the political opieio.s of soonest opposed it, without doubt under Winne ; ooewaionaliy yon will strike • the Gantry instroctiows from the ( L Why Ingle patch of meadow .or pew rye lewd ow 11th. Itiel was tried for a political were not the papers found in Riel's house between fe or 4 • but they are 0fLaea, and civilised nations no Somme, prid.Md t They wen said to be urea eery few The mountain .oeuery is really hast for each offences. (Applause.) wade, but Rod was not afraid to pro- grand. The nooks in a frost nssnv plain Mr. Revel (French C•nadi s moonier dote them Perhaps they implicated nen to a height of 2,000 feet above the for Provencher, Manitoba) roes to sp. some friends of the boa. gentlemen. R R track, mid in a erect ,many pians elapse from the MiomtmrialiW. Beery Their o,wdeet was wholly anwa,nntahle the top .4 the rocks ens heave,n eer the emu lam *Slime• to bear what the man , im [acrd the affidavits. Every entree. trick ; 1 n 4 wtswt hied elf into whom Rail bruited the breath of tion was thrown in the wry of the d♦ *how a fellow weed have if they let me political life had to s$ of the ermemtimn know. (Hear) The rete on was pro- and came down et ale train. Thea se of bio besefeetor. He began by prate- yoked by the salsdmiwistratine off to ;donne the tenet i sway rip on top. si ing the intellectual qualities of the Reel Oov.rwmeet, std while ea • wetter d y 0 inn look dowel frogs the ear wi,sdow f4.►•/ li• went on to mart that the law Riot was wrong ten resor•tsng to ••rrsms" shoot 1,600 feet. and the truck rens AMM /treeseee airs gat s iii 5.64., . 1 •ares WI -breeds lad beets wlaeted aid dominate wide& 'meld have into= to the edge There ere Mao sere. liI lesAa alts tis I ter ' 4.I len t ho Id haven t rtclsms ri( trestle a work ever ravines ori *ad M Maps b *s^'ro.' tai* 00 TO KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, a SIMMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAT c4. Pi t *5111 Ives The sionniest arse surae certain d/stae im ilia amid. LL IA1rILiie UsipswoolT..1.. Ws.k♦t(ssk ssemamas' RM i•tt M hP dot" V /smais Weelissaa. The two sad only cereals remail to reneve ` sutra ala.all uott ralim d gWasomdve et sad mwollen Juuts, wartouas Tecaa, bitm Is esefs or 10ek tl.Nstse. lie ell a4. grttmm ;; ata eleaa aro await; war attMaut M.1 UMM. le pesbid la icy e:ly Ildmarst r lb, trsrkeffbi ottemative sewers. Oaa liecares t Cramps ad ratio Derr soil id k / W rmq a Qdeice •sM•d MyP 1 tee will Rote advice ars Mammal Ja •iwv awl eeeas . tarries. TM eesuhe ss Wise i a to the glass aad tsadmYe M. the saes .v R sack rack. $illli' 1 r" 4 sirs ;rwlmakae send • sem es. h:e1 ,, ► ►dd f11w.a.a.aa 1, a . Zile 11'ir droe stteas< N 7 I • 1 2yOD33RIC7H L . --WVJ,,E N • 1 To ilia ll0.1 fdr atr t !iMltpa Mils We . --4,.. -*'hits that IPS w wwi.r.•d whet our Nr,rM 4a ser Oeeis. e4. it Brlaabat - W mat Hieyy or Hares. or Moths. Clo Light or Heavy. Flanndw-White, Q*ey, Colored, Usiemk, Plain or Twill. Shestin e. -g -Broad or Narrow. `1 e Clouded oar is Colrs. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Oar test t r were cease, 10 lar e .e4. V mast sees" a i i ie ar lib is. v,q.r.a. GODEBICH BOILER ' ORgS newsiest -eee1v.d aaarge clash of NMSS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS BOILERS & KflIIES flew Salt Paas and BailerA keel Y glerteet Maw. Mei where ter sew wort aad myon eow attantiee. i»saire CHRYSTAL & BJ.ACR. The virtue of Carie Acid for heal ins 1 purifying is well knows, but from the many modes of applying 11; the public is uncertain how hest to use it. To inert that want, McGregor • Parke's Carbolic °irate 10 prepared, and obey lie seed with osnfidenes. `Du not be missed. Take (sly McGregor. Parke's Carbolic Conte. Sold at George lthyn•a'• Drug Ston. lm The fishing for trout, while £ab and herring bas so far not been •oeeaesfel the season, the looseness of the off shore ice making it a hazardous proceeding to set sets or bait hooka A& dee Time ra..ekte There is u other remedy that has stood to test of time so loot has Hag - yard's yellow Oil fur . , near algia, Lame back, pains in the chest, or,lda, crop, sots throat, d sfne 2 and Bost panful aerations.' '-. .__ flea damgom& Are jos troubled whit Salt Rheum, Resgh Skis, Pimples or Canker Sow ; eGregoDrrill if en, go at once to Gera Rhynaa ^f M Btete amid get e package price Park' "Carbone Cer&ks b it was never kaolin to fail Natiowal fills act promptly the Liver. regulate the bowels ale gative an mild and ihoriegh. lm .l Rawaae Of rine doss,' "Tutu env" te nay ease woolin g the heel four lin- rhyme es ' esa1saav, the sem•, Askakile little gees ter the Teti and $et .. yoer drama* se mddeon WS sive they r••; (He could say no lees thee the severity 1 'entire, s o • (ti11 send w sssmsles rta*a reorienting se he does* half breed been proiessd. On two rounds the gdhea 1m ane plat, where the trams asssetp nisameitigrommaavie Ws k. naso O. T. R. etetie.. r ( use Collo antolew Tia t e lbs it Ns l•ru o, we see & t. de WI loads tam wmul t• a fail set =Mead we Win oar ass• to doer yes Neal, It sot • bRe batter tban a•7 to e•' A sn reseeelrwfty aider,t. E. MdCANN, Oedertek rel AL MI • 1747 reit Clad W oetem Mia eadoic k. 1ga7 IV A. MS. ii • asap IDES• -16 1.UG11. LVI.,01:5- P.A.S1-1.1014.01-131..MLE TAI=.OR_ Ts11 a&1 Witter stock of Tweeds, ate.. how Lily assorted. MA CALL SOLICITED -1W Ready -Made Clothing da , Overcoats. A bp*endtd ('l.ap. t:,• !loos- trent street, sex beer to Beak of YontresLlie Owjsedeb, Oct. 1st. t006 Ie i HEAP HA s PRICES LO IAwsas THAN EVER Besi ilot-gitirdll Nalis for i?..55 per 6*c.Ib. 100Mil Best Barb Wire 0A..1333- Tido ABH_T i. Wire stood • test last aprin w B I•Wte l5a stasis ira14 a trb Northers H. R. Car ope, Twee MMATUIG ALL CO1IIY PEiIiOItb. 1 Ms lmperted • 1 at GI.AiR! tram German very tree quality. and Devine Amok imported 1 vas esti 10 per mat. crumpet than ever void Germany, before. AU 8471101111 AND Ii-i.A•T HA RilW a RR is seta es the same chin p beats as above. PAINTS eel 011ie said eewbere es else as I as aelllag them. Oet your IMILDINO iIARDWASV tress nee and os,e :nosey. R., W. McKENZIE j BOOTS &SHOES TeDteeV 4.) reedier/Mg a ad ale flag t ananswes ten Ile Pehlke that Airy have ragweed bssiness in the above Sloe' win in the store lady by' Slow 'levant Hewlett purchased a largo And wen e&sotmd meek os >sprl g •mil sew iwe t Goode at close Swans, we are determise - to ties the robber She tvwwei. 1111101imss. - Dui PRO?1?S WILL BB OUR ICi?0 jelf"p'leaseea*) •aid sttasne owl mend haste reclining ebewhere. JI•Reweenhar the pl&me nett dos, to 1. W'an'e 'brag Stem )illrelesiem work will receive our special attention. jigloNrine bet the best of material teed and lint-ola&s workmen employed. ' g seMis ~OWNING & WEDDUP t S r f4. L 6.4.4.tti limit nee. '5 att