HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-12, Page 6I
Tb. Ietra.Nr r •/atrtMasr.
ate J. u. Wa TAMIL
% af••• t b. w... 4 • ...las i • • . +a.
Glued us • dead bone. r &f..p amens*
Its broken It.rh .. n ws•Ied lands
W leer. old time harvest. ,rr .
Mph, wet. .worn, by w ythe.n.hn.w,
The y.wr /050111.- 6. farm o. Id. 1 S.
•Arc rush aw.l ripe with gold. a .eau.
And pale gran ha of rye.
,N healthful hrrbrod fl .wrr Der. h.
Th.• gar..•,i ped no h.er..'wif. ►.. *
Thr ugh woeat. and tangle only left
The -..air. u. 4., neat. reale..
1111C spray, °fire 1.I04w1115 , 4•4,
rias). Danis before for clop . room.;
Ueand, the ruofl.m tin a aid.
l' het.' red r....» Www•.
!IIs track. in ut..ld of de,' rad
4',, door and hrartb the spurner. I l
tnd n, tltr fireless cb4n,wv•. aou•1
11. cob the .alder weaves.
1-1, Ironing barn &lout . o fall
Its sounds no in .n• on hw•.Rig swell.
\., ,w' 1. Pow iu lard ur Mall,
N thresher beets his rhos es.
no rad, au drear ! It ...rm. Abu at
saw.. Mantas( 1' . 4.Y eros .
Than Sows you nh.dowy lam so gcost
blight drive 1.• spectral tine 1
Mady t. Wave.
$•err hou.ehould should keau some
. out) 11 0.1 iy at ban..l tor , tofu! •*oa.alete,
"eddel..ttack. oat infia.umat.W. "Lod aoo1-
deutal imp.:srs S • u a 1c111.d.
fano.! in II.ggtea . Y• Ileo• th. f r inter-
nal and ...sternal use. 1t cures rheutw-
tele, .ore throat, comp, ueur..lgte lane
lack, sprat's, brogan's...a barmy
rrcJ'J. e . 'a n� .LaY1kw,J
Fluid Lighting dome but take a dry or
ao Ie..ur 10 rear• yr Neunl,tta, Hea,l.s►r,
'fo•.th.eh., Lumbago, or Itheuu,•taso,
but ail du at instantly, and without car
rYitis your head to a welt/veto • day .er
u•.ng greasy Itn.meota. Try a 25c. butt o
Dem (:conte Rhynne's, druggist. lm
Crocodile Tiara.
The tit. Mar) • Argots, which knowm
the. editor of the ritts4u 1 ddsoeuis, she•
taller how oil the "Inch quo.tt.n.:--
Mr. M. • Caalrerou, 111 he sp.esh at
Rt. Thomas thy other day, aid to hie
wdeuer "You .111 dud acres of the
trees: laids divided airway Yet Kelly. a
florin: Furl tsuuuurr, and • lo• .ether."
.tt theserelimrk. the Mucnull I.tricat<
i:an Lek.* orf hu cwt-- seiet..pb.•rta.iltt
apeakin_, of course ; he general!), uses
the blacltbur11 rod keeps on tbo coat-
.nd wader right to n. •luf.i.oe .•f the
great Irish nation. Ile aaouwes tnat
Mr Cameron 'Insulted the Irian • whom
11e delights to "slap in the fame." Mat
)ree.p to will w ler whore is, the above
/remark of Mr. C4111e.ru11, which is the
yuotau.ni frown which the Advocate find.
owtanal .*•ugh for ter our a,Wlut, the
sorest Irish matt nn w .1.o grossly insult
ed. There was no refer.•nce ■IMtever
W Kel,y's nationality, but to the feet
that he had secured a good many arse.
..1 public land• b.... •e ot 1110 1.04111ca1
:adherence to Sir Jobs A. blacd.,oald
The Ade.ursde Inca dose taut oaro a straw
f..r Mr. K.1.y ..r that Irish uati•'o outside
of biassed sled his uwu tasstly...o4y, eo
far aa tee wry he bele to use thele for his
own ends lie is tourer ,uiec.••.atruing
the rein.irke ot public m.0 when they
h.pee...• ..,.hon ,.i Ir -loud ..r the frith.
,or veil when they du out h..dlon thorn.
.ts 1.. els.: p.0b...1 m.•u. Ii. .el,tect is
wiry •pp.reot to every petition in the
County of Perth Ila aueke to curry
favor with the Irish people on eeoey
UCCt.atou p••60161e, but if hn ddoolem
lelss.elf into 1.:ltenuti th..t tee deceives
tb.• I:i.ti ho is very r.ad;y dw-et.ed In -
They have 'measured the Advo -
.at. 01411 )'.at. .yo, ...d tet0 m•.re he
plays the sycophant the wore utterly
thew despite Mess, rad the ogee p lets&
support -*Lich he a. always pl►yit;R
for will ho rewash at the r pools It
the -!Jamas olio is t,ur,u•. • ,o .jefend
40011. elt•ito.0, why dad Ile u.t 1 feud the
teethe agriust the for r• ..f Me fhom•
air C"eau nit the 5t. %1.r,s t.,.o h.11 the
other .Pall.,[ 1 1 ..teal ..f that he
atremruely e..jor.d th.• yar..r t..,I by
that w..nhy .t 'too espa.•e of the
Scotch lies the Inoh aro e•'Jetttly his
peculiar etre I1 the Scotch wore num-
er-* I.. 1o,tr..d ..f the irt,h, per -
hap. he ".rete h..ve 0ee11 h• to defend
them. but he hie no he.pe* of petting
p1411Ieal support fr.•.0 the Mrotch, and
therefor.. d ,tis for wee Any u.e its troub-
lino 4tr•'U1 'hem Thu !nth du not
th.,,k •hr .lriro..tte f• r 1r)11 4 to asalu
pr. •1•10 helteve 1n1.t th •y and Lot -ever
being insoltwl They •sty ►sa, sensitive
rnouth to. moat.", • at they .1., n•.1 gen
erally pick up too• ,;autttiet (velure it is
thr„wu a.•w... T,..• .l orcate ton, frw-
1•lentiy kicks at the w.•.d.
Mr. lotus( 111.• •ye'. o' limiter', coun-
ty of Ili •loo, u. a letter. says : " I have
loom !n,.br.l soh flJsprp.lamad Liver
•=n•npl!i,otafar a ria-ot*.•r ..f years, and
am g!aJ to sly t • the puhl10 ns we'l as
frit -,da the! N. Geetp.r . Mp,•e.i, Cure.
hr•.nyht 04, arrow .J .o..1 1 1511 11,•44 all
rigtlt.I'.aoka 'o M.:Creg..r'. Speedy Cure.
11.5. Irrl. '.f I,ket.154,11,0,1el• ern fre
fluently rece,to., and at. daily proving
the 'hi. 1a truly a woorl.•rful remedy.
.:wain-! $ittstt,th L'cet, Bshnus H.-adaehe
an l C ..tt•.-.,e , where -11 else 1.41• R„Id
at G.or., Rhv vs • drug store. Trial bid
tic. Moven free. 1 m
The followtne Is a coTrrct report of
the poptle to ant .r de;.rt,nent of M Y.
N•. 1, f .r the m-ntlt ..f F.bruory. The
rep -rt .4 h.srd ens a *woo' "myelin*
tion held at the clo.e o.1 the month -
N' 1th C'.,u I 1•n:n.tm Petrov, 2 Ruby
R .h••rts.,n. F. ruth C .s, 1 J .ate
J••oe.. Y Chas T .•r.I.- 3 (;aro. 1' .t►er,
4 Milton Tnda'I. Third (Yam -1 Age
th. 1rrr.o,is, 2 Din Hogan, 3 Allis
Tindall. 1 Attain Fert;,w,n
• .ware• et Gnat Tr..Ils.
p'„)Lely ,h. rn...! ;...Lim• source of
chrome dl. u . ' oar dyspepsia,
ea.t.ing unhealthy Morrie. tot taken .n
thio rt a pn.ttt.riy curable. fler.loek
Blood flutrra hs• cured s.rwe of the
w nit a ..•, kn„et., . sen 111 16 years'dur
otiose If ir..ubled with twdopetinn try al.
(1.t sneer .adios eel* bill• printed .t
Tea. NIU.AI. ,.twee Th., are always tonne
promptly *oil at low rata.. Notts.. ,e
d-.r4tto.sake thr..udl T,, '.uw•, fru•
i,1 ellergo...hart is real tag thousands
Rati,.nel 1'ille put :4 the IIJ od, ergo.
ate Rtomseli. Live: mil Bowels, et
Training Si ropey tae..
ell all the carious system.; thit have
been introduced, advocated and prootic•
ed. during the last twenty -bre years,
the nowt popular and prevalent 1, day in
.Ino v:cintty .1 Near Y••rk, Iss +hat ea
it„ow.. es the system, or emir
!modification of .t, and Its popularity n,
no d..ubt, chi.dy due to 115 simplicity
and ..es u( pr.ettuo. The trellis .a•11
S sea of two wires on 1• ata act at cuuce-
11eu1 datauc.s; the Lower wore, lea••
• .d a half to three and a half feet front
t itl ground, aa.ft the upper one tont •.d
a half to bre and • half beet. In our
,•wn practice, w• adopt the greater dm
trance for curl• 0111010. In passing under
taus one row to another, in any tort of
the ctnrard. The cines ars vrown with
two neem stew*, oar trunks, from "ear
toe ground. One of these is st..pptd .t
.»deur wire, and two arms are trained
•'..ng each wir. The.. are prune t 1
tit-„ oar iia buds each, and the shoots ••a
they prow, are pinched during summer
as abure stated. Trus pincluog, mud the
hanging down of the shouts as the frust
deve4,pes and increases in sit.: •!tJ
weight, checks the flow of sap and teed.
1.) the formau,.n of gowod, pldmp bnd•
et the base of the shoots, which, when
ripe, aro termed "cases.' Who almost
pruning thereafter consists in cutting ,ff
the entire arta, up to care .ears t the
trunk, bringing that cane arou..d o11 the
wire to take the place of the arm 1014117•
ed. and shortening it in or Eve ..r ata
buds. Sometimes the bud expected 1..
ineke this arm mar, from seem mese.
tail t.. grow, ..r may turn the write( war.
en that the Mlle cannot be best eru.»od
where ne.d•d ; in su.h areae, trate the
51 ane or Ih.• iris. ,ctrl ors- o •11-
uhatius*e one to two beds. woe t.f which
will very likely cone to when it is want-
ed ibe teat year. N.. pneitive rule can
be laid down to follow inflexibly. s•
then te no system, that all o..t se
times need • little modibeatiod of varia-
tion in some of its details to the has'
accomplishment oat its sit.-L{Aasnrau
.tgtuulturist fur Ilarch.
Th. v.Rue •d Cor' AN Acid for heal
uty,cles asngand punfyi.o is well knows,
but from the many node. of applying et;
the pwblic is uncertain bowline to tea it
To meet that want, Methene r & Park: s
Carola° Certo IS prepeted, and may hr
useel with confidstlm►. D. not he ..lased,
Take only ilecOra••7nr A Parkes Garb( tic
(`erste. Sold at George Rhyra.'s Doug
Store. I m
To saw iesi menet. ass all whom
te malt .wrera.
Pb•wph.tlu.-, 01 N..5. Puma, a lino
G6ohat. Klement beard upon hemostat.
halts, I/urwul.t.al toy Progenitor Austen,
M. D. of 11...t..u, Me•.., inertia f'ului ai
airy C0WYmptauet, Sick Hu.dache, Ncr
virus Attacks, Vertigo. •ud Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the hum=
system. l'husphateu.: 1s taut • .Yedecml,r(,
boa a Nutnmuut, t..•causu 11 u.utoatts 1:10
Vegetably or %Immoral Poisons, Opiates
N 'tootles, end to. Stimulants, but soap
1y the Pboephatic and t:rrtric Blernettts
(*mud in our d.uiy fool. A 'angle bottle
u ,utlkiont to 0.41.1y1154e. A11 Druggists
sell it. Sl 00 per bottle. i.,wl.ta &
('.:.. sole •.ants for that Dt.wlnon,
55 Fr•ut "erect Bart Tonut.
Beep Your Feet Dry!
CMArr0* ti.
"Malden. liar.. Fob 1. 1I. Ueuslemew
1 se.rrd with souks of etch Iw.adactw
Neurals, tonin, trouble, for veers in
the moat terrible mud excruciating oaten
No medicine .,r doctor cosh' give Ear
relief or Cure until 1 used Hop flutters.
'The liras bottle
Nearly cured in. ;'
The wa.ud ..ode ..ems 44.11 and strong
ti when a child
'Azul i have bee° r is. this day.'
Sty husra.uf ^as a.i invaded fru twe.t)
years with a serious
'Kidney, liver a.,J urinary complaint,
'Pronounced by B..aten a beat plays'
(:lane -
*Incsrahle I
Seven bottles ..f your bitters cured
tout. mrd I know of the
•lives of .tel t pest..:
In my oeighb.rho.d that have been
%awed by y ■r bitters,
Ana many more are tiara them with
great benefit.
'They aim et
Do tirtssles
lea Mrs. IL 111. Black.
Seeing le believing. reed the testi
m .vials so the pamphlet tura Dr, Vale
Siren's Kidney Cure, thee Guy • bottle
end relieve yourself of all those dYltes "
'ng prune. Yover Drugi.st nae pal Toe
all &host it. Sold by J Wilson (Iodeeich
Kars'* held I.IIIllal.g
L tae'..iy iustantaneoua mita lot Nem
ralllu. Headache. Toothache,Rab
oilier a few drops briskly is all that in
needed. Ni, takirng nauseous eaedicisss
f ,r weeks, lei own aisute'e application
removes rill pain and will prove the Krewt
value of Draw's Fiuni Lt,(htnnht. 25
cents per bottle at George Ithyua.' drat
stun • h
I Destroy the Worms or they may
dwrroy the childleti, Use Vreem.u'•
W,•rnn Powders, they expel all kinds oat
N,.rn tee
West Street feat Market.
Audre*s & Jolilisi
Careful Attoentleaoad Proem' Ikl.ver..
Uoc. 114th. 1916. let7
Thin Company el i.uarttit9 MOtarlt On Panm
ec evity at Lowest Rotes of %nzerea&
.S, 4 and 5 ter Cent. Entered ACotettd o+•
Omni., seeleadiske to areae
and k,.v left.
OrFi(:R: C.w. of Mark. t Square and North
*rent, (Roderick.
Nast 4 4.
(:oderich. Am. Jibe. l!!3. 11e6-
levy t.tre ler .'...slaw. Reake.rd .y M•
woo, Ilehllity and Nmlpettea.
The Grrat (lemma Invigorator to the
only specific fur impotency, uerv..ew de-
bility, universal lassitude, f..r•Reefulseaa,
pain in the back or sides no meatier hoi
Shattered the system may to from e= -
comes of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will rest.re the et functions
and secure health and happenees. $1.00
per bit, u: Moses for $6.00. Sold by
all druggist*. Sent on receipt .4 prim,
postage paid, by Ir .I, Money, Toledo.,
Ohio, sole rgint our United States. Cir-
solara and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Ger.. Itnynas, wile agent for Gods.
tm '
0 free: P:LI, OROPS F,
17.91017:710114 FLUTTERING
C Amor). OF
•d every species o1 Ste as. ar1lnt float
l VCR, K:OKY` BrgtAN1�
'1'. LLQt1RN t Ce.. ,o
'slnr:ta sr theclot'i4.I aver. ce►d the
Bowwle, RI:IMMO and Livor.
ingoff Imola i:1y without weakening the
system, all tee impurities sod foil
humored the secretion.; .t the e.
time Correcting Acidity of the
Stomach. ourmg Biliousness, Dye
Mad/oboe, Disidiseas.
Heata> t4. arn, ConttipatiOtl, Drytans
of the Hktn. Dropsy Dtmneea of
Vision, Jaundice, Rheum.
Erysipelas,Fluttering of
{!Th1�H •tt,,I , .rid ties
orae Dsbilty ; .11 them an l many
ether similar Coap1rint. 'd b tuts
hwrr,v _ i sem`
T. WIJFIX • ttw, Pewo•r'•'-- "1".6%
ONAKf 11' -
meat aens .r .` w w
W eti
Rento ;** gr";
bar. to its its
tarsi color. re
moves Damen!r.
stops the hal
flow filling Oct.
:orreries its
growth. and aotsod the
As a hair.dree
sing. tt has n
siipesior. Gear
*aimed aartmoma
j..n hos, .Dieirt►Iad�l,St i. i. 1�1..'e0sd
.0,ve, Da. C*s *4',ytrvu CYsu.i M had • ass
.ort ousels needy
liar Ors
l..eW C1110014114 raa..serry Mut tea 6s last k i
..s,po..d.d 6e. wow! ( .wrtb.t.w* 1(0s. newer'
Ma.eeaS. aim ewtrdtas... esrllr+d w�f raw
Craflbb'S 331ock_
1 twee sow us sand the tarn.st stoat ever show. la Cudertch, and canonises m eel lir.. o
. t
wally totted In ed In • rem shore re. truss the neem mud, theme& an tau fnlet.iodeate grade
W 41». Neatest oarbid.. I will .ell •a
Prices that Will Snit `Everyone.
Ladies' Boots, ig Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00,
Kisses and Children's Strong School Boats, from 75c, up.
Boys de., 11.00, ap, all other Lines Proportionately Ch p.
I c. -.a and will Watt y ot>_ Loth a goods end prises.
E_ DO w i TNG -
Cube's Bi ick Corner Bast street and Square.
N.R--To tk,. trade . leather sad hadlag's as say ap.etlty, st rawer Prices
'•I fah. eats ars 1is11ab week** wags•. T*'
riporroefor. .+d ea. (10aadias. T'A. N we. sad
se • ran 1 Weald be pasted w say 441
. urld moewe' Frown dreier ST grim!
f/eryAra, eatarr y "nes Brown a Scheel
The itrck:
PuWlisbsd Euro Tbrsdey, :.1 $a.00
per aasun.
Iudeprodent .n Points, TOE WIGS& ap
peal. b) •..uoprrbrorlve Table M (oetaal.
,u Ma dater* ill toles which cilli Mltbla the
tie le of a cub ured bora.
A. average o1Jtloea sheet. crisp Kditerials
is g ter 16 Barb espober *pun l'A1`ADIA1.4
A vtKRIt:AY. aad I: a/LIM ! Pi,LITO'ISsad
Amongst the regular t'unlrtbuton ie Pito
►means lar4J•w en -tsar •t ..•d a dletinguuhed
public an.a In London b•. 4.1.41; .adertaken
to supply resularlj as Kauft.b letter. Paris
and Waidongtoa Lettera. ill appear u ergo
lar I.tenala
In addition there are epeeist oegtleltl.tleae
!rum mete to the ablest tenter* la mho Desoto
tea and tbe Veiled States.
has now rslerel upon its third year with
nus* pro.peds. and eels rasa
Heir fatuous. - --
C. tlLaCtiETT s,N0004111.
a Juries se.. 7.,..I.. ISM
3oerp4 o.pie, f r.e on a ppltitumson.
TIIK W KKK 11 oar of the tatu.t I0A.eati*S
iour•.aloi is t'saad•, - Trnak. Lon/ow,
Thb cot re•rrse.te the cis b4. trews tetk..ttip bet. Note this maims of the ? seepptsa
serums Masted to the Pad, by whine a ODIAITAN1T bat easy INWARD sad UPW A tell
mw•w..n bereb ilia tree
Ci -EO the
x N48, - Dru ist,
Mea•r'y !WWI 1 I11a;
1ILISS w ' ' ' -a..-1,..irSON
Win to aamsseee that she W ►a stat :.Liege t o varied pest, dos.
The Very Latest Wintee and Spring- Fashions
.ad ails tread r speott4By team the Wife to oa:I ad see tee ductay K
The Chicago House.
004 nob, Dei. fed IMI.
Hafr er's Weekly.
Illitit/.111011 W at more L11 kgs sow, for ore tams
treaty ass. maintained Ma pottier. as the
trading alum ratio •'.•rrily newspaper 4a As
erica. K Ills a aen►t.at lacrosse et looters
sad artistic rroourre.t it is &bletu oder for the
N.ula year intro.:linw sneq-alkd by say
previous, soles.., embrac4tg ewe capital Map
trotted aerial series, sew by Mr. Tema
aeseeP the foamed o!isnot writers ot log
tial. sad the other by Mr. %t £Lttta Mcatarr,
see of the ma° rapist. ruin& d Laellab
aee.iiese; gee • v is tllw.trauon. of satsasa
Weems to read'le la all endows of the sweet
t. - eatertsintsg short o ones. mostly tees
tested. b1 the best writer.. aid oupertaat
=day.high authorities os LLe chief topic..
of tae day.
&wry ore was dirties • treat wwA) "WM
cat guide. au eatawtaials.g sad inetr8Liive
tanelly pone!. ewtfrct yy free Mom .bijertb.
stole teutuye la *Ober IsMr.e pr.or eh=
tam, Mamie su1sorlbe to llaarttai 0 W sagas
it w111 pay yea to bay your iwrsll.re from the underslgsed, se I bare cow as ooruyten
so &0.000 01 as there Is is the enmity.
1 do seal 00+4 t puma s
ope any putere of sdvertisieg a cheap specialty. but wi11 01+11 yea • Kris
In the U.d rtakt.g 1 barce e malt mat euttied fon the ltpoor .0 well as rick.
1 bees also added leo process of Ins a4m ing. so (4.t part:.e bowleg to seed bodice of
friends to& d&Aaaos ma do so at rv.msa11 cosh
West s re.t. Oodmneb. bstrsta the Ib.t Moe and Beak of lloat:eal
Hindi. MM. LIM 1Di4Ja
C. 11.
Gailtilhle Nen York SiliLer Serg Iacliiiiaa.
Ad all kinds of Furniture.
Organs and Dewing Machines Repaired.
1/11faeW* s and Yeedeas always on hand at reasonable prices.
•It /lam Wm street. • mew door( billow the Oolbrsr Hotel.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street,t7Godprich •
A good aeanrt.sat of K Mohan. Red room. Ina ay Ruom and Parlor Furniture,sect .s
bleq (Rt.lr•. hair, ass sod wood eeatedl. ('ut b, rHal`steada. Mettre ,r. lerth-Meal
lssages, sofa& What -Nits 1.eoklrut Waimea, , •
N. B. --A tewnpi1eamok meat of ('omens and ! hro.bi...We Med atm Hearse for hi
K rea.oa•b/e rare . -
PMtsws rumble • Ousclally.-A can solicited 1151
rh. 41 iw:t:Alit4tzt-br,..he- ! ART DESIGNS IN 'WALL P
:Ise .v 4r'f ...:,w..t tag•. Chaste Ira.. Aro - •
‘Otos wild t• Came*Maw. We serf •••9 mooaeon era ,Los •I woo * *gm**. ewe+ coos ONO Me Malik a MB el & woo t et ease R�tr •...\. -
�s 4 M tat r aabef rea..�. -- ----. _ + ats'W.--
lemem a Mow Atha( feet
W�>�. �, 2O 00p Rolls of the Lit
L • w1r►1. ase al /h.,f r.4. (Aids sod R.dp.
haat (4.y ► esa...si•s esu. r .swirl rroe�a�asr. f
s.. omm•s.. clod d.�miy ae Iwrsl.ls -7�7�f tea e high.
sed ,.•r►ire el.loeles seers itis sodas 1itwagtlta refers sad •t pr.fEw ?•a•t wo Ar letlfta ttfhl�'
1� s /N>1t Sm. A ars sad plea este
nom''-JA'.1 8 W I LD ON
1111111111111 I
000.0DivAIA.00AIt0S ( , 1r n. rt. i
beme.so. b 0t/•. MM aieess• M•.d4A
Om leer :
HARI'0KN M404SIh'X. 6
4?AR!'RKS BAZAR. . 4
LIBRIUM, Owe Imo IN a•aakara! le
Postage Phot teal: a DAs U.o
ad *aka or Cawad..
The V slams of the W o.at v beide with the
Arm Number ter Jas of sash year. Whoa
au time to aotioaed_twill be saders(oed
that the seboeribrr w to 0ololtrea0e with
the Mobs, Nat atter the receipt et ester.
Bored Telmer' of ):aerie's Y'attitl . toe
threw years bark, in neat cloth bladtag. will
on vast by mai . D•• paid or by eepeeee,
trees or sap.aar /provided les inset .et
eaaert one d:,JLr per tame,. Roser y1� Pe'
(Pot Coats fee each voluttse, suitable fe'
bumding, will he .rot by .tell. postpaid• a
r*' etpt of $1 CO each.
Itemittatwee aboeld be made M Past -0111o•
Mashy Order er Meaft. to avoid caa.s-
Vernirv-,epyre ear .nit to ropy 14(s ado.
meal wiliest : 4e rspr.es order y H amu-
Unarm rear
1Arld1A RPKit t RROTHKR'. New
The Deevesber Number wall heats the
Hereat shwa t Tulsaie et R.Krtufa M aa•
nae. Min Wontear ca novel. •'Kut Angels
sad Mr. Howstu'. -bedlam yammer" held
tag the terrmuat place In osrres.t .t.ral Sot ma
- .Ill rim through several numbers, and wir
be follow.d by serta stories from It- II
Htrcxt+wtta mad Ire HWM ( eves. A oe
editorial department, disowning tnpip .u.,rated try 41w, urrrnt ttter.rure of Anter.sad K will be contributed by W• UHOwmlq beglsai.g wflb the January aim
ber. Tr ggrreeat literary event of the yarAe th puboi atton of a serkas er papers taklag
the a of a story. sandepicton rhsrastot•
Pilo featurs of Awerican society as sera a:.
our leading pleasure resorts writses by(M&aus leaner Wass.., awl ipecacs 4.d
by C. a. Kass aAwr. The M•oaafa& Nallpv.
espe..Jal ats.stion to American stab* t.treated br the hest Aiewsicsa writers. aid
Wuatrsred by teadirg4marivaa artless
IM. pear t
HAR!'ER'S IIAa/0IN&....Ie.If/RPM/I i WSRic1.Y. tHAR/'RR'N RAY R. ._. ..HA RPSKB Yll fol 0 PKOPLI... .... 0 NNIRi•SKI iRAA'YLAN SQ(1ARi
Pe1.IRtiA P. /Aar Pier fit oter.J..1rd rltlatia ai et mei% ttntiltr►t�4r'sr /r► tee O'eB-t.h1e N.mbm osadbr Juaa &apd Letessibethe $1110.111113till r e04.year. Mies tee th ee h spiv . f! . it a 1..uadenAod then the sslsrerfbrr weber to
begin with 1NelaRsr.l Nembrr,
Brood Volttmestut Hseaway Mao.umt.. for
tbroe years bark. t. nestelsth bled.ng.Warr% by rata! id. r e receipt of r13 es
per vola Cloth ('aeras, for beading. 10
omnta each --by mall, eostea5.
�lodes� be HAAmrasth ,Ma aeatrrws, Alpi.nbetleal
M1 1 from Jdodo I.*. I.c tee we, s nr, t to J na.t nee.
o.e vel.. ern. Glu. bN O .
itraltbeorbshould be made le Poet (>Mee
Mcaa ey Order or loran, to avoid chaaoe of
Mesapep -s are eel to this aulewf(r.newt a it/sort Me siprms oder N Hurea tantentrom
Ha cYouo PN,O int
T'be panel' o ti*arnalt 4.iocwo Pso►ijc
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tutrmeter, reading and Itlnsrstfoas. The
se•rW sad short Mortes Mta ,110(144 drat'atbI.tereat, wbile they are wheal fes/errswhat ver r p•rnktose or vv ,i, era.ades-
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Poiste PreNld. *2.00 Per YNT.
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elf e Illeek <MS(
t. •amt t1Ut , t''" .. . h A ,a • •',