The Huron Signal, 1886-3-12, Page 3... "comm. kmirirsTrylvArrNta . e -.4.1101$ 1 0.• $$$$$1.• 41. 1 $ " ' ' 411 f3;1:-' 1004' qs6441A.:,#)490.01'w . - Azior.* iv4rorkvi,..1. .5r4k4IC 1P4A :13.4* '•ot!.titlzt • to- -. '1:13•70174III4' •••`30.1.,Oio multi 3 .1$4111.11$ THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1886 E'I segested by the 'impostors 0 a Kr. Lockhart bad itadosotedk tattooed nossosper to seed them non on Authuoy's father loused usitideraole • mid aketehee I bans selected nty to his. He emoted nothing, as he work a mood bit dation the Lam Nw days. said, bet freedom to work for booself, a ZONT BY ADICLINII If I throw it sp, 1 throw op toy Misses* steadpoiat where he outdo use his powers '1•4 EIBRO, of other eimpleysaget, doe't you Du I" to the sisaust. -1.111111Me or "Jocose* Wire," "Uwera Sorts*, votes • lit raised hit!. &titre a And yet -there was something :eft )'otos Paticanoite," &c. whisper. as he .m. -ed - esimplatmed. Brom could trace the '"flhrtser them ep.' emmeoce of • feeling which he heelteted Fr, CHATTZB Ire "A.4 whet shall " I do Ins • L.11* r dotine in he south's ocossiormily "Ovine with NWout, defitiot manner. It yea rather lam "Wolk yes 1' Anthony was admit kw sesporme, shout lake envy. • hitter sod moment, ellen he laughed -"As *DU- gerdouic strain which Autism.), ....d Mete wee • curiously gram look u/ • ra:•e. . - s - I heeler '10 lied *otiose to supbreen A 'id yet there eas Asitheity Lookkert's Lim when he per oar telatiom 1 Which t' motethieg too 11•11i11altlth attek• &boat e emmese bisiumlf nett morning at ho • bovoo't oueindsrwit the s*Pocill.'' *sae for It to be supposed Hist be wool(' osisiu's Ostiside. Oise miAlst •ha. w "id galas. aeasiy, "Aa brother, yield to the away of them evil passim* Aluteght (but he fe t some reluoisoce .tuuk, rather than rmarist, valet, Of Perhaps a thwarted ambition was at the the idea .4 becoming Bertio's shoo, bay 01 tipt ether fans:time/ you men- toot of the toot of all Lockhart's bitter. conlidamt. Bertierhormalf wa4 osioe.ou if oet " nem But so, he dl id mut et it so - of the ehiU is his snowier ; but he di *art stasteJ from hie sett, • deep pear ; he professed himself conteedget not mod. Kr. But ote Dougho was bush tiariag the Betook, broom/ass of with hie lot, happy in his work; and very scuts young span, in sots of h,, is 000kead, on which trm Term torah Sortie's ormasiocal attempts to pone raft 1•sy aminsser ; end those soft brows eye. inbly lei Sweat Q. Moiid regardino the erd a reverse were imiatisiluse. of Ida maw mom thee the wurW gete torte animas uncertain look, almost g Berke was not intrusive nor curious by hiss creak foe seeissr. lits had • koo 411 IIT•ANUll sunt OtAatetb. peseeptisis ol the este of &nitwit,'" fee - nags towards himself said hui histcy, he ver diapueed to do itionstoolgtowaro, tate impriogotiosi of that Mau But hi koew bolter than to i0 s..11t to his end with • mem like Lockhart. lis tared at ones ape Out subest of hi letter to Lord llorsee. "Tu Mil the mak." mid /teems) . ail/inaptly, "I dust see what roe meat t. remelt MO AMA. I will "nisi • lotto ....pieiteui Den flie strider hp wag disposition, elthough be sometimes pu. Seely bitter chivvies. forth a foam in order w dewier An '11.4,4 de roe make that proposal r• ebony's reel character sod opinions esid, ban. Hue I armed .you lite feeler did not often find any sub - r asy help k.lpt Hawe I menied to gory moue to •hish it could cling. n your gond fortes* t'' Before the sod of the lung Journey "Owed grelliensi no r' said V5.tS 4. reethed, however. • state of Resent &t do". my !Isar fsfli,s, s" 4i'o fstares was established between the isomeasibelourself, with the thormomi • to 447 knows h°, high ta th• Betties health steadily improted, I elude. Bo remittable." y darnel' the voyage ; asid by tie --or soy umber et lietihr-et year r 7 11""ahla alea*111P-. they had reached tae lidediterno- .si• 155155,i155155, bet there m stoioltalOty. me &eh% . e 1 a&k. A•thaari "Wag hello" itonn info he eta ahle to decide opun goitio wMlii 'baler d.4ir05.4 toot ismigkt cse to Soolend instead <J eo- as es what post meg 1 „wfm• wwwty r geode mho: lu***64ifilf 11* difItist" f o'owning tot a time te the Riviera. "That yoe hare no 'thormtt at feu . 'a Itatarta i "b$!to" he". There waa still • good deal of languor (114 N?. and L-ssilan dint as snessisou aube ns- about him, •iitzsgutive daltoasy to tag • otte aide" . and he amaatiates marred from, eaythieg 'without bia eametsego'' r sad &iris,. mesas bow wrthen possible -probable." sped ;be streets td the woaad Los mei ; hut bream "a..1 suppose that Wet ti' 11. ....k ▪ tits whole both Anthony and the dm - new in, • welowei,,„ ea lowed., to be *w11M g *OA awe am 1, an tor were solisied with his progress. ogoi wkokmed. know., ducky 4kety, sewostod that 'It was an exquisite night The 1000i y to plidt• ids y•t for meaty • dayboss gloriously upon the wares a Ulu y dew p op, abeam'," ft nod. soteling s poi ""It a ("kbeiT 1fl'arijaa "14 " piteigh of wind blew odours of orator - between his dower sod thsumb. amid bend- iwulliPal°441/' h'it -7" ***. r"' & ,ffsyrtid roves ii„o, • iwkods Inc his brows • flute, "of ectosmoif yogi 111114" 'at wulas'iald* 411 mY ta"*"*., they pawed Th. Mongolia w hor• mob up your mese iholacek? li..1:94114un the nnalij way from A'exandria to Brindisi A*" arer's-61.11.. va the passage wag made under ideally -" Bel', keeled aloud, en/ toeuhia Fatin".1 that Ito. ...Abed reolueMs ear goviabf, congaiwa. rbe eirist was • •.go, f hie Y ware eal. 7" are PI" alum that Douglas stayed late ou deck Anthoore ans shoat at his lesed--s Lima se while and 01554.' "le" ""1111 ! but 76° ar* j"t *b""' tie waa lytng beck In • long wicim. ,iihe that ol• &haw% WO1Pall. sad tiff $ 1141194 Quo* bi tbs snick' of ▪ nomr, 1111/1 s rug over his knees and b.hli Ifunbdielitelt1001-0)t frcwatags_evatoalisa" bullant:; Ticashrestsoodu::hitie m:dirin:th.gan'twisrfli:edtsiegeterlatt'stil:emdiis Ifnewaii. doesn't knatt." - • a`d 1 "v• oa "'ale Lookhort waa atttiog near him in a mud hewn palm am skew Iowa. "Dim '' l'aeth?-el"Pt 1' **641 "bar* tied brought them oat and laughingly "Welt r - sugallermod less comfortable teak, mei- "Two days ago, • said Bootie deaths. 'flat Isto "ay "II want "111 16 under' it ttorety peeing away at it ineerelsation mob', "1 had a late frame 01lsri Bombay It «mos that agy father lo. held • Judgeship in Bombay to itia. Tiara 11. IJ01 deed, and be 11. 1. his fortune- siliktif wee considerable tit wadi. I billows it la soisethii. t he Wt; thoemed poen& There's Andrei lei • poor bet dewervirsi ro.., Ile spoke in wiegitt, Wee. bot he ear. fully avotded looking into Lookhart Gen H. need got hews hippo AV ean tul. There was oothieg le teelitan' farm but whet all the gravid esighthrm. stem. "I se you." Atathoey sato quietly. 4No. debt this fact alter gutless. Tow will Igo home, 1 seppiee and marry Lady Lelia's* metier "Ab, that's thommitief of it 1" stied Sortie. "I ate not to marry till I as/ twenty five withoot Lord bllotrme a amo- unt- shish 1 duet berms* that he will ewer jive If I do I &whit Glenherria" nd you an sole- -" ; "Twenty two.' "What a tyrant that gremdfather of ours is... to ham beets esta Astlion) with • disgusted shrug .1 Ike Armlike.. • 'At oily rats, your worse is clear. You will writs et owes to Lord Morten, asid tell Win of this ohmage in your cheerio showee. and be will see no doubt that there an be no pnesible ohjostissm t.t your living in put ten house a You griefs to do so -This mosey orates te yeti rmeonditionally. I suppose.'• "Yee, 1 me free to make ducks sod treks. of it as I thous and whoa I obeose'' •' What was the name of your tether's (timid r' "Rutherferd. Fru killed after kiln, by the bye -I had almost Itterettim the fact, And you think I shush! go hems st °moor "I did not say so. But I limey you will hate no choice. You will b. in - 'elided home for the present I slip- page, and the question will be whether you ought sot to abandon all ides of iktgothied add spend the spring in some Hatboro sity 1elan tell yee el s very good Ouse we the Riviera- -" Anthony was 'Dien en in his steady. somewhat cold and mil 1 wity, whom he biome aware that Bede was 11"11 tam Ins wah. " 61•1111 °P -"1""E'," lope. Tiro air three ether Opine were • 'hist if d'oll not binu" thit pacing about on the deck, but for h Ni, claim tile you " mast mot the , what ;wee do ti.al allek• had gorm below, essidthe cousins onuld kik wittiest font 'You meaty sioarest ariatle&- f°11 of being overheard. U5 07 %sit; die. I IMO your mei '..84,1esdid emece... begs, Deus ...sessehsp." "Yea, very good." "011. "61. 'ken hs" for a "We shail touctoeur / alive hea. her it, • We.* rephowf As a Is Pa T• 166* 6;14141 about tee days hoist mos," '• snow 'IV tress' with You to Bost- Lockhart anode an.oer. After a ar wawa"' Da"1"..,e" 1". 111 Nis secotids 'deuce took his pipe out """'"1"1"t" '1"'" 11" e'r I ih"ula°.t - ot mouth, and spoke deliberate') - • math meek ma relation 'Melt ,"" •• You am our much better thus t • the Moder •Settlile. servalits ari • ceouicie whom you sore in "ANA ohms 1 ma well yew propose to - • deert nee r • •13ortainly. I shall then have to both to mg lurk." "You bettor "1st 1 seenk: NM Sortie with more totem thee aeltair "Y . now that 31enbtorie ..hsc. histone yee. There is me ewer why I shoal temp " • •-111estme me," recanted Aettemy. H. "Ale irinottly. 'AO. though with an oaten/cited gush '.n his ohott aod fire i shouget you would tie _that there a demean for au to go farther than Loa- d o, grab you." Beetle wag silent tau fief a marmot. 'You promised," he said at last, care - /gaily, ae 4 the matter were of nes "test tteportanee; `you pr..etteed, Toe limier1 t,. see ate hose. I don't this'll I con ogrreale with tips tattoos of traveling him London to 0 enbervie by myself." "Yoe her. Donald " "Via Donald's n.4 exactly a eon Ranson But if pa want to throw me • I V Or b.hted " bis eye. 'Viten are some things • ths 1 keep uty word if you rmsist meld ler *holt 1 Intl he escietMe4 to red fr„.. •••41 Lowkwirt ebortly. "1". 1ha" haPt "a"' "Ir•rlat'"4 "Yes, 1 do 1 sant to moult pit still. I kdpe *keep it tift I di. " abut Glenbervito Then he eke end emit away without ..yow 4„„.1. fhi„k going 10 ear lamb** "rd. Breis "'maga atur b'em ono you them r mid Anthony, hookas 4ith a am°. nar• w" 11" "6" La. to Ws cousin with • steady kit& Iti• MAIO ; there lees • OKI la ..ob ruf. 44, 01150... ••oci serif.. ems of tielf feester eeleeloas Ake 611- „sena, sot toirr the wide see with an es theeY 0"0114 11"1617 ha" 116111464" presegm. .4 oomplete vaguettem. "Jew tatederetesid. A es I milt mood " ',de bib • stiff-neeked .Mi, lie *I egotist Anthony win silent; term he 0141 the Y^0611 in'in hmaelt- P16" souk, with rather a troubled aqua and as Limiter, and "-11",-1211 a %wooded lues of his usual cartoon of gratuifetiter, perhaps esigtt my, alowore Bat •hs 11,14a "7 Tah let 1 .0(1 ••Yoe ma% immtirm what it i., Bettie, find a way yet. He floe a far "meter to too (manna against going to 1st ese go to gemlassil, mid thee wi vitt" tu 11141"1"'"4° thin '1 hm'El °I enborise that I have jolt new. It worm to use as 11 setae &aro wouldoormi 01 st-- ea absurd, womense odtion„ no. Th. h*tar 14111wd Marven "" '661" doebt, bet roe thou I cietnot get ever. I in dos course, het het., any slue: .i ,t rather not see Mahone) agate." 0011 d reroit'sel n'sfsls* "t 11, o &,u! Why, when have you 14811 grey home. Alta gladiola, Lockhart elk 7' earfommo• see." dtkowetpormaisse. regamitief. It you His vet prevent; seemed to irk hint. seemed to about twenty-two or sweat?' three yests of M. ,.a4 was welvogood LI. dispiud it moose than ill fortes*, portio had mood otoomo isto a sitting •' mod Berke slowly, "I see by Berne with great wanuttt. posture. low, was kick 4 deep w UUttUSlj ID all you tell me but what is to "It can't tee Lady Liles.- said An • toms; on ko gum. "gimp,• y your honor. And I repeat my lento achy to himself. "She is fair and blue - father did 1114 know I' be said. Woe, not from were frisodlisess, het amoyedinum.byn iemaccobur;[4, iwvhban4, u il:atihisRigot: -Did not know !" Lockhart uttered a becalaft 1 "*.d 70." "I don't see why. Bat if you need she has I but net handonte ; uh, nn, short, hard laugh. "It wee he who or - me " Thrm Astikey pseud. He not handsome a bit -tough there's .. doted the dogs to be loosed It wet be who „rook roe first It in. h. .6. fateleci hi. hand Nicer the lower pet ti simethtug oinking them her too.' turned me own, from my riiktfoi ammo ho tau, as is to bide s -'me smosneetary And then he found himself beteg rm.- 1.,tas 01 emotion, and said TAN armory, noted t‘i her, and Lased slat this tail, "I come." Jerk girl we Lady 1.:Ites' 1(.000, Bea - Thus in a quiet ha/f.hour's converse- trice Essilmont. tion on deck, ie the purple light of a khan Becalm nit'a t4oire was undouht- glorious sunset OH tha citeliterratioso, edk her strum point She Wall tall, this man mood the derision that tented swite, graceful and dignified ; so besot& all Lis fauns lUo into a different shoo- ful, indeed, in inurement. that t.010- '04, and that maid the fait, of other pandit.* plainness of her face was a dm - g un mid women whom as yet be scarce appointamot 10 1. etraoger. Fier fneuds, ly know by name% however, would nut allow allow that she The rest of the journey ta Scotland ens plain at all. Her ne,rcifieent hair, was wee, g000feeded. Loodoo, whore •• • raven', wing, her broad low .hey haltet for a day to two, frapie re- forehead and superb dark eyes, her mind letters form his guardian sustain- Proud hp. and finely unfulaild tog formal coogratulations ue acme ill, furpot the thinness of her thous OW of fortune, mid • reviling to the Um bellow patentee t4 her complesitie. Towers. But Bettie replied that lie And when Beatrice was excited -what 0 would prelim to go to kis nen kouse-rm ti -e fire Caine into her eye.' and the crtm fine, at any rate -sod that ke wools son to bet chroks --- she could outelusso visit Lord Morvemet a hem dele. enemy a far mote &trimly handsome They worm by obey magas towards irosaan by ch. chapi of her wild inegu Glenbutrie, as Beni. was still week end htt beedity. easily fatigued. It wet late in the after- , "The horses .0111 wait, Konen." won of • rather chilly dety ie Jen* whew *hie ase&, addressing the Earl is wer, they reached the re way mation .1 (11. Weir and decided tones. "You are lode town to which they went bound. ping to drire Berke and Mr. Lockhut It wee mile sod a half to the mks of eo Olecnertie. 1 believe. Coins. Bettis. ' Bertio's house, arid them there was more looms your traps, they'll iollow with than had a mile of perk. rood and avenue Your nun* Whore is Your men, by the go he travelled -A gamiume "kid; Bono, by 1 Donald Olt, I toutember hiss. was engq tal to uroliiimg after the emu-. How am you, Donald 1 GM • cart front les of ilia Log iburesoy. Authmay,rmio the hotel ter leer callill".5 luggsils, .04 had almost , Desalt) os • lac- no ditYs hist hoist." totem, looked round for a vehicle. 1 The way in whir* Was Slisaufont took "They might bows aret us • =AGMs,. lbw tionin4 itioirlthatg from ths Treece," said Bettie intit a body, including the Bail, struck Anth- sittine on • pd. rtassaisaiss, 'sok atoms Bet nobody thought of disput tocch drollery in 111 voice. He was eleY-.o4 Pedlar' 'fru' il•rit•-• with i.ly rather spologetioally st his friend. kg her order,. Emu when they took "I'm awfully sorry," he added ; 4,1 thou please in the wagonette,' nobody otioht to have wired OS the siatiosorms • !logo the newcomers seemed to Ukiah mer or somebody to ret us a tab.° beit 1 is rualagIabie altar a stunt yr two to lire as 1 omit& to poverty -iu dishoo- est" and shame ter sight Ike oared " "fie thought you wet.. impostor r queried Berke, sonsewhat doubtfully. "Oh. no." Anthony's anawer wet gristly spokes. "Ile knew me. But he did tom choose to take coo in, I was • rouge ruflite -Mt rase, half starved, woolly uocsvilued ; iso credit to any re- spigot/the home. [ appreciate kis mo- tives." **Your mother waa dead r "Yes She bad told 1INI low story bottom she died. I cease straight from Ow settees to Oletibervie in the hope of (initiate a freed. I found -pier anted - father !" "What did you do then r •-i hind by my wits 1 sold myself for a trig* to a tessollaug showman for the selie of the truths that I had learnt ononest my people. I fiddled st fake ; doe+ voters. to bine arid red chalk loss with •IMINIV amour too ; 1 .s -ted in plays. Ilse into bad weapon more than .snce, and sew the inside of% clams. (1114 eittitether by sty owo fault. Whoa I was twelve I amid barely reed and write. I have nos, yogi use bad the advancers of what is called $ *Se • "tea af0 ore 01 111e beet diformed oust* I know," said Berke, ember tame f• "How oan you WU that? /In opt a /stood Magee anyhow. I coo .sgosk modem languages, I me drew, play the • john, write milting newtpuper rids, swim, 'god apirmt. Thet's "t only auk I meld do hod as muds," aid his cousin. "Add to that, (ha though I have teem ti lotif the autintriee ender the mut, and k /men all magnet of man and ViCteb•O, high sod 1.., I. hover tower hunt 15 5. goglish or floottielrdlineing room in my if*, *or eaehanred *meg than half a- d.temi worde er:t.11 0115 51 my own of:twilit eosin*. And tt is this **educated poet hitt rad twat to hitooluse to your iii.-nds 7 --to your future wife 1 Think oetter of it ; let me stay ii:‘Ttiondote I ion% warm to go te Grmbenits." "Lilies win out he the W0111110 I take oer for if *he does Dot mood to you tr Nano welcome aa oven I nu give,' •.id Bede*, with mere mirrestoses thee /total. ''ll'init, as my gnosis ; eseentity, the man who stood by me when death seemed ter" oear "Tush ! clod was nothing," odd ke. . g his long legs reselestily.. • • ' Who, thitd'y." continued Bettie, '•nereecl toe through a bed illness. and threw up be profesmostal work to go hock .ith 11/11 to Scotland whom 1 vise too rmok to travel alone. 1 dont ear much sumo it, Amble,. bet I shall viewer ha - let whet yo• Uwe does' "•• " Any nom would have done as much " 'I doubt it. You steak have •otted ez? grandfatkor's , on me,' mid Bettie, with • smile. "I wonder you had no temptation that way. To aban• doe me to my floe would Uwe seemed a righteoes retn ,,,, A little O. Bertie's 6-n' t, knthony made no immediate reply. He curled his face aside and sat perfectly • with We ewes iced on the hoetzon. Hie dark, strontrlyrmarked profile sae u nor ionises as 11 .1 were oarwed in stone But after a few missies of this strangely intense stillness he spoke. Hie voice was low and hoarse ; Melted re *Mot fur bits to got the words out. hal the teetplatiosi," IMO said It SSS a ironies/aim that evidently eoe 111. dear; lied, haring made it, he said noth- ing more. „ Bertie also said noth ing, . but he ust.le no further esperinsencs to find nut As thoey's stale of Wind. Henceforth he molt kis atrespletely on trust. "Yon must haws got on wonderfully," his obegirvestel last, in a tranquil, awe- tnimplaoe way. Tho tuition of Anthony'. attitude mama to miss - "Yes," he aged eleyrty, "I supposed If did. I wee* to Lebido* when wee Pour - teen. As artMt took ',Mid, of we, and apprenticed to ao stoorawer. I wt he ermines clomp Mot derated myself as well as I eould. I tried my lewd at literature before I *as twenty for reeve 1110011. Sild lbw wood and down fee • living. Thee --oh, I want through venom v;sisetedes. *al roe all shout them eons tome se other. I took with him. todOilisto leased fuermed, sod Mosa4d To Bootie Anthooy toothier, wets en hint norm examining his pipe very alum- isirthemaelhle stud, sr", eivare" "I Inter- ly. Bettie fancied that hi the moonligit oit. Whet see the key to hietherustvfl. he form honked pee threogif all is Oorteitho it tees DM easily me& ormeela *wad ems04241 of iaSitee ,iAd "1 saw k," asihrend slowly. "sfter eel listemieg to him. Ile wee Iliac es jarring elemr.L 0514 ma Jame Wilt y iw4hei 41.4.' him hook, with LL eyes dreamily initsutw demo bdiempall pit M. "Yes 1 Whipsurai time T ist• the dligitastoo, sods faint smile epee higlesli *A peegmargt hie Hp*. When kethowy involuntarily Wee amil4 .#tt• hasti Ult.& hie heed sea looking •••rel penes& hie Meiji' stook is with • reetart telrw** 4/16119 l'amtb 97 blare into his merle* Nark Toe doll •` Nretieh seemed. ie Lockiturt'a opinion, se whish alma Wag -he had remembet that a beggar hey of ten yap* imerdeml se 1 .RMA he had Mg oasts to Glinberrie with • (dor? Thseb be steads* irrelevant oAasibbag," sold, "1 'rant yew to 'ell 10140 oh "4" WWI la &mere. oohed, liellered. withimpme *Web Air. *imply immune he thaw*, hh• de* to bed, twit thwertrettle to' look et ; *Ise a "Tee 41,,a'typaseelicor it r said book - es home with use. ,43. knees vitt yeti ? I width I meld," 1141 e° hill"aikr• let** rus asset Itsiky with whips, •114 $eam mimedosy1 witimmt Aegis, toa wee sore that kat eft& eel perfortif spapta, .04 4,40, secei 1,6,1 Ti • works that he metals:4 lett plasm it dielahweited ell *.5lb Mgt ems whim I ossa4ilembacwia--isitsse 14: at due propeeithet. ' Why esti‘ r , G O* leo, tee. eh . NW. Asp df Owe 1/10 It &hi sit wool lama voideiliont.t &nosy they keys oto et the blest," te • mine tome to Lord illegeon, she -rn wed for 0,4,- said Anthony. "Pohould calculi take the reins front the eoppote they know -up et year hoodbeogirmin and assume drives's position, --that you are coming." leaving the Earl stud Ilia friends to seat "Tea. 1 tie:night old llaisfarliee woad! thermakees at the back. time Imegluelti meet us. Somethittly "Oes 7.0 .5117 ilsonsgs those l'"2", meet hove detelded him." *emitter Douglas voted her Irmo be- . • it struck Analogy that 11 51 home. 'hind einnitigs were like.thes one they wove "tlf coome I can. Wive you fonrot- partioakrly pleasant things. The train tett my abookes as a whip I You "er hod kit the Metes, and the littL plot not be afraid; I will take you sah form wog almost demisted. The porter. totem." And thus they started. este gathered together in • it um at nae Polite and frosty was the conversation • ; the giadoseoagoot Lod oeo apsith, between the throe men in the centime. little nose boast ; Rorke% warecest Itad Aa thso neared the park gates 11 died disappeared. Bettie on hie almost sourely sway. Bente was not. hlutlf •1 ruff 44 IOW,: , are old landmarks with •n air of eager areas crossed and a rather vexed copies. interert, whale Anthony seemed absorb - lion' upon his fen, oseopied the middle in his own rellectioi.e. Perhaps he was of the platform. A clear blue sky OM' thotaking moo if right had been done, hood, melting into a stold9 haze above his home might have bees here --where the row a black -pointed firs god pines 6. 550 now a stranger in the land. behind the raitifay line, gave in its ob- The lodge seemed to be deserted ; the solute emptinesiiin added touch it salmi :cams stood wide open, but nobody cook! • • • desolation to the scone be teen. Fur • little stoop they drove Sucidealy 4. clatter of hoofs on the 0$$ to silence, until a sudden sweep in hard, white mod outside j,. gskr. the ihs rood brought !hen to 'Pot where sound of wheels odd voket, broke open it.at rim dirt k the horses and cast a the stillness of, the sir. Berke raised few hasty worth rmor her *hooker to the ii'l•goif into • harming &Gated°. "1 I Osittletnati behind her think 1 know that mice." he owl As_ "fitenethinl is the Mattel'," be said ; Hinny looked towards the road, bet the ! look at the smoke -the glare 1 Bort* Addition house hid the occupants of' the "a141ahtli°1°111°" h" r' carriage from his akki ae could see "TheT have got hnilfirs for re: ths beads of a pair of yeti fine bays, hut hereec"reieg.- said Bettie, 00011)% be could see nothing more. "A strange bunhre 1" Lod Idea In another motesot. however, Donald ""iti Pmateag with hifir ship to ths land smoke and to:Westin" sky which re -appeared, with • broad sulks upon it t d d behind this thickl Let - his Noe "It's the Ussi's sineel." loa . mud, tomtit* his cap to Bettie with e lout of real pleasure and relief For Donald was from that neighborhood, and coagulated the Karl's Lowermost' to he • mark of proper respect to the young master whnin he well nigh attend. Bettie rote. Anthony aside sad eratthed the easiettog of veggies and weed with . t. 1' he Earl of litinsto wee • an man, of atikely beering so remarkable dis- kettes of swimmeret He was alight, but so well proputAllbsd that his slows meaL were full of unusual run ; hia face was rather long, and he wog • short pointed beard, which gees. him the look of • amino its emit .4 Yandyke's portrait*. His hair Was bleak? and thee. the pallor of Pe completion intr, strong relief. He akin wan of the peta- l/or irhiteeeee mid Menem of 'grain which is more often frmed in a woman than • men, sad which is mid to be generally indicative of ancient descent. His eyes were so dark that they were 'enormity celled beck; they wets study, piercing, rather odd eyes, soinewhst deeply.set. Anthony fancietl he loek • se at him that he had either sou this main before or read a description of his appearance. But he sould not termite $ .11 Oen Y p .4 trews 0 the park ot either hawk. "And," the added, in itlieter tone. "I agi afreid, a stroke hookeeining ! ' Itt) bn, , "What is good fur a cold r is a quits- . tine oft/maths& but seldom satisfactorily ansimere& W. CNA arieder to the wet feetion of all, if they will follow our advice - sed try dietysird's Po•0(••1 &shams, a wee, pleamot sad certain throat and I. healer. Sold by all devastate. 2 to soldierine, then to gashing sheblere how where. and writing artless, wkiith attraetaid The greeting that pssa.4 be wee, sone noted and ultimately got oily dos - lewd Weems sod Bartle Douglass was Merge- • man i.1. -sated liketelf in c .14 etionoh ; bet it was not 1141 V11‘1114 nu, ost me es the staff tof • ewe? ..r the Oates cast 117 (114 Ihrl imchhot trm. where they sometimes sent me out whit wag iistroduert. The Earl's New Salt Pans and 'Boilers seemed to seen the neweoeme Arcot ' heed to feet in a reemesee time h* berm! slightly, bet rwrd4 ernrosea.-k GO TO KNIGHT'S FOR A 4 SUAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. "W(. IliCriOS !AST or PO tOsitty 1101111ICH BOILER WORIS i" reel *large sta3k of HISS 1 IRON STEW FITTINGS -MR - S &DOES all a speeed. It was in that way 1 cents to India. I suppose 1 as what people --1s * narrow grooms harm dose what fee noes is arty posioon There would \ergotism* sone 4•71aarNla. do, I holiono mend motley There tees s patina tote im hit votes "T l'Arr"‘ .71R'tti, 19 iWl,- 4ah':;,44 4, 'N44t Intuit het for the appesarestes of • peas top on th.1/ ivIetleyet rani ,for -miltr: 1140 it 1 t!t obenego teeteo. oe. ots. el fat itew wet PIM repairs Ir$01:441. 111.1"let 1"0011" • 411- CHRYSTAL is 11 1.401, Wargo, soar 0 T. R. Matta* ko f• -coo Poo 14 met 01,41 -‚'. .; 4 . . t. •