HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-5, Page 8-wpaee ewes ami q L MOUTIL• Iie.•N4. 11 Mores - 1). Ma.:(ti limey. of It / .e If 414114, r ora444,, { rcacheel tares 1 a• 11et..tee Too - •••sig 1.•..•I, of e+emtwrs of 1 0. 41. .4 YI3. •.4.I 1.. toe Nur ..n Friday •4.'. '... 4' d g •• e e pr..; rain rt the amort is out••./ f as literary aortae, fleitioo ....' getout the 1,111. ea. ...lo•ya .. ,A.. ,q,a. t 4.o ,In• sous 4.y the hely . {1 • 1«.cua 1•1 1144111d 4 111411k4111wt 1' K1111. •. M events .a rth unmet um- • r{' • .•r .1 ,of 1 lie ,u,...IWr. ,.1 1114 MAO 14141 i...lt.. aeon 4• Berth 1••.u••ud the 1.r ,,,I iNeas rietay fret, U K 14..,•r•e wail 111 the Forest City Un. weer .0 .u, , purcllasre .•f •prn.g g....'. tl. ♦ Alirr l Kut:ret, ab.. for some N 1401 .114 t«•r.l r.1y u.,well, Is • 44111 re- u••veruly. A mart' .g hs hrrii called 1.y a .use I f .r ih•, ...vim,: ar;neuIlurl•r. 4.1 vise seeei•e 1, t•. he hell ea the Te.eper ups hail, to thy. villi,;.,, out >laturday 1114.1. t,,. Ikh url.. at 1 p.m., for the y vet /«...I •ta.tiu..o..g the propriety 4.1 h.tln,•t w .u. u o ••h .pr,ov •how .4 en - tile *t.eik t•1 lh,i i oelgleluorMeel Leat • pent(. As ••,.uo of the agrtealt.ral ...:.sue. ..1 the menu in have deeded df 1 h 1...t =wllaatlo<. e remain* of of Chicago. Rod 1teat of A inhale, Mrs Herne Interred in Ktubes cemetery un M today.She aes w daughter .d Arohihald Mc..,«d, of this place The fussiest was a Isrge tete. The mol he: and babe eocuyie 1 the our w•�u - Oo1bo3'ae. TBE HURON eiG'4 Alf "RIDAY, MARCH 5, Iaia Hary Evarer. Tky fused" of Mr Alr►.d Morrie a.wemblud togs -her at bla residence on the evening of February 11)114, to witness the Ulan rage .4 bus only d.luiebter, Wneie, t. Walter Tay'or, ..1 Dakota. Thu ceremony was co.,duct.41 by Rev J Turner, .1. Dungauu.'u. Af- ter don't ample justie. t.. th. gesd thinly pnnid.d for the occasion, and inspect - Ilag the preseuts, which were many slid costly, ell 1. tiled in the wwlsy dance. which wee kept up in accerdauce with the old slur that •'We'll deuce all night till brad dayvght, and of., Lome with the Kinds to the morning." Mr. cad Mrs Taylor have the hest wishes 4.1 all the ammonite. fur their sauce's" it. their future ho.ule In the West. 111111 1111 1 111111111111 III 111111 • 1 11111 III , IIiIA. IL M DO ALD lased Thom r Teeousam t MMM of .. Novo Mole. of AMAIN/ rseeaissrms aso/re► The f.4I* Mag sweteh .•f 114...1.-.4 the tem I'r.ab)1.,na. pester •d A.l.a.4.1 wd1 he read with u,4..,,.- t b) our .cations 1.. the northern towusb,ps : - 4tev. Krw.otb ►lalh.uald, late .•1 Neleentt. vim formally pieced u. .Iwre•s ,.f the Pre.hytitwe church, A-•bh.W. • . the e411a Jaime. y, the moderator w 11.. 0411, 111. Rev. J L 111.nrr14, et Ku•cmr Astor, prwuluM(, tis Rea. 111,. .Ttetene.w prwcleml the settee., e,,U the Rev. Mt Cews.un uddre.ee4 the wsesst.r Tk. Krt. A. Suther.etd preached the Gaelic mean. •w. The Rev Ketole s:Ai Md)uual.1 r • em of Jebel McIenield. •d lllsug.rry. The latter is a H.ghlaod ti.v.tch lt.•w.0 embolic. H. rrar..l hi. family so hie own fetch, reed the) ail adhere n. a ea 0111.1 K.uu.th, 4uw the R+v. Keuu.th lit: Duuald The Rev gentleman w.• educated in Teraina/ Utits srsity end Kuot colleges He was cenvert.d from the faith .•( Iii. (Ahem whim 214 ween 4.f ass. sed has haw cauastrnt, a..4 Mtn* 04.11 • ear awmber of the I'rwhyle, sal 111T/1614, chunk. He was ordained 1e the mama- - try to 1666. and was fur to years ...0 6itvsa Waimea -A wri'rtse piety N..uary &,meet the Remote esthetics .sited epos Charles Symms' and hie The A»bbold ceneragatieu is to be 1 amebic wife on Feb..46tk. on the .'rear- ooi gretulated epee its toed t.rta*u 114 f the tweetfifth an,.ivormary of having secured bta perigees. The a••4- 1, 4, +tut, err a •.r other reas.ua, their wedded life Aboet 70 metahen r (c . While t e 1•rgat end widely utak-naiad Save Ave maws posed by ordorles your t. Wald r .{at 0.1441443111111 u -Lor, sod w tkoto ex- ' of St. Andrew's oo lltiel„auon ta..k Part `t'411e toe great majority uudrrN•nd Owe day het week u Miss Su••,. Sher h .e.. ter aim .unw .4 good 4a the' In rhe pnteewdinfn, the prtsapal pert (41 asid speak Eut.Ii.b, quite • uulub. A • 1.rT tar.l a►wm 1nny, a sootopeitag W see 'shish the ase .tau•• lit • elver only speak (heeler, • port achene when et is exyx • ,ort. A l•wat time wise *pout,and course still char ell neterelle prefer to fraatanug the hone about r war 11- w4.lsa en." � r sit a1 fo4,t that will 1 P (h,e does too need to aria► far to bud a refutation of the Tory elate+ 1441 the N. P. bee wade r.eryh.41y happy and p•i.•s- {,en.sa. The Toren'.. Pfeil supplies It rn it. local a•lumus. Here are the hesd- 1.Igs.•f the article • ►'HH LABORHR'9 HIRE. ire Into i.4.I the t It7 Melt. Are ler ererasers brimming raeperlsed rr 4.6441111 £I'ctioaisnas. �I. BALL. ADCT1Ol1l1 1111 11. Comity of bursa. lhln LIN-.. TI lamas port of tae County. idyl seders to UuderW P. O. Mid. 1flHN KNOX, OKKKKAL AUC • THINKER arid Lime vMemor. Uldrr4 h, tint. flaring had .o.•iderab4 eaperwvu, w the as„twuseriag trade. he i. to • pastime to isci.rrtt.• with thorough salmis.' Lea all coin mission.* ea,ruMe.1 to kit. 0.4er's left et )lart.u'a Ilolel. lir Baal by mail ,u my Mid rem, tiudcroh 1'. (4. carefully .,t*wled tai. JUMP .CNOX (',.unit l#etle•ea•. 118Rtf a fMs. WM. .re tes.1.o11y T\rrrl,.rJ RMb West. The article is something Tike • column sad a hall to length. and it tells of the •nal., struggles mut poverty of those ..h.. are cowl Bled to work for living. The P,wfaoi.t .d the liaburer•' i'uu•m ta yl...ttel as •ayiug that the Iab..rer who would earn S7 • week the year relied ..,uId eouaider hie fortune made. 'Ch. twits cameos 44 the T..rotlto .1)a,! are .adly out .4 ion.' with its editorial tone- eitnMr►ra - IL inden A4.elismt. Ou %l..nday Mr, Fs. Lew, of Hallett, delivered right heed"( cettkr, which he hot sit 4 to Mr. Winters, lit Seslorth they t...11od 10.470 the in weight, whoa is remarkably %(told; one pair tura ..1 the soles at '3,930 lbs., which would 4.• v.-ry hard t.. beet ler young cattle. Mr. J Garrott ale.. deh.ered four heed Kiat west to 4,940 lbs. �Rvc='s r1,e.II AID 444141.158 -SEEDS In 11.4 the Pbr* . I' sed ifI.trrr l..or,lr., err unrivalled for p.ralp, eitab ..a•l p..erei exaell...u. 1 be f hlrty- ►'.fth A1.1.1181 P.444 tut, w ,ter Urewrtput• Priced l'•fabetwe.beaatifaW illestrated wW be smiled raise to apptwaat•. end w eaMwsers et lett year w II lu,*t Orderlas it. livery} Martel tot/Jenne in the Io.ml.lu , .(Il s.4 it le their 'stemma 10 ter ,.lir seed.. JW. A. ie Celli( f l.. 1tIR3 _ asu.row, Oat. SA\V ANTED la reverie te tut! ' root HardI 11a..wad, l Market f al rerea et the Falls Baena 80 Yi11. He else avid de OQBTO- � W� IN3 at aq tin" at • Wisest tete. orders prompt!, atteltd.d to. X A V IER 'LECH LER. Ilo,1r,Urr. Jas. IRA 1NIL 111110. C. L. McI1JTOSH, Neat door to K►7aai Deng 9wwe, asses twu.taut 17 minus( t* lita .eteet.4 stock. "heels Fresh Grocer, wbicb will e�bsg•a toned to compasad re t••tea �Mr. bulb 7 ether a militatee a er ekes.... TEAS AND SUGARS A IIPLCIALTT. sE Ku s 1 la relsrol1i duels 1e os aC1 *ha win, 10 1 woat alae bsoy S . a ra w b• wel io oak and ,sepal ml a1ML. O. L.SaNTOS& Bank- Www side el the Owe. poderice, Feb. Isle. 1�. r (:a1 ret Shake, wee attst.lyt•mt to unharness to was <x bou.g one .d her father's bermes the annual 'rum, !fanfold and Carrot diarA I ,r .1 r,t r4.tlr, l , the Ip,cte un ea" basket to the pasta" of the brat •cqu•iutd wttb bulb massages of kt• ked het, .tnktag bee se the Ire and td h M hall 1 the .sent •8 wee pear boor snout ole . the n.: o.-. show• of uo1 h*•, Ior souls cut stout the head. Under medical .Itis stock ural sprint .art •ret in adore u( manic• and staid follows, speaks • ties* & Tke n ott het tb,....* u•1uf the ....MM. address, which is M fulluwu, speak• for CMM etre+, been ntbuut a regular gaits. Hea4 1. b11W.1.r, nater getting on Mao., . - 0101111114. the infirmities of odd ago for .well. and we hope to see her ensiling yuan .1 :`.a.Ow. T. Mr. and Mr. �►tt.orla, �es1. h.(ere. Mr. Grant, as late pas4.r, face stetted .gain mein. - - We, the members and adliersilta a is teaig4ed his charge, he was unable__ .pane assigns .ill open en the S1 Andrew's church. EayI eld, take this to attend to teeny ..f tae duties ddv..ly• LOanS anb )11SUra11ce. Ilth..f Ay.11 at ,:rltuttuu, belore u J lit „f,p,rtuwhty orf 1 edding to lug upon • Chnettea minister iu chant* 0ee nil.. our ..teo,a tet u, ea G II trim has hese liberated ea nation of your seal fur and ah uselti.Frain what we can learn the Rey. 11101IltCAM1t1WN, to al bail. 41 arrirud trout Guelph last dew4io•n t.. this eunirrsgsuun iu all its McDonald u the rsitkt nam de the richt .Ieh, 1168. week. Intetewt, t. tek.w of shit» o• beg you place He takes charge of his aoneroga g,(ONEY TO i.END. -- A LAK 11 D 6 C..wenrn. beaker, has disposed to •.'oe a this ail ..it cake twine. and tern in the prime of life, and 5s in every 111 as .sat of Private Meads for inveItment f sl : sad ou may logit way gnashed for the discharge of his id mese se Graces=Metrtgagee. Apply • to (JARROW & VROV0,001% ed le the esu o7 woar•htp their Creator in their uanve tweee the knee olid auk's. She was also i.1 roe w t K f d our appreof • a,antry aesgrtgatleu. Yr. M_NpM T4./ LOAN. At'1'L) 1v sr n( his autaful comae.. pushes t.. H. tether Pleomu ver y nus H• r 61 ilia/rim, ies.oh.., A kli la' be els• od • • .•soh 4th.' ua y dud church to erdab,and which tai.. are c et. attael'ed is our poesaea•d of great vigor of body and Mr, viol st, ria •ill ...,1. ert o his eller fencers prayer. Sigurd on behalf of the mind, u • fiesta and effective speeler ; �tftl ca WKkiett •rrAee under the 4..11.4 congregation, JOSS kluges, he hclds his a•nracttons with a •ming it ..Ina., wc•tli will Ito doubt add t.. the Mfs. brsssvat, grasp lied is quilt* leeriest", though came c'.'t"t i.uk el die Wise. Mtge M. T. Oa4D+aa tette, in , , them. Hie many Mr Tneentei..1, b••uksmitk, has per- B.y6.:J. 16:1 Feb.. 1686. excellent (pattitem him eo4eared him to cha...l cue ..1.1 Mehed5•1 church, which - hie aa-preebytsrs, and we doubt net will h. int.•o.ie aMuq se a W*tk.tauh shop. won make him a o.0tr.1 rawer around Joe. ri .a seville, M. P., left far Ottawa L=AS- which his o•nereestiun w 11 sal kw. l...i war. to .rtwid his Parliaw4Iltari Mts. Sontt, of wingham. 11 11,1 t.Jwn lauded and ountented. The field is lame J ,raw 4a the tee ..eutat•.• of West •rutty* fneod•. and Mr. McDonald has an etcellent Broca.opportunity of reudoring great and goodThere ere • large number of sales this services in his spectal 11.44 of labor. MI 8+11 seed Durnin Icit this ata- sprier Fire this week near hen. His stipend a fixed at $1.000 per en- tree+ Inst took with two r.,wg heavy Quite a nneaber of the S.S. workers dr ail .t511....• (..r K.r4.a& attended the ul•nveat]Ots in Wingham Ars. lies Cur►, wife •.f our esteemed 1••t week. lacrt.•r, 4,*. beau ser6,o.17 ail, but we see There have bees merest birth -day 4...1 4o bear else w recovering. partree here lately. T by seems to be a Mr. 11 none tih. Taro.W- the greet change, aced alma an aere4bie use, by eareemee, •.44 .fewer a lecture in Leek the way they are patr.)ntzed t ih livit , uualrr the 1r4 l xa .t the The stone and brick are being drawn Mao �eeseseR O,,true ssn..g1 literary e.ecl T._ for the tow cheese faet•oty, and every- - _ thine is axon reedy for operations 4e V.u)ttmo*d, of A. 0 Vanligtatond's Ea:1a.671,1e. 4e9' apri r Sous, E. udv,l e, returned from the n. States where he 1ta. been pot - J.." �f, •or had • say illetil.:g flee Isom Eltdta l..4..o.8 4r.... hoe u► the Wise dr). 1 48 .. tk G. :,r ter, ' 0'1.04 we, it (4.6•4.1444 so aro ,u.ch.uory and has ale.. e•utewullu. rut week t•epuft oe the real, and ...d. liluevb lively eidened the latest improved eptnniue.la- fer tee day. ehueety which is now helwg built °.peat ally for the Se.terth ...ellen twills One Aar last week Mr. end Mrs. Jas .tory, of the Thw..se. R.a.t,Ush..rne Cale- Rrv. G. 11 C. rdsek,'.f Dimiteneoe, g.,od work, leaving I.. evening( a go•et hralyd the fiftieth year of their 'narrate i. expected 0. wench here next Sabbath pile of .van. They thou repared to -r ;laiden w.'1J"4(. There were many eve,elttg J..•. Path's, iu Riurvalr, *here the Invited friends present to join the old Res. J.11 'R.•yd...0 1 r.•,,4', preached hour. •we+ sped away and all too soots 41' 'h mem gang 4..41 *weuu1tt(1 the Meth1. the taint light ,a the 5.41 broke sed ds.t chart& twat l;mlihsih \ 01....e.1 tae festal ver .0. num, paid quarterly in adw•uo.. He has also the lime of a glebe of land, con- tenting 10 scree. _ _ COUNTY CLIPPINGS. WM. Mm all tart' of Wares see es w ti. ha .. S. ,toy 1*v .r. A(a+ day 1....tlies►t to Um Mil and died r - Mile a •.lush • horse he- Yr. Pugh, of Ternberry, had a wood Ur biok t.•..k suddenly hire .,u T.esday of lett week, anti the men 1.54.•14 berth •b141 ant nUu.v did It is ruutore.l III .t Ree J411111, lard 4.d f,t,Nast y he+i to 514441 4.1 111.11 dame! IeetUre rel •u4ylese ••1 tine Waeess'e Mt a..twty. 0.14 pie Mit cl nameenurat t,ig the ati ni voraar7 of Cud eveutfi a day in the ye+r•1SSt On 1K. ud$Y uv'e last, while Mr sum r. Ehv, ,If O.. Meetlwy .4 last week the residents Ston. Exeter, was choppinv wo.•.d. M. D here, had the plraeere of limousine to the first Ina+ nefortauate enough t.- bent a bleed- er the lady lesn/rer .4 Ontario, Mn Feeder- vessel In his leg. Dr B,..w•nni waswlle4, ..(Seaferth Altbeugh there was and steppe.' the bleeding, 14.4 before, 'seawall airdromes..the lady thrilled her humane. the I.w of lal••.e1 4a.1 (411.4 kis ()RIVATI FUNDS TO LEND AT 1 • s.w4 M Fee .es(. sa Are .4ss. farm se, lir its Apply te R. C. HA Y8. SeNcIlev, Oude- eide. 1440-11 GRA DCLI FIE, ENERAL IDiSURANCB, REAL ESTATE Ain MONEY LOANING AGENT. Only Pb e-ciem ('•atpaw4w Reprrse.Sed Mr Matey t. Lose e• stra4gbt sero., at the lowest rate •e tutor's• going. fn ray way to alt t4 wvr.wer. 011-01tr1C11 1lecpod door from 4lquare. Wait littera. Aloha /h0 PERSONS WANTING LOANS 1 or • eaning to change their mortgagee a•d rodeos throe rate of nat.rost. faWrautism!aue pr41ai• haute to *147 amount at per ornL Ws bare alis received I4strtm 1iuos from a o4ie•t rusitrolliag a trine fund to tend out a kritei •meat on One clam farm 4.rtgawro at 5 1-2 per neat. Apply at once to BKAOKR & LBWi•a. oupo•Itc the Cusborwe Mahe. INMrr\. (.uder.ch. 11114 Nov.. nes. _+D:'itt - 1 NSURANCE CARD. \ A retry 1Ar.e lied of young pee* frilr4 tneuou the beauties iq "Hems Iufdu pu Tuesday night Ie++t sooa,n• to CI i ( a.•adc0 the wee.lws 4.t H. g „ ellcm ICA Per d.rvt e t left w L t :kn•.e admini•tmn+d poison t1 tae hospitably ant Ctemov l g. Thos wale to impressio..., and the 4.11 lad Mspltatllt retarlrwl by their Moat and 1 u,Agniii0eut innate' deg "B•amark" mini b.4.l•.., 811.1 „w1„ hump wart .pool Ie+ lector -v. will to ell proheh'l.ty receive a ell by Mr. D E 04 arum He was mar it ...trio pleasure. earns wela,re f Blue,wle tau.iy one of lh1 h,.eot d••u• brought to The e/11014rslu0eet in the i.asement .4 Thr bead bald their concert on Friday the .silage, and *ea cseeedin,ly highly Cm Methodist e1.reh 144 M...•d.y even- •.1'115034 lost, as pr.vn,wly anno•unc,-d ',rivet 1,y itr.wuer- ting wee 44 esu IlI1errSIJog character. A lenethy pro/rani buil twee yr eider' A K. McAllister, I .t 41, conte 2, Writ 4everal arty fine %lee• esu 11.411 ilia soh by the c...r,utrt.e, .,oat the test lariat) -]••err were rzlllhlte+l, Greg re,wlel•ed tiddl t.le"l snwud slut 4.4ur1 brtug enured, tw1 w;,y ii, celestial/ mud prudish e by the .wale the •bele peal lit err) plraw..tly. reams -lie of the kwturw. The b* 1 was crn•wd.11, slid the band w ill net .44.17 be cheered ov the know! BonallI.I. roc. that .hey have the sympathy of the _ a,lwuwott7 but •lie• by thee tut)4. they Ws are p:rasel l.. hero ,hot E M'4' 11..11 sate 111 the trea.gty he ahl. t.. hill hettet anal wre ad.,.taMe Ili t•m..l hdtl$ m.gls. old tb•ot 1 h t still el Ireeu t ':1111 t r hh,.r Ile It.truors as eke eagerly emitted in 4n.& had, sold the hatter part sf a pelt W. R. FOOT. Fire, L(J. and .Manse /.ureic r Agent. WIPER/Cll. r us1 we opp4Nae t'olborne Hotel. The " Landon t..ur see t, in, orpuratcd IT311 The " Nstiowal.' eelablislled Mt. Tao "11,11111141-104141011: MO only Company lluensed to lassie plate glom. 1a the !feminist The above are an Arat-.lar and old estab- lished onnewanfe► Mali mien at Qrersl rafts. Oeeerieb D. MM. Uk14. Itgi 04)I, T'l► LOAN AT 9 PER f TU�IKIU14IIU OI►PCKAL TRUSTS CO'y are prepred to lea„ stoney at liver cent.. pay table b5a� yearly, s TEKM3 T-1 Sl'IT BORROWERS, •ia .M-cls.e. farm security. AppCAMERON. HOLT & CAMERON. Harr earn. uodertek. Aorta fee the Toronto General Trusts l'a'y. Mems Cautreov, Hour & C-Ai.wrw,ti hove also • tare amount of private mode to lo* a on sr11-tI ae farm security. 1!11.1! UodeN1A. (tet. I. 1113. $2Uu,t)O0 PRIVATE FCiOh • To lend on tarns and town property. at low- est ,merro&. Mertp,ges pr►chwd. No tom summon c�� .g•-.ta for the Trutt and lawn Company of Canada the ('arada landed °coda Company. 141r i.r.ndon Loan Company Of ('wane. Interest. 4 64 and 7 per teat. N. H. Ilorrowen use obtain money in Otte SLEDS AT G. H. OLD'S, Tke Unmoor. en tee tleeaee. artlwrsse Family - -- rO+cerie4 Always ea haw& Tekiehotae Communication. t:ensriok. Jae. fate. elk 0 17- a. a_ V 119 W G. al , CKNT. Waerale.sb, formerly of (hey, sold s day if title sat Wan torr, three year idd "Pnuce of Walt.. ' attire UAV IRON s JOHNSTON. welt to w Mr Youoit last we•ik. Ti.. MO Barristers. tc.. Goderich ye ce paid a as $4.0 The here weighed $20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO l LEND 1 625 pounds. sod is the leaking of a ea ears. and Tema •maty at lowest la - hem anio.al He war (rich • '1 iota ...tire tweet. Mertinmes pen se etesmiww�s Thr buyer will ship Lim to t'.. Jtutes. chiseled. O.4vey.nci deer t•.est.t M. R.- eon.werw oa5 obtain mens fa one [ Brussels P. at f title Ie satisherg cry. i►A V tmois a 2044 •. TIN Barristers. kr.. (ioderick. 9751 n15410 Wm. Vincent. Morris, h: roig 11 arta' •nit hector f e sewer, sneak After an 1114.145 ed s x weeks, R H. Meanies melee to attend lit his school V •.I tea 44w113. &usual *evens, .4 the Turtle linos to... don Mt, /4.M T. is haute gni • visit res 4.r I44otber. - ---- WW.a Sarah I1r.1.11e has returned after .t two arrk+i 441.1 .• the 4111,44 4.f Wee 1,1141ee hg.(:.., 1441 1. Nl.rppardn•n It Wet., it, who ilea lied toe grist mil united (.•r t',- 1.".1 tear, 1144 :oft]. to. CIIIILl,lt to reside. M. 11,ran,nter, 1110 pre primer, eseist.d by U li odh411, r new (moraine the null rhos. (lo'..), tl.e Ione-hurnrr, flea an- t.uuraved himself ace au utieseer When. To... in4.4111+ the r.41tru1• and k1, 0145 deem at tide*, the other stun ears most peke 1•. Ne+ w..w1s. A I..An snd Lied .•M :w I..r ild.onn,er 4. n',.. i„ ,.rder Mr -w 1..uo a nod Fano,. W,Irrr. hod the two ]••5111, seal many hawNl(Pl.erd s nwreeir .•ee*pe while corning thorn the Witte... emws•.rtel 11..414 t•' bear beau 45- bt,d14e kill •061 their return fr...i, (1,•d.- .prod 147 the fo.ru.rr. lh/i) leu copses t'ftih IgM A.t.May. While gating through of IM wort Ire k,...n to les it .net We .,tt•erve that Le Oanodt.'s nye a ya,:h hole the f*e4ei' „n o111 eine atf ecce preview's.. the taro of the rt.oet that it is setherud by Sir A P. °James the ample gave way ...el ...mad the horse editi,w, ewe b nog iu the Rrrt,•b Mews to declare that no such dispateh as that ' . k,,;t .. rl•.n.'v Tee h .es •, Irever, a'n, she other i4 tae H• (11.11,. Lihtmy which appeared In the Ad. miser wig firer sane •,mote+. 1140441e1 (nen the cutter, Osfl.rd. Th. eq,y 141 Ube British btu- sett. lh,r information d,17.rs from •Let aria the ladies 10(50sately escaped with sees, was yorehw. at • ....tool tale of what14 L. (ba.Jw ► has reeetved Oery .t 1 i•et& .44 la t r, 1819 by Hans B.dlatad .t.i.eigesfines 15 that lie Sandal. the 81h '° " f,r,u .un thn 11111 cat ' 'r Y , e ►1,ch.el Kelly, far th° sura .1 S'L.4T6. I Te Grocery Store The germ reveries 60 'scree, u ith good V a Literary 4:.riosby. risme buildings. and r four snd w huleines-- ..,s fn,ro Blveh and eight to it the dreariest day ,•h raCrllwlt Micwise. JAMES LUBY The Glasse of Thee, 114 tk•• hint and etuesela Mr. Kelly weir Las 200 &erre k. 11ue..w) Age D,1 .u. y Naadled by n, this 4ewnship Wishr. to twee to the Public that he has opened out • new Linear, More .n TM..1rs Feyt•.u,.d LI.,o..Lw Lele.,Gaiit. Haemes J. R•lll end W P.,rnin left •fern ais...e... L..d..,.: Pn11ted 4., Lucke... 141 Wrdn.•et(ey Ismt •t,h Eve CRABJB'El BLOCS, (Irr..ar/1 Aio.p 1,,,,L1,-.4.."1„." or L.wr.uue Ok+y,.un. totting hear/ drAught ntsllitwm f•. l"ulruk When, be will he pleased te wee that portion • 140 •I. w Oe si hN lih..p over They .ern o xwredutgly hne rn•nneIs and of the Patine who wish to wet New wgHo/et Slryle 1°„"..., 161M) reLames at tamp Prima bred (.,on same 4.1 It: Wm: 4mp.,rtd prtuted 41.-'..--%1.-....,--,---..-,....;;;71..• o w uaa, • ••w..w. L ..4-.1,-...;;; stack to Ile t.•onrl io this s.rcti. n. Thtm j yi.si w ARE 1y y., Iwouo,J I Cur cloth, vdt toll. bed r the second int al entire hers.* eht+r At Lowest Rates will be sold ea the premises. .{era boards. Ince 10 "Mae .4 titleif.r111.mM hare taken (n the United ...A sold Oester der eu„.1l wan. bas fl'lair• p're44. tee tpage 111 State*, Ir. m hers &lid sum h••pe their en. •Oe bees 14trod.utd 4 ku:h ter a4..ve u r • leareeeIi4. 4pr r Halms. Prier Paid for Better end legs. ter n.. will meet with aucc•w. Mr .,.. ..►r w aro .a. JL),[�B LTJBY, reeslEar Lod wild ,t I. testiineswlly pa•' (,aur mwgniieent mailioM per the mine halide that it e.eu1.1 hsv• (slims .,•oder plwerl. ADew. th. list of \••re+ wet Ib. Crab►1 M.A. Kea side court Houa.Ileeare. the ye .1 Mln..e ; t1 ant our there are sole kenwn b1.4•4 ete!li,•n " FiAt► Pat- ()oderick. Feb that. all4. 1Mi peered hearl7 1..11. erattory marker that ,i,h,, R 1 t k tr Ing hero lately A cis r'•epeatilsly sesegi,i. . tnkn.1 "I' .4 resemble,.11 bet+eeu Aro." lornter'y the property o1 Dir D C ,nphell 4 this village. Rev. Mr. Kiosk delimited a lector. •ho ,.. t .arm • ht.l.k lest that it teat of Nuw ember. them wire messages named hate et. Twuroeey /.1/114.,1 the "Har hies Lil rl.sl, (*haat alio 0..) Smog bet woos Sir J.ths Illatdunad •1 Ottawa Inti] .•f 0.04..gv anal r n.t I111. t, ' ender years at :a g.Idl4w0 of V ar.pmk. Ma. and Sir Adolphe Cane, at W o•- 'm eimotion ; that one lit the ewyere. .1 111e %tr,.te! ('allure So J. L repose. epro,4* from the old Eon- earning ...- _ v� CRAY- U•ue t la. Ito stare., ewdit4*a ha family .d that sneer. r. made an sere- Ifl..0 foremasts§ e..ntai, ell 23 "Porde, 1114 �: eine • mus me ase /Mall bass kedges. .4 tae 0.51141?, the ■lte0ds./ee was set rete tree/onpo el the. V7 ti. the lk.uah which •err en ember, and read as fol- pent bit, 1•r\, mattes part. km. Tl.e lecture was en /wr+eewl, rwrervi. earn the rant lows : "People rer7 suet excited; i fear red gout," iwsemaot im• one, 5.11 g.14 proof ..f m . 4 .r .4y id 'pelting. penettrlien. .+pita'. •1t.,l, and ,f ls• is net allowed 4e tat• its comes Arfing v those *7 part__!1the Ws Utip um a trial sed you will rt satisfactko_ Ow •(„sts.u. rel.. I'h... t;M.th,II, pr. Mirka sisg of the ,.,]pini. This present then grid he bore tenable then 54hiei- sore faise.eetilAttoaM of t1s some la' tlsm Dose Im CaweJi•w my that this pygara , and wl•blit pew aha 055Mrwws of - chair. A Hasley vote .4 that.►. owe es Agars fur it. pr -somal ,Wit.. ...patch wee tent sen; Will Sir: Adolphe tllrutl. to / plass w at came a r red d hie i r ! lm 'n referred bet well w trustor. 60 Aga, NOTICE '1'O FARMERS E038 FOR BIBLE _ I WILSON'S 11 W seat MOW '31:1O19 Of180 PREStriVt YOUR SIGHT fry wr*rteg the eat, FRANK LAZARUS Mete of lee Ari# of Lawrie A 1We1W R.00�al Spectacles Sid Nye i1 t There .11peot•elM stud ors (��(Ilan�� Im 4x tMmeac X 7).ereaaalmretm•. Mae see sabagwi•a liras res sett •w s Wesra. sad Oat err 7 wittiest e Yates & 8chesoa, ■Snow ABB itttttlAAR*. GODERIOH_ FRANK MMASUS, WIUFUQ11E1 ttary4*ad Read, Hare.. ■sM , LOK.IUM. p10WND. Mate L.rsrua t ht..vi 8.ri/urd.Owed i.ILN u eon 1 Doi ileum 1t a. aes 1• flee Jan.! OLIO:, WNW J V i7 isr00= I --i 1- - r�+wttieei McQUARRIE & McGILLIVRAY l;esp•ctfully wish to.4noance to the 1aeabetants of Gedertah mid the Peeps 1• ttma•rai. tial the, rave Opined out • NEW GROCERY ON N OIRTS : .>C - . Two doors south of Humus Mouse Once. we're they are diaph7lne a Oi eirS Aawerli ant of Groceries and. Other Family eRequand whole, iteeeri m, slab se }lour. Syrups. Sher*. ('n14*.. Pelee, of ail tied, eros Tru. Ceat.cli.4e of all thea. !e. fleeter bought Cheap for Cash. seWill am (m►ean Pu 140 w,Il (aver us with a can. the b'aaid 13. We invite all to give w a 11.44 and 1mpa.t .1 trial before purcb*shas elsewhere. and see ter 7ucnityou e 'Illgbest prke peAd f. r Baiter awl leis fl! A LCULM MAILLiYRAi. JOHN Mc.QI:A[tMIE 111111-1m 1 r metes a cosi oneaee burl le bP for w ter *imbues .f impisg. and mil , 5.d led/ ttaake the Meant /� per iii prroti.l, or NW libeler sari sae ethelf er . so a mural be .oyfl ,Iery will ter _ w i r te.lr hese M'ssestr its wear 4 Mello. top 4wn5ea Rails, Lard and Swages (bitterish. March tlh. 111 . NEW BOOKSTORE. R 11[ T1tARRR uauuneee that he btu ooe•oi VOW NRs N ext Door to C+eorg Aboheson's ea the tteluu•Ic Ha Stook canasta ofUM i � V41 K OUR £taliollery,Si,er�are Faiicy llo3d� &c,&c.� Oo.nplete. Hooks no I. Wreck tan be- precured on shortest settee. ALL EITOOS N UFA 0.11 flespeotftill7 8oleited (Jodencb. fee. With. MK _ .X n •• NSW West Ode Market sea•is. SUGAR. VOX' Osz.© Mors t,� Ori1.�. S-Plegsoi Ji'ao�latcdSuu-5 1 FOR 25 CENTS, wrin EVER I. ruttCHABE OF bOc. WORTH OF TDA.. Admit ..f Me ee•t.tm. ally "mowed the edttw.o O pawed without eltematausi Vseed. d h• jl the f h Psrwdesa � the Doom has rely sus. wedeln the three 40 41.4 n e have „ie. r,i.. The ►.,. ief7 is a tore .41•, 4 •i /Ma ea. rote • 1 0019, M.. 5 1 do ma -.h gelid w the w/ tet weskit were way • ' airieaity. Juke B. Hs* the ewe Windt we Woe ported ie ani i � eegi lb As, ?Wallkw .w York. one of for 1 i j'nslst, yowl 1457 teal/. ROBT. MCLEAN, Mese M boolnow New •W of the •'Osmrso' a1AtsA De+. Nee. Irl, f�t1 211CARELTIALL BROS., T.. Mwrels*nta, next door to Oso. Groat'. Ornery 8tw1.. Oedema, Falb. 111A 1 1 KIR les 14 1