HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-3-5, Page 54 ,trete. DOINGS AT OTTA %' A. Some of the Matters s;a.J gond DOD, in Parliament. gteed.saM • +maid NM* sle.. The north. Wove o ta- w.M thineeMe. (Lenses ITp. Orraw•, Mere\ 1.-. Thorn is 6...y rause 1.. et peel that the yru.sut w• .uu of lear'latueul wtll be a abort .. • There •re .o Important ',lour, s, the C t doors u,.% w■nt 4. anything to provoke mini -u. .. .0 o Wiese a general oket,'.... Today so s ',fowled that the Finales Msus.ir osis be reedy with hie hung. t spswb u. Pride, seat. Tie date .nay at t be ors hist, but the speech will pow.. r•rlto. ha the at•M'.e than weal, sod u•. d..uu the .bu intend .o .ak• shin', a evading 'be use and gnaw. d defies teal be hurrying lie tai. K.... .at Of bm.d. Mr Booting, ••1 the Toaosi •. Mita . here, but he has not let ell ..rate.' n .nese f..r the.uanud rouge. et .•1 Q r• bee. Nissan) .raw N. boon. Low woo; of the Fresh teei.bs.r. • all rote •K ern. Ohl0 L Nu Tory e...w es • be held till after the brat tote be tabts. se lilt John wants to find out eh.. hu friend* are and he M elisions that e1 lb. su.ku itsuta *It'll 1,e w...i.t.,4 t.. the ease's. Tile Sink Cahn Today Mr, ase.nM. (Hun.u) wird the t it they tntw.ut.it to I before p.riaineo. a canna. 1. rr1.rrt .. the Biel 'n.L H. soul the p.mpble which bad bees issued ucn,tted very 1 p.rta of lee t rural. The cr• as easaliaW►i of Charles Nuhn rvlat.u, t• L.I. ,itrnity, the dtacus.so,. batters the cose.rl for the Drown ■a 1 the ewe - eel for ilea defsoee and the proem*, .in. eIt)oard to the pu.Ip..aylae. t '.1 the trio 1.1 a Ie. th from July 21. and the jdtes's charge were all means iu u. ephlopt. rr.. Mr. Chapleau said the evident. in Ne entirety was prost'sd iu the b.e.k It was thotwht that the speeches referr.0 to were nit oecrs.ary to wake the pamyh- Ilet aimLdete. Mr. Blake --"The lod,le•e charge .e very imprtant. •' Mr. Chapl•mu said be h..l no •.blew Neat to knitting u. 1Ifottlora of zeoti••n asking for infuru,a- tMo sad papers coverlet every etiue.I, able Ogee of the N.rtbwe.t rebellion sod the sareutl..n of Rie1 were sent up te the clerk'. ante by opposition mein bare by the bushel If .11 the ret untie and papers asked for are •abmitterl t.. parliament sot . tisk in the eh is .4 evidence about this uutbtmold h. missies. Sir Rleharel, es usual, wee eget esf it. He wants to know .1 the "war debt' and what prop..rti... of it he. been paid. This is res 1y • very {j�-- nt part of the subject. ir. Lawri.r, in one of hie floozie. a.k. nor copes of all papers foto,' in the mencil room of the ►n.argei.te of B.' toes., esp.ei•'ly the diary of R.r1, the intimate boa.k and orders in ooussc,l .d 11'e insurgent cosncil and the co.reept.nd One. of R J ; also ler copes of .11 pet i - Iions ,o favor of the onsmutau"u of the death eent.we. us Riel. Mr Cameron, of Hurn', fora se far m to ask fui • copy (.4 a tr.naenpti..d el the ehoetksnd note. i. the portions "atrial which be alleles to shove Mr. Blake .aid be hooped there would be no delay in bringing down all Om informant n and pedlars asked for. The t had nn .scope. It appears that Bir John Modonald's eririnal idea welt to pot up os • of b'. Preach to move a etrasi ht re- initiating the G•s►erere.hl tow sail titin. R,rL It has he... dieenver•d that such • resolution was prepared by Bir John Macdonald hinter'', and Mr Landry of M , who a proprietor of B tep,rt Asylum anal therefore de pe ndent 'I • •e the Provincial Govern- ment 0.1 Queues, waeasleeted t.. more R. ♦ u,. nn dt.ittwetiai piece ..( tri. kers was n ever attempted that to find the leader eel a 0.•verwseet wow.. omit a mistt.51' eundee,inu hietw.lf. But Sir John hound that the G .,..Id then taw W an 1 by each • motion Sohn the Oponsitieo.awl on be chan,red Ina plasm and ns. • emedesent to the Ad- dress ... ...,.d. Mr Lod hoe eases trues notice the' be will, ..e• Fria sy, move : deep regret defy that the esa'reo• of deathvivre* to p• sp • Linde R1ei. ,..vires d of bleb tremens. N• showed e he earned bre nae sties ' Bad tomb a e.aoluu.rs trees offered by s bw'ter hie ammo .sight he respected, bet Mr Landry is .imp v losi, g t.. nave be seat by playtime tl.r hypocrite at the bidding of Sir John Macdonald. the shoot THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MARCH 5, 1886. A. B. =WILL, FIRE. FIRE. FI13E. UNDERTAKER Has t be blares. Arortni. at of on Clam 4'nie.e lad Ibd.staarre (iwde in Tenn, .leo Hear«• for lilte at Krar.uabk 1ta.... FURNITURE! - - As Ussal W Keeps the Bh?fr rho.k.1 all Kind.u' tor Cara. at I Can Undersell FURNITURE! 'IIkAI'EsT AND Euro , un• 1 11u. tel Any Other in Town. F.irnil.ure Man I Also Bell the C.•Icbrs ..1 I1,gb .trtu.nl In. proved Raymond Sewing Machine Mae the aCa/I and '4 ,.- Mon.-.. Opp rate Monti s Motel. 11•t.,.ltw :street li..dertrh. De.. 7nl Ian,. M. SEEDS. HENRY SPENCE, /Nc.alrl ewe mead -t New o* hall and trrlvlry. Rost Varieties of °►lye as. 1 r ce . hyo Turn.0-, Carrots. as M esa.elleu •..., tmc.t of 11.:15 end Bardet. Se 4s.. Roller Oatmeal and Raler Wheat Meal. Seiner. (•bonped Stuff and reed. Leas, y„ur .oder e itb HZSRY SPENCE. McNair's Old Stand. Hamilton Street. Ouder.cb. Uode-'ch. Marcs N►. U1ltG. Sr -Stu MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. F. JORDAN, CHEM? AiD DRUGGIST, Doh* gaol Nt. P sniar Patent Medicines o: tae day Aleo the 10 .uw:n• I'-oprt. s, -r • JC7RDANf3 CHERRY PtTLMONIC, rent seg$». rola.. Wkoop.e5. (+at,gn. JORDAN '8 Cua1POeND ARNICA LINIMENT, S ea Sprains, Nw:'111ngs, ftlicturiat.14nt. &c. JORDAN'8 STOMACHIC BITrER', 1 Fur ladlae•t.ou and 1...,. ,s: Appetite. JORDAN '8 COMPOUND H Y It l; P (JF SARSA- PARILLA, The Great Blood ParUler. JORDAN '8 RELIABLE DYSPEPSIA CURE. JORDAN'8 CANADIAN CONDITION POWDER, for Horses and Cattk. t' W. AT IMRiE'S Bookstore! 11,•. H.sr_.tin. -.w ran l't in lisil` ` Itiocer�,:.5 (i, o.1 This is a Chauco Not Oflon let ¶ith. The following goods will be, offered at lens than cost. The most ►f th.'ui are very little damaged by water; some of them not damaged .it all : School Books at leis than cost. School Exercise Book'., Slates, Drawing Books, etc •ifeTiMt at less than cont. Alden's remarkable cheap books, comprising all the hest authors, such as Ruskin, Thackcrayy, Groen's History of England, Rawlinnon's invert Great Monarchies, Pott, Novels, Sze., will be offered at prices that will surprise .everyone. Large Family Bibles will be offered at $1, $3, SI and $5. This is marvellously cheap. Pocket Bibles from 2Oe. up to $2, worth throe tithes this amount Photograph Album: will be offered at prim '. that will astonish yes, •'onsidering the small amount of damage d one to thein. will be all English Church Prayer Books and ysnn Books, Methodist Hymn Books, Presbyterian Hymn Books, Tune Books, Psalm Books, will all be 'told at less than colt. Catholic Prayer Books will be sold at greatly reduced rate - BARGAINS IN FANCY GOODS. The balance of the stock, such as Silverplate.i Ware, Knifes and Forks, Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Fruit Plates, Fancy Ornaments, Plush Goody (not damaged), Blank Books, etc., will all Ile sold at very low priers. Business 'Envelopes, Note Papers, Foolscap Paper, and Legal veyaneing paler will be offered at lets than wholesale prices. Cpne early, before the best goods are gone. Moorhousc's Old Stand, North Side Square GODERICH, ONT. .I<ip.ctalt) I'hrsiei.w' Proscription. and Fatally lk•Apse Ao..rately lf.pe..ed. `1OKT(:AGE SALE OF V.1LC.l11LEI l Mirk. KT>t'. Leader *ad cry r:r•ue of a p►w r of Sak roe tamed le • ...maim Murtuat" brarieg r'aar for nth day of March. A.U. teed. and made by one RONALD WAND to tb. Vendor. and wbkh will be prodisord at the tins, of Male, there will br u/ar.d far sale by, Nilotic Auction. at Ilel.ua& Hotel. in be V,rfaut.•ef fort Albert. u the Comity of Huron• onINATUHDAY. this 131l DAY OP MARC d D. 18x6, M 17 nested. noon, by J011, KC OX. hankie - Fier. the following property. ly : - All Uuwe errant parade er trans hind_•..4 foreman aft nate lying and being is VWare of Pert Albert. in the County of ewe. and d of MMMaM't e Raf.rrinR to the prorp...I 16 send sol diem to the Nell hoe., .ward a-ainat GP Indian rising, Bir John Did .,i Tues day: '•tva have mid that we will 'Meleager w pretest the settler ; v. we will, .ed probably to eve' • tweeter talent the. We ease warrants We toted indeed be N anything over citations. if we are not we will be blood-see;hy. Previa.' at unlarso, and beteg Lea Numbers one, four, Ilse at.d ail on the Nath -wee side of W dl,am etr•-r1 ; Loi, oar, two, three and four on the Korth -west ..de of dame etre. t • Lot. rite, six. ,rc'n and t-igh • on the North- -wort tide of Anne tater' ; 1.. - two. three. four, six, myna and eight en the 140u15.+mit sole of Wiliam s• re.r. ; tbe e.s.t4- arty three-(ouribe of tout .nuntta•r ante .0 our Bootheaa midis of Arvin street : Lot• n e and Ise we the south-east Mete of Arse street: Let Ire un the :South-east aide of WUlipm street ; Lots n.mb.r• seven and rant on Is. N•.ri,-weer ante of William street: Im4elev.. sad twelve goat of London /toad ; lata two and three on the North-west of N ,UIsm street ; lest sin on tie stouth-oast e''•e of Ann. street ; Lou u•.e, e.0 three, four, tire, sir. Y eight. nine d ten (Goat of LootIoo Road ; LMs f no. three. four and eta .t South-. an of Aeras street ; awl lot one on the Rooth eat.' side of William street. all being subdnlaioas of Pari lose F.re and M.1. Lawton Ituad Kest, to the Vi u.,� of fort Albert, le the Tuwnddp of hats ;. 1 H otrvu soma. arng br i /wren si Laud. he 1 • •e state Nuke er less. The buildings tlesd•t et a frame Mier. s freta. .1.blis sada frame harm. all in fret• ola,w condition There te a wotodlunfgC onbard The property 1. well fenced. end the wall Ie a clay teem. Mitts: Ten ppe,r teat. down at the time of 54.le, led the bsl*noe in one month there. after. For farther psrticelare appy to Ibe Ant - tle.eer.r the Ve.do,". 0.4h:st.re. Draw Nth February. A G. Illi. CAMRItON. HOLT A (:tatF'RON. JOHN ESuX. Vendor's' .I5 Isom ,stunner. Nota Sir John's slots..s, enures late ; better late than sever. The trot volatile. in the Dottier is • t*Rey of pieties to the H•lfbreeL •rad Indiana. Sir Jnht was 1,..! over-Mut►' on when ka left D.. he aura am• of the indict✓'•, he Mowed Half howl lands spoil Munro White and J integre ; and when be piv- eon holed the petlriole• for redress of His leak of mates • ye.r o r▪ ' made hie blorrl-Uiky. Bet he M. w et ant rid ri Dewiln•T Vit nor lute h• diarnhewd the fisdum esee.fe and farm { seka were appointed for pool 1888_ SEEDS. • HAVING DGCIDEII TO DISCONTINUE TIIIC PORK BUSINESS The Largest Stock in T own. AND DEVOTE OUR ATTENTION ENTIRELY TO GF.,OCERI. S, • • offer our targe ;took of CURED MEATS a: the following price. SUGAR CURED HAMS, l lc. per Ib. " SHOULDERS, K.. " SHORT, CLEAR SIDE MEAT, Sc. " i� ;;73g large quantities. • reduction w111 be made in the above pylae- • Estate of GEO. GRANT. Oodrrich. Fen. 1115.. 1M6. GEO. H. BROWN, DI; WHITELY 5 PHARMACEUTICAL__CHEMIST. 11..1 ear la4iy a sad . Frr.b Mak of Drugs, Dye Stuii13, Perfumery, Eto., 4 the already well.er4+rted stock, bees 4 Inform the ritla..ne or Ood.rirh that M Is now able CLOVRRit Red. Lune late. Matte, White. Leoryn ORAtl14K)t T.wi...hy N.M On -he'd Oras•. Kente.:ky Ni.., Rad 'T'.p• lawn ores,. Hs..garlen and 14 diet. 'a. B RAN* White, Golden Was. 11.s'er Hearst UATIL White Ame et.$. Meek Tars ar an eleadard WHEAT. neebwheet. lidera. riM1. DORN.- nada Yeaow, k.ripj Mu,.. •' •, 1M Oblario• and who •ra a e.verK ea, 15451', T.rtb Waal •eryhM__ PgA)l. -Id 14a.. Si tote M•rr... M .5.4 t 4wlarte.e .a 1•r., litr'M$- Meek 'ed. 's.... Darier a R..e.lr'.sod M de•eribei hsiodwa . jflasiNon Lean'- LNtie tart• ea.. mai Nasi. --nut need. Linseed M•+1. Wwwd..54 Oahe. MANWNdI.4 MammNh 1.ew. NM. ..s I..dlra 0.11 • other Lowe. TVRNIP4. owed... ,aid aN ether p n•.Iwr The is eftes reordered ___I_5.a. Alyn er ea r,.. lwllnweees Thea i to serve are • ~ taisrdre lend., meare is sei«•'ed tem h. blood Dr. C1sr'a idwev Oeste ppr•M ttset beef'pe i\e i,lnnd •.J wbalS.pMw. Snip bei • ee_slg s•et et rah grouted Qws.+t pe ICA ler poi .t oeupea, \ats aid emir- I"' EL $t OAN E roma its hew to pee•w,e thdeo-p'.1 t !air .ahs try Janes Wilma, ardor Ila i'ir a fti oerl. (i.. ..Ir stint •pd.wltk AM. M� teak un. (tel firs/ :ies•r. WM.* Red riehl le y ►. r+ -'91"a• well k ad °A ewt�ew�aa to ....1 �'�a"1.:. et to •apply them grab PURE DRUGS sad t'HVMI( AIA at Reasons Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS SPECIALTY. HOLE �o.:xr FOR HOLK Aot':NT FOR e=aO. .N'e- Il*•TDT-Al�T TO�•TIO, Ry4The Greatest Mood Punter of the air. herr lkotle Oaatwnteed. >luaday floor. : 10 to r 1 a.s.; ,e' tot p.m.. Ln to f.70 p a. Albion Block, Goderieb. Feb. 4th. IMI - 7177 -if Toront NEW ,i .. aul be Issas. liver sad led =leer 11.0 . lad all Yowl. •r Fm 1 uv4 }lade, Cash Stor AGAIN_ OODS ARRIVING. AND 01.1) %DOOM SOLD AT Oflelf. Gall and ere • 4 r (Rock n( Look Here ! Gummi SCOTCH 0INODAIIIS at 10 c Usus"sss SCOTCH OIN(HAMS et 1^1.••. The Bids FACTORY IOTTs IN r• a ertr sew fur the money he. CU1'TUNAIEH, SHIRTiN(W, Ase FEINT', At PIO.ls THAT WILL Aetostsis 1'uc. All other Liam in DRY GOODS co mi !rte.. You. Avoca or GROCERIES. We Buy WOOL, Birrrt t •!4u Kona. • COLBORNE BRAS GODERICH. ;A BIG CHANCE STOVES. v !SelfuivHERS & SON bring Arrow • .r m twos nrhr.n.e in their tined More, w.it diepu_ of their orrisroot stock at Very Low Prices. Donn,: 'hos mun'b they w,11 F.-rr Special Cuts on All Goods I "The Cheapest H the Ron " *est -8f, Reit Dgnr to Pog 0 it;e. NEW & STYLISH GODIS - -AT-- A.LEg_ 111L�1V1� O'eS DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE\ Along shad, will be found a C'o'mplete ttasge O( Uinters. var. from the smallest to the I.rv.-. omen 1••.. Chuire Cloaking§ led Ukterisin. Doable All Wont Shawls, I5:e. k and I'WWore.' INF W 1/r,le1• 1. A fa11 range of (eluted Ooods in Promenade Mrar1 , N ot:ou. Orbiters, Skirl*. Orenlr..'•.s, t4lerveie•a Veen. and Latest 550%1. of Itla.•k J.•. +. An et:• nil., more of Fine Hur:ery and Kaltting 1'a:.a frons the heat knot.. as .k.. Dress floods in all the New T1 s and Textures, notably SEDAL PALEhIO IND TRIC3 MINE FABRICS Por Taller Made suits - Mehra. Velvets, Rattans, S.'., to goal.:. nerl, 4'. b and (Tadte B;ankete. One Rale of Comforters .•1511% lew'ae sad krovf. at crueaml.•551 oro .. $Ft1CTLY ONS PRIG% en r.s;olmrot-;'tesy OIL t;orlerich, as. Mi. -1111.110 ACT../NR( CARLOW. JCbT ARRIVED, a eery heavy port hare of wS GrOO-D Comprising some very nice Dress Goods, Colored and Slat Kid Gloves, Haberdashery, Shirtings, and the finest lot o English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds ever shown at Carlct My Matte fists this 'ta'e: - WUI BE UNDERSOLD. I C.ve aU a eerie! lavtlatiee to call Ind .aunt. THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, AND AT a ..71� FaRZQRB_ Reeaesbre the stand : TISK TORONTO CASH RTORK. 15.. 0 1JeZnietI., 101taalZ> , s. _ Oedurb5., Feb, Alb. 1M11 Jeal 7s * * * * * • * * * • * • * * • tl * At it • * • • • • • • It • • It 7- Mem_ =diL...iz-e CARLOW. INE TAILOR1N(; Mimeo lakes suit 5barge isP 9 Tei luta, Department *5 M. A1.1..4 5 I• M, 1.Kn • . nag le advise my ehMr5. .t'.atuleuA •ad lib general night ... int I •m ern - wed teeNhr big MAeremite's la say nee to ORA t'..s nit Runge along and ate the immense Meeh w5Mb meet be +ual a pe.. r. • war dorm FINE WORSTEi) SUITS, formerly $25 0'I for $21.11 FINE SCOTCH TWEED SUITS, formerly 23 00 f. r 20 cr BEST CANADIAN TWEED KIJiTS, formerly N1 00 for IS4(N) FINE WORSTED OVERCOATS, formerly 2300 for IS00 BEST ENGLISII FANCY PANTING, formerly 7.:A for 6.00 Trinml'1., Style aad eft Otursnte«t. B. MacCORMAO. peAwkeh. New. Soh. init. • J. C. DETLOR & Co. THE PEOPLE'S STOIE Will Sell the Balance of Clothing now in Stock at Cost. w x Jut. !� INK The Pecpie'e Store. Ooderleb. nitertomw 11111,111151.111 WTi.L OTTER 1051 :lc) DAr`t SPECIAL BARGAIN tat =memo Qood.c, taxiaxit10 C . t c d_ zr->iQ C10f1" L AND SME THEM. itKIS 1