HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-26, Page 8• FIFTY THOUSAND. Grand Oatb.ring of Socialists in Uyde Part Mae rets.. •gar. L... Their Rose. red Clearer epee the 4r.wsh u to *mew and •meet) lat•pee•isa. Loy it.. et, rt L .'p- Tu day. the social 1st. stoutled Isom a.l parte .1 Luodut mud maimed 50,001strum to Hyde park. The leaders arnred at the nl..reser's tree at J p. W u. wag.• saes Mounted police patrolled the sultana to t►o park and strong reser•w were held is readies for any l/minae three tneetiog •AO I roughs .4 threaten- ing apprarau.w gathered ..0 Unlet Stew hope street, but 'bey were rigorously changed and d,.perted by tole pia.. SeesoChua were rued- fr.,.0 three plaa- fu m, lt.a•,luth.tts were aJ..pted ex- pressing iudtgual At the del..; of alt/ aro, eruwe•t 113 C.Hwuhrue'..s podia works for the re o4 of ,nen out ..( 'orb. Bares in his address deprecated any attempt at kr,t'.tg or muting. He attr.outed the prenot.a noting t.. the mockeries of the club wee, and appealed to the audio/we to take their ran. •tea prewatur.ly• nes to give the pollee spies • chanes to traduce times. Hy tidoauo, K 'theme owl spoke to their usual strain but without wing violent Is's uage, although air needy demanding a socia/ ree.,lutsoo In the pr.sltwns of capital and labor. When the mouthy, was e•.ded the crowd moved in .orderly ruanuor to the exit at tial. park comer. Theo Without warning, -b••dies of mounted police made a bilious rush inte the crowd, especially ,i, Ilse 3.ciouty of the lenders' wagonettes. Mary Lowe were des t sod the pollee .wMr i.•ot.d. The temper of the crowd mos rising, but 111 resp. •r,.r to the appeals -40--the speaker* they behaved admirably A fader merlon •1 the crowd escorted the wagohetten t.. Victona street. The cul ice a,etinurd their attempts to diapers. tests eialata,anit by tlgume Wa•tmins ter street was reached the crowd had brio scattered ane quoit pruvad.d in the street•. In the melee with the polies several people ware kuuekid drown and slightly injured. Sonne stones were thrown by men kr' the crowd and several shop win .1 ,ws wire briken to Westuuvnter bridge rued. !session the Tortes !'n.m all ever the 'Dominion .•tete• 'rlder.ee shouting that men who have lune been Conservatives, have lett the ranks cf that party -disgusted with its m•Isdmi.tistratiwt of pubh: aflame, toad r.ils. 1:.•.:II••r Instance of this was made know'. at the Liberal Cove:its,:i held 111 Piwbroseyesterday, when Mr. W1111. Cook, who toad been an active worker in the ranks of the Coe- aervel.t. party i0 North Renfrew for ▪ $n, years, came forward like a man nod prucleimed hie allegiance to the Liberal clear. kfr Cu.•k stated that be hail notified Mr. Pete. Whlte,M.P„ and Me Thomas Ue•ron, th') detested Cun- 1 .„ P ew.•d;A.r.. * arta, 1,.t provincial e,. , • ,o, r'1. • 1could n.. longer a.ppnrt tbr.a,e.IP.... P. •h-. f •I'..wed Mir John As...hoiatu to he foal become armplete• ly d•sg.••sd with the prewter's course 1n tiliNtieelress, "icaaln••1 " he rem•rk- ed my ',.tr ..r super 1t to • man with ruck a realised reputato.oll a• Sir Je•••.. 1f we are to hese purity in our p••a.Ac hfe, ae most hate alto who are apr•tleto tit their private lite The Hon. Ed red KlsI,., , a 1,a', •nth ami unbleto- ksh•d r.-put.1, , rod I ell for the fu- ture ..11.•er ha+ IrrteraI .p,ef••r .t is only froze, Ruth teen as h••, that we can expect an Innl•••f ad •.ial•t,at••an of our *Gin." Mr U..rk. rrpreeeets a large and in• cl••a.ir14 class of .lectors- -4?,.., Perm• A. . cram :be Week. "Mr. Bt.ke s u, l.u•uenr of the Gov eruweut in the North -meet rehelfton is & btro .4 one. It we eracv.utge. being k1) •w1, to us.at, o. I I. -r1, re,uuwed 113 118144 It al's power would not havegruen t , ea.:n a hemht, awl n , renell.on would ha, a taken fume rtes rer,el nes wail • dlr.•ct uuia,tse of the r,...sp.eaty, tub au.i c. rru,.tu.,., that rows., uu►11•r ail 111 the .11.1.• of the North .est-per- hapa. unavoidably 1nr,Jrut to the eaten - 11 - .nrnt of a wealthy c.•rporat.o, so closely e1 ward soh •Ise g•• eminent, Arai •o ate pato. ,taper the opinion et half a . l,toient thr.•+s ,1,t.. t.i.,very�-.- haud. Mr Blake held • brief for the aouotr) at the Int Melva -el tier.._...,..., he -aa ii duty ; nut he could do lith it mare thee 1 dee tn. p t•.. It was toes tato for f-a•.cu..o,n, he. ruselbw house sue weaned by the protractel .eaalos, sed swot 1., a pe with rhe subject ; 11 Ilea sl.., to, saris, l•c•C.,use is, ,.1,e esu *ell informed tai the e,.btect it is new 404 Alam. with baler nlferniation, to bit..e ha osier before the hoses ' •aid tt.'..13,1,'4 i.» alb main tontine.* of the t ...met sense, A retteri nu ' Or 1./4/00/1no o rail )Nates lies hes takes eel place 1111 •• Irv(, ..f Q,nadealnieethrr udder the K •• in ...nett ..I coneeritatit• app1nte 5 an • *hetuer tele t..ierges brought agetuM Some ^1 those ere trim ..r ....t, 1t a nes- ' pesestue for lbe c•,uYatry it. the 11rcuO- Nmiere 10 el tee the peze hid say it wait rtes.' In. further The iu•Ieat Ii.veatlg• Hoe Rote ever, circ.ou•tance preoe..diest goo rotrunting for reh.Utogrwual Use had b.4...e the toarervetive party will he porded .4 the atiercion thee now *ttaulres 1-• H a 4 if the b.• not aeminie4 prompt 1, ..1 'rotary eo rho. -11 the souse 11, the 1.•:n� nae •..t toe mn.er.atar• petty it if este(*r fur gA- party prea to attempt to rot r s fa! a same! lArms.1A ter Hol ny3t.a //.on f yelled son fir 6.r. tkr rouwtrr u out of all Pre .n. of r•f Ito( hat the sh... deal Ore Miert IAe '-'.Rash Ami A.nd ed 1 f.• It • , .oto rel have, indeed, to I,. •t.- n ...1 h. (ahrad/eof, lese.,usr, ma Mr. R akr t. r. It, ha charge• of mos thane... m,.,,. ,, .IAN the gu.ern,nent i a• a tn,en d.e;ar 4 by /1.e gtrver.n,ent to Ire a.•strata of the prra..nrr They beer rt'./1, 1 1 ,.•.r af-fe,ler on Iia emotion Mta.'e Aim •whoop. 'f thwy Art par d•n...., i'I.rl ,: all •nt 'i.ee boar) taken $ ■ a t„• •1)•..t .•r thew on culpability. Ther f•e it is moat d imide that by the tut,. .t '.,v.et {.11..11 the reentry may Ire •n,.ilemvistese thea the gover'.me..t 114110 not tee o piety of Iles bae•.ue•• orf pu/oahnne ROW s. mesas thwwelvea Mr. 111a::o white tint, immorally, twill .t ..f the eaetemr 1,r t••w-.a.fNh• •4 the pp e• n.gative .J ...ray, yet h.. d. the R.1 asap to be use hes pork. est e..q'.ir• fee the remote that fats ti nit wee for at eatrao)rdiney p.•11tiea1 ..Y.•.1/ •u, ■111/'11 agitationAta and hew "se some ptuu,iuelet .upp..rlere of Co- e - •(,,u,ent declare they A... 1y,.0 m•.. ,. acid deceived by the mosr.murnt. char_ but that the ea.euti..tl wa. W prion -h n old olfrnce, end t.. Keetity the hate 1 another sat of 'towrnin.rnt .opl.urlrr Alleelne that the g•ovvru.ueat have .J.... ttti.el their owe a.•qultta1 web the t••., • •tetiun of the IwurKeuts, hr ra40.t .100 that bath Inas be guilty ' 11 r aa. •. er m.'.t for neglect, delay a...1 wa.moose. anent ; lho insurKes.ta for ratite t.. rel. 1 tis amid Inciting the In -Iia .s to .. • r.. mob, Ihenrf..r', .•asfht to br memo. d their dee share of the (nail ; that .1 •1,.. immigrate is h,o.wn, a'•d It is a tit ••. J.ci of pesrh*Dentary .. q•ory 1.a •tar r- taan what extent .1 guilt, deny, attache U. co.trios. s ." • rases KawalW lea. (H all classes tel th.a..uwuo,ty, b.okr•s require to he the shot mu t..1,+. A 1 - day. 1,1)1. • purtv.0 of • bre .to.1.r 1. 1. ans promoted to the Mer.ha •t • 13.1 l M. ,i1t.' 1, for rede.npti,.11. 1.0111. . hr 1 m half of the hill shouldbe.tuol 411y p r a ..1 ed, the Sauk nat./telly rwpuircd ••vow proof -either all •d•lsvit • r eta ulo..% declaration -of whs. bad boom. -f ,t The following atet.t..ry daa,ta i .0 •a• obtained sad presented t1) the B...k ouooleaive Woof • f the hours) el 1h. prtrenter of the ragged frairwrut .4 the bill 1,- -, of the t^.ami of List)wel, Out , d.. solemnly dreier', Ian, That I occupy the position of leo g.rkeep.r, la the Bark ..1- -, at Liet.•wel. 2nd. That on er sheet the aw•n d ..1 January, 1886. that 1 dad ere one 1.•.11 touter pup, ua,ued "Oyez,' tear, .out.. late, hid donate b.s $tw•.at to do.tr.•y $6 00p bill .4 the S1.rahaa„i 11...k .•1 CAL .oda. hereto astieaed. Op..n di*o...: - ii•g the acid dug mut Iatkng 1,.d end, a.'- Onng (in the Innocence .1 Ir beset at .41 &Okada tial Orr) to tear tutu pieces the paid Bank note I 1,.0 .d'al.ly regales/oat bah to di.cu•tiuue his untqur r..d •..toe what eztrava gent pastime, but not unit. he had demolished, ow allowed and com- pletely beldam from view, tbedate, nun. ber, and signature of the President of Ih. hterch.at.• Bank ..f C, ue•h► And 1 b hrtc a• dcuusc'enttously state that nand dog at that moment bail on his retail t.. Lorna! possession. the missing pnilt .n .1 Ike not • beret... attached. Aud I make Solemn declaration c. N1.GMatuoda: y Ilrllrf- log th, .a. 1-. be true• an.' b) virttie .•i an Act palmed to the 37th year of 1.1.-r Majesty" reign, entitled, •'An Aot for the s.pprww•.n .4 voluntary Sad ealr•- judi.ctal uath, .etc, Ac (Sem) Declared before tate at Linn eel, Province .d (Jotano, uta --day , d January. 1806 It is nasalise to may that the Bata ac- tivate 1 aha Oust rn ria.:.aa s,.luuuu of the affair and paid the hill. .SIE:' I.. Pit IDA fir, FEB. et Inn6e 9. tam'? W .res • .11 .a,d r •len. Mwl3dn will •'..3'rC. *1. McfNTOS$, .�11.±E. ie.ltE• FIRE- ...., ""i""lbs r. A'i.:tont)" my. + 1/11.•• \t't't'If►!\IthI OW 1 . .o, .teats . ., .Lane(. :+r1.•. •.. • r.1)^• • 1M of 03- no. l . Air. ••• wee'., t. 1'. U. U.M. :1� KN• tlICNiMAL • 1;hk •1)u Irate It hoe 1,r. Lu.'. I...,t ••a.•••••Id.,Ruta •lyrnrha.' W u..e.•nup ..•14 :.r .a 111 * 1•u••110k 10 : - wall 4 ..W3111a14 ,al,etse Ito. apt a.uW- ulnwr•'•• is ham. U.drr'• 1,11 at 11u.e1...^ .. et Al naiad 10 m, • u I. • . .. (s I. a tabled it JOHN • • % awl • setltmrer. IIIa1Jf Nest bierNolate that eters. bate. e•a,1a WJ/wa V bee well eepelle�ataearll .:uuuu�k chaise Fresh Groc3ries, OA LI. AT ohm wU1 be foes/ 1. 000501s hres•bll, both a. re,bert• gltal.ly sad prto.. with rata .13.rr • ick se lb.., .•clans. r- TMRIE'S TEAS AND SUGARS A LT 's 1& rreir.lan Manna .a el costeisere for View ppesteoaaae, 1 outbid also ►1,311. &al .N► VIA eau .Jl. 10 ..s4 red .a•pr* l 1)7 Meek. 0. L. l[oINTOBH. Sawa W eM sada et the Masan. . oanb anti insurance. Vo4erieh, Fab. teak, asst ....4.1111 £ U►hist APPLY To . 4klt.►N •halal' CATI sI *. tl..4. VNY 14 IAND,- AL,A 1:0 ...oua4d . ••• 5, ter tu..wt..,enl • ...t vas on Mrd Apply KNOW a ,•K001 1'. r .► V a'CR i':' VBit rl1 LIMP AAT •. , • 1 t9 pre . ma leet,ekipp setae M►4F . p•.•y bt it • 11 \ Vrt.. vemelwr. IMi► it \1)''L: r"r'P• �tltll i•-I1C1Xl;.:, ,ck4L h.+ tl P,aMt, kt'N :Y 1,0.Nl j; A(16`IT. iedir First No..: v apitatur Itrpraeeoied i1) ••••' t.. 1. r • o1,-trs.gbl 0111.x. a. 11... W' • t .a.••rwt duo.,, to a.) W. l' 15 1 yya�rrmmwrr '!a►rFt/'K-t•e..nJ ,luor front r3aare, •V .r $t,•ii, tiu.1, •-.. l. :At: -tf I�.1 PRKti•IN• V• NCI N1 LtIa,NM r. 4.. r,.. ehothe Met ni..vtiapre • 4 redo*. het r rated W erme.Q we •umlds envo•r lard• to .1.a) atess11L at v per tout. l.• Aare Neeie d IMrs..atun• ',en a ,r•at aeon -oiling awn" t rue u. .raid old • areal aura .t u•. alt4.,4-a farm m..r„ytrs ▪ 5 1-2 p•'r seal. .apply at on. -e re tiIAOKK a L41WI•', ismar.te tai I ut:Jame Hob Oat tenet. uud,rtui. lab Nov.. laO& tf TM Caber Mier .r tee Reset lea. The Go•lerich S,osat., a staunch an.. lively Reform organ, disapproves .tf th appowtu.ent of members of the I.Kasle tura to offices of emolument, and .erre,.• ea the opium*. "that the appointee- t of played out political hack.' w such positions "u the weak point •n Mr. MI,W4e. t.' The dl6 hay 11 to decide where the lone nu{i1/ to he drawn. It would be • bash rule that forbade an ez-mem''er to accept prefer -- meet to a p•ietttw fur watch bei is quail' - 6.d. That waw d be O. millet danhlltty upon men for having served the pe• pl• in a • tore olpnc`t, A rel•• 1 r bidJine arty vanisher to resign for 4'.. purples of ameepttag praerassnt 111m3111`utl he a•. easily evaded by keemne she oiler open for a year tie two' that it .ould only add to the already tore sumer tea tricks ..t p.htiaienson both aids We roust n .t book be prrfeetioe in party p..11tice. English politica are suppt..ed to 1•o 1).m paratively pure, but penmen* and titles are frequently the rewards of Briton. who have served their party, not always wisely ur well. --in• T•.r.wto v% veld. Lscocarfr. Mr.' Treleaven is putting n•1'era in bis grist mill is this vlll•g.. Messrs. 'Taylor a Odes are petting lip to .lit -wit( li 111.44 t 1,l-- mediatem for their bust - '.as. p werwy etl •I servieC'•m:r'5 nit It the M.thed.atchurch Inst Mort. ay weed. The meetings are being well attended Mr. Lowremiee, representati re 01 Lock new Lode.* of A. 0 U W. etaen'te•i the nioeting of .he Greed Lodge at be. t'atheri'sod stety. D E Cameron, hanker, gave an ea oellent &d.1r...,u "Fut.r.r .1)i C hale," an Foredo, to • lame a•,J a; preeiat 3e audatoe last week. The entertainment a the Oddf.dlnes' hid , •.0 i'rr.lay evenm, last, was a grand auoceee. The program, which a.asuted .,f le nate. recrtm3,ua, speuchee, AC , we* well rendered. Wawaimeh iv at premnt axitetioe Cc • creamery If one should be started I. this vicinity, It wool.l be • greet INn.r t t.. farwers eenarally, and shoeld get their support- SerwUtas, Waal b le T -Pulsron's Ner•tline i. • combination of the etas/ p4•nt pain relie•Inesubstance* know.. to medical sclwbee The acidulent progress mad. i1) the departa.ent 1)1 ameba. pont• npward and onward N.,r wihee is the latest if t in lbw Inter•Iseist, and embodies the latest As. r.114x03. I4•N nesralgia,sibs ptalea in the head external, a nterati, ` sed lace I Ner,tline ties a1) sight, lapsed 10 o.'tal. to .he purehaer of • sample bottle ..f Nerviline and bsenarr.e,d Id its mar voiles power over pain. Sold by drug 4,1411. Large betties 25 oenu,st all drag pstg. The Oharait says heesiia beings Ire. c.rs.tan*y. Oerlunly they do, the kind that tears two young pimple .mid • preacher. National Pitts purify the Stood, rime 11! p!on'set , Lithe and Reemla, m ' YrcUti,AN(•r CAKI). W. F e- ntre. l- ire, [We sot Uunas iasurmwa tang. •t) tER/t'/11. Siff • Ira .e, o.p...a Colboree Howl r .•L...1.., 34•416 1110,, .n..•,rpo.•std II 1*,.• .• Vat.anal,' •-etahrtdurt tali rte " rlaeda& Asad,' the sal. Uomiapiaay hcr•a.nt to ia•nre plate Rtes. in tti. nee iateit 1' .e stirse are ail fire -chess hal oil astab- 5 .14.'d committee. !:tabs taken m .e. -east num. ..!mita l)aw. ?1'h. M1. New Grocery Store JAMES LUBY WWe• t *104 0401 to the Pottle Ihmt be hoe tram ..1,1 • .esu Unruery more b • OR.ABH'R 331-.0011C, Whets be w .11 rr pleased l u 1,.•,e% that pert tun of the Patna who wed to net New t...4. at C40ry Praha TINWARE At 1a,weee )oats will he _wt..e this presaaes. LTA dp....1 Cohort. for Moan Wares has alai beat. introduced tai Htaehest Pries Pad fee Butter and E. A .all rupawit ma) soceet.d- .7AMIi8 LTJ 13Y, Crmbefe 131-ok. ►1,t state thea -i now *ears. tiodor..b, rob lath, tela Mbar PRESCRiPTICN - WILSON'S !r5,- COURT N6flOWMC. �•NI,(1(Lk rs LO.►N AT 6 PERcove r. --- ---- ✓ Ik ruttuNTu 14r:N E1. 44. rttUWI'8CO'Y .►. • peeper • r to W. stone j a.1 t paw cent.. IB•l .late halt ;DMaoryly. ea I'KliMa r I e.UiT 1.k)1tROWER$. •.a ar..t-class faa,l seeerttl. Apply ►e CA AI 110LT it CAMERON. itareistera• 4od.riob. \.Mata for itis runeato ^Jeaaral ?rush' 1'.i v. t:teen'., Hut.- t ('artuov bare al-.. r ta.•,r anMmal of pr,tale fast. 4 tea .N. u: at -tis*. 1.1r.0 /• ,)*Aril, -b. 1515.1. 1181. Mill tf PI:IVA'!Z rcNDB • T.. Ien4 oe terabitd town property, at tow - eat mise, Mortftwcee perciard. No cos .40.500 charged theme f. r the Trent wad feiats o .atpase of tl•mtda . t ,r Canada I.aadtd tlredu Ooepu). the 1....tm Iran Cutpaay n► ('aw•n14 laterest e, !and T paw ravel N. 11 -Harrower, ass 1,0434 aMsey :a one tar. It title oattdaeror.. DAVISON R JOHNSON. 1470 Ra. rasters. t. epi..'(. .. 0JO,060 PRIVATE MIfND4.TO Lilt ':tt 1,e rens rod ream i'n•p•'t4 at !uw•et Lb ternsl. Mortipars pur-hased, *o Cit ainlan Wt rhareed. •tuucelaw 11..0 rn• rrw.nahle. N 8. - werrower.. M. ^.bta.n money mese*. 1 air '4 a•.ula0torl. U.•VIAth k Jt11� r Iv Ilsrrtaterw, tc.. Uoder;cb. 171 ` 1 OILTt:4(:K $ 1LE Or VALUAIILI 1 YIWPENTY. Under asd oy • •rtes ..1 a power of 1 a', nor 11. oat le a. ensile' mu, Leser b.arlag "he ter l 1414 t• f Mar..y, A U. teat. aim made b,. ) 0,• 1t I Q • Lof U ...pi to the V. 1,80r. aid whet. ..'..l a• pn,duuad at ahs tome or rale, tiers styli be adored for she be 1'.buc Awwha al lesteoWto Nutri, is the Valeta of Port Albert. so she Groats W Hera.., 1,u $ •TUkl .I Y, .Dr IJt's D.4 T OP M41 I:t1II, .4 D ISMS. a 12 v'c.udt noon, by I•) t « KN OX. Abet Ain eCr, the futlowted p •4Rr1..J. 4IW 1) : AI! 1...an %Kr a.. per..cl. 0r )'runs 1,1 Is:•d a." wowprwow.11 sal r 1'j 1$4 and (sepal se the Ylnaate of tort Albert. a the Cuuo.j of Ha:, u• and l'r»r inc. u. use aria. sad base am5.0.4 u. 1,1, • Number' .r••. fes.. Or. sod IS/ un ,w. OHM: t.• w,w. rade ur W rU oar no. et: I.4. 1,a.. tau, three sad four on the swan -Mem sole of Anne .trots; Lae ave, elz, raven and Ngb 1,a the Nana-erase.td.e. Ata *stet; Lao. tau, 1 .tee, far. e•., e•r.)0 5.4 eyptit u. Inv $oe1ba.at sale .5 W oi.au, • ren. ; nue root of let been*. none ua t1,. Sonia •im..de'•l Ant.. Its vet • Lo • e . and U s a n tiro 1 •alta -.•r.', e to of coo elpet Lot Ore oil the South east 0.. to of W.1 •r• street; La •a:.b.r.set aaia.deteutes tar V..rta 4.111 ride o. W1:I LOIS tI -I,tit and teal re 'Cali yyf liau.:on k )ad : Lida Iw. and tares w ter North -wow ere of N Joos, • ren, ; 4r eta to. Ilse .e.atb+rat ewe of .(nn •treat ; Ina 0, a, we ...•r•e, fes•, lire, sit. Sabi, nue and ten we, of L,o I.' , Rola . Let• I w r, three, raver and tin st A„etb • est et Anus ;Masai; sad IAA owe 00 air 5.,ut6.haat. die or Willow drv+t, •aB booth ..b.l ^ v,tw.n- M Para Las Fort, sod 8.a. Lo.•lea mesal Just, r -•Itis. YIYa.la.et -1'4.1,-Al0art. u .A_. Towns ilea Aeba eld,tr thetuwt) 1)d Huron, nonwhiteM athwarer.to'_.1 TeeAureof Lead, he Gas a ams more sr M... TO. b.a.ldiee. ,aos.bt ,.t arrange ',Lee.. Veinal stab,. and • (roar barn. all is are cess ooad.Uur '7Wrs is a a4.peen.. sr bird TW pr .P.or.7 U west toaved, sat toe soil is • ole) hes. TERNS: -Ten p•r wit.: than et etre Hs of dal •, and t*s tat woo u. ., ae mesas Wer. after. Air farther twtlualan •peer to the Air. 1'roster or U.O V. 1,a Dated lGth February. A It. 102h * 4144-ttlV, RUL: S C •ML.ON, JOHN I(NUE. Veade#a a. t •1).e A.atto.M•r --- t✓Mi .4 1888 - SEED S. T k Larges! Stock iK Tow. •:4YER4 Rad. Liras Lee. AWke, whale laments U RA:b41iR TtmnthlOrsh rd the Ito••teuly 6 Rede), lawn Bran Htnisorisn and W11M< RRA N s W ante. mdse Wsx. Hatter nesse O. r4 White Aware/ u. Mask Tnrtrw W11Rm�Book wheat, O'!sass rink OORN (as..ds Yldlsw, Esrb IM+nases., sky w.11'e evererdt� Verus Ted\ ?RA"( yield Pres. Wb to Mnmw40t• and Multi NW. was . Oeslel O'R.orke'.. S, lean'. Utile Orme, elr FLAX Kew. ME awed, Le•••.. meat lin spd OJC-ke. M A NaI7Uln ■a4.wah Loaf Rad. atmid an other TtIR Imola &wide, and all oast 55.11** 4'tARItaTi wblra Relphia, lewd Pier, ie tera,edWa. had all bladed melee e1, rests I *msewr. Seem, sod all bb.b d P\aw sad (Medea1m r aerdm ir immomed trash the beat b sears A lt`► r of tiara Omer ..ease lent seri wpm. SNIVEL SL/IRE, liamiltes Sheer. Oed•fieth tot:.:•Ise roe. WOW /ai•aal Aa B. CORNELL UNDERTAKER and see the Bargains you can get in Book". Shy' and nosy 4 One aha Mehl Asser+adnt w VIM Clam Oodles. Caminito •ad ll:44.rtsaere' Beads is Teves, aloe Mea -•t • if. (tensor: +h!. FURNITURE I - - FURNITURE! as Usual no Keep. the ('H KA PRINT A R11 Wks? Moak es sol Kiel. 1)1 iernttara. 1 Hey for (•a.b amid I 01111 Underaell Any Other Farnham Nan in Town. Also till She cabby ed Hein Arm•d lin proved Raymond Sevnng !Lachine .v. 0 a Carl _ - •, .I.,ne,. q.t... 1�. A • 10 55.'' • i, 114./. ttvm Blair: 4,000♦ '013. tree. ted. L. plait: NOTICE TQ• FARMER: EO3SFa BALE 1 am rolog to .. moester Deviser hoots for camas, awl midi My the Masson pees fur awl ps&l•t•ow 0t 11.,16., aa,A w,11 take. SIM p-• am 116.4.., +b,4 taut off .L hors. 4'.w hogs shuul.'eratsl.k, x any other offal will 40.1 aryere.ngty, w It will be t...'haul fur farm - tub to drew their 'nue properly is order to realise lap snare.. Home, Lard and Sausage. I will also during IDs mattes srmaoa have . bawd wholeati' aad rrta t, 4r, 11Maad +awes Permit heel, heti. a itsa, peek. .yeast Reef .1,d ,Dattel u r.e•etel Aa orders &altered to any part et ietaws. Thaaatieg roe teethe put patreesrre and -1.11.54014 • tantonuance of the wane in the rotor% hidwWlen Yoe 1,•e o0taptlsseatsof tb. lseits..sua very trey. ROBT McLEAN ►'letw of b•Nseen East ads of the =lire unusable'. Dna Mb. la �f Irt7C.r..1 AOM RAD 0miwwtlew -SEEDS Its Per W Asrws. frepsl_M. and Please, Ow•irw, us u,. ivahs' formslug .w0t- Sy slug .est -...1 i.F i be Thirty- , As•.w.l h D.e•rlptivs Prto.d cata.ger, tweel41 tally Ka estreted, wok he Baited rasa to all aphasia* and w matem.rs ef 1•.a year wittiest ceder - tag it. !twilit Narita Gard.nrr in the Doatiala . will Ond K to Hair foam* to 1.0, 51 a.ed. AtJ. A Mgt1111 CI. bet. lost Street Nut Waist Audrews & JohasCo�. A W. RINDS OF MEATS Osv1.1 ARsnttoa3rd Premia.' s.r1.,-'ry. A CAt1. AOI.K TED D... >Mib. Mill IMO HURON ANO BRUCE IRAN AND IRRAITUBNT OOEPANY i his C.wpevy b y..ltwiwp MAN, AO Parse Seeerilr M Lewd Bots, of Iafevvat. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS RANK BRANCH. t, 6 mid i p. Omit (wb^relf Aueserd sun (maMir Ie et114wr1f d f t OIFFICIF Ose� wu t Rs sad North f110R 4(14 1HORTON, Kul saes QPder,p , keit Ota, tnS, OW This is a Cflauco Not ORou lot Rill • The following goods will be offered at less than coot. The most of them are very little damaged 1;y water, some of them not damaged at all School Books at less than cost. School Exercise Books, Slalom, Drawing Book", ctc., will be ell cffered at legs than cwt. Alden's relnarkable cheap books, comprising all the bast aalboes. suds as Ruskin, Thackerev• Greens History istory of England, Rawlilsaels s Seven (keit Monarchial+. Poeta, Novels, &c., will be offered gat prime that will surprise everyone. Large Family Bibles will be offered at $1, $2, $1 and $S. This is marvellously ca.'ap. Packet Bibles from 2Oc. up to it. worth three times this amount. Photograph Album.. will 1* offered at prices that will astonish you. ',Lilo .I, 1,6 the email amount 1)i .ialnttptn d •ne to them. English Church Pr ly•'r Y,• .i.. 'ktrl l ly ran Books, Methodist Hyla Rooks. Presbyterian Ilyn.n Books, Tune Books, Psalm Balks. will a 1.e wit; at less than coed. Catholic Prayer Bulk, w.li be *alai at greatly reduced rates. BARGAINS IN FANCY GOODS. T?•, balance of Ow stock, such as Silverplated Were. Knifes and Forks, Table, Dessert ,1n•1 'l'.•a Spoons. Fancy Cups and Semen. Frail Plates, Fancy Ornaments, Plush Uoods (not damaged), Blank Booka etc., will all be sold at very low prices. Bu,ic:•is Envelops.. Not* Paper!!, Foolscap Paper. and Legal Ue.- veyarr_izg paper will bt: offered at less than wholesale prioea• Comae early, before the beat goods are gone. Moorhouse's Old Stand, North Side Square, GOD.EJ ICH. ONT. NEW BOOKSTORE. , 1 1 P. N. IF.'•9r.it aos.00noe. *bat he bait corned oat a \EW BOOKHTOR1 Next Door to George A cheson's on the square.. 11u Otock con •.,'. of MI,'N'KW.A'b;t,t N HOOKA sod at'UUV L SUPRA INI OF EVERY KIND. tI.1ollery, Si1Yer!re, Fa.iicy Gods, &cos'&t Complete. Bo••l. not in Stock cin be procured on shortest eetten. ALL BTOCS NEW- iW A Ca:: It wpectte :y Soli _see. erittb. Feb I5,th. INR IL M. FRASER, aribly West bids Serbia news. CARLOW. JUST AIIIIVIID, a Tart heavy penins of SPRING GOODS, Comprising some very nice Dress Goods, Colored and Blanc Kid Gloves, Haberdashery, Shirtings, and the forest lot of English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds ever shown at Carlow. My Mono from this tilde: - WONT BS UNDERSOLD. 1 g..•0 a:: a cordial int It•tien to tall sad inspect. CARLOW. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT sty wrcrime the will FRANK LAZARUS (Late . t the Oral ot'9.•sarw t Homo, Rationed Spectates 111d Eye Clam These Spieler en and Rye Ola.. have Dern need for theyet t: pears, .tad given In every 1.01&1.0o uabouadad esllsastbn. They are Ts,: 11.1 Iv Toe Wotll.n. They never tin, earl last many yearn withenr.'hange. PIM 545.1 a• Yates & •.IaswAltE urataaltnw. GODERIOH. FRANK LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER Is Marytana (teat Harrow Read. 14111100i11, 4NOLAYn (Lair learns a Harris Hartturd, taws 1 %%.No a saw .lion wall say Mbar Ors is the ih/nllw,.. M Needs. J. iia. lelll 1St L SEEDSI Save fire cental pound by nrot•ring year Turnip, limpid and Carrot SEEDS AT G. H. OLD'S, The Or.rs., en obi S eeme. A fan stook K Family Groceries Atways 0111 bead. Telegaose C esu. Oeierieb. Ju >Kh, /i. SAW BOGS 'ANTfD The rafl Mods of slaw what Numb: aMara !L• Pirelli. to and Ash sad Nadi Rim ti w ill outer, for wbitilob be M will Ws Melia Pries vibes Esti r.1 •s No Falls Bossu. 80 hill. H. else will M OtYa '0M SAW - I N C3 at sal thew se • liberal roan Aft orders proeetly 5.U•adni M. JCAVIER ItMOHLEs. i=s:::cr, Ia.. Mb. Ma II