HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-26, Page 54
♦ NW -winter Visit to the South-
ern Exposition.
• Ogee wash ?. •saaI •wee sips
sod Goma' M NN
N ess stat owe earngeedest.
New OaLLAts, Feb 18,18&
Jan two week. ago today I hid •
w inter's farewell W Kietail -"Home,
8.eet Hume''- -with ears well pru•ected
trues the chilliest blast, and art Dor face
Inwards the Seamy Routh. Bef•He leer
Mir lludersch est found that tae thermo
meter had been as low as 16 degrrees be-
1ew .aro. We reached ChieaBJ.at 8:30
Wednesday moaning, •bare we f..uud
the ..ether moderate. Al 8:30 p ei.
we hoarded the tbn.urh train fur New
Orisons, and jest shout the same tswr
„ t reining, and reined all
*hat Leight, all neat day, and part of the
seat eight. The fulh,wisog morning, •f-
eat leaving Ohio•wo,when we ere there
wee taut auy of the beautiful snow to be
seen- Bet in the &Remove, as we were
pent through Kentucky and Tennes
see, dm snow had ensiled a depth of
Ria •.r seven niches. Friday muruIwg
tis• seeeery was grand. Cotton fields.
. ape said rice plantations, with their
cLo•TO* Or Pres•• were,
all white with paint est whitewash, the
Lege eager aid nee mills, with their
tall chimneys or &us'k• *backs, looming
ever the live oi.k, sagsola and tithe.
tree., clothed in their verdure, Sowers
TIIE HURON S1(:NAI. PItII)%1 &'Els. 2(, IS$6.
said to avmage 68 per mut. of iron E Here,u ngar olid m•.Iww.. SPECIAL SAL
Here a'wwrtures hung draw!. out iM
meter bowl wroth the cuter off, Sc. the
1s also each in ries and cotton, and new
the rock salt wase• from .honor Etre ting I or
est Log.* wife. Clalduruia make, a big
dtf♦My of roods, lion,• of which are s•.
beautiful. Ther. is hero a plank
[ t
elm Atte wuou -rusts,
three inches thick, • .1 sew Mit y s,a iamb
es wide. Bark of the saute tyre N right
to teelve inch.s thiok Most of liar l,1
hib i. are a credit to the Ktata* ahaeb
caste them, sue so d •ubt will result 1. r
their future %tory and profit Uurtical-
twral is I has runny fine plait., s!trub•
and Rasters. Hero I hr.t saw baa.ares
iu ble...n, anti Imartitg 11 eit 1 .pest
tutu or three Routs III the Attitta' ►al Irl•,
abate some very 6ue i,ict u: es. s:.14.1w1r,
briusrs, relic*, rtc., .,e ..n rinihus-u.
A,uoug them is en • small Mettil•., three
ur lour inches square, and said t.. be-
worth 9t 000. It it had been o8c.ed u.•
6•r a dollar. 1 •owld kern the d•.Il.r.
The hoe building which a yr.•r ago oust W.11 sell t t1 at VKICI Lu t it.t I l: .. . di
Issued the Mrascau exhibit arepts.
144 Leat , f the mate building is
�:�: a�:` ,.+nomad Millinery, fires-. Mantlas,
�IIL R S _
♦I 1.. her • t ck
..• 'Inch q y
in which l..uuer .mites mei Retatken.n
t.ke ..sr rammer* sod Dake It .pin.
Along, it rd.e of the pant. aro seated
wit. fa. four or fit.. thousao•d ;e••ple
Tote pot.] refinement the B..y ,-1 Naves,
....d •.0 the other ehoro a the city of
Pompeii Its Ilia foreground are ,..s
the buskin's' of the ae.eteut city sbowmv
porches, wawnuw., doors and r•.•.rus w
reality ; while further hack they ,r'e Its
it bkasms in the open air, all made a perepucuru uw.tll they fade anal, ns 'he
• pert' 1•• be lung remembered by those diata,ce .l ng the dark sides .4 Almost
whu were weedto eomg ice and snug at Vesu.lea High ab'.vq all the crater of
she. mum at the year. We reached the wueahty volcano towers to the aky.
Mew Orissa' at 9 am., end fund it to ( to the day time this panoramic acm it is
le a vert (it.ly city The shipping of very Gua Hut at aught shoe a repro-
. eu:au.ai of
sill aatl•,oe he et her apauoos docks. Il.tr
and wharves are 611.4 with
wtdtes and all kinds of produce, (mita
end serdiandi•e. People of all 'nitwits
Ibrn esu bur event*. Some of these
streets are narrow, while .Ahern. Itke
attd, Claiborne, AM, al,g tory aide,
Two TO rortt aOw. ')r TF.Y s'••,
with railnrd and street car tracks run
ilia between the run, pared wagon
suds ..n e.ch side. sad very wide side
walks. The buildings, especially the
private Imo's", nearly all have balm
sirs aloof( the whole front. and general-
ly an one aide, and are hatlt of granite
The Lows. here are built for the circu-
lators of fresh air, and nu provision r.
made for odd weather. The parts here
line the swan who had the Leaky hof
when it rained he could nett 61 it, and
when it dtdo't rain it did not want fix
int. But everything here is free :
Wares the wood and there's the stove -
be Id a Are ur freeze. You pay yuer
money end you take yner choice - I...aI
option yes know. 1 think %•early every
*shoot in the world et rrt resented
Trench and Creoles are especially pru-
The Smug. will be siren from the tat
"THE Lear DAT. r•r roarlr'I,"
u given, and the city de.tr.lyd it is
waautbmot Partial darkness bna,da
over Ute el..smrd city Her p.•.•i.le are
seta 111 their h+sea purser..){ Curti usual
atue.I (n'. S..Ilem is entehat.n.g 1.5.
friends un birds nest soup, and the
gladiat. ca are in the rine et the au,plo
theatre fighting to the death fur the 1 r re
.1 fro..:. m, and t).. plaudits of the multi-
tude .!-..urtouud thew, .Len auddro-
17 the sky darkens, a rumbling as of
thumb r is heard, the earth 'bake., the
alfnghtrd emirs. rush :utu sad along
the ?tracts. the d.rkue-a t.ecuaurs mote
cense Asher' aro ;al:tnt, erica of din
fuss are heard, the walla of the i.utrd-
legs begin to tumble, the crowd routs.
towards the bay, tries, shre•k. and
gr..*n. 611 the air, the volare. Ise cues
forth an immense 'ul.me rel lite, Is, a
and ashes, a• d the *crest cata.t,ul.h.-
ihat octurrrd 1.1+00 ur 2,040 trait. ay..
ends to darkens. and destruction. Ti.
dol,shfed a,•ectaturs .•f the'cetwedraper-r
to their h, tu s nod .11 as ••ref
A L McGasa•a.
Aft e1tlAtib, March t the end of • M year for >jl 00
bright d •
lallttwat, and
baa clans, aro "creepy
re generally rye end
the lint plies t, vv • Viet salt.
enciety Many of the Ladies aro cele Reg. John Tenser preached $ ••"trtn•r•
butted fir their beauty and accomplish- •liana da..etug iu lioeueacr chareh ter,•
] have heerd that
Id his fat stuck at tit, amt.
. h i
Thyro are girls of every bur. K r lbhve wrr•ia to Wm. l+lclr.ai, ..1
nem w li.eler.ch.
th troth ns •.tie way. 1 map
siestar wealth •
siesta suppose you a S,sblalbe lig...
tiles Orle.na is lamed f, ,•d W. Mill.
HOSIt' •'y� I
As &err that tide the l„ •e- .vs will ler• • teller ti.• ,+•i..
Uuderieh, I'eb. 11. IVO
oLok Here!
As ilk N ifs FACTORY CUTToever
sags fat the money be.
, Slit RTI NCK,
AT Pantie THAT WILL AmouraH Yut.
All other hoes in DRY GOODS ca tut lite.
You. Si.ca or OROCK K 1E.-
N'. Buy WOOL, BOWIESAVD &:u.:.
. u • . t ref ..lane•% w
Foz Or.._ S� �. �nt� J03:12:37".03:12:37".STOVE. � :•�. _
neem f bite t a arty. per ' '
That s •
herr state that Mowry and Sankey ars Walser Tay'or i. fait: • in;c right head
boldeng revival meet'nlrs in the city at of cattfilthis winter. He tusk( it pay
it. There were 600 c unversed last this time
rasitia♦ night. They hate meetings for Ago Alp number ..f ynurg men with
ladies a. 3 p tr., for men at 7 p.m , and their :adv friends amemblr.i .t the retro
the brulJiug is always erowde-i dense of P. Phrina, un Friday flight of
tast •. wk, i.umberiug about tweet! .els
AT VII and thirty b..ya, where a' very} ri•j- y.hlr
The gr.waxls a••d the rapnsitinn build I.uIC tree spent trappiu: the light imam
lags &r'a very fine, sad there are many tic There were (our nuaateot..• present
large treys, .hruhs and t)- weru.i1 pirrils. en lend thane amut.uce if 5.rw•..:u-y
an well mi "1'6 immense lire oke, tour Joint Kills is husily eneared collecting
se 6v• feat in diameter, with great the neersear, matrtlal tt r theerectl••i tit -
.pe. s4 tar branches, .i d Reba tail tltevel" _Ai..
stun a e•:o Nr and taut V$I M.
.d with 1.051 5'es• gictng tbrr° n "'TY luso buildin,1 twit seism D Mc
venerable bet charnel appeauce. The lartn has the ne.ptr,ect ..f to,h
•aim building coven 33 acre/444 Cryan.' ne,Idin•ta for $l00. A Al�,;iwu is 5o
There is mese space which Is root ,teen Rudd the stonework. When that a e'na-
pied, but new .wbibrte are oawetantly plettd Mr. Ma s will have ample r•.. ei
mooing in. Here was the machinery f,.r the pr. (lure .if his tier (■nut »a he
and implement display, .n:tinar, tic. has novcht ti•..djsce:.t hot tr. Is R Me-
b&rvestefe. euttoe gen, 1••re. pampa- Dowell, annum: there and making tt the
wow tws.en, Oiler boil • with the sweet
jute@ rennins ea► -price 6•e cents i
glass rilk 1„stn. Itevateing silk ha..Iker
chiefs of all colors), triphammers, pa
tent gates. Pullets.. ,mare cin, h.,ntha
or stand* (presided over by Chinese ••t
Japanese) where all sorts of enrio.itir-
aro foe rale ; two rl..hwlar terata. retire -
senting the Easter.. and the Wester,
1 contained specimens trip.
all {arts of the ,rloh •..mon( which sa-
a *11t .4 the •.ai r&-.d-ail..lut
Ie.,.e. The display .of crocked &rat
`Iaaswate would make a •onar's Mart
jump .1d mouth to water. Miiiatwr-
rresrl.-kettles. townie, Rc -.Inati.-
fr.nn the flag of lir.... fermiers ; car
Maar*, cutter•, velocipede. The btv
Herr (wegtht 1 9•rti) 5 *...lis e.eid.• ohne
ten cents) ; rest .urwta sod gTattd sw-
sic stand *1.o form part "f the ..tine
tion. I had the plea•uru .4 meeting
5-Pouois oI
50c. WOR` H OF TEA.
IjirOive ua s trial ami you will fr. t atttn;factit.n.
Tea Mt•
(Tederiett. Teb. 11th. U
pantx twat •ietor to Geo. Grant'', (lrocery Stag.
Il - i4 • DY 't olio T e DlSCONTINUIr. TIU
,r& ,)'Jit .tTTgITioN INTIRKLY TO
We WV.' , • Kt s.:. .1 CURE: 5 MRATeat tbe(alluding prim!.
SU(..% s:URKt) HAMS, 1 lc. per lb.
• Silt)(1L1)ERS, etc.
SHellt CLEAR SIDE MEAT, &•. •'
ba tabling 1•e: iesat5Iie•, a reds. t•on will br•made is,ibe *hot .• ; n.
p::,ate of GEO. GRANT.
OedepMt Fah. tad h. 1. ,i fera In.
being deeireoe of te .kin: a ethane= in their Its.. of
asst•., ..iii di.p e• of their prevent 500. i...•
Very Low Prices.
SpeciaI Cuts SII Good s
"The Cuespeet Hones 1 nder the Sun
I Edit, Int Door to Post Office.
siyhisfl 00]s
,J t
- --AT
Amon.; wtf,'i will lir found as Centel..., Hey ecu' of from the smallest to the lareest *net made.
Choler cloaking* std I'iit, ring..
bowlde \ll Went shawl.. Ills. 1 and Color, d. 'NEW Ul:Nle:NSI.
t fall nage n• Knitted Goode In Pt -tong -mid.- Starts. Nubia.. Goiters. Skirts.
Ov.rdn•s.es. Sleeveless Vrda. and liens Style of Meek Jeraer,s.
A. estea:.re range of Fine Hoatrry and Knitting Vara. from the beat known maker.
Orme Oood. in all the Nes Ti s and Tratures. notably
Ter Taibr- Mode Wed* 19u,.he.c V. Rear. Nstinn., kr.. lo rat. h.
bed. lath sad (•radle Blanket a.
Ogle (WOW Cwis.fa.rtrp rah. Tarte and beery. at economical pricer
$?lt1tTI.t ONE PRICE
ad u:lifo:m court's)' :sail. . •
(iatrtir}r, 1.i.. A•.:. tac7.. iQ:rttet
hu.., emote as UR. Will r!Lv 5 or
lest farm iu t h+, .roti•..) Nut Int lamb added a M'r•b Ntmk of T A T •
Tie toenail met ht.stet':% I3r1t 2 D rUge Dye � u�v p v Eve.,
Ail the member* preset. t. TON 11111,11t•s s 1 + h Tat tar' now ahl
••1 fors,••% neeltit•g teed atei appy need ,., the, al igAer
C rrk•p hold wsa steer(.• 1 Tle•s••r. r
[pr's wars
fame to fere, to the Main buildin? T1s.
tad hid/ i. ■ti I, and • perpetual **Min..
t•, maim to set their f^cos forward. anal
never hook beck. Ttsia Mrs Lot o n.•d
twenty el, twenty Rye 1«rt high. and e.
*urr.5' d.1 157 butte til. cks of ash
Ther wine inat-V other things in rho
r p swam but .lots• worthy 54 notice Part
of the display a tery floe, hot as a
wiz. Ie, N folia far short of wh.t th.
.easy travel•rr fro. n • l••n.t d,.t•..e. es a;eo=rla4 •■rt was
pests to end lis a week or so It m.y
pnse.nl w finer aptwarancr.
We twit vrnte t wt.& is milled th. Re,oned by Te:mph > tltj1arrt, Milt..
Ile alt tgueggatos.
� n,..e„ _,t w. Nal,) d ant"
ea* r, quested to prrreut new bona .t
The auditors pre.rnt.•1
,rads he
• A sock, d,,r• tit Inform the .:I' Gene of Oa ••r.,: t a
5u supply 51.51 with P(IliI I►RUtl$rod CHCMIt A[.•lai It,a.or,rble Prove. 1 Y---'" s an 1`1•1=h(:•so.la •••.•gine (*seta, Perfume ewe.. Whisk Mulder. Mi,n.r . Eu.
Watt= All abet ren cheer.
New d,..len. in Crpatal Yle••-r slat .1. Ladles Heed tetra eta ,n Velvet. Leather NMI Plush.
New tines of Roster Vases and TO rt Asti. i racked .stets, l.: a, t„1 , yn.i. • • mor
n«=t m. -e s..g. • fiend Mirrors in (ireat:ar.M).
• PIM An Im,w=sar .t..•k of Perfumery in rho- a' from
batt., and Ford, sae ad• peed t.11erk An
ime Flowrnnw Per lel hr kWh.. in t frotosm•& •Ea
160 t SLCJAN'S INDIAN TONIC, 1..,... Spi.u.and tL.oringk,ren.•r.wwasek.Jfor fw• re•.u...ra�••••
'f, --!----
their rep.. t. which on moti•.n •( Ie. k * lIOLR A(i, NT
a.s Inatrtc•HI tali get .wPu'a ,• ..
ht,.rs' Irl«,►t r nw,s b is •.( ti.Ti•e Greatest till.. -..d .'nnA- of the air. F vert Rothe llaarseteed. ��1
anted Thr `
June -it nit u.rr 1.10 ti %•filth/. .
. - ansate R
era. The reeve tied deputy rem., roar• Alb sot Block. Wdrr1• h Vets. Oh. t�
•ptwtt• tad • e.•mnnt0re to attend to et --- ---
toasting of t:o'an,rne r.nrnell, to erft .
livaneml matters betwer•, the two t••a"' - Toront
.Airs. Clerk was ,•,,er.ecterl t•. na•rf
..artias ittrresto,i, that I,y Mw refer -era.
ret the e.rlti,.v •'1 Gr►rrrwt'e ditch will
..semel at neat sitting of •aureus Thr
f.Jlowiur accounts ware nrden"l to 1.,
T ti1
8rley Horn le lie I1 a.m.; Y to 1 7 m : t :o f_Ya poen.
o•Cash_Store FlNF
,e.td J W •1•• end An •%lion Cu crit Ha.::: ru•wtpker, mu.barge of tthhe Tailoring( iMp.rtm. et of '1. .tl.!- t
a•g te.dvYw• mrofk MK I •entt.,mor. ald Om a. ••••• • •,•b1 . , 1 h.•
47;r Hutton SIGNAL. KII. adtrrlttirR retort silt pared testier betnremento la my dee to, ..-.• t o. - e
Re -Minn, SI • J K5, • Mice hire, i=: ('ome aivett aged err the Imm- nae stink whit sew 1,. . t a pt
R.ylan.wrd, ealvirt, con : awl A. i6 ) 1NE WI/RATED H(JI1'S.- . firm., -s,) .1.,;;42:t 0.
115.Illeth, 5.. --, p»thtuet PI; A R' F'I'DE SCOT1;II TWEI'.I) SUITS. ftanise rlt ~ 2:11111
lj16: Jno --. aud•tnr! '18; A P. n,
,...I, 'matt, r. A6: H Rtithtford, p • THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, RESI CANADIAN TN'EE1) SUtTS.ftinue;1) Yl.(_N1
,. f,md e!••t tart. 41. it H AnJrnoo, .1
...on., time Re . 46. J flan .o. d.. d
02 C ,un,•r1 .4,.."r..ed ti ..burs et.
Saturday, Mat. h 20th
R R Mgt.'s.. t'p rierk
Ca'1 iso see oar iito, d
llovernueenl MnI tin, , whirr u,•••
States Ohio, Mielaiva•
anti $wane«tin Or• e•9.pied..•se Ile ihrs•
• bwucr. O•.'orad•', C,l,ton sa, Mw•.rook.
. Id Ile. 1111.- ants., saki • AIN di-p'.y ..1
ore• and .91 leers s, rt d and .iterr tpr- -
cis.a . that teaks .n aid mitrer's eye.
tweak e.
a ri5ineo emir,
heilt et,t,r.-is of rock glitter
tett rink pesotom metal. ter rime( prole
el..., ant al... displsy'd. anti Atom the
wnnderhi rushee ked sear to the M.weis
of Beele Ram's tweet domain Alahe-
wl., hesedea her esteem ma ,/abet prw-
d..e., calk goer atteetlnn to • asses of
yield. l ore Is Weighs the
he , � i•
• a
V brat. 1Yalt1 ►beet
w b. ae..Apra,r' i bel . . ....
Wheat. fireeeeel el bash • .-
lour gall- it wt.
Pear. (mlaedl • cwt . -
Ti..ar.14' 11155' hekers, w esus . .
now, b.teeat el I per. cwt..........
••ea, • beak .. ...........
}'. PIoc ...'w.. su ss .. t... ..
lewpwwbeall>/ else . • .. • . • •
e lrrt-
•0s w
Out 7'0
0 el •
ie r lm
Will Sell the Balance of Clothing
now in Stock at Cost.
H.mcsdsar the stand :
• ( IiE4T ENGLISH FANCY PANTING, fort,.) lt" 1.:41 I,
TRK TORONTO (:Asti STOKE Trlmmluwa. Maple sad rot Orant.•..1
.ue�A, anager_ stB' Mao! '
G.derl.a. Feb. Itb. IR sot
/indei , N,•r.1?In. IC-
M#••••*•'***********••••"•*•**•�J C DETLO ' &
re 0
N is
• 11
w_ 8 Ri�T r;Y,
Jas. 21, IAiB. �}♦*�*♦*The Pot♦♦p♦♦la'�s Hhe
ere, mierbeh..
r M HU++++iii♦♦
I •
!V slut. OiTF.I( e. Ht 30 I .
-- IN
aLiCcc C3-oo =,
Ti .r.. eec9_
1 Reade r-XCaed.e Cic�t'
' cedreea Mee. Mak IA