HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-26, Page 4t. 4 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. HED. 26, 18 36. JEWS ABOUT HOME.t Archie Hodge, d Tweed°, • former Joseph Morris, who !urea jest ewer lie Oo'encb ren, aid ser ul uur townsman river, bought a b.i.daunw organ he A elders • �asg le. tattle *Mae I) B Hedge, was in town vo Twesday. other day from D.•herty, ul Clinton, and As faith he'll Arent it." Hs looked aunty. .a h. already wee possessor ul • stood W dip the tAieeirr stem lion► for instrument, much eursustty was Maru- i'oax TWICE -Port Amore (Mich) !Netts. The partie■ 1 wed by tl:• neighbors as to what be th a,otraet are both well now■ t.. rte moue to do with the •emend uoe. Waa paper be sold thee', at lair:. a Wear'd 7w .re next we. The thew of Wedeeedal was middies, and made locuait oos eap)e•sset, tet all was . to Georg* Stews.: Cs or photos e happy. The public can do co .• apes settles ed articles at Mts. ('Dote'. bsoketers, w re ao a mr water ems damaged tag stock. You cam to 1 hoo►4statlose ay toys st lowest Uvulas rates at !Mts. Cooke Ws wonder if March will corse In like • Ia.ub. Perhaps it may, but one thing a cer- ie:cc sad that is that f3ritham 1i Ole e se lhionable tailors, can sou everyv.ate who •t II learn an order with theta. The 'teatimes' shoot fire was herr great i1..rio the week, and then a no wu..der. 't'}.e firs th eagles may tail wow and en. ea atatlows always aims to get • good picture. and he an satisfy the most fastidious.',readers k hon are offering bargains 1a (so ak *locos,all warranted don class. They bas fifty of them. and they aro Itrvtuit men acute hulloes.. than any other dealer. Call •iboom .. d Sew el "The ckeapcst bees tar the sus." Jx Williams, of Petrels', was is town this week. Andrew Whitely left for Vermont on Ml today last. John lhtilvie, .•f Montretl, has been in town dens„ the week M. Hutchison, of the Harbor Mill, return.! on Saturday from a trip to (istresl. Rev. J. M .:Gillvray, B. A., soul preach Knox church on Sunday nest, u. place of Rev. T. E. Calvert. Win. Cooks. y, of Pricey' le, has been Breading a week with his old friend b, A. Kent, of the harbor mills. Sloane, the seedaman, has his spring anounceulent in this week's moue. Those desiung to get seeds attuuld read it. Mayor Horton donated $20 10 the fire brigade for their efforts in tastier he proparfv M She fire on Friday night. Mire Mary Allen, of Paisley, whu has Immo visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Alauger, returned homeward lut week. Mees Cameron, the milliner at Mrs. township clerks, councillors. and other (:Irvih's, is at present in the coy. She n.umeipal officer* as well es lawyers. will, however, Le at her stand next The book is creditable alike to author w oak. and publisher*. • kAr. Mums reseuted the new organ to snag.,ld t the aria's rich : •'O. ibd9l , hi. dsughur. Mrs •leerge ?Stewart, of teat , at the Anderson, Mr. Artco, Tisdale, Godetielt. se s sun u) ••pplemeutery hy Rev. Anderson, Art►er 13+mil- ddrifs Lon and Mrs. Clare M. Biala. Mr w• . Hamilton is a son o4 the late Dr. Ham- Awwletitss•RT Scatticag. - The Rev. Hoon, of fiodeneh, Ont., and was 'du- Alexander Burns, M A., L LD , of listed in Upper Cswda College, Twice, Hamilton Ladies' College, will visit w „ G••derscb on the occasi•.n of the annular ?prof. de Peudry e: his sinters airy of North street Meth..dist church. presses Dr. Berns will preach both morning and thanks to the goad friends tele au kindlf e,s,,,,,g on Monday, March 7th, and, as waisted hem e.o the platform ou Mende/ h• cannot ate, over kluudsy, has cun- theutn,t. He ala, boreal, appreciate soiled to eve a lecture ,•n Rsterday the manner benefit in which the public patruo evening. 'There will iso nu admission aid the atnorrt in his Lelia f r t.. the lecture. TLere wi.l n.t doubt It n a satisfaction goodwill oo t.. know the.' her bas he a Targe gathering hear such a dis- .ut ot.ly lid /there ll of the muueiaut i t „Numbed man as Dr. Burns. Bingen, slid utbvn of the twirl', disposed Flag A Sr.broke out in the upper .le public also teal kindly disposed towards him s .n lir Imno's stationer, .Nmuiablishent i Friday evening last. The euro,e was ,pock', on the scour, but for the tint colt boar lir so diJ very 1. or work. F. - •all, the (lames were Lot under. Mr. Imrie was telephoned for, and on his sr rival cuoslderable uf the goods were re- in•oved. The stuck was valued at $12,- 000, and was insured fur $8.000 as foi- 1 •ws : Yh(euix, $2 500. Hartford, $t, 500, British America, $3 000. The loss i. bet seau $7,000 and $8.000. S. S. Cooper, ttrph.w of uur town. ..an, v Sloane, and W. SwaMold, for DO oe tone pout with F. Smooth, have f .rine: a ip. end purchased the the plaguing milt .4 Henry Ste.ene, lit C •..t.•o. Measra Camper et 8waNeld a.e two y.uog wen of expellent charm: - too who w ml•, we believe. makes furorese of their benne,' in Clinton. Mrs Seaffield, (there is iso Mn. Couper yet) 1. au amiable youn.r lady, and with be. husband will be found useful in Sunda. 8:'eool murk Our hest wishes attend Vie new brio iso their venture. The Toronto Glebe thus refers to a legal work by ime .4 our rnunit G..dericl !■wary. :- "The Ditches and Water courage Acts of Outanu," with notes so it references to decided cases, by Maleolus Oriente Cameron, Barrister -et -law. To roots : Carswell & Co. Mr. M. G Cameron, of Gud.rich, already well known as • legal author from his work on "Delver," has brought cut • moat omeful little book on the above subject. especially well adapted for the es* ..1 Mies Paisley, ..f sow York, Pal been Captai-t Hassan and Lieut. Rigden, the guest of her cousins, the Mis.rs who have had charge of the Salvattin Graham and Masa Williams, the past Army services in Goderiteh for the past few weeks. seven munths, hit town ow Thursday. IL M. Fraser has o ,ened s new stn ,,..i", !they will be .■owned wt tionery store next doorlto Iaurge Ache wanton. (edit Kyte gore to Liato- wel They Trill he succeeded ben bye au's Ruddy is po•'•ular and Dubh[ to Captain Lang, of Port E gin, formerly of do a good business. Bru.sels and Stratford. A farewell ser - Dr. McLean. 111. C. Camer^n, M. P.. vice esa held at the Isamcks on Wed - William Kay and other relatives, sccom neslay evening, and see of the features named the remain• of the late Mn. was the singing of an original poem dedt- s:la.e to Sarnia on Friday last. cated to the retiring officers by James Theodore Ried, .1 Reclaim, Mich., is Bucbaaan•, jr. Capt. Hassan and her upending a few day. renewing (old subordinates take with them the good eciu•intante in this meteor. He was will .1 many outside the Army in this well kuuwu herr us the olden time. section A new ' Praise ti. rncr" will be riven Snoods, MAWS. --The following is twit Sunday evening in the Victoria the .core st the Guu Club sheeting street chum!. instead of the usual preach- match last Friday : tog eervice to comweuce at the usual James Nesbit. ..1 1 1 1 01 1 01 1-8 uuee, W. Ellard ...0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1- 6 John Vanatter. uur j.eb foreman, has W. Ituts•on .. ..0 1 0 1 00 1 1 0 1-5 ..0000000000-0 OCR TOWN FATHERS. 00N011Q1COLTIONS. I MI6 1,111111111111/A•We ••••• hold earaNn vee epon.ibie tor the eplslole of ear Currwpu.d.uir l%.r,lllt s tents tawdea.aeod 4 rtt mu.xwe, theme selves ID pa btlw que•tiows. •.,a be twirl. massed A tWrslls (revs Gonanes, Feb. 22d, 1t86 To the !liter of The IJltsal. Bia,--The meal% lire in Mr. 1wrw's store, in which a eitukidenthle anemia of st,ek waa damaged solely by water ; prompts Iso to summit the advisability of forming a volunleer salvage carps, for the pruteott.ct of property ou semi K occasions. Hsd ouch • body beau u. ea that oc asiou, provided with tarpaulins, there would bare be..i ample tune 1.. cover the stuck w a MOW uer that the damage frust water would have keen lubaitesimal In a dry goods store especially, its value would her met sppareut, as the goods could be easily and quickly piled on the aunt ts, and c .rered over by a t.•dy of men trained to act in concert. I w..uld suggest I° my fellow Wizens thr.ugh your c..luiru., Mr. Editor, that such a corps aught 1. formed of yuutig and active wen lit known respectab iia, whir •uuld set i. concert with in un1Rr the or.lrrs of ah• captain uf the tire brocade. It frequent !y asppeus, ala., at bre* thet ladders are not available when wanted. 1 sou it. formed that there a now in the market house • hook slot led ter wagne•n encu might be made servo:ratite ; •• d which• with the addition of a 1. w tarpaulins a.nd a ouuple ,1 Behouck ex. ngo,•►ers. m►ght be made to do good .erasee in the earlier stages ,f a fire, 1 am Informed by Mr. Rice that he has ou two ices mons prevented what might have aero a serious tire In his salt block, by the prompt use of the Babcock. The ..tat of these valuable little machines is not great, 1 think about 140 each. Two could be easily attached to the wait,.. and kept ready iur neo al w doer w Toronto and other places A few tar psulins would also. cast .rnrthnoy. tet nothing ruinous. No additional horse- woul be required, as 6 or 8 .n.,. timid easily draw th•! machine. T is is, of course, but •n outline scheme, hat .f taken up it night he enol.• to assume a definite shape ; and if moire 01 our I bummers mru would take the matter in hand, the v....m- eal might ha induced to grant the rum necessary for t I may say that while 1 have no desire to assume the least in the matter, I am willing for one t., volunteer n.y services in the runner described. D,,nht .+s some of your readers an oyer practical Hoping to hear from teour of them on the subject, end thuok,n. yogi for your space, I enclose my card. and remain, yours truly, Pito Bnwo Petition. I p P Tu waft eW ring W het • twee .d st s bw mote the An item beaded •'Furi•rs" appear d mouth ul the snorer. Thigh is theto p to the balMlt,w a fes weeks ago who► eat luriemate the psaryna and ether ■se the meow .e1 • prune woad losing tit Mtn parts Atha tartest. It et/rikw es sweet Avert end among out •evvod lies• the! the reiueJy bad batter be applied lu a quarrel. with ce ul sou, else the staa.ewr milt►t rriM AenroaaT W Mtrlsrty ...i with a and lubricate the ' err x.155 the man who s soue e. cstitIt Moods, last whirr .o. dn.1.1"..1 1" the onto h Hlyth with • lord of wan»-. The lead u1..e. and laoIi g un him beak. one tot hu logs. He sow soder the ww.l a,d c••ale not get out until assistance *rr.rud *•wee 3r-AtA11. The are mt 1 busier here aeraw.like- ly to he Irak dun"' the consols( arta" , a, quite a large etunub.r of loge arc a - rooty '. 5 ,Ciel. We uuolerwlaud ill.: •depulaboe float alma part of gems. 'd o to gm t.. iti.. a ba arch in 'oiler to ascatau. .•...t diaeal•e there are •4 a rsttway th.s ase : of ■.urea our h.rl.•r is to • .uIawl, anal uur "..lie -geed bawl.." i• u boomer the market for the surto... •16 g .etery *Festal Meeting t. Neewr the Mean re- gime aweetiem A special meeting ••f the council was hod Saturday evening by the town council t, dtscusa the feasibility a 'tal- oa the tire eugiae of more practicer use .t tires. His worship the msysr occupied the chair, and staved that he had been asked to call the meeting by s number of cuuu- cillurs and others who were not satisfied that the engine tad been properly han- dled by the engineer at the recent fire at Imne's. He would be pleased to bear any uf the councillors give repres- sion to their feelings on the question. Councillor Colborne did not think that the engine was properly handled at Imrie. fire. This was the fourth time udder the present t that the enrol° had not been as effective as it should have been. As he was not a practical mechanic• he was not iu • pu.►- touo to, h.ote the failure, but he believ- -d, so the public interest, the matter should be fully investigated. Couto Jordan said the general .;pin:oo we that there was inefficiency iu cue erection with oke bre t. Per- haps the chairman of the tire committee c Auld say t..uiething on the matter Cuunciilur Butler, chairman of the fire committee, had nothing to say at that stage. Councillor Bingham was o1 opinion that if Mr. Kirkbride ever knew any- thing about the management of an en- gine, he was now tow old and nervous to he depended on in case of It was the duty of the council to secure the greatest efficiency to connection with the working of the engine. Her had nothing personally against Mr. Kirk• bride, but fur some reason that gen- tleman had been unfortunate in handling the engituP. A change should be made in the public interest. John McCallum, the former engineer, and *competent man, was willing to take charge of the engine for $400, and he the speaker) believed it would be in the public in- terest to secure his services at once. Engineer Kirkbride asked the mayor if it would be in older fur him to make an explanation, and on leave being granted, went on to .tate the reaming f.nr nun efficiency in connection with the working of the engine at the four lut fires Hp concluded by stating that it was his intention to resign the position of fire engineer at the end of but year, which term,sated on the 1st of April. He didn't wart to -have the worry and bother of the past year guy longer. Moved by Bingham, seconded hy Me Ewen, that the resignation of A. Kirk- bnde be accepted, and that John Mc- Callum be appointed fire engineer at a salary of $400 a year. Carried. Councillor Butler, who like Tate OMhanter's wife, had been nursing his wrath to keep it warm, then took the Mee, and inveighed against all and son• dry who had been guilty of fault findin, against the conduct of the engineer of late. He contended that the fire com- pany and engine did more efficient work then formerly (at which every'b dy ex• oeut councilor Butler smiled), and hoped the engineer would be 1 to turn the hot water hose upon any per- iaiw bib+ wished to ante him any adv* in the future. Councillor Butler has drvenerated into a public scold -he has become • nuisance at the atoned board. C•,un Colh•rrne said the sugeestion . f tours ll,r Butler ■bent the turning °n ,f the hot water hose was a g.. d one. Be had house./ seen ethers t the whim ofcthe(t llon and ecnrineer (Butler winced ) 1f the hot water hose 'sere tur.ied on, even some of the comi- c II. rs w.•ulol ¢.t .ealded. Abd the crowd who knew Butler's meddlesome actions at recent fires m- ats iced m ■eine snickering at the expense of the cheirnnen .4 the fire committee. The ennui! then adjourned. }wen laid up *oh a severe b►hu•s attack J. Nyou. We nope to hear of his speedy recovery He has leen confined to the hou.e since Ntturday last. . E. R Watson. 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0-8 Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street R W. McKenna .1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1-- 4 dentist, makes the ;•rtaervatton of the F. Pretty .001 1 1 10000-4 natural teeth a a; acuity. Lias admitos- A. Chambers . U 01 0 1 1 1 00 1- u tired fr.eu 9 a. in to 4 p.m. fur the pai... less extrsctiuu 21 ••1 teeth. R'atw1 Anniversary art%ices will M he'd in Resulting `n fat r of E 1? connection with North street church on twin by balls. Another match will 'unday March 7th- Rev Dr. Burns coma oil this afternoon at 2 o'clock well occupy Che pulpit en the ocwiou A.ornta Frac - Shortly before elev- both morning and evening. en o'clock Monday night a fire broke out Dr. McDonagh was banqueted by a in the house of Capt. Murdoch Macd.,n- number of friends on Tuesday evening, ald un Lttththuuse street. The house on the occasion of his departure fur Tor- was Entirely destroyed, but seine of the unto to practise in the city. He is, we antents were saved. The engine eas understand, a skdtul prat:itioi.rr. promptly on hand but some mistake We regret to chronicle the death st was made with revert to the hose, which Oakland,Califernia, of Mrs Sam. Wright, made a considerable delay before work maw of Mrs -T Dirk. twin, and Ms. era begun un the fin by the brig... 19 J Y. 8. Kirk. of Brussels, also si.ter-in- law of J. 4. Wright, Pond Farm. Much interest is being manifested •i in whether the "doable; deist" of Slab will be lifted at Victoria street Meths dist church neat Sundry. We bop■ to Le able to retest favor:.!.:, welt week. Jima Mullin, the Luckuow staredriver, has now only olw e of chohires divan' mite that be use(? to be so ported of.He wants the man who tumid the .tier wit to cons and sae 1 w a. that they c toss up for litho gels the pier M. Higgins, the we 1 kunu uwu cdecter, who is now rebid:mg in T.no,ito, lir• sold his Nelson on Nelsu attar' to Stmts. Sh,• non, He was w town .luring the week cam leting��cthe sale, and stp.ked as 11 'air tvpnwoia sow ■Iso. woo.•'.. +... W..e. T C King, 44 the Hack of Cotemrrcr, leaves this l:bt week fur t4,g. , where he will take a pewee. lu tlee real *elate .fibre of Waller * Co Mr. ring sae one w the Moe t�iri,ii4t,g thou,* that has beau iu Godwri_h L i.ks ter gurney a We understand there was • small sneer - once ,n the house, but 4esp,te 11e... Capt. Macdonald'. ?saes wi l he hp ea He has the sympathy 4.1 all who know bim. But for the good work de r•o•anteers with 'mils the house of F A. Knit, ion the next lot t, Mr Macda.n aid• would also have been destroyed. Mr Kant tbawks the fneutdm. rm4het column. Professor vo(i1ia�Ne on S•tur clay evrt►ni to as I but cu lured Aud- i.Oce in V,c'onr Opera House. The 11.11 was (eryryrr cold, bet noteorh,tanding all the drawlseks the great elk•tilwut,t tally sustained the reputation which had oreoe'ded Mm. Pie/tossed ,f a magnul Cent troire, end r good eta¢r p'eternce, a Clear and dnt.nct reemc.atinl,, and a tail to please and e'.hvht all who can to :harmed 1 lisiihrd elocution. Hos c. ma► n,d .lathe ,.etch and Iri.h dial rete, and lu. keen appreciation of the hamer..aa, make him Irre.Iatthly droll it. his humorous .i.e,-.' We hope thio year. _ fitletited.reader will some to G•derich tt..►u FItU71 ?tilt flag - In our adver *Nair• Elwood he do e. he must repeat Wino ex,lumba • a be f..uud wisp • selections fr .n, ' Th. **flow.' a..d as,u.nt:...t.. i 1n J ,..r, 5:0.11. 1, nf- "The 1nn..ce,ts Abro.d," and he errecr to mil:r_ ..., , i• sock .1 e'atou• again thrtll Ire with the ■tot, .1 ...Too cry Ac., sae d fr a hoe. The sale W''mvn .•f Msn.jdr'a Hr.d." T.. listen *111 begin 011 :!■furlty treat, and the't" Prof..Vallenee is a treat that e. cry prepr.rt..r data,. that gaeat bsrigame school timelier and .tudeut .loud mut Witt Ise gives ,tuf(st if the twortenito ever present, Naw Ganest . -- M Q reel(. His equal has not Int" in Can■ o•rrio � M. Caren 's' Gill►vray will lir the too: .4 a eo..w et, • f..r .mover t ran. eery firm which end open a lit pest week Ih ?'■mop's Bri.svT -- The bwn.•lt nn North street. the eramd dente flew. c'n.ey.rt b. I rad D•• 1 nide, o•. Mrmtday Mrs Cuuke s bo.ok.U.r. Ma calm .Mc• (eat ea* hirh1v et.'rws/ul t.. point .4 (:Jlivra, is a towhwian w ell kn.osn'tu wrtiedste. and the ehentetor of the mrd• II' tact T..r ph•. mime• we•, lnw.•ter, many of nor readers, and h s pat tort, nu Ilii. I..r:.,•St.• '1" e'"'"'"'41of e"4",Mr. Mcguarne, se Hum Ciorelasld, p Ohio. - The county Sunday $clo..•1 Cone•n- tem held In Winghatu on Toeeday ase Widowed*, was very sueresefel f. re was share attendance, an 1 thepr, errs " t.5• r.nx by Mr. R 14. ('.5,..-. A..•er. thbeg 1 r et'ery •nor. Throe wet• pate t.ete111ie •Crbra, roan /•, nt.tnitneit I pie e', r.s•hnrr. tshl.sloe, Kthomenit song. end dal re., it... T1s. r *till( of ,r,:1.41.eeti• n. to the 0 waw .is the rigs were most harno•nnous ,lid neem.,t- ice.. ty•n.o was ranch appee•t.,. I (ler eve. Among those who took a part 11.: •i.+a w ill •..•t •d...rt .{ aa wtrwn••r•l ...1. the proeagdiii were • nanthrr • 5 Guide, iv., Following ea. itt. Iso *ren• r.ck 8. N. worker*. A fuller rwv..ri .d ??venom. taro hr.trr : ?•sego &1 R.'1t-hrr; MEM. Is Ae•Itetd. ea Yriday mesal NA, Mb. Isms. Mary A , beloved wire 05 Mr. bsait (lawns. aped n ,tars. Sew A This Week. Card J. In ne. n e.a reamerl oIwne. etre, etre, re J Ime. cordra of T'Fir hs F A. Kest. new 11.�M. lerseer. i'er ne 'Jaams A. Reid. ',Lineage Hong Cameron. Notice ofi, mese e Paemesebip-Reed d' isNo0ra. NroetN s leprose.wattves .1 fawadsa •itw,drd,bre e•...I now 1. r um - atui.0 which was held on L.ke.,dr f.r•.. • 1 Mr H vlsoMauu., . I u km,dly twee the •., W. 0 Stewart end W. ;furlong baba 51 4rr.51 t...n•'..p ..ith a ..1 .•t f eight, and took to . • cu. t,•.l. at T Ramiro.'., near P• ,ter'• Hill Paasoi.at• - - E. Ru.. u, of Lock - now, formerly *Ghoul tea.hrr, -lied here levo seek, and mss tie« vo..t .t S Liu6-1d, Brood. ta:n, Ile .ttruded . u,.s•,iug lis I. U 11. T , !'I;I, . 1 *loch he ass • men.b•r when • re,il•-,t here which cntifetme I on him en Honvasty membership A.I present gave hien • hearty lode one Change ,i rtompwtn.i• seems to agree with Aim as he 1-4.k. well and hearty. 111144m sr a tsatf-lied. The Mail levy..that the Tories in the Ont,ro g L.alature voted in favor of mcs. el.ey to halt breeds. This M not tree They refused to d.. ext, unless Sir John Macdonald was include(. Amid the m,ov claims to publi' seppurt made by stir John he has sieve, yet put for- ward the sutenWorst that he sae a hall - breed, end Mr sod ht. followers were collo correct in excluding him froom their clemency res.elutens rHemiTimm.n Tis MTstbti the will app. Kr vex ■vett. e, oq, M.,• W'•. n ; eentonnme : sM . r, Messrs. Hamilton and ,sn.r, of this BOT' trot Ca .--Dr. Barnard... of Mra T ..,.:.niter 5.5., .5 D L',t.eff ; pleas, have gone east, to take char's, of 1. •ndon, Fuglaad, i• *endow out en the M,. _•• Moe Reichlfr ; .rn.g, Mee Fe►.rr, I a mill, the former se engineer and the - eerly sprier. a part, of boy* .1 wets' rang ring anal done., J D Luttrell a el .las, latter me heed sawyer. seg front 10 to 16 for farm sod ether rte Thomas ; piano so o Pro d. Pendry ; The contract for aonpl.ting fhe pl.*yment. Thews desires ,f ohtleffiint tablesoi from Tenet. eon's theme. ere ; church, webool and hall at Obeer's ap- b,,e should appbly early anther dnect t.. ane, Misr tthimo•n.g.: I, panlment has been let to Mr.Clark, and Mr. Edward Def, Superint•odeut, Head ••►fleets , sotto, Min Nem. ; woof •..d he expects to hare it enttsplMwd soon. Sr.c, Peterboreegh, Out , lir ihrnsph duet'*•, Thomas and 'astir. I1 ; p....e. Mrs The on agregalion inteed Molding $ w- tM postmaster of the district from whoa Torn.; 1. or•oh..',s : moor. rem, as won as it is completed, the pr, forte. el %p; lerstton may he obtained. F.J. Belcher eeeds to be applied to the beildi.R fend. THE CHURCH - The tact Sermon of IN %roes la Perth moil. tsetbedlat thovel. Housman, sea Aeat. --W C. Poot ter, of Butiorrw' row, weighed hm fine - co,t which is 21 months Did, wbtch Ne 011(1OR It1SStiLUTION OF brought down the Dunlop market era ea t ' PARTNERSHIP. for 1,375. Would Will Stewart weight Motive 5. ! er.t•y girwr, •hat rl.c a psrtaereb:i Ills a" in 1 '.rr,t°fore aubu.trng be!weea no the lwls�/gsji.• d - - •g .irl. av k«n• rx! mere ender the ago, • an.1 AO* of lipid R tlneyd in the reeve or e: atericb, was on .he math dy of February --- I iw■taat dlaeedved by mutual rowerni, Charles G. 13.511e cut his font tad') listed this Mali day of Feb toey. teat. Witness. 1 J A MEP A. RUUD. Dentistry. I1 • AICHUL•�ON, LDQt •.11 i- 1)k TAI. ROIIM8, h urrah dour bio. the fust !►Oce, WBwi4e., m..uterrw- M116 -1y tL L Wt M ILV ERTr1N, L D 8, • incl., fold Fellow, flan, North lit.. iebrj is Charges moderate. All wort tear- • INS She People's ILolumn. CARS 5*.•. •o tender ml best thanks to oke essay +.red incited.. hu ew ably sewed me derma t no la's err lu est• tug 1u. b a targe propt.ruus ot my*11-It J 13eRI111. 4 ('IABD OF THANKS, t hereby return salt ■♦■here thank. to them towns who w rnergeis.*ily aid ssrcessfellp ..wed .n Seto ir.q the Barnes froom m, hoagie at u,.- nee un Mosley aorta. To tbrlrprempt ...lion and hard work I seeribe the moan tar 11.e hone and feneltare. 1 Aan aware gee ail all gnat 1 f.ay appreciate their kited ere v't.es. ( am. grttlemen. \oars 110:r. 5101.Ii F. A. RZNT. -_ The fourth and last .ef a course sof ser mons on the Christian Church, was glee. in North street en Sabbath evening last The topic of this discourse was the PO- eunty and triumph of the church. That part of the text 1 was in thy. words, "The gates of Hell shall not pre - against The speaker first gave a brief ret .rw of the former disc.•nrses, and then c •.0 menced the divistona .1 hie subject for this evening as follows, viz : - 1•t. That there is in eltstenee a paw er, bet• called the "Gates of Bell," which is the enemy .,f the church of !'Undo 'led. That this hostile power uncessin.ly *toads the church and its work. 3rd. That the church has and will ever triumph over this enemy. Unger the tint division o1 the text the preacher deacrihed the engin .f the Devil, and referred to his antipathy t.. Oen and hatred uf tan as the image 01 Clod Aa the church represents God's h, and is loada means of bringing man back to holineaa and hap- piness, re it must come In direct collo saon with the I'noce of Darkness, and feel the force of his malignity and power. Under the second head the assaults of Satan upon humanity and Christianity mete traced from the overthrew of Adam down through all the periods ..f perse- cution. In 1 . r.f the church's conflict, there was also hrotriht out the various methods employed by the enemy in assailing the church 441 (mod. tat Then were those rude ..aeons of error s•rch as Idolatry, Mohatn:dantem. Buddhism, etc. 2,.1. A system.of epee and old which at time. has raged with fury. Sed. A relined and subtle crusade, by scientific sceptics, whose gnetIud is a system of netaia.ns 1. .,i . 1 a•nubfr "fisne to this chiu:ch by the unfaithfulness .d item.- who ••n.ewho use the cover of the chinch to hell• their falsehood a,.4 fraud. Under the third d,visien the .p.ak.' ei'snded the pr.,miw and pledge Christ for the protection of Ilia churrh and appealed to the facto of hiavily i. its support. Ho referred to the triumph of Christ in the temptelioro and on ih. cram, and over the grave, and then r• called scenes of Christian triumph in, the ..f the 16.h ee'•tte. and God's grated deliverance of His church and pe..ple from the torr ie. destruction contemplated by the "Son ieh Armada" He els. rp,ke of tl.• church's rated naelern ceognests, •no her steady morel' of victor), over 11 foes of sin and Fatah, and amd,ade. with an earnest esh,.rtat to h• hearers to elate, the fell victory 5w th own ever sin and Setae power, and prole living epistles of the truth of the test. lest week. This wi I k rp ('ltarhe t, the house for a while, auto a• lie won't be .1.1e t., gu sero has Mott girl, it will he quite I.n,emiie for the p....r fellow. 5. Sheppard and Mie Lizzie Sheprsrd were vietui,t friend. et Luckouw lately. end .easing through Dung-uor.n on their wry bode they were 11.417 eared. An awful place D.ii, at•iou t• 1 he Nile Literary and Dehetiug S-. ctoty are ruing to have . pub.ic detain next Tuesday towline F x remembers of Oho Mrut.l Cu.tun• Society ..f Br-nuulie. and sox of the Nor club will debate the suhjeet : "REw•I,.•d, tta1 n• ito ca .d usury ,,Ivry that, sou." The aptuu. are Thomas A Ito, for the sinrm ante, and Willtou. Beth) for the uega- tier. Rev G. F ti.lton, . t f:..ierch, preach .4 byre on Sunday lest to the iuterest ..f the rnmamouari S -t .-ty He took for his text the Ieratn of .ouster., seed. He carried the Hoed "t to hearers w.11 ad through hie sermon We ate, d like to have him ■imam:. Atl the youug girls are wanting to know wh.t ce untrymrn he is. We think he eel tell them when he co.e,rs affair W erevret t• have to ehreocle the death of Mn. David Omrvsn, which took place on the 19th heat Her remains were in terred in the Dungannon cemetery, the funeral being one .f the largest we have seen. Between 80 and 100 rigs were in the After the funeral ser vice at the erase, dry Mr. Cameron, Presbyterian minister, preached the fun- eral sermon iu ti:e English churrh. He took for by text the first general epistle of John, first choosier and wsenth verse, and kedtlasse of its verve : "The bl,.d of Neer Christ His on cleanaeth us from ail sin " We think it would be well if all our ministers w.u;d 1. how Mr Cameron's plan and bot preach to the deed se much. but preach t•• the !Using in the death of Sister ii r. in ..:r .••:u munity les lost a kind mod s u • . :•'art. 1 Christian woman. Carlow. !oohs, .\. an 1 Frank NnDnnath •re at pre.. u• u. F.._ 'and or1 a busineev W.Ilie McAlister is eery i!! Wavelet Hol Mr. and Mrs. W. Tout N reter.ed fro Michigan after a Nay .of three months in (Leos Bam'e doernms They had quote se o,eattoai from the little folks, w►e enpems•d many a .mile as they welcomed cite .W favorites beak again. The staff of th. siet enee nitres have arnt.hw side merle her its ranks ogee where in the peseta 6f Mea Tow*. (N)UFHEY itiM3.EN 1 THoll. SNEND, OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN LI that 1 bane takes into partnership with sr InMt'5.L J. 1111D, and the bantam, heretofore int do. :cot n1 general merrhaaa tinder the Arm of Reid ♦ Mwe)d. w111 Maar forth be carried on under the name. style and Arte of J. a RY11) t SHO at ,he isle stead. Dated 'Weigh Say of F.brnaryT. Its.. 111/5.3t JAMKS A. REiD. A.‘1 1U$IC -MISS CINIKE. AFTER 14 a years study of meow. a prepared be nes rice pupil. for tt,. Piano. >t leoseees quarterly. mems. 5G per *losrter fes LtDWARD SIIARMAN. aale•aurtit I and plasterer. thaaka the public ter their .nllrinur.l patronage. Hr is 0111 reedy to de all work is his Imo la a .eprnor twaaarr Pru estoam, ter taw*. r-at,mateegives far building' when required. ttMT-ly POLITICALLY nUIMSD. slreb•rles Mike. Iyer. is lhg tM•Drere .radar. • A London Gable says : -- Althoeth pit Charlet Who a-sssp.•.4 vender +itrt elsi- cal Aire that Mrs Crawford', unsworn e. mfr..) •p Fat ttisulIa'tr11t Eldgi.s ...t)u whole ten. r ..1 the trial has prodnced a profound nod universal ramirIettori of lilt Cher:es Ditke's guilt Justt.n Botta, u, wuvineg up descriteed the rr,po,doties statements is clear. di.titict 'Ant rub atanrlai, and raid that flier ri impelled holt to colic ude that the ad..ltery chemo. Of wag setti.11y ronmrntt«:1 1f the woman had be•.•• put in the 1111111r•• -hog and had given the. mom 'matin e,. there would have teen to mile .cw ..g•,e.t Kos Charles telt.. Sir Chitties Dllk.s on . gnu eat farther dams ed ley Ida sr f• wino( Irons givini4 ,de.r. Tn. Ar- l„tneF.i. oriel • nefenee, ''Were we to pot fetr Charles Dike in the wither. No, h t crow-rae•oiurtl n w...'d 1•e ..n mad. • e. Alen • ou life frim which no nun is free," wits taken .s a f••a.b sdteeeiow t:1*/ 8,r Chigoe Mk* wee nimble t., ghee an ear?•emotion. That pert .4 Mr. Craw fettle •ir•crtbmg tie depth • f the debaechery hrt.eea the torn...,-, rid her ie 'loth for puhltc.twn Tho trial has eapeed a p.i..ful impression tlnr..uab amt the country I.. rer•se•l to th. at alp of visor ty mor •Is. Tkrw.,neeny.so .,ptuMwo is that the filthy revel's! ems male it. the trial sod ht fa•.uro to itt.mpt to either !pray ..r dnapr..ve th-. eh.rees aNatl.t oto. have politically ruined dor Oharhe Wm. The lri•b ehat..,er ro.wme..li, itself t.. Mr. Retitle'. ...tete Gees. H• r•wq- n.ses in that •herweter three viruses triode •cmtw.nd hie He says that too inial pe.ple are witty, affetbewate, and hovers of the hovel tf.l. rs sol teles, he Heel's, meet he •ppeveitsiwaa.1 h, say one whn e'dertehee to r..eern fess., .nil rt far {4y hare sat hese premetly .t•preeiat.d. ler Reside is eel mesh ..f . pnlitiy.a, hut there to •n.ewthtng In w hat he m,e spin this sebtect, L HORTHAND.- ISAAC PITMAN S ►7 PHON(KiRAPHY The most peruse are tem taught Inatrn tL+cb•.,k,!Pr sale atTim Piit•t. Wire. Every boy and girt shs*N learn shorthand. MMI V OTICE. a The Direetn-1 nt the Kra, tiawasoabffrB Mutual Fin Insurance Co. wit: receive appb rations for the cake of Treasurer of a•ld Company app to the first day of Marsh next. at a salary of yes. Said treasurer will be remelt ed to enter into • bond of pew bameelf is SORM►. ant f,:ar.oreties for 5111111each. ApIL .eats most rive he names of the.r bandoleer. n their apP3•.et;on. Appl.a'ien. may he Iodg.d in writing with any lit the Ihrectore. or with the t-.-erelary. ROBERT Mt' RCAY. Pt. H►Irs... Pt. Helena. Feb. 3 fess. 511171 . TGGS FOR HATCHING. From prise Mark !epeeist, and Week Mem burghs My tong rsperience is mania bait led toe to decide that okew treed■ are the Met winter and Timmer layers. 0- itt bred. are non oil tees. ho fit sgrreable clack' , cluck 1 arossd you all suamer. Hari Fpen iab, $toil per I t ; Ilia. k Moe Imre e. $ i per 17. A few Haahureh. for .aal!cg. It 1. W A LTON, Phtt!!p: Fonda FactoryWeet-at,. Goidelic/ orders early. Name.. b o.krd li retatiee. SOX u For/late or to tet. post BALI- 11 ACi E'. OF GoOD to tend, one mik from W irrl ern market. .- Uood ger. ...totem." for mil, , J011 HOLLOWAY, Winirtlam. ar54t i i(►f'�E FOR RALE OR TO RENT 11 That rocmod:.•as hrsur. satiated ea the osrvr of Rein sad Waterloo .fere(.• le nllkr,A 5 " ,ate on r"asonabie tern s. Thele are ti) room. In t;.e hnsa.. and • Sae garden plot of about twodtords of an yore, with as excellent oratory adjonlag. Fogs pan iv sitars address' F*'t.t.k.Tov. Cram 6 11111111.tha, liar Niters. kr., le , ka.e. Toronto. Mai 14tfl Ai' - . ' uta a'ri11ra" I r t(M OP •,mt en t Ott Ave. is el theeT .a psi GMaitland rood by I.!iertn.. F. L17.AI:S.Stratterel. !tae -u it 141ARN FOR BALE-BOITTH HALF of Lot 11, North of Tow a Plot. A.dne's Mac -res. situate tis the gravel mad on« mita from Kt•taa P.U., with school boar. •.n the Int. hood tb. Wet eenlity of rby lose,, A never-fa.11sg reel. tilled 11111.er civ ,, mm•e 'Lomat. the Lot. For terms apyl i• - !ION t 10HNItToW, Ooderiek Poo fitk January, 5551. *Man Legal r---_ t. I1tGr.H R LEWIS, BARRIS:ERB, ► (ioder.c5. C. seamen. Ji. J. A. MpnTnw. R N. iawre I11rh (� C. H 1YE3, SOLICITOR ate., air etre, a. See earlier.over Setter's book orsquire and It e , ,softy Y e ,d M (*wool rates e1 Iwtoergt i A Mit 1Y 4 P ROU DF(tl ►T, 13 A R. HIPTV.ti.leN h Ji04 t Gamow. Solicitors. tor W. f'reedfuot. 1,5 1 IANIi KON, H:►LT & CAMiERON, lisdee.eh andrsWtelyksm M. terisesteere meros ° 1!.; P. Molt. M. O. Camaro., Citric h W. g Maears. 'view/haw. 5711 #!wait■{: 'II t C.%RE, M 1),, C. M , 11 I' 1' Ft , 1 • oat. Pkvrlel•n. Barge o., Ar. porhrwr, *e. Moe (That former) oorepird HN.,Mws.nl Thiesaasea. formerly efPee Mm tin's hetet. IOW 1)R McLEP01AN, PHToZ.IAsNand, ft CR - /tree Q iON, 5514? ka lire► ►.eldeteee Itraee wereet, sassy deur treat of Wiesa1• est rem , I111. 11811 SHANNON & RA MILTON. P vee. Nemo•... Ae•seehers, Wks* t ses of Thr. 11attason'a restessee, teemr th gaol 0ederlah U It Itoawweet. J. C. Haw 4 s • OM n em 1 Jest ' betel fewest from t Iowan beet O. maw taw ss Wed.. the wt we hoe Driest N ase that n N at 1 5ma.5.M sam ippota si▪ c or the ter sugar all .l Lege tall cl over trees, is bl. melee thi. . New beau ad era worst motes and ■ thrum street Canal with wit►' for 1 Stands ewIki 'rive Dies I on the I hem made lite wlks11 wbsf p IF, es a Ir11h anti, kat. IWO �lew lass ae.. Tha' here pbold Pot lad' the '1 w ms 7'r Pia aur an6 ha as. jut Hot eh lei or Ji •r b al • t. V 1. t