HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-26, Page 34. • JUST 111 TIME. Bt ADELINE SE11Gl:.%NT, P.tTHum or ts.fa.w•1'e N'tra." "l'+n>:a Yate& Fstt r see es, ' It. CII.1PTEIt Y11. (t'ont;•v.,f.) staoutx ts)uaaa pair. Maggie Logan aimaa'd her 'oat that night by tint ousting stet. and faint • ad thea by Ruing off into a hong ht •.f bye terical cry*ug• Cut sl.e w.•,.1d not say what bad happened between herself end the Laird, aid Mrs. Pirie war lrft 1,. r •n- yeetsre that it was simply the shook of Mr. Lockhart'. ttuath ■hech,l i 1 pn.J.ic- ttd $O nnwulated as effect upon til.. 1;4 NW lot her a'onr, therefore, and •husu.l Leraslf with her duties, tesolcit.g to lean the wholostury of Maggie'. present, in tree hell at Hist lite hour as s..011 as she hag tow to fares it Inn her neve'• s te- Iuctaft lips. But doe resolution uiet with sa .ueaseoted cher►. Maggie tai. .mutely ref J,c•! t• :.1: her aunt Anything +levet it. The influeu.e .•f Mr. L.ekhart'. Lacks and ruse was still upon her. Maggs* had some Hiot hind &teal to her, and was perhaps the m• n• disposed te-yield her self to sule.u.tiaous ensotaons. Shedued not open her tips .be:. she thrombi of the oath that she had sworn and the tireets that Mr. Lockhart had used. t+be ;trusty believe -1 •that ebo pointed out die 'lace where tl•e tin hos was ►giden she world be haunted f ,r the test of her Ile by the laird's zhost, perhaps tcru to pieces or atrargle.1- ohs, had heard a s'osy of the lied)- -by avenging spirits at dead of night. No. she Cued tux tell. The poor old laird'• hour of maduesa bed / .•etpressed itself with fearful vividness on Maggte's brair. Her ',erre* wore time• •• ighly unstrune 6be was indeed so weak at4 nervous K, u. spite ot tier years, a:itt:e lte 'as and kindly ? rt•ss.tro might Lave u. - end !ter to tell the whole story. But llrflere•. tee:. was given tv the affair •`'K the humeral, and she was nut raiva - ! to say anything at all. i' • • Naturally- the girl dad Let know hew v:.prirt:,ut the toes of the boa might be. al.e knew that it coatautel money and jewels, and she tOeugbt that Mrs. Doun- las simply wished to possess herself of these. She did not like Mn. Vestige. Ol.e hated and feared her auot, sin. Heir. Camszrpseutly she was nr t tempted t.1 tell them the sects out of any desire for their welfare. As /••- .,torsr the b•x from :to p acv and n.Lb.u); it of its con *etas, she was afrstsPt. a,„.. hear tier, too. . iu. wb.:b it was hidden. Tae terrors of the urseen universe bol g. t h.. d of her and would sot be c.,Ltrut t 1 She knew nothing about •s:a. netheie abut the cuoteuding claims .4 ltertw beagles and Anth•,ny L,.ekhart. She lively knew the% Mrs Douglas sod Mrs. 1'irist ..rcep.ed lr•'temsolces f. r mauy b•,ur• is. the day after Mr. I.eeclhart's death iu evert:Low .ery s:oer,k *rid crauuy ••f air r', tuts and corrieors tbruuib *holt the loot had passed lout they found nvth.ug, sad 11:age.e remained mute. Mra. ()nus ,a a etc::rmint wain so oh- , ..:us that the very servaI,taof the house eercarklyd on it. She wept lis a for her father ; her eyes were !etcnshly bng'tt and dry. he cheeks bel. . n a s;,tt ,f oath r which had an unnatural Ir k Not until the funeral was over did ale grow .rlrn. The els trinity lawyer appeared with Mr. Lo.ckhart'. last will and testamcut ue his pocket. s•d the d cun.ent sass read in the presance o4 Mra. Dou,,laa and her friends It was dated sit ye .rs previous- ly, and it left toeith:ng that Mr. Leek - hart possessed to La grandson. Bettie fyoualaa. Ti.. late Lord Marren had teen trade guardian, with Ins own wont ; and iu inept of his death tl•e guar • dianahip wu to pass to his son, if the son were of age and wi1lie,; to accept .he ttuat. Bertie wu not to have ful. power ever the property, or to marry without b&&j dian'a oonaeat ern! he had at• faired the age of twaoty•tire ; in the event of his t.urriage against Lord Mor vena will before that time, the estate was to pass at once to his cousen, Antlunv t.oekkart- This proviso had been insert• ell, as everybody knew, in order to pre- vent Bettie from tacking a rash marriage, such u Anthony Lockhart the elder and • arious others o f the Lockhart family woes Meek bordered haudkrrcbis( was pr lard to her wee.. Little Devoe .aa eta ,ding beside her, a.th his band w hers. He looked up int, her (.oe. ••Mastna,' be mud, '•yuu are h,.rnng my til.gers. Ploy i cit Ito." Many a long pier mooed away before the wtoeing u( (hat el...., herd grip of his mother's hand ht•caine clear t.. h.o.. But 'tis always reouuuebrrrd it. Th- lawyer departed, a.,d Mrs. Doug - lea was left to have a brag private a.u- eretice with Dr. Aube. Before the iso t mew was ended aLi soot for Maggie The go -Items unwil;inely. Iler ap- pea.anee attestrenr,ely eller.-d. 11er faro wu white sod her eleltde ted meth et) - in.: Even ti,. p..► -ca • 1 h tr *tech h ...g w.•r her shoulders l.a.kr41 less bright tl.an wa..l. Ni. came u, eitit a sullen, horsy look, and alaucrd o.1u:y ruga 1 the "• •m N sha entered. • ''1 th•.cht Mistrea.D.uglas was kers " elle Mid, seems diet dos tremor wax alone "N 1'n, here." gaol the dncter, with a benreel, at motifs. "Now, nay dear, I watt t., talk to you. B.t down. I want to ask y•ee s question." I' i no trit oily h u„" Maggio flashed out et ,rice. '1 re ii.. said • word yet, a d In. ver will Au..tie Bell may skein me ti 1 1'ut black and blue it she hkev, but I wines tell." "Year ■ant has been 'kelpie,: you. has she? Mover send ; we will persuade her not to toh' said the doctor m IJ!y. "Dstre't be afraid Nobody w41111 you to .ay anything." Ma*:ie Larked at hiet with wide (;•rn eyes. •'Yea, they do," she b.id .1•.el)•. "An' I've r'rtbiii to tel: them. I dims• kelt .•nything." "Tba"s night," rood Ur Aer:ie in an Appr sig tame. "Keep to that, my dear. D, you u..du at.iJ ? Mra. Doug- las does out wand you to say anything to 'anybody. It yue know what 4r. Lock- hart did with spy of Iso possessions -a bus, for i::stauee, papers, letters, ores meets -Tom had bettor keep it le your - a.4. Do yeas see what 1 locant 1" "stn Dnagtaa diens want to ken ^ sold Maggie ill aat..niahmeit • Exactly. bhe wants to know uvth- ung, and as 1,11 gas sou keep it to pier - self abe will be ver) g•.ud and kind fh you. The laird t..l•i y u :. •t te say any- thit.c, did be soft Maigse nodded. $Nell, she wants you to do jest what the, lair! :old yuu be say nothing to amusement on the day after we came auyb,dy. Hatless, indeed, y..0 like just here' THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1886. did not survive her father very long. She grew thinner and more enaious- L.oln.g every day, and finally died rath- er suddenly of diphtheria. Berne Douglas was taken up t.. the Towers to be more than tier a friend anal r..m- panieu to the yuuuz Ruthvena and their cousin. In course of time he wont into • the arm*-, and 1.14 r.•giu*eut being order - led ahrcad hr betook himself with it to Northern India -- a step which Lord Moretti highly app rosad, as ha luliad that it w.812 put a Kap to an incipient love nleir between his ward and the Reel's step -sister, Lady 1411485 ttuthveu. Dr. Aitdie we.•t ou lis lug at the Tow- ers, and kept a watchful eye upon his friends and neighbors. He was growing to be in old man, but he was ro•ne the less interested is their concerns. And it gate hi:u a good deal of uneasiness whets he learned that foolish fair -faced Maegie Logan had suddenly disappeared Henn the unli'uler•aillin.p in Saucbielhall strr,t, ata slat nobody kuew whither she had gone. Nobody : Dr. 7Citlte had an (t:d alts p.iciun that Gerald Ruthven knew. Thus the years came and went, but they bought no tidines of the waif and stray elm had gone to prisms for Gerald Itathven'e fault - who had been nurtured in poverty and familiarized from - his earliest days with crime. What hail boor$.. •Ktrn!sen Ai.lie often asked • !ourself the question) what bad become •.f Anthony Lockhart, the rizhtful laird of Uleubervie ? Wee he alive or dead I .to.i, if alive, would he ever come back to c's.iva his rights and demand the Pun - shmeta of those who had wruus;ed him lis h s earl::r .lays . • l.'IIAI'TER Y111. s \THA\ ). It was after the separation of yens that the cousins met in a foreign land. U.ctor Airlie'a ,,uestion might have been answered now. Anthony Lockhart was not dead. Ile shad in a little tent us der a tropical midnight sky, end coa- (roated his couosin steadily and in silence. When Inertia Damian said quietly that he had known of the rets tconship all along, the elder man -drew Lack with a startled and rather au r ant look. "Imp• etible !" he said. "I have been morally certain of it since the first -or at (east the second -- day we met. Du you remember :hat you brou,!:t nor some books for my thusly was the tint to speak in hu ordue w. sv rosibabillIDe. uy uutnoe. The pruhsbiliss ere that we she:: hare Come," Le said, "my much datupe chilly, sloppy wrstLer dur- ing the oosrtng season --lust 'sre weather and sty seni.•nty give me an extra right to ountraet sadden colds. Nib prepared of command nvw. hn not going W let - for them by Review on hand Hagyard s you talk Soy lower. Yvu must tfu cur- Picture' Reimers, a safe, agreeable and speedy cure fur sada and their cover- ed. 8101110065 • Neter was les so - -Then you are feveeiah, and the dna- reeseersTvllsmN- - tor will 'all me over the coals to morroe. Loe.cuw,Rteb l2 - Paroell'a triumph in Wa mini and that letter to -eight, o1 • iiLlway to complete, but it is unlike!y he t.omurruw either, even if we write, ao I ,iU ever veeer. to pat tAe h•yalty u( t: *hint that mutter tear keep." party W cocknw test •gala. Thr Krug of.. %II right ' I'll submit -fur alae,'' 1leis wdl 4,01 last tong. The following coss- eted Kerrie cheerfully. "You'll help es eluding pas a to his apo c 1 any uswn much ur little: Dunug tb., e.... years to Jetta& a '.Ater t • llur:rl. tumor- since may entering into put..e life, I hate row C' never led the Trash peep • astray , net yr "Certainly. led them into any creaked path. When Exciting eubjects brim thus laid c"ursge was a.oeoary f r theinterests,f the blah n.tw.n, 1 kava shown 11; when wide. Itertie'a mat' et41 pallid in, and moderation and temperate Jtl,;nueut for pnsparatiuna were made fur the nigh'. the nation weer necessary, I Lave hod the Anthony had ceased to sleep in Ilt.ug!sa' courage to show it. 1 shall never lead the tent as he had done when the fever was party orf the tube's estray. till we have at its height ; but c•u this eight he gaiuwl [.•r you th• IIght to tad and sn c ern yourselves I will only add my- cue stepped abort just as he arts turuine W viction that the day is very near at Band sod said abruptly- when we shall have ginned for Ireland the •'H. w do you feel tonight? • Would right to male lain tin her own lan Isiah es you lithe me to stay f'' miur'u as fulfi led. I hare net entered on "No, thanks. Det.ald orin do clay this great struggle with any motives of thing I want ' p re,ual ambition, bet as my duty to "flood -night then." stand by you till these measure. are For the *emend time tl.e,r Lands toot ed for jou frr a moment. Dottie was particularly A Livieg perp**. glad ut this recuguition of relation - Answer "lla this lite w.•rth Iteiopf ship, but he wan perhaps a littleaah►med Answer - . It all depends upon the liver Iftaorpid or trut.se tt causes a .•f his gladness -or at !east of any mann dull, tough. languid feeliu., Dr. ('h ,c s festatiun thereof. But that 'lent grasp Liver Cure gives health and tit' y.rcj. of tt a Land was a sign of entity which Sold by Jos Wilson. anis VRent., neither of lt.ew would readily base tore SOUTII- Iltrttotf Cri-S.exa'.aitvet. -At ton« the recent amnia! sleeting D. H. Ritchie Thes-4te•rti -, looking up with his soft resi,ned the , • owing t., ill When that day cones I shank regard my dark eyes into Anthony's face, will quietly. "trait ; 1 sant to ask you ane ouee- tion. When you turned back t' me the other day and thought we should beth be cut down --was it on acconn! of our blood r•latiotaahip that you cause "Not in the heart. 1 turned back be fore I :cawed who the etrgagler was." "I'tn glad of that," said Bertie, with a slightly humorous look. •'t should think less of human nature if y,u had health. A hearty rule of thanks was teudered Mr. Ritchie fur peat services. and the wutaeat interest 'manifested in Isis future welfare. W. J. Saanr.00 was elected president, and Ge ). E, Tacwu and Dr. I' .lernao vice de. A 1ew.att... An unparalleled t..nsaot :s .•s Lein; created all over Ontari., by the wonder ful and unequalled manner in which Neu• ralgia, Toothache, r heumatisin. Rack - eche, Headache. is removed but by one anpltoatier. of Fluid Li.;h:n:n.;. :;n o@euatve, disgusting drug* 1:x•1 be tarn' turned back for any rens. n but that of for days 1t is an instant cure. Try a !lure charity." Theis he laughed and 26e. bottle from George khyra., dru,o said wed -night. dist. lm For Nertle Rash, Itching Pies, Rinz- Authouy went . ut into the might with a aeon ••f turbulence in his blood. He worm Eruptions. and all akin disease+. was half artery to find that Bertie'• re. coguitien had affected !untie powerfully. His veins tingled with a rust: cf em.•tion which head almost caused him to lose his self c mmand. If there was ouo thing on earth that he hated it was to fee: that he bad lest o,ntr.•l of himself. Yet row and then it was a thine that harpened, Amongst them was an old because he was a man of ve:y strong :o • nieper it is my ear as a recut where , fierace with Anthonyockhart, Glen- p.awions, keen acnaitiverrss, and impar - this precious but went bars ie, wlitten On it, and the Lockhart Nous temper. The Impreaaion O: mine "111 an dse't," said Maggie, .tamping coat of arms on the tint her foot. "He s.etd he d come Mak to ��' It must *kine he 4 down, kept back., repreared, have ansa out of the Glenbervie library. I that he produced upon people was due patois no If I said ar word to onyb. dy. That was the first link. Then it struck • to the constant fight bctweea his will and •r..1 1 said I ora lea datt. ' ire thatour relationshi •'Very well." The dieter was wise ) P to us could hi. enaction. There was a kind of ante almost be guaranteed by your extraor- tion. There wan a kind of charm in sopa{h to snake iia b.•.t ..i a Fled bus•• ;jittery resemblance to the Lockhart keewinpl that this struggle was carried nese "if you toil anyM,dy, you know, family, especially y . on :nut many pers.ope miobt meet him, tom grandfather. I you nod better tell Mrs Dowries or Inc.wr c ,nsiirred that I had moral evidence and u.t of him often, without guessing at and we .til make you a luudaman; pros• en<.0 •li, you b rpt•-wbateter yuu like best in the a •rld. t and that I would try Y y w teat lay behind the reserve and self teiliu,( my own story My ruse succeed- restraint of his usual demeanour. N. f M%eli. then, see that you say noth• ed. You acknowledged env name t, anyp,,.dy r:ru. 1 of undcratwd ?" y To him, the minting with I:attic without my even asking it. .tnd since Douglas useant far more than it did to "Flue you sre my cousin, as you remarked a -And if you are a good girl, anti keep mo tit since, don't go on tosay that your mouth abut, Mrs. Douglas will de aro sorry." something far you. Would you like to He hold out his hand• and after a g'. 0" G•cn,rn and be arptentitted to a momont'a hesitation Anthony Lockhart dressmaker ' Yea would make quite s u he must henceforth be called) took fortor.c theta when you were grown it and pressed it cordially. ap' '•I .aught perhaps to have told you ` I'il no gaps to London ; i'11 say in earlier,. said the elder man after a mo- Claskie," wan Maggie'. regulate answer, ment's silence "Bet f thought that I rata to po to the echu!r." tt.e knowledge would give you no plea - "Well, you shat go to the sch.• •1 sure, and -to tell the truth --I had And yuu shall have a roue new delve and meant to avoid you." wins money to ape -d, because Mrs. What for ? ' said 1tsrlio warmly. Dn,..Iu *ohm to bmf:.••: +1 the y ,rl who Has either of us m many friends and is deem what Mr. ln•ckhari wished 1.er relations that he can afford to dispense to do," gid the doctor smoothly. with a cousin! I was delighted when Be could not quite read the erearsing the idea occurred to me. I tftlr a been e 10•la its Mnit;iu r bsaut;fwl syn seyiag to- bring you to On0temicn far 1 and firm curved mouth, out 11 was un- day or two." commonly like scorn of this etplas•tios. "You were very keen -sighted," re- tie carried his point. however. H• saw joined Anthony with a half-pleased,half- that in the pro's half •hysterical netvous smile state it was impossible to get her to lis• Viet' have simply nn notion how obey the laird'• dying behest. The great mach you are like old John Lockhart, th.eg, tl:em, as be had impressed upon my grandfather. But you knew my Mrs Dotiglas'a mind, wu to pr.rsnt her name sued history from the first T' imparting the secret to anybody else ••I did " when .'le came to, a healthier state of "And you would not acknowledre the mend It would behest to keep an eye relationship 1 i did not know that 1 upon her, and to mate it her own in had done anything to make you wham terest to do what Mn. Douala desired. sd „f se," acid Bertie mockingly. With this end in view Maggie rtes "That s not for you to say. I ex- w•a tekec away from ;tar aunt and beet peeled to hear you disavow the relation- ? h*d done. to beard with $ respectable old couple ship -w your frandfather did," said hoes put by Dr. Airlie, who attended (at dyly to •el: �.ul for two or three years. Mrs Dogra'• request) u "• hie" sf At that age she was placed in a milliner t the fundy," declared that he knew of no .atabliakanemt, aard became a favorite other will than the 0a• which had joist wick het cmpley+r•, who pail ear well, bow read, and that if Mr. L0ekhert had sad allowed her a trod deal of liberty. desired to asks acether, be bad net ee • Roo was ommaiooally visited by Declot treated the making of it to him, lir. Airia, wbo took quite a paternal tater. Iirs-d 70 was prebabie, tbnsght Mr. est in her weltar'e Dr. Airlte owl to • Hoed. lost tba laird knit . rmind the I some to Ola/g.w every few weeks, and ,nt•ntiot: .itnpty YI any o[ rsbmkteg rima was often accompanied by his forme* %ogles for Cowie pities d presumptuous papa, f;ern:d Bathroom who displayed folly, and that hP ked neer- caevied is eee,o ingeeeity ie trmekil * km taloa .oto easel footstep* in silo* to Bad eel the object ' Yes 0*.. el we such late will, del of kis uptariMs visits to tie elnehall roe, Item Dtir glee r' 'at -d Kr Maned, street. Awl wk...mee he had seer ,yrelM/ly," M/I�is iAOlas t3eeald ►.San to haunt "•p8, wan 1 tint owe 'ay dal tali[ rats liisatll!Ras>w�� afield not as" swap •.arse ertr.wt Scalls Usk► meet oat moistly w,'' fattened Mrs. Dowel. omit at OHMitleriw Mrs poegtsi Untie. Lockhert's life had been a hard be nf SI rine. It Bertie hadowalnefthimself,tthat if he'l,ad few relation* he :r..:, ,:. I many friends. The circumstances cf his his- tory had rendered him Stein° auspicious of other people's good faith ; and it was almost against his will that he rucngniz- ed the fact that Beetle's nature wu what at seemed --frank, genial, sincere ; that it really was a pleasure to young Douglas to acknowle4lte -6s uswiw Medina M1k* friends with him. Besides the tie of relationship there wee stow a tie of real liking. Anthony knew that Bertie had leen drawn to hon by other causes than these of kinship. Gratitudet Yes, Bertie had felt some gratitude for Anthony's geri.rups resolve to stand by nim in the hour or danger ; but Anthers)• 1148.1 aeon too cites' how slender • tie gratitude could prove to trust to that. No, there was reel, honest, downright liking for him on Bertie's lar., and the e,nseo0Uaneas of it sent a curious thrill through the man's whose being. He himself had Zoos brooded over the dider- enee between Bertee's position and bis own. If he hail been asked, he would have said that he was prepared to hate the man -fortune'. favorite-- who had taken from him all that ought to have been his own. And yet he did not hate Bertie Douglas. On the contrary, he liked him better than any one he had met for many years. to ■L . Th • lawyer 10 1113051 W nems goer to fllawrow. from whom house she went I Anthony drily. o.meltisg / Bertie shrugged his shoulders. "Is not benne to behave exactly as my grandfather did. am I I" he said. "root old boy ! he's been dead this many • year ; and why--. Oh, well, all that will keep for some future day," he broke off to say, divining with instinctive quickness that Anthony did not waist to answer bio ; "ase i can only - my i as glad that we Aare run rap against each other in this remote earner of efts world." "Yea," said Lockhart, recovering the wetted cookies* of bis densest or, "so ss L" There wu • s.leitee Th• two ems eyed seek other oomewbat ?actively ; a little awYw.rdases might be ettllietned to suestress atter this re•ngnitkn. .1n• use Prot. L,w's Sulphur 8067, t i Says Dr dem She knows her mean, wed w? /+ ;ort rant and swear Can draw yor to her with a single hair. But it snug be beautiful Bair to have such power ; anal beautiful hair un be ensured by the use of Ctitoif.$as Hain F.aa suer.. Bold at GO cls. by J. 'Uncle 2m 3 •$Kalli ft* rot.re:.v14ve' • Liniment Iodide Ammonia. oh • +reedy at auJ riot( cettala - n..dioitr u, the world. ALL VAiI1I.1t.' Via iT Wt -.0., Hark. PsIarmd 'plots. I'ara!;ste. leheutnetistu. llrehttl$ta, 1141.htheria. Sciatica. Jtoiap•ci e':erri. F.' wain Wenttuw, The beet and otdy certutn r•t.srde to re:eere P41/. 881 ail Idiots. moviegoer or haw ts ng viand Int. Instant rief rukrsatesA cripikea. rwoilcn Joints. Tanen*, Vin., bites of Ie •• ..:.•.,•.• i. 11 . e . ..,.. '. rgrcas•; i. cl.tn a•nt . • •• - i.je.amMeNw of liar Aidaeys, ise$b/'a •Meese. t'iata4. • I"'. e'•' •-., nr.• -of !.'nee. la the 44.4 I.in:rcrr t•, :i, V. ,,r; pia...• ng attentis•e tower*. ('.. 1-^ talte•o normally; curve t'r48J..5' .ilii( • lttarit.nia sad 1,' -.-710 14. Isei4 by all wew.al,u.. TrialRs/tM,tsr, %%rt', 1., 1:11 F. 1.., 1•4„N. 1'. 1'.t).,',he ail: .8.:0-,88 ...1..., or .a . ,::..use* Rru of rd.. guru•s 4,•,te s sial noaa- tllt• w'n rr rat nr. Pr^Ipc'.• •- (4deit.. The qrn+ iu.- t:«., :' • name blown in the 4:a•, slid lac: , .la.wverere 13431116 o. er Ara. 4 l Ort. Cita' Irprovfld Ma? Jiaks Pills Safe, *arc, reliabie Arid tic... Dons" biose. Pun lY ,.r). 51.11 away or a:..•. Teter e„" '•.. h••,*' o for all Disorders of the `Moana. . , • l.owela, etc. ts•ld n) All drum/ru' • -, 8.% runt .• 44 tIIV or t•r 1: 1. ro 5 , a• r. C ODER.ICH OOLEN Ta (:.• 1ii•cies ,/ - :}fir: mt:. ) r •uwtr� : %', t e„+b to a..y the •v., a- tier r. tre,l to take Foci 'Moil it. ec, hw:. !, : t..; ... or our: o. TO!' s, .::U,:.'•••••. •:aw,rgartic1e1.vie Blinkete-White. Grey or Horse. Bhtrtinge --Grey or Check. Clothe --Tweeds cr dull Cloths, Light or Heart. Flannels -White, Gr'y. Co:ored, Union. Plain or Twill. Sheetings -Broad ^r Narrow. Stocking Ys-^. - White, Grey. Clouded or in Co1Drs. Carptt Warps road? to order. ROLL CARDING. I 0 • C,. i:.e: �.,• t' . •.• t:: car 8,, he mu- 1,assed. Ka wttl endeacor.0 roost ,aura to du : the day td M bvolst pa if rc•;Oircd. (.'n-sra•m Sp!nnlore an Iteti:nc. o- ter inning on :het al, goatee or Aar. -bard or soft tau•. w requited. V1 a are Ins peel -ion to do all kinds of a l' tom work, moray d+it.• 40 a !nil Wit ciwtOur n ilL aa.: w e w::' : • 'ado for you ILL' equal. i• nota 1.'.. tan say it. our aurt•O•tnd(ngs. A.a:..,,pec:fony . E. McCANN, Oosl -4. b. M.y :stns, 1W-. FALL ANO WINTER cooiis • H U G -II D u _N 101, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ Pal: aa.d Winter stock of Tnreds. etc.. now fully assorted. iirA C .01.I. SOW' (Trams Ready -Mace Clothing ar Overooate. A °pt 11'(14 Aaortment, ('heap. A *aa'•shrr the Pfau - west •heel. we at door to Bank of Scot' -cal.ty (i0 '.,ri:b. Act. IsR ttd5 HEAP HARDWARE. Deetr,y the W. or they may destroy the children. 1 se Freeman's Worth Powders, they expel all kind. of Worn m PRICES LO w tib THAN E v Vitt Best ilotCll1 boll Hays for 52.55 per lel Is CASA - Best Barb Wire 6*c.lb s Cd113#i_ ibis Wire stood a test lam spring of 1e1';:So.sttalr Intl. Yx! evil 1 i Cargbeps.''oronto BgATI .1 AIA. t:ol.ii I6111Oltts. There Reverted a lar$s shlpnen' of (1(.199 from Germano. very flee rna 'y. ►ad omelet impartial direct. 10.. sett t0 per cent. cbeaisrr tbaa ever sold ben before Alt iryL ANI) ifiCAVYIt*UDWA):r.laso:d on tun .aoi'T.r••nhitt+1.1atv1• 7' t INTM cod OiLA old nowtero so c0eap a.a taro willies thew Get yetr BUILDING HA Rowers from me and sate tn0nrp R. W. McKENZIE 0411Vm'. 11.14 Lsdssasae L the only msi•etaneoss relief for Nea- rtslgi•, Headache, Toutheebe, it., Dub- - eing • few dr+tpe briskly is all that is • leaded. No taking nauseous stedieis es foe weeks, bet else Minute's orphanages removes all pain sod willvan the gr...et value of Krtam's Fluid tausg. ^6 omits per Weeks M Omega mac drat store hi Mp••been. ue tor ram cwt t$o r inn Rode tatter eli seers tba.eslase u utthisSOCA r'/ Itelis Wr lbw neper tied it to vertW aver .. BOOTS &SHOES .1 v v 2".'1.6* 3r, We�i.c�up Beg t• announce to the Public t:.at they bee., ,snen•d bum rota i•s the alone Star. 1n the store t•tsly oceatteef by No -see Newtora Havertg p.1':1 seed a lugs and wall sari. te'l Moak of Spring and Summar Goods at gloms 6g It :3. we x: s tistresotn• t•r eon the Peblic the benefit ' QUICI S 1LFS, Mt PROFITS TILL Bi OUR ICTTO p1 -Plow* cell mull examine our goods before part:haetrg elsewhere pirfteuossabor thin pleas, west door to J Wile,'• Drew Rtor••. J1 "O.stem wort wall monism ever.epeolal attention seln?rnws bet the heel of ersewrial semi sof nee. Plana wn•krman sw•pinyed )rRepairing mostly dome es the 0h.rtain nonce o er eels. vete DOWNING & WEODUP Cal ate see •sapless awl o.* Mies% Gods•'