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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-26, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1886.
from a nearer Mil than that to Minch the I not build up • scud, strong, tough, mus- P4RBOW'8 FIASCO. SALT AND LUYIIR•
tee na goals taken talar system •n the same manner that
• r W poor
. Bel a bur horses are there(t ere tenni from •ria► to a r curl selel•Oi well. este dust �S. ■e.saas as wls�ta. s.r.rlss s treb /tgeM tis Iris um a tisanes s ..k.... s..rswer.a wow
we.VA N.
Some people .are u( the ...pining** to healthy and lasting thein. 1►n ssewva•t w s steNrw■ev. stases Mtree TW sae t. I. Ar ea s,,r.r.t (trace. seed wow Is Ilea Me
An IGte-tett'-nr P�tijter l:T a Prrc- breed (roma:muds belonging to tbe ewe thisentorewt, the markets in the l'tllsed
tical .gran, family t bl and than vein States etra likely continue favuraele no Ireue the VW 'seams Times.
..etre N. taltlaa. ...IW -. .. $ansa. ve
nreNtr, LN.
The foil. wing inseruetite (Katy ,u
heroes was read Ly Mr. John McMillan, owl, ebatseeesiessee. mugs beau t•=
tears •►.1
New You rub 15 A I'...t's West - ---
amt y is 1t. y tnluoldo e� ► Thus Farrow, l[ P for E.ut Huron
sbtr 1imp,ref 's 1.►ng 1
sled to basdwg old cut keep
our us eery ,rtes 1.11 %n l r pate ► sun
1 breeder tit Kpsrials•a•R : �,jth•,�h AbtiM ttstgal[w&otl,t : Qoe thing crust evoke hu little pesos to bis oclr.titwoa boll a ill renew- t:Ir re ecu: wGou1 ire. There . n • tittag in Detroit • a�lur
resists cl. swlatd H bulb alta wild M obsarNd particularly in raising hoe- m the tan ball \ViaghKln, tan \Vtd 00011th i • y• of nh•10 .int meet., 1 wore e1 Ili )sane His nasty is
taken tt . rear a t a l.uese its was bora a si■►e
more than one ••nn as taken ., ,..tor the Mike til General Jeanne
1' rd 11t1111 ata ie of "etsrwal" tame mrd wan a (lawn
r kind,gentle tr enuent Deena evening, Ayr, Farrowop, W ft- •
:• •
dear ata t,eanMlt tit �ernatittt3itts. age sad thatfi 7 g
health, . ith & full p�bhyainal devubp.SM
d dearrab'e qul,lltiss. then leave ea** ulama of men who should never handle notes, and judging 7
w transmit to their.eflapr:ng but power y .ung colts ur brood mores • First, the experienced in decipbenug them at
to impress future iies•rativas with their vicious ill tempered individual, who has times, Le ooutJ h.rdly have been very
s, y o• e a i. a en „ little int ro
..IDhjauj wit► fineness. There are two three boon and a bat( from onow h ( h t k ..tot r. •
iii from the dttbcul be 1 ,
reeve of Hallett, as ext•tw... breeder breed a itb a young marl from the dam
and importer of l.'lylcadale horse,. at i of annuals yua tutend to folbw bre dnig
from. 1 hey. heard it sometimes stud
the recent tweeting trf ' he Fanner. it- that to put a'•,tine horse for the first
mt:ute in Seaf.•rth titue t•. a h,,h' mare. she will Cal easier.
In treating of the h roe I may say i Let sur five one or two cases w.bow the
that in nearly all ages and c.,untries tli3 bout results of each a system. as the most
horse has been the servant ss well :.s the , a lvaucr•1 breeders hold that a previous
object of the t ride and affection of man. • impreotnatiuo will int in some in•
Arabia is generally claimed as the 1 coli- stances four or rive foals. In Wins the
ty from which the lr•,rse ort.»,ally Earl • f Morton put a chestnut mare
sprung, as it is held by many writers seven eights Arahicn.t.. a teaser; to species
that all the diJ,tteut breeds of 'hese* • f %rhea, the furl lase:ubled the sire nn
are enema.; fr.m •me cantina* stock. let color and many peculiarities of form.
it seems a stretch .f the imagination t.. In 1M17•114 and Veil, she ws. cur err] by
sauna .se that the ,diminutive Shetland • black Arabian hurie, and ..:though she
puny, the massive Clyde of t4outlsnd, the bad not seen the .luaCg sines 181ti, the
i,nserful ...hire horse A England, and , furls all bad the cunnus nark'ugs of the
the beautif0l Arabraa, .ori and all • iva::. In 1$4;; a Mr. •tlurrtses bad a
.ap]rrcang from a ne :•111100:1 venni", and al- fine l.'Iv leadale mare c.ivered by a Span-
thoug:, the change has been slow and i..h ars She ndueed a mule. She was
gradual in a state of nature, under tbe afterwards foaled by a horse, brei: the teal
hail of tan the changes bate been had a crest likeness to a mule, it had the
mu.h more rapid. long e•rs.:,d long narrow hoofs, and at
The hone is the principal beast of a distance resemb ed a male Dr. Mc -
net Warted to control himself. One of familiar with the wriuug. He was
the tint rogsiaites u kindness. and a somewhat haiui.ered 0u this mimed,
friendly feeling, so to speak,between tete and .,u (sun11eit it took hint three
animal sod his gr.smt. The other is the hours and a hell cu say what might $b -
timid, nervous individual wbo starts - evens be said in at least one hour ]�
wbeneter the animal moves. 1 had an spirochetes characterized wore by what he
example of a man of the last kind. • good did'uot saythan by whet be did say,
faithful fellow, net always afntd, and and was atogether s tame aid dry re
if the Inuit unusual movement .•e:urred !hash He dwelt at length upon the
woad yeti at theanimal. 1 had ayoung benefits the N. P. had tautened spun
bore til a Dervou$ t L put unto I the cuouItly,but he deft say, what every -
his cart. He was perfectly time slid body knows, that Cauda never expert -
quiet, but on Leine int., his stall about a',need • period ." greater depression than
week after, instead of the sis:n al ronuog I it has auntie the Past few years, even
up to me as usual, he ran into a e.erner i under the benign in6ueuce of the N. P.
and seemed very unesay, and would not I Mr. Farrow must have uubounded can -
allow me to put a hand ..n hitu I asked tidence iu the credulity of the people if
the Kan it he lad been striki:tg hum,aod I he thinks an antelligent audboce can
he sad au, and I believed bin, but he !swallow all he said about the N. 1'.,
gain be had spoken loud tie him. I sad i .ben they an see for themselves the
nothing hat took the h arse and put hint I deprtsed state of trade. He sheered
in charts i f another man, and three or idiot the gross debt o1 Canada had
four days after went into the staole,whei increased
the horse came up to me at once and put ` Frons $03,000,000 io 1(t6i
his head against my bteast to be fur►. I To 141,000,000 in 1S74
died. Never allow an animal to be T. 174,000.000 in le7S
burden in al: civilzel Each 31-neJe In the repurt ct the A commis- teased, es it leaves lad habits. V1 hen To n.8,000.000
country and district breeds the class ,f si•,n says he had a young mare covered i go to a farmer's place I want t'. see his up to Slay let, 1Rt13, but he dttn t sty
horses best suited to that part of the by a roor horse, and the bad e!ecte did horses and other stock come t•' hint and that the latter increase was independeut
country, and the kind of work 1.: be not leave her till the fifth breeding. thrust out their heads to he petted of many liabilities for which prociaitio
engaged in. noose held that all breeds la my experience a mare in foal does Kindness is the great law with all kinds roust sh'.rtly be nude, net rid he wo-
of horses have sprung fr.m.-se common beet when w.•rking ., derstw!y down w of stock. The secret of success in horse cessfully account far the extraordinary
stock, and that at soave period in the the time of f sling. Keep a bred' mare breeding then is. judgment in selecting increase under Conservative rule He
past the primitive I. nese was striped on in fair condition, hut d , not intern, bad and sticking to one breed. and as near dad not my that ender McKeusie's etas
the shoulders, leis and At the i1-ine. with fat. I waul:l prefer a mart at foal- as possible to one family. This will omical rule this c .curry could be run
The horse has undergone great changes ing to be rather lean than to have tomb prove one of the snrest routs to . cess. with 123,000,000, while Sir Jut:o's et
in beaming domesticated. The change flesh__ Mares taught to be chesty watch tr•vata,ce had increased it to over
still cootinuea in breeding for din event ed at foaling time, as many fuels are lost a seedy Curr. • $31,000,000 in 1884, and tot nearly 1133,
purtx•tees. The class I have chosen to when there is nu one present to keep It is popularly :.dmitted rt ,rywhere ' 000,000 in 1885. exclusive of any expeu-
breed is the Clydeadale, and of that them from smothering. One of the signs that McGregor s Speedy e'ure is the daunt incurred in suppre.awg the
class I will say &few words. As to the of faali:t,t is wax c<eming oa the teats. safest, most retial le and by far the Northwest rebelauu. These matters
locality in which the ( lydeedalee origin- Soule cares will have that .n for two ur cheapest remedy Ga Conetip.tion, Liter Mr. Farrow was eery chary about Nur
d dol he give •ny good reason why the
taxation et the people hod 'screamed
from $17,000,000 in McKersie s time
to $22c-r,000,00u in 1664. Nor did he
refer to the timber limits tlumtiun, on
wh c J which subject the people are now agitat
use of his tenants. These are said tt, lion ••f milk at Ern. Wben that is the Rhyne.' drug scare. lm ed. lie
ee didhnnot
House of that
ummons she
hare .really imi,roved :!te breed off t; case I always draw so n.uc`t hy hand
horses in Lanarkshire. ' The secoud the ureil -he foal is two weeks old, but after NOTES OF THE SESSION. hid applied for nuttier limits for them
ttry is that it tea mixed 'mated brought out fteat there is little danger from that selves or friends between February 15,
by .areful attention in selecting anti mat-• can 1f the nut is net a gaud milker i,, ..r to.. Mur, ural r rtsameat. Ben, would be 10 and
inq the best animals in the valley of the teach he foal either t, drink- cow's gni:k TAtr Frrnew, M. i'., for John Mens
Clyde. About twenty yeaas ago an ••Id or t ea- a fee' crus!,( 3 nate. Home tib -
farmer in the upper' woad • l! L.aark- jest to ua'ts fee loans, hut same of my \to. (ninon, 9f.PP.. for gam Humn
shire, stated that he remembered waren
a b.•y, of a dealer tamed Gibson dtivi.g
foo and GO yearling colts before Lim into
Lanark Green en a St. Janes' day. all
bearing a distinct resemblance -o •-ach
other. Some time between 171:- anti
1T_u a Mr. 1'ayers•,o. a fanner ..f L•'ch•
lynch, in the psrtsh .•f Cavinishead,wort
to England and henget a Flemish su ll- ,end co11. In ordinary a nut weather
lion, which is said have, greatly :an they s..ou'.l be put inatnieh:. Thef"al
pn,ced the houses in the upper wood 0f should atwr.ys be taught to teed freely
Lanarkshire. Tare mares .f this bene. btf.,:e wearing. When tkkeo iron' the
were genera::p blaze ••r brown, .with mare shut than up ft r a short time and
white faces an.1 a little white en their feed them. Teach theta to allow you to
legs. Grey hairs in their tails. end at handle there freely from the time they
meet always a white -spot on the bully are cropped. I consider that tache time
were mule • 1 the narthe that snowed . to halter and handle in order to sake a *mut sof these railways shall be mined
theta to be ei pure Won. 1n Ie the kind, gentle animal- When again: we t-gether in tete :ap1t»l sem, and that
first show of horses was hell ,11 sums feed crushed oily mixed with a little this sum ah..uld be :.ssurae•I •ty the Ina
by the Highlurin A:ricultural Society, bran, together with hay ani a few ear- mini en as • debt due t t the Province.
awl gave u fresh impetus to the breed- rnt.. and if in the fall green corn oT .wt which the Pr•,vureb .hall receive :o
en t•i Clyde Ania,..:a by giving lane close:. per cent. tutrrest, payable half -yearly;
pri: cs for the best. As to.the cast of raising • colt, I think until each time as the whole au,ouwt is
H JI Se..f the Cly,ieadale Innen shdatd a coed colt can i -.ranted to, three years putt. It is har'l to see how the L_giale-
have a bowl head, wide between the Id f- r $1I00 which will pay he 1inner. turn can evade the nasaa.e of this sego
eye, with a full, held eye, sharp •pitint- With respect t- the Clyde the late )tr. Intim,. These n• tl. were built by Oil-
ed tars, a r-'.dcrate1y long, well -crooked Hraghtan in 1880 said, "1 a,nsider trrin as local nano -far purposes t.f foal
neck, high in the wither", the *boulder tinnier. more profitable fee farmers traffic. They ware seized by the Donn-
' t•, raise than any other as they can work mon, and declared to be roads f••r the
timeis a. the free 1st, ai • 1
time • fourth e•.a:a from various items .ben the Geweral succeeded t..
\•i thn,nvh the +err. All surd the pam°al gelato. He renumbers the
dressed i■ put on the war disttoctly, sod recalls
•ted limber ria!ressep ,.... ver tntersattug ineiditita of the
Gee lion, with this snet neonate's0 dirt the era IId war between this evadry and
abolition of the duty a net to apply t • Itreat tir►taits. Ile was whipped Md
say w•1.d .w lml,►w•r ►aper rd tNeu rall nal
country glitch imposes so export navy ran ah S!- cite a .r■td ( head► at M1oottk
N• these article*.on the "lea rrs Kiver. .tudrew
The ober addition■ t. the iron liar are K .ck, ,l
Kirin, then Cannata Cultectnr at Fort
broom, jute, l.un butt+, ...Ise! :Lod •then )
fibre masses, cosi .a i, Iron. lead, Clip Bnr, .h••Itetreei blot and helped bin 4e
per and ores, yjtnneenefactured stens. -leas ►at.r the Kung's J .main. Lucas
shimmy and ,►tfiei ault.titut« Inc •,.gree•. 1'1111'1 1 It the family Of (i.a•
aunt, oda, hey, p, ae.*a..extract 4.1 heal. oral Itr.ek eh.. was killed its the war of
lock and other hark•. crude glycerone, Irn12 at `teenst'tn Heights. Nett he
induo extrurts, sulphate -.1 Mtytes, us ran ten the Niagara Riva under Captain
manufactared crude 1".e.a, saltpetre. Julio i Iin.h, Ger whom he w ,eked
d he years and was thew discharged by his
The Canal's." enemas. tar.ff of
6. Anyor all of then •, owing article.
toga• ud and other dye woods, .
earth and unwruo,ght
employer b+psut. the latter wnsidssed
him tar old to be oasiol. ' Lucas triton
1ii79 procidea : faun rnnploymrnt again, this time at
f 11 kar,talln, 1)1.1 , when he married his
that is to say •1 .1' kind.. t►«en .ec•'ntI wife. His slave wife had borne
fruit, 4uy, strew, bran, seeds.
sited all are agreed. Thereare two then- three weeks before foaling ; .:hen will Complaint, Indiscretion, Impure l,l.w ,
ries as to their or.Qi:t : The fret is that f al without slm"et any wax being on Lys of Appetite, and all similar trou-
nne of the Dukes of Hamilton, more their teats. After failing see that the bfes. It is not necessary to take a great
than two centuries ago, imported a num- I foal .uncles in three or four :,ours, and .;.lane y before any result is pmcluced.
1.e: of blue black stall: ons from Flanders, watt' that it eta passage. There is A few "eyes will cunvinet- you tet
i h he ke of at Straven castle for the tet ai inapt the marc has a great merits. Trial bottle given free at Gen
mares are not gond milkers. and we al-
ways teach the fads to eat crushed oats
with sued results. A mare ant fatal
Anna always, when in the stable, be an
a batt stall. at, fade want plenty of exer-
cise I.. foals ought to be kept warm
and dry, as a good deal of the disease
am lig foals arises from exposure to wet
has sernified his intention of tusking Tor
• f•.11 state• teat .f the tiather-grabbsng
Farrow, two &pplistame.
Thee. Farrow, M. P.. fur Asher Far
row, one application.
Thus. Farrow, M,P,, Inc R. R. Farrow
nidus/.,:a. 41111 menti children. it at►d
e.wtl, salt hops, wheet, peas and green., free wife More him my
One barley, i -y., carts, I• cont, flour of deuirhter by this un►un is sti living et
wheat, !! nut re, ',ellen moat, huttrr. East Saginaw, )Itch. Her name is lira
cheese, 4h, lard, tallow, meet' and Williams, ani she et 71 years old. Fifty
iemben may he implrte•f int., Cleans years ago Is removed W Elraodurd,
free .f duty, or at at w low rate o1 duty (heart.* There he Wet work from the
than is provided by thin act .Ip•en pre* father of Jo•ige titan:mann, d a►yuua.
Outstation of the 4 eernor in colleen The Judge, though now en old man him.
which may he issued eh r it aptw,re • •If, Lucas as at:
man &b. Ut ; 0
to his satisfutt.n •hat sander articles •years oId when he as a boy was grin t
froCanada may he int -vetted into the a heed. Fr 9 cram I-ucas was a d yen
United States tree of duty for the Entrees C.enpsny at Lrsntf•ued.
As will bit seen fr•.tn tete at. nee de end resigned the place ten years ago far
eitteb tea Ws'etntton ways at l metra :he ruaa.0 that lin sea vett:•g al••ae iia
a,wiritt.e pn.p.m* u, aeo.,pt t►o &rtiet.ta rears an,i f, :t tea nein .,f eget. Ile jtu
itie mixed ii the ("reefing clause A id rho• frrutt of a • ice Friwwitul :nae,
that is al.out as far as ear nuighbers an+ ,'ands rix fee t three inches in els sh
disp,.rd 5.. go in the detection 11 r.Ca in:• A year alto this month be Bawd ��'
pmcaty There .n11 be no reciprocity in -mei .past en -lay -live ands .d woadwheat, fi..ur ter Iwrtet.
Willem E ttallini . of Bran -ford. UQ►�
From a 1 we eau tither this Monition to three years *co he never wore spec-
tacle., sad daring the summer of 1811.:,
when ruittw[ hie son in Defeat, Mr
Louse read the City H*Y cluck from tow
Kirkw•.,d Houye, across the Campus -1
Mantua He then walked wittiest the
aseiciance ef a cane, helm! 124 yews t d '
Tule matt t• pinhead, tet - olden Thereon
{Milli!. '
tae Ltbtrrls and rat Ustt..
k Tory contemporary in a.cwier the
Liberal. .e1 bring egsa:;y reap-tuaibl,
with the t:reseat Ilotern.nent for the
Northwest rebellion. because it i. alleged 41
airy never wanted the :safety ..f the
ezansece of grtevauera, display. deplur-
&olr I(..raoce ur a c.' . tccr.•, that party
that ver claims he stated, and a rte rxrlrne:w justify gross misn�.rrsunta
tbcai tt r.. . ..f facts. At e.very acorn since
nlw ..F money be steered tie Inane itis I68 the attention of parha.r•it was
harbor. .scree Hawkins votunteertld direct's hy for Littorals to the .ioeei.ity
le to H Gwent,
wills tit at his own ext'eu.e .•1 r.iacdytug tier Northwest grn,vancee
Muted by went, arc.•u"r.d h) W.
operations carried on in newt b• eestern application.
Ontario under the ao.pices •,t the Dnmi -'or did he say that among other
neon Government. He tines n.,t seem to applicati•.ns for the same petite' wuuld
accept Mr. bleredith's view that the- lit. be found
tawa authorities have merely been guilty Jahn M. Farrow, son of Thos. Far
of jetty larceny. The c.uatry sill very row, M. P., Bluevale, Ont, t► C.,
likely as ere wilt Mr. e:it,a. n, - June 9, 1+1113, 50 square miles.
Mr. Waters. of North M,'idlesev. has Asher Farrow, sun .f Th.s. Fan.•w,
a,tato aa! un •he order pap. r his reso:u- M P., Bluevale, slut., 4 I.0 , ,lune P,
more t f last year protesting at autst the 1883. 50 square miles.
sei.ure . f our Provincial railways ley the No, Mr. Farrow fought very shy .f
Dotuinien Government. He will ask these matters, but he had the hardihood
that the amiunt . f looney already paid to refer to himself several tunes as
and the amount of scrip issued an se- 'Honest Tom Farr.w" in the face et
the fact that he had been a party to rote
hing the euuntry4tf its valuable timber
limits. fie &tempted to defend
the Northwest pdicy of tbe Got -em-
inent. but he didn't gay this the refusal
.f the Goecernment to investigate the
gnttvaaces of the Metes was the primary
Souse of the rebellion, nur Jid he read
the extract from his leading patty organ,
the Turento Mo f July 8th, 1885. in
which it said that "the Stens had geed
grounds fur grievances, that the Govern -
meet allowed their repeated claims to
blue -mould in the pigeon holes : that
the Government's netth;ence was ••roes
and inexcusable, and contribute:1 to
hring sheet the rebellion." He proven
ed in hue urn »marks to re 1 btyo their faith. it is au
.'with as admitahle .nreeh, which nth.
'Iie K p 1 erurta to assure ,F and internal re-»ffnr - verr.uio wry shlan ..c , et•: wrto
is l,aolr •eta rhe platinum
M. t' Caner-. n,'Nf. } ., but he fated to aches. pains.iameaem amt onreien.. S read if it arair,. t. 1.. i. Fhorae•i 'I the
kce}, his pt' nose. He, knew perfectly
the van - s tett were thea settlers, bird
nen teat c. cry statement made by Mr. -" * � .- - gtievaurea ed the .+.•rihsret
Camrr'•n was v.uebed for by the Blue ; by the Lihe:-
Catt ►any, 'err ,r nur own wti - rr t Books nblished It the Uununi.n fiat•• ' e ! as 14. remedy them. Had J1r. Cacle•
Csnadiar: mites to Clydesdale 'denims' ( case and assist the t nn eutesiuner of Agri. p y Toe faiJowir cteni ler,tiwl circa ar
tori r tn.,:,:t:,•n I i carr:esI t: a claims
and when teen ecdi. leech 3 .or 4 years 1 euitnre to the management .•f the Cul. f ening tit, and that it s,u.d annexe in
mow' by the U,narrw;iyvr .•f of the t althrerds A,• :!el hare 1".ea wt -
..1d they Asn be s.•!d readily at fron,*1&l Inge and farm, and may, by order -in had taste t.t queslia•n the atithenticity and n y to h iter ve will toe tee Ued. and there sou:•: bare i ern ew rr-
to 9:Y)0." sly tlnoocd, prescribe us duties and were I'e/ the information funifshed lr the !' 7 •
Government he sepports• At ;arenas etructtte t'• Liberals everywhere : - hellion tint the art :e Tory esay^rny
r•I urn ex rleoce _ ' Bnartiatall c0aslst 5 f by mo®• tins held i - uwt.4 rt a --•wt, alt' At" ".'ue'try inose■
fell.. and the shoulder hlptie set wet
back, ,which Bites ease and freedom of when '•l yearn t lite'. Mr.PattcTete saye general advanta.e `f Canada. Either
seti•'U.. Nish a full, wide chest to trice the ii. -,t horse fa=r actual draught that that pesition roust lee•-sorrenrlered or
• eanstitutr,n,and a intone fufea:m.bread we hare is unrest innaLly the Clyde and the }'rovinee andthe municipalities intuit
knee je,ints, with tor -dila: bene, -and the they ate best adapted for.ailway lorries. be recouped for the hesty expenditures
.n skeins -standing .-tit-=1.0 w.,!lneethe red mss' Arid rdirtiden: wagons. Dr. incurre"-
w •th nue silky eurltng hair, and with a *with a.-•. • ''I prefer the Clyde and, Eben A. M. fi;.s's bill to amenia tTie
epriugy paatern,n:'t shun and.teep,with north f In _'and horse ter draught tier- Act respecting the A:ricnitotal Coil.etn,
a 1ar.'e, round fent, open in the heel poses.' !Its Cochrane. "My preferrnee !provides that the Lientenant (3overi.•r
sad net fiat in the s•dw a round e';mpact in bree•l:r.: it the Ciyd(s.iale,' Mr. lin C,wnetl may appnmt to Advisory
barrel, short, strong Utak. and go'.d long ',need '1) td ' Board f practical Agriculturists +. ad
quarters, &lei low set 'and basad, -with
muscular thighs and clean, brut' teccks.
Fra •in the bock t.. the f.,. t the lent.hneld
be sl: rt. flat anal deal alter sall•deAn
-;d ._.mac
the 1..••.rse only s::e 1. -'..d be a litt.e I find that it pays to select the beet and item, exclusive of the Anietant Cot. • inns g y p �igmyat•eu, P«s•, rine.
1nntgrr in the 1, •')•. r as it to called, a ;nureet bred horses you esti get to breed 1 tnieri'ner i f Agriculture, who shall be , Riding, Mr. Farrow has ex reseed a .D• ear Sic, -Hu Heuer JudKe \\ .....n-
. little more to•any. fr•,m. 1 have mace. with four and five I ex -.thea•, a member ,4 said Beard. Every desire to meet Mr. Cameron •,r le:tn one
such an animals': u!1 be a 1;'u.--1 mots- erueses that 1 have been one red heavy county and every trrrit':rial district in else en the platform. and. finding them son, as yen are aware, is 5, w utrp■nng
I or Canadian I the Po sine. ora • bare the privilege 4 absent, was ...awry they are not here t•- the voters' fiat u,.drr rue .n
P", S'.tth a fro•••. sore"' Ma•�.•,' , s.e••.l.i lilt tiy;urea Ever. 1 sold s span ••. ) p 'gr►n tell occ.ui•on he foam! Ur.; Vrutuhrw set. it rs Important nkat ■11
•• ft..1 fa sly butt. •tis.. ret .vr thaw 1 ;y'dr wire's (o •r in London /••r PM : in , bovine. during ad college tensa, one night, a r ferment. -•:1 e-+ t -rte fent tee the- 109ninaele *tree. year satinet t and : student in attendance, and receiving in- 111aedsnsld present- The doctor at.,eu our friends etttt:ed t. vote tame d he
f clean an i ;.rat. ".•th mare, and a feint fur OaiO. In flak I .dd in 18112 etruction at the f d1,.'' witL.ut the! hilt f••rlit•a minute* in which In "Pty,- put wpunthe lies the•-*.d.•rs,gae.i have
..e fens nAwl Mr. Par -1 ( u a not
ed to .•C....1,: -
t . r tnrud• ••u
liner al of the. corral eu,•.•at,...'.r ,era..- os twrsea •
to.. r sal _a __
ash /4118 4C5,,n•✓,--:4 nr>•aot. I t".:.erre-jUttaga. } ,cr Press.
at 7:30 nkhtt•k; nur tt:w pis t...e• •,t t rr t
Deg the bet Get ---Ware, N ,. \ skits
li::xt! rye- f, r. c.igh., oath•
hill will pass, especsa'ly test p. -'teen of it
enlarging the free fiat. (ler salt wells,
aur lumbermen, nor mineral ere Indus
trier, the Nor S,,tia enol turves, will
feel the benefit of the new law.
_ _ Feb. 16, 188e.
('uuucll met at FinLiy's ecle.,1 house.
D MuLiurehy and H. Chambers were
anent. Minutes of last meeting was
signed. A petition signed by a isrito
number of netepiyers was read relative
to the farther iplyroveu,ent . f harb.r at
Part Albert, aid asking the council t.
apos•int a deputation to ■»it eu theMin-
ister .1 Public \Turves at (his*& 11e • nter
`tethers, that the reeve be ieetructed by Witco 'i ort .f criminals are asvictrd
this c••unC11 to qgn w (Itttat Ut r•mpa.y •..-1 tann•.t eat-u•r their candied. the:
aims). resort to the •'c--u're „ether'
with Yr. Hawkins te state our c'■rme'o cr. in the torment in.tae t the Laber-
a share of public marry w au.. out auto a•s did .11 they pueatbly could t.• get tba
cieut t0 e.,mplete k.ri Albert r,rt•-r, rights of the half netted.. re:::'ntn:ced. In
and that the tree" apeu.e. ler mood Ivy the seamen' .t 11163, Mr. Blake moved
this c. tuner!, The fetlluw:in .rder. were f r t.agrr r.•speicttn. tt:e c:a1au of t`t'r
made : Balance due en b.u.arry oche $•.katch,uan ba1tl,retd. trot ttt. ee ,
work between A•btield and West Wass.papers were nut brewed down Is 1834,
nosh, 1110.91; rent for comes' r••om in \ir. %t C. Cameron lar .d lend a hill
[art for the present peat, 920: Meths. -I 1., tete t:re 1i .rthwest t.•rnt0rtes mire
Kenny for bolt* m C.rncai hndge, se4.tat i•m in tart:amen! The, Tory
$61;; D. Matl.asno, fur hutti,;u as halte rasa; env rrjietd the mer"tree to
in same, $1 25. Next ser:mea ••f c• mice ism.\k r. C,Saer•.n in ,v,d the felluwiuiw
at Meech fib, 11380. rir•luu.ra • -
Wtl. Lane, clerk,
_ reit t! a Hs4see rS a tc•••t' : e :teen into.
The faith care. a c oia.tttee .1 the .h ,1s t. • cintstder the -+
Tbie osw thee• f tire is ret dl ew ntf itt.n, eetripiaints and denten& 1,1
rypt y , M•isitt•ha and the Norawest territories,
,growing in fashion, but e t t1 .- t•:,t tis ' wiiu a '..f ill' tet si.rte, iiemj:z 1 sr reulwdc
lesion and .deuce. Faith wtthonv
works u dead. Ti,.uae alto hi..- faith
in Hagyard's Yellow lh 1. ..e its , -.d
inn ion wcl! -f fa -atonal 'ere •arses, and
cenntly;nz worn ar:v r.•,t, o.1 <?.'e demands.
Mr. Csanrr n prefaced his re.••tution
h iim bout the "Fs d. utaJ Co/yfilNsfse
ter' t:.
beer•• .enol" 1.4. .:oo,•:.y ud.d fere :r tie tot 91fi•, an l neves recr aHl 1 odd psy:nettt of any cntrautc ••r tnitieq fee. bet t ,. Deet net kp f
altatl,,,iel• 11a1/
• :•it'll , T .. , .t • i -. . _
• h', the 1 e .I. r. rl Cg iota always buten froth a pure need male ' i•.minate the student cntrled to this un the f
ra. heel.s t ter , l --l•- ',.•s. The cyte! ;ht ' 1910 you. will itnpreve nes stock. Why • privileste tnr the enenty, and the .Ade t- had made the Proposition Limaelf 1)r,
al, in 1 ansa t e c • 1, :aid :i... ..: :r. rel r Because the animal with the purest s.•ry Board shall nominate the students Macdonald ceubt diad tee o.,1 nit.. Ear -
eh 'Ad t.1• c:ear .f leans, wh..t:t0'. , .i is stronevet to impress his lit•:num liar the t urit.rial district. Stich stulent tuna "ari:nlucnas" . f two and a h•,ant »!1 recent antis, Dr. Heresy's
t'•.•r•:. ••r e••o_,hirl, as tt.y a tent'.l • it 'his .dapring, and if fall•.we.l with" nines be the aeon .11 marina,hearss (sure' duration int tion taiantee, and Mr.; anent to the judge 1
. tin'•, •t can l,r, duce• ae,umi, heaitlit .e' • :a teifiyleute will steadily impravr. Breed' resident to the county or district, titsFarmw kn•,ns it "uly tee wdt, •'Please, iu the meantime, thick over Southern Red fine. D..n't Mt w eaugb
.. u
tiled to S De Mc1�sr.,."1"d btl1� f LI ('
e 16ani►gg evnnins(, 'Mine
. , y i1Ti"
ileo, V r•ry'e.etters M etiaaa et acini
01.4111 almost everythin; yenning to the
N• rthwen rmatt tete erre mwcl•• 1!) Liberal
nre,nbrr. ;;►e (•e Mere "tame .1
in and "et .f p.rLa.... •r • i .1 that was
likely t.. %occur thrns;te tt. reg ienco
and n le .eertrn Nit, brei t ,:, Inters
Jef• r,i.r ter=• •r Di••:Tr •i.1 per-
hn: ate Ina :t ire tb
d - t �tare
trey *pt to -Innen ineeiieni .est lea perdue' !Arta at
least 1s
thole ,aswtt
e•hu ors tet:a, .ureaVP***f•tne whet, it can hr rrhev.
Kit so. u
1' .• • et'' in the inn (ct.t lty 411n.t •,•ick, and youcauaut teafortenor three ten years pri.•r ,t, his edmi«inn to the Wm. dices, IL D., Mali ird Del, !Jareh xdiielta; s.,ie ebrne arc , also wilt -lam est ami-( reed hy-t'1, vtwedyst thentiat
ban • t , 1 Ii' ! are tos. •ate •t - r . en *hat you will .et. A1,- w tate r-si lege. Ten' L.'=itenant-fuvern'r in 24, Yeti) fear Sir, --About three rear•
entitled w tote in 'leer ward, and mane out r f Inc Sold anti at Wuuuu s pro
1 • a • • • t t i •t a hrrelf• : • P err•: .1 1 r a sp re:.:c yen: .!, and C. -stn cit may pet• -ogler the manner in art. 1 gat a Nettle .t your 1 elide Am- a metuon.dnm .f the .,me. 11.1 s y'.0 •'gnarl to ••reiz It''''" 11h.
I i••ti • r f ,i, • 7-d'xrro • , • ,f ,u hoe a Clyde rmire" . n ., breed j which •nch et:ulent 'hall be nominated n,nnia Liuinient, 11 cured my hirso at will fin.! steno heats s. 1, the pe emits
wl.0 err entitled to 1ro un the list
l' ;, h• • , a •- i , . et t. • 1.7.r d h ne, but stick tri setae ' 1►y the county c'uneils and the Advisory a sinvin, and the balance of the Lint
:.t. • •i ,,. 1„-•. '-edefrrat•• breed. Bead. The membrn.f the Advisor! meet was nidi ire the. fami'y. It cured "Y• urs, etc..
al•' k t I to brrrllua Built hares, unlet, n B•.ard s opeinted hr tier Li,etenannGov' ell arena on min aa well as heroes. ' It • " r. 11
, T" 1 t • F entire
Ise : t r: . 'h s• 1 set spied ur Ste style. as in :11.e each either in Council shall ire• pots' for attend- , N all nasi up stow. I'lnate send me nus e'Uwnen of lea' ••� p•:hI
t 1, it t ft t"They th>Z the meeting* ref--thr<ftorard m a'lo.w. +b it's noire by rxtmess tort) 1 wi+l for..
if 'ed a great 514.1.1 dry to t• 1'• f
lin ser nays tete.• i•trtl,re•.,,
fen.irt .ltta� Le-1zt to :y
Insetted in one t r beth
and on atemice •`f ere •
i'h•' : venins; p•,wers ,•
Vito, the 5101115'• :ere•
* It-ia f . ,
-It jury.tesulta h ;resettt,yeti-:u
O1 *bat it called !:'. ennuis 1• Ih.
sill. « reg. sad ant -' this le k en
to 1 •'a !edges at rt, alit: $1 :t •4
y-aeo-t,,;ak•an v ittsrl� fat venin 1
lot • '',' thew ting a.aiont late 1Tlst is
7, + • 1 with frt.
5 • ' •t.,
. t► iflev,ttai.t dr•"mss .:;..
f. �. •t4 • ti t'. it btr.edtf 1s eb,''o*tg a urr.e
ani .• 1 t ltreyd fru First yew want :t
in :,rets unreal .1 good emetneti,n,
bre ' f t ••.itde fr•'ni aerate .sae fet.•vlte
• • t t-' litre of deer^' in
fn. v i ;trotting
of the tletlr-
ab'., . ; 7 -.?r ntits�t tM,impreseivs
Fres f •' •. • 'it►tl. in 'etyma swims!.
mel • ,.• . t. 1., 1, fe .1. logy' it-
-e, l ey are n. tin• a a.• •'. r . ,
t d'""" tl'• l';yde in Ili". 11 tent . *nee int eltxrdinn 54 per day, and also C. O D. A•idrtab, Haskell Lewis, "Tenrn•s .t reel ••,ta:a. w.•ith !•"t(K1
• :. • .• and. nr,•cle w i:Lalways 11acir mend necessary travelling expert- mined, K^ret C•, , D.'1, Sold by , "T(saate peym✓ r w•tnthly rare ..f $2
-t d 1': ire, The Ci, -ie leaner nes }n atetteling swab meetings It is J.rtlau, G.dcricli.
• have as tl..• be-• tt••, k ' no. tined- that tattoos excepthei will be '
new l,wnth •or tf1(I w) ear.
'nevus- mts .4 pine sty. $300.
e hi'1. is wan, r fon eney , ••t(eeleeri r' 1'el•- "P l $3(10
t• a...• • t,. t t.. ,... •, f a3s,tthetn.»1 Jest tot taken l >lu i 1 d "Penmen
rsn.uij tray y ,
'd the ant a e- the ;at -t t•u,iur:t-.g of the heavy it :. 1• opedarike the Agr:coltnrsl College }
nitrate in .w,,ete ..• lewd g sty eery, .,.e
nlinnal r melee 1 , , ,}, r 1 std extrrtd its 1.55.6ur to revery seetF.n . "T rant take that Canadian tentrial* lett eve M00 over first $:Mitt .f rat ,e of
•'t rnr.i;•'ti•" As t.' tl-e cat '.f raising a cep t to Intro 4 },:e Province, said a horse ear teatime," to -
•..lrratr c••n ti ysMa told. 1 titre the isesso ia.t kltwrrs pa.sin:rer in New vett the other day
••cm t?r=a ✓:, . t rases -roto actual • tt•ert•nas . y
Benet be �eeye' «/. I
••Wh not
''tIrcetete t1..•n'•• steal' pot in Mon -
red. theme of yin fellers ucver dicta
. reed the p.; -.-aa.
'•Y•iu re safe ennut,h." answered tby
m it's tet
`Sorrier. of n, '
T:•es t,1 *sok hi snare and
1 Intel a-i..'.•t • .
r r , al'i T:lnirt'6 •,.•./fare
a I rine ea skier s,
stern!.er . . ..
, T'I-rd *Wt.: . .. .
„• -t15(r►, 11' 1' .1anytheegin gin trill try
posture 5 ((10 to tt die r you to take aiytLin; m lo'■_r ; t
.a Mc(ltesee R Berke's t'srie.Cr ( , rate. t
• 10 110j It i. • iv incl 1it beuling far lit'r•., Ceti
Ice h o.'l antm,al. i' . anti
*I110 sit 4111110. Thera
f• tenni this dans ,11
o!,. A ('a��jndigin horse
t h • 1lnitti"Stattrla than
] R O'r
Tn. OF
20 OU
9100 nil
•.1 one. at i:t bring
is another reagent
halal.. in (noug-
ht Werth mote in
One . 1 their owe
rsiiiwt. The ramose Imes for this M
that tils'ir horses ats-tsl.etl ,m corn pian•
' crash au 1 inns ou vols. :be c•rnn der s
- '..r ter.,' keine feria?, ► y.
!;airs, eta Ni. family attend 1M• with-
- utI ii Ti ►liN-u• ►1. tit M111Tett
..r ell Portes, and Tuve n' .t'aer. Only
75r. pre boa at theme 1Uayua,' ()rug
store. lin
li, the tindery .f medicines no ,reps•
!ration has rivet. rel such universal ce.t1r
teendatl.w. Inc the aliviatiun it &t.nis
Mel tbeptMeaiient cure it sheets in kid•
Day disesteem as lir. Ven Buren'. Kiercy
flet(, Its action in theme dhRlbsaing
e.a„plaints io simply w.ndetfnl. 8,old
be .1. N ts,.n. 1a
1 passenger. Dine t t are t
bele to it I That's where We helm net
cinat ti.
Of tele, t
Tt is just as essential that then haunt
body sh•a1M have per.. Inns , .a that 1
tree or plant sheelti have sap te i..urish
and mtti• tea it. growth. Nearly all
nur h. .lily ills aril* tom utshealthy
blood. Iturdnck litnnd flatten pen6et
tits. ("amain .4f Iofe, mad regulate. all th`r
n teal urgane 1 o a healthy atpen.
terrain red D. gar.
Is the fell .•l '84 Rendell Miner, ret
!!iaitlaml, N eh, sag en•'trated tee Iiia
had with sirs attack of inirpieat consump-
tion. (Neigh not *dies all failed. lite
nplaU' grew detelita•ed, and bleeds de-
_a]►atted 4.1 lr r, covet/. H. true" Bur
dunk Irl, j 11.t r,, i meeftaee ru
lief, fed, yea liy a v;•e.Jy .esti, 2
• Inas the moat feeder observe,' the
frequency wets which roller nil. .4 ere
heieg redere•t t aisles* t If the i• Dila
is an inaln.nee agent Pe magi +gas'urtl'y
► sa noticed at. The World entertains a
pretwewitiow (hat the roller risk clean i.
tilI ,nut to •.siker • toacei, t, j'fyrvn: ,
The f•dl•eenee ciuslremaiea of "political
bean' ros.i. ay thee, Ilrnsdhsrwt, the
wurktnveu,+, utri timer ..f Iii. Gledetone'a
. • . eie.sss the ,'..arsetgr „(
, Lr .•
•at a LI',erai becsnre the true, full,
ant It.. wpp'iertis.n uI Laurel prittaiples
. meat a s:..',':•.1 to the itigire.t
. Diet u( iwai•i:,.rl t teaches self_reli-
ance. abd glee the heat .ppnitn"ltfetell 1.1
the fe.r a to piss is their an- :Arlen ,
14.1. well as their mooted net hemi ,,gena
Ibeet interests
tees eism does not seek t , melte all'Tin. Nothing eau do that, nut
its nl.jert is to tempts. all e•lstaels
erecfbtl lir ..,,it, which t^rerest .11 new
1e8 (Mi st npp• rt rit ••s. Tate in its
turn peneaseten ii.du•try, and melte* the
'realise, toe . f rese..nahtyamt.trioas b open
'p'aaiMe to the yew. al reran ening es.
(14 fn.•,1) Hasan iietot i t'bwr
A Word of tapaasaill■o.
Th. liver secretes Ago to me- a the
t,,relst the k:Aney. where.. nerve, to
sent nil' aril seed, whisk would lemon
the '11.• 1 Sheaternar► s•crete.•„carie
joie 4n diigest,rev enemies the food, ate.
11..ed•A1 Mond Ilnners g':t. 111on thine
"rise is and purge. t'. /lend Ivy elee04-
ing *11 hili vett,' u'e a f the ,chine. 2