HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-26, Page 1•
Wedge.* NU iYKRY 1Al f
THE HURON SIGNAL Tne Ear Hume R•ttrm.r, et
is p.Mt*ked every Yriday Meralag. by M.--
Olu.acu•ee Salta.. at their Dna. North at.
Aad r Imeibehed M all parts of the surround
eatable, try the earliest made and trams.
7•stsa--dike in advance. pomace emirate
by hllatiore:lI.1l, U paid before six mouths
Wee It not se pad. This rule will b. trimly
Rants or A Right real. ise
(as toe arc i•sertioa; three cents per bur for
mob sabaq.nslta.srtioa. Yearly. half yearly
•ad •atavterl onausots at redseed rst,.
JOS DS. -die bat• aisM
o• dew. Mae
baai K nt 121teaser lion. and puree
tag the meet eomplere oat-flt and hest facilities
fir taming o•' work i ■ Oaderic h. I
to de beelasae in that tine at priorst hit cannot
be barna. and of •eality that c.ol b,
aresemd. -Tress l• oak
This article is dislocated especially t,.
Iva. h doesn't make any Coherence
whether you ars paid dp till neat Jaws
try, or whether you are still in arrest,
we want you to rest) it.
We don't care a nickel whether you
are • blonde or a brunette, marred or
single, nob or puts, shirt or tall, fat ur
lean, grey -hared, black bared, rd -
hared or bald, or whether you use
crutches, • walking stick, twu lots or a
woods• peg for piarpvmet•uf I
p we wast you to read the.
We tern out • lire, wide awake, week-
ly , at so &onus' oat to each
of Sl 50 • year in advance.
Advance, in this case macs not at the
close of the year. We make the abuts
d•haitine of the term "advance" for the
benefit of that clan who don't commit
their d , and fall into the error
of imsgini•t diet is "advance" mrau-
twelve smooths after date.
Now, the reason we want you to reed
Ibis its •u that yes may look at your
Label. If you have a r.cetpt 'not Jan
1, 189T, amooga your assets, there to .••
harm done, fax there a a•• comity ay.
taw to Moder you (rum looking at 'bat
label. Accept our beat Ihanha tot yes
is to the matter. But if, Oa
the other hand, you discover that your
label is not marked op t.. "11187.'. at, .
that you are in amen, then it is . vu
bounden duty i.. .t ooc. brace up as
get the 'abet fixed while the year to yet
Now you know why we asked you to
ce•d this Please govern yours. If se
.•o rdiagly.
We mean you, en f you, aid !..u.
This to a personal levitation.
Dont try and saddle it on the Bienitk-
bon co the next hue.
Caine right along with your sub. -cop -
nen, and tootle the new y. ar in a
etrauth•-forty*rd honest, upright, re
epe.tstble. sell sating, agaare cooed fash-
Doaltstnn PaaLI yesterday.
An interesting debate as *slotted neat
a einrrnutm at B.t.a.ola toe b.testae,
lllarob 13th, .t 1 p m., fur the purpose,
ut.wlectiuK r as..d.date for the Ocmmne.s.
There .re wv;rat men us Ilia IMO Nes wko,
we behest,. u.w.d ..m:Create ly a.utwt the
ruling with the present tocsp:.h'r r.p.v
a_stan.e, and ac L. to 1s, Loped tht
sv• ry .•&.vii .0 cul tie put (e.rlb by the
mesmners ..1 the .n..vei.t.on to get the
strua.v.st alai able cr,.didsi.
"An s.lrrrssseeurrt 1 i teedenfortiorne
work ..n the Weltaod cruel haw appeared
Ire 160 Tory whirrs ala t,.•4 ..f at...t St.
=0110 rho ,cecitis an ad t f.•r
_;en.l.tra for Lothar snpphrs imam time
ag•e its which the coat .4 ad.ertts.ug lune
d unite a ..re. sierv-entage on the e...•t
of the good.. Bat the T ry press must
tw sot.tdsard 1.. sty tket theg..rer•seetit
can do nn hare."
That ice.1 es the truth, the solemn,
endniteseied trails, and momenta for
the fact diet the Tory j inner, to the
lot .et,, atiek to the O t that
aticka to throe. Its one year $2t•l 000
warr paid of to the Tory papers is (Jan-
ata to keep them es, the traces,whes ten
per cont. ..1 the &mount week' b+.t.
d .ne the Iegstisrace adve-t... i. a ; !
pen.tnng at I rates. Tins is
the rra.ost that the hired man is allowed
to wave shaft tie trey t ase gall its the
uutu,otu ,.t ..sr local
Ova L "Pito R••'. Piste
boo" makes some I1me'y sagest int.. in
this week's issue We.hnul.i have some
sash oi.rps t. that pit ped by lino.
Tea renowned William J••hL.ten. of
Bellykilbeg. who is a great pian among
the Orangemen of the, e••untry, speak-
ing in i".af..rd aunty, made the state-
ment that three Canaduu (hand Mas
oak..., tors, who lately visited Isola d, essyred
ham "tbat th.•u.wnde u1 their brethren
in an.da were resly to erste over to
tbia country (irelas.l) and if called upon,
to ei.slate the glorious deeds of their
forefather to the canoe of religion and
Lberty, and if Heed be. to tight the
Battle id the &.y ee over again," sooner
than permit an Irish p.rtmemet to nit in
Dublin. What booth !
Tug fellowi.T is from the Ottaw.
her Pease. the paper which e vetoed by
a matter of the ether of the Guderich
:,lar :-
The ousotry wants M bane what were
the r.• iota .r H.sel the Iasi
• nue--why the a..verr.meut prumuett
Biro supporters hi Que•b•re that flet
mold not be kaoyrd bet afterwards
uatigeJ boa The weetry wants the
Primmer to read the trirer•s' from
./rouge lodges and trade111...1 i.h he re
4.11,4.1 moo teatime s.'oraa.ou from the
(hay piety u..traa Riel was ha..gvd-- tt
want+ him t . answer the charge that the
ti..e.rao.ent dial n..t 1. war Riel open amu-
v.cnon, Moe ' ••, .w •.fie. hwt.n,•t• ,., -
life lay trembling in the balance.'
the s..w.,...1 Atli elide or are on this question of
fooled that n Tore (init., ruin, a Sii,aie we might state that • denial
'nee meet if "Any '5•'' . •., h.. g him ; In'.• trom Sir Juba Macdonald er Sir Adolphe
therefor., in et.l .car ..f ata promise ort
C*mma is not a difficult thing to get,
"The nest inscanee (of licit malice)
was the rubleett. m by this L..nd..n Ad-
writaer, of an atlegrd telegram, purport
deny a, hays been sent by the Minister of
Militia, from Wie.nrpag, regsrdu.g the
fate of Rsel. This has been given the
most epo.atio and authoritative denial.
hot the Lu.'d,n Iter his not yet acknow-
ledged his offence. He, too, uu:ht to
have • libel snit fastened rat him, uua
that would stick."
The above, from theater, has about as
mach cation in it as could
be crowded it.tu an Lino of its .Inn. Io
the Snit plats, no "apeci6c and euth.ri-
taiire dewed ' of the telegrams published
in the Advertiser anent the hanging of
Reel bas yet hems made. Out, part of
the Tory press say the telegram' are
forgeries, another section, and the Mail
•morgst the number. say the telegrams
were stoles. Before the 'Star again
rushes frantically u,tu priut on the, sub -
jest, we want at to inform its confiding
readers whacks of the above Tory state -
...mete I. correct. After tt has somas -
wished that Lim or. we will talk to N
with raciest* to the reason why Sir
Adutpbe Caren and $ir John Macdonald
..r -r •.ret r•r..K suit for libel against the
Ache Les a or any ether Reform Ioura.l
fur publt*btng their murderous tel. -
r.araa to and from Winnipeg. The Ot-
tawa hes Prang, owned and edited by
C. W. Mitchell, brother nt the editor • 1
the &or, alter dealing trent-Lastly wed
the telegram whinny of Sir John and
Owen. thea refers to the ..atter
"Same eight days after the tranamr-
swn of the teiaRrnea, Riot was t•sgeti.
WL, -a. he ha. gad ' Recau.e, accord-
ing to the telegram, 'tithe law were not
aUowsJ to take eta course. Cher• would
be mute truuble than anticipated ;' and
not, that justice should be tempered
with mercy. In ether words the gov-
ernment hared Rael, tresses it believe
d there were more tuts fur it in his
- rx.acut use than in his reprieve. Such is
T.•ry rIuveruoeut in Canada A qs-
tees .4 barter aid sale in which • human
Last week tin Starr hired man du -
missed the que•ticn of the troublra in
the Northwest by de. taring that " nei-
ther to the Mail nor in any Ont organ
Ins there appeared anything to juattfy
the rebelliun." The hired man is mus -
talon The following appal -v.1 in the
Mei: on July 8, 1[18;, :
has saaeeareebee• cleated by this Mail Mita
tan nein bad seed 'enviedt el 114
old Canada lied turwllyet teeYanitoba andt frankly recog-
nised the rights of the Reabsorb of tact
trunuce to *hare to the Indian title. and It
follows as a macer of oourre that If they had
right* in the sod of Mamma. those of them
dwelling to the regions beyond had rights in
the sou Wen.
This admitted of so dispute.
It must have been emits well understood by
Parl.ame..t la VITT; at a:1 e. cots the reoo(ds
show that tat of the day reootr-
nlaed the pout, though a..Uirmeat was rot
then asked fur.
la spit* of this recognition. however, and of
the tttautte.i and uo..n,warattle 1ic Of etre
Italtbrs.da e•ar. the Department or years
. sad years Nasally retired to move Is vas
. matter
It sae a toasted passion ; at would t.aroire
the appointment of a commission and no end
• 31 trvubte ; St. Att.rt and tit. Laurent were
!:"&r diatant deprndenet.e without political tit
- 0ttsoe ; it warn a claim that westd be mese
Abe worse roe blse-s.laadtag to
This was the way in which the odotala
treated the )t_et dea,at..! of :he tfet(s, and we
agree. with Mr. Bloke. that their negIIaa•sse
was grim. and , sad eotasrtbsa-
.d se M•s eases the I• • l • .
Had they had vote.. like white mew. or It.
like Om ladies .. they bad bras anemone"
eaesnrb to command respect and overawe red
tape, without doubt the wheels of the olio*
would nave revolved for theist ; hat being
only Halfbreed.. they were mai ea wtrb as
etaa•aal pri else, womb patience vented M
be. a striae.
We repeat again that the d .3 eye -
tem under which such canals sad cruel
agtlit" .1 tae risible of a portion of tate
was paa-ibk, was weling, nod
e nnui Ire emassred.-
confrere lie the Bleu s, 'telt-sib lista .
etecet. •n : the. c .untr, vomit eke t..
hear the P o..r,r mise.. t.• this
rh.iire that the Gayer...tient hanree•I
It.et'4• moor. Ito "mu whom' mono
Tnra far the IriaA tfondtw kat not
coin" :. the fr.n,t with any etstem.rtt
the treachery .1 Sir John Maoduneld b.
11.•aJ.h•. 0 (l.asnh:.e The *Vero a sort
of "Corry Kassbe ia," and having isle
hashed wast lie in it ; het it the Roman
Catholics of (it..tari'a were deceived by
,Sir John to the ,wetter •d Crbiuet repro
.rtItattern it, 1882, it behoves the /era
Guises last, w h.ch ptwunrs to be the
u,.,,th-piece of a puri .0 4.1 that tssoti..n
of the cuwlrueity to give tutee oa the
..c.aar..n Tina is more particslerly
desired from the taut that Patrick
Heel., of the /riot (meadow, was porte-
d". eriesseu with Macdonald, 0 Dame -
ban, and the ether in the
effort to sell the adobe vete. Of
course B .yle and O'D„nob.e failed to
nohow the goads on the 000nem, but
they tried hard to do it, and should not
havegottbeoold shoulder frim Sir John
Let the Iraft Cwt:sawn speak out and
tell the truth, the whole truth and oath
ing but the truth
The Aunt,, Riew*L funny man en
dines es to attract humor met of the
Laudon Soup Kuchei,'s dally bulletin of
seep and hood distributed. The aver-
age Orit litter !vans to pinry in the
downfall •mf bin fellow beings - [London
Free Pres&
Salim' of the kind. Inst week w•
referred t. Ibis tact that the desertion
poor ttf 1e mien were being helped in •
mast eosmendahle manner by the bee-
•snlent people of London. In this ova -
mores we also stated that the Prey Pres*,
whish has all along eoatendd of late
that the times are ant hard. would not
approve of seep kitchen benevolence.
Whim Tat Sweat. makes • pant swam
the Pres Per it wants to make it bit in
.ask • manner tbt the Landes Tory
yesrnal can't lie out of 11. The her
Press has had to admit that the times ors
bard right st its ewe door. But Tan
RtnnaL de*Mree the het, and en does
misery Reform jmereoL Ws iliac deplore
the feet that the Ps, Per wiU attar onto
tie.. 1. deny that herd rem ears se
Ontaria 1giag hi the beasetiwt itis,
the Leaden n« Prow
"The noise that lint journals mak•
about concerns doors pistils
printing is sot to be understood as an
intim•tiou that they will sed an public
connote' t be,n.elyes. The Sacai• Mowe-
r, for instance, b se eeleeM- 7 goatee
to, be "aebeodia.d" by Ibis Sarnia sown
cnueeil that it has taken Ieral proceed-
ing* to compel that body to gees it a
printing contract "
Or. I r_y that of the two enaioris refuted die o .•saws of his detraction ; neer, and elected himself doe' 6re Seed
The ANtMfw e, wrong agar. What
Biel was far the lees amity Iteralba t kis a .1 ..•. not regime a long memory b ,and pranced around with
lass Luau Rol owed a• on allegtanre. to ft Col o t what the Warder chose to i
4•rau when both err fr..m the truth. We
,rcodle.ot ellen Sir Joksn Ma doaald
.a.ev.ratd t.. Lard Dudenn upas his
hector as a member of the privy council
that he was woeltles& of complicity with
Sir Hcrb Alien, in the first Paeefe
rands', and we when he
held up bis bands .t Prterh..r ,' and
"embed to O•d he could catob
Rael. We also remember when, not .one
year aro yet, Sir Ad..lphe rose in his
piece its the Hoare, and denied that there
urea any ir••uhle in the Nurthwe.t, when
Tus St. Maris Jormua alludes to
Hon. David Milts as "ex- Hon. David
Mills." The Journal betray not only
bad taste but gross rummies by so
doing. Hon. David Mills is not "ex •
Hun. David Milli," nor u [dun. William
lfacdougal, or Hos. Alex. Mures. "ex
Honorsbles." And for this reason i
All persotr who have held position in
the Domeoi.)n Cabinet are [...flowed by the
title ''Huuurabli' when they resign
'See. In the Legislature the title
•' Honorable" does not cretonne when a
Miuiater retiree from office, as in the
sire of James Toone. & C. Wood, and
Adam Crooks But, dear Journal. it is
perfectly nght to try Boo Ater Mao
keii>'le, Hun. Edward Blake, Hon. Dav
id Mills, mac.
A Ln•n.s while ago we were told by
some of the Tory pnota that had Dever
hear! Thos. Farn,w, M.P., orate, that
M. C Oamenon, lit P., was afraid to ap-
pear on the same platform with the re-
doubtable Thomas to dream the pclitio•l
imam Well, Farrow had • meeting
.ether at Winnings Wednesday of last
the blued .•f go. d men and true had S , gad as sow sugdogiss tail et hu
Things That Are Happening
Around Ur
✓ duar. The etre nand - •e..etba•s
Minn nertalag narrturn and Unit
i LcutLI.t0('IDOif WHOA I'tnits uios
i $1.311 A YkAll IN AI)YA\t It
under has emit, is only ea(et•tla&
t by his claims •gamut the Government is
eunnecttun with his Joh at the harbor.
-Some of the outsile
agree with my estimate of Thomas For -
roe's oratory The London .11.• acre
mildly remarks that the reason M.
Cameron didn't attend Farrow's Aute at
Blyth was oeeaum. " et wasn't necessary
-I've been told that Corbett, ul Cite t„ use • triphammer to pound a piece of
ton, is likely to be the neat candidate potty •• There', a heap of force in the
fur parliamentary boors in West Hu •n•luey, but it's mighty severe oo the
nun Th , old man .as up here last w.,ub-r lir Float Huron, all the sumo.
w eek, and was olsetted with the rete It bows, go to speak.
ing harr.ater's clerk,tryi,,g to make him- -I see the Tunes do things the same
self solid on the tut. i have an imbue way down in Waled..., thtt they up here
iced opinion as to the depths ..f Jr/atoll. its Huns, county. The revi.iog
and chicanery, and partizan hunkersltd- barrister and his Bork, together
ing to which Willow Joseph ttus.rll with the local ]'cry °repairer sod!
Hoboes can deeeend to further 1 ..laical Tum C•+wat 'and Alf. Hlsekeby -
weds, but I don't be love that rya he :e o1 party heelers- ars reported
could 6z up a kat in WVest Huns, to such its have held their electing in the officio
an eatest tart Corbett could possibly_ of tie Galt out, , and dr -
gat a majority. The Tery party en Nest cussed the pr.•bab'e wartime of the new
Huron is evidently running out ut par- Dm/union francium set. The Reporf.a-
lisiseatary timber :--t6oiU bare w try aduut* chat Ilia gentlemen were in its
and ger eapurt dozy pet on p.dittc•t oll.e •t this same time, but c:aime that
lore. as as t„ prevent chmnio csndidatee no oonvorsatien was Indulged in by the
like Bob Porter from luring the limits. parties named with reference to the
-I hear that (%odeycb is likely to be franchise bill. It further says that the
favored with a loom escheat ease shortly. reviatug barnster, Judge Laeourse, and
You see, sem. years alto them was an old hu clerk, t)(ai !!;Iota, are &bora okapi_
chap who resided here named B --well, eu.u.0 far as partizanship is ooneerned.
H etet mitsd ;I've ehaaged wy mind, and Metol), the Reporter ea speaking the
l don't thick Ill go solo a bill of pard- tnuh-mabtee ; but if ,t u, it his an in-
eelers ea present But 1 will be in a p. tense and thttdlike faith in its barrister
silicon to stake a full statement of the atter clerk that I'd like to be poeseetd
case "ere long," am the poletiaans say. of with regard to "hiaut•.er" and the
and I give you my hand and word, that • clerk in west Huron. They will both
there will then be some racy readir.. work in writ the heelers of their party,
Meantime, I have " put it 00 little and will s..tnet;mea give ilia heelers
points, so far as partizanship is concern-
--It seems
uncern---ltse•ms the Kier is not of opinion ed. We all kaiow what an unscrupulous
that Rata was Twa SIos.L'R eaodi•liquor cumm.sam•.r sur revenue barrio -
date fur the wardenahip Wel!, the lit- tar made last year. If ,our friends don''t
tie Dutchman from Stephen had certain- pit, him down to 'gears work he'll be
ty first choice in nay county manictpal about equally imparted in the revising
affection, and I trotted him gent!), to of the Mata. And if he forgets to do
the frust as the Reform candidate fur &nytbiug mean, he, clerk will remind
the wardeeehip theorem.' week mu Jane- him of it. And the tittle knot of heal -
my. I did it in • quiet,
era who have worn the floor almost
way, I am willing,to admit, hetI did it all through behind the rues in John But -
the same. reshape 1 should here made ler's back shop will do the rest. There
• bigger noise, but the Tories were so isn't one of them too good to do political
sere of putting in whomsoever they dirty work. Avec.
been spilt ..• the pntnm. •Seat saner the plathrsm, like the Irish -
Oh, dent 1 Ito. It is nut d.tlicult to seas who declared he "was b•ue mcaldy
¢et denials io plenty from Sir Joho lot a bsttu'." Thar, ia a bank Liberal
and Canon. But the difliaulty one is in i%ingbam named Macdontlldsdoetor
to get the publte w nelteve either of the t,y praft, tuo, god • „Asp Se sem
gallant ki.t ihts, t n1see there he a,rrobo- note. After Farrow had thrown out hia
rat lye tearaway. 'reel challenge, the d,ctot responded,
end• -well, thea Farr.. refused to give
Tly1 PATS OP KIEL him s hearing fur even five minutes. Tho
There are few men in Nerds better Tory fighting cork of Bast Huron is a
side to rrasp the p••is'. .d • ease than terror to crow on his nen hill But it's
Sir Pichard Cartwright He Rhes to the just, like Thomas.
k-•rsef at WWI, and loves his opinion in
• eal.m , ele.Iir and c.,noise (term. In the a tlesby Tears berths.
present in -dance ne saddles the Rails o•• t In kis epeweh M Ike 'Make banquet
the rig it shuu'.ders. This is what he C.a. Rea, provincial treasurer, eztulld
says:-- the hr .very 14 our volunteers at Katoehe
''My own omen,. has bone stated over at.d remarked 'hat they had a brave foe.
and user again. a .d I on is .t despised to d.edne T.ny ermine has•, touted his well -
go beck bp..0 It. 1 batre Mod ei.e,ahrie, t .u,,ded ere u:aBelittle •
and I repr.t it lierr today, that boots tool
pleased that I thought I'd work on the
quiet, and let the loyal hug
their datesius to their manly bosoma-
and they did. 1 gave the wink to the
editor o1 Tis Stawat., the racket was
quietly wrought, and Rata was elected
warden. Of course, if the 8tor is
anxious to claim credit for electing Rats,
I'm sure I have no objection. And, I
might remark parenthetically, that I
.uprose it really was the exuberance
of kis joy st the election of Rata
that impelled reeve Jobestnn, of G. de -
rich to jump to his fest and sak to have
it done over aeon -it was .e nice, you
know. Oh, yes !
-An Irishman was handed one of
Ptd. Vallano.'a programs on Saturday,
and read amoovst the number., "Jimmy
Butler and the owl ' •'Huwld act',"
said he, " There's a misprint here ; it
thud be "Jubenie Butler and the owl'
-rheum -main* " Bat the
moved on.
-Some weeks ago I pointed nut that
the fire brigade bad become tneficeent
stair Joh. Racier had sauced the
chairmanship of the fire committee.
Now. I never made any t..
being • prophet or the grandfather of a
prophet, but the wisdom of my feeble
•rrmu. a charge of coward- ( remarks on that ocoasint. was fully
Wet ses tory mue!'y : i . i.e .lours' the eulumteers ; sod the War- : d 1 Friday night at the 6re at
Istel ass iiifio,tely lass criminal than the dor rep.•at.. the cry and asserts quit Cum. 11111140.•• Wbes Ilia stem get .town,
Present premier o1 Conde and th. ar" Wee declared the halt bre. ds were bray-
assini•ter of th., departmru• of the ante o, than ••s. boys. Col. Rona has fully and Butler Inst oonfidenee in t!:u emit -
We wonder it we shall ever hear the
last of •-Betoche." Ur. Orton, M. l'.,
late tdrirade bur,;eoo, Captain Mason,
ut the lireuaders, and kir. Scretun,
assistant tsaaspurt officer at the front,
aro still wntu.g abuut that "famous vic-
toria." They are all likely to make
••Batu.he" une of the disputed pointe of
history. Was Rowe saved by the cack-
ling of pease, ..r wan listoche prudently
1, strategic" Ily 1
sod baruiortly aaaulted by General Mid-
dleton mid his semi This is too big •
quests( u to decide right of ; but Ismer
une point on which all the "heroes" who
were pretest at that "battle" agree to.
General Middleton and the whole of his
beating (orae left the camp in the morn -
tug of the 9th of Slay. Bverything was
Icft standing. Beds were not folded up,
tents were ant struck, and everything
indicated -that 11M titiaisd tit retort. that
n ight. He Mwgbt all kis tighuog men
along with hew, and there was no one in
the camp but the teseasters. He march-
ed seven toile* a..d arrived a. Batoche,
skirmished around all day, and the ques-
tion now is : Did he tutor' to return
t • hu camp seven mules off or:not t W.
@ kali wit misses that questem just now,
mist here la s••u.athtaat nett -Suppler
thews' Middleton had had a dashing
wither to light aganst : and suppose that
dashing e.. alter took fifty rut tinted men
add attacked the comp war • General
M.ddl too .,• ei ftat.tehr1 If that
leapt ened, the 890,000 would net haus
,woo v..td and the K. t'. M. G. would
not, now Ge decorating the breast of the
General esw...m.d.ag the Ca inn mill•
Iia Fifty me.. could ...t linty have
taken the camp but they could have
destroyed all the ammunition, stores,
biwg.ge, supplies, fodder awl everything
that was in the camp at the time, and
bate lett fleeeral Middletur. at the mer -
o, of kis .nem.es. Fatty man could base
door ilii. e'.ily The teamsters could
not ba.e distended the ramp bee -sues
they had Peabody sir.. and Win-
chut•or ammunition. What has GenersL
Middleton to say to this f And we hams
more to come fir •'a, he continued," like
out storeat (Montreal Post.
A Ftoarnea Eorrott - This is the way
the Ttlaunburg Learn: man
The arrival of & von to bless leis house.
Bold " We have secured the sermons
.1 a 'genuine fighting ditr.r for the 1.44-
erol, and we take this cif
warning all polities! heeler, and ward
tle.twewill not be at
their •aerey in the futon'. The fighting
editor is yoene aria in 1, and
will be ready is take les...ne in his bust -
nets at once. He came to town rater
day in tome to hate his name reo,rded
on the new franchise voters' last, and it
k Jackson forgets to record his
• will eh•rge bio with beraq;
aro of partisan reverse hat
Astec'• sleeks. The yoneg @diloe weighs
neer eight 7, sent - 12 101 wee1 end a yuLa,
the Reform joirnals wanted was f.a have ,le bad never swore to diaosarte the I ray a lee mouths ago on this same topic. • 'wiper' in one hand, a wrench in the
fair competatihn all oyer, the name se deities of kr eft.* to the brat of his
there was in Hamilton and in Brese,aad n Silitlity, He lea, . - -in d him jos
not to have the work of panting the tmee -vestd any oeusp.n e•
to pl.eder the monnie- Roo w.a is,,
It s.sd "t)..e treed not leave the ['I•ur-
....tool U an find several
h.... o e...egh to say that so,ee of their
ofAaeev. aro eawards Fur her nn the
fraw•hi . Inas girls at fancy the apart teat bred the titan which hetet N eviler ellwgw that • certain offoer
political frroritea If that plan haft.
been folic wed the work would lore been
done for about 23 per cent. of Vie peer
ant cost. All over the eoentry weekly
Tory prints are semiyendtng their roue
fora week so es to dip into the trosgh
of fat things w►lob the ;iovrnmest has
placed before them. The es, of the
Ofwerar is not an analogues one- L
Ramis the teem asked for testers fm'
the town printing. The Mesmer rad the
fseadaaa tendered, and Ike former was
the lowest tenderer By some mese
the pristine mmmittee reesainie.Md
the letting of the contrast to the C1..su d -
era, •n the ground that it bad east is
the lowest tender, and hoses the term
of the Qlser es, to make We Comma d.
,if -{y egnarw thing In 'oke matter Let the
Ardelfor try reins.
uther,and aloud dushen his manly tenon
tenant:•, it looked se if thine* had gni t.
• pretty mrious pan 111*.1 the fire not
been confined by hack walla nu each
aide the entire block would live been
!wen laid by the .smdalnua neglect std ' ,' u .5 to. 1 how • Grenadier had to lin •
inn .d Kir J•.hn end he
Had the Hartbeest her..
fairly g..serned • theme's."
never have persuaded .he
kaltbreeds to take up
benestly and
Riots .could
bailee ,Daft a steak before he oield cwt
toe.., s. i..ud the cannon , • and that &n
lother . Soar may remember overtaking
• ......5 5 hem in the ratle-pit. after Col.
W dl' tis • was to Ratoche, and setuallr
aroma - hfaktwf these to yet Mon ow " "Of
r ...... the real fighting was over, ag
Ifs are indebted to F Jnrdan. droll 1e' ' w t'.gly dad.du. the Warderng . &o Theoldn anthed
eclat, fes armies of the o.,dl.. published ►dvde, wtap by chargi
K. .., field officer with "'bunt among
tele •
F.rt McLeod, i. W. T. nom / W i r oaos and anions in Ya
ntlielas in ow far w� Agjrwu N �• M rebel bellies whined by." And
the foliewiag had hot oeuest' p.`. bei !ko writer of thee. danders "bas the
g. nes pm
'.Alum M•ts.I . M Jackman
e ii A nd sonata Reform papers chants
well@, •,set, al, There urea we .aewptMs. u 'howl with attaekiag the vele•1ess
aura a las rel.. TN oast to tae LMai-us.-
waer was r•.Myrd k• sMtaes�AyMaever • - ----=-----
1 "tut on the provincial treasurer
�k and ma • dee
,st ref stimsl•Ns inott.m
le with as eUsslla t4M sttser�tea ��few
8rr ILsadalgk Obevss tilt r 000 mak -
..g viestnl s*I - bth.Me e*wr-lion.
W. O. Smith and Wm. Mees wiU, we
are islet coed, skeet at glees halls this
efterIwwnifor • bit of Now. Meek inter
est is boiag msri'etltei is the result of
the m•Mb. 1
swept. At the special .meeting of the
town council on Saturday evening 1 un
derstand a new engineer was appointed.
The council should keep on with thel
good work, sad select • new chairman
for the 6s, , instead ,.1 the
present i.
i have also heard that cour.c.11r r
Rutter, at the Saturday stoning meet
Mg, claimed credit for the fire company
under his regime for keeping down the
rsvagss of the filmes in town durin- the
past few your i wouldn't bens hit sur
prised to learn, • year hence, that Bit
lir claimed all the credit far meta/
Kant', boas, frna eke dames on Mon-
day eight but i like to ..e a man
with shook, bet B.tU,-'s c.a.w for
that raW-ire• orotting •f the C -a t;.lc