HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-12, Page 8R
O.lbuim. Auctione�rtn9.
tl'r,..s6 Retest The following i. a Mr. Jetta H..tt.... .•tA MR atifSea W. BALL. AUCTIONLi1t FOR
surest of the ,taadiug o.f the visit• d n, Hilliest 1.•s/ week ' •tae res rho• et, d Hem* dame orders
re�,rt M nay part d Ib. coasts. *edam* emir. us
p.pile uI fr d. Na 1, Colborne, fur the T. Se„rs .leut.d 1r+ Ib. ..wort ^lederlob P. O. IMa•
stioatb ettee.g J•..aary '29th. The wrier ..1 416. 1 f1. U Y.. *13. •e.:- r iHN KN(1S. GENERAL AUC
r N based,.. a ■ritt.u.sauitimuoU N/ l). T , P Stem a ; M y it , r
• filter rN)Nfik.ltard Lead V a1Wur.Ucderlc4,
laeid at the ss of the mouth Ilrt► is see W i J din N r
•, ,•• i ; W .tam flawing bed c..aetd.reide .a to
Furls Clara -1t Augusta Potter{ F H. , sister M M.e•a. e.. ; . „ . Jae, 'he awrtis' ,I,.&.. herb . IM to
. a` ... ..Host 4,
!,'"t aril CLANG. 1st, Charlie Treble, t) u . ti Here• •• ; W it , II 11•"uw., u,y r• esteem ssa p, ,y mad to ie. JONIi
2nd, Juin* Jones, :ird, Kepi. 4'lark and Jr They •JI in . • a11e'floe e•e..lise •i�'Ox l rMtlrw.er tttr:-tif
Carrie Potter, 4'h, George Clark by uur L D. i r
THIRD CLAar let, J..seph Ci.lttes, tad, own._
Loans and 3nwronce.
1'.n Mean, 3rd, .l.•hu Mitten, 4th,
11brrt Frrgus.•n wt,d A h P
2nd, Ruby Robert*, . 3rd, Aggie Jone MoAlt..ter I li • sea r j; w. Htwimom ie h Limey. ion al
gat • Precious. - s
W Smith and W Ste•sel. 4 God.- ak500,000 TO LOAM. APPLY TO
Earn rich .'sited here torr .eek 8..1:4 11116 tD CAMYRO�i HOLT&CAMlti1:0b1 0 4s
�� th..,k our no here a ...ore 416.e himehoaal to b. oaf.
thong a year ago there appeared an the.ea•hi.ee'J"n' 01411"1L1a A(ONIIY TO IIND.-A LA It0
article in the Clinton Srer gra describ- Mise 11.a, o.rig•,.tat ..1 to Paul church, 'Yl .nwaatof Prlrnu emote, ror inrastaseat
Trig this .'Mage, its tr.,wth and p•pul•- Dua.g.ono.. returu..•d ho.oe last Sal u' It.ewu• rdoe ontlnlcla.Mortgi.g,•e. Apia)
tion. It gave the population at 45 day, after a • ay .4 s•-v-iral ...wk. with laUAItUWW R f' UCI)YOUT.
But, elate how allege have chauged her sister, Mrs. Hort. it.
Since that time the population hes de- Dvpux Aaaa. 'nitre roearly l..mdata l a 1 saal perg•st on tlrst-claastarto.erur-
mad the oldset isoiJ.nt gut so dls,tuated the bra, (or 18M. weir b..ru hire dui iev rich. Apply t.1. C. U.1 if S. Solicitor. Uode-
that he left for parte uukoowu. th- cold spiel .1 lam • eek . anti aro
Davidson Morland and Dined of Chace thriving nicely Oar canny cousins o, I) I:ADCLIFFE,
go, have been % nali; fraeu..•b
oJa in hu - Lurn ase b.•hiod. But J.... .'o. v•
vanity since New bears. They left here Boob and 11.1 y w..0 t 1••rget a . visit -or ..rsAEft AL INSI1RANCZ,
•.n the 1st into, and von stop for • few burxk .t Eases. REAL E8TArit ase
days with friends au Stratford on theirr. MONEY LOANING AGENT.
y iuu and Mrs J •hu Shan ec, rfatniir °a"'irsldea. c'owatsniaa Repnarwtwd
way hums. a uuutttar .1 y000q folks lure, •ivi nor
sister burgh Chian aid with friends (r•,,„ 44r Mo""a to local "n ""41b.1.4""k u t(,s
low*.. rot. .l ,ut.•nat tutus. in any .ay to
9"!?!!tS'T'p ',.I t . O...ivrich t.. r J.nciu_ party !.,t Fri lay .ill: tt urwwer.
"--- evening. it brew the ei rhth ronti.enJkary a .YIl Y Second doer from Square.tt m. Herbison a making arrangementstd their ■eddiaw day A 11 present t...k tt rat_tkr.•et, Oodench. 11(S
lir a steam engine, etc., to run his • levety part to tripp.•-e the f .i. tie from 110 PERSONS WANTING LOttANS
crs,amen•. 9 p.m. till 5a w , ail wi.hi..g niu•y Lapp L. er de.trieg to •lanae their . ortgage.
Win. Alexander, who is now brine in fears to outer t.. their h•..t and h••s•.ws I•udredourthetrrau o.f intereet.�Weenppl)
l..•lirtton, it is rumored will motor* on to vrtrale turd. - any aauuut 01
per cent.
In wedded blies, and that it n.isht be ,V r hmve .las retested issUw•tiens hoot a
client Coatrotiltuf a true: fund to ', ltd out a
:: a.: ed tris. ant on fi: et . Inco 'arm mortgages
at 6 1-2 per grit. Apply a: euce 1,
n1:AU1tR a Li tens. or,pe.U.. the• Tatham -pc
Het••1 uedertch.
t;saperica.IAkNor..IOW qir�`-,f
has farm on the 7th, which has just leen marked yet with a diamond wedding.
.-acatid by Mr. Glidden. --
Dsoie! Glidden, who has been living
•,n the 7th for several years, has removed
with his family to the neiahb erhood of The saw mills ire now an full blast and
Ellaville, in the township of Cleburne. doing a big business.
ch....Baker ht. purchased trete Mat-
lat- Th. ice harvest has begun, ted Leese
ns. the loth oubeeettee. This seems a A Inge number w..ut fn,.0 Iter* Co the
thew Clark,for $5.900, his 84) acre lot engaged .re reset.. heuu ..... y.
teed t1 1' 1 bet the fens be grid to be teameet:ng in Wrentham on Monday
evening I.
_ �_ The farmers .o this ritinity are taking
liberal -
advantage of the guo.d roads. and liberitl-
1y supplying the saw mill yards with
Wettlautfer i Kennel have got their log.
sill yard nearly h led with loge. Mw Tucker. teacher in junior division
liuild,u� operations an this .ectioo of our public school, has been ill for the
promise to le Leask u. of season. P writ, but has begun Ler lsbers
Quarterly 'services were held in the again with the r.: a week.
� ) One day .oils 'reek the si• ritrd little
Methodist church here ter. Sabbath last. team of Mr. Nixon, prypr'st.•r of out
Mise Art?our las returned from rood- grist mill, took a uutt• •u to go oQ ou their
•t :r, w•h• rt ,L:: alts vast•.'*.: friends fur own hunt, and if they h o.t not been
sloe weer. stopped serious d.ta ge et:: �!:t i.:. C been
The revival services in the Methodist dune.
,:'lurch were brought to a Biose on Maw- Mr'. McFar'ane, ton. 3. 3[orrisi dwd
say evening
from blood p,.isonis.g on Wedceeday of
The elembers of Maitland Lodge, 1.0. last week" Her remains were foltoweca
(:.T , are preparing an entertainment. to to I:ivavrla 1s.cevest) by . number of
be given in their ball in a short time, surrtwa :g relatives and sympathising
which promisee t., lei a coed one.
frier.da a d a:qua:num:es on Entity, 5th
F. Stalker hes sold his heavy draught
Mack hone to John McMahon, of Sea- Qii'II�
forth, for the handsome sum of 3190 -
iT.e horse was 4 years old, and was one We understand that J. H. '.chards,
• f the beat narking horns it. this of the post -ethos store. is going to put •
ction. horse sad r:g on the rood du.nj the
Coming einem rr. His siure _t now a very
t: • .•f ilk test ,n -rte , ,ter ship.
lost Wswaaoaa.
Pet.*atrtt•;ar.---0n Friday evening.
John Bentley, who had the o,islortune the 5th Inst., a number of the yrwng
to get his leg br'.ken iu four places about people of the Smith's Hill Presbyteruo
month alio, is rocuveriug. church. laden with well -5 ',•d h.aket..,
James Nethery s new house on the assembled at the residence .•f their pas
:nth con. was the scene of *successful tor. Rev. J. Pritchard, and presented
surprise party slid dance "n the eight of him with a large load of oats acoum-
the 4th Inst panted by the tullowiug address :
sttracttve or.e.
Mr. Dowell, of Luther. hes rented Ds*& PAstos,-We. the yuungpe.ple
of your ... . at Suaith's Eill•
`.e well-known Auld estate for the cosi• have met here this evening f.,r t`.e pur
nz year• for the sum of =300. He w14
pos of .howiag in some way the esteem
take possession in time to do the .pain; ao which both his. Pritchard and your
self are held try us. We would e:
teed to you ear &Moore thank* for
your untiring and zealous efforts t•'
lead and guide se is the rigbt way. At•
a move taagibls proof of our esteem and
gratitude, we beg est you to accept thew
trifling gifts, with the hope that both of
you may lung be spared to carry on your
good work hen oe earth, and at death
may be rewarded by an abundant en
trance into haven Signed un behalf
of t!.e young i e,.ple,
W ILLLA W Joins,
Grows Fasaos•,u,
P.oaaa: (Jtau.
Mr. F:itchard replied it: seitatle
term., tL...k:ng the dor/re r•I behalf
of himself and Mn. Pritchard for their
gifts. After .pending a pleaaaut sad
profitable eytniag the onmpa•y diaper•
ed, well plowed with the heat ita:ity ; f
their hoot sad haste.a
rue Crises as Ntaws.
There was a wood -bee on the farm of
1. Bennett, nth son., on the 4th ult.,
after which the young people of tea
neighborhood tripped the light fantastic
*:ail morn.
4)u the evening of the 3rd inst., a
ratty of youths and maidens assembled
at the residence of S. Fell, and danced
t,:1 the break of day, to the sweet strain
• 1 the violin.
We understand that Measn..l„ hn and
.laves Ellis, brother'. eltensive and
prosperous fernier' ..f this townehip, are
glow getting together the necessary ms•
serial for the erection neat summer of a
capacious stone stable •inderneath their
barn. The Messrs. Ellis now have a
handsome brick residence, and this new
lditi•,n will still further itoprore their
valuable farm. F. Bene, of Auburn, is
he contractor.
.1. 4:. Anton and bride left for Buffalo
Saturday last. He has a positron on
tis radr
A match debate tis held io 8.8. No.
(b, on Thursday rapt betnpt,o lb, wetn-
ven of the L'rne council end those of
the Ashfield L D Society. Messrs W.
Pierce, W. McQuaid and A. McPhee
were the chairmen. The subject was,
Resolved, that ant has caus-
e' more misery than war " The sides
were atfirmetive, .1. Gnin, R Jewell,
W; 'A. Hackett, W. Htothen and H. Ho -
("bee. Negative, J Saunders, T Hall.
Phillips, A. Johnston and W. H.
J-,bnatoa. The subject was die -aimed
well. It was madntdht when the deca
n oon was given. which was in favor of
:e negative side by 5 points. Debates
will be held once in two weeks in future.
The Ashfield Literary and Debating
society held another entertainment on
'" hur,day overtone last, at which them
was a large attendance. H. McPhee
• as called to the chair, which position
:1e ably tilled. Thr debate was "Resoly-
wl that the printing has been a greater
benefit than the steam engine. ' Jos
tyriltin captain of the affirmative side,
and W. A. Hackett captain of the nega-
tive. The subject was well descanted by
with .ides, alter which the d..etsion was
gi.en in favor 'd the affirmative 1.1 two
,,eines. The chairman then favored the
iedieoce with a me recitation. Mr.
itlpeitls, taamher .t K , rods.-
-, with • snag et_i'- - i "The Warrior
Ifeld," which was well pandered. D
l W. F. FOOT.
''iron :.;-r and Mupit we ►arrraaec Age*:.
&VOm 4, oseeelk •' 'borne Rotel.
The •• London Arrer-. a .- f t CS
The •• Notional." eetat....,ned 1 t!L
The '• iL.nd in -band." the orgy Compaay
lic.•s.ed to insure plate glow. in the
The r••.cr s r. ail f.1'nt-t lrsr and old retab.
limbed cwepwien.
Risks taken at kne•.st -wren.
ua.er.cb Dec. 'Sti..•IUB/. t!•'S-
I�iii Tei )1N 'T a 'Est
are ere d t.) Lisa money etper cent., pay
able belt
yea• ar:ly. .o: n
farm security.
assetshr the TaGeneral t J1:EI». 11OLT It CAMERON.
SIGNALHarris•ers (odert.
➢teen CAwLOC)N. HOLT K CArttito,o tat.
ate° • large a.oaa; 1.
of private funds to Dal
ter. drat -caws farm .county.
uederieb. Oct. 1. DIMis t rl
t Yu Ietad on tarso and 6...n nrnp,•ty tot tow-,
ret lnrnr•33Lt Mortgage* :wirehaired. N. cos-
stssio.i *named mats for the Trust and Loan
bump..,* n: aar<t.. the Carada La,.ded
Credit Company. the Londos, Loan company
sir ('•moos. Ir.tereat. 6. Si and 7 per Dent.
N. 11. Borrower, can obtain mom y u one
do; , if 1 t::e satistactery.
Harnsters. ,ttY.. Goder'clo
9V ea Ferns and Town Property* at lowest in-
ter. aL Murtguues purchased, b. Co.sLntoe
cheeped, C Fees rvaseeable.
5*. 11. - vise -rowan; can obtata money to owes,
1.11, . n • :. ,'r- • 1'I ,\ t Jn1t:
r.rV It4-r..'.•r$ w ::.J,••.4. ern
Every ir.d.cstiou tow ;Nen is ' a
stormy session of the Dominion parlia-
ment ; and to the dro.matence that the
full extent of the possible Bleu defection
from the , 1 will not be deter-
mined on the first pert their -
Mu. There will be tatir_y members, who
will prefer to herr the evidence taken Pe
a committee of enquiry, befere onnderen•
ing the adminieteatioa. How that eon
dance will result, there is little room for
doubt. It is certain, that a number of
Bleu of the • t„ re
oeived primitive assnraaas friss Qsbinet
ministers, that Rad would not be hang-
ed, but that in of the beet
of lettere and telegrams received by the
Premier from Ontario Orange leaden
and OrocRe ledges, threatening the ad-
ministration with defeat d Kiel were out
ezeosted, the p.li:.y of han-ice him was
finally aimed upon ]Y tl.aa charge be -
proves before the special committee of
engwiry sa there ie every reason to be-
lieve it will bo, tie and of the session
may witness the p' of that de-
fection which reduced et its very outset,
the tie majority toad anger
ors rarrownees. It i. WI rev/ileums
before this eemmittee of enquiry that
the t has most cause t fear - _ T oleo S�rrtmst "-40¥1.4")."..„1114.11i. lois
oral fdr t1s fort >a �r swy
•sd if one half the statements made up iambus* esti e. Ther are
no ezeelle.t authorfty are as true as they Taw sot res yr. ismsy .mw On.
seen, the evidence trekss before the sad t.. ma" 7111. wttbont eh..rr
committee will 4, disastrous to the ad
suaLMration w• Fee Prow
1feet Street feat Market.
I.udreu I Joflllzton.
Ca •r J .stenion and :'tempt Delivery
A CA _.►. 30L:CiTY!)
flee. %eth, ins 1109,
Will sell .sat VERY •Low RATE` c,.til the FIRST of March, her Stick of
Millinery, Dress Goods, Mantles,
Hosiery, Etc.,
As after that date the bustress it ail 1 ass ender the
0Oder.ch. Mob. 11 tl8w
Has tb.• fleet Plcdt: Erns l:, the County of H u ror
for trrs.teg out eery deco p:we. of
M,G[ i41.1C t7DDY BROS ,
)>tdr:Ma -North It, *.eat to P.egistr
Oise Goderci'.
.e••.r•ri i '.hr Osie
(Laic et 'Jtr len. :1 I.s. r -in 0. Worried
Roevreal Rhes( tadaal NO Lire CUM
Ow Pleat lisee
eM 1114 1.4 ter
Tates & Achasen
eDra.ld bral>�t IM FIt_1M to a The. Mdiilliwily. of the On ',Pinch raKewars
utas overawes
, by siagiat & eit� tTs.e *.titled S
1aat., was a mbar 1s. Me Tts i
cs.A` ,D v i.itutZ _
I Friday. It wits
• 'Thal Bream' War Glide .a Mother in- as sera moves er eight
• next ars. de .tis will
Ijw Thew resider ,1e 7'In sines we Isis .6.1‘"' sad rt did
me "which has mored stun at the ser epee reed ae.•. 041 1,•r or... wrote. FINK LAMS, WUFICTU#EA
bate' of the Whits.sn the Noire or i Wisehars Thaw. a yaq rod Howl. t3a-.• tea/.
Tedi/. f' This ...coy is is a looriah- r rardt.Aern
Ve.'Iuritla naa rat fair Yat Nor.1R i��ttiirrrr�i Q.ee toners. It iarthW. dans 1 1
.hg suadltsoe, .ad groat inverses a mann Nei «a, pri'aiid.a tai e8e. 1. vs►f1
fMlsd n • he tellies which have been lar 1� �soerai�y r.►1! «Air Mw' is t�
weU attended all Marg; d ,• be'l't bla.rw. t• raeu ries
Ape emeei/...+eeseekee 1 as .,m flay it '.•
t of Kiss Cameron
ST ARRIVED, a very heavy purchase cf
Comprising some very nice Dress Goods, Colored and Black
Kid Gloves, Haberdashery, Shirtings, and the finest lot of
English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds ever shown at Carlow
My Motto frum this date : WON'T BE UNDERSOLD.
I give all a cordial invitation to call wad Inspect.
I"or Osie Mozzth Ora -1y_
S-Pomis Suer -5
W 1'1'11 Y r u ttCHASE OF
Flit s e u- 8 tria' 911•... 1'k. t .. t fncto•u
'Eta Merchants, next door to Geo. Grant'' Grocery Stor
deder.cb. Feb. UM. Mt 181.1.
SEEDS tL Ui3,-.F,?Tax,,,,1L9
Has tete Finset of Ffrat Class
Collies. Casket. ad Useterbtsys' Ors` is
Fan are cents a pound by ordering you: Town. deo HearseRasesfor Hat Re•se unci
. in
Turnip, !fanfold and Carrot As Usual The
SEED s BEST Stock or f« wtar. 11)ur
AT I Can Undersell Any Other:
G. H. OLD.
TI -.e Grocer. on sloe aware
A f -:'I .tock of
Family Groceries
Always on hand.
Telephone C
uedertoh. J•a gbh.
sew acs WAKED
The w s loess$!irsz 1. P.Mr.a to h(�ryt.11
kids o:Vi L s 9ta!�sewalo Asn
sad ReekesselL
da* �g •po• .. �0. sea ala
tl[artet fells isle. dativerwi as tri
Falls Bele Saw 1111.
Be .Le 11•113 111. OrrierrOWLllW-
NC3promptly a�� Oa
othem at.rders rata All
Deem Vier. Ja.. tails, 108 1101t4t.
f &cur i wa.... eJ IwMwt
3, 4 mod % per Thai Mend /reset ea
Degresife, mord* mom*
sod 11.1 WI
orrrime.-osideseirret SOWN ase Nipedi
OMertrh. am ash. li. IOW
Furniture Ilea in own.
1 Also Sell the Celebrated Met &need i n
Raymond bring Yaekine !
dive one aCall ad Clave=riMay
to Martin's Hotel. UaUtea loain'
Der mrd 111a IIM
t eta going to rommeses bUyIsa MP ter
ovrhsg. ad will pay the blame pries for
Pod esditles of begs. sad will take 21be pa,
OM *hetet *twinkles of ail boas. 7.. hep
ahoMeter+t*rk. oras other Mal willde.1
aeeerdlealy, so It will farm
be oaeaesary for far
ere to drew their Logs property n order in
realise top ARurea.
Hama, Lard and Swage.
hoer, Walk mattee. Pork
will Mee
4.rtiaad the_ ..ser have
ese.ea beef sod
molter to sass..
&I aoiorders dailvw
yes ler.dt►a tfIo say part or e tees
lklag pest sgs
rIieI 1•s� em.tl.w.em el the s•.een Is tai
I�w�!re. _d wWl.g rev tae os.p41.oa s et
' r...s.• mom miry friar-
alte(bs.l.om I.m.y. of the
Deo. 11th. iMa .
Per ONO.mrvnrw
!kir A,rid PlisI r
* *d anno. turf
HM Aai.•1
fwrftisaMtl Qatsls.�atfnr� err an
i 11 try t�ltao1141rewitaoet :maw.
.a . arils