HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-12, Page 7A RAILWAY UUNOLJOLY• alsaawe Lest of the telal4a rseta. Balt way. As to the Cowden' Pacific Itulway, the question is w rant • d 4e. eucutnber- sd with 4.(ada that 1 despair Boothia rapid sewn .4 Kinn* y'•u lore s.d'• eye glimpse ..f its later btetury. 1.n 'TS both puller were strsel that the anew try abuuld not he further salvo ler Its ease, ruonees, Inn le.dsu4 Lonna ID..0 jht Mr. Mackeuae Bud geese too lest : lacy were alarmed beorue* up to 'TT $6,2h0, 000 had owe-. asset, and they v.t.dr ed ea premature the loth how em Pert Arthur mud % I..o.pug 1n '41 they psie prod that we its .0 4 arrange for s men - petty to awylrect port dud own the wools road 111 • e..et t.r the public .4 about $00,000,000 in cash, and 25,000, 000 acres ; and then we sh..uld giro the e.rtatmey vast privileges and won. polio' They rejected better torso►. But they pretended the' their berg.iu w. ala t.i Volvo no burden on Um people, as It would he settled oat of the sales .4 the pupil° imide. They justified the WWI - OMAN prtoe because ef the expected 1•wii 1s operating in the early years, mud they declared that the terms were latent, be- cause they were basal, and that the c.o.- treaters could and woald du the work with.wt further calls us. es, They have allowed ties a •.epeny to enlarge rn.•rm wily the sphere of it. a.perso Moa beyeed the cootrect hoe ; l.. apply eta erode. and devote its energies largely to these eper- atlun*, and to impend wi them .ate ,d the company's r w.urces to for alines of [Kai over $18.000.000. They have allowed the avmpaey up to the saute date to pay sir set mule for dlrnles.ds nearly tfo,$0U,000. They a11..wed It te adopt in its stock eperati.d.. the water system, a, that for >]125,000,000 tt•.1•k the uriri nal proprietors paid .only 010,000 000, and for the whole SO 0 0.000 the mita pany received only t29,60',000. They have sinew lent the company 030,000,000. sud have spent or pledged in ectl.•n witb the extended schemes nearly S14.- 000,000 more. Taking no see. MIDI of th. $11,000 (100 received by tb• company from the land ,Brant et of the temporary iota .,f last erste .n, the puhlie rzis.udi- tors in gifts And loses of ca.h a thus $104,00J.000, or nearly $500,000 f.,, each elect. ral district, ..r $121 for each bead of a ftc.* y to (i.uada. of the sew $."0.000,000 hat. beep paid not et duties evsuog the consumers $30,000,000, u.d ler the rest we heir .w end tor intermit, kes ..f course this ct.mpauy'a repayments un the; :.ons Tu persuade us s.e they t••td us in '83 that between that yearend t!f1 ser vieuld receive tram Nerthw.•t lands 14.103,500,- 000 is cash. Had they divided that sum by ten they would bare heel. nearer the 'mark ! Since then they heyv tet - paired the security •rd iuwrrr.l the it.. tersest for the leen. .ked all this 1.sa happened whits the set of the 's..rk t.. be dune b) the company ender contract eaanot to news, and ought t• be .lass, thaw rtS,000,000. They hastened be- yond all truant and prudence the c• to ple_ion of toe road, at enormous* added cyst, and In *Jean, of any tangible ne- cessity, sir any early prospect of lual teat.: over the larger part ..1 its markt... They have thus impairer) the mime rliste pro.psets of the enter r .e, and et the WW1 tion charged epee the Imil of the North west .nnec•.'..ary hurdrw., while for that cues.try the vital qu.ati.At is cheap rates of railway To 1•reserve the company's rnoppop.dy, then have dis- allowed fecal railway legiotstten in Man- tob•, in defiance of the rights anal t.. the detriment •.f the interee..•f the 1'ne vin'.4', au..I we do not yet see the 1 H,,n. F. )slake at Lenders. A Illvise ttsrmtfe.e t<hseatir.n-"Is this life er. rth Inning 4" Answer - •'It all depends open the liver T' 1f t„rp:d •'r inactive 11 c+pato a doll, tough. lemons' fe.oa..e. In. Choose Liget Cure ;, ors health ar.l hutyancy. fic1� 1 j Jot. %Plaut., 11.,!....;:e01, Tliwrs limber L/aer.. 1 Mr. M. C. Cameron's r.rpo.•. .4 the slay in which the (Wawa g•'ren/tnent bas p,:rthased support b1. Orin, timber limits to their friends has caused hurl eitertutio• In the Tory ranks sod they ✓ etort try saying that Mr. Meckebsrr ale. [eased amber Writ& Time tt however ea Maeotial dtfieram* in 0.n eases. lir. Mackenzie dimp..sed "f fi.aits t'. practical luabeea'n, and never greeted them for speculative purl. epee 5.. lawyers, doctors, and others .8. turned around sad sold that* at s l•rg.• advance which the country shoul,1 have had U.e bele. 8' of. It wee ala, pr.rvsded by Mr. Yse lime* that if the Nett* *hm)i4 [rove M ba within the boundary .4 Ontario the t would not be 8.1.1 liable to �Is I. N .. tot Ills continued enjoyment. There here artau..relnents were made t.e••din, Ms settl.tnent of eke boundary dispute, with the ennsent of the province. and H was understood that tf the lttt.ita were limed to be in (intend, the gulernment of the Poalninn SM,oid band over to tilt.. Province the moneys received. The limits were leased in the intereste of the settlement .4 WsnNnh*, to ord.'s- that those who hal ert'et.•J mitis miebt i.' able to supply the settle* wt h Iwmhsr Sir Jo}n r, ;o tli: a 's n..t ane/tit estnreott ofaria, n•.,'4 the IFlomininn either a traria. Recorder. .414 'This prevalent malady' is the pitemft 61 51..st 4.1 our b..tity ale. OD, of the treat remetliol, k.,•.wn far Dtrnhn•ta is {lir duck $lank Bitten, it haring .4,'.l the wojs olrruu.o form. alt." All e'en h&j 1.5144. it 'lc0r. or & krks's Carbolic Certs. jl) inhluaM. foe Wound*. tj.,ray 8*M 114.1 '4. (`uta, Kerns, K.;•1Js and Fes al a !ieabor old pc,:ifyint drreltns n..: be irpn.' d on aith .4h,* jj�m r'naretlnns, rsroaaended to be lyse 4.1117 MceIr1Rnr A Parka's 0il•. *he Sold bp Ons. RI. yes 4 .,. , -- t .. ": 4., - fes, Illeadientwu fr saiuKat from H.+.ta, be Ino Wiles. that pour 1►konseis. Lime �M N fault, end perhilp. teseiwed in had aett.en if .'o ., feast , is Betelesdk 111M 11111eve, op* Aim HeJwhs hy impolite*, the sctien R*nerally 2 THECD�CSBEST FRIEND at1�11[e *minis*. April lata I� NO SALT FOR WII*ORAM. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. , 121886 Ile Toter will bet •nead.e News. tow. et.r. A lore.: and .'euoutial mestiwg .1 the r5teyayers of t*1s to... was bred )w the town hall last Pr.ciay sveaioy,at theesl) of the Mayor, to coruid,rr matters por- tioning to the salt l ttersets. Mayer Neelwwds, ill .40001.4 the 11100.aog, ez pl•ival what had been dole at the silt well He was .orry to stale that after a thorough test h►J Demi wade it a.. evi- dent tint salt had not bees. f.,.istd in pitying yeantities, 5,1.1 his object in call astir the ideating was to gat the views .4 the ratepsyere as 1.0 what was beet t., be dello uuder the cercuuut.,,.es. llpeeeoh- r,a were deh.wred by Mtwara. Willson, Cleat, Maodowlald. Hanna, McKay, El- bert, Al ,rt,.o, 111•-y.,r, \'..,hill, Mcf,,,to,., McKenzie, elite .ry, Davit sod others, and the unlear.sl opinion espreasud was that the present well should .0 the mean- time 5.41 al....J.'Ird, that steps be mine - dearly takru to sink anther one further r uth, and that the C P. k auth..rlties ebould be interviewed with • view t, eel:lltl( a further elpre.stou kola them r.garditie the exteusiun of the nod t., W iegbaw. A real units* was nnaeiuwuk ty passer', askisig the council to set I, work at outs .to sink another well, anal to submit an..ther by-law t., the ratepay- ers making the necessary graut for this purpose. The meeting wasa thoroughly representative one, and the instructesos Siren thee.. will be pn.wptt, carried out. On ,luuday afternoon • meeting of the railway o..n.mtttee was held, when a de putative,. c,.mposed .d Mayor Nerlauds, Peeve ('leg, , H. W t' Meyer, W W. l.gtis, Dr. Macdonald and Dr. Tandy,' wee app 'int '4 to pr coed et Tona.to to eitnrvlew Mr. Van Horne, of the C. P. It Theormnsate" will meet 1llr. Van Horne this morning. A tneetine of the salt well a.mrnittou was held on Tuesday iteornu•Y, when it was decided to abandon the present sell. The pump and inside string of casing have been drawn out, lsavin, about I:I) feet of six-inch easing Anil/ in the well, which was, alu..g with the 1830 feet of brie, turned over to Mr. Brennan, who accepted them as payment in full for the use .4 hie lot. The coin - Witten has also. Leen .t work trying to aacertain the n....t desirable site for the new well, and the prebehtlity is that it will Ise sunk en the 12th coo., East Wasai.4osh, ah.ut .,1 tides south of the old well, ors the farm of Mr. C.'cbrane, from whence the brit.• will be ceeducted Into the town h, pipe line. The com- mittee has t>,•rn promised the right el way by the farmers Along the route to lay the pith's thi .ugh their ploperty,- /T►mes. • A deputation froth W%ingham inter. view.'d General Matsager Van florae, al the C. 1'. It., in Torun'., Friday after- noon. and feed Beef„r.± hiss • project for the eaten.inh of the I /wet' Sonnd branch four and a half n,e;ea '., tt'ioghans. Mr. Van Horne expreesed • f•vt.r►Me ,pin street, and acid he w.,uld dine the mater tally coasi.lent nm. .5 taw 11Nr.. lu •fleeting a remedy fort hmltiths an•i tall• the wiie ch.,ace is t.. take one that loosens the t,•ueh mue.,us ehnving to tee air pa.r(eY. Snell s remedy la Hag - yard s Peet, .ral [tAl.ain, which promptly ...Teaks op hard gold* and their trunhle 'rine eLrect$. .. *4.'e 1s..l tea. r.ew..e rebated. There are tee., brother. who lire it .ktlal.ta whose re.ldences are ,opposite our •..ether on the same street. One deeply -1 a day or two ago 10 hare his boa* tainted, and closed a contract with a painter .who was to do the work hot Saturday, and as he was anxious to Far p id f. •r the job that tight the gentle- man agreed ie.. a.en,nm.date him. The paint. r with a )arae f lrre went to week with eat, sed shortly alter noon itetsli 1 the gentleman at hie place elf iwatneseetbat the ...rig wit. done. Hews' peen:41y p/. 1, and the ,.'rifleman ..w'w w'nt •tun 1" a.., his m•w1y-decorated house. Imagine hie consternation Ota ar:ia ii.g sir. the crnnud to bpd hu house untouched, while that of kis brother, just a.n••a the way, shone kkr a new circus ppest(-• , with its g..r;;rous trim• mints and fringe*. The pointer had mistaken the house. The lucky t.,..her now refute* to pay, -am heilid u..t want hu house pa.nt.•d any a A , 1 .d unlucky brother in nn the war path. and the printer has gone to t Y ' . the •..rare ,e..wths et the winter (Atlen•a t'onatitut,on. .4 Rrw.tr, tit one am.. ''Tsang"( to soy .'us arudn., the boat four lin- rhyme on ' . saastr9(, ' the rec"arkable little for thy Teeth r.nd Paths. Ask your 'lraltesst o address watt Its, ('ors•. Art y.:n troubled wt.. Salt /theism, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if an. ,p.. at otter to fern esu' Dreg 8t,re &tui ,.'t a package 'f e(lyr.t,.r Parka's Carina* (Leat.. Pno. 26 nsnts. vas never known to fall h SHORTHAND BOOKS FOR SALE. Isaac Pitman's 'louo�raphl. Every Boy and Girl should Learn SHIORt�'JAi,r ,i _ TIIE PHONOCIRAI►IIle ALPHAI3E'I'. 00Y1SUN ANTS. g=tomMIS R esiivlif air*. P \ >, s 1/4, v • I 1 D TM cs / J , s ) ) s a _ - 0 as J J at BW".. Mor iaMlee. L NO 'r t»M.a.ti%is W c/ T o` Aeetatts E e fir 1050. f. An sir. 1.. tLii • 1. 10 4 .40 1. 014 • 00 610 art ant 4 1 4 use Lu rill*, ;T. DIPHTHONGS. I o/ ow Al u R .1 The Teacher, 20c. The 'Irlaaual, 4Oc. ALL OTHER lib -'UK'. 1N 1'll ►PORTIt*N. ADDRESS McGiLLICUDDY BROS., 4:Oh ERiCH, 4INT. Goderich Foundry and Nadine Work., Runcirna.n Fros., Proprietors: CG4TRACTS TAKEN FOR STEAM ENGINES. FLOtmise NMS. 11110 OTHER MICHINER111t:13TED Flouring Els Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. If. rat Power,, •;rain ('rushers, Straw ('otters, Agricultural Furuacee, Stoves, etc., etc., at Low Prices. .111 Kinds of Casting's Made; to Ord, r. .:. B. Rt Goderioa. Nov. b. 11/4 H11Hy K. W. itr.htt%:a:: DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS, GO IDE RIC H. MAYI'FArTUff f: 44 - 'Lra!Je tri+: u I•••Mri.•b • 1.45. Is. At' • 0'4 iss -i &nen 1... •. w U.w.'rkth 15. 101• .•t (1001‘114%.11 titin • ? ifX Llh11A►tV A • M w ser. M Kt dire .. 0544 . BIM fewer 1 t.... . Awl no,. I 11. t# MM 11*1111T .41)o V •Lai 1. Itlt.tltl L. n:.nt I4u.y 'i •rkfy •.o • I1(rairut. Pair r.., .it., , ins.', d • a hit/ atl:hlbr::a(1111' I':t:K►.:, •,\1.1 Ss.es d..tn:us flee 4-a I. Mar) woo Itr•ao (4',n. .peel ra14w0 ).,4 •mo.lbrr.hip • • . r. i.'d I. 1.' w.l ut4, 111 nr.n..' J. It..''11-11trlt\4*., AI.r.X. ...titls)N, 1•n Sol.. hi V, fru*, • 3 who -eh. Morel. 1111 . t•. I R w. , *4r., 1115 ,Cf AIM C.A.NAIRN HAS !1'KKt'TIIIXU YOU W AT'T 4 NEW AND FRESH 'oft - 1886. u: - 1886. ' lie .•-Lowirg •solstidid anertsr -Ltd Orilla and Glassware. f'.nne ;., a•d kat. :';.oe den" !Any, No Trouble to Show Goods, C. A. NAIRN, Co. House nenate. Choir ich De.. toff. "al. C30DERICH };til `.P.y.1'1Ih11 t*:S. BnehananlLawson e Robinson II.vur.rT:RFs• or Sash, Doors & Blind, luaAt.r't. In Alt 11r1,4114,1.. Lfcrnther, Lath, Shingle., and boulder's material of every descriptloa SC4 0L FURrTu*E a SffCIALTT. r' t • d.r prompt)J•attead•d M. :,.ler,. h Aug. !, 11191. Soy CUTTERS ON THE WAY Works ---Opposite Colborne Hotel. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS AGAIN VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST HONORS AND GOLD MEDAL FOR • p :i i ss 01D At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all the Machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. tow See that you get PEERLIS. 1t is only made by SAMUEL ROGERS &.CO., TORONTO. Toronto. Nor. tlth. tS . s *WSW PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. 11AVING tiKt.WtED THE 1Agency of Canada's Celebrat- ed ed 11'.gh (-Ira Pianoforte**. Maeufac- b •nrrd by Mrs.ee. Omen d Biseb. of py T..ronto, 1 am pry _peed to •e11 the .inn• a1 liud.rstw Prk'ce and on nag teres et payment. 'tannaath..r'. rakaewkdr.of'h o manufacture of Pima" sod whit kind f outereal awl Mitt aro required to make a Ihristotlass tr.stru s'.1, intrad - i.. p:'..baern .11 ftr.d it 14 their ed Qvantage to conn me befre• flwchss MIL V'Aelle. ASM ihstr ill • ewer mks• alta. M Mle•drd e et Aim Q tbi•g rr r. loris• i -•i KDW'D I. Rt. - `-, --PIANOS• PIAKOS. PWIOS, NOW 1 • Oederisk. Seat MIS. NM Mad The Peop19'8 I4,sr'y' COMPLETE 1 NOW fi A useoto.w arrow or Pa ro oto ti. hili., Defb•n, e•rtallea : Eirtir " CI , "Fane win.. ye•re• ter vote has nes. trr'u- ��..o� r y. �'sry �s 1.1.-1 with U).,r pair. led ha. tried unr II.s ' QPIit� �/t xcx a ie',-r�_ th..,,, *for an..8.. recommended with bur lett/49 no etfect fill adet.'ed (45 5(15 M, tlr,Av'r'a !greedy Ogre a trial Since Ming! civ.' Arai oettie 1 have nett* a IIPOCIAL I..IH IN =el ..e. omelet .1 send do .1tarins-not Dress Goods, r•r . omelet N to 1.• ,one. o(, .( not Ise' i•et letet;..,.e slant for I►y.p..pa*s • •.tS h l rt i n gs This iMsl..•1•i. wseitietne for L.e*r m- _ w „alta . , . • B plsiwt. ftM*.*.••ir.o, Kidney C'•mplatet, .5 1/*01/04,,. ,5.54e weld at l: Rh,rsa'e -gr " Arse steers Tr .1 h, Mee'men fr e 1 in t _ _.- - - 4 • . d • anal Tweeds. DUNNrs Highest Price Paid for Batter & Eggs. POWDER �. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. JOHN KNOI, Proprietor, The . Ube( rlbnr j.I prepared to famish thorn tie with The Finest R.ige At K0A9ONAOLt PRICES CALL ANDS= US- Deposit the 5J0►herw Hate Ucdwnea. rlederich Falkli'h :R Itrn FILLIMANS WORN POWDERS. ars plaa.aat to Maw Costae theit ren swegattee 1. a safe. .„r.. and .►re Iletrerv'rse sewer .s ('ailieeewA1.. 7 72000 COPIES PER WEEK �wws t/nulsi.uu Mail) sad N'e.k1) ►'tr. 1'r. vo Beat Fancily Newspaper is Canada tf,.T 4 at1.,1 K1. 11 \ .• A Kb. a.rae.t W.-r.ar Mru..w.alaa Mr.al) rab1,.•ed au 1:.. a •n.IAN•. ICING OF n I TIiI. Free Press LONDON, ON'1'. The Agrieulloral Ih•partr.rnt .* a nntr.l ha tun ... Ile• "Poco I7r.w 54•io)i ale,.). no (0111e Oro..., 5,,d .',,ndu.ted ►y pers.aa peartied.11y' .l.lk.l is Iaru' '.1 ,., t,A 1 fly Tel. graph. 'Eet.pl.0,..', Nis.' t l.. Ny /1� 3awl('..rr.•puad. .• u;, y - *4, ahour .1 ,•,4,,I, Atte.:. •1 ~ la • 't_ y/ awes/.t 110511.444 tMpary wren O. Z •4 ANrirwlter.t nierarintral. ~ - wow) er) •Ives t • wwelec. 44.1 ii .J `l IagrNow. rod' #4.11111011. H slit Nee. str.does. (* JIIST 1NE T111114 FOR THE FAMILY ! Every Li, n,t.v .t the I nu- 8.11 5%1.11) tool. leer Il ('n.li Mork. LARGE $1 PAPER! •iheof tour 414i11 1110 .,:.i. 414 )4 BALANCE OF 1885 FREE! More money ran to mad. hi ogees* .n min *dura( lor?be '•Free freta."flap at ie,y ot.h- er 55,1.5,.. ne'nr. Tar u.o.t 1.Ir.•r.5 . au. maul. 14, t'nr,ed in thawed,. 140 tor, , ;,,�r AIIIEAWAY TO AGENTS teethe Week.) ►'n•• 1'n so. .tend for a espy of retant List, and oar the twductaiest. Wog*elllrityt. `taml':1• cry,) tic•• 00 at'r'ia IMO tiiISS FIt[IT1M CII.. !ma**, C.1.a'10.. i1t,000 IN PREMIUMS GET THE BEST I THF WF TERS7 ADVEBI TIS ER I.ON1151K. (»NTAI4I4 Puh'Ishre alternately in etch. and twelve and to 4r:' ifu::. pr one of the b. -.t web -reedit:. meows in America. RAI.AN('E (I1'' (K.5 FREE. It i- an In•d',put,d fart that the r.R,.r��f•, e1r ✓ total.• i ut '1111 %%'i-••11.1.:• Ana 1:KTJu►'14 i• the lance,/ In 4)ntario, wit ' .only 1 ova. ^foruntn e. c : pt:. a••, heft.; arc r tos.atle. L•.IlRGE.ST .,Fr 1.»II'E,R. la c:uta atom. and ..pwanl.::,c....I . PA11i'LA1: HPI'.ttrrMP:Y i:' (lf int r••.• to every Inemlier of vie (.Imply Notes few : Viral thaw A•r.rultural lrepeet- nmect, 8px•.'.*4 Market Ilepau .❑r.a , 4-74, War and 13a.-r•'d Mosir: inter+Balla Stories ladies' and %baths' Departments: carious and I'w'ful I4.•y..rtwrut; iwt,(al Irepartmeet ; TAO/ A'•l:sS5Kli'95; and ALI. riot Nees by faineant• midi and .rorTe*prm4r111re 111111M1511161110 111/ t ALI'aBLE leIlt.111/'far Ror worker., and Ines H1 swl:rn RrrJ UL 1'uz.v. for the moat mecne..tul agent. Agent's l'.c►ago 54441 sanipf • .opts. nn applleatlai. The 100444 h'n.-r,.l indorrmrnt,. ever offered In (;.nada to. 1o11-getfer.. A4.1ret* AUt't:ItTtnlat I'IUNTING 00.. l.nvtws, CANaaa. 187.1. GRIP i 1886. CANADA'S COMIC JOratiewL' tflseseeetb lose yr rewteaUaa. The aiut of •llama" is to set forth, 'n an ;mparttsl and iadep.'rdent taabner. the nese ,alg events of t'a..ndian tumoral sail »ode! Ale. It•(Strr•..nn ..peak enure definitely red mere ph-ar'in.'y than when. eolen.rn of editorial. Nona pungent. rand aeon'• table, and aristir..:yt.• ill pram utit.((a uh;. 1, the whole •Ituatinn is resealed at a -511a5..•. Tar Atle4.(R.0111)174 aM-wt how wail Mi. fact ie' apareri..tld 0* ('111000• en 58. prein5 peli- t.ea1newt• el the tnnslry booing nett mere tol'riy rouatt atter than the rh.rny an& huaouron%lett. elves' of 110• ('aper, -1I Oar - tile fatter isequa1 to that of 305 Rnnit,r *t4,' carton .Tl the eoutlnetd. Pe. ltllt, Ulrtp to toashlermt.ly- :utyrultxl. The Old cw'rr if to be dieard•d : 18.- paper it to eo•r;p• tai 12 patter ; while a hat;d,'on.r dr .este'' for the tit*+• pa17i•, a iv-der....cem •ret of the +:.atter, and .;o.r..:ed 1*...IiLrr fur the artist'• p-a'e. •''oil of the Cartwit.••. .111 te)ate.iallf eAl ap prorsaa• el the taper. /1i" T,i,: fits.',: ult.!. sot rix 1'14use..Irn. cm. Is pow the c rave t gayer of eta rWn in Atnerlea : sate* there improeement4 ton., deetdeeti enhance its railer. \p one who takes any Inter.'st In the petit ieat4an•: 'octal egret. • M tats .royal ry 610.0151 be without Ilei,., a•. It )rrterp*a a euttlpin(e ism) ..*terttuelai: Pirturil3 neurd. a4 the panorama neon, DRiP'S PLATFORM : llorwar• ribbon, reryer'iTp ; 7rit7ri. ►ft without Pe.fi•.rewsAip ; Prttt4 .eifhrt WMy OI a Veer. f esttyle Fere. I'umpl'.... 24 4' OI Frew Streetning V e..t, Tweato r bat.) our carder• with your hl..k-ep,'r or ether hewn await 8. ILL�TBTRATI11D. - ftt'trrri s Perch to the slily paper le the omelet that weathers t he seabed tMeeetese ego th. Stoat Awl llllwtrwtinns with the weal tallont and methods of hensehutd au.nrw- .wt.wl. its weekly IDuWni flow• nil d.w.:ii tines of the Newest Nide aid Now Vert styles, with its Ls, Nu pattern 'heti snpple- IUoS*. and est ps4tern.. t y r rnrblang lade• to b tier ewe dreseinak.'ra. '.t . n..„' t iva`+ th.coma of subrcilpilun. 11. parr-. on /nolo his. the ,naea..m. nl of servant., wet house- keeping in ie• variolao detail* are eas,netaly eraetk al. Yeah W,•n, ion la hive., oil the inrre.ring "i'' of ....SII •11'iyettr,mid (la Illestr,4ont of art needle -work are a.aaww ledged ty be name a.' Its .Boons, 'e.g.:. )4 of the )til( r.• . . 1'.r, /, and tete wirkprer nl••ru lee sit 100 hmrnor.a. Senor, hah•linal for it th. 5150.• .of the Aa.. ,,' a.. l'*/•r:.. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. r.r toot t NARf'►:et'$ II Alt{{'to:'.i 1eA(: .1 MN(' 'iAltl•Ittto MI5►it1.' HA It ESP's NOUN/. 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