HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-12, Page 44
new e.d
`e. r Man1Wl Deur.
!.(Aix Robert Maty
s or Mile Joke Holloway.
froct•1 nate-Mrs. envie.
Cow Swayed J Miller
Geode J. H. Rickards.
Rale Hook Debre R. C. Kay
Dean fuer Hatching K 4 on
it ow Waster! }taynaai Drag deur.-
Toss Week.
A tweeting d the Jet se.mmitteeir el
the West Riding and Colborne Branch
Agixeltural 8.wieties was held as Fn -
day afternoon. The fiusncma) attars d
the Societies were settled ami alely.
At dm mune( of the Ii. 8. Literary
geaiety last week, the thanks d the
members were o.enteseusly Smeared to
Mx. J R. Mawr, 1. P. S. , far kelp ne
the past, and fore welcome demeans .d
v.'toe:'•ataatte ye 'skis Dotes
Ai. '.ith be'il preat Mlle'
M , alent:ne . ra.e privet.. J.:. week
a.,) but Nteeart's are in dem-
red all the year around.
be pictures taken by fiche rsatt
i• a tench attwntio:. final
V. seers. Crossley and Seitoe very Et.chep
p: n tate theirs.
Now if eke tittle to tan at the .thiel hook
..epos and ret It., ',est bargains inhale', sta-
Moser,. and fancy moods. Mrs. Cooke W
made up her n.ud Dot to be undarnutd, and le
r..rkittg of banal= In
sal Or/done swallow doesn't make •
.mrner. bat It this kind of weather coatis
tbereh for light over -
es to F.t I1 tabes • everybody
w.L believe t was
We have received "A 800reair d
Love" sad "A Kele Thr»wtth the Tele -
These are the titles of odies
songs by John Innis, of Tomo:,; sot to
appropriate music For sale st the
Dee Sharman, of Cliwtno, has been
Negated be teeth iu the high school is
roost of Mies Sprinter resigned. His
duties ton Toe.d•y Mut. He his iotmNel es school iospe.Ior, Tell ceras, H• esu etreckone of the aroma a» cnstaloed to the tesae tees ° D [ N T A L R u o P .
it •son of W. KMrmar, and a brother SPP ' by
of Hiss Sharman, teacher to the central lent the approval of all parties is 1"." WOO of the &Wag tree on the tcp of Christ Sod the letters tot the neattiea [iaba emir arto • week..
school. new bsI4 el 1•bewr." The linea sale : the bend, soil instantly killed. Black There is • brief eutlloe of deetriulgivem
W. K. Porter, who last year carried "Mr. Tum well make • mutt at\ceat ens also etreok by one of the limbs un its what is called the "Aeostles Creed.' L. WOOLVERTON, L D ter
official. Whatever he undertakes to do. the leg, but •w•taitsed no einem injury. to whit\ all Christmas ern subscribe. le , oak, Odd esteem Hao Nur$%, se,
ren • watch and jewelry btt'eitatw in
he dose well, rand the CountyCouncil is
Godench. has formed a partnelrebip with Korea* was a noses mea of but is the mom pa,ttcular tntspretatien rC.r roeh. (1.atges moderate_ Al work SWse & be.a.h •rte that C. L. Popst of Seato,th, is the came Huron will have no mimeo to regret thn years d •Os, sod we. • Iles athletic of doctrine moo bare become divided.
�ais ,TSI; aHUH(7A. D'ra't fail to Mar Mr. MaArden of
Joh& AikNkead, V. IL, 3 a vial IN THU BUSH. If *Soo termiget lo Kwell t?h,.ch.
to Lee a bretkK tib. u uw of Ramillies Modem sinwyrs,
to Tamale last eek of UM � ,a twos\
Wiliam. who who eu h dl/ horsed at nuns ttYll+aie Sceneries kWh by a Valli- the Nicene MMIlielbeof Ma` -
Turodte l.aad and Tvoa
Me ire at the Cr lag
Works on Friths, January MOIL
Wm. Aokeskesd s ex p'rronee that
altar Weimoseny last, Martin McCaig, Last Sunday eves* • IarFe
roue was • Chris. 11 otsa L his sts- d was sedeenly killed 10 team attended at North t 1. church to
dsavors to subtle. h the filmes he (dans - the .4 Anthony Stack, Ashfield. hear the "sound of the series a! diacour-
hieoelf out of by the hes, and saved his I M� 11 with Stephen see um "Teo Christian Attwh.' The
lite with ty He wee. terribly Dames,Wm. maim d James Rm. Mt UmpMll snaruwoed the sante
binned about the fans and MSM,.said the bush, and test s aslant Sunday
the t and
*teeing,via Matt.
Oreu( the rytht food being literallyBlk s , H i sad' Black de•este4 in. 18, sod opioid with • bruit review
masted. He will save teat member, Iran their labors end sat o a I to of last Sunda eve_ Ing s sermon. He
•lt►uesh at tint fears were entertained Oat their swedes. repast. The other then to epee up and e';nmd
two ettmtfaaed their work, sad felled a the ollowtn` Our topics 1s(- The
mea duetrtoee ul the ch k Mod. The
that he would lues its ase.
Smoot. 1Neracroa Tor -The Se
Mary's papers speak in the following
style d aur mew same' in.rOtur. The
Jewels! says : "Mr. Toms well-earned
as • leading educationist en
titles hies W a position of this kind, sod
tree close to there the two yowyt arc .
were sitting. Tines the warning was sacraments of the church. 3rd. The goy Dentistry.
given to "look oat." At the mooed call gramme. of the chttrc:, and eth Ins
McCaig •ad Black started up and sought worshipof the church
aczi beect of deetrine he
In Kissed. ea the tad w nee.. tee mask
Ales - 'Tees& elna sea.
Rt1 QwaY. of elks Tek Mi. abs wife of
n ewea�aye Linea, on
tttk JAI anuary, the of Rei. RK eta
At the reaidenee of tbe bride'. father, ,o,a the
lib 4541 , b Iter. ole. Y. \Manta. of welly!,
saswee 8 Rev. R T. 'saes. B.D.. Bee
salt Rev. W. O. Il/aua, .< On. Drury.
w Jaen. dewclaw! d Jens Straws. taA.. ut
to escape from the teniae tree, but it was I. the ss \ ICHUTAIUN, L U S.
tuo Ila, en far he the fornrf was Vet mid • e doctrines nl the Christian `1
iesps•cd ewer
bum lir. Porter made irony friends °twos it has m•da" We hear •acellent follow. He we • non d Jas Me- nod epee these diferesces of intoner
In fluderich who will be to hear u( tbitrg• said of Mr. Tom eta everybead, , d Aah*oid, wed was well 'mown tatiun the several ttrsacbes of the church She People's Column.
'ted len note the tact that ram t tied od l h G .d h nod Ire.peeted.
aloes •. the WANTED. A FltLei IL[
have been formed. As Pntet.etants el
` ivrure erasing caeplgal - • we Wme ►m to r enc .
tion, we.• tae the Ben nes 1 _N•M IIIO
respwaded Mew that (erre aro pictures to >x TAT of vs McCvttnt•c a. Baht ItOK. I slslrs a( Mr. Rkstarb dreg
teamed. er th lout p►etwoa watts eke r p, oalrtrnted at til Year's on Sondan Mut, a 1t Raj pjdHT 8(igOCaL •etboats in do mate and the right or
y uss-tt
madeat taw prion Any \tad c tapm! Ta Nie set Gndulei t n law wbuec Rev. Fr. Watters ofEci•ting. After the made while ou wait for U. ?Ire che.pdt notoriety ter tadulriDg iD hes is Neva- --- - t are
bial had wow more case staank e• the Choir eke s rreaaleal [fot.tea hsepe+ve w Mtsd. Irsd •11 these who love nor NUY, .twat
flare started • p
L,w !•tees rale. lad the number who Nava hu suocew m hu old Imam. The Feast of the Purifica
interpretation ot the word
se undo the sun. M "Press ossa .nog b7 keret accept ns hilly* DOT WANTED A 000D, $h1U4
Ddlea took lord le to we IT years of ase who
Rev. Fr. Leta celebrated Mae a: Hula The cash recently, for ylglmg • dog ae••1Og u f the Plat" dthe at tousms >�. grtettisDs wants to fears tee balms bewisens, .Fouls
let on Sunday Mut. The (nae weal against Taylor, who, l Which they were distribute �m�t� the Joel• Chert in sincerity. epee, W ono! to J. W. SMITH, sir tae Kies
mashers of the oonxreggntimt, and titgght• jl, TM of the church. The Neu suer, muton- Jt
Mn J _erdan, of Rochester, ie the ties: tae way, valued the dog at SOO. ed (which s sways a beautiful sidlit) A/ong the d Gtpd.ciok ie'epwsker raid, tbero are tea• •n`t on y
a ohm of young men waw, trim rssiow• two is the Christisn church, FARMERS, ATTENTION - DO NOT
caeasa, have not availed 1 •'t vt: B• ism ams rho Lard's Sn pe . 1' be golfed to seeing year kiln. tom.et..,
Pt P r to aarese en the ■market, s we w bead an
our excellent sekool system, and who Wben Jocae. n .tote pla-e to Chr.•t1amt , pl ttrre throw, bwatatsrea t.emsrtest. fro
look eves the rudiments of a commonty,tbe Ihrwe f matter what 'het ower you. Wag tb ton
r►wht •yerg to Hao th s Taeser7 nod wee ) der
school education. Many of these are a„d Pwuver. we» changed to Baptism e:a� tlXITH RIWTHZWi ee iet
.iapkryed on the great leases in eke sem- and the Lords Supper . pet the peculiar
,lair, and during the water'wadi& aiiteibanCe of both was duly preeervd.
it/Utile 1 t$14 (Ysi1KB. AFTER 14
ea, C
was tie outward sign s 1 yarn Many of merle, +w prepared to
ha.e the days and nights to hem'etv
a bile awaiting tee opestwg me • receive Nes ae to- the rhea. IN Lemon
memo, seal wee= t e r quarter erns' per er
of d Judo win
o, her sister, !Ike. L. Crawford. The W. C. T. U. will hold an open
John Hays. ef Haysville, spent • few
days with friends in town last week.
Mies Cameron, of Godench, is visiting
friends here. -{Brantford Expositor.
Mrs. G. W. Berry and Miss Lelia
Berry are visiting friend. iu Lucknow.
Miss Nellie V•nderlip has returned to
l rantford, after • vett to relatives here.
Mist Fanny Lawrence returned on
Saturday from a six weeks' visit to Do-
t: et.
Our best kcal silent will appear at
lino: Church tonight at the settee and
meet.ns on Tweamiay neat, lith, in the The priest and his acolytes, with each a
l+ghte l candle, walked through Me
temperance hall. The prom= will con aislesthe choir singing the hymn "Ave
sial nt re►d.ngs, senting, and e.0 "dr"' Mars Stole si.er whack Demont.
by Rev. W Jobs.on. Chair will be "Kytne" esu suns and the • mon..
"Dad" M&tthews, mail clerk, is laid
up with an inflammed thumb, which is
very painful.
M. Hutchison. of the Harbor Mill, is
visiting hie partners, the Messrs. 0g11 -
vet, of Montreal.
A skating carnival will be held in the
Palace roller rink neat friday evening.
Particulars neat week.
Peter Adamson, the popular county
clerk. is steadily getting up to fighting
weight, after hos trying illness
Rev. W. Birks, of Holmesville,
preached in Victoria Church on Sunday
and administered the sacrament
The youngsters who are fond of roller
taken at eight o'clock by Rev. Dr Ure. of the "Paso•!" Masa. M1M coo
luh h
Silver collection. Ml are invited. sang the Euglieh hymn we t el
A meeting� e.1 the. W. Riding Agri- may, acute sestepal►w" tgl Ong Ufer
colteral Snidely a iliartly he held to tau.
.stab upon tketime and plane for bold- !Is LOW* Erldazfxtt.-This inter
imt 8. Spnng "bow. Ws 1 eaten musks* for Fibroses is t e hand
that any offers from outside points that with, u usual, a tine selection of articles.
Its ambitious to have the slew held in The contents are : Hinduism, by Vases -
their locality will receive Inc attentior:. does Sha.hn . The Interpreters of Gene -
Now for the competiti'n. si• and the Interpreters of Nature, by
Booatt ala Ansi -While Dr. Cassidy T. H. Hulley . The New Star in Andre -
and Mr Hudson were driving in from meds, ('orwhi:t Magazine ; Reason and
A.h£eld one day last week, the cutter in ]religion, by A. M. Fairbairn ; Bulgaria
which they were waited esu . . and !ewes, by Edward A. Freeman ;
ani b'nth men were thrown violently out. Superfine English, Cordial .Maga-.,' ;
Mr. Hudson fortunately esaped unin• Toe Story of the Bob, by Mary F. Wil
Jared, but the dower had his arm brok• son ; Shakespeare's Love's Lahore Lost.
en in two plans He Is at present coo- by Walter Payne ; The therm of the
fined to his room. Alphabet, by A. H. Sayre ; Insanity
A h.oefit concert to Mr. dePeudry and Crime, by Baron Bramwell ; The
win be held in Victoria hall on Moday Elder Eddu - Hjalmar H. Boyeeen :
Feb. Tend, when • first-class entertain- Sons and Meteors. by Richer(' A. Proc
meet may be expected. Vocal and in- tor ; A Novelist's Favorite Theme, Corn-
atrnmental music, and tableaux will be hal Moven. ; The C°mins Contests of
on the program, and our best known and the World , Fortnightly Renew ; Tbe-
mnst talented local musicians have been Decay of the Central Park Obelisk, by
secured for the nccaaion. Further par- Arnold Hague : Current Thoughts, Ee-
ticulan will be given. aim° Luddung Snow, by Frederick
The other dal a her save a bneiiaees man Schwetka. John B. Alden, Publisher,
393 Pearl St. New York.
skating 'tumid take in the Valentine
Lay Matinee on Saturday afternoon some impudent talk. when the latter pun
the leo 4 ears. lurked kis posterior, marched
Miss Lizzie Maodusald, and Mrs. T. him 1see.. and turned hint over to the tender
Walsh, of Kincardine, are the guests of oerassot I'iat•ther ►Clintoi New Era
Capt. Murdock McDuuald this week. That sort of boy is net peculiar t"
Mrs. Christopherson of G oderich, is CIher t these
spendine • few weeks in Mitchel with
her many friends. -(Mitchell Advertis-
Mr. and yrs. Thom, of Montreal, are
at present the guest of Moe Thom'.
father, Mr. Hotelmen, of the Harbor
We regret to learn that Mrs. A. Dock -
am, the estimable wife of our postmas-
ter, shows little or no signs of improve-
ment in health.
Jonas Vaostone, an old resident of
Kincardine, and long engaged in the
planing mill busieew there, did in Den-
ver, Colorado, recently. from paralgia
R. Sallow", r, hes receiv-
ed an order from Dr. Sexton, for in- re
copies of his photograph. The Dr.
appears to be well pleased with the pic-
Fooer Batt. -A toot MU match. on
rollers will be phved at the Palace Rink
tonight between the rink team and a
picked .ix. The Donagh orchestra will
be present
t' ate wbtch 4t M quarter
tion Same are eseellemt sailors, ass meted deet, children into the Ab.ahamrc
having th.cu erect Umtata* d an dune.- fold hyo Baptism is ice ewt.sai tutu . , U fIHARMAN, anirwears
tien,are anxious to now avail tbetneelves
of any , to fit themselves more
fully for the Government marine exam
A number of our residents, of whom
' ette Armstrong appears to be the lead-
ing spirit, have been making ao effort to
give thew young men some assistance in
the way of gaiting a knowledge of let-
ters, and a meeting was bold on Tueiday
afternoon to colander what steps should
be taken to establish the prepaid might
school About twenty young men at-
tended, many of whom took a keen In-
terest in the discussion as to ways and
means, and all of whom expressedthem-
selves as de•irow of joining the class.
A number of ladies from the W.C.T.
U. were present, and agreed to leod the
assistance of that society to the scheme.
Rev. T. M. ( inpbell and Rev. Dr. Ure
were also prespet, and made valuable
GA% AXI) FtuTrvs Foatorrsvo. - On
Monday evening lot, Court Ben.niller,
talon. ere are a nam a of the Canadian Order of Foresters. en•
budding rr,w,lies in UOderich. who add tertatned tbe brethren of Cuort Gode-
to a large suck of cheek a terrible flow rich with a capper Rot up In bro. Jona
of profanity. 'fke language used nn oar than Miller's best style. at their new
streets by lame of these young lads is hall, recently built for them by bro.
positively shocking. Mader. Thu evening being fine, and
the reads In good condition, stout thirty
The Brantford Tr(egrum says' - -A .of the Godench brethren responded to
stock car Loaded with horses, consigned the invitation. Messrs. Luttrell and
to Began, by Mr. Polley, of Goderich, I Belcher I the brethren from
detained the ea.t-boond evening newer' i t:odench, and added eery much to the
ger train, conductor Mark Wade, for a enjoyment of the evening by their ad-
gnarter of an hour, at the Market street mumble singing. After the usual hum
station. last evening, on account of a hut
box. The horning package was removed
from the he and the matter remedied,
aftwhich the train railed un its way
The following programme was present-
ed at the meeting of the High School
Literary R .ctety last Friday evening :
reading, M Heddle ; reading, Mr.
Whitely ; s.ng, Miss Maxwell : reading,
Mr. Taylor , editor's ..lection, Mr.
, ' , Mr. Struthers;
".ing. Miss Humber ; reei:ati0D, Mr.
Kennedy ; reeding, Mr. Humber ; read-
ing. Mr. Allen ; reading, Mr. Strang :
The Huron Photo Association met.
last night at Wageless to (nacres the
in'ere•ting question of "Prices.,'
Messrs. Sailows and *warts d Seto..
richt' attended. - - -
The recent mild change in the weather
is looked upon with suspicion by many,
and the belief is universally expressed
that we'll pay up for It between now and
the middle of March.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street
dentist, makes the preservation of the
natural teeth a srecialty. Bas adminis-
tered from 9 a. m to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less elute:non of teeth.
Vskntine Katt, Warden in the rerun
ty,wns entertair.ed at an oyster supper by
fifty of his delichted constituents at
Crediton, upon his return home. He u
very popular in bi. township.
Andrew Taylor, of Hullett, Bas Gold
kis span ot blood colts to hs brother,
Dr. Taylor, of Godench. They are a
nelendid pair, and the doctor will be
able to make a tine turn Ont when he
gets them in hand:
Ce ANC rr P.r..uwtes.- The firm of
Reil .t Sntyel has been dissolved by
mutual consent. and the business will
hereafter he e !'mere hy Mr Jam..
Reid. Mr. Reed to • careful wood taste
fol buyer, and has a sane for lair des
Tows Cotiscre -The regular muter
of the town coated' ... tole Freda,
evening. the only impirtant matter
onside of routine was the apporotment
d a Conmt'.t. to consider 'the atricultc
r.l park schen., and with power to per
chase the. "F.1urteen Acres.' if twee-
ecces•W r7.
The c noregtatint% of Victoria erne
church were startled lest Benda; by lhr
t from the polo that the
or requested a eolle4tioa to be Wire
and seal of Chrutsn dteapleship, sad J and pteetser• tksab (+as wslilc ler their
rent mord p.U5a•ete• He 4. eta reed, to do
the rite by which children are recoltntz all work in his line in a superior m .sere
ad, and introduced nota the Christian I *'rt -o 10 wry eytt £01' ss g(v 17.t
church. The Passover was first euchar
tette, and Secondly d.ctnwlly signifi- etiURTHANi). ISAAC PITMA\t3
ant. So the Lord's hupper, beeldes ►� I'HONU[11IAPHY- Tbewatpugwi•rge
being Leve, u else suchui•tte tem ',mime Islsatrea Maks lar Nana' Tn.
and decimally instructive of the great 7fnovae estopl very bey and girl ,book
truth, "Without shedding of blood is w learn sbunhaad, 111M - g
resaisiem. " 1f,T t)r1CB.
Ill. The of the choreh. 111
lat. The early church esu one, and all
Tee flireeton of eke Rat W& ec.*
were wind together Mmes.' rive Inseniece t:o. will receive apse
its 1 rations for 18. elan of treeawrer of said
by s thread nd. Doctrinal Company ape the grid dal of Marcs sett. at
orations were sett ed by the clergy. a,.Mari Y gra- t0M tr.a.orer wIU b r.qw
y ed to en.0 tato • hood of blwae u
The "Apostles lad Elders" gathered is t9tln and ferrr•tuetfee for i amara. emit
Jerusalem w settletbo controversy anent tsars rust trivo the vesica of tkemt Madaoec
chrcumcua M and the uestton Lot a free main
tketr applbatins- Applta'let. mar 4s
q lode•'a en wnUa. wank wy of eke Dt. - -
gospel to us. tleoti.ets was also settled sr with Lhr :'ectrtarl.
b the lame autherit 3rd. Legislation RUNr.1tT Ml1NRAY, 81 H
7• Ht. Helens, Feb. 3 MM.rtlm.x
upon the polity of tee eborch named i
both clergy and laity in a united :nun. t,ALE t►F BOOK DEBTS, dee
In the matter e f tke wiretap! R. B. SUOTT.
Ill order of the •otiose. the boot deb=
note& etc.. of the above state, ,adwe.14a' w
ovrrflee.,) will be wed b; troder, and teaser•
therefor will be re,eivvd by k. ('. Hays. t(sI.
as for example the appointment of des -
Mr. Kdslie, an see teacher, offered pan• recorded to Acts Vt. 1-6.
Iris services for the good work. Two IV. The worship cf the chor,:i.. In
other vewQ^ teachers, Mears Ward end the worship tot the early church there
)Macaw, vont also must. Messrs. Hall.,
Moure sine Sharmane high acboot teach-
ers, and Mr. Embury, principal of the
puhiie school, hare each kindly agreed
to give one !tight a week daring the sea
son. All this work is purely gratuitous
on the part of the trenchers, and speaks
well fur their public "pint.
The young even appear to be alive
to the .. of self- 1,
awl the -.. are that the class
wall be a emcees, so far as attendance
and results are concerned
This stood work dowry...very simmer
nes of the Court had been gone through age et.
with, the meeting adjounied for • few
minutes, to permit the ladies ti set the p or • sorts wawa.
table. When supper was announced D.H Husker, formerly of Gdench,
shout fifty sat down. The chair in t8. and for the past two years supennte.od
w sense of C. R Bro. Ales. Tayl.. ent of the railway construction caribou occupied by P. C. R Bro. Alex. at Pale, B.C., was sou the 27111 of Nov
Robertson, and the vice -chair by C. R last presented with a handsome geld
Bro. Alex Saunders, of Court Goderich. g'
The tables groaned under the weight of watch and chain, valued at $3e0, by the
goods provided, and the abundance and ' , of the workshy. The watch
style in which the viands .hale rs
Le n:move e.gyed on the bock'
reflect great credit to those who arrant with a diamond set in tor • kamiiiggkt.
ed the taunts. After full justice had The C.P.R. bas nut" assoo,ed etemMwa of
been done to the bivalves, dc, the the workshops, and the ,
chores by the memberstablet were clears, and the balance of staff• on the advent of changing their
Fora G. u.*i o'e Tonneau'. -A re- the evening was pleasantly spent by sphere of labors, took the. .d
cent number of the Inserws{ ll Yon says : toast and sun : braking up at the wee testifying their appreciation of Mr. Hos•
kir in the tangtole form above stated.
"ten old and respected townsman, Mr. sena' hours The visitin}t brethren rioted
Bin elM» He sker, to whom allusion Is made
ha h be of Court er
Wm. Berry, was 79taars of age co t:at-
arday lac: To cei.brate his birthday
his children. grand -children. and great -
viol -children assembled from far and
near at the residence of Mr. J. H.
Berry. Fein generations %ere repre
weed, and • scene leu witnessed that
the aged father will probably never see
again.. There were fire ens. all finis
looli..g ^sen, and of about the same sine
sense of whom left these parts many
yews aim Mr. id,'- L. , sow in t ha -
store besinw in Detroit, r•inshed it
through different parts of the 11. S. for
wears, ame,thrv'ngh the American war,
and has become so Americanised that
not a vestige of anything Canadian can
be detected in him. Mr. (: W. is in
d John, thet
t t t o mem » in the fullowtng addres, s also •Dante
Cour haw to entertain coed of The of tkod.rich, and is the eldest daughter
Court ►t lfenmtller is rnmptosed of some Nr. George Evan. :-
of eke best farmers .f the neighborhood. of 0115 .
With ita new enduwwent wheelie, giving To Mr. D. M. Hooker -
sdditir.n•I Gelidity to the insurance lea- ria, -In this great age of the world's
ture, it is rapidly growing in favor with history, merit alone is the standard
the people there. -Com. whereby a man's worth s judged. ID
these days of advanced civilization tnb-
C. E. T. B -Tks twguler open meet ate ta paid, not to the *idents of birth
tog d the an* d England was held
seed fortune, but teihe naked worth of
is St. Georges church schoolhouse on man himself. It is in the character of a
l•aic. Awe minimal* ma l* man , - I to use ad-
ieu an attracts a one, and ens mach nitration ; for this we admire yon and
appreciated by the audience that crowd- yield the tribute of cur respect There
old the bui!drny. The bled added however, a nobler tribute to be won
moth to enjoyment. All the perform- from the hearts of men ; and that is the
ers did well. Mr. Benner was deservd- moues of hove. Ths, also, we give you,
ly one -red Mrs. Smith's song "Tired," beaoss you have earned it, knowing by
the trials se well s the plea-
sures of life, and thereby enabled to
gauge the feelings and the worth of those
beneath you, you have invariably proved
the friend and patron of all w►o have
1 to d.o ebur duty to the beat
°f their ability under you ; merit has
been rewarded, faults have been cermet-
ed, any justice has ever been tempered
with mercy. This has won our hearts,
and s • feeble testim.my of our affec-
tion and regard we present you with this
watch and chain. The watch, with eta
system and regularity, should he the em-
blem of • railroad man's life, and the
chain symbolizes the tie of affection that
should always bind the superior b the' annum secretary. They ars manor
1�M ;eeparati's for an at an
ch, an o n, printer, as In was very much appre_iated. In place of
M N Y Th other t Mr. J
extco s . er wu, one performer who failed to he present,
H and W are in town Two. dao¢ht- • ntlemaD Mr. liariott, gore a ver
en we a also resent Mr' Wmiss,n, ref y
P 1talion in three guts --'•A
pp osm1 FOCI
Uongannon,end Mrs. Pentland of the \ew Yews ()mating..
The ,oIlectis»t
same place. The old gentleman has was good, and revers' new names were
'v'ud health for one .4 h,s age, and s Mo added to the people • roll. The follow -
b c rnrratn]ated on such a rrprsesntive ing as a synopsis of Rev. W. Crsie's
tethering. address - The Rev. e,entlem.s said he
Coverer ore eeelate Toeueut.-The was very pleaad to .land identified with
tiekets fur the soiree and concert in C. E. T. 8., even though he might not
Knox Church tonight hate been rapidly go s far s some of them would. A
o dd, and a very large attendance s society which reduced the revenue from
a ready au sired. The Universe s the lagane in Great Britain ley £2,000,001) in
preg'arr. ,-- one year was doing effective work, and
vudr r. was not to be ashamed ..f. There was
' la' .1 1�.e.ethe lard T.wse one strong argument much overlooked
fel !.w: w Awake! O• Zion Martin b total abstinence adreeeates-thedigni-
[sot chervil ('hole. 7
J Address Ow Heys ...... ...... ty of our body Man was the noblest
!tee. Mr. Pekoe. animal, unlike thea from which some
1 Ewe read omen the Rleslnr . Mallard
Y. wren.
tweeter classed that be had eseended or emend-
ations 9eleand Quartette Tie Old Men Drndo- el etc could walk opnght-enmetims
T. I. wRn>hrard aaM Hyslop. Ma Strolten. Metras -.ted had a face that looked op to hes
f }tsadi:{ ren and tied. Ho wee made in the ne-
t t.s.e ' Itasararm. -ate d Odd, and the ebreetien'e body
was • temple of eta Holy Ghat.
Th. (:k.wl (Wirral Tower' iH.gllese 11 was largely • physicist sin
sip nen. the 29th ivied. , sofft.•ieeen'arse ei., % Kant (\sr h (-bolt
eager the acetate debt of the church- _Wewld we dere to take these holies tied
dome $130. The well It Pea Gate.. of the 1N� it e Omni by intosoeataen 1 1 lie reetersaws Hew sues.
make •big p' •h to mese the request
Mr A. N Hewdtulft,, meds was total abstinence. There were Mr. M. C. Cameron w leer receiving a
tarrrrl Beard f Readies a. i. ren these who •s children had • craving for great deal c l attention from the enhai-
At etre February y tai intosiatirtg hence which, if yielded to hese rwgana Mr. Cameron merle psh
mating of the Victoria street etvare8. Make Then Art l s Near W t
ler. J. T1rHarL et all, would lead to their toeing drank he several tr•ne•etinm which they didn't
'.....1 1.. teiMteeday, a reenlotn►w was ale n_bass • .... •. . arse. The enures of strength was only relish. The lash was deftly wielded,awd
'owner paved for the !.tars tel the Mew MaAn\v.
in the grace d and, which we were at who shall forbid the victims squealing 1
all times to tall for by diligeet prayer ;-ICb•th•= dente -
J"Mvn\ • bet the plan of total anthems, wee ww . -
.Defht 04s ew., aep.••.l•p as 1.1 .*. Veit m► W. Hyslop. name awe J. Virnrd
Mem ,ority of persons intozieants were mot (t.0.w', will !wake their defeat .e Delete.
Mr.. McArthur.
were fuer parts, viz . Singing, prayer.
reading of snnpturees and preaching. The' veer. Uoderr-b. sip to aatuedal, the alta dar
order of these parts is not given. and e. ef !.bread- ttwer,4 u 9,i e -to Jr pee. Yor hat
of arc- L lad ootee end fere neber pet.._
any bra'seh of the church, it may he
s Mars sip° `7 a
tnatler of taste or a.nrenteuce te+ u- 911M -It
R C. HAYS. Gedr i t
range these parts in any order, in the,! aGliii FOIL HATCHING
pubis. service. As to time and place of Lt
worabip little can be be said The Ream pros Rlark ►tpa.W and React uta
apostles gladly took any time and place numbs. Ml lona etprtesee to poultry V
for the privilege of reaching the ;rape' led me to decide tb.t than beers sty.
D gig P Ix t.e.t w int: r and wmeerr 4)ers. K..th rJ�dS
Bet at a very early day the church are uooatttere No dasereeab)e .Itet 1
e stablished a regular or public worshi{, tl(Jwoe b. =a l Neper i Rik Hswsaisbe. l
upon eke Lord's day, and this, perhaps per li A Mew Ilae►erubs for sale.
s, much as anything, helped to transfer !L 1. waLTON.
from the seventh to the first da of the i'hilap. t*oda rrcwr). Wset-.l.. OedefM►
Y leave orders roti, Nems beolcd t•
week the obligati of the Sabbath.' ' rwatwn. fwLN
Mr. Campbell will next Sut.day even
ing take up the suoject of the Church's
Foundation. • much c ,retroverted puint I
in church history.
sewer. a• kat. l� amuses of the wubeanber. es RateeW
even . Pet, Ob. a dark red cow, abut sir
Strayed .Animals.
Frosty, King•brtd¢e ni e cine- t .n-
wrt anonymous c .
X. Y. Z. - The I)urninion Parliament
will meet on Thursday. the '_ ,th inst. 1
An eagle wu shot on Saturday last by
F. J. Nagle, of Benmiller, on the back
of J. N. Kerniehan s lot. The bird was
one of the largest ever shot in these
parts, and measured 7 feet ti tn. 1*um
wing to wing, 2 ft. 8 in. from talons to
beak, and lei, hed 11 lbs.
The Scott Art is better badly violated
hereabout*. Where, oh where, are the
A laws but antareatiazIreport of the
Duwgaonon circuit Spndsy school am -
engem held bore last week, has been re-
ceived, and will be published inournext
Samuel P.aib, and Albert Tiffin are
&ttendine Dederick High sctloul, They
were R(� students while here, and wo
street them to give a good account of
Miss Mary Ryan u present in a very
pnor state ul health. Mn*. David Gir-
nio, who has been steadily failing of
late, s alae very low. Both perste).
and their families have much sympathy
in theiraflictiuw.
The Nile Literary and Debating socie-
ty has been started, end soon the fame
ud our 'temp speakers will be blazoned
&breed. The following . the ..h.ers :
W. Bailin, president ; $. V. Pentland,
rice pprrsilent ; The.' Alton, may.; Jae
Oirrin, treasurer ; !lies Martha Ttf1n,
inferior. ay the hands cif the watch
never chronicle • sorrowful moment •a
your years glide by in the onward march
of rima With every wish for Jeer hap-
piaes we unite • heartfelt prayer for
your enable lady and rhe little vie!
Committed to your earn To all we wish
a loam and happy life, fel
change at the junction of eternity.
present potter, Rev. (1 F. Rrltoa, In. n-1fwHss. - • .
the Neuter uniforms, year. Ur. MIs1 tenense Yri Y •
t ,n !its ;noted to be abbb enisisstie feted tt Mesta
popeler, en.' her yea»'s etp.r►wee cares
%vita him in a ; teition to be trete se ful tt
than ere!.
aro 1,heew . Hoerr
'toot ('Meech Chao. mNewr7' tonight s Knot Chuck
ear y data
The B. tl was a seeese .
The 1 question gave nu to •
heels d+etruesion, and one of tiro speakers
dense insole t pditied speech It
wouldn't, perhaps, have done say harm
if he had let out loll swing, bet hie Te.ry
friends wneld not have enjoyed it. Bet
the tenth shn.M come ..et at thou eon
Vent , we utter whose Intl got true
den on.
Walter J. Taylor to home from Da
lots this winter, sod is aewem the
boys snorted the pest ..1110. with asa
rich stories •Meta, hew he keeps "bash."
Bet whew he eosdsa bask 1.. sea ass one
yams0W. lm.rormattos lead lag to Hst.oeveg
will 8..ut ably rewuded. JAMil1 MiLLiL
Raaf etre■+. to*ri
For Sale or to Let.
L'UR SALE 11 seams OF 0001)
V land, ode mile free Windless carte.
tinfoil water. wood eaatd.na for tante. JUN.
HOLLOWAY, Minebans. Rata
11 --That oome•ndbrs hoses, situated •s
theeees,r of limn and Waterloo cerint it
oflared for We on nsaeoabie tors s. Then
are assess to 1M hone, dad • hoe prdra
Outer Meet $..4 m • of do won, with .r
excellent graver, aildnialeg mer pectorals.•"
&darns, J. Il MILLRI*. Tomato. 1D3.
hoes, es Pieces street, wttb !aMees
earrnys bone. weed /tied, teal shod, h•
bease, et e. Ttwr* is hal am acme et Media
Melee. ewtaialsg •a asinine' trait d
veewetabfs garden. Well fenced. P r term
apply to R. C. HAYrt, (3oderele. fMIM
Aeon ri) LET- FOR A TERM OI'
Tear*. Lot I31 eve, in tbe lIalflaad owe
ce•sioa. of the 7bwaabir or noderkbb. at�tl
b7 leiter to J A. LILA RA. Inrstierd
. 1
of ►.d It North of Tows Met. Aalbvle.
1116 arrow, Wheel, ow the gravel rose ear •d.
from Cahill P.O., w.tb school berme on tilt
1o4. soil tnn ban ew•Utr d clef lean,. A
nevorfr+iline !week. yelled Wilier errob, mom
tbrolieli the Lot. Par terms apolp . AT!
MON ei Jotter/Toe. °elects\ P.O.Rh Jesry
ua, 1 1at1're
13 (loderleb.
O. 85.5500. Ja
S. N. Law".
155 J. A. leo sem
0. 114 TE i, SOLiCITOR eta.
eine r le end at Iowa rens of 'entreat:
Sleek i
�'t A RRO W t PROUI)POi T le A R
v ensete emotion. 8die$fpn, ser
Oeet.riek. J. T. Harrow, W. Presdfoet. lye
marttuw� RaRnesers ei mummy, Sr-
., P. ,h •ad Wieser o. IL Q Comerea. t�
Morava. tr ostareHolt, o )asawred OeMrt•\ W.
Olde ..race or ens. Aware lad a
i o 1 triode.
err 5etkr1"
T, ! SAB!„ M.D. , Q M. , 1111.0
one Mutswea. to
eWIm. (biose! eta Antes Sad r14.16°'
seer Obert, base areae of ♦lr ;Mt•
winter he see't hue ay ttew. emwa w"w`
to ail, es the leery *toes he wit lorry o* 1 %W1, BIiAIKlllClll ms suativ'�
one of (laborite's lair Orin The &.n) V �'q�•1� .es,.w.,
Mrs are having • goud harvest in that stir i ay�.rt�
1in. 'his win•er. wall,