HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-12, Page 3JIJST IN TIME.
Acinus or "Jawed a Wira." "Unbar.
Par'rractts," rte.
bsture she spoke, and moved &bust the
r ,u $.
"We •stat yeti. Maggie, 'rhe said, "te
help esus neriine Mr. Lockhart rather
more then 'esthetes Abele. We're afraid
thet hes mind is not u.et runt* a• it
should les --d•. you enderstand t •
•'No, taco," re ied M.gtgte dein ore-
"Doane t... a tole," said Mrs. Parte in
CUAI7f:1t VI her ear ''The laird'* • Mt wranri in his
bei.' a wee bit demented like d'yu 00 she said tat Mn. Pirie or te Maggie,
sea• "early every nicht. And invariably the
When Doctor Airlie loft l.'oebr1er •'1,s,teem, 1unientente," mud tit. mem answer was returned .
Mea Douglas eat ft r some tune absorbed e(ffrl to Mn D.
rttr ILi*o'e eeriest
deems fee asks&•two sufficed to tiro, .fiVluas means may harm till her fetcher the bureau. C..uf deur in the strength menacing, aerial beer. in whine, wig
Mr. luu:kttae$ tutu a etas. of iaip.teot -pair dulted aur body an' tf she lets of the luck, and i ha own pueseasion ,f lean reined hand raised threstetltsgly
fury which wag as painful to witnesses it my .ark Mane FII ole meddle se' hen. the nay. Mr L.ekh..ri had not troubled if to strike.
was aglow W provoke. Yet, ea the day Cetus, Maggie lass, ass' et' ye to ear i., hide it wore second•
owned un, Mrs. Duualaai desire to know bed . Mistress Dote:las will stay bare the But when sae the key to the but
I,. se 10001% t.
all became ov.rpuwersug , .be was peak- nicht. steed f Mrs. U • ights ...Amu down at £$S . Sena.
easedby a rentable drsnuu .1 curiosity. 'In half-aa•Aoer .least Douglas was Lb* tench of k••>* 141 \.•r hand *inn a Ao unparalleled •.ouwtt..n is till g
mesa -d .11 otrr t Menne it the wrxtder•
said she bel out the silt cuntrol metes- atone with fi-r father. The runts was thrill lei ter.ur. Hail she c..rna+ re far tel and unequalled manner in which Neu -
eery for the pertorwae.ce .1 her part as • dimly 1►ghted, sad the bra threw • faint and done w much to he defeated et the ralgia. Toothache. Rheumatue,, back -
dutiful cheekier to the eery end. flickering gleam from tints to tune .ser end i There •.s n.. kay upon the steel "hi'.Huaein
ead•hr, r•ra"d hit by ora*
"Has be asked for that tin Iwo yeti" the features of the dying mean as he lay nng which she bell rtt..t w. -tela sena aopltwnon of Fluid Le (htiaet. !fin
her tern ; they wetter all truth....larer.
It dashed acne. het timid that she
had reamed a tiny key on her father's
watcbguerJ, ItaugiLg to w.mpwny with •
bunch of old fashioned seals That must
1.e llt•- Key let the tin boa 1 At any rale
glee might try it. Th.. watchguard had
been lying f r some daps leu the dress-
ing table. She bad to se across the
reuses 111 order to lay hinds talion it. And
perhaps iu moving she made more noise
than she was o.osctuus of. for it .s• cer-
tainly at that m.•niuut that the old titan's
aluutbee became lasd seised, and *het he
Tt:r inhapppsnd di►trrssinp; cot.dm.w
called nervousnem arises from, debility,
gave the boot sigo of a d•.p„sition to irritation, poor cireulat..rn anti blood • 1
wake Hua state .d health had caused low vitalit7. Iteerusnli* the system by
L), A:rler's preacnptnm to have lues Iturd•ck .nand Bitters, which gives per -
than i•s usual p..wer,and it was mw per-
manent strength by inrffgtrattuc the
Nr -
more likely t" have an exaan¢ than • 1'143:4 and toning al! the orgasm t. per -
(act action.
&.&.then( effect upon the aid w... neer r
..us system. it: the history of medicines rat• preps-
rati. n has received such universal corn
Yes, the key on tt a watehguard was mendatiou, for the allottatiun it •fiords
.•vmdently the .our which bitted the lock. and the permanent cure it effects to kid -
She turned it cautioesely, the wands riey diseases as Dr Vail Burrows Kiunty ,
yielded with a little alarming c:ac� od Cure. It. action to these distressing
the L..% lay open before her, j complaints is simply wonderful. Soil
For a nr.'.:ent Jtort Douglas hvi•i l:er' ._ .. . _ _
breath. Hare ley marry thrifts which ■.s,sn.es and L.. of *en,.
she hereat( had hankered after for veers. Public speaker, and sin.en are of:.atm
Jewel& belonging to her dead wether : a
nrkirsaen_ din" iththe h.nasenaas, "pied
.:yuger is
brdichi.rl pe.. Hag
c m•.
certain dtsnd necklet and brooch, ¢anl' Pectoral 11:Jsan is a prtn:;pr rem.
sound cielliabte rings, ruby ant diamond dy for the irritation, and cures all throat
and peer!, A heart -shaped ornament for 1 anal :un, dttirculti.•s. '
OW acct, bluing with opals and armee tlertL,u:. tau a : t .e r Ha: }}rw.:., L••r..r
`itear. tic.. etc. prion d ar .tis 9t1, . for very
adds ; an oddly -engraved Indian stone II lirl. morn 1Lna they ..,•7;;7....414..- pi ter t',n
{w x r, and ,t help.. to oI' oi tati•eta
set in filagree work, and • aurin, of Vella:A sec .atnp:es aid ter::
pneelese pearls -these were heaped in
glittering continues in one compartment. Garet'. nate Ltgbtalna
with • morsel of pink croon -wool to 1s the .only un tentatie.•us rcI of fr r Neu -
The doctor hemmed ard hawed : pre- keep thein `nom iingling when the box raagi*. Headache. Tett.thacM, etc. Ruhr
was mored. In the eorrespendinq con nit g a fete drops briskly is MI that is
otfeusite, dt.gluling ttrutia name he ta'..it
for daya It is an ta.tar�t . ,.r.. Try s
:Rk. L. ttl.• trout 1 t•,t, 1;1:y •..t. drug -
&at. l r:
to thought. At haat clic sumutuued • --•ter.
ernatlt and wet word to Mr. Ltekliart'e ..A'nd M seat never be teff alone."'
teamed Mrs Douglas. "If he writes
atytbi•,g you moat get tt sad bring it to
mn tratant!y 11 he pees toy paper
away, err Lades anything aoywbere, yue
must Int us know. And if soy gentle
roan c. nay sad wants to see 'lieu yon
must either may at owes that for laird is
tett, ill to ace anyla.,Jy, or yuu n.u•t come
tmmedrstely to .e and tell we a the
visitor. But nobody incept gayest( a. d
Mr. Gray, the doctor, utd your aunt and
yell are to go into Mr Luckhart's room.
Du you uudwrstasd 1"
Vase man.
"She's rather young to have so much
reset. ••tbility put up -,n her," said Mrs.
Doug as with en anxious look.
"111 answer fur her," replied the
aurae drily.
Wee:, remember you are to watch
particular y when be asks sur • tin baa,
u: :.;Ch Le keeps the kay under hie pd-
uw. You can take your knitting acid
Mt it. the room with him . Be-
a httie girl, he will not nudes yeu a.
efn\s meek as he would .ei Uhler penem- You
sod- o to alt he lays and took at all
10.4 .uhu..t seeming to listen "r to
lw•ak Case you do that 7"
"Yea," aid Maggie.
"lt'• inpp..rt.utt,"said the widow, "be -
noise you are when say u.. . gentle -
nurse that she was wanted in the library
as 04144S1 as she could leave her patient.
This woman, Mrs l'trie. was a trained
nurse from (1lasquw, but she had tease
originally from a hautlet near f; muter
vie, end her faintly wsa known to Wm.
Douglas. It was pertly pertups on this
actwasl that she had been allowed to
intrudues Ler niece into the household, '
a girl of twelve years, whams the nurse
foetid useful in many ways. Of coupe
she could not usually take this child
with her when she went vet nursing, but
to this caw her preri..us satestatutce
with the family stood her to good stead
She liked to have Maggie Divan with
leer, and here ah.• tut her own. way.
She wasa prim, precise luoktugw.•man
with a pale face and straight yr11.. r -
brown hair, put away uuder a neat white
cap ; a woman with a character fair dis-
cretion, for rest rye, foe attentino to her
duties, which she was careful never to
forfeit. Mn. Douglas knew her well -
better than most people ; she hail
played her once or twice Astaire,
always found her a useful i..struuaesst.
In fact, she and Mrs. Douglas under-
ato:d each tither very I. ala.
They had a long conference in the lila
tar, ; ser long, indeed the. t..e .i. s
awoke from his ebrep acid rube impa-
tiently for tits nurse. Rut he had to be
content with $ servant, for Mrs. Pirie
came not at all.
At the clow el the interview, Mn.
Douglas rang the bell. "Send Maggie
Logan here," she said, so imperiously
that the wondered whet mis-
demeanour Miss Maggie Logan had been
! Mn. Ptrie's niece was no
favorite a: Glenberrw, and there was
not a servant in the place but would
hate been delighted to sore her sent
away in disgrace.
Mrs. - Douglas and the nurse were
standing opposite each other in the
library, as if their conversstien were
nearly over. Mn. Pine's white face was
as impassive as ever. Mrs Douglas was
flushed, and looked $! if °she had bee=
"You'll find her a harm), Ewa. to haw
about ye." Mrs. Pirie was say,nz, in
low, t' 1 tense. "She under -
"Nu, sheet, trot yet."
"I know tither* it is ; it it 111 the lett-
hand drawer a the bureau iu the room
just at his bedside," Mrs. Douglas said
eau to Doctor Airlie, who had come to
drop sweet porde let counsel into the
widow's ear. leer hands plucked n.r
souslyat the trimming of her handsome
black silk gt wn as she spoke. "If be
has made another will :t is in the hos. I
would giro a great deal to see it.
"Then why don't you see it 1' said the
doctor with an amiable snuffle. "Surely
a little harmless tearaway of that ktud
could easily be gratified Can you out
ret Mr. Luekiart's keys and look fur
yourself wheo be is asleep !'
Mn Douglas's Ii,n trembled ':i - 1
might," she acid falterincly-. "But I
ahs -afraid 1 •
'•Afraid' with the in:errata of your
dear boy at stake ' said the doctor
grand eloquently.
"If he woke up and saw alt he would
kill rite/ fere is atr:l very *trice ; he
waked a few steps yesterday. And
wheo he is angry he is terrible !"
"What a pity that [ am not big profes-
sional att.eedant," said Dr. Amite, smil-
ing. "It is so easy ftr a doctor to faci-
litate sleep a few drops of colorless
fluid and the
iusury to the
eine "
thing is done without
patient or to anybody
man -ss of quite on his right mind he ' "Ob, Ur. Aiello, could you not give me
way du very silty things and — s -methane of the kind 77" crud Mn.
"And yell n•.' 557 a w.,rd to uny o' the Denglaa
servant)," iuterptsed Mrs. Pane wtth $
warning look. "Keep a calm sough, and
the mistress sl' a-ek'.twe ds your while,
nae duet."
"Oh, of course I wdL'unset think
w hat yuu would like best, sad 1'11 gine
it to you --it you do your work," Mn.
Duu,tlaa kasteued W assure beg.
"Oh, them, ' said Maggie, clasping her
hinds and tossing back her shining hitt ;
-gnu 1 nicht bet has a beeny fruck like
that ane 1 was Liddy Lilies wtarin' up
at the Tweets th' ether day! A' white,
w t itc, leu the tucks au' a Alec ribbon at
tae walla f" The cseesoloo came tato
h •r cheeks, the light to her .yes ; for a
ir:. u •t the ,
!Ala • fate sal trauetitured
utto ,whettive beauty.
' Y•• rule, ' .and Mrs. Pirie at her ear ;
•bye hacerih' gook, do ye think that ac
a track sal beeeem the like u' you 7 Ask
w *lands • Quid deal, far ester %loan she's iuretnor, y.ttuwk ; ibe'llgiwye onytbing
ony buainees to understand, ti my ep.n- while she's se the mead '
iou. But there 'nicht be waur than _ "1 9 ask fur what I like," muttered
Ma;,1ae." : Maggie in teoty. Her eyebrows eon-
"lihe looks intelligent," said hln -tittered and the color passed from her
Doug• cheeks as suddenly as it. bad come. But
"Oh, alt.s intetL.gent enu'. T.Il her she would nut say another word.
it what to d•• an' she 11 no fail ye. Hero "I'U gets lou wksterer yrs want,"
she is to answer for beret'." said Are. Duuvlas. uneasily, "anytkiag
Mr. Daoeless turned rather eagerly to within reason, that is, jj only you'll be a
the girl who entered, and scanned her good lord, *d dao your `.'rI
from head to foot. Apparently the "Ye'U maw that, Maggie," said the
alasalisy did tint please her. "What a
leenm of hair !" nae said, ducuntentedly.
"Can't you keep it out of sour eyes.
child 7 It is like r bun's mane i"
Than addressed, Maggie showed a row
of white even teeth in a silent laugh,and
tossed back the bur that fell almost to
her eyebrows in a fashion not then ser
nasal as it has since tecome In these
day's Maggie's hair would have made her
fortune. It was ora tawny reddish hue,
with shades of umber and brown, and
strange golden halts whch a painter
wo.ld have despaired of reproducing. It
is • kind of hair nut in Scot-
land, where one sees mange mill -girl or
peasant tae with locks which Titian him
self would not have disdained to copy, or . that led els it, i • spy
upon the old man's looks and word. and
movements. Mrs. Douglas was astonish-
ed tomes how aeverfy she fulfilled this
office. The girl, with her aloud of bidden
hair dropping .ver he .face as she steep-
ed over fiR idMilrt[, ber clear ingeou-
oea lookleg gee, sad childishly delicate
fees, wan east s figure calculated to
inspire .uapioien. Yet not a word felt
from the laird's lips that she a •.Id net
repast ; not a sign cash from his lagers
bat see could interpret its meowing
hitter than the others watching by the "Ye want
g ist visa's iced. Mr. Lockhart teemed . said drill
to like to bars her Mode him ; lit "Oka •e, B 111 ; ssot .1 all. I only wast
vtreugtb was risibly deatu.iaa, and he Tow to root"
stoke little. bet be saaifstt d adintistt "Very well," mid Mai. Pirie, "it's no
far kir *94.1y to that of his tees that bee ons obleitsoss to testing,
dssRhter. The weepers of Kis. mem, bet i will my this - secs as fee i
Douglas west for some moon or other. -1 trent roe meddii: err .y patient
thoroughly ditteetelled to hi., end she I've mime her. to ,ares hiss, tin' 1" it dma
abashed kenaUf !rues his room as mush 0 detty y 'to is that rewash"
as she costa. 'tone waste to meddle with your
Be asked two or three tam.. for Kr. patient r said Mn. Davies, aghast mrd
Beeed, his lawyer, and tried owes to ialliensat "1 wwtd net de oath • thing
write to him, bat tie pea dropped from for th' world. How dare you talk to see
is diet way r
"Tree a' that," mattered Mai Phis to
herself as she west sassily foto the meet
rows. "i die like to nee w iseeikla
yes dreier fres the Towers. 1 slimiest
him wait, epi hast Detg;ln i• s. M te
se*ri wr bile, e■• Kr. Herr r • ream
fele. Betrever, 1 Uses Wei IAM the
Bet Maggie hada sullen fit upon her
She hung her head and would not speak.
Moe Deus's. had to be content with
Mn. Pub.'s assurance that the lase was
a good lam and • clever one, sod would
keep her sin counsel
"Aa' if rho," said the nurse, with rath-
er an ominous leek on bet dear white
fete, she kens Ens what to expect tram
Acid It was evident that Mlagcie was
out, in that case, to .xpect anything
S. i; came to pass that Mom; u,ie Login
was metalled en Mt. Leckhart's bedroom
Bet in those days, before estheticism
earns into fashion, Margaret Loran's
hair was called simply rd, wad n.,body
ever thought of admiring it.
Fur the rest, the child had the pecu-
liar whiteness of skis which goes with
hair w( that color, and beautiful brown
eyes. His features were delieste, bat
too pale and pinched for beauty ; sed
her long aims and less were as awkward
as the limbs of twelve-year.old girls
uisally are. She was dressed is a dark
blue oottue frook and a white sprat. sad
wosld have looked neat but for the htl
of shaggy golden brown hair which hid
her forehead and husg in a great untidy
bush over her shoulders.
"Why don't you make her plait her
hair r team Kra Douglas, dimeeeteadly.
"Or est it et"
"I'll se hoe any hair ts.ahed." said
the girt r•wletely, Bike Ind a very
pretty vee•, eta Deaglai setisui,clear,
w eft, aid sweet, wftyt a more Mired se-
-sat lima is Wal with gtdp -het
"Kaeb.dy wanks to toeah i11," Oda dris serwi,se Gegen, sed he giro .s the
Xie. Perri. harper. "Liras wtkit Via attempt in despair. NwseN.h-. Mw.
gabbro'. hes to say, gad Ws here ger Douglas did net feel sere that he kali
5U 14.' amid year hair " Mt eseepaassd his purpose reapaitmr the
The girt looked ay at Ka Dosgis@ liapesities el lis property Were Ise paid
,ad asww atpir, bat * stat wow. that teased not M Gliafew. She amid
lege.. mow. &striae .arstim t ahe dad eat aNlirg ; Mr. hawed wee NW`
eviltbM'� 5111 kw has‘ emmoissii . , the IMM liar of
There was still an under romp.rtment
to the borax ; the tray which contained
the money and jewels could be lifted
out. Ann in the space beneath the tray
she faunal what eke dos::ed. There were
papers of varices Linda, but at the very
tup lay one inscribed with the words -
"Last Will and Testament " Thea fol -
"It see" hard•" said Mrs. D,.uglas, !,,a,a a data It wan the date of that
putting her handkerchief to her eyes, vet da on which
se are livedere solong, a" overheard his v
that NI -Anthony's son- has turned Bettie that he sou'
era a thief --- Glvnbervie ! Dtrs Douglas's eyes ;,rem
in the village," said the ductor beneeol-
eatly, "who ar3era eadty from insomnia. thing. 1 l:are &aril it In tiny Lamely for
Coui;ha utd Colds tar t. a• past f. c- years
Still, there would to no harm iu my let with the most unvaried s.:cess&, and ter•
ting you have this close, Mn. Docglas, day my opinion of it is diet I cortinae
to thiftk still more of that wuidt I hcy,an
fur your sacred purpose. I can sc cagily tbir.king well uf.
atuougst the great down Ohms fwd
usual ourottngs of the four pc»ter bed,
with to haugiues of ortetuei daeuesk sod
its carred mahogany pilasters et the x,r-
uen. An all wk bureau, with a slant-
ing top and brine handles to the drawers,
stood beside the bed. it was this bureau
that Mrs. I .ugtas desire( to open.
The little grown phial guru to her by
Dr. Airlie was grasped in her hand. It
dad not takea minute to mea itsauatt-lets
with a cooling drink which the old laird
1 ked at eight, and Mrs. Douglas per -
termed the action quickly and uersuwly.
It was • ,t :hat she was afraid of the
result. She hal perfect conbdeitee lei
Dr. Airlie'& skill gnu •Iiecretit.n. She was
uuly • little bit afraid lest her (ether
might see what she was doing, or detect
the taste of something unuaual in the
erenieg draught. But when she '.urned
round too the bed with the glass in her
hand end a frightened, guilty look in her
(ace, she saw that her father's eye* were
enured. As she drew near to the bedside
he upeoed thein, however, and spuko in
a mild tune.
"Well, Jat:et, lass, he said, "I'm
thinking you won't often have to sirs
me this drint; at nights. tin not long
for this world beefy.
"Oh, doti t talk to that way. father."
said Mrs. Douglas, "you 11 be better bye
aid bye.'
"Ab, in my ;rare, ' murmured the u el
man. He t.wk the g ass from her head
and placed it unsteadily co his lips ; then
drank its contends at a gulp. "Thank
you, Jastet, ' he said, as be gave back
the class. ''You're been a gold daughter
:o our, and you'll find Cee not been un-
Stays Dryden :
bhe knows her mot two.; when ', ole rant
and swear
Can drew y••n t.. her with a singie hair.
But it moat be beautiful hair to have
such p.�wer : ant: be••itiful hair can be
assured by the use e4 C/fuaLr.,L HAna
ilxxtwra. Solt stilOcts. by J V1':i- •a
serreasaes .
tamed that he could not think of en- i n:ladled t.f you whet. 1 ant tone „ ' uue�let,. No taken, nauseous medicine,
croacbiog upon aouttier man's province Mrs. Douglas at..xd silent. Her t.eart l pertinent Mta Douglas found a small !ha. owrs4, blit one tniuute'a spiiiicauun
-a was nits against g painfully. ( treasure of louse gold aero sod bank removes all min and will .rove the reit
y g pn, mmunal eti- was beatinHad she been h j ►'
quetto ; but he ended by remembering mistaken in her father all the time'. ratite.. Bu•, precious though that were, ;endow of Kram s Fluid benne 'l i
these were out what her soul desired. CCnt& per beetle at Oetrge Rhyne, dr;:g
that be had a his pocket- -by a strange "I spoke h tatiy the other dap," the &tare h
c,iucideuce a little phial whit.h aer.tain-
ed a sleeping draught exactly of the kind A' i.c.gett's T,.*nMoxt. -- For a
required. "Intended for a pocr woman Cou,;t, told or any Bmnchu,l atfcci,n.
,'Pectora.' in my opinion, n ;lest the
laird continued. "I was put , let, like,
and I was uufair to you awl 3. sat boy.
Ioo must rat t mind shat [ said. Sortie
shall have a fair inrvrrne ; but the land ---
land, you know, must go I.- a Lockhart.
There' ootid:.. unfair u. that, is
there 7"
ran back te the Towers and put up an- b dk (;ter. Hestia, M:itt.;;or l•r.ta.•io Rank,
(Ober dose for poor old Jean. " And with very 7 Mr. L tkhart had
a blander smile than ever he pressed a "when b h daughter ase irir.� nettle price 25 cents at all t!ruyrie:.v. to
little grew bottle inti. Mia. Douglas's t tt f d yet he matter c f
Get your auction rale nilb printed at
Tot Sty: NAL tinker Testy -are always done
promptly awl el low rates. Notice t
drawn ho s:Jes tiln,u_h T•tr Stcxs:. (tee
of charge. which a read by thousands,
laud, and Kaye her a few details respect I don't know." Mr. Lr.kliar: was dim, her brio reeled as alta suddenly
fog the use of w awteots. Tiro be took beginning to speak drowsily. "I don't realised a!1 that that date portended. It
hu leave, feeling well satisfied with hie know 'bunt that, He Ieei;ed :nrotent. was plain that she had defeated her own
work. He. too, was atnoua to know I'erha a it was all $ mistake. At an
whether the estate was to go to Berne lJ coda ; that to the anger of the moment
rate, Janet, promise mu that y. u will be the laird had made a new will, probably
Douglas or Anthony Lockhart kind and just to the h" when he c.tnt. !
1 J easing et erything away from Eerie,
"Of course," he said W himself as he home. 1'rumise we " and making Anthony Lockhart his heir !
walked homeward, "of Course the matter She felt as if something gripped her But probability was not enough ; at all
heart and would not let her answer, but risks ahe must aacwrtain the truth.
after two or three trials she replied in a She unfolded the paper. It rustled a
may W au will at a11, in which nese
hoarse whisper, "I'll do y beast.' The tittle because he -hand tresabted so too -
may seemed to satisfy him. He portly ; and the desk before . hich she
everything gods to young Anthony. made some inarticulate reply. sighed teas standing creaked and rattlod as she
There may be two wills in etistenoe. In deep,y, and then sank into $ slumtet,
that ease if we could get hold of both we leaned against it. Impunity so fir, as
which proved that Dr. Airlie's cpute well as excitement, made her • little
amid be able to amps matters tie we Iasi been au sfeetual one.
pieeaq Mt tine. ere liked. 4111111.111.d fiat t aweless. She Fuelled the box away
it is not likely that she has the spirit and Min D •u(tles waited early to assure from her, never noticing linow the coins
will nut be 6aally settled bur bet finding
or nut finding the will she seeks. If she
finds neon, that proves nutbicg. There
the cleverness to grin a fortune for her
son by what the world wunid call a crime.
A groat pity ! If I were Mra Douglas
and had the old man as touch in my
power as she has I soul& leave nothing
to chance -nothing. As it ta, 1 can ortly
gine her the means of , , , , the
lairds paper--• very dight revenge in-
deed for the way in which he has treated
tdrs. Douglas toideher nurse that
evening that she herself meant to sit up
with Lockhart during the earlier portion
of ate night. "And yuu and Meggit
an get • little rat," she said sweetly.
"I am sun you must both be in reed of
Maggie Ives that with Mr. Lockhart,
and the two wumea were standing in the
drss.eag room which had to be passed
through before the laird's bedroom could
be reached. Mrs. Pine was at • chat of
dtwweew. been whish she took out tome
clean linte keds&. the *.pose She shut
the door with decision as
she turned round.
me cot o' the way r' she
herself that his sleep was sound before and ornsmenta rang against each other
she began to carry out her purpose. It ea she did see. All that she sal intent
was with a trembling band that she upon was the paper in her hand --the
pulled the curtain toward, se that the wretched psger on which were written
light might not fall across his eyshds, wcrds wh::b would be the death knell
and then she reedy moved the c.ver;et to her hopes for her son's future -and
aside. His ky►.rsis always ander his her own ambitions.
pillow - so much she knew : if she could Her eyes wire fastened on the page
only get them away without awakening before her She was not aware of any-
bim she would be lucky indeed. He
moved as ilio made the first attempt -
moved and muttered something in his
deep. She drew back into the shadow
of the curtain ; her breath came in short
gasps. She was terribly frightened at
what she was dutot, even when she tcld
herself again and eosin that she was
justified in doing anything fur Rertie'e that her father's e
aka-uiythint fur the sake of the wn Laxed upon her with
oboes she adored. wrath which seemed t.
But Mr. Lockhart did not awake. She
was able to Dome forward again, to slide
her hand tender the pillow -her esteb
fel eyes still fixed upon his tranquil fees
-to grasp the keys wttb her fingers and
then to withdraw, them soecesuft.1 at
last' And he slept on.
She moved rlftly towards the cabinet.
The candle light fell full upon her pate,
hiad.ome features as did beet down to
the old oak Dara., bet the rent of the
room was deep in Stade. 8o dap that
.,is if Kra Donates had locked mond
she .irbt have .timed seeing *little lase
with an aureole of Relies hair thrust
seriously to as the d doer -
the few ,t deed. Legesa, win had baa
deputed by her seat ti sat the port of
spy os Bre. Designs&, es she lad alined,
acted se YA. D. is bike• -
gii s eyes glirtemed, beet lima ware a ea -
maim et 1 asebeese as
AO paned sed plied from bee statist* at
the hsMopes door.
Kits. Detltglae opted the berme. Mb.
saw a new et pigeon boles end drawers
before her. The tie lir x whish .e was
whist deed toll is her sight - tt the.
empty gasp iaama ilia s3MWts !id of
thing eta. She did not hear the boards
crest, rs a little figure with inquisitive
eager eyes crept a:tn the room to see
and heir without beiug aeon Rhe did
not notice the movement of that other
ulNot t'gd'fs, which she thought .till
prone ace alma 1 helpless in the great
curtained bed. Still Lea did she dream
were open and
intensity of
rtend snme
tembie vengeance yet to cora* The
lean, wanted form of the old mart gath.
ered new strength, new, vigor, by reason
of the arise that was in him. lie did
what his .etchers had thought that he
.cold never be able to do swain. He
drew himself up into an tweet sitting
posture --he felt suddenly able to speak,
to fight fir hie own rights and the rights
of his absent grandma ; and to this pos-
ture he eat for some few minutes, glee
bug at his daughter from out the shade
of the certain*. es a panther looks $tad
lies and listens M the darkness of the
jeng!e flr the prey that he longs ti
The rr /merits of waiting "e•w rot lung
protruded. lbw. Douglas had nearly
finished the brit page ; she woe Just
turning the leat when a voice eouwled
n ber ear, s withered head trans ester
kir shoulder an.! rnstehsf l!..e epi+►
frees her grasp
"I am net dead yet." said the terrible
roles "What aro ens de.ag here t'
P.estar: ^ray
hair to its na-
tural color, re
move-% :land; lel.,
stops t!:c hat:
from falling cu`
increases it:,
growth, and lest
nc t soil the skas•
As a hair dres-
sing, it has ac
supe: tor. kith
Harkness &
Loudon, Oct,
nett by eft
sad P•terz t M
(3O TO
ran s
rr i 4.4?4.7 ESB* D/ Pt`
H*voiJuat roe. v•f. t: lje.te i 1"
Ire 3ait Pau and 'Bailers
0.15.. ltbeete.t teer.r-a
ami .ream far new we -e aria re. ora
reesITi ps.iset er&e.tlN
Ahs %basket and turned regret, 'hips
e as BTA L dt i:itilCi,
kid her face to hee and. as if too kelp1mIertaaesr a'T. Law..
tet •e, •1;M l\.t sea! f:0' •yi �4bS (wow* /'tet. eft, knee