HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-12, Page 22 MR. BLAKE'S VIEWS. The Ponce of the Government Vigorously Attacked. ei ...rater tat ntsmanaseasent stint %ertib- ..eell ..eie.itmeeinhe stew er Sae 11.4e4 Fr language has been seal us the Osten* %hurlers.' organ. The movement se • while has, is my view, been terrapin seated, sad a deliberate dsaidu is appar- ent as the part of the Ontario Torre te creeds and intensify a war et race aad creed, and to obscure by this Wean, all the reel issues between parties ni order to mime aa asset fele. in melt, and .hie, handled as peeposed by the Min tutorial press, weatd leopard the future of our country. (Cheers) It is quite maws teat this question must, mid it is were elesiralile that tt • epreehat temeen. sheald, be shortly debated in Perlimaieut, New the Govertuneut has all the elite that th"" "I" chall"'" c°11 bete so busy with polities' intrigue, duct of the Government ehould cruder a with schentes fur retaining or obtaining dittmtriaauThi. 1 hold. thuugh 1 political support, with jobs, with the re- e"teligin aIJMr.'" °P" ' " ste " to gelation .1 ear private business, with Its reserse which should attend et:ancient,' attacks em the Provincee, that it seems o the elerCille in orditiary Lev s of the to love had 11 time or energy for the preregativ• of mercy. discharge of its neat (obvious and ten- Al 'Thruster of Justice 1 have had be patient duties. It marked the early advise in many capital nem, and I de part of its old lease of p ewer by the tee forget the heavy reeponsibility Northwest rebellion of 1869. It has. 1 which rests on those wh'-se hands am believe. marked the closing scenes of it• the Issuers of life and %Math, and whores sew lease by the Northwest rebellion of ttsk is rendered all the mere difficult by k App1suae 1minuet go into roes.° id the lawee meesure of dieere- les oetaita tonight, 1 have done se tem vested in them, and expressed in Parliament already. Remember, that the word clemency I know how much lovernment was very specially respite' these difficulties .re piehanced by Lest ble for diligence and liberality in deal- od Parlielnn and P°Pular &se:maim,. ing with the Northwest bantam of for- which distorted views and an imperfeet iner events, and because it WAS an unre appreciation t-1 facto lee likely to Pro presented country autieratically govern rail. 1 have been falsely mid wantonly ed. I haveneverthelem, shown beyond accused of senate the preraestive fur all doubt. out of the seleeted tapers peewees' and fur politiesgain. 1 de bright down under compulsion by the Premier then, as I would deem -cote tl9vernment, the moot scandalous ne- now, such attacks on Ministers utiles. Elect, delay and mismanagement. With made with good and sufficeed reasnii. aa enormous Indian expenditure they So delicate, in my optmou, is the rzer had the lodians lamely in a state of huneer, insubordination and disquiet. With seven years' time for action, full power to act, full knowledge of the dis- content, and of the danger of delay. with constant pennons, resolutiona re- presentations, pressure and remotetran- ces, they yet did nothing to Bettie the claim of the Northwest half-breeds to like treatment as was accorded those a Manitoba till It was too late till the tire `114;ti•li. '4, • £R. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, FEB. ;2• 1886. shoeld demised no special favors by mason of Provinoe, nice or creed. Those uf us whu Won to the other elements et nattouality have oar duty to do --to strike ample allowenes fur warmth of utterances ieod hasty plumes, to Galin rather than t' ezeite prejudice. and to decide oa broat and genend, jest and generous views each as we would wish applied to ourselves. Let us do auto others as we would they should do ante us. (Cheers.) ite to the union for political pur- poses of tree race or creed, irrespective of ;minim! principle -v. 1 am not now to speak for the first time iniud. Its 18;1. when erpressino the strong' opini..ns I felt end fee! on the subject of the murder .4 Scott, I deprecated any attempt to decide the eeielleton on the ground .1 nationality or religion. In i877, when protesting aeainst some ill advised pretensions 00 the sitteect of undue indueeee, 1 declare(' that 1 should erugele to preserve to each ,ne of my fell*eceuntrynien, whateier his creed, tee mine full and ample measure of civil frest1411.11 which he now empty. ander those tawswhich enable him and we, theugli se may be of diverse friths, to meet ow the sante pletferin, and to differ accenting to eel. Win politond convic taens, and net aceerding to our religious faith, or the dictation cif any ether man, lay or clerical (Cheers.) And during the hist few years I have more than once warnel nay fellowcountryinen of an in- sidious attempt which has beets made to effect • soomeled political Ionian of all the Freugh throughout Canada in the interest of the Quebec "Tory leaders. 1 have p. into out that this was an unret mei,: strip, fraught with deneer the Wane sepportms d the Gem the seed had perished. Bat it, nem - feesed that the , . , .1 for the ad- usury. netniatreuen of tesaiee, originally of ne- liniment hare alleged eat it sh earful!, been deeming mily. It may Mimi Fps. comity nide acid prituitiv•, had become betrayed ani the:rived them , we want unmated lle• boo° mil 11 rims - by tillbet lam aindegable to the eircuna the evidence of theta They also allege lelleatM- and the heitla grow white to . Manus of the country and went not well that the Gevetrument acted to gratify the the hairnet. 'sited to the trial of meth • case u thirst fur vengeance et respect of the 11 1 re_eould raise ma feeble mese Red's. 'the tad , . of the main- Scott murder, of ..se section uf their hemmei tW limits ef this ball, aed say a army and it.bib standing in tact and te support.:rs, and un a eold Weeded necel. word to .the stir et iny public estimation are of the tine stupor- ation gains awe Leer ID the through 1111441111 St 141/M111. 1 woalti tangs; and in a 'edema) oars, in which rather than un go the Government has takes side. this is public justice, mercy and palmy. nerd You who ahn cellintate and water, brought home to the aineriest compete ;Cheers.) On this grate charms we emit who can hell) to Inatitee and Whet in liensitut. hat the judges of the North- light. that harvest ! Do your duty te mem west h del unto*, not like the Supertot 1 will go nu further. I have coats ti, ouuutry ! Take up the respoesibilitase, judges of the older Provinces. donne the conoiestue that iii thee cetuelicated as pun eamy the privileges 14 causen- good behavior, but at the pleasure of the case, where each of several branches eat, ship. Give veer time, your enemies, Goverument, on which they are thus in Mime the mineral result, it is just that your labour te. Me work l Though the some sort dependent. Besides, they are the materials for decisiene en every skies be dark, yet trust we in the Ku- ala° political persouages as members of brooch sheuld br availahle b.e.fore haally precut. :madness ' We believe our cause the Northwest Council, and thus ICU forming and annouocing a general jadg• Is pri and tine ; we believe that truth fitted fur political trials. meet , anti therefere, much as 1 ahead anti justice shall eu tied's goud time pee - 1 regret that the course of legislation here perstinElly wished te ceintnenicate *ail. It may be nem, it stay be tate. I be His ways •re net our ways, mid His rus- hes been rather in the direction of re- tee you my itiiiiiidual unaresiems, ducina-than of increment:: the securities ' I la II beet dacharge toy duty fathomable purpose we eisy nut guava in these Mee& Ity the set • '80 th. pneence of two magistrates besides the stipendiary in .npital cases, heretofore necessity, was dispensed with, ene only being made sufficient. But I de not au that the Government is censurable few baring tried the prisoner before the tri- bunal provided by the standing laws, though 1 may tweet that theme laws did not provide a more tali *dory li . an 1 it is always to be remembered that ' deliverance may beet be made. 1051 stew Y is the special previsions requiring the de- Tit some partizans on either side who safest, most reliable and by far the nision of the Eweentie• before exectation, think nothing is to be mead an the ether. cheapest remedy for Constipation, Li.., and the attendant responsibility of Gov .ny view may be -will be-eatiestisfac Ceenplaint, Insligestsue, Impure itheid, egpraeut, have been retained. tory. But these who ere willing to seek Leas el Appetite, and all similar Moe. The thoice .4 the judge is another for the truth, arid °saline aside prej.1111Ce, Mee It is nut necessary to take a great matter. If I nightly understand, Mr ta strive for jest remelt/Moos, will, 1 cioantity before any result is pnodecad. Richardson. besides being a magistrate hope, reeneniee it. Feepriety. A few, doses will cenvince you of ea and a member .4 the Northwest Geared, Much has been said aheut peliticel merits. Trial bottle given free at tido. 'lia d ts in this connect em. Ittlyume drier *tens. lin „us .4 hue. them to 004ne forward. Come tom iISV which, we you will Save semi, 1 consider But this we knew, that 111 our efforts we tic be as much Judaea/ as pelitical, by ant iu the line of duty. (Cheers.) We abstainitig at dm moment from the ex- hope, indeed, to make our muse preyed, premion of opintosa which wield he, at but, win or lose today, we know that we best, but earths!, prima facia, bypotheti shall reeseive for the fiutbful diethianre ail, end subject to ourreetion and rev.ew. duty an exceed's/ great reward --ib. It is with all the facts mad circumstances enly reward wheat is sure to het. before eta and ha the presence of the Government whew action haa been sa• aarradr O5r*. sailed. and of their accusers, that our It Is popularly admitted everywhere case uf this prerogative, that while I Hueneme, and with special danger to was the paid legal adviser, the en have sometimes been unable to remencile my judgment to that of the present there who, beteg the minerity, were taw otticer, so te speak, of the Executive the lesser tu be &dent than to mime f"wn Question* of ollin",n• ttedt are required ef such a chutes for Ministers, I have felt it, on the elude, asked to work together act a unit, apart of the Nerthwes*, aria I think explana But no encoursitement was given by such • trial. a deities, and I can easily °entente, in last 1 haps kwwww asses whisk the Tories of the other provinces to Sentetbing I had intended to say as to dims, bum ww,w these views. It was all right fur hlesars. the panel, but on reflection, in the el - lion of the Ministers, I should yet to Lange% in ar. Co. te couusel such a uni..n sence if knowledge on one material lase te censure them for honesty takiag eibetantially in the Tory iutereat, but point, I think it better not to suggest is a line which 1 wuuld not follow. when there is • breach in the Quebec this respect hypothetical critieisis. ems r.)7 tanks the cry of danger to the therefore I abstain. 1 think it nght 1. was in the heather. But we must be guided in each cue e ate at mice tills the air. A united say that, in lay opinien, the Govern When they first acted, it wais in a IRMO by Its own circumstances. The right of inadequate and haltiue sense. and with discussion, of advice. .if censure has a fatal pause. Cheer.. ) Even their been denied by a leading Minieteria. second step, after the eutbreak. was in- organ. Yet it is nnquestionatde. just and uniattsfactory, and it was not eters are responsible in this as in eh till alter the commission had reported other cases. I was myself instrumental that they yielded. They showed, also. in proeunng the reform *Inch :mole thi. grees negligence in dealing with the sure, and the rights which I helped to claims ef the Menituba enumerated half- secure for DIV country I witl• help 5. - breed, breed+, whose first demands, though mailitain. (Cheers.) But I declare the premed and proved for years, they re- the occasion must be special which fused to recognize or settle, nor were repliers discussion oppurtune, and th. they drat with till April, 1985. case clear which renders ccusure er.7eJ• Their action as to the land office, the ient. cpenine cf the land' for entry. the Sur Why, then, do I hold Chet this it treys, the settlement of land claims, the plainly a case for Parliarcentery discuas- recognition of early c.c.:up:teen, weed ion 1 For resat", rights, land patents, colenization coma Because the trial is for an extra'''. patsies and reeerves, and their system td dietary political offence. A great agita- dealing with letters, pentiotes and re- then has supervened, and %teems quiet porta were marked by apathy, incapacity tions have been raised, which cannot be neglect, procrastination and bungling disposed ef save after full debate ie. In truth. the story alluest incredible Perliament. were it nut proved out of the rec. Ile Lecause some perm:sent supporters nt Then in June, 1884, came Riel, the Government declare that they halo There was ample time that summer to been naisted, deceive;t1 and betrayed bt settle alt. All might have been eTel, the Government ; and thia. charge must Vice adjuatel ; the grievances which o.;,,,esfieatee. (Hear. hear.) were his instruments removed and his Beause these men aloe declare that power broken: They knew he was there ; G.eernment acted, not on principle, but they knew he WW1 agitating : they knew en party ounsiderations, to putosh *14 the danger ; Sir David Macpherson old offence. and to gratify the lace ut a knew it ; Sir Jehei ItIecdonal.1 knew 11 ; section of their sunn.erters, statemeet tir Hector longevin knew it ; wheel demands inquiry. (Hear, hear Adolphe Carm knew it- the whole corp. jeoeue, enham, at an early dee, seri of knights knew it. They were warned before the trials. the Goveneneat, 40 time and again they were implored chning the positioa of neutrally and they were threatened. Nothing moved indifference which as the reoreseetatives thein. ..f public justice, pub!ic mercy, and They were reused t.. reaction only ..n public policy they ahould•have maintDon the eve of the .oebreak. T.N. late, ahie declared that the chin...tette-hi lel-e toe late "Applause ) They were as te ferret airtime them of neglect, dmay, effective in measures of nepreestem and and mismarese:ement in Northwest affaos defence as in those of redress. They de- was the defence of their prisoners, thus moralized sad disbanded the heal ferces. making themselves substantially private With three years' warning they left the parties t.. the MIRO. and in effect rest - run. in each an eniestreiceable Mate that tee their defend* on the erisoners' con - /they became ageless at Cu* 11C-Oite:To the 'tenon, great danger of our galleet temps. I have *braes held that 1...th parties Trey chose a military post at Carleten, inieht bealeeply guilty, the Gevernment which was naly tenable while there was fur bet -elect, delay and mismanagement. co enemy- lauehter) --and was 'band- awl the insurgents ter rising in rebel used the first instant of the war. tion, always a crave offence tiesenst the These are but samples .4 their con- state. and tu this cue mterava.tel-hy the dect. I say nothingod the met ef the incitements to tt.e 1ndiens tert war. or the nuomeement thet busi But the Government identited their teas. N'ott, yeti know what followed actelittal with the priserersO cnacte. the cattbresk. The Inas tel teeny liveti tinn, and . 'Seed tirennehoe nn easily wouuds : much suffering ; terser mid anxiety am. t tie scattered settlers ; tweet hardships t tomes ; mullions drawn teen the public chest ; The country injured the Indiana un- settled.: a state of aflame produced ri which we canoe see the en.l. 1 brought the ounject before Parlie- . emessaiit llie end el UM •asettun., hut the Mouse was exhausted. the papers were entirintei, the members had not read thein ; Government Jellied the accuracy ..f my statement : they called en their stroller to confide t ; they de • Tt4I my ilidppOrt dile, d Oil kd .141 their mitmertere on that ground to vote it clown ; mei teeed down it wee Since theu there teem' time to res.. the ripen, the eleeeeti eel of hest smote n o loneer apply. th of their sup reefers sir *4* deflated slant the Corot -me -ea Wee. er .02, etid 1 do 11,0 beheve they tt •iii.1 year repe.tt their v..1 e Whit is tr. he th.. pes,,Itv for rIve owe who hare by their crimn, 41 nether and inagmeity prod 1ce.1 theftmad result, ! hale told them ha so older days iLey would hare helm impeached as tr4itor• te their trust. (Proletted am 131111e ) These are net our medern The 'email- is milder for inch an Aimee as their's, ton mild It is hut a withdrawal et the power they have abused, .4 the eenfidettee they have ben -eyed. This mild penalty we rag nn the per.. Sew to itinkt, end I it 111 1114 so fitt k. neer nt my onantry as te doubt the answer to that call. tCheers.) Since the (foie of the ontbrisak an „f a Las to unlit, tit:unship .4 •11 civil affairs of we Witattirlisalte. 1,51,1341 tet%rit met free French population, united in the Tury ment acted in a very proper spint in pro- etiterset, 'semi.' be a public blessing. A viding be the attendance of the pneen more equally divided French population, era' witnesses, and that from what I seize it would weaken the Tory intermit. know of their leading coupsel I shield is a public danger. (Laughter.) I say think it impossible that, in their maii- a more epially divided French poeula- agement .4 the •tese, there was anything tm, fur it is not guy judgment that the unfair to the prisoners or dentsgatory tr. French are a unit on this question. the high character they deservedly toe For the same base party purpeee of jay, or the responsible duties they un enienotitie nice prejudice, and tplviett denuok to perform. %Cheers) 1 am not r ,iund for the cry i.f Beglisit against implying, t. en. any present doubt alt' French, they bare been so represented the justice of the trial! For all nay he the Outset-) hlittistenal press. But cmiries it may base been jest. But be - me hy that of Quebec. and I believe sides justice in fact. the %matinee of l• It ttl be but a dodge, and that mere is there, as elsewhere, scone diviaion .pinton. 5.. may it be ! Let us unite and ovide, 1 aay once inure, on greends ..5 .eseen. arearnent and opinion, and not ef race or creed. 1 hope and trust that :he excitement having sentewhat abated, the further discussien in the press and eneter the treele may be mere trancluil ; thet loth and hasty language may be as justifying rebellion, but as waded aeoide and that when we meet in Par- proofs that tleverninent gave the .icca 'mitten': we may eniziace to debate in a aton and opportunity tt rase rehellieu rattier and after a fashion suitable to by means of the feelings evoked and %In- oue national dionity. and regardful of materials and chances offered through our natione! amity. (Cheers.) their iniscenduet. N... on what lines are we t» neat Look in this connecti .n at Bishop with this question in Parliament t Those .4 us who hate not etiesged in the pre. limitary discussion, te1e. are free and un- fettered, to whern it is onen, unernhar- confessedly withheld. The Govern rented by any pri- r and promatute ment says that it will not now eutte claratiens, to reach unbiassed cooclus nee this part of the cape. Tt reserve -I tens, have, I conceive, very spec:al du- for Parliament. Be it se. The issue is ties. We are to help to ehtain informs then deferred ; but we neet hare the tion on all points now obscure: we are evidence. And these peeper* may have to !leen te the arguments of those who an important bearing en the prime -tete of hal, taken tides ; wo are to consider the the dectsion, and on the (mimeo° wheele *hide case presented, and we are to er these were the men whe should here strive tc-r the formation ..5 a just and reached that decision, statesmanlike judgment he the Meuse cif I think we should hare the evidence Commons. We must endeavor to elim on which Govertinment hes charged the Mate, as fatties in the decision, rent and whites oi Prince Albert with belie creed, and tante-the Commons of Cen. steam, MUM. guilty than this 3delis. 11 ads, to speak with a rice mod in a setae so, then sheet(' t.e expsed. Indians which posterity, after these heats have; aud half.breeds should tee bear the cooled and these mitt, hare cleared. brunt while guilty whites go free -- shell ratify and cenianii. (Cheers.) 1 (cheers) -and the rottenest of these heiiece eine..., we woutdonake whites to Biel may hat e serious bear of this a poty question. After full re. ing thui case. tlection, 1 do tint enterisin that desire, We should hare further informstion but were it otheretim, 1 eloobt that the to Rim's de.nands for money. As result could lie accemplished. (Hear, Government states the came his conduct hear.) I exercise ne compulsive er con. was base and venal, and a strong im I bern od d feeling of palette confidence, of a general impression that al was fair, and that et - ery security was taken for burner, is itnportant. and in that view of the dem of the authorities, I think these gum tions should b., examined. Again. we should have before us all the eithbehl teed suppressed decuments as to the neglect, delay and mismeuage ment of the flovernnient -n't, I repeat, G teethe s letters lately published. Look at Col. Houghton's report still auppress- oil. Leek at the mass of papers a II WYSS 1111 001Dpic 1 SUOW of nune. To none ant 1 a perty. 3c4ortci Township_ ( tripleuee.) 1 have had no comment... ton with anyone euteide et my eon __ _ party. 1 have sever wished for office Ntr. A. Mclaiugall, of the Rth con., is very ill, but will tei ell right again in • On the contrary, I dislike it. Nor wee there ever e time et *hail it find judement. (Oneera ) straiiiine (..ree over the comment id the pression a For these and other nesse:is Liberal parte en this er any ether pies- Btu the statement is involved in contra - Cat 13 any attempt to evade or eelse I nen ; and 1 entertain the imprecision clientele, for 1 9nd in the memoranda of that with us, as with the Tines. there the Minister the followiug eetract from 'uasdalst'thait peessisted gem "Pt - in my rime Ad. to Wrest ; en Mindilr - A few days since Mr. to deter. Beyond th-.1 Whom it to be Ches. Beker, of this toinishm, sold • from • pent party pointed AP, the to Or " young C°1111, uest by Harry teeter of the Liberal party that the pier- Miters' splendid stalion) te hia brother NN ere Governmeet should remain in other Richard, f •t. the sum of 320.sTee litt e longer, (laughter), till the redly price indicates that they were good hat e seen stil more Nearly the reaults c.f oche. their past poticy, results which if dere the Parliavnentary deroosien, end env reedy to faelielte as 1.r ea 1 can the ventilation ..5 the whele /peen tn. in - (outline the sentences of imprieeeereo, centre tc a p . , , SS to which 1 nem he allowed tor:precis the hope thaa-4:',. ......... t wit: tritimet thenelt -at find Itlwah one- -01-8Y. regirtteiathiie atom: ..11177yrennishreitra. 17,.,.th, ate0mhit.„h lame arid rietreifill merit Itet while I ewe* ,if the ettniblioti• in this country." He said : "I ni11 cone delay died with 'Mee sentence. in N party divisions. yet ate I glad in t am id the erudite. I ho1.1 stem/ viewe as For the remon• 1 have elven. I do not mance by destroying Manitoha, and then to the chericter er4 the rUanielien. 1 will come and dote"), the Northwest desire • party cotitlict on the Begin* and take possession of the Northwest. Idoeh hsa been tell ef the conduct t f t4rier.iteddificso Ip.tinetra,crempt....,;:tose.f tt.h, me .irtivnetrieicat cat a t, • disorders( " may a th 3 French Ceneliaes is raising this NO ii:, kb ::wever wicked.)abamuird, .4 hinadvi quentien, and • weeted 3ttereet has been scaffold --(Pe `I'I`ne"4 ch"*0 -"r t" ere' been theme words addressed to the man made, tattiest advent:et, .5 ginner t.... hot ate er cement party ties with the blood . i lie WW1 soliciting, they are ineuesistent and iroempriate fltirgigPg, to erenee pre. -.1 the cemientned. To apply weeds It with wwwwhty. Mere light is wonted Oche -eel ef rare tio•I creed se %'.riat them have already pelted in another sense, .1 k__e. • her -reins they hey.. ahowit lq 1.:; .4116 le,teen .I.. not care 'Ti attempt the (mere • ' "`i now come to a more imp,,rtani, ran, reelems in the matter. It is true that nertal wi GI the paste bleed tinted key . - i et the case. The question ef Itiele mere vie Catiolians are in a peletteal senor one N'' ew, as poi know. 1 beep hewn sh tal conditton is one to which 1 am at temple. I ceu'd with that, without sent from Canada ter sane month's. hat i preaese disposed tri attach trrester impar- emiteratino rime predi'ectoena,therewere eine. my return I have reel with care. see...v. as greater 0 etv seri lore Rii feltwice, than tea 1 Oder, does the general atich Panora lot i 0'1114 tin+ "'blue public. But I think all will agree that low (lanaziene (Hoer, helot'. Te that these have pe sauced imPreetiens on my wo are clearly entitled et have before us, end 1 hare Inhered in my homhle war. 11)." " to 1111. materiel i'"/".4• 7 have hunks the pipers, the instructions and and net long since, when delete -line been clearly lee to the ,,,o.1., ... that rpr„,,..1 ug ie„, ,,, eatirg method commie. those .4 another both t•oen rujnol against the inf•.rmatien acquired far a jnet Melte eon which in referred et by the 4 kvern• 1 tte":t.voi tee he unei ot wipers'. 'R., T !tient on ..mo pints is ngt before us pointed met the tree path of date in a ment. Yoe will remember the mietlict I think we require an euthentic copy ing statements as to the character and miming:nay of &ler/ ream and erred, „f the "Atm.* an.1 prezeielinge at the remits of the inquiry. Though there like niiirl' ,wh'" our nriati catttlhtn" !Ira.' trial, and also of tIpe paper.. fonoil at is mach en which we clan •nti aught to nes' in ta. ""rt'''n ." "r ''*n I. 'v '111 !la .che, the prodoetton of nfii.li 'was imarfs unbelomosis independent of the with Nitwit% in the ree weiti. 1 ef the refroied hy the Government, hut whiele I medical testimony. yet thee is part of the rt.t" ef othrt•- (("1.-"" ) W" nInst I 'kink. Parliament shored see, the eam without which we ahould not de• held to the ample acknewlalement .4 rathar that a minicar has late!. mad, ewe. each mine inii•eletal nehtri ei *enact pnwin on. a ow" paiwrip ,dr ,.,.,w1.,i4www,, 1 think. also, we ahoutcl have a stam- ens* in erlitiotte matters, and to eitnnanel tee ineermaneet as affecting Rail's mai meet .4 the rtreentM on which the (L teen. and tending to contrediet the idle- tenement decided licilinSt, the recemmend retest that he heel himself veneered the Mien to mere', 8.011111111m which may have it.% itatien te ensile into the Nerthwest been perfectly gagmed. bet which oeitht I think we repent an miplanetion as SobJtx, expedient why, i f it waa ;Mended to ezeettte flee sentenee. Red wall net put .n teal for murder ineteed of for high treason. Wee it benne* it was thonght intemaistent are differenees of opinion pi the ranks t e es awe . tee likely to be cempevel. and rit hich it he got the menet, he would go to the at any rate, ohs 1 mak/ no endeavor te. Cnited States awl stert a paper, and • I 1." ,ifter all raise the ether natemalities m the States. degree enercomed ntt entice,. awl te that 1 melte theft e cniffitY1 T''411""rt 1'7 "P" ani 6"14.11 it144, A.a M1.4 t has 'meet med., for MI" ft.;11•• es ,hes politest teepees, t the Race and reletitma feelinte. h.saever. character and elk:get:ate the hoport. of tulle, and *III have their einem It is the agitation en the ennieet. some natutal th.o. 11. re 'dr - who are of .Me Qaeliee supporters ef the Irlovernment ine". .r faith sheet,' feel mere Imes., in oailmon with st meet th" Qtie • arm'', than the ore in the er *SR of bee oppieneots, clenouseed ita action in "" r`r very stroite lanetiste, es„ creed. Mum burl Bleed ta therager twee made, thee," have bees Anew, thea water. Th. til n 4 nemmeted thereselnis tom, Otte that they sh-n14 f.tmtd elleM abbe& jectemeri• (Cheerio . th 0 meat pent, tp'ect ) utter. mercy .)a tlit. othet hetet, the me -t violett and P' 1 '1! 2121lcaldt • all *1 •. and 4 455* oped in our reign, might he, se in pee times, attributed to u• and not to their It is thIllIE now -a -days to -1 r authors.. Bin were Ad this ether- hear mie complain of feeling all broken 1 e.t.a,* theaiat politicet up with a faint, weary, restless Lingua., alliance can he forested en a emieral mi with strength andemmtite nearly goo., • • derstending on the suhetantial mieste.e. and no well.delined cause. This is gen- calling for seem legislative and admires- oral debility, which Burdock Blued BM - train's actien ; aad that it would lee ters priamitty relieves, mid must mean - equally impossible and undesirahle to ably cures. form one based ourrinunity of sent: 2. usent, did that exist with resent at. Last Wavanosa. ezecutien Nor have 1 reaper. t 'believe - - - that ..n that et. any ether (piestuni the Bromism Nonce --Mr. (leo Hewett, (1 ..ernment, threigh weakened, will b• I of (be :eh oat , will build a mock bows. d feared this seesten. fleet ',menet , he has given the Fie the peevs.* forwarding their 1 to Mr .1 Youne, of Menchestet. Mr. d tern to tore .n ate' Yrenen .1 155.11, .1 t!..: 4th con., pet- tier Ontario Ministeriel entail nee vise. t rectum a buck de/ethane iseemi c ..imed their defewt Bun the ansae ammo the cenneg summer . Howard not play the same tune in Quebec. It ts Magill have the contraet. Mr. J. only • dodge. Th. Government would Seaokheuse intends putting up a atoll/ deuhtless like to make this an ii.oe - • h. u..e as soon as the work can be gene nay, the issue- befere the Deglish *Peak- I on with in the spring. Mr. Jelin Bilis populsti .ns. They would like it has let the contract ter ramie; he barn, hectule they know the long calender of to Mr 1' Bone, Aubure. their crimes. But the stormed 'Melt net b allowed to ch.etee the tastier fee erect' they are to be tried or (u frame their! swanning f•e owe. Indictment. There is no trout.!• in ascertaminn For our part, we trio know the cats • hem any drugent the true Tutees of ' Inme .4 their offence*. We knew the I Hegyarde Yellow thl, fee all prinful and mends of th• indictment, and 11 is eur ' indeuenstory troubles, rheumatism, neu- purpose, apart alter. Cher hero this (tura ! ridges, (rest bites, burns, ties of the man who is deed, to deal t brui.es. 'prem., contracted cords, stilt the men vile, 1M yet peliticelly jetuts. aches, pains and sorenesa. 2. alive---thinghtet) - and vole -fee innesnee ; aide offences deserve a political death- Iitalett. tcheeis) -as sure.as stern,as swift as that which has at any time hereteifore been eau, 1. . 1... i etyma --Chas. A. Howson, of - - meted out to those inl:ke case offentlice tinhe ea'rliest lamb of-tehe-seacati%,h'hmuletharive- the 1"th con ef Hull tt I heti... that in Quebec and elsewhere, g twe dropped .m the 219th. They are in and outside 91 Parlientent, there has. • meet epee, 14), the Tury peliey ; that at is-heing receg- , been a &crowing Iodine of uneaseiess at . I -',4 1.I:ItgL Martie.:. --A meeting .4 the nised more and more ali A dread fal fai- ' 1...r.lreran„. lure ; that its fetature-tTa tazattoo, re- 1-4`-'"1" erf t' . ' '' Hall, lemdeeleiro, on the was held in the striates,, extrivatimee, correetion, jab - 1st inst. The tewnship was well repre- bery, neglect, momanoentent and con seuted, and a thorciugh rim' of commies- tralizatiou have optic fur it many rppo- lien derided mann, parties from differ. mints ; t het the Governmen t is spend:pin): in public ntimation ; that the 'York. When the Itruis fer action censer lint teCti.tis• being cheen to perfect the are beginning to perceive the wedeln of "meet and true men- • ill be found our counardr, the hely ..f eer opponents; rssdy to take their place* in pc...seing that our labors of these ver. are at length bearing fruit ; that the Govern- tthe true toteresta .4 I) oroolort proves,. ment will he weak tits iiinsic n, and John Little has traded bis Canadian " do our fell deny, be defeated at the retle the Louden reed, below Clutter', foe art (Pniloneett cheer.) weaker still thereefter. and. wilt, if we liretwip.1,:tnet,:r.e.nh;irs: tv,eiryR.fin•hete :nuaiMartai ._iiiiig. :di As in my electoral contests I have 14Y• with four wh'te 1..1.4 and face .' 4 made no private canines, but h ive de• pended air public utteraeces, so aR a pelitimil leader my he, ea of eainine strength fnr my perm have reeved inlay on elm pntitte eneeettes,' en the p1410) we have propounded and htie principles we have maintanued. I have for e 400 time believed ilytt 'mere] atiomotere of the Geyer...mem have been dames feel, have frit that they were .o. the questions f the day and .4 the iinme- elate future more in accord with us than with Mmistere, and have retoenized the expediency of a change They have omen that our reentry, which haa :treat and tele, mound reseereen 1'1411 ...en now, thank Ged, is shellfire in Wane, quarters sten% ed recovery fre.n seine of the •vils inflicted nn it be st• rulers ; which is inhateted hy intelimeet„ industrious teed pe.gremive pe.iple4 affording the nisi,. e ement real preei peritv ; which reintres only itet and pendent, fair and stateentaneilta meern• meet to permit its advance on both the material an.3 merle plemes, tuns great risk 15 111* prevent sett counsels are t endure. Party ties, the bends of friendship, Meg habit and Val ,eiatiod, the art iletivilm. . nem of haring borne • part. *beech re- iumantly. in ran* things n •16 t.inclet.1P- 1.4, anti reher come leratione of rare no kinds hate lone restrained them. and nay restrain then, ern. het 4 de net abanden the hope that some may short ly come oat freest the malts te which they no log,, in heart helento see 00 xrate with tie frankly In effecting • we do not know the grounds of that rir. ea not, we wilt continue tefight 'the good And here I may my that Train* that rive in the nobl- coon...Is If thee oconnembitton. lee can trollied them. Dot of they do 1 { fltht with a onset hewn- (Phew* -se hest ISM /WV 1, .,U will gladly •eleresee co optit- hlifineibmasnrihassawotawnee4howaso oto ir•oeinoila hariiiiti from the mods we has. t at to the croend• en w m nro•rn. (Cheers , The harmed hey item deer e; (.5114.6‘tIall't.hiit% trial Reiff, it tient he eon- meet theught the execute's of Itiel nee miming Sometime, .t hat seeneei ail It wah jett„ to try e.w. We should ale. learn semething .4 the (or aueht, save a pelitioal effenee It is vall°'"" 1"1- th• lele4 rearile. "1 which proper Aso to kn. w mere se to the air """ml ore"^" ha'," /I*" 111 511. ,010 04 en...stanoir• retemetieLwith thet letter, °la 481vattratnol Datum - e., gle en judge ..f the *Agit in Alt at- Feller sadmentellins arelaa to he rtaistred weighing tetween 1.900 and 2,000 Rae. NM Is hone. • l'rinee or %atm," and sheeld be a gemiseional, as lia c ALS Mr. lettle over $1,600 Se Itlawarralte. There is no Wondering in the dard- 111 the *Mien .4 Burdeck Blued &titters omits the apogees It is no scattering shetimin prescription, no mire all ; but it acts iiireetly upon the f..ur cardinal points .4 health : the stomach, the liver, the boweee, and the W...& anti weeks its curies in a natural manner through nature's amnesia. 2. Lblehlilidtiffes -- - The tethering are the manes of the We beet 4,, each clam at 8. a. No. 2, Ael.tieht, for January The names are 1,. the ,,Mir of mere : ftth ideas, James Dalton, Redeye J Dairen. John Nohh, LIVSIII Rummy. Bridget M. Dalton : Re. 4th. Amite C. Ihilten, Celie Censer, Martha O'Neill. Maurice ltf Dalton, Bete Prindettne. nee Illentran ; Jr. tt h, John Keefe, Jne. Daltme, John J. Dean, M.rt Mummy, Jehtt 5' Nett' ; 3r3, Leash 1)alton, /diehard Dalton Maim D Regimen, Aimee O'Neill. Them &Miran. Johit (P'Cnenor. Richard Puller, Church street, Toinn- te, .m the. remernmeedation rof the City Tresetrer. wden had espettieweed the toenfie .4 filler' lenterent aid Pau in ) pencured s reeff.•red filen .11C1menatie Gees, remeneer wile s wenmem of the msel ees' .4 t itylitt, 1. rain awl ..tollSII thet itiedep and 'meters, *ail laammiwila of tile entitles el fee 1peree. ohnWaseirroeveldepd. teumetowitti; a :111 saa e' h.ni mewl bade A werma 01'0 onettsA ...to P. by Y. Jordon. 4 1