HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-12, Page 1fEva E°. coUNTY NEWS
W ILr NUM8KR tttall. ,
M o,rel+acted B►Ky 1M dayiM U a. Yat
As..i.ttW wr Ser.. at their l
iN 11)I1;1uuoa. ONTARIO
• i w t..pateed to all parts of the .sree rid
las easIl
1U7 by e earliest anal. eel testae -
'fates. $1.50 la advsaoe poetess M'.-pstd
b. washers 1. it pard wW ttom eia wombs
b. trictil
pLpUeotseM Tau rids
• Petr ed.
tar•• .,r ADVSRTesrwe. -alight coats pe
Ise for ant 1usertioa : three mats perils. for
etlok sebesqueat lnaertMs. Yewrb, baIS-year',
sad stsmrtarly ooctrecta at reduced rater.
I es rtteigunt .--.Rs love alaoaeretcl•r
Sobbing Upset amen lo oaaaaotlos. Gad posrara
• ,etr the mart oomphete out -lit asd best facWtim
W g if taming out work is Ooderieh, are pr..psrrd
gm Ila bestows is tt hat Ilse at pewee that o•eases
• 7etmgt aM lity tit menet be
vaunt. Ilia Z s 188‘.
Two Wtngkam .Idranrr, in discussing
tee dummies liar question, winds up so
article esth the G,lk.wing admission :
The. Hua Thomas N•hltr has Memo by la
coe.ewtiw facto that bW e Kretains tee belt.
The !tier.Uuds. to Tax Sto'AL as the
" howl-didianwr." Wal, we would rath-
er "distil*" than be "etiolated" to. The
female* with our contemporary is that it
dare not say Its soul te its own. It has
to knead. down to ala mason every
Tag pretties of the voters' lists ootid
IP be dune at half the price if let to open
oompetitiom, as the hats for the 1.gida-
Ta• Star, is its last issue, promised to
deal with our article es the Riad gaes-
tion neat week. The "hired mats" must
hare been off duty last week --likely
Nay fishing, so es to get bralnft el for
the oceaswo.
A few days ago Reformers kesQed that the
Ontario Oorersa.ent bad • or alae -
teen io tie Legislator, Oa thm ant Celsius
that majority war Joet twelve. IH.wJton
Yea , and the second divi.ios iaorwed
►t to sixteen, with several Reformers
absent, and one in the 'hair.
Hoe ('bristo,ther Fiulay Fraser put
the Gutter atrught when the Jackal
brigade was talkie, to their be000mw
reselutiou on the haltbreed amnesty The
Cummirioner of Public Works remark-
ed, "What you want is to amnesty Sir
' John Macdonald."
Gearrrores has oompletod his cahoot.
Th. jh, " , ui Broadhurst, the
,tour csadsdate, to the position of Chador
Home Secretary, is an svidenoe uE the
march ot dessocracy. He is the *first
working man who ever occupied a cabinet
positipn to England.
We understand that dntggists'liesnees
to sell liquor under the Scott Act hove
been issued to Messrs Jsatee Wilma and
F Jordan do is ts Goderic1 b th
ten sad the municipalities are. But the gg y e
Teems are jobbers in matters vent and Octane Gorernmspt. These geatlemee
sod small The electors hereto foot the have tie confidence of the temperance
b.11 for this pouting by Government fa- people, and the acticc of the Local (io,
ernment is in marked ooetreat to that of
rumen. the [artisan .. who iseed
"The electiva of the warden gave rise licenses anger 0..4? Pumrnion Govern-
} to er.eaiderable messiest. (Sear. meat.
'hoe. And it was the Reformers who
.ndulged in the eacbinnation, and the
laughter was ante/oafish when F. W.
.to.hastoo tree and asked Co a seeood vete
to be taken. By the way, what about
that little ft.tioo of the ss$tar',, that tit,
advocacy of Tax Stostee always means
the defeat of • politician t It appears to
a that the present warden d•.ean't agree
with the (tar on that ea.re.
Tim "'Joating debt" of many church-
es is 'generally large enough to stet
ahem Down to Guelph the Dublin -et.
Methodist church folk dont seem to ap- sous of the prominent Reform members
peeciate these big debts. The pastors. ran in weak constituencies at the last
ltay. Dr Griffin said Rev. J. !!t. (eresro election, but wailed themselves of the
(formerly of t,oderich) asked for $3.000 "hiri:iq" process to get safe seats. Whit
to wit» cf the Coating debt en the
church, and on Sunday last the wain of
33,b31, in tach, was taken up on the
Mates Truly "the hoes have fallen is
pleasant places' to the u.ioietenal
friends in Guelph. A church with a
surplus nowadays, deserves a speeual
Mr. Charlton's up -wares on the tim-
ber limit stealing,, coming so soon after
Mr. Carreroe's revelations, have para-
lyzed the thieves' brigade and the anbsi -
dized organs for the timebetng. Tbua
tar nu refutation ot Charlton's state-
ment" has been attempted, and even
Hon. Tom White hos trot put his elastic
testimony on rowed attaint theta. Mr.
Charlton has proved that the "half bad
not leen told" by Mr. Cameron.
Tam Mail on Tuesday declared that
Amoco: a roctaight ago 11. C. Camengn,
M.P. , wee stricken with • severe attack
-A h , , which confined him to
his room for several days. The Toronto
Weil makes this the occasion for jibes at
the illness of the member for Nest
Horoa. That is despicable Journalism
whisk would attempt to turn the sick bed
of art ogponsot into a 'upon of rid/mile.
We ire glad to say, hoverer, that Mr. 'prices during the past seisms. The ono -
Cameron has sufficiently recovered his
teslth ss to go to St. Thomas to deliver
speech tonight. We expect to see the
Aft sir s .an sneer in the Racal Jackal
jeurnsl this week.
If, se the Tories say, there .s no likeli-
hood of trouble in the Northwest, why u
it deemed necessary that early in the
spring • eying eclumn of 1,200 should
he despatched to secure order and protect
the country. The U deems
6*dlletoo sad his flying column moose -
eery, notiefthatandint the
If poem oa the pert of the M..i's Orem.
fest oorrespoedent. Bat, why, rik—
'meal it the Wed that docked that 11ere
was any likelihood of • rebel rinse or
en Indian outbreak is the Northwest
feat epripg (1f opera* it was ; asd it
owns lost se good & prophet tbss as sow.
rubbish ! M. C. Cameros faced 11T.o1
• Tory majority to West Hueco, and
turned it into • Lineal majority of 21.
Mille in Butbwelf. and Patterson is
Brant, Use made gallant runs in 000atii-
teeoc.se that were 1 to de-
feat thea, The Mas: `lies harder the
older ii VOL
"day, father, what's s Orit t"
" • Ont. my so*, is a lean who.as
the sand io kiss a stead so for the
rt,Obts of his Provisos. Be
singes, .Os -My -awe ! Oa tsy-ree-o''
and always believes in boats rule."
" Well, lather, what is a Jaskol r
" A Jackal, my Goo, is a liver upon
earrioe, who hoots op prey ter tie old
Lion, and is satisfied to feed oa the of
fJ left ST his master. In politics •
Jackal is see who does ditty work for his
political boss. In Ontario the Jackals
nee that ohms of Tory politicises who
believe in sacrificing the interests el
their province to the whites of Bir Join
Macdonald "
" Thea, father, there's gaits a differ
enoe between a Jackal end a Grit r'
" There is, indeed, my Gua. Tho'
jackal is willine to hunt op prey for Sir
John, even if the province has to suffer
The Grit funs Sir Joke to • abandon _
his prey.."
" Father, I won't Iwo Jackal."
" NO . OsJPF1 DENC13 IN 7111:
I2 was thought, when Martin J. Grif-
fin was hustled from the editorial staff of
the Mail, that that journal would take
its place with the respectably edtt,d
newspaper. of Canada. It was hoped
that the hay wben the Mail would be-
rate an archbishop and liken bin to a
poodle dog had gcom and that wilful at-
tacks upon individual, ela.ess and creeds
would be Chines of the past. But it
seems such was not to be. The journal
whose cardinal policy was swoo in court
to be "to stab under the fifth rib .tame
political opposeut every erorninz," coo -
tinned is ruffianly course until the La-
flamme verdict knocked et silly, and
forced it to desist from attackiug iudivi-
dsais. It no htlgsr partieslarises as to
tidividnal, ; M ,, ., ., on classes.
Iu furmer days it tilted at so archbishop
to strike ata creed; today it teas amuck
at a creed, Gad igesres reprweotatives.
The fo.luwing quotation from the Mad
of Musday test will bear us out on this
point :
• As the Enrliah minority knows to
to its suet, Quebec is the only spot in the
civihard world where the Roman Catbo•
lie shush is permitted to yield is.dimral
sway; and if, io addition, her subjetta
are to be allowed to review the sootenoes
peald by oar courts on criminals of
that reel, and to punish the administra-
tors el the Federal law fur carrying it
out, the impersew in iwtperw will be
s eoesplete, that we may as well haul
down the British flag, sad leers the
oosstry to them.,.
Tan astute editor of the Hamiltes
Spertator'; claim that the 'rices that
an paid for tattle, grain and vegetables
new are higher than in pint years, and
that the extraordinary increase is doe to
the benign influence of the IMP., will,
we hare no doubt, be hailed with de-
light by those of our Tory friend,' in this
section whn bare been grumbling abort
testion of the Hee:tator is see of the
two funniest things we ever beard on
the trade question. The other was,
when. during the last eictius in West
Middlesex, we listened to Jumbo John-
ston expatiate upon the leoe6ts confer-
oa the fanning community by the
National Policy. Jumbo bro.ght does
the house when he doolared that "tie
N P. had raised the price .f cheese sad
other armada"
•Tins week co our sewed pep we pub
tisk that poetics of Rua. Edward
'Mashie gra speech at Laid= whish
steak with the Rel ease. everybody
syrriM read it -Ora sod Tory. It is the
vele, of s stmta+s/1 that apeaks,nsd the
wort'♦ O s those of s Mme, and not the
wets wren", of a ptri"ird olatlstan.
Tt hen the :Mar's hired man is wrest-
ling with the Riot question, and trying Things ,That Are Ft tIt: at
to prove that the halfotsed.hare no grim
rees, we would like to see hint deal Around Cs.
s XC011,LIet•d1)1* TWO% tlitraid
t ,we-` iDi, I Bo'a't vett', r mt t.arperol
refusinz t.. meet hii.lis tt,e,e ds).
Ira. -row . used to trate! &reeled with a
IIE bodyruard composed c f John t eardner,
+ et Rlusvals, w:, • carried tt,e satchel,
$b. dal), M.".re-, who carr:,.: t! a w:.inky,
a W.. /mml■eet at saysel s -11 t. T1M. Bob Toomb., o f Currin, and • Rut of
fares. a. a result.***a" a..t n 4.ay
other toughs. It was as rood as titof:.K
maw pert.m
with the following statement oaths sub-
ject from the Toronto Mai: :
1 hee sever denby tae Maii hies
By the ~u• a Manitoba Act of 1.70
aid Cltrrti as et the and rraatly rests,
"Med the u of the Ilalfbresda or that
Previews to is las Indian title, mid it
follows as • matter of course that tl tie; bad
rigbte 1s the. 11 of Msaitabs, those of them
4wsltlmtr la the retries' beyond had rights to
tae soil tiara.
This admitted of no dispute.
It nest have been ignite well undresses! by
Parliament is I*70 ; at all wrests the .rcor4e
Show that the (loterm:meut et this day rrosg-
sMed the point. though a settletnect was not
thew asked for.
la spite of this reroge:I ion, hon rrer. and of
the ma•Ifest and t e an.wrraWr logic of the
Ilaltpreedd care, the Itepans.ent fur years
.ad )'ran Mead(' refused to mot la Gas
it a tamarind Question ; It would involve
the appointment of a cesmisMn and no rod
of troshee; Kt. Albert and est. Laurent sere
tar dlemat depesdenciei w ithoat political in
(mesas , it was a cteau that would be mosso
Mae wows MbIws•NssMI1■g In tae pigeon.
This wee the way in which the o'Erials
tr.ateertbeJ0m deonsnd of the Weis. tied we
sere. with Mr Mike. hoar their ore/grace
was ewer sad I.rsrmwNr. asd rssssr,bwt•
ad is bream about the 1
Had they had rote.. like white sten. or it.
Hite the Indians, they Rud been numerous
manual' to uosunand respect .d overawe red
tops, without doubt toe wheels a the office
wsuid nate rerotred for tore ; but being
ell Halfbseeds, they erre pat st will as
esrrmM psorsasr, .ssa11 patieote assts M
be a rimae.
We repeat again that the departmental srs-
tem ander whieb 'Loh valises wag cruel
mestere of alae Awes. of portio. .f the
ess■ilbe■Ity we-• p..•lble...a..roes. mad
.bew*d be esmmM:'
Tr'Rwin ore sat wily spri t, int,
they ask oat easy isrentioaa ON of
these " uventi es*" emanated from the
brain of some befuddled Tory scribe in
Walkerton, but it was copied far and
wide. The editor of the Star. who
would not bear false witaese against his
neigbbowr—sakes the oeigbbor happens
to be a Grit -inserted the miserable lie,
kslowi•g, as arty residept of Goderich
mast know, that Cameron and O'Connor
have always been on the same side of
politics and warm personal friends. It
is to be hoped that " Truthful James'
will make ample apology, Gad insert the
following letter from H. P O Qu... , ether Toy attempt to catch the working-
M.PP., which explains itself : neo, who may not be snare of the facts
Walkertns. Jan. 24. 1996. of the use. Neither the nipeeteter nor
To the editor of the Hersh any other Tory sheet oars make good the
Bax.—My attention has )last been all• statement that • Globe . was
sd to a p•rstrapk in the Herald of today fined or 1 for striking for
waeeatmaieh atys,, Mr. O " floats'Co.nsoyeses r, ago whet: one
for higher wages in the big strike of lfli 2,
M. PP.
sow, Besse, was brgunisg lou carer, or at any time in the memory oa middle -
he amide • speech at iluakeld, in the aged, or aged sen saner. Bet we tarn
course of which be spoke of the same prove that in 1884 there wigs • strike in
Mr. Comecon (e-1. C. Queues, Y.P., of the Tory Nail ..ice, Toneiw, and an
Goderish, is meant) as the 'cketepao
Hart of Canada.' Permit no to say that lrtoclad oast was framed and submitted
the ph is untrue. I never at ti. the compositors. which b..umd them to
Duo old, or any other place, need the forswear the Onions, and forsake a,nnsc
given, or said anything which til.,w with .11
Tee Omye 8e•dillrt hes an aetiele on
th. esoeutios of laird. headed. "Mors
Ilett .sated." That's just it. The
Sevfetsi sad the rest of the Tecy pries
seed tight apes this subject The Sen•
bed tales sgesg,tioe to the retaarks of
Tis tisowai anent the R1el goestioa, and
is sot aware that Orange insalsce wee
seed to consign Rig to the gallows. or
that the t,eetsvt'i over wrote anything
"whish, fairly eoastreed, will prone its
(Two Bio w s c's) .ssertioss. " 0, ho ! So
all that froth about &maniac Brother
Batt ass toady figurative talk, hyp.rbobs
sad es teeth t Well, wire glad to lasts
blest eel , tones .t this late
`ear, that it dide't masa all it said Were
Mete ew.erstine We harm used goots-
' eelollini ter tis ' ' wen front the Ovmye /1wslisa before
riffs HOW1eir PHIL'#so-t1•HEE.
Having brought to public notice the
tuerits of that philosophic rural:at and
municipal reformer. the second deputy -
reeve of Howicl:, we are glad to see that
other newspapers have been attracted by
the luminosity of his ideas. Like Benin,
Mr. Jacques can say 7 "I awoke one
morning and found myself famous. ' The
Chanel Nein Era thus refers to the wise
man of Hawick :--
- -- ' to a fall chole show to hear the ar.tr.ale
I see there's blood oa tie fare of t!;e howl whet: the orpesittet, "eraser got
moon clown at Bsyteld. Th,, Govern- up. But Tem s . rat••ry always had a
meat "harbor works" here are not be- Seething effect uiw nethe audience- •t
alit proceeded watt. is a fro per fashion, usually rut them to sleep. I'll, yen ' 1
and the Grits and Tories are up a arms like to hear three Tory etewapeper resit
against the contractors and the rovers —who never heard Thomas I'&;:ow
*hat be. Ther-_', a revel.. f:r (Ilcrose silver -toned tenor sole politica! .cues
to get up s tint -class txrtoos. He could tions --tell about how he i -leaned het
tate Bi:; Boom fobbling the (1,vern- ``sudter.ce, laid bare the w an -gut aqui!
went shekels into his wallet ; the "Rail i menta of his op(onents. dealt trench
Fence" gettitog washed cut Its quickly as . aptly with the sophistries cf the op; Jsi
text speakers, and curried everybody
with hint in his final peroration. tato,
yes i I lire to hear the Tory parer*
slop over em F•trr en's -eatery, so I an,
Breaking shout election matters, psi -
Ups t• -u aster knew tcw Farrow mote -
ell testi Greys r: *; ri'y to soder 100
at Ice leaf election. Well, I'!t tell you.
As I told you before, Tom isn't what
*eientuts would call a "form' on the
political platform, sea lee differs from
some of the fogs that trick up his ora
tory, in that he is aware of hu. defect in
this respect. But k;'e 11 'cute as a pet
fez, all the same, i s Ton, and knows
when he strikes s Le•ranza. Wel!, be
struck "Ile," as tae saying is, dost: in
Grey township, aol in an unguarded
moment he has .ince let the cat out of
the bag. Grey usually piles up a Grit
majority of 130, and if that township
held solid to its old record Toro thew
that, politically, his ale was dough. Se
he had a free cunsultate-1i with a Mr
Holmes, who was practising medicine
over In Brussels, and between them they
struck a bright idea. Farmer, before he
went t" Parliaotetit and fell from grace.
tool a class leader and could talo
religion like • circuit rider, so what did
he do but get the names of all tie
pious farmers down thecooceuion lines,
acrd cake a dead set upon them. Tom
gut the nares from the big medicine
man, but the latter didn't
ken, as he easis't sufficiently exercise*
on tpiritcal matters to. b. of much ten
when it sue down to "knee drill," an
the a4alvattonista all it. So T .rtt d1L '
that part of the business alone, and be
dad it su well that it jetted the Grit
majurity away down below 100, I under-
stand. tte made it a point never to
talk politics to these pious men, but he
wouldn't be long in sweet converse with
them before he would drew forth frog,
his valise, a welt -thumbed Bible, and
ask the privilege of reading a chapter
and closing with a word of prayer ; after
which he teak his leave. Then the bit;
medicine man and another heeler would
appear on the scene, and would solicit
tee vete and influence of the pious farm-
er for Mr Farrow, a man of undoubted
piety, about suspicion, clear before the
world, and above reproach, and of good
report all through. Under these cir
cumstanoes something had to give, staff
Grey's rma uri•y "faded away like the,
moruin'a jeer before the risia' ,'r ti►
sun," if I may be allowed to ten a qeo-
tatiott patented by ez warden Kelly at
the December meeting of the county
mouth Farrow ham since Imitated at
how he artured Grey, but T don't Ukiah
he'll ever be able to repeat the trick.
C saw Johnnie 'Tenths" loading up
the Sue man the other day on the gaea-
tion ,f the pror in Godertok township.
The remit of the , . appe•re .
41 the tat lame of the Stee in the coal -
Among the members of the county
council is the second deputy -reeve from
Hawick, whose name it is Jacques. This
is not the only peculiar thing about him
by any means. While at the council
beard be kept the members in constant
good humor by the oddity 01 many of his
ideas, one of which was that dogs should'
be taxed u personal property, and an-
other that it was not right to assess a
farm and also the stock, because the farm
came under the beading of grain raising,
Gad the duck made it a stock farm, and
ceneequeotly it was unjust to settees a
man cur two kinds of a farm. His hubby,
however is that either the county council
or Loos! Legislature shculd he abolished,
particularly the latter. All the way from
Nowak to Gudertch, be was "buzzing'
the members with his hobby, and when-
ever he Rot a chance at God.ricit, he
piao•p.d his idea int.. his hearers. Meet -
lug Judge Toss one day during the see-
sitwt, he explained his theory, so the
dory goes, and eked his opinion, and
jades. who has a keenperespOen of
*srid 'coleus, warmly supported Loves'
pas by the remark : "By all means
abolish the Local Legislature. for ycu du
stand s chance of getting ince the county
council. white you haven't a ghost of a
chance of ever getting into the Legisla-
the spiles were upeuded ; the Govern -
merit inspector with sae eye clueed to
ward the "job," saying, "1 art see
anything, wrong about this," aid with
the other eye open singly r, the iuteresta
of Big 134.0111 ; then the petition of the
Bayfield people,—like thou., of the half
breeds of the Northwest --Setting Fe eo.r-
holed at Ottawa ; slid finally the stet.
wart forms of reeve ES/Kits, Wellington
Connor, Theo. J. Nuorhouse. John
Morgan, Tudor Marks amid other re-
doubtable', standing sternly "behind
their Winchesters." saltine to hose the
matter at:elided to at once by the Gov-
ernment. There. a picture tor a
"draw -poker" artist, and don't y.0 for-
get it ! It's a picture that's founded on
fact, too, as the tethering eztrart fr.m
the titeir'r last week's Bay6_id '•war cor-
respondence" fully testifies :
'"The council of this mtai'tpality_seat down
• document mote titre ane 10 the ulster of
Public Worts. Ottawa, cnupiatntsg of the
,harsher the (lovernmeot engineer ase nosa-
structieg the north pier of our ha-i,ac ; which
doclimes', we believe. was zet takes the
least notice of by the edictal entbaritlea They
have _ow a Dew petition with all the rate -
mitre' n.mes attached, reedy to send to the
sante dlrectios nod to the came perms : but
whether it will reosRe the same 'moistest
when received as the former see, is of ...burse
difficult to &sewer at the pressed time W
have all come to tee conclusion hers that spite
driving is about as etttuciotu on the yob of
our harbor as Ho/lowisy's pills are to& broken
down ooiatitethic."
1f Bay6elds grievances are not attend-
ed to by the Government, right away.
quirk,—as the boys say—tt will be ne-
cessary to send General Middleton and
that flying column of 1.200 to defend
Huron's county t.:wn, and hitder the
enraged petitioners from wreaking a ter-
rible vengeance upon gig Boom. Noth-
ing can save in now except immediate
action on the rart of the Government, or
a spring freshet that would render the
gravel road impassibie for the "big
guns" of the - , is the event of
an uprising. I am hopin;r for the best,
but the lauds are dark and lowering at
present. If active steps are taken to
Guard against a laiden eoreriee by eke
enemy we may yet worry tbroegb. I
would that erring or Goners! Middleton
were here.
I understand my friends, Frei Thr
don and Jimmy Wilson,hare been award-
ed the druggists' licenses. I dont thins
"Mee who are Got et middle a.r t ran te- either of them will be ambitious to turn
member when oa the Toronto
(Nose sero seed an imprisoned for striking his shop into a "dive." And what'll
for higher wage..' become of the Moeda wt... reed to pre.
The above frcss the Hamilton ' perte-
for, of Mo.nd•y last, is a falsehood made menade down West street when they
tat id whole tooth. No compositor on wanted to •'irrigates" And
the Mohr was ever fined or I wouldn't it be an orthodoz queatiuestirrt to
for striking for higher wages. It's an- ask it it isn't about time the licensees un-
der the McCarthy art were made to
eoali epoeetbly be tortured tato caning eurnetiee having no their
what yousay mid ; nor did I •ret in object the amelioration .4 the conditiow
stay speech we Mr Ossseros'. same, or 04 the worki"a mast ; and nig printer eine
new to tem is any way. Mr. Osumi*" flowed w work te tae ..fie, who we.utd
mad I mea sow, and had besu 1" "Sea cwt sabscribe w the tett-telae doeem et.
before 1 s..
'!vista to Breve*,1bathvary per..sml we an ak.t prove that tuna«, of the
gad pelf40,.
fy of M.
Aeiwerws. but Icare M selt0- Mwa'a tyre e.l ad"ro w se- ooaposi-
"haul down the flag ' What is ti:e
W. C. T. l'. doing in this matter
Thos. Farrow J1. P. , has been paraly-
zing the "free and independent" over at
Blyth. It seems he sent s gilt-edged
invitation to M. C. Cameron to meet
him at Etyth and settle the r' Rideal
eostioro there and then. tie didn't
say whether it would be aideholda,
or backholde, nr beet three-ln fire tn. `m lluestton column. no (acts shoo(*
harness, or catch -swatch -can, but he I the increase of pauperism in Gederielt•
wanted to (tare go re for Cheerers
speeches at Brumfield Gnu Weigh/tee.
Cameron (tided. sinet the Invitation,
owing t.• the fact that he Cale.', think
Farrow was of sufficiently heavy rabbe..
township were not quesaioned, but tie
writer went on to show that (',uderid
town had alau bad cases of .
Which 01 goes to peers the times tinder
the K. r. are not any better than before,
You see. it wet hereine. Barrow made that nostrusn was foisted oa the publie.
a speech in the ,to,.. in which heslaim Th. letter doesn't better tie °we any,
ed teat tke bona laid large: eggs in Se- and don't r -fled slay credit upon the
ron sines the N. P. came ir. Euros, and author or the . . Tb.y evgkt
to try again and then quit. I1 naiads
the of the woman who had so smart si
boy that, said she, „!Ly .Ittheeie rsallts
s 54614 8'11 out of ba owe head, sod ha
hes ,posed, wand left to uveae ,tastier "
edsties (d a aortas triad) for tors the adrneacy of that yearnal for Cameron when t ambitious to ,ideals with
the/settle and tevsattve gastus of the Massone eaoored for that gentleaua the' s Inas who didn't ham. set better titan
ehasepion liar" who wrote the article I animosity of tie w..rlregmse of Tomato.to risme such a statement on tie floor
d of Perliaatent, p'ar, uer, o! course, :tad
"ult.: the ►seer to he, yews, faith- And we ash abs 22102, 6g the edification
the mast siege seer at
h, sed a. -
lolly. H. P. O'Ossrroe.. of the IlisdsM, that rs said Outdid tliesrh visas of eke Tnrw had
1Mc silalr e[ >rtaMe didn't help the They eases in We a oath was destrw:d 4 IM 1
arAllrs [Yea 1rNfiii, hit lob That rev rbc tin, foresees of the Aka hal ural,. BIM do th' enterprise to publish • rotsnre d li
ors Abe W wows, gad wimps the
totes r. ripe
$rarlsletp Wig Oa ,laxed trtltlima of sae front that jeer The great tottery semis shout lir. M. doeameat was trot de.Itoyed sMii the three bean; speed, "FL_ ala wit I -4'
end war t1 i G C. C issres's,veggie es Mail ase etude to see that the Werk N1.o.ss Koen I LI eard lied, Pu-
A sgL r l1i ,* las see ei Omar er«sk'a per• ~Wag- '
Itis wises es tie selbgedk arm. se 1 0. ) q *1 ) show that kL dunes kava am • 1 Tenon; wham tiny nisei sdiw Ne o1wMw of Bistros ofhta•
el thew ens viol ttrR sob guard, hum. Had they not dose so 'beelike -Se 'boulder, were u Iressiiende sr, perhaps, ehss en the Tory wilt.,, of
1•e- brae tie amp.] jar + e P"n+OJ ntg00
Awaierw49211222 hbe hak• t ass. 1fe viedseo/ of the hooses edger Tory ahem etare* t01 4 ece.e say
tie "is" put "Paw' and •f hie-eu wry little would hews hese amid almost loee. Wham next the
111918 oeMien uta of Nis ernes hetet,
411 tib isms is «A inatsaw. Sal alibi as ebat mune' tgrimes le weed main& him skew that ,Miss Msmgq he shoat the Oki. sad the seri tairees
'• 1 let — Wow 1"" wtA INA . Ansae* toss to Mir aseensl 'Itis yaws bees eery Ifs *Ms- ten wesId ilk. to Won theta know y1 asks sad Omsaw1 ikabi .y v
b Minta at lir 1 th.e* its tined t i tltr bask
r M bat 26
ori aria—eared w it'
Tia d...1 t Ae ore of a now
VSM1I opeper eM started te wood
Nosh, by • Denholm, feetnerly d the
Rieseardrne bftawdrted It is • b*.4.ee,a
eager, End if Woodstock gest euppnrt
ton rational papers, it ought to seemed
'Ms +iawhe els & w hes ernmwf tae
sear. c a N i pepULr MIK pSge forty` soil hes en •m •ea Old NM