HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-5, Page 61 e 1 • Issues Mere\ Kama Ise. That • be; of hot said syllabi* nem Th.t ware. bursa water will remove (:Andra[ 'h,.1 salt should be estop with nuts to aid diee.te.a. That milk wht:!►atatds too lung makes bitter butter. Th.t may llaltrena should be rubbed • err with beesptat a..J lard. That it sesta you in sewing to duo's* your p•wati .t. (ra,1u.•utly T:ant • hot IYutot1a.lr taken at betltun., cal:! t.r....4 up • la .1 c..ld. Thai lough meet is made tender by lying • I• w autuutes in vinegar water. That a hale soda water will relieve s sick husd.che C5uie,1 by niJi grsttou. That • cup .1 hot water drank before 19e41.. Y.11 pr -.tout n.roat•a cud d).pepata That a cup ..f strong coffee .111 r • ss... •• the odor of 0141.414 (rem the Memel'. That well ieulilated bedrooms se, pre vire: mortal% headache maid laoottadv. T.141 tun.u.tpll • c night iterate may In arresled by ear.,:., t:•g the hotly at nt4h •11 walI 444..r. That nor i', a f.,i, t *h••uld lie laid ea • n 1 h, Ir u,.i. • : brit luwvlt their tufts let them alma& That a furor patient- esti be made co 1 and c...ufort eb r hr frwiu,:ut •,.ungu . teff 41111. ria water. Th t odd t. a should be saved for 3o .1 vlt.rit•r twrrel. It sours easily sie ?ire eot.,r 41141 Savor. tart tour_ emotion sale Hila petated t t a tie :eel. AM. They are elwav don• yn•n.iely and at low rates. Nutlet, • .iraeu h. salve thra.Rn TAX 8101IAL (r,. '.1..•inane. •htch to rest by th••u.tauda 41 reset leaf '. 1. • .ora :,e foie w ew• «a... . M.., es Ras• ' UMW MIS ew Vi6 tem Medbeal rmwe. iiis Q 1 T•2138• l'b• .or /11 t•oe, a Phew - and sNIllrewaed. Oulrt'riwe, Ont., Nee & Two Ger- mans, une of them sawed Killerlivi.. •silt utlt this afternoon on the Namara River. As they mese weaving the reti e.rse begs tried to wars them ui their danger, bet they did not neem 10 uuder•` •land until it sae tui late. After the .• at gg't welt tutu the rapids it hroke in rs.t, and h..th men aimed smtantly air t •,•pe..red and were earned over bks Falls. Floor bodies have not yet been rae:aaree ed. We shall not my diet these Germane .,ad been dazed with brie di inking, be t hey sated set/ they were ; and whether •r tout, the sedle between tame oho •.du'ge in alo.•h••hc liquors and pleasure s aliugl ab .ser N a tan Fal s, is a very al t ,.toe -Ko.) 11. .1 01. 1._,. h.•rl ta6•141, mast. than .1(,. .fla veil leu '...d la•a•u planed toter the (:ov4rnmoot .•1 i/nl art ,, how would •he I,.•ond ern Ano 115' 1:, -aur• 44.s:issue h.t.e bete .:•illy.• 1 W sold (lotarMI barn reannted h.•. north4..tetn terTll ry fro n the 1).. tnl••(s•i, oe would the D •n. n one asurl.•- tt•.n of the Usenet• lame hair been rasi.•- ed 1 .earl awuredly blit. Unier'. ns. -r .wise teteratied bring else('.' 1 ••• 0 • m .1 the• P •, v ea, e••atu...er ,.e...1 .... ae if 4.11.1 *Lake. and briery plot- faded le their design I+Ir M••sat cud the Liberal part) linty • I 1•.d ,..,. r •n.•1 ,1.. •rrrt-rat The Mail ii dtasatasbe.1 bce.11se flier Jurors rendered s verdict e( $10,(0O ageism/4 1t La •l'ofrit cleverly retorts : Ali 1 yet the Mail upheld a jery of set which condemned Kiel. O. the Vait's jury there were GIs Ea,;liah tongues : tow Riet'e nut one Freer h -s81 aid taetatlea. .( lane Oakvill„ serol•, *h. se father aa* away frees bout•, 111 ,1i 111 .te would p'.efae hien by •'r;ttns tem a letter. He t e11 the material* ready, and then yaused, t ,tally a: a Inn f•r something to say. All at ono. a bright • thought struck him. Hy w..t.1 astouish his father by .rttl14g some g out a.1 his new pri tier ..nd let hi.0 see bow well he sae zcttu.g on. Sea opening the bni,k at ran item he laboriously copied mut the follow- ing • -'•Io ,t an ars 1 It is an ani ' iuur eon, Roasts." i111rd /fowl( la a tar -rents. Ferdinand W. R. liner, a i, ..k can- t:weer whit lives at V .. 220 East Four- teenth ourteenth street, New York. entered Mike Murphy's saloon, at Ninteenth street and Se:onl avenue. last night, and took two elnuks. After tinu,bin.S the second ▪ !*as he went iota the beck room of the •.41000 and, drasinl a 22-calihre "Red. Jacket * tevoleer from but pocket, shot ateaself. lie died almost instantly. 0. the timid mans !,menu was found ro i:.utse •% letter (rem his brother, a Ine uhur of the firm .1 C••{pier. Shroup ,t C..., of tit. J.e.eph, Mo.. refused to mead ru. nay, as requested in a letter frau it,.. •icu•1 coat. The body was re - to the M-,rlfee. learab• Fluid Llahtal.a L. the twits Instantaneous relief for Nen- r.j:•i e, ll.'adarhe, To Ithiche, etc. Rob- t.ingt a few ,swops briskly is all that is impeded. No taking uaueeous medicines fen weeks, ht.: 'me winutt•'a application !error•• all pain and will prove the great gigue of Kram. Fluid Lightning. 25 a snta per bottle at Oars• Rhynes drug store h le leerier .farms wh w - .s.e.Is. saws w...�sya..wj«w. direrr f ..r .... awes . 4 .s1..W cru . moi[rilrgliTCLO (10 TO KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, os Dn. TWO DODY IMINT Of P.O .111114r _ f1ARKNF • ;� .�• ,�.,. : 1I?UR BR►w; •'517 to •.3lar.-f ll:."sl 'deer. r- moves Dandre!f. stops the ha:r from falling - ...t. ;-tr_rea:ts itr growth, La,. v.11 not soil tae skim As a ban des sing, tt has n supeior. Guar arteed harT_lesa Prepared by Harkness & Ca London. Oat Sold by ail Pr : Patrat M n.ataw Liniment Ione Ammonia. �.. . Eaata. Ft.t�.ktt.d s� 11u�e.s.r ♦esti., TLt 455tllt•t •M' marl veriest a.adklor In the woeld. ALL r*MILIMM USE IT. Weak Hach. Ealarasd *Nate. 1 erwaysis. Rlns•arti.a. Neuralgia. Motet tele. .norma. Prol,rstie Uteret, Female Weak..e�as W 1) of Rostov,, Mass., eaves Pdtsea- Yry easnsun:ptttn (tick Herdich,, ger voumb Attacks, Tlertlgt. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the' humeri system. I'boephauas g sit a Mrdeusee. bet a Nutriment, became it cw,4ou. no Ver.table oe Mineral P..wons, Opiates Y treaties, and no Mtia,lanta, but e.esp 1y the Pb..ephatto end I)•rtrie iSle.seer! ( mod in our daily foot!. A .ower!• loon ti is enticeuat ti. cooviare. A11 Dregatsts sell it. SI 00 per bottle ir.wuse A O't., sole agents for the Da....tr.,«t t Fruit u'itert Rase T. n.ntn The best and olds • ertal . re -:44A, to r•dt:•ve pans of all keds. les.salter tot 1.0 WI loos stead- s Ins. !surest r•l•ef ouYr*o4.ud • ratrp,w. •(molls• Jo•Ms, Varlets. Vivo.. lutes er «ruts or reel lleadat Le N.' 11:1 use ,Crease . V .:leas wad sweet ; wall wart see. Narasin, el the I da.'jY, 0,ts 1. t►bbeee., !n000tinesc. cd Urine t• the Daly Ltnimra.t :r the world pnwasetaR .11.rative Power,. Can be taken 1141441 -.Ally . Yves Cramp* aad thdic. tlierrblq wad r I Iy wintery. lased by all Illeassta.r. Trial Settle, tae. Weise Dr 1111.11', ba "..I62 N. t. 1'.l/., WOO, +IUrRa•ive advkM.. e ot. all d.er.s free of R rPWware of ass rupa:•u. ttea4e:.. arid •oc•. terfeite. The Kreuter bait the news biome le the else. and fa: dual!• of t:e• i..Su.a's•• .wale ever •caseb ,'ort. • GET THE BEST 1 TSE WEBTERN ADVERTISER LONDON, ONTARIO. Published alternately in eight and twelve peer form, aad beautifully pr.uted by Doe of tis beet we► ••that presses La America BALANCE OF 1885 FREE. Gila Improved ilsgrlke Pills Safe. sure, r,•:.abte sod aRlr.dir.•. l)o not . r.Ye. 1'un-ly tato table. Nu mercury. anti ebony or aha'. The, ems :w rrltt•1 •"1 .•1r 441 U *orders .1 the M:toe *e h. Lir. •r. RuwrY, ate. all 4ru00 .t• U Sir per beg. 0'011 • v of 1w (hie Reined:iv ..t F. JOItD.t.'C •:r::,: Nur•, l; adericb, On: Jib it 1.995 - Gar) Fj1=2, CI-31 .895_QODERICI3 CM►rrie it. .•••de •r.. Mase.. re\ 5. 11,111L (ie.tl,rt s I dotterel with attack+ tot sick hrvdaella' Souralsia, tetenie tremble, tot Yeas it the 40..: terrible a,,d uacr.e,ato,,( 111.14 iter. No Medicine ter &aster retold env. air veli. / ..r cure until 1 used l lop Raters 'The first bottle Nrs:ly torr -1 nae ;' The ern•nel .node Me as well and stns as when a child. •An.l 1 hev,. bees sr, to this day.' My h.snwnd -sea u, invalid tore twos, year. with a wn••us 'Kidery, ,icer s• d urinary awapirua• •Pr.nouriecd t,y Boston's twit yhy• ciente - Inc•.nhlr ! MO%un c• le.ea of your Litters leo, him. anal kr w '.1 the 'Uri* ea/ eti4.1 t perseee let my neightM.rh.••.d 'ke► hair. -ole saved by y ur bittern, And o.env m oro .,re using them • 1 . r•'M1t he•.ellt. 'They Ittm,rt Do mimeos !' le Mrs- E It. Sleek wooLEN fkt-inA a baheela, K..ao tbo tem. rials ,n the p vin,!llet two ler V:• IMP K Jury Owe, Inch buy • I, .t.' and retiuve ye.Ylsalf of all th.se .bedew Ing pains. Ye•vr Druggest can n.14 • • . a l about 11. taild by J Walton, ludo,ieb the To as TP,.oi (brown e` Bre Roser:-voldtrsq l eueevy We 'reel 4. set m. a. car ase► prepared testae our Wool to , ..•bec•j • r 014144, or week u foryou for any of th. foil t.g ar;.c:• .. 4.0 Blankets - VG hi' • , Grey or A. Irt3e Shirtings !even' (.r Check. . Gluteus '1'wue(LY or r'utl Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels • Whitt• Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or TWILL Sheetings - Broad or Nr_•'1-nw. Stocking Yarn - White, G''y, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our facilities for this wary (rant M ear- , paesed W e will endeavor it moat chars *000 tI the day it is brought !a. if repntral. Cartoon Spinning and Reeling. 07 lb4raier/ on the Cap, coarse or hue, tare ,r .-ft '.t i' as required. We are In a position to do all Cede of e•• use work. u.ually dune :r. it tall •4: eY'•,w mill- and we mil: aaarentee se .to foe you Mao eonal. if sot • little better eke aa; dor 4Yrr'Nadt-Ree. A ebb rnapr•etrtlty eolfotted. E. McCANN It is an undisputed hot that the eegslar cir- culation ot Two Wawrsas ADVIIRTwtsa U the lamest in Outarto. with wily two Toronto exceptions, bebat over SIAM. L 2RGEST $1 P.RPER. In clubs of tear aad upward/ 15.. each. POPULAR DCPA , 1; Of interest to .very member ei( the tam1Iy Nov • few : First -c4* Airrlcukanl Dep.rt- tsen(, Special Martel Deportment ; Secular sod timbered Mimic: la(ereuaa1 stores Ladies' aad Youths' Departments: Cortese aad Useful Department ; Lanai llepsrus.al: TaLaa.is Bmlttnms: mbad Au. lila Nowa by leleCrmbph, sell •ad ooeregwideaes. 1♦110Ne11Mla ew 114L• /ALB regress* For workers. anti Opts Humans, Fit -eels!. Fluxes he the most sense stat meal Agent's Package mud oomph. owes• es apptic*l10e. The most Mewl ever offered in ()seeds to club -getters. Adders ADV'RRRRT1SJ1 PRINTING c0.. Louw.w, Ca$ADa. JOB WORK ■seri faltWaelet Gadsdch. Uhl NW Ir. Keep Your Feet Dry! Tw *I•o etu tidy fA a req tiiIi lase bi buy leg y uur1� BOOTS & SHOES� A Itatscn&• Taartslosv - F.•r Cough, (k,ld ,.1 any Bensalem! stm-n•: ''Pater:a," in my ulnae's*. rites 1. thing. I have tired it in my (tawtlt 1 Conch. and nom, for the• pis: !our '••n with the seat ua,aried euoa•r.a, ser ,. d.y wy 11piai00 uric is thii. I suint.• t•, Phi:.a still mere u( that which I hems tv: ki: a went of. (iso Kw* Manager Outs i Pani. Pielterteg Pr:ae 715 eerie at all dreert.la m I. 5.11. vox Vsaetlsa, Measrard as 16 • ....w eettU 11 and Ine•lpN*Ss. The Oroat (llamas. to vigor/awe u ti t only *petits for i0puteney. herv. •lit. d• Inky, asiverwal te.situdv, tart•-tful use pain 1. the beak or anion. no matte( he. shette-rad the eyelets airy be (rase el a;caembs of en) kind, :VI fireAt (3441111.•. R weedy w 1! rtat.ms the K fuoelw.., and seccv* health sed !Lipptseatl $1.0 per b.•5, s e tote* f x $1100. 9o'd g. .11 druz4.sts. meat on reeett.t .4 ins. pt.etasie pa:3, by F J. illegality, T...e4. 'Me., edr slant low basad Summit ON •4 an u•.i teit: nomad' mit lion. S. 110DERICH BOILg0 WORE !La3to. R'""' "*;11.4"nt Case"'Ger1. Neve .1me received spares .toot of BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS BOIIIERS & E)MINES New Salt Pans and Boilers BsJI e• Shert.eot Notion Mal order. for sew work sad rep aIle recent e prompt atteatton. CHRYSTAL & BI.ACK, Work; rear ti T. It. Maude, e.oderich Yeti. It 1R4 V A L. 1 rat now prepared to sell Jetties gut all Stade el Can L I Lar.ill...r'y •. 14.44 r`.•✓ AnA tJeo*.• Maytag 'rout me can depend u.: quality art weight. l will ••'.11 this No. 1 Coal at as l..w a talo be any Imb'(. SAA bound lou .atl•fy t Imitators. 1' none . ;.rim of Chestuht k Stove Coal, 16 50 Egg Coal, - 16.15 leensp 'o'M griefs with ths6fkahst p./eill•stWe IMAM 1 . N. L, A N (' E Y, 0odeviak, or at -TO. P..AtllI!SlsltR IF SWIM ?effete 1873. hasp t 1886. CANADA'S COMIC JOURJIAL TMrleesta fear or FaMkau... Me a e st "IiKIP is to s.•t forth, in an . -avid!*! Nd iadep endent manner. the peas Last nrNt• 1,1 Canadian political and social . 1,, lit t'art...Al..prrt mars definitely and more pleasingly than whole *alumna of .-drone!. Io UM punjenI..•aslly •nor. r able •ad artistic style of presenting a .slyest, the whole situation is revealed at $Tl. '0',404 of I/etyyc'' •hews how well tT nls f7714.t la apprt anted ,Ip ('artoon,• on the pan.ing poli Liao Line.*5ta oft a country being even Mort •..jerly .eight atter than the •haste aad numerous letter pram of ie. paper, though •�rtoter isrenal lothat ofarly• similar paw- ...too a /- .pt oo ue the outiar.t. re. lea tirtp iv eensl.lerahly rnp,or.d. ib. old cover is to be discarded , the paper le , .ompr se le peer.. *bar a hanMsme 4.. elan (tor Ib. title page. a .r arrl.agelaNt 01 the matter. aad improved facilities r•.r the lisle,• production of the ('ara+wr.., will materially immure tn. tlposraphowl t► entrance ..f the paper. TMs a stir. sorrels soreIea e5Yn a. Grr(p Ihue is now the obsspel paper rat iia clans - America: and these I inner 4ecideoly enhance its value No u.. who raa��serr any Inter • t In the p•nUtieal and ..feta' • ebb .ef taiaoountrr.Mal.O. without •trop It presents a complete ear mortal record. mi the pewees..• 050.10, DRIP'S Pi.ATFORM fearer without Vulearitly ; Patriotism •elthovf Partirnttdip ; truth IntAm,e T4wper. waif ei • Tear. reenat• Free. Aldose. the (trip Prt.tlait t 1'aMeklas Company. M (• le Front Moen West, Ternatn ser leer. Too- ontewe w•th rear benkedser or ea br r h5"•1 041en4. Tl. Mow •1. aed 4'1.V will be tur`raW; te e Ose}• ijlyjlerrii try latter Jesfeal. Orta palet• AK seal Ile. i 1 I THE d there. 0.dee3.ch Sept. led. Illeh till tF L' MILL CURE ($ RELIEVE MOM, ;reel • :D:CE /1.i MC:':7, BE ART BORA I,fi4JA0Me. FLIWIEIMIM mar. AtININT ase 'NE 8T0/ACH, GIP 'En BF TOE SKIN, f rad •.wry epeeist of die use ariale n'eni dismissive g Vf P. 14 1>We% 9r acere,s Ori '!4.000, ?. M ILBU I N A tf ,. o I2OooO rommis peen • ,yta{t�, aad y you willAmid us 6e. sere• peekees et Kaeds oe Mite vela*that will start you is work that evil et once hist o,1 pa mom* Newt thea ea L, er l rks e la teener. Ail ahem the $3.ws Is pleaea4 with mob tens. As.ssuetsu warned evenMier% of either sex. of all agog. ter all tk. t 110'. to spare tine. only. to work toe se et the4 y'a baser Fort.ter all wo•ters Omelet ••mired. Oval d . iL flfaatsrr ♦ tie Irgrtlooi, w lame IMC THE KEY 1'O HEALTH. JOB DEPARTMENT !lamb the Beal Facilities fa the Comity of Haresar for ming Set every 40.04'$h... K REA30NABLE RATES. The leen viing is • partial list of the Werk an err enabled to itis ems : Mc°ILLICUDDY BROS., )1►4elea--floe& Sl.. Nat to AsfYr Oats 1 O _t car iJ.:a tadlinsr eas[ art eaiaNTt���►ss Me•tem is tem /son Du. we QesNa ser s tee ~i eMme Dammam MB* • caw " caw asst f ammo mild Id1t- • r r U'•Isobs elson • •eaness d tar Dwrebb. Intimps and dimer,ets sabot* a• bommitot ;be war Slow nese t; e , DO- SorIporimbas. Wkasibta Se BF gni ;�y� wed � Miliba etllpr t#ei(e[Mass era leiss f1. kitl�h AT Tit STORI OF E. DOWNING, crab bb's 3:31Ocr2rw a have caw en bawd he largest stock ever Mewl' in OoMncA and esimprints etvry tem se I.) email u • lisiotaime shoe shirrfrom the tisane tial• th:cty4L all the tuft tae.d(ate Scalls be berg Wel Mull Ade. 1 will sell al Prices that Will Suit Evoryono. '.dies' Boots, in Button ur Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. and Children's Strong School Boots, from 15e. up. Jays do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. l car sad will suit you. Loth in t'oode aad prior. . D0 VT N1 N0-, Or•bb's Block, Curtner Rost street and Square. li Te the mace . Leather awl flutings an say gaa.tity, at Lowest Prime. ]ASE ANDECURITY i1M set regiments the double truss without the tide. Note the pmaitirn of the �*kaOro Melte situated is the Pert, br w hi: h a ('I,N'41'A hT Wt ease 15 W A feet and UPV�AIu ralorYfe s the bene w lira the truss w adj... 3EOGE RHYNAS, - Druggist, ; SOLE AC+ENT, O.OEWER IC - C H I CA CO HOUSE. 1 t Pebreary 5th. ills MISS w Brga W saaeance li:at 6110 has .n stack in large i a vex sal 1roftsnou, The Very Latest I Vin4'r and Spring Fashions and alio mid reeseruc1p41Yite the ladies to tall aad see the display at The Chicago House. KLST :tTR ET, OODERICH 0ad nen. OW. tad. Ult. DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER AND LEADING UNOERTAKER. 1 1 It wail pay yet to buy goer P•irrd•are troy the undercut -sod. se 1 have sew as compere ea a•sort+wat as these Is la the •wally. A I do not adopt any (sock scheme of adver4+tn` a cheap specialty. but will sell you a gee` oral oath at prices that caned be surpassed olua.ity conw.deredm s In the Uedenaklot 1 hate stack suited for the poor a, e. tI a. rice. Wee base •o added the memo of Piepartieholmrott. so that parties holm send b.W Iote (Stench to a dLraaoe o•a de so st rweenebt. wet. DANIEL CORDON, Weft street. Oodericb. bete tee the !'met Wks and Hank of Montreal. -tinptallh. ttOt- 1114iss C. H. ci {vix, Gentile New York Sitar MI itChili KITCHENCABINET, A(:IJXT PVR ad all kinds of Furniture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. srMarb.- O.4* aad Needles always es hand at ressoeabte prime. AL GALL a- r1._ Vr1sti V Jm151 ' ile ail:on street. • taw doors below the (:olboe lisle'. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. I • ClrEC). ELAIEtlEtir, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street,, Godericb A 13.4 n~r•aMt et icu Dillies Parise set hiMoiMs*eedndi, Hed esMtssse . Wabeta.a Lessenseem wait !cola Im kLag 01e110e.. a eeds wort iellColby tad fbro.tda Owen, en bawd .1.e Hearses ler kt Plobbellitaillitibilmisitt--A ( all elicited 1764 UT mean or WWLL amps esie us. .it Fell woo ..ter1wwag?ereams ataeme.Meeolhtles pots aero. Me hes ager „1 izt BepdUMlt 20,400 Rolls of the Latest igns' e•e Oil11 �t .w •44 . .1. • - .1.•-.11rr • • s16461441Plsedaepreeilides teilNaewsemasek (pndMae oeCM spa Mf hilts. lhe e'1`tlililtreilr.. earaa ►rqe/� N L =4 taskstM�iMF , ., .4" "JAma %NILSOld Ala 1111k1.10114. sllI. (Iel1 tele -y =Fill• rink •v"a "f east IT/4' mix w etie altos talo Sprig Razaar ?$ , & FasIIMs, InrifluFavis • • so'