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The Huron Signal, 1886-2-5, Page 3
gar z• pinta to same 1 How strange at seeseed fiat .. held to hue hand the fortunes twee er tailors cif these I He ks.w by a sliest, that If Aathuuy Lockhart were sppesr ea the scene he would ha.. fair ebsees at unitise Tittle Berne Due 1 THS HUBrOa KOHL. UID&Y, 15, 1.81 hi. mother's relatulw who wearied to ewer of hien ' o- Mr L.oltLart's marvels.• hand ba. t.. •.r.k dowe on the bedututa... Ii. e sunken, Eery eyes watched ovary seat• g- •ort of Halt d•.ct..r's lips BN fora. _a..rr_i.. ni . . � - - - • Dr £tela•,' said M. Iheralim "Do roe aress%at he'e not respurtd- brnekinj le peat the wiser of hos order- We, Dr. Aida* 7" Dried the widow. "Oh, 1 t.'xa with se ere -spleen) sista .eewde4 it *weld bea greet weight off my mind . slightly w. surprise I he little duetur, "hes if I could think that he was nut tampon all f.rh.-r h•-eu •.rise anytkiug'ixoet able for what he said and ltd' B. - his will I" noose then, you know, on. need net ' Has et'I, 'of deer lady r wild tM feel eo ouch bound by whet he had ani ,hooter. with a, etarllr.t assumption of ' tibe natoppd, and 4x,k.x1 flrtive- flu d Ise treat all .hare an their grandfather eststa Herald's bspptaaess. Ilerald obar.M.r, were se .art to his hand liven Beatrice felt his power. He w as esref.l W wia .►hose children's tau • wn%oe yllablod out another que*U.,u • "M Lore as k. wow a '1 flare►• 10. /'a) .Lot I oanaut art as you.' said the doctor. "Tite boy pre. rue • .ngratefut, unruly , he brake away trot. and elation as it they had beep gooier, seen and w..u•.n. It wee swab while They might some day play great farts the &rause of life, and then they Doul. amply him fad hie tool on their behalf. H. had triad Via paper. tff eoeealrewdy is the cats of Gerald'/' eW brother, Lard Murv.ta Mad of bad beet e aeeee.sful cda Lord Moriea's "oh deuce in ►6 tutor and physician mein t a luxurious horse, soft Lyng, high fe.d- isg, plenty of money, a,d a tolesst-!y idle Isle to Stephen Malls. H. reflected on these tieugs as h walked through the park that streeehe far Map on the west side of the Towing towards the little town of Mention's. As he went he saw, in do distance,. ` pretty sight. The children had ertdemt- 1y earned their point with nurse a governess. and were off for • day is the woods. Th. weather was balmy eciteyh to make such au expedition gull a pleae- aat one, and the whole household tut great reliance upon Restricts gird sena sad discretion. Gerald w Med ins a beautiful grey donkey, .:n whicl. little Lady Liliaa was perched in • pan mar ; the other prissier was we& weight ed with provisions. Berne anti redden ed leaves which he had switched .at in trout, brandishing a gr&t branch from a tree that be had pealed ; aad lloatrtcr (Atoned, , " . by her tallness and by bee r red frock and Pyren- ean beret, ttmslassawtb whish bar hair deeceided fe en enormously thict black plait, tied with : scarlet ribbon Little P Lilies was in white -a fairy hes baby. maiden, with golden hair and weudewieg Ws* eye.. The donator could hoar thea merry "noes as they passed. "If i were a niateh-rnakire r,ntbet,' he said to tiesself, with a half .arrest,. reference ia his mind to Mrs. Douglas. the laud's widowed daughter, "1 should \eel!den a marriage between those two child res. Lilies Retires will have n.. /attune , and Gte.bervie is a consider- able estate, but it is early to amuse matters a that kind wawa the bride is .e yet only five years old Snme•hit g may come of it to time. however." Then be sat himself more briskly, aid roto..nt lung found hornet( .t Glen - beryls. He wia taken at once to the tisk tean'. chamber. J wit be(oce he entered the room toe caught s gltttspes of Mrs Douglas. -Janet Lockhart, as she had bean in times gore by-haateni. j dnwl. the corridor with a Metier upon her lip and rustling skirts gathered carefully about hie with one jewelled hand "Ob, Doctor Amite," she said in a loud, hissing whisper, "be sure that yr u -don't agitate blci. He li iC a most crat- e eial state." The doctor bowed, and promised to d0 his beat - "And, dear Doctor Airlie.dc con into the dicing roots and have toms lunch haute yea go. It will be quite ready lid Fro ibis yon came down" selh•ak yue, Mrs Doagfaa I will certainly ,tank to for a few minutes if i lues nue," maid the doctor, uodeestaud rag perfectly that she waited tu cone - question him concerning his interview w ith her father. And then be fmitowed the servant into Mr. Lookbart's room. He ma mtoaish.4-♦orae Dee would Lave bean 'hooked -to see the ravage. that &•mime had draped) credo epos um stalwart frame and fine old We of the laird of Glesbervie. The pare/ries Nis arm had distorted the old man a meat& • iritis ; he hada dieleslty is •misstating: ha mould enero fy speak at all. Els had grows suddenly aged and feeble, His eyes were mace., the hair upon kr face w white, aad kis Gash W fallen away mail be looked almost tits a dole tela. Dr Airli. bad espaeted 4: (ape an an furl man 1He was hardly prepared for the 'timeliness of the figura before bim, nor far the hollowness nt the old mast's togas ea he *rattly lifted • Cana for" flaw dei .hook it threateeiigy at the placid defter as bespoke. "Mel have roe dose." he said, doe lye bent with gust dieti.ctnee.. "what have yes done with my grandaoa, Onduely L.okbaat 1" "1Dwse with him, my dear air I Moth- ing, I eraser* Jen,•" replied the doctor, flay The 1 trn.Maiag foreicger was net "Tea teak him -)roes tonic Som -- from the pier &lode," add the wk man. "I woe diem at Oldham to bring him hems_ ' Tem wee holes rant" • Cl e- -1 Il to," said Dastoe Aortas, Mak Mt Migat in the bey, swift OM he tom fedi 1111 ass, Ya. husk tht_t. eel 1 wilds it de brio= Mg. M 011111111 ea the , when I hew thee he mull Wine 1 rMmieil blind him kaM s tilbe4. faith il. s fleas► I task 4111414111/611/1, niulir RAW !hitt Nle r11.11110011 Ott* 01111m it leu of .01, r teeing to see tbos dying retook,. • dom. I *pasha I fere--1 grerUy f,... .ir Lockhart - that yew greestene es is. abaudimild went. -a Lardea•;d reprobate --ever at this early ase " "Sou he" said the old mat, is • 1 elate verde, with such Eery of Mae aan• ua.eu.r tea the doctor ahrsuk too a h.at. •• You lie, and you haws v., 1i. "My dear sir-- "I ir-"' '1 will Wiese you Rhea paver brit the boy to eta red lar ,trio beer Irmo kw sips the slaty that you tell stn- ?Ii Tian, I say you "Your *tate of hca:tk• Mr. lifyikbari , pleads ler yore or I .1lede umrimmidy .eat what yam choose to state m see ieriuea terra," Mad the 41.e ter quiet t a.a u.aiy regret that your so, 's a should have turned oat is. motto t•wa•, ly. At the same tune. it Se well that ) owe 4•nld recoIleat that you rate aaou.. a :fands•dt a buy-" "fivatteU sot ha.eaa acre of rho let..' Mt stir!' and 111r. Lockhart, ra•.i y eldwelf by a viyle..l Wort ruto a sato ,asters, sad apeattitag w harsh, aatiat. ',n..e. "He has hie author• memos .et him look Il that. The lend h - never gu"e ail the female orae ret, end ..vera shall._ -I- tbnn 1i.t once chat b .magi, have lie -he as well as aliethee bet I've sheaved my tela/ --Cue ehasw% sty mind -I ire damaged lay mud I" At each r.petities rd the phrase hi ••ileo became weaker ; at the last it. ass to a scarcely audible whkeee. A. I4, track epees his piikw., p ete rg sad en iraust- L $setae tttat tae later. ted err virtually at au tad. Dr. Aiell• weime *costly towards ince dolor E..t be sesta ..t forbear twelve die say arab tr th .ioit map's hupea.befol% iii wept "I trust that jour hetgtaa1 t.. worth; ..l his forefathers, ' i:e said, '.hue I ehw.. J.,isitate before testing • 5u. property 1• a lad who baa tug Ota kauws to th. p.,lsa+ lie esu of the meet eatiful pact- poceeta an CfsaCuw." Mr. G.ckbtrt opened kis gyro and iar- .el at the doctor for a moeiteat with a wrwus Getty lJf sapiee.iss. You lie, ' he said again. spokes, Merdy is aper of his drlEcoky of lnd,te a vete* and breath. • 'God funis• you !" A..d th. a he cke.d h a eyss dour;41 cadre seed fat read bit face to the wall. - Step:tea Alike slanged his •►nailer. and spread out rets heads d.,e'ee.tttagly, atth.o.th there was tan ono present to err the :mature. Thee two walked ..o upt.r to the dux a the roar, let btm.elt cot into the corridor, summ"wed the nurse. and wont downstairs tat the dining r.a n•, ahem, ss be bad been t..ld, .uacwee,, was prepared. Mrs. Douglas was ready fur him. She was a haadaeme woman sill--black-hair- ltd, dark -eyed, as were almost all the Loskbazte ; btu she had se one•irsese of manner. an eastunle (uttiv• eipreaaws in her eyoerljeh were not 'tarty pre' posema aa. ass We/ v.ry tali and some what ao(isd stifle her movements. H er dream was exceedingly handsome aurid in good taste, but ahop was perpetually re-arraagiag •peso prrtioet of it. Her hank were never .till, and she had s oero*us twitch Oa oats eyebrow which added to the rests.s los.. which chars.; tented bar. Dr. Ault* was sot aarprised toad that she soot ths wrvaata ot.t of the room u moon as she could conveniently do so She only trifled with tree food upon her pquit ; but the doctor, who was at heart a sewer et, thermugtlyensled his repast Hiatt. Doggies had the wit to know that _am is mon likely to tell aeoret• wise• j.la warmed aad feld than when he is lashing; and net until her gut*" had oea.umed soap and towhee, toad. Aube@, Basle and sublime pudding. with the ac• onespatttttest of her (Mhere veer beat Madeira, did she .ppro•cb tie subject the she had at heart. "You have an excellent cook, Mr's. Douglas," paid the doctor, with feeling, m be helped himself a mound tier to more dive•. ' I have not tasted a bet- ter dimb Lan that braised mutton for many ream The interpenetration' of Aaron was exceedingly fine, But -I has. otters thought of tallied, yam--' I wild duck -the same but winter err tot all that it should have ben. fMet wine sane, my dear Yak Domglla*, is lis .sly this that Medd ewer wild d umk." "I will remember tial," maid Mrs. Ti.Meeks- 'tato Lord Iltseema." as.tasa.d the dieter -4*'•tlwig, 'wham pas trill tea hail rowdiest- I' edea tie Rimini. Rials, nee lie famine, et the pion Slel-sod fe say thea may as utile or odd melte that ea.eati peete ei.., esti e that it meal be mstawlted Ohs .smeet being it Nr adios Ile W • same wkagpa- .war a spirit-tasep brewer to Iba table iebsaww wwel diet weetim, tri Ji• is to aside ill. "="1 .mb W /t1. eche: killed a "I have tis, doubt 1.1 it That ia your beet chance, Mrs. Ik,eglse. A.d if se borlisee, too bate in you a motbot'• tree heart you will think no etort, no meet hoe toe great to immure the welfare of your son ., The do.10ts void grew d solemn and even pathetic ea he a.actitd- e1. "What ala.•uld I hare done without you !'• ejaculated Mrs. D..uglaa. "You have bran the greatest oumlort t o vee, Dr. Aures I hope you will some often to the Mese during the sad teal I .a sure I shall oonetautty .red your ad- vise !" "Comeau/ me. my dear !any,- said the d..ctor, fervetatly. '•The tris that I can do is not w•,rtb meot:ua.ittg ; but if 1 can Wean you, the dearest wnh '.1 Ay heart will be fulfilled, and I will irk bet one reward " He stopped and sighed pr:faundly. "What can 1 do for you, Dr. Atrlie' Anything wAhiu my power "Alt, my dor Mrs Douttlaa '• urd the doctor, •'uta smile from your fair lips, one touch of your heed, will be amply •uffLeent to repay the devotion of a Ia.- , acne el.•acne T' Aird then he preened her lank 6rgen, tad turned his tnneoent Wee eyes to the ceiLnr with an expression wheel. wield •sive been iue•it.iIy ridiculous t.' an ea torejudtced ohs , but which seemed t • Mrs. Douglas to border ua the sub lune. It was a pretty little comedy, but it urultod fraud, l„ , , and lying enough to set up a bubble Oempany with .lula.uited hafnitties and so capital, •e'press. "Wer .h..uld lir. Lockhart ly at the doctor, as it not amines to .d Illw.brf. n. sddi.r ter .a..uob • mat- too far. tee r "In cases of mental aberration," sat ' oh, it's 1.•• w -e r.. fence awl try 4' the doctor, leaning back to his chair and keep sae • t abs tru•k." void Ilia D ,ug• roweling the ceiling with his b. nsvuI- as, see....t r req). r her hands ea the •oteuaity . 11r.•r..u.•ta.n ' I kr...e what I we hood , i k..... that Ise a lhinkihyi .4 e' 11.1 ..11.re I..) " A ,d thea. Mr. D.•.ri.. s'ldrnty horst lido 'ear.. roil c... ere.' her I.cu oath her i talk ereh roto • key dor ll.a D •.,lave any dor uadata,"u•.l thvdmi..r 1rud.•rly "peat ,-J..� �i, ,tt diets... y.,o..etf i really think ulna, ibere 1a Yu etiev•a.trr ter y. a to .1'• �e • "Iadbewl, I think akar a tri, ry owes.• e ly." t bis twee..., 'elere.. hr. ata, '`'whin m'i'p..r d.•a faiherlea► aey w kr his lull ►,•u u.•.- 1o: the sake of t $ts a41N wuue.tl's e.'. H..w can 1 .tIp diet,...;. rmy., til what can 1 &• -Mr. L.c,.h..rt has rip• .k.t, "pe..ly .•1 'fila 1. td il.".a, thou 1 ' «.J t ilu d..ctarr. tiearvrr'i'-'I-openly ; at least he .rvrr ape.o a «twnly 4....r, ' wailed Mrs. sue leer Hie. t, rs arta j, rr. at one - tis ub6t 1 a.0 alw.ya er.epu.q et over) - 'tter I UM. abl-tier tial is. tut postirI Aced star liv-ii t,.ee with • as felt priors :ud teudt..g un all his lasts. lir tipr bite is.. .gannet me and ll•rteresalw say -"k, a a• very hard, a . ray ti.rr tr.'obie t., me it ma, doctor, and time* res au MIO d, nyt..g r " "Is there so) r.-a...n," imuoueted the 'maim, 'tor los .osteo of demeanor 1 "las thea& been any little-.--m'sunder- sanding, aay-tairt.,rn ).w r' the last, not the slightest, not ai tier tangiest degree."r•plaed the widow, unci au eager votuutttty w tech did taut aseresee the keen eyed doctor's belief i. ,sir mrethf.l.rore. '• •t a never had a d`r ytrsaar.ut an '. it lutes" -(a statement ham... S.eubec kir.t• ko.w, wasabso• I.Jteiy later) --"..id it wia only a few Reeks ago that be began to tauut nee soli toy depeisdisut peseuon, all because 4 a weed I kit fall--- But w daaaittee- .tat molesg of th.tt boa ; ob, dear, .O n "And .bat wia the little weed you tet ion , any dear iady Y" asked the duet*, aith aieetle &ttcstado, ''Itothi•+g-a mete tries ; cooly a sort wit blue eyes, "we are, of course, justi- fied in acting for our patients aoeordiur t'. our views of right and wrung rather that. wording tri, their own. But the law - very properly- requires an eater ordauary amount of 'Toot before It re a�.guii s the etiatenee of insanity. And to this caw-- when there in W tittle evi- dence in ordinary matters tbst the mind is at all ret its a•Istace•- in this case 1 do not see how, one c.'uldenact ty prove him to be *capable of muting a will, for .►stance, ur Deeding t.. Le put uudor re atraisl. " "No," said Mrs. I/eal las, with a sigh "I suppose not One would never nu agine that his mind was ailetted unto: tie began w talk about the estate." "But," continued the doct,,r impose. .aeety, "there m a etates of Inland, .hash aro out recognized by the law, but which are nevertheless dangerous to th. families in the midst of which they leer - ,ah. In these cases one is morally jus- tified --not legally, my dear Mr,. D'wg- las- but morally justified in wile, means to restrain the patient front the perpetration of any act which might br injurious to. the family or to society a• terve.'' Mrs. Duoglas was met ao touch of futJ1 is her lipid tongue anmetian...1 len one w conclude. She saw the drift u1 the docs er'a speech at once, and she re ceivcd it in silence. For once her hand• lay locked together in her lap without mottug. Her tnt.Uyteot dark eyes fixed themselves steadily nn the dootu'• (sop. tihe waited for num to proeeel. "For example," Stephen Airlie con- tinued in his blandest tones, "with pro- per care it might be ruudured impassi- ble tltalt w legyil adviser should be Mouth' to the house in your poor father's pre- sent .tote of heath. He Is scarcely arable of riding a pen, I thick 1" "Scarcely lie dolts it, but with diol• euky. " "$xactiy so. Then his nurses an family watch over his . , , .. fence. Yo.0 really have the matter in your own hauds, my dear Mrs. Do*.).., and where such interests area stake it would -t an--tcipatiun .1 the time when as I be follyto hesitate to u way. thought -dear Beetle would have take llesea advantage of .u'.hority to snake a few alterations in 1 means that pens-plsmma s►ilhre the pleas- roar lower." "AD r ejaculated the daewr ; bot he + "But-.uppuse--he recovers 1 He ern.. tie eaelamblabo Into a cough, and will bel •O singer. ' faltered the widow. "He will not recover. He can never `le,fged the speaker'. Pardue- Mr. tally. In a few days, if he linger so Douslu pruaeeded rapidly. I long, he will fall into a state of complete ''It wee nut even acid to dear grand- t1 childishness. My professional training tape himself ; it was a ©ere pawing te• f juatipea n:e in saying •o much, Mrs. snarl to Bettie, who was complaining Douglas." that he could nut take the short cut by "Oh dor me ! This is -cry dreiadful," the laire to lila tutor's because the gate sighed his hearer. She pet her hand- 1ad bees fastened up 'Never ecind, kerchief up to her eyes, but the doctor &arbor; boy,' I said to him, 'some day rue w'11 be able tc gi i e your own orders.' And time 1 turned around and saw my fatter, and 1 assure you, Dr. Aortae, his lice was p )rate. and his eyes looked as noticed that she had no tears to wipe away. After a short silence, she mur- mured in a hesitating way "I happen to know -that my dear father made a wi,11-f. IMrtie's favor - thoogh they were •tartiug out of big a few years a¢n.',' head 'So you ere building on my death ..When he was in . ..f all hi. Treaty,' he sed; 'hut it is quite useless, swim ; you and Jun Douglas's brat shall never gave orders in this house so long as there's once of my name abaci. You forret Anthony's bey, Janet,' he said. Aad as for me, I essay frightened that T thoudht I would sink through the boor. bat I kept a •till tongue in my bead, and then was ao disagreement, doctor ; ',Wiling of the kind." "fees,- ted eke dodo... It seemed to him 11.'. this story threw semis light on the worbiags ',f Mr. L•yt:khart'e mind. Butfee Mrs Douglee's 111 judged words, the ntd matt might taes let the matter slip from day to day until the time for eettliog his affairs was gave. But, irri- tated by bee sawwptton that the estate would oerainly be left to Bertie, Mr. Lockhart had been stimulated iota mak- ing that smirch for his other ¢ra.daort_ a marsh which had proved es enfestwe sW it atm melts. "I *se." seed the doctor epic. 'At- d theft he west to Glasgow t.. "Yen Oh, Doctor Airlie, what for did lsger w Chores t T sever weld 6.d est, through i tried ever, way Wes 11 se leek hr that 'readied aim bay Y" "1 preemie that it wee. At may rate Its fesad him -Ja lbs plies swiss." Awl liras Dieter Airs. gave Milt Demis hdm menus et w skew" susses nailer whisk heathen/ L.akhart tad bee. emit to prison for two meeehe. faculties," said the doctor unctuously. "Ah, what a cheering reflection for you, Mrs. Douglas. Without doubt that will ought to stand. If it were destroyed young Anthony Locabart would inherit ttoeatate without the making of any fresh Will, I "Yea," said Mrs. Douglaa, with an- other portentous sigh. Anthony Lock- hart is the natural heir." Dr. Aulte edged a little ck•ser to the w idow. "And the present will," he said is bis softest tones, "is still und.stroyed Y' "Yes, I am sure it is." "Leaving everything to Berti.l" "Yes. With wiped end L.dd Monroe u guardians " "And a fair income, no doubt 7 Ah, Mrs. Doubts, out we doubt but that this se the will which Mr. Lockhart, m bis right wise would desire to have execut- ed t' ''It send so to ate, I'm euro," said Kea Dw.glka, wigwag away • reel tear as she ikomutt of the possible loss of the Base income ' Burely It u a and, s.ob* set," etclaimed the desk", malt miridR enthusiasm. "to prevent the el its act of folly whish Mr. Lockhart mud be the last man to sanction vera he is hie ordlsary state of stud aad boy. My dear Mrs. Doggies, be weeded by an.; admit nobody to his rooms but persons "Oh, bet intim is tossibie !` oriel Mea whom roe can trust ; be sieve present air• mowing 1 with bas. 'To when visitors arrives If he acts& for his Umiak d • Iwmitbest Mut to piton for lawyer, delay the hater. Let him have theft t It is lee d" . ! Sandy, sa f henceforth w lire Abs emir Ober v Wither «rli nem think word had breaths so semi et peter buil.( bin hove Ofmabervie. i eeel _,ywr*... 1. wap Ystmg "et 1...bast rap gear iatemst We be r the dorm- r 'VW* it mr lett iasi wail the dew "OW pre iM.ts.. is away ; we hot, a tee ' ' y, "whet resole ' et soma phonons from ildinhesgb, sad trews Ira. and oridlet ear* net eel ed. gees a amp. P ?Meme_'• saetatamt 1 think [irEmA w%gs grip! hi N eaebtmip se- be (weir be (raided entirely ti tee." 000 f7,tttse. said rya D..s1,.s. looking d.is Mob - Ikea 16141111W" fatly. Merchaata pen 1st: is r reach, to.. &c. printed at temu► funis very ;hue more than tbey R.aaraay ve for ale Paper. aad it helps to advertise urea: tl.11 aad moo maples and got prima m•assesese sand Ler of rtes. Pubis .peahew and names tars ohm distrusted with hominess, as.d daug.r a. larkisig fa the bronchial pprsa sag - ward's Pectoral Balsam is a p omrf reare- y f'.r the Irritation, aid curd all thrust sad iuug dtt'.tccultw. 1 Q Ie bee Court et Apra& 1;alis that 44 susurance agent taay teat gree $ Pons lied grant eeoetets f..r the itompeay {la .' ekaal(e for a reknit,' for I. s own is&i urdotal debt. IMPO RT A N T IU nasals Or ...an w. Otia►s' Liniment .oxide Arsmonus Reserves ell Unsightly Beebe*. Cara l.at.vra.er to Cott.- spinal Mealatrt4a herring rinses. 5'ot.ndrr, 11 -eek !Jaye. '.put n. Rin be,, Wt$4 sllr No stable should be without it. 1:aUnsd relined sad ea companies all use link's' Unlearnt. and In flu great rat•-xg 'Yble.or Oelnuat and Lorillard it hag ech1c . d wond eh. Uoe trial will cosviccr. w'.. U. it Utt.;(tt. Hoa :3117. 1► T. O. sob *11, ',Ha',Hamacharge , gt., advf c on all diereses and ales on the rnana.emebt.e1 este., teed h all e et Sue. Ma it e• bottle and Ingmar(/' et In whirt, that*. It erose atria.. The !Ailment la obit.. *rappers .a our (bandy ase , that a yellow ter oatU. Gee* tsdtde 4atae.sa Maras rind (Mlle rewders. U..d by 41 the testier horsemen on : erorn, Part. RIretwood. Hr,ghtoa teach. 5Shee'pskoa4 Ray .ed Hee'. Head. Never essapoine are Teats. AIterauve and J):ur'rtic Veatroy Worse, Cures Indignation• gine. Pete, ten. Throat. Catarrh. 1•'owgee. Pleliaes lad hcatust.tat. The dose y. smallenl the power wormer The rawer. ere Qeareartre arse sure aarers trauma no ebtat. a ( MM Doriden terwaerd. Sold by r. JORDAN. druggist. Au•:er.rb tests-., AT.L'ENTION. Rocm..l attention is tatted th1nlweek to the t:wWe ael,�•te;, of O0191RI137•Istr.rkiT3 GOODS arrirrnlr at C. L. McINTOSH'S All tie AND eltenH. onapeiag Raisins, Currants, Figs, tc., kc., which will be told am Clime Prieto. grate Priem are ♦ F.RY Fi Nr...1•1 Ooderleh, Deo 7rd, Iett:. esmt-tm Prunes, Peels td'UW and uispect the roc :. 41 0. L. Mc!NTOSS Goderich Foundry and Machine Wake, Runciman Bros., Proprietors. COITIACTS TAKEN 10e STEAM £1Gr1ES. novena MILLI. M 1T1116 NACIiMEAI ida1TE0. Flouring Kills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System, Hurd Powers, Crain Gushers, Straw nutters, Agricultural Fcrnlcei, Strom, eta, etc., at Low Prices. all Kinds of Castings Made to Order. J. B. Ilu.'rcrttaat. Goderich, Nor. ]m, ISM P W. fteecrwt;t HEAP HARDWARE. PRICES LO w _Eat THAN s'v 1 Best Hol -Cot Iron Nails for $2.55 per IM �1 Cs81<3. Best Barb Wire6*c.Ib. -� CABS_ Thi. Wire stood a teat last spring of 113* lbs. stress. la di /future R K Car Shops, Toroniw REATINti ALL COMF'Rt'iTOR.t I have Imported • large shipraewt of GLASS liens Germany. eery dee quality, sad having assperted direct, I can lien 1e per cent.. heaver Dula ever sold hero before. AU my BULLY AND HEAtIf iIARow ARE le add as the sante cheap bean a* shorn. PAINTS sad OiLS sold nowhere so cheap eat am sem. them. Ott year BUILDING HARDWARE fate sae sed sere mons; R: W. McKENZIE BOOTS &SHOES MDC.dw ' - rte' cZ aWed.clup Beg t. anweenee M the Puh is that they have ops. d bmsisees an the shove Bows is the sten Wetly • by Berms Nwtoa Yavialg purchased a large did wad amsttsd Meek of and Samar.r Goads stairs &nurse. we .r- dat.erm iris j to give the Pliable then beret. QU MY 81LB8, NAIL PROII?S TILL BE OUR WTI, j/'llemeMO sod examine our goods heforepmrohsnng elate hare lir m , Hoe plass, suit doer M 3 WIlpai brag Aterm allot rbtte work will lassies oma speed' Mtemtiww renin ee hit the best d .Mssiel and awl Itutetiae **rises eepsy.d. giplissfyikas amok Mem it!. the shestest wilts „ig_11,r,,,_ tor. GOWNING & WEODUP tt.ly.° IIT 1 l 1 1 1111111 II II 1I 111111i im eeell alai