HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-2-5, Page 2!His HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1886.
as ie•tHr tat etas s a (ease, M Claim.
y'• r•.- Wdrilr a..: -V.*leers .1 Nwro.. 1 eiiarWe,butIamyule.eri1 IM t' !burse a$
f',o.,'. y :. >.,, tM tiueY 5rhsm I say that widen and ear. lludeets► . •'••
6 7$
resndtn; .tor ae►wel g1*iettlda areto rte
I : r t. 1 e teas,- 1 have the honorrl11 pre- aboo► 8.000 trees and ebwba K�MI .
• e.+ 1
m •n me tiftagiath annual report ::n the The rwsolt of thea work, dose prittdpetll 1op41..... •
..nditwu u[ 1•ublw Schools in West by use temdseaMtf bee been very 1w•11"." Il Ica. favorab+] d aarab•, I
L 1157e. and again in 1874 1 presented ses" ��Wsn it sir.
to yea very full repartee on the Nate of •QIsts u( ,sofa tis atlig►btwileg Etetmr
echuol work. the ;rind .4 budding, and try, One 1 .rand o ..iii M0O1d
rounds, ane tee amount 4 money e„uoes►',n of Stanley, where ter miles an
'rev Avesta has been formed which in a fee
wtatlaor'v Is•p..4. The Caber loos man
an. tl� AahfieM 6 12
- - the tut d oar tree �r fr
spent en edw,ttion. Having dune Dna
any reports since were •h•,rt and referred
merely to yearly a .runts, and a general
etetemsit as tJ program
Al 1 aspect this to be my last report tc
y l bog beady to refer t•, the work to
which 1 have been engaged sa year ser
"Lot during nearly Memo years, and in
.lomg so 1 propuse to follow as nearly as
tt:ble the plan lard down in 107e.
I TRt•'rrt• ErAittr .i
1873. 1885
3,537.4.1 $,3S1?
3,198.4:, 3,0110.52
5440.91 3,419.01
30,1199.:ii 31,960.03
8,417.31 781.94
lee. in hands ut true -
'ere let Jan. .9
.jt.nountreceived trona
Municipal grant
Amount received trout
l,egtsletive grant..
Amount received from
School tax
A ,count recet veal hone
:I! other sources
lean will tireartt a magnillmen mu05
meet to the untiring letters of Mr. (!surge
Bard, senr., who for over a quarter of •
century b14 tmaght in the seoti ou refer
red to The benefits referred t•.. from
•Mang owe was win be greatly approcI
ted in \x cat [lured before many years
,.ave pawed away.
5. The whole number of school visits
wait, in 11872 was 16.34 In 18818 visit•
were made as follows :-laapse:t•er 168,
Trustees 281, other visits 1166. Total
111. -SUMMARY or acetate rerreere w,
4Tralt DalicR.
1 The fellowine table shows population
withm flee district between 5 and 16, the
number in attendance, the average at
teu(ial.ee and the present fur .a.:b year :
966,487.33$52,1116.114 31 • 0
p )111(
T ::cent paid Teach- , c •' LiF e
/4 8 • = .-1
'•h Mimeos Iri...: !&.21 1,37.764.63
Ateonnt paid for .1 W
of site•
and bufdbn�ts .
A mount ppaaiid
Drary, ll[•pr, and
Apprta:�k. etc
I mount paid for
!Niel and other es-
peneee .......
9,517.42. `,417.38
MOM 144.711624
lit- Teealtres
g, 6,367.01
1195. ire•.... % O 1370 35711* 47
.t4.:ancc on hated to 1884..... .. 7323 7414 3491 471
neat soeo0nt ... $4.M8.35 97.109.83 !tee. . 7250 ;`.310 3418 47
to 1AP.LP ssowl•,50 ar)U$T ertw'r From the fo-egesnie we learn that our
sawn 1674. school pope:a•foes is growing less year by
(The fgur'es are for each year resp:- 1•eer, in the same time our attendances 1.
't 'rely from 1872 to 11186.) gradisalty irsptuvnt[ : From report of
eacb's Sae's S.& 0'11 Other els Total Education Department fur 1883 1 find
5,M4ij-9b�3 M= =b that percentage of average attendance
7'01.13 15,54,3 7,5:10.7 50,%64.08 F wt
11.85.96 Y3.M9d 6,74571 88.116116 waa for rural schools was 43, nun 471,
33,715.23 18,97679 5314.49 63,115.51 showing a credit in oar favor 4j'
;15,91$.10 6,19{.78 6,8111.90 47.'30.0) 2. The school population in the patriot
77,906.'bi 0655.'! b.Ri1237 !soros! .44 for 18bb 3* S 69 between 5 and 21. The
39,6fat lib 6.193 .69 6 9>i8013 501RT1.7� number entered u0 nal 7. 99 or 1389 leas
40570.61 :061/.00 4.961 1: 47,690 74
934,;1154 1,594.4 4,a7s140 45,34,135 than in 1871, or 2881 lees than in 1877
41998,34 1,81544 5,571.89 48,0047 Were it not on amount d the greet
20•018.30 1,d0h.00 L.4*43Ami 411,1 es 11 severity of our winters along the lake
35964.07 6M ee 6.730.95 46 974.380 shore our averages would be very sans
*46.08 7!0{A0 7,316,41 47139.49 faclon.
27,7rL18 1,4,17.711 6.AN.38 46708.-8 3 .n 1871, the number of children be
$510,001.00p.et,bOLM 9r6,S•411$et>v049.90 ,ween the ages ut 7 and 12 reported se
v-VALV'a Or#toeoor• asersuty.
not attending any wheel was 281. The
',Inn!. estimated to M $ 35 8y0 number reported in 1886 between 7 and
51.222 13 te only 41. This w very satiafactory
98,•77u I regret to say that 1150 pnpila attended
e . , , 118.196 less than 100 days during 1885.
16''0.. '1.66 8147 3�rJ
1873 . . , filN tilled 34734 39
1874 ...4i tell 3778 41
1871. .....
18711 .,.
9463 4001 4114
101849 4479. 44
91;)5 4324 45
Itf79 ....... 9416 4191 449
ltd. m� 4(4U4 4Yt
11(81......._ Ned 3814 44
189311.. ., .. 8322 .8711 44
h ees
it it 4 4tes lue M ieiwe 4r high eefee.H alba Calms w Rear.
logs tea sit mere orally rococo•. •lhe French ckenuat Chernol from
log, all 1.14,1114 t•. .. taw hue, ewe,. OW Aoada.y ut deies►ce, has made bar-
d eiwouy .f tee ibl.s echo! ...irk OW
,d .slur an especial ateay sad
2 10 ' d,rrcterd hu theories to Lame Iamb
1 6 6 UI the hundreds .4 .e+clai n West Hr hs. gi.ea the 1°1!1511'1 .pesos n
b whom 1 .4banbeen ar,o•ar.nt is West eedtI. hats ".d busses. A kktek hat,
HUMS .wJy ewe. ►11.11.1+, n, sIsu•1• sow a g
7 who bete. sith m. or 1671 The., •rr with peak, white err red feathers is ale°
1 George Baird, •r., el M,. 1. ffia..l.y, aau &ally be
eumiae 10 • fair a,wrpbxtuo.
ltra,..ttes nnEht to oheoae blae5k, yelbw
1 2 3 lead!. Baird, jr , of la.. 10, 8i/bailey
4 33 iR a t its. be morrows/ a•. this sue-
eeetioe to deer the test .d ..lwcatt..0 to
a 34 d the above hare received Nor-
mal Schein training.
4. The highest salary paid to a scale
teacher et 1871 was $80.J, is 1886 tt wee
5. The lowest salary paid to a male
te.tr:her in 1872 was 9120, in 1885 it was
6 The average salary paid to male
teachers in 1872 io this rliatrict was
9347.25 ; in 1886 it was $468.847.
7. The highest salary paid to a female
teacher in 1872 was 9301) ; its 1885 it was
nearly 9400.
8. The average salary to female teach-
er, in 1872 was 9182.50, in 1884 it was
9400 00
The number ..4 female teachers has
very lereely iaerea.ed'toed 1871.
t. TAIL, 4tiOW1:r.i AVRRACe SALARY 0/
Nates Females.
.shield . ..... 9404.00 9201.00
Colborne. ..... .. 422.50 208 75
G uderich ...... .... 401.10
Say . 416.33 258 75
1672. .• ..
Many ch -, ve been node Bops
nut I can not retort as value is cwt no
given by trustees. The above titterers
show that great pr,gress has Leets made
for comfort of tea:hers and pupils.
. 41' V %ART OI BCHI.OL*Re• telly, .r'EOM-
aol•Rra, gr'.
In 1871 there were 80 sections
the diatncts Seice then new s'Ctiens
have been formed as felh.ws:- 2 in Ash-
t.eld, 1 in Stephen, 1 in Cohoroe, and 2
to W. leateateen. The nears' .4 Ea-
ster and Bayfield he.. been created.
Total 86. Since 1871 a Pr•tewtan• Repair
ate.ob..o1 ceased to rt,ar, and te.: Ree
:an Cstbohc separate wheels have been
transferred to separate Scheel inspector.
leaving at present 83 sections and 86
wheal houses within the tespecte•rate,
a In 1871 there were 27 log building+.
Few ,nly one. New ech.e..l houses. or
additions which may be a onaidered equal
thereto., have been erected in tee follow
ir_y sectinna'-
AsDfield- -1, 2.4. G. 6. 7, S. °• 10, 11,
12, 13, 15 and 16.
Colb•rne -2, 4. Rand 7.
Goderich 1, 2. 4. 5. 8. 9 end 11.
Hay -1, 2, 3. t', 7, 8. 10 (two housor),
11 and 12.
Stanley ' 4 (two hooses), 5, 6, 7, 10,
13 and 14.
Stephen- 2. 4. G. 6. T. 8. 10. 11 and 12
Usborne-- 2, 4. 7. 10 and 12
P. Ykawanosh- 1, 2, 4. 7. 12, 14 one
Except in :Cue 0: two cases thew guild
nes aro In very good repair. ling may be
riesaafied as follow.: Brick .'.0, stone 2,
frame 52, lee 1. Fetter, on h. -equine In
totpnrated erected it very fine brisk
buLding, and Barfield added another
roes►. During 1883 school house in 6.
l'(. 10. G.drnch teewtuhip was very nicely
improved, and new buildings rrrcted in
TZtilhutlt. ani 11 Stephen.
423.43 270.83
460 56 310.00
Csburete . • .. ....... 467.50 275 00
W. Wawanu•h - _ . . 421 25 2.38 17
Itaytield 500 01) • 25 00
Exeter .... 690.00 :70 00
tM di•trrct, with 1872 es
my report ter Idol tem hen ,...Iced In
Awn* so 1 pr• laws "bow toe egr.•I p r pepd
ern roll Irrimeoct,ve of iseemet .h.rged
fur sites and but:di..es. a• mash charm.
its my estun.,Ii..n, e..uld mule hamper u'
securing • proper averave (noon ya•r t..
year. Every .other erap..ae u ia.ledrd
in the foll..wu,e ttsur••
Actual COSI C..w per ar
ear peed peed u. tea pea (e.
to wooly I, x Lae the• et
511104 province
1872 -•-:3 30 9.357 i3Sbi
1873. ... 3 64 4 tai C33
1874..... 3.66 42 467
1875. ... 3. 4.454483
1876-... 4.0114 4 bill 4944
1877. ... 4 l 4 8f� 599
1878. ._433 4754 ti06
1879 4.43 4 611
1880 4.65 494 630$
1881. 5.04 6� trot nix•rted
1882l94 6 374 5604
1883. __ 643 591 602
1884. 5 72ii 6 20 t ..t retied yet
18811 660
Average per district -orales 94Zee.667,
females 1260 nearly.
Iv. at:t411*RY - TEXT rest, Yard MO"
1. The rl.esti.en of deciding the series
of !leaders to be used in oar schools is
happily at last nettled. One Maas espe-
cially suffered considerably from lythe
variety in use. I advised teachers to
make necessary chanxes as papas .were
promoted from one class to another, thus
reducing expense to parents to s men.
mum. This plan was eeoerally adopted
with success. The hooks as a whole are
a decided Improve.neet un those in use
sine. 11'68 when the Wast chane was
nude, and are very popular eith the
children. Through ..ur teachers' ash,
cietion we have endeavored to secure
uniformity in all teat hooks s, that when
tieptla change (nen one section to a.e.ttli
er no additional expense need be incur-
red b parents.
2. The aver ere number of maps t',
each echo"d is i.etween 9 and 10 Ilan.
cf these are old and should be replayed
Iby those on which is 4, he found the re
sults .f modern IUvesterateen,
3. The schools are fairly well supplied
4 'l'he .cbool - ation sa a with globes, there being 74. ' The black
whirls is more than edeenetee In 1871, board supply is also very gond t`:ere
extra a••a.mm.datiom was provided for towing 201 or en en average ei to each
only 5862, in 1874 10109. Since that .ch wl
time rnueh add,tinnal i . 1 has tu. irtyreenee.
been made not only enlarging the space L Gering 1845 I was able to visit each
out by placing in whrwlhoases the meet school twigs. In 1S76 by the kind per
sesta approved assand desks, I now a•n aisle nuesimn of county council I wit allowed
to rep..r accommodation as a whole very I h• It
g.ed, indeed. In this .. i may • •
tide, too recruit my health to Britain.
note that in a Iarie number of wawa good I visited each school 0oly pooe during
substantial woodsheds hewn beau built that year. In 1884, sickness from scarlet
I out all aeott„ria would follow each ex fever dunn., 11 weeks, in my family pre-
amples vented me on account of c�entagion frons
G. The attendance of papil. for 1885 a visiting all schools during first hall
eseoted 13 the f.dk ells. table :- yesu. With these exceptions l bare
Leas than ISdaye during year . . 411 visited each section twice during each
Between 90 and 60 days elates year )(8 year since J017, 1871, in .other words I
51 •• 1110 •• 1919 have visited and examined each school
• 101 a 139 •' • te51 28 times_ The work at first was very
w 161 •• 301 11017 lab .csous and took a 1.'wi time, and such
201 and the whole year . 305 time was freely give:,. In 1872 1 spent
These figures tell a sad tile. Nearly on an average 44 hours at each visit. As
one half of 611 entered on roll attended tante passed on and pii .Is and teachers
less then 100 days In a year. I would became better acquainted with system
respectfully refer parents, trustees and adopted, the work became easier sad
teachers to greater exertion so that bet capable of being pertained in leas team
ter resalia anal be shown. The teacher In the year of 188'e and commencement
ie net eneaeed to teach the few ; his of 1863 my eyesight pre way elm'st
work is and i am sure he is, witliag, to entirely and for a time I was incapable
tracb al!, o4 work Under these circora.tauces I
6 The following table .Lows N... et endeavored to arrange for a substitute
pupils in each mnnteipahty, average but without success. In cwtstyuenoe
attendance each half year, and the of this some .1 my visits were
percentage of attendance : short and intended more for the purp•ee
THr. rgar'tNTAo■ 07' ITtrstriV •s Wit of consultation with teachers as to what
1885 should be dune, than for the purpose of
Hou Ar. att. A.. att. Perot. making a thorough eia,.inatiun. for this
3i0•ic:pati.). Ho. 1" half 18 hole tae of ;inderatand some cotnplaiued. Thi i
7. Fur sake of comparison 1 present a
few Spores showier net ..1 eelueatioeffor
all purposes in a few .d the Sta:es ,e the
neighboring Republic in 143. The c et
per pupd on a•uryge Attendance u
916 30
.. 13 79
. ... 1676
.... 21.3e
)oar. your• s't• I.gret but as 1 acted under me.lic*I
Ashfield .. 1221 6 ) 2 IitA 8 142.8
Colborne . 573 275 2 273.0 47.8 edema and offered to provide a sactitute
Onderich 790 364.6 311.6 42.2 at m7 own expense, I do not ace why I
Hay ... 1071 569 6 613 7 60.6 should tea blamed. 1 can only say cat
Stanley ... 740 366 8 329 0 47 0 taken as a whole i have duce more work
fitrhhen .... 1024 483 1 432.8 4(2 than was requited by law, that it was
[.'st,00rne .. G8.3 345 4 336.4 49.9 done cheerfully and elticeuutly and that
W wannrib 608 283.7 174.9 46,3 whe.eeer .Vass time was uecessary n,
the O. ; i 1 l i . 11 was geeu with
2. During my last semi annual visit I
was careful a, note the time vete in
each wheel with the (0l'uwtue result .-
Averse limn, Averaire time
in rsch.ol. pz depart in' .
len.. men. Hrs. nee.
2 474
Cullorne . ... 3 Got, 2 425
Gederich , 3 15 3 17,
1ay. .. .... 3 13 2 15
;J•nIey -.. • •• • 3 114 2 44 pain eterecrwltoz. Physicians gave me
ephen ......3 4 2 48 no relief. *ilea' Louise mt (eaidsn
l'.b..rne 3 7 2 48 ream sea erred the pita and mind a.
W Wawanosh .. 3 371, 2 4('r; Anne. eel, Arm'-nk, Westcheefer ,
IteytieId 4 6U 2 25 N. Y. 8.1a by 11r .)lorrlan.
Et/clef -_. .••. 15 10 2 45 11
3. In 1871 few a.eti,ms had the eatent - Rry6eld 140 76 4 240.573 0 li$ 0
..f land re•l.:Weal by saw for play erupted,i,arter 454 261.0 5b 2
the same remark may he mad« in refer-
7299 1544.8 3291 47.0
incetoeupply '1peei(•s. 1n 1674 1 was
able to report "wrh Indy one excepuun The average attendance during the
all playernunda are enameled with the year was satisfactory notwitb.tandne
lercgoary nieces with three. the great dorm...4Iwet winter. Incree•-
All playaroouds are well 4rrici,„ and ed percentage over 1871 wets 7.
some ut them here very nice flower moo,. le. sogimw*ZY.
m fnn.t •.lschred 1.."s. in .. 'rem' l'ee Subjects of ru.truction and number of
Goes treste s have t nut .hide trees, poples engaged in the study of each
end others are talking al.nut n. Iyer
Inti all View7.::"• *permit .ttr:tt.eit, ka. Ituading in fart 1 of First t31a9a•...1584
been elven to the f•.rnu•a.h of (lamely Part 11 Qri....1002
habits e! the chattier. attending nor
Mho eta teidheirelithaviettemited meat
tm)afact-Wer 3* may be .v:d►t.erd by the
hanged app'aranee r9 IM pupilse the
a:hool hoe.em, the piety gvnwndm and as,
This wflhnal 4nnht ha* had
end will •,.c:aaue ata V an excellent
influence in '.akinp�41.. hems sad he
e nrroondtngs more cumU.rtah;e
4. In the 1 er-tien 1 r.41<rr.•d i c*
dentally to w!. nen• dune 1n mreaneent
ins. our j .7 grptmde wh'h shade nem
M ooh had been dem. prelim°. an Ma.
le-ut the ecuen of the hmn.ra811e the
4'Imiatrr of F lucerne an pre.cbtmm for
the whole prnventes e, Waxy t..
Athey.1.y tare a! ArnsPI... to the wink
lie re ;ouvt.A +11" to teem t0 ekes up
yards, make feet. r pint.. arra .r' wig
trees. 1 fnrwarem4 tM cite -ether with
. 'ate sottgesfione alofewn ss. all Inns
te. s in this pert .�►e pravfeey (he
weather was vert• n :fof nr MA 4'h
etatdiag whe h tete •h t1N Inn cis he
Peen from the following newer, ' 44 ,or
etlt est'
.8.66m14. 408 ; Cabernet. 1x11: oa►.1
ri:h. 101 Hay. 231 , tit,wtoy. 1 t9
fitep'te.:, 167 ; Osborne. iia ; West Wait
ar .-•'t, ":' ; 1l9field, 2Q Tuts! 1.411.
A., 4
t (;rammar and eemp.dtien- .. .
English Ilut.rry
Canadian IIuat,ry
Ob).rt Ir.p n,f .
Trn.l.•r.grr sod llygi.ne
Thu. end ('alrsthentee .'.,.es.
1l,s.k tlsapisg .... . 1.4.,
" t40c.•nd Cosa 1210
•' Tient Ceres .,v reenee. 19ii.
" 'mirth Class . 13110
Fifth Clem 229
Sl,rllisg .... ..... '7271
%sting ... 713:;
A' ithmetie
t le.,xraphy...
Mu.ic ...... .... 41)57
AI¢rt.rs . i • • v• ...�4. _. .
(i.•.nwrtre aampensunbei'll
rhd r
,,Temeritar; wfrs ...
2 81 ••tat of the• tw1 Aertfa to Ilse flea)
dfw, 1terp•tww Iti►hng and pray....0
t horned and p1•,. td d o) hal uoauu•, I).
A.h8eld 3 21
Ohio .
Massachusetts ..
New York-
Pennsylvania. ..... 13 18
Outano, (high and peddle wheel 12.82
er uenugw feathers. A completely white
hat de,wanda a very brylht c,mpleaium. .
el the saw whether for fair yr dare
w earers A tier ht•iy should slimy*
w eer a pink or blue Nadia is a whets
het- Fur decided brunettes blit. is
decidedly uebrax,u.ip4 ; they ought to
pr-Iersote to wear e d or orange.
Light blue bonnets are part►cnlarly un-
1a}c• u•.ng to very fair faces. 1f dark
lades vaster* to ear web temeeu,
the should at least bare thew trimmed
ped yellow. A grecs bonnet makes a
delterte, soft eneepleaioe leek even more the wneng that he had duos.
lorumtrld : ante ur pea pial bears -
Dr. Avlte was not aer*eised 40 a►
ate the proper tnrnm,ug for this. A
red bat ur bonen .u, ht Dever to come ovine a message from the laird a few dap
dare to the Noe, but mast be relieved alter his return from Glasgow B. W
tee a green or white inside trimming • been as memo persuing the (mew tamer al
Whits harem with loll folies. have a ilia way at the Towers, where be tied mu
reseed Aga to red. A dark ted hat can
unit be eau byladies possssaiug a very mall share of i,Iuesse and sederitty.
bright color.
Violet hats and boomers Lord Morven wit travelbag iw Awtris,
re not t, be 1 ; Ff our" sud a potion of the old hove wee
they sbuuld have* yellow 114104. Yslluw *laced during Isis ameba There was
hats should, se reverse to this, have plenty of room. however, fur theother
wother cuter a4uust the face.
And yet, a,tb all his learnenr;, M occupants of the Tower Dv. Airtis and
Cbevr.ul 8*s given very in the hie pupal, Gerald • lhs g•.'er*Iae. 89iaa
.,seem that will b. oflittle nae to a.eragalls Lupton, and her es. pupi'., *34tH Ldy
American wnle'm u if of them are Lllw Ruthven, Gerald's sister, and an
mother light mer dark, but et ,bat un
d.crded state which is half way between older gtrl, livstrics laMlmoot, who was
Moreover, et leant halt of teem beyunel a distant cemain of the Rathtere.
the age of 25 have beetle sallow and ftaetrioe was very lithe younger than
pale in our tepee climate Some of the (:.veld, and the two cousins oheu .s,8-
remotest .4 chert sex are erected in this
gray Nalene playa the fiend with ed tegeth.r in the tutor's ron. Dr.
wowess' an.nplet,uns. What, therm Airlie took pl in teaching her, she
fore, shall the great areiy of saffron was a girl of keen intelligent.. aeon
tinged enotplexions bons next to them ped(, and ardent di/position,ad she well
...Ives mbar will be becerniag 1 Well,
after • earrrl of ink baa boon .854 uu rrpa►d the pains teat be spent opus bet.
the •ub)ewt sallow women mot 6nal'.y H. wig 50100 ttmre, wit!, a skate n[ Isis
f. 1 back s b'aeil u the safest throe bead, that the had toe mach intellect
n. wear. It should aiway+ tea h7hl.urd for a Aum v: hot she was his favorite
with saute whore neat eke .ken ; •'seam
ewe, is Met. Tie. rod roses er bol pupil, nes.•rtbelrss. Gerald was rent
Iaut orange cul.aed fewers .44 rihbues half s, responsive to his teatime Child V
m..y be worn effr•uvwly. \ as she eaa, Beatrice piqued to dolor's
e ea•s w tta•etneL vanity re:
he weld trach her. he could
Beware of auy drut4i.t rho w.11 try temeniand her, hot he could nut demi
to seduce you to take anythinr tD pia:* nate her impulses or influence by jedg-
f McGreeot & Parke's Carbolic (`.rate. moot. she possessed already *he gash.
h is • marrsl .4 heal►og f.,r retro.., (guts. ty of great independence of chalet:4r ,
fiorwm, eta Ne Iaw►Iw •bogild bewith•
vet u. 1, ,tea a• .qual. Get Me(irrg sud she .veld bit be e.otrulled he any
S Perko's, and h... no other. Only one whom she did not tbonooghly re -
26e. per box at Gerrit. IUI)(ta,' t'r.,g al,,c. And she dad tsct th.or,e5hly re-
ason. _ lea .1,0 1 ", Aia,e, although she grew sofa
tie was reales. times* little afraid of Mm.
At Tuna or "James's Wirt," "V,iva
Fans hslstrcea," !o.
A dying man 1 SSu *be doctors med.
and w It Seemed to everybody AIM
J ,ho Lockhart of Glenbsrwia DOW-
bet out vet dead Aud is the traria
1 betwecs that atr:,ke of paralysis and th.
day of ►r death there ea ILMI time for
hien to think, to act, sod eves au repair
8. During the year jest closed the act
governing our public acbr.ol srete,n haft
been consolidated and the seg5late,aa
under previous acts ret moth Thee es
cortAmly a great boon t• treater' and all
'Acis!& A new system of ranters has
Ian adopted which ouch aiuipl.fies the
work 4 reporting 10 teepec:ur. Scrip-
ture ..!..tions haw. beau prepared, .0d
with copies of School Act have been gra-
tuitously eat, to each aecu..n.
9. My correspondence in a:-.3 out, coin
prang letters aid reperta, has averwed
about 4,000 per annum.
For Dearly 15 years 1 have endeavored
to do my uta:cat is c•rryimg ata success
fully the work yew placed to .uy chary..
The labor was w great that fur yeas niv
health suffered and my eyesight was
,.early dean -eyed. After a net i remov
ed and I succeeded fairly well sail Iwai
winter .lien on two o.taatnns i almost
lust my life w battling with the monas
1 am ad.ised to heed these warnings acid
not tisk another winter's mesels
Several years ago Dr. ILesehrogh wam.d
we that havme the use of only eae eye.
another such attack as that of 18112
might cause the loss .1 sight e••tlrely a.
I rau a yery great risk in exp.sine n.y•
self to wind and damp. Under thee -
I beg to resign ray Pei
ti.t► Irf Public School Inverter .4 Wee.
Huron, and trust that my IUcoess•r m.1
be even mere successful than 1 harp,
been, certainly he will not have so weeny
difficulties in hie path as the Inapsctoi
of 1871 had To the members of oven-
cil during air thane yearn. I belt to negro
my sincere and hearty thanks f,.1 M.
supp•rt I have awry. had in the pnee-
cuts m .4 say work. 1 am more than
thankful that (ter daalines with owe
another have not been tuarret et any
way by complaint from any source. TO
the teachers and children i ear that the
hour. .'pent with them especially donee
late years will never be fere erten and i(
I can bed use to any of them at ani
time I will consider it a pleasure te.ser.,
them. In r nclasion T take this oppor
tonity of again expressive my seminude
for the Oviform kiadneas and amens.,
shown to me by my many friends with
whum 1 came in contact in the peace
tion of my work.
I have the her • 'r 40 he, gentlemen.
Your obedie•,t servant,
J. It. Miura
Dave Tea Tbewaba of to
For fuer tbuusund years or more 45.
world, suffered. and fumed ah.,ut *a
a.rns, for there was no positive relief -
no certain ■0d painless cure until Ilk
!Scott Putnam gay• to the world he.
great (:urs Retractor. If taws a sutler
Ing now it re a remit of „ . , Ser
the retain', es at heed. shy Patn.0•'•
Corn Extractor. It a Mire. pain*.
and prompt Beware ..1 s.bstelutie
N. C. Polson ! (:..., preprieturs. Eine*
The Fruited Staten 4'eretsry of War
preemies to pitta eight 51.0.4 easels re.
the Waterier Izkss fee the defence of
United Bates esrorweree .n des great
intereetioaal lakes
i was prepared to d▪ fr, the aerei'h tired
3. The work of wheel* as a nem.:. for
18il, wax weld C..ttsiderel .luring the
iniad sinew 1871 a w•.uder(ul diaries
has cerne over the scene and coust*nt
dap• tteeri rte is the enter of the dry.
tour 'lankier* i...titute fee the dtatnc'
sed deem lab.! sasueali•as u aniseed st
Ito_ Y I 1 ha ,y M etre hal ..on vies drrlvu out to "11tK1 pirmeemd Ltliaa �iat
At Tnr,,ntn nn ViPednealee shoat X00
men reereht wnettetheen ties gimywr, loot
his eanehip .aid that nvelea g .used4 he
done fur them haul this waseeelev(d.a as.
-' TD. 8.y sad ell wee t.usy ;,•ver thou
?foe !loll. Eisard Rl.kr Dar se ken. 8..- 1=+ :a the seboolr+em when Mr. Luck-
is foil of pwini•e and s0t,s
fer the ouuutry, bet full e.f censors sed ban's one eremite: appeared fl. laird
teyr.ruattuu •.1 ins tiwer:.nlent stimuli* had sent his grandson. l:ert.e Lemglee--
usuun ed public alarm Mr. Blake, has a slightly belle, rather delicate Lrekiag
raand"ed the wu0ads sad du ryes frrw little fe!' • e/ nine or ten years -with
',tech the c•oagrtwy is ..$st.ng, sed he
uaa µcord & mighty grip upm the cul- • misfile that i». /here, we.old come to
,•rots who have n8kted ,hie suffering hile immediately.
upon nor y cog Cunfvderatinn, deter• ••1 trust the Mr. Lockhart r trot
coined to ening thole Se petiole and to Agra., said the donor, brwn0leutly.
stare teem pasisied iur their comes its
1 .0 I.. eider. days ter Mu,:.Iers would "Oh n e ; tees • int better, ' replied y
hers beau impeached as traitors to their Bente. "He'll e.,un be all right assts.
,.est; bur In those m'elent times the marc�.a saga 1 ley, Cwrald, uam't yen
penalty for the mini whnby their crimniral an., Bear-
come not 7 Its •jolly icy.
,.rgtect mud I,.cspacity pv•d.cwd eke sai
,.Sults of rho roto.! tuD is m,Mae-"t.,. and 1 want t0 go iota she wood&
meld,' says Mr. 141.ke, •'tor each sa Gerald looked at the d..ctur. "Wt
titmice as theirs. ' This mild penshy, may gra, mayn't wet" be said.
which consists in a simple withdrawal ,i1 •'Certainly, by dear boy
rue power they herr ahuxed, of the ani
6Jrnoe troy h•te b tnyr ). the f"o?le "And Beatrice ba I" said Bente. We
aro tailed upon a• ir4, -t, end 114r. free. can't oto witeovt lteatnos, eau we i
. dd. that e. will not .g far de.rs,r of hr "All rivht," said the Intl. girl, jemp-
emuuer as 1.. dumb, 18e answer mode o• tog up anti throwing her books wide.
that ca . By the be girr es t., emote- We'U Dares oic fl•r.M and 1 were
.teed that h• re,eirre the fell serieosness plc
of the attuai•m, and that he it pret-.red ►P ro the wards asset. day sears. Well
• .coapt sod fultti the tank ,,f rut/0114g Thal ,ter kettle on three Sticks, like
the neon whom the people hese tondema- ;irate., end stay oat all day.
td.-1/uutreal Pest.
"If Mies Lupien amperage" earesated
wecrea.es speedy d'art.
the d •. t•.r with a little senile
It w p«opuLirly aduutted e+•rywhere "Nue Lupton appeves ..f anythiec
that Ilc(Irrgur's tweed, Cert ie the 1 do," said Beatrice de6a..tly ,she eras
safest, roe., reh.h.e sad by far tkr , t
etwmpeet remedy for G•netimittun, laver nu exactly a pretty rhe d but .hr kiosk
l)owplalnt, Indig,en•.n, lu.purt• Blued, ed hands•me enough as she threw hack
Lem ,.t Appetite, and all s,atL,r r -tis- her well shaped heal and ghnorel at the
Well. 1t I. nor nelxs.ary to tare a treat do:tor out .•4 $ pair .4 tueanrticant gar&
gaaststy twt..rs amy r.w.lt is prodaerd. 1.y,a,. htlhr wee rhea ■ud lase, and •n-
4 few emu.. ',dl w.nnna y.w eta dt rel°p a at pre•e.•t, bat, as lbw d,.etrtr
u.erits. Trial bottle given free at ';yu.
itei I0
[idly use.' drug •tore. 1 0 ,her of textraerdnary wthings 100 s .�( Irine.uty,
t el
T4s Mew V.v..of mental strength, of 000100 even Per.
Whetec sr the Fr...oh may de, it is nee •ea,. et was Gov skis arty reeaon that he
.fail pgnhaecp that • went 44 aurtide,,cr ... a«ti:urs aatd sharper the., r to l.er
,w••. vet. wilt .,any ou .ray qw+ton. M'• than tt. any other of his pupils H.
Itiske dares ..t 8044 frim 481% m ch. There
many wrwbe.s of the huL., Abu Lo.ked at net steadily as t.: ra4 '..t.
•,r ..r,b.,l in .one shape or other t0 cep "You wish to roam ins think that
p - rt th. `6'"" "°""'". ,bat 1 sa 4.evht- Mrs. Lupton is a very (,.'.1 .8 pea r..,, 7"
tel whether even somber Paretic soau4st
Beatrice atoned node Sh mi
re•el ,turn w.,v d mets an rdectwe beak
1 tl might
in the sd,d minietereal pbalasa -{ li r- horn aoswered With .•70.1 truth either
eau, blows ' 1 don't care what you tc:uk," .r ''Yoe
"Mhsm lattirmid c.Nle m.•0, knew teat Mom Lapt.en a (Crehan ;' but
srM1 ali her seem .1 .•,urtes and cemenderstu.
the Matt m dim with ...melee, I kat w7
1151,• w 11alpue tt.v .1,.w 5.117 , 1 --, '.there wait great enough to over ride
•ep•tt.•n'y" writes .1.ms. WlnLdnnbIdirtst•..! her nnt.onou■temper, .he
IBI`?: Timms vmllb• rho ease ,war bat
ugly hlwtld aid soul nnthael Ih.
Kate his waiting rwp.•ctarU, et .•�
»d/ �1t hirer. ere be ak.1) hive b.crllrtre Aires frit that be had acser..1 + trloasph,
M , RIq Den t p,ru e.tr a,tjod and •,.lied minor h.•ni4nly than .ver.
tlee�arga ' "And Uttar pursued Bettie. "We
mute have Lilies tam"
1 ' '(Aalfrd R..nsnd, r► Ids Weed ••ph new (asst take Lelia.
ors/anima Is a balleen at Brr.te'. Fromm, .•s Wee1 'Mid... earl Geald. to Vis,
t h M W teachers s 1 pit 's 55* loth. a1) .meshed ,eke bet i wont you, Betty T
:dt71 fwd . over 4lntwvin sty tow w.wtdw
MSCI I andnnegnalled mmnnpr sa wksah yTrn a et10 yam," said Bsat,ice. wine re•t••►-
•tlt;'► emeola registered the latter ennecema r�� T
fA h
lest.., New Y•era. uesdsmrse.oetwaou
!faster. ansa awe huh .iniuD ire An r4 pew. s a eh4).,n N Mute
.mr mnc • w pi a
heir work. • The ws,aWtehleent.•f slogs! «"
u L.
rad th.'re Mur bee« 4..111 • egr.bla work
gm, entbathe, Rheumatism, 'gloppyaid dutreviog euo•tlli m trite teed kemeer by hie vete e 1.11
w, ITwadaeM, i• rem 11.11'1 b)I , , __. Iterv.•w. r.a s►i•.• from, do•hiist -take, bee. I CAO arty her oi• m heck
,ety.,.erm tb• y.wimg tes.11rer Ga kw P` 7. 1 y k
Ia(we T1w.mler N• net ethwilS seta k hcatinn nl Flog l.adetmltR. Xie"it•hottrifM, h> eivl.rhtttmw sod t,M+d .{
. wt wirer di eNn door• n..od I+w � ' Cowan 1 orad w r
'rare,bates- ter days It r eau instant cure Pre ,a , Verdi,* deems letters, •trek og a per °g ) ,•.tea.
• 176e..bvttls (tour (i;eutx;q dreg a.aD' u tb levee/tether
thio, thyro r • marked 4104 AL -Ai Mood t Irl' the a 111 l!6 h pod 4theh
d nbw's !treat.'As a regular tope, . .o... I,
rllt.t iM egiMh.ala ••f de•apha. arl.,yt.d harm ' h g lr.w witalMy flLwe.am+Im, th. eyet.sa R) 1 1'1 a
gees.tIv a mpla ned ar d sa y
112 ewry reeved .1 (moot r.d,sut shwa e H'4V1 t etre by ale etta
,wv itrti I
-1 arl,nyl. e
4,4‘4.0, rsiwil}ar► .
♦ 1. lir ,raws_ufe 'masher !•t •a•�ters
Joint 1$*?, era. �. the ,.5.14.4 Irl
1871 eel. 92. n, 1877 .1 wan 120
'2 . The certificates were ..1 the fel
1um.wg grades to 18416
(» sus - , . y ,r. ,
sirs 'aim" . ora t sad
04 ,:s .8H sl , weh ►r es•te,aary .nils, ,; o tr.
1 Thr tesMen ga'aaralll aro art�{nne ifs a AltatewN ~ 1 a her tsa.ls reliyly [ut los 1 .eh to
d d t r •"'„ •• aa. r• aae'1 a universe amts 1'i r
u1 ag wool per- a w • , welt .•.. 111 I.4•.•
at,1►w.lawor Dr /arise .as Ldi a Cote,
to MI. •
t.. this state of &Jaen a, 1 hewed t o .. *hide f M 1 • feet seri.•. - eta
II., 4, Ire r whole uty .t " t%hy
the aTt9e.(t...4 f! a
'meaty 4 amiss .',steal altar •067 dada yes 14her flit s M1i1 !tr.
11►rdS (iI„h,rvir
i. •vntew ed by tie &frge sum .e ell .11 of N bs ►rW,�l heir to ib •*r't'kriM�AlAMew44 r�,t ' b.d .015 t�j 8.. a•dtJldtab. t{,ri
trach«r. who hg.e posited 4aeuec ry .Itch p•.w.r ; Anil heanlln 01. 11111, OleAartsesmr Iso •S 5UTUN+i+M,ey r,halm
d d I red h t o emataAl A Ulla its looses 1a thea d same enolt>iff� 1 11 wsytigw d .ttwv.l
Tree 'emitter who lase awnaslly tM' 3ts by J. Wille • 'need her t'o'e '.t• o4 16....•1,.t.Uvn to
•'uminah••ns fee 9rd •r. _ ie n r alis err ensured by
mite'. t nets
t.br,tes directly from the pu'.lic schools. Re eerie.. 8..1.1 at fro 'ta. by J V11t1s, n e^mplaintt i sitaply wced.rfu.. lid ideas to the deette5•4e1.iedtjis7;" Khat
4 im