The Huron Signal, 1886-1-29, Page 8• •,••4
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Attig.ketes eire di -;)Sit Af•G t . 114" •
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shrives aim leas -don ireanseel•
tees 1b ilmasers of taw /est osests.s.
Jai. 26th, 188N.
The council met today pursuant
statute, the clerk III the choir, and al
the members preeent.
The clerk camel the roll mod then re
etiested the council to sweet a warden.
Aftived by Mr CMK, seconded by M
11/outt, that Tnurn M K -y, relit
et I:abort:4e le wartleu for the cirri
Moved by Mr. Wilson, *emended b
Mt. Strachan, that Veleutine Bets, E.q
terve .4 Stephen. t... a eaten La the e.iir
teat yew.
Upon a ballot tome taken twentyeitx
lotteabers %teed f.o. Mr IZatt and twenty
boundary hoes, to be paid the engplet-
iv. inunimpalities atter the June Meet-
* .4 isouneil.
The dent was iastractied to procure a
copy of the Ontario Statute. he melt
reeve mad depot,. the goitre to become
the properly of ili• respective municipal
i tor.
to 1 he Clerk aud Mr. F. W. Jehnstou,
I , were appointed un the Beard of Audit
for the cermet year.
• Meese*. Illaratune, of tieaforth. and
Hall., of thaderich, were appeinted ou
r. the board county examiottrs of echuoi
e teachers ler the current year. Moved
it by Thema* Strachan, siromded by it S
Cuuk, that this council being leferused
y that an apptioatioa is being made to the
Local Legislature to form a near county,
- ' and taktier away from the Couoly of
Huron the townships of Grey and Huw•
ick and the village of Wry:etre, this
council meet earnestly protests a eateist
this scheme being carried out as beteg
against, the wishes of the primly of Mom
municipalities, said that the warden and
• lerk be itiatrected to potation the legis-
lature un behalf of this council agatiist
.. skis set beinz toissuininated.
A letter from the county treasurer,
wash orate/sleets of, was
referred to Finance Committee.
An moplicstion 1.,, furnishings for the
, (.7-e:city jail wee referred to Fiance C• -lie
e motet,
• Mored by P. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
, Wray, that the read commissioners for
e 1885 make out a statement of all cheque.
, looted by them for 1885, with names, ot
✓ parties who received, mid amounts ''1 -
I amid cheques, and submit the mote to flint
i ceuncil neat Fridey, and that said report i
be printed minutes- in the Carried.
F•ear tenders for the ,eanty ptintirg
were referred to School and l'rintang
The council then adjourned 1.. Oki* at
• :', .).v. kick p. in. fur IL . Kay. Tee clerk declared
Mr. Kate du y vinctoil warucas the
orotitylf Huron for the year 1880.
The warden, haviug seburibed th
dec:austirei of -office hefere lais lemur
Jedge, Vats, coml, 1 f.Hvalee insing
urtlapsech :
GlIn71..tkiEN, I amid. you %ery mush
the home you have confer...4 opine
me. Tier,. are some elder slid, 1 thick
bettet men t • hit the position than I
but as a has been the selection of th
cauncil to elate rete in the Warden'
(Lair. 1 will elides...tit t., till it to th
left vf 7 uhility. I hop. to do th
in the best interest of the county
:et :-ust that e duntig the yea
running smoothly. As
/Ore min bete -to I thank you very mud
' r the honor you have dote me.
The isobars i4 hue meeting of Dezein
ben semiiie were read and approved.
Mr. Ems:, diet a anienittee live be
ballotted fur to select the standing cons
arititelea for the current yebe. Cerried.
Cion e. ballet being table the corn-
telt% tie
wu declared lir conel Mews.
alcMillr.n. Nftsehan, Cook, Elliott aud
'Mee. •
Moved hy Mr. CamptwIl. seterinded by
Mr. CHI: that the a It -c- lI.g -t'lum*ttt-e
he instructed to have the names of tht
•• a'otees printed an: dieter
:.•,i etite... Carried.
Mc -'ed by Mr. IV ila.mseconded by
Mr. McMillan. that 5Ir. W. N. 1Vato,e
be -.rte.:toed autliter for the current
>ear. Carried.
Moved us Amendment by Mr lieaCOM
get-or:tied by Mr. Elliott, that Mr Jaime*
Patten le appeiuted auditor for tbs
extrema year. Lost or. a division by $
-,lority of 5.
motion the cuurcit adjeurned to
eet again at 10 o'clock a.m. tomorrow'.
fe Pt; -u7J.Npytr,,I.
totincil niet pursuant to adjourn.
t...:er.t, the warden an the hair. nie
nu of yesterday wt- c read and
T!.e Selecting Committee.repe: was
1 as follows and ad.
$C.5 Carried. Mowed by J. deseme,
setierd by Z. Achompe, that c. heater's
odary he $75 Canted. Auditors. fib
each. Cuomo! asked tot apple:miter fel
amomor. Nom. would take It at IBA
It was then nuovvd by J. Ileac me au
couded by IL Ai:rheum, that the /enter
metier ler rectiodiel. asid Mat *memo, 'I.
salary tee $7o -Carried. Moved by Z
Act:moo, arcondint by J. Iteacelu, that
151 ).1' ketie d ht. alhaer/A4Ar M..% Mt II.
11,0111/Ildaielit by J. I-1 Elliott. sec....d.el
by J Nleetellan, that Goo. McKee le
assuesor, the relive voted fee . Y
. r i Savor of nittiou. The c 011.
•as urdifed tu ask for tendrils fur print
Mg from each et the Iterl peeves sad to
send Leta samples C•4110 gmentittri
J. A Ford auditor. Kee.* appomod
.1 II. Holmes world auditor. Joh..
%Vint es• appuinted keeper .1 No.
peund ..n frith eot.. The tellowieur we-
e eels were paid : - W Don..
per W McC.I.e, for suet of cloth...1113:
R McCullough. gra% el, $14 t,2, Nees
1:-er,f, prin. itet, er. 50; Mr 11,sirle, ••• •
hosiery. 4 YO; W Collins,
118 75; ft Dray. indigent. $1$ 76; clerk
wiaturii.e M. 11 , 419 50
term were appointed, them wit
cony- notified. Fence viewers wee A.
Lit year were ro appended
keepers saint, All last year arrre-ap
pointed, beth the latter wdi be eetimed,
and all art. requested 1.
t.. time specified in tietiee and refuel...1
to clerk Applications will h.. rec..' • e
fur collector at next iuto Ong of comical
tieing to the increase t.1 truiwnsin
further atIvatices of money elli be melte
to ail iieligent utdess 't *ii .a sigeed
by at least a doom ratepavers ka.sii ti.
council statiod that the party is really
in need and resided in the tewuship
Council adjourned to meet again en the
Aral Moieley .11 Aord.
4.itere ea, clerk
Council rrsorniol, the wardee in the
If r E. -it $42.4 for his team
do and els. IA only feel years old
A number .4 accounts were submitted Mr Bentley, of F. Waertinusila, by a
and referred to the Finance committee. nosettauce broke los leg oae day him
t The repert .4 Mr. Hats, road cent- week.
• missiener, wu res d and referred to cotu• The wire of14'r. Win fliMayd. ,
mattee. this place, passed away lase Friday merit-
. Three teuder, f *Le store wk rk ef $ee was 77 ye to. ef eee. t%, ex
Eine rideilic triage were r...ferred to tend our sympathy to the re. i;eLt:euni-n
It• ad and Vridge committee. in his sad -bereartment.
Moven by Mr. Garvin, seconded by cr. Galt, 3/44a,
1r. Anderson, that 180 oiLlin 8500 b.- f.r;:, re taw week.
granted by be c
.1. - o
divided between the branch azricu tural to lochards hes purchased thshop
lielOa a
and horticu tural secieties-Cerried. formerly occupied by Mr. wie
114114.Ar situp, and her u.evele his hareem
Moved Ivy Mr. McMillan, seconded by
Mr. Mchlurchte. that three vatuatoni he busl"e" therein
appointed as provided for in sec•ien 264,
ebap. 174, Revised Statutes It Onterie,
for the purpose of valuing the real pro.
perty withir. the county, with a view of
obtaining a more correct basis for equal
Maur the rubs in the various municipali•
. ties. and report at the June meeting at
the first seesien of the county council.
!tiered by Mr. Wilson, seconded by
Mr. Currie. that the mown appointing
valuators be referred to the Equalization
The report of the School and Printing
comniittee was read and adopted. The
eff.,ct of the report was to reemernei d
that 11r.Mil1er's resignation be accepted,
to take place on February 14th.
Application for the positi in of Public
School Inspector for West Huron were
received from Messrs. Gluing° Kirk,
Chatham ; J. Turnbull, Chilton ;Coniell,
Steadier)). ; and Thorn, Exeter These,
with the test:or:tenni!' accotatanying, were
referred to the School and Printing
The council then adjourned le meet
at 3 o clock on Thursday.
Equalization K-arnqaaett, Kay,
ettleiteti, 1:nlin11. Eflb.r, Beattie,
Oaraderset.. Strachan, Darnin
Fiztenoo ,Wilson, Clegg, Torrance,
.4. • roe. D.
.t., j. Beek.
4, :14.1 4..l z3.A51, Waiker.
flay ask Carrie, Campbell.,
rney, C. Luber, Elliott.
&boo' and Printing Dr. Rollin',
klicMureh n rigs, Wray. Essen,
• merlin, KaIntletachs
Jail acd Court House
Howe. Mauler , Slathers, C. ate..
F...gene C. Eillrer, Seen.
Sedalia* A Allen, Girwin, B. C.-ok,
L, %Jerson, Beacom, McMillen, Clegg.
iVardnat'• McMillan. Cook,
• Streams, threat. D. 1). Waitron.
Special Kline, -Kelly. Campbell,
'tea, Laiett.
The capon of M.. Miller, 1 else.
h.s reeignatioe of that ...Vice, was read
and tette-red to the gcn .,1 Committee.
A letter Inns Mr. .t. 11cD Allan, re-
1..eeti1g tbe council to appoint a corn-
.ittee t select grain to send to the
.:-etal Exhibition in Lontinn, Eug.,
was read and referred to the Special
The epesion cf Mr. Garrow, county
P"...•ir:Its,r, in re draining water back on
ir:dges iu uuill races. was read and
•'Jared ni be printed in the mini:tee.
A onearromicanon trout the County
i'iuncil ef Perth in reference to width
wagers tam etc., was read and referr-
-J t..Speer,' Cormuittee.
A/an a etnimoniciti.e. from the County
Gr.:mil of York in reforence to amend -
10. A°.
aPioillatI4111 fr..m /ilia. 'Dickson,
• totem ef the jal. requesting -an IIICT01100
.f eel .ry. ma. to furred te tittles Cum
A11 spplication trete. Dr. Itosebur:sh
'yr cr oat t.. the ['tie...pers. Aid Amen
ogee.. was referred to FII111,11Ce Cli/1-
. 11(1.0.
Ark ‘pCleate•II from Mr. Mose, to be
.1n.eit tospoeto, 000e work for
' ?adzes, was t. tarred III Road and
Thirty-seven applICS'icn. for ten.
„t psi -
c.' emotive- ger, reported.
• 'Is nudi.)11 ,.f Mr. W diem recodded by
these were referred to the
Finance •• tee to prepare a report
,,'tin.' forth the nitmootrative coat of the
preeent si and one wit!) county
1111 1 by 41 C. Cameron, seconded
ti.••••y Zither. that the members of 1
Lgits e„,,4441 duty amen. bled, he ..• g heard
the report "Isle pr. vireo. .4 ..h...1 wok
donne 111.., Mit 15
years. which has j tat fern 1.00l by le-
,pect..r 81.111..r •:id h‘iing Imirned that
It la the ...i..f•ii t - ingri.Olter to
1....111 the p wine which he has
y • ar. h.M weila t,
hi...eV and bow fit t., e.,p, . beg t.
a, ere hero .....esiat ion
.... DOW A. r--.,... DI41.4.A.4 15. amery
year. which he hall ap-• I as a pe die Der
ogee of the ea I y h• -a oho . •
to be so ell 1.• o•I g .41leerr
se ee 8 15, • rine% tr,
,8 ter eie .1 the ....coy, the
Loa hers s I *". .8 ormolu -
gig. ••••• ••• -14141014 4 114 Seeking
ir • '• • •I 64444•1140 I•11 be a
:I • we spite e. • tr.., that he will magi
ea. •..msrl • ' his Wont* LI steam that
in the r• eltieh he hoi shrew
se door 4- flown. 0.
n,.. ji . .uta . $1.)O0 erns
grew el to r for of
Jaa. 18, 1886.
The council met at Finlay's schoel
home. The followinggentlemen took
the declaration of office : J. Griffin,
reeve, U. 5Ichturchy, let deputy, Wtu
Stethera, 2ud deputy, H. Chambers and
H. Girvin, councillors The followiee,
accounts were paid D. Cowan, repair
ing scraper, 11; D. McKenzie, repsoneg
culvert. con. 12, W.D., V; D. McKeie
zie. underdrojn, con. 12. 50,: ,
Nozgach, gravel, V; J. W. Jackman,
wire fence, 119 50; J. Caraeren, repair-
ing road on boundary, /I; 1). Alten,
lumber for three culverts, con. 9, $3;
each school section where municipal
elections were held, 112; W Lane, deliv-
ering ballet boxes and papers, 17; Jaa.
Bryan, for printing, 18 50; McGillicuddy
Brea., for printing, $2. Moved by
McMurchy, aecouded by H. Girvin, that
the salaries he u follows . Clerk, 1120,
treasurer, $80; someone, $80, co teeter,
audttors, each, *10; deputy retort,
ing efficers. each, $6; selectors of jurors.
each, $4. Meved by W. Stotherto etc
ended by 11 Girein, that W. Kilpatrick
be assessor, and that James Brown be
collector. Moved in amendment by D.
McMuechy, that D. Sullivan be ilatieleer.
The mmion was carried. Moved by H.
Gievin, ascended hy D. MeMurchy, that
Robert A. Carrick be madder. The
reeve appointed Morgan Dalton. The
clerk was instructed tr. ask fur tenders
for the township printing (nitro the Star,
Strieet and Sentinel. In minutes
previous smetine it appeared that D.
McLennan received $8 for culverts On
boundary line ; should ne $4. A letter
wait laid Wore the commit asking for
assistance in arcuriew -.roper medical
attendance for Geerge. Ed mondso n be
wi'l receive attention. Next
meeting 4,f aloalled ..n Feb 16 188$
W LAMM, 0101r4.
Mr Deustead, Cesneth, has c...asuenc-
e.1 business here.
Rev :tir. 51-1-Ctoto • f WIN:hem, is
expected to preach in the Episcopal
church here un Sabbath net at '2.20 e
Revival services are DIM going OC to
the Methodist church 'here. Mr. ..!eck-
s et of Palmerston. a teetel revivaliat, aa
r, n:lering valuable assistance.
31unday of last week two cf our
bachelor friends turned up ratsoir.g No
one knew when, where or how they had
gime. Tuesday cline and wean, and at
taillIga tke nossieg Vales Ioinor. 4
A UICI4e, deficits and numerous other
thitigs filled the air ; but alas no soletton
ef the matter was found, Wedneeday
came and twiore night it was al si
unah:tteously culicedeti Hist "nu of them,
if not both, had deserted the noole !Lind
of bachelors, who have their headquen
ars et the etllaint. Thursday morning
came, but all yet nothing defiant, w.a
learned .4 the tagneves ; but un Thum -
day eveiene a ray of light broke forth.
One of the h..ys ..f the neighttorhued
happened to be in Seaforth. and met one
of the naming eues returning with a
beaming countenance, and when interro-
gated as to -he attertieboute of los cum
primer', made a clton erteiet uf the whole
atteir, and ea.d the gallant Macdonald
was even tnen speeding beessward with
a testimonial by his_age, imittinz. teeth
that ter tad jotted the aublit army of
Renedotts. The boys a: one" f)13 wwceip
of the hopeful news acnut gett.leg
them best smiles . n, and When the
M 4.11111g 4/1108 put to 31, appeerauce snout
9.30 p.m. un ThureLy they received a
c. 'dist trek me At o ineetiog of the
e.chelers' /WWII It unaui needy
agreed to pardon ht.c., and give him •
certificate .4 good character, tf he would
treat the bvya to the confect' cnery,
which itima he c• :14);ied eel: to an
ample mangier A. 7. was 0..r. 1 eptlale
with the b,-ys, :old enes teen fit
to launch his litthr bark on tt.e e.a 01
matnmony, one and all, y,u11.: nod old
unite tu *whine Esc. and Lk bride,
leselth, happir,,A. •ty.r.d
may the olouds adverioty uevar be so
den". but that they mo., he .bl. to Ca
cern the bine shy toehold.
Lord Ileacoos6c:d's 8.•cial vet wee
inarselloue The n. mt enaberranoinii of
eituatunia never caught him unprepared,
1.0 master lac suddenly it sprane up.
He always had the right word, for hie
t•inetio was as "tlic Lee f a re....:;y era -
"This is Kr. 9-- --,“ amid a ;retie -
gnat), introducinit a act n .4 the ariatoc
race to Mr. Disraeli, when he was Ohast.
mitior of the &chequer"8e has jest
watered the 01.11 Service, but not in the
department over which y u presiele.-
''That is my taiehrture, • aissweeed
Denied, buoying and placing ha ?mod
upon his heart
The young syi.; ..".rpa.•".c.t charmed
with the ),i -eat mar, and rot detectiog
the irony lurking A: rift *h.. pobahea
phrase. •
An Irishman waa or.c.ii .et.' te the
Helmireville. Jan. 18th, 184104. Howie olOenttmons by an °Oscars can -
Council met today ereording to eta mammy in Iralood. Hie colorless
tote. Member. •11 pirment, thee. hand tics, for he was netther Liberal nor
ing in their declaration of qualillestions stimulated the managers of bath
and on we, the reeve took the shear. The to 111101100 bim ae a sensertat Th.
minutes ef mat ramitieg of cold enwineet Otessitees Boaconeditid tamed We fee
were read and passed. The mei of grand Jesse,.
township eleetions was pest INK It I* C"r" of the eglItilll
we. mergedth
that e reeve &stead Nn fossil fossil himself 1888 4. fees rtlia
4 and No. 6 R. thematic*, deputy reeve thrbilittw/ with the altemlimas he had r•
No. 3, J. H No, 1, 11 Agleam mired. the new member said to Disesob •
M.. 2. end Jobe McClellan No. fa. The -I meet read pour n...,48 .re.$4. best
salaries of township taffies's were put in my daughters Lava, and, bads 4, th.ear
osio motion as meal, that not orovine1 they're eviichti clewor.'•
settellbetory, a separate motion, was pan '.tisr," said DierseL. di -swing honest(
fee ss, via.: MuYild by J. Beemsa. 1 op, and leettiohis .mint,,... lall .n *be
seerowled by R. Adiaania, that the salary • lace, ' 'that m Was I"
of elerk be $110 Carried. By s
atitsry of immerse ws Carried. Mny - • Sete* persons were arrested Wrier's-
ed by E Aehesioa, seconded by .1. H. 1 day at Gleam* foe diateehing she atm -
Elliott, that the salary aineaeot by tiva arse • •
Oa Thursday last use of the old set -
ren. ..f h. pa.A awe,. alter au
11..000.1a cunt} • weeks. to taco peoples
id fa. atell 1111111111. had rallided
1.4 C4•16,11•40 IlleAr•t pales, Wad
or.s releireted by there eh.
..• He teat.* a and four
three 41481whiews sled a son to
a. --urn hi. 1.88
reeniiire Ambateser.
Jau. t).13 .t
yropA toy. it is tee pewee of :eliding
Lite nes, meludoinr masa, furilf•r
Irra, • hat filet/muse elit.itld it.. it* the
Ane'ata, LI, .4 r remelt •,r Mr Ilea y
1.. Ilona. fit.le oche. .
lie a .d
Nit it in (red tl.e
kI4Ve been r,eder.
a I deat•tio• by the failure • f the C.otin
Irho Galt paper. record the death
Peter Keeler, for many years past dealt
.4 the 1) C.mri (hare, the ifq,;••
80 trent
M (hr. r4 Renend, of the Greed
theatre, New Verk. suede att oaceasion
11414. a it Bre-.ti'. Frar1011, WI Wed
eartilks The hat .a. drivels eat to
ws. •..eisieeit
At T. mut.. on We. need .y shout
wen ai.rk from the mayor, but
p-rehip said that nething ceuld e
-r thole OSHA the courted cu!rd
The uneeralyeed .8 .. lay ah
k•adir of "44i. Logi, neroo,f lined Slack.
Cherry, 8,rubi, flecAto Hle. 8. Ash. Noft
.ad Hock 81,tt. I:mswoucl. Pine.
eerie,. t..r wen+ tre wilt pay 11,e DAMNS
Mark -,t titers warn cletivered at ten
Falls Reserve Saw 1111.
lie also will 01:343TO bet 74 1..1:11re.'
I 2.7 CI at any time. at a liberal rate. *8
tatters druanyO) aueeden to
Deers. nee. .6aa. MM. 111111 mrt. t•
- - - -
To lead ea tante and Sewn rrooarty, a' low
est iatereet. Wortmonis parotimed. No mu-
m Aso). ,:haoted aeci.ta for t Treat sad beam
nsils Canada, the t enacts Leaded
Credit Company. the Lcoloo Learn Vompaey
of Comma taterma. I. $&d 7 per mt.*
N. It Borrowers can obt.fn Enemy ut one
day, it tide sanetemery
ti • Muir & JOHNell'ON,
1874 inimeceee, 4 Go iertielt
en Tarim and Tema Property at 'word, iti-
fareaL Itempemsperceasedi Caliallaisailat
Amore& CosimoaanizainVess rea.,nalsie
N. R. -Perrowtra Is medley
tom & satisfactory. WATT= & 1014)(
TON Barristers. *a- Oodistiok.
-8i - -
Will Sell the Balance of Clothing
.;t now in Stock at Cost.
eiefe. 'Nee,
w. ,
I, theltl.
The Poseple's Store, Gotimier
ft:watts* any India*, sod row, . far t pat ror,Air dur.ny the iwepors 1 ha. e Nee*
here. I sate tials portusaty to ititet-,. Owls, than 1 have Jusct Received tbe daft temple,
ot •
Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds
t., :tat Le-. • t,; (rote such a Stoik my Meads will be oboe togr
, hnt. • ice! at Ho. eery lowest peeeible ieea,
Ga-,-ents (Goods Pu -chased from me) Cut to Fit for Nothing.
LEVi CARD, u'l."717.017 t.u" re4'
Ait'igtttttttttrttttnitttttttnittttittittttfttttttirt7Ttt t
HT wearing f 01' :
o• the firm of La :or., & SI
Rif/011M1 Spatulas 114 Eye Glasses
'Mime Symotacies aad Eye fileseee bare been
ttaed for the put 1. roam And gr. ree. In ...relit
(lilacr• acloa,u flied antisike:t'r. 1' el. are
7111B 410.- 71.11 woozy.. ?bey airier tire.
eat .jet :Limy ;earl, WItalOgt Cat,t3,j,
Yates & Acheson,
Ire-, le- .1 %XS MRS! 7'
- -
St. George's School House
Tuesday, Feb.
eit•er Guileotion is .01 0* the I ,
Itg.NOTIL. TRW Lottery has bean very fay
o.ably received by term and IA !soden
suid elnewhers, and the pewits are invitee to
cent* sal enjoy It.
Ooderioh, WTI
"1 take may ewe Itruelsh weekly sayer. 7.06.•
Slapsokalor, sad ese Onsuidiaa. The week and
as a nue Aosta be inualed to *ay whit* 1
should tales sett." APPena a Weer by Thema.
if:4*st. atitAre ' geleler‘11
Zhe Meek:
Cillhal ill Adak. 0: rettre; Seete•e
AND Urr_tli now
PaY0alpil Ivry rignkly, :at $3.00
pec maws
11..11. Potitt-e„ THE WHICH an -
Penn. Table ot Ceet.on±a
to Use [tante, which tuna anat. the
oirite of a cultured Mem
An *vanes at Mobs Mere. creep Zdttortali
Is /fires in mob sidebar olio. CANADIAN,
AlifilatICAN. est NHOLISH POLITIC& aad
Ammon use newer oentribeters la PRO-
allaanu GuLuarum itorrrii eon a distinguished
perm maa in lesmiett boa tastily undertakes
to swap, ty raceway aa 111.411,6 Letter. Perla
end Watkonetwa Loiters wilt appear at riga.
ler intervals
In addition there are mamas neetrite:tions
/min some/ the Metall writers*. the botolis
ion JA.I the Waited hour*
has new mitered epee Its third FM' will
omit fmagegarespeota, aad with may
!tour g.
it Sr -active
Aeries M., Terosto. Set.
fiestep'e aeries/Pei 00Mea18ou,
THAI Witillt lessee the nisei Influeetei
tour -eats is Oamila nose& Legal" sow.
0e 'be retertee, neseibissetle set at
:08 DBP ARTMItti'r
lino Met Swot 15.1110151. Me OtIontla lifer°.
for terming oat every dem, pilot. of
OVID "'"--"•••••-•-
areTbri=littoplerlal IM Of Ate Meek
ppi)411se- -Werth , nowt to Peg,elr
Odic. Clniierielk
ri !toad. Dar,- s Deed
LC/Hilt:di ENDLAN10.
Shitt• et Nlerria, cat
IS.No csaaection with sat in the
Dotainioe of remade
Jan ter:!.. ISL.. Otcrely
E El) S 11
seer oer nosed ir-:: 4 y ..• -
Turnip. Manhold and Carrot
G. H. OLD'S,
7' - Grocer ' e 71.1. -are
A 1" n stock of
Family Groceries
Atwarii as twat
Teletibeite Comms.*
ftedsriels. Joe. ilia. WI&
Harper's Weekly,
ILT-1,78rlikA.TIE ri .
HAISPL-eli WINIELV hie new, for mom than
t moat teem, asaletoinell its panition *5 15.
leadinit illustrates •itiolills sewspaper In Avi-
aries With a milastaitt knoreses ef ittentry
and artistic MOIR fit la &Mato otter • or the
itallalair feat tUrs0tie. linlignallad hi any
=um view, inetinesievvie septal ithee
amnesic the amement Sete. verities of Ila
mortal stories, s.57r Time. Hanoi.
*Ma. and tbe other by . wiceen Pirsaire.
Geo 04 (14. meet rapidity lisle. of aught&
esvelliato; grapide filuatralloas of unessal
*Merest to readers la all seetkona Mt the ollatO.
ft y ; abort s Geist. mantly Mew
trete& hi Go best writers, aad isn
Wallet amtie beritiot the ck t M:8day.
otie who dasires a trust worthy pinto
eai am beg sad imetruouve
aide la :litt47 treelainisrpronser Ilfaittra
faati from olgeetin
Hoes. Mmuld subscribe to Flanrack WUnzi.V,
rui, neer
1$4 Rp pigwIzr. .
If A RI'lliffel KAP A SINK 488
ffASPliffe RAZAK • • 4 Al
If ARPRAll "VW'S) iopie . . ...
rmeatAstr. re•.. N.mbers) w se
regime Pinr te U webbeetket-a fe flee Veit
The T.t...,s .5*18. Witeitte begin with the
that Me ea le sommenee with
Iry Plumber rael.. are so =yew whoa
so Weis is visiorstom
tame pearet=t newt win
Go mama* omit Ohs hmieletiomase Ardor.
1411014 V Le% Ow
to" telistri Litmsprer..1
wromd emie^-iiiiirinneerti. $7 SI poe
be mode by POW allee
itrs or Wt, as emote or
..u.p*7. .s save
* ?'�5p5f Low
rellEr.rsa * ?AVMS, Ski
lig •
13t1011; pow
i West Street feat Market
& dolillstoll
At 1. KINDII 0•.*
lAre711. Attesters& and Prompt De -very.
Dec. !DN. net%
IlittlIr, T
S tong Ppopl.
TO.. nosineo of Usitratie Votaai ristier...8
as the leading week!, periedteed tkyrbfeesibeirg
n arks* is well emebibilicid 75.p:
.1.6,re 00 peas t• pro. hie Iia bem ad coos
attractive reading and IIltuaratioss. 75..
aerial and short stories bets stress dramatic
Interest. while they are wt%tres 1,
wheiever is pernicious or •aseasseme
st . the papas* tie estaral Inalltary sad mimeo
travel. ara& the 118 of bfe, am by writers
whose nulls give the beet itturtranies of is
curacy sad value. tnastraied pavers ea att
let ic sports, tames. itad pastime. gies rail lc
torinsitioa on lame ettbinsets. Tem Is nett •
lay clamp *50111 ,1 bet its price.
od desirable in Javeogie Moraines, =
_ •...
A a epitome of erverytatieg that W
A weekly free of good Lemma_ to 1845 br-
ead yids la every faint:, wh.iiiiet. It shifts.
Resokir: fronts.
It 0 openeeenii ia it• Wapiti of pairea, tr •
formation. avid interest.-- CAristiess doom'
7:. Y. ______
71ffilillinli :.-
Poe* Propeld, 82.00 Per her.
I* II commenzes Nor. .1, LW,.
Pinata titioraesa, rive c•ate each.
Iterralltancos should be made by Poet 011ice
Mew Order or Draft, to avoid amnesia leer -
New ewe ytot t. ropy Mil reitertts.
*era, ut era* of HARP'S' &
Itissrarase. Address
11•ItPlIlt a HROTREPA.
New Teri'
Haa the most Asiertesest of nest Close
Celina Cembeite sad thidertaiuwe' 0e.4. to
rims. else deem for nee as Reasesoli-
As Demi he Reaps %be CORA PICST Atm
littiT Stook et ailitads Iritrattaro. 1 Doi
ler Cali sod
I Oen Undersell Any Other
Furniture Mu: in Town.
1 Aim aell Ube Catiabaste/ High Armed 111t -
Raymond kiirg Labe*
140400wiiet Laenwireg eft Pe•-
&,eariav at Latest Reese et
SAVINGS sidinc sloores.
a,4 ..tcsisz Oat &Wrest 11141.04 .w
aeon= 'mood
"714,me."taselerks• glienare albs Norta
1101111ACZ WORT011:
W ammo*
a ENE eg.
ta mai
• pei
*A et
.ag tit
Ir tar
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