HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-1-29, Page 74' I hew Fun ants Fancy. ;t A down eget fist ouwtpary, i4 a sew totes on • deceased member, a•ye : - Hw had e1lep .*tied to eel last alarm." t its a w ibder trey aide's edit that 1. 'Ys gime to hip last fire. ' Cteaseer-"Hsre you rotors g•00-1 is potted ei0sw r Now clerk --"Nut jest tow ; isi wu will have in Smut as hoes. The printer around trio cores, is at work on the labels mow. The Csar deep with his Stet deg, and we regard such • cirouwtauoe as a fit .utas fur the Sachet, fur abs Prevention •f Cruelty to aotm.la The poor brute eligible to be blown to pieces by dyne .nits any night 1t is not permitted • Mexican to ride a the MOO oslringe with • woman or whom ben betrothed. T►s is probably osmosis thew is always mores leas dna set of people in • carriage falling out. Whoa a sessile has lesstred a beau Mae -ekes a risks. A axiety paper in describing the or .cis is which a bridal party passed da,wu itch church SA.. neye:--"T►. bride welted ea Ike aria 01 her father. ' This racy w all right, but it seers to too that . church was hardly the place for bar u display her acrobatic aceumpLsh- . dent. 'Certain patent medicine sea will be 6;rieroe41y disappointed if cholera dowel 'caskets appearance in this o.untry this year. Their labor of oban ing the labels on the bottles of their unsold stock of over remedies to "cbokra curs" will .ave been thrown away. Milkman "Johnny, did your lent nater in the silk this seraing t" Ides assistant- -"Yee, sir." "Don't you know that is wicked, Johnny I" "But you ,.,Id Sae to mix rater with the mill.' 'Yes, but I told you to put the water in '.ret sad pour the milk ins it. Thea, rot see, we can tell people we never pat water in our intik. ' "Good gratie's, 11 I didn't trnow until todaytbat you had been mar- ried three tomes '• •• Yes, Bosley, I Mase takers ell the Degrees. The first site knocked all the roauane•• out „f se, taut second tarzbt se hum arty "Aad your presets/ wife l "Mede a , hilus pher "tet of site. I can bar other ,•coils s tr .able• w iib a ;;telt .teal of .sU•,x.,npl.crncy." }tousehola Hints. atrial .1 rope sn3 s.u;ers may be re Inoved by robbing with robes. 14 the uvea is to.o het wilco bskiug , lace • small dish of cold water int it When sponte cake becomes dry 11 in .ce to cut in thin slits and toast. Toa'emt re Ladder.. soak to butter -silk . 'd spread •.n the grass in the sun. previa.- .nonitard planter from blis- .. city(, is a .: wil1 the white of erg. Never put salt into Gimp whew cooking uU it has oxen that..Jolty skimmed, as raft prevents the •cum from rising. When the burners. f lamps beonme logged web char, pet them w a strong a .mp suds and boil awhile to cleats them. Belied starch us bet such improved sy the Adaitine of a utile sperm or a Atha ludo ..r both, o1 A little dirsulrod ,• sm arabic. brighten the invi,lsnf a coffee or • .ea put, fill with water, add • small piece .f .cam, and let it twtl about forty-five ninnies if matting, n .unterpanee, or bed - emends bare. ii sputa on then.. wet with alcohol, nib with hard soap, and that rimae with clear. cold water. It is raid that canned berries retain their flavor, and keep better, when a buttered cloth is laid oyer the top of the jar before rerwwing down the oever. Wortss of WieAOm. THE HURON SIGNAL. I''li I 1►:11. JAN. 29, 1886. cite: S- "usaajt watted 1 Mr \•u.•ierblt as worth !]900,000. Th. more PA' asy, the seam rept!. re• 000 If we .y that be was worth 1640,- reeober. 000,000 or r$l,t100.000,000 do we get a Simplicity of character is the u.terd perceptibly dafferlon impression about remelt of profound tbuugtte. the bulk u( his (-•rtes f Must people The plant of happwes cannot thrive do u..t. Tu tie awerare mind th• cs• with nut the air o1 che.rtulue.► spawn of eswm"us ...oath ie seer the abates The IYa.o.Nir.e1, .,( the rutwoatauri sine whether it b" reckoned in hundreds thin* of the mischief of the example. u( millions or tit ♦yfinulbwra Cru w ithin* hrtuan mind uauuot grasp tbe.e great !lake friends with y..ur creditors, if gurus ur c early appreciate the d;Bereuue you so, bet never nuke a creditur of between 100,000,003 as,l .2,00.000 000. your fneud. Let us try and describe Mr. Yauder- Maay people mistake stubbornness for bilt a great fortune is term. of Isomer, bravery, mesnue.sfor economy, and vile square and cubic mesurew.ut cud of ream f, r wit ■eight. Everybody understands these Tb. harvest gathered in the rah!. of teens, and 4h07 make • ae6iite tmpress- the past is to be brought hutue for the use ton on wens minds. of the present. If :his sunt of ard00,000,4J00 were in Pruwises wade in time at, altsietion re- standard silver dollars It would present quire • better memory then people cons sesweb features as this : mostly posse. j I ut lena,thwme, dollar after duller, it • would stretch a distance of 4,672 moles, The misery of amaas is resd,y manifest making a salter streak from New York in high ilia as su the rats and tlltb of acmes the ucaau to Liverp oi. extreme poverty. Piled up, dollar on dollar, it would Deprive the people •4 the means of reeeh a height of area males prayer subsistersse. and you enslave and Laid tet on the treated the dollars destroy the tat►es would cuver a space of utterly slaty CI • is so exoellent weerin* ass yeasty. at w been csllwl the Sight Tu transport it would require 268.an weather of the heartmarrying 20 tuna each (this is the cape Norse is a sick room should not sit car stand too near the patient, and above all ihiets they should avoid talking when teasing weer a rick peson. A bq.id black lead for polishing stoves ismsde by eddies to cask pram el Weer lead Doe gill et turpentine, one gill of water, sad sae canoe of sugar. Picture frames made with a cnmbina tans o1 polished ask and gilt .rnan.ents are adssahly adapted te water color drawings, tied the Isis eeoensive than esker..p1 . :i keep insets out of bird caeca, lie efp a little sulphur in a bar and suspend it in the orl;e, Red ants will never bo totted in seed or drawer if a anal bpi of sulphur be sept constantly in these places. Old newspapers will pet the finishing touch to newly cleaned silver, toles and forks sad tinware better thou any- thing else- Rub them well and make perfectly dry. They are eacelleut to polish stores that leve not bluer% Wseb- eteed for some length of time. l;o1LDn - A gertle made of Arnow black cess. a. uta n.. , is new the fashintattle prereonae is he is just an prtienlar nor as he was %mice My at as bottom of the sen t theist for .n,- , t ria.'. NOW COMP L� 1 �, We should be as caret al of our words city of the scantiest frwght Dari, slid w Of our actions, and as fur front al . making a train just shout two and a halt This invaluable medicine for Liver Ciro- ' hog ill u from doing ill miles lung. phone, Indigestion, Kidney L mplaro• Ila ordinary grades it would require is Por • gold currency the t roe Ie are be- 12 luoum"tires to haul this train. Oa dr the encouraged two sacrifice their gods. I mads of stoup grades and sharp curves their liberties, cher children sad them- r 1J or 20 locomotives would he needed klrn•h•nta ran eel their fill Heade, Letter !elves. In one dollar bilk tins 200,1-i00,0.10 Reads. tic- a16;,- pr.ntrd at thin oMre sur eery Gold •.od sifter mush* to better as 1 f..rt.tue would suuwe such shapes a, ' lit ue v,eee n rnrr tenrrail� ti1i1 for tM+ mere sedate ut commerce than as ductal- ! thee' sorter. and it belpn's to/Overtire Mess. Call and .re samples and as prams. atter legal teodets in the lauds of s,.ecu- The bills etretched lun,gthwle • would --_ _- Werra extend 2'3,674 miles, or nearly the cir- Give n., •hurter to those rows which cumference of the earth at the equator. are of thio. inward family. and hawing a Piled up one on another, thee as the P ✓ out in temper plead a right and propri- leave" in • new book, they would reach a 411, Mdelea er Parker's d., .. s, a Halt SEEDS Ir InralMb:O for Wooed., C., li••rtr, tfa•t Rheu.o, guts, Her.'., ticald• and resters, as a 6who4 and purifying dressing. Lo not be ss, .wed mo with •ether sells p�'r'eparru,.n., r.•.:..m•oen.led 1.. be gaud. lies ..41y M.' lrvg..r a Perim*" Cxbulie Corse. Nolo by (sass.. Rhyne.. lis A Ittwaan Of 0110 d. teen •`Tssmu III(' to any ...woman.* the best four lin rhyme .ns ' rsAsaaar, ' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and fist!.. Ask your druggest or attires asst Oboes ruses. Are you truut.l..d woos tlalt Rheum, Rough Mau, Pimples or Canker Sores Turn ip eed s, Millet, Hungarian Grass eed, Corn and Buckwheat. MONEY TO LOAN Private leads te laro.t et rcasoaabk rates of ingest. SAIUEL SLOANE. Hamilton Street, Goderich. Gatwick. May pts. ►esti. 111M -am if so, W. me mace la (;e... Rhymes Drug i b Store and ;(.•t a package ',f Idt.'liregur d Gotha P•rle's Carbolic (:erste. Pnce 2f, coots. olden It wasueverku known its► Rev .1 (i rani., Dutton, certifies : I "sur some years tar wife has peen trot I blot with Dt•.p. pew, sad has tried thins, after .mother recommended with but little .. iso eff••ot till advised to give Slc(l egeas Speedy Cure • trial. !+ince taking the lint bottle i have noticed . Id.nee amproe.wrnt, and can with coop. 6dcrlee roo•••nmend it to M one uf, if not , the net me•lictee • etaet f..r I)ysi.epsu. tis purely , • WORgs- purely v egehhle told at (1 1{hynas' --_-_ some. Tr al ,ale. given fret. lti JOSEPH VANSTON E, ..... , �.�...ch&Kmcartliue :o GorIHIFLICIIE i'noPRl6TOIt, iMP ,t :rr u` .n1 tic.:c r .n atblc& 6Yxnite LA NIAT(; MILL MONUMENTS, ety in thee I height of 12 miles. nal _oBLeeson T I( t confessthat Spread ,out on the ground they wou'd To •ven^e outs s se 15a a etre has been wounded ; but it isnot the O0 HEADSTONES ser 74t; nam tral P k,.n ai de Buchanan Lawson' Robinson FTC.. ):T••. Wixidow Door Sills part of a noble mind to be "amended by surface ..f Cion ar tic u tag p+a • A safe deposit vault to contain these ' an injury t e ) and reservoirs. Sash, jj��%% Who is wise! He that learns from - blob would ,-(mire to be 213 feet loag, Stash, Doors &1J__E everyone W. t u powerful f He that gni fret wide and 20 feet hieh.--(New governs his pamui.a- Who u rich f He York Tines. DIEM. iN At.1, MINS OF that is contest. Lumber, Lath, as%LLl25le. Those that would be safe ha% a noel t•• Nut. for Nese moose. be suspicious e( the tempter. The g•rrf- - that a,unda a lel hint ser from A sunid, and new way of hnishine the MANUFACTURER!) Or betilu s 1 beet forum of barques is to shape thein *in four scallops, un0 in each form, and tion and charity He who arity.es in hits caccomplishes het las the moat lisle them with satin. Below theme are beautiful sures : the ,,-u d man is, in !ars' two larger scallorw getlt.red at the top way, the greatest of all artiste. mid sewed underneath the two waddle Phoses is •wok tyrant cow- sass! ales of the four cases. In *cher Public opinion y mmiaaa wpecmay thaw of velvet, wily pared with aur •,ru pnwte „pi : i two .callupe are seen. •ane in each of the what a mai think' .,f lumwlf, Iliac 11 u ; piddle farina of the back. The sh•.rt side which determines, or rather iudtcetca. his' g„rays aro theu separated about two incites (ata from these and pointed below. An easy It does ss good t.. admire what is good and stylish way of trimming sleeves is to and beautiful ; hut it dace us Infinitely use inch -wide gall ou or else velvet rti- soreg"od tolueit. Negrow like what bon instead of cuffs. Begts by swing it we admire, but we became one with what - at the end of the sleeve at Its oateide we lave. seam, crossing to the inside seam, then The (.oundat,.,u .of got lase.,, in any Liking it gradually upward far encroach to sphere et a Ford than, nod rapthat is done come back on the (runt just above the w Rive breadth, depth anti /ullues to row that i. already there. *topping there ham will rest in ultimate in,pr' . rancor I when halt way across, auishing by turo- upun his work. ' u►g io the vista in a p.eut. The econom- Knowledge must he undo vital in the tet i.1"1"1" to Nea watered silks in re heart before it can binee,.ulc••t.duct, ; modeling teat season's ar.asea of cloth .,r and the continual passing ..f right feeling I •.f velvet, at d in twtrtbtaing with cosh into right action slosh can fano a worthy : mere drapedfor r over t.laekwatered silk rk emains • character. ;favorite for huose dresses. The hdu,- Men who cn r., a.n meet loudly about ; trope colors are also especially liked in inequalities of the human lot are gaper- these two fabpos. A smooth tel oh beayue ally a little blind to those great stores of of dark' brown, red, grey or blue is in wealth and blessing% that n.. class can great favor (or wearing with elarts left uwtop•di:.e, and no wealth can buy. over from last winter, and is in leepnog The man «bo will tut eseeute his re with skirts of striped woolens, striped sol'tiula when they are fresh upon bus silks, dark pjaid woolens, and clan with can have no hope from them at' •rwtntis; plain wools of a lighter shade. Those they will be diastpwd, I.at, anal penal% taeques are of the plainest shape, with in the hurry of the world, or in the out trimming, eels" droop,u.r cords be slouch of onduknwe. l used on the chest, or else posing seder , Leaves are light, and useless. and idle, Ilk" alms f_ruui an epaulette• and wavering. and chantealtle, and eras dance ; yet l;od ire made them part e1 I want he tate let News tarot. the oak ; in loo doing he ha* siren us a - lesson not to deey the st,utheartednrs•- ' Now that the Pei ; C...wcil has rlecid• within oceans we bee the Isr!.uuwelwsm a agrin,t t�lr Joh, Macdottald iu etdry wabout. - one ,of the attacks made by his Govern• and Need W ht and rt tett 1 ondnn spout failings Setts of sore ellen he first started art p are and parcelling out of .Or r throat during the wed Sada of spring p4,yment. or pretended to. We has" timber limits / Nr lkowrrtm, M P., iu and vimilar "add speaks" at other toss area him sitting on the post -ell ere steps a ruerut speech t.. bis c,natitmeete, of the year. for boa as with the faint e= ' i rotacwe.- it is said that by the fol- n' f1eCtati..st eMtvod iSew'gory M. P. M.I.' after Tot y beilyt ■ ale methal attest Instant re- that the pnstsaater might re ,gn and he T;'ry wih•puller after Tory wlre•peller, lief of tin tonere is •flevind : Put five be called to 611 1M vacancy. We bush had weretly applied for and Atained and builder's material et every deseript g*S. sCN00t ill*MITURf a SPECIMT1. srA Ord,r promptly attended to. Ooderieh !,nye!. Imo, b 11 Amusements. G1,ODKRitH MECHANICS' IN$TI- rliTa LI IIItAItY AND It HA DING t6{10f1, cos. of Meet street and Sq .! sr* top stain. Open from 1 to G p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT' 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leediwq Deity. Weddy aced Iflwatrate4 Papers, Mu e. su, Sc., on Pao. M1:MBaIt.SHiP TiMMY. ONLY 05.5.. greeting tree ase of Library and ltead,nt Rouen. Librarian. Appcaio* or membership receives] by J. tl.l'OLBORNE, ALEF MORTON. President. Ilieere tat y. Oederl( h. March lab, 111at.- 1451- C.A.NAiRN ll.\N KVRRYTTII'G YOU WMT - --1N HOCHIES, aetbsag rade merit on Provincial rights, a western Tory nrean earnestly c•,ueeets its npprrnrpts We saw the than who can ; 1!0.1 any to adopt a spirit of aoociliatiun in deal - thing t., do, the other day. lin is • ing with the short comings of the Tory Young man in the •igor of 'life. In•lu1- leader. The advice conies a little trio gent nature hes endowed hies with a pate. It should base deem tendered hearty eonstitet!•,n, strong arena and a sfec•'una'd wh••n 1:'. first announced his muncrlar form. He never was sick • intention to despoil the Pr••viore •.4 On- •iay in his life, sod has the tee of all bis t•ren. There was not much display of limbs and faculties ; and yet, piteous conciliation on the part of the Tory lead. thought, thisyuuno man snood nothir g er when he made Lis lain and impudent to do. He has awaited on all his frit nes. boast that he would "teach that little ty- aad newer has a rent unless he has bor- rant Mowat" that he had nothing to du row it. The anxiety of tiro you's man wall the regul.tion of the liquor trio s. girt work ie quite leosebies1'..l What but a bitter prttraaarehip' a defame But he groats • g..td job, of course. He monition to subsidise his full uwe.n at the has been oat of work a lung time, but etpeuae of the pomp', „f this pro. NEW AND FRESH - -FOR sad ilo-Jse T! in. e ter. of ei1 kinds .a 01110 4TON 4.. MAI work 4esigued and executed :n the nisei !style. N. C. Bi RWASR, llanater (ruder:ch Bier rh. Uo.:•rtc11. Sort. lath. tb.". 9012-3m -410 +Zravelling Smitat teltIN1► TRUNK War Expmes Mlsed. Ged,r,ck leis720a-a• 11.110I" I !eta:l rd , A. I s.M art I 1:.10 p.m I voles?. Nixed Mixed. kaprem. Stratford Lr6411• in 1 It p.m aft p.m eederlcbtAr.ItemamI lOpeaI phiPI•' 72,030 COPIES PER WEEK Sworn ..irruletioe 1M11y Rad Vi irkly Vete frees Best roily Newspaper iv (salla&] IKOTA.; resit,, si 1" k414.0. Mise M p rn 79Ypw taree.t 1114 1-PoK ISMrwp.11eaa wrrkty PwalWr4 sr tea' Wwaul.w. KING OF i I IL \.DIES' Tr BI Free Press LONDON, ONT. 74.r Ator.cu!eural iMpar•ment ice a Noted gra tn^r of the "tree Preen' '.,n,: alma), up 1.. the times. and conducted Gy preen. all) 1114.41 1" raisers Work. (4) . !It T.-.tr•p/1. T.•lepr^ate Pail1.4 i. are.. l'eirr,wpord'•rre ee ob.• l.. r� 4- hour or pub :cat:.•, (l at y1 G�spews! Narliet r rut S r't Agrkelterel DrparIWNra.. (� _ ~ a, fapfmorn t tal ewat. meamlaa. t•! T Ingress. ruffle fronton. I:IE t N4sier.e. neadlaa. ti 3111T TNI Ti IN6 FSM Tiff 4Rfelt4' ►Cr-•ry member of Ow roust"ud racer,) look? for It es,.t ,:r. k. LARGE $1 PAPER ! 4 r :1114 of (Aur ,real upwar'i+. ' L• each BALANCE OF 1885 FREE ! More c.00ey ran ter . -. by agent.. in can v�rg tor 14.- '.1...•• i..•..... iron at am olh e1a.,000 IN PREMIUMS ,,, ma"Mita rel ordmarn,rnt veneer ever offered in tGIVEN AWAY TO !CENT& tip gaeeturf; age b.- Weekly his• \� ark lis Mare 11wes. Pest far a ao)Dy of oar Prrmi,,m last. mad see the ladier•sr•ade we us otfer.mg. r1_mplo• cop` crew .s appal - cat ,or . 4*11 PtfSS PINT= d.. I.oNI0. CA5ADA. 1.11011.11111.11111.111111. • 1885_ C}ODERICI'3 OOLEN MILLS_ • To At Wool Carts. rs i f tee Sorra.:i. Ceunfy : We winh to say that we are prepared 1 e take .vier Wool in exchange for Goode, or work it for you into anof the fallowing truck,.. vii Blankets -White. Grey or horse. Skirtings -Grey or Check. Cloths -Tweeds or Full Ciotha, Light or Heavy. Flannels -White, Grey, Colored, Union. Plain or TwilL Shootings - Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. O•,r ta.dlitsw tor this work '-sant tis me- named sr- e T . pa ,we d. 41 .rill endeavor In. ie ,qui eeser 'ado A Pacble's Livery It Our d•7 it is DroWtbt In, tt enquired. Matt J"1 •. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. L_J A"!i(: ON:Cal:KU 1 lilt 1 1 _teem, of 1:anaanA t •.•Irbral- ed flirt ramariefortr's. Manufac- tured tanufac- � t ured bt Meer.. minima s Nlwra. "t Turol.tu. 1 am prepared to nr11 th .• ,a•ue at SInet-vole 1'r:.t•v and on sae% Z term* of ott)ascot ►� Having A thernsrS knowlydgtcs� of th• Z m.. nfs•.ture of !'isms, and vahat idol ,f material and 1.11. are required t•. • make a neer-clam uslruuwls'. talism, i.st E'• Ing p'archarts wilt And it to their ad VJ ,snits*• 14) ror.nll .we before pnn:ha.- 'ta o 411x- 7 ru.aws and lepatrSSc a nprres14 .. Q".1I t•TAII mor} rrarnOre ated lbw? !a. z (Odea irft at t`e!took Storer. of kin• Capromook or Mr. baric pptly attend.++ Q to. 1rDW'D T. BROWN PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Guder:eh. "'pt. 40th. 14045. 5112 if more money than at as)think t. t..►tng an'.�• my tor lb. h.•.... t•. book ore. Hrwinnen..n• cis. dRrra • - ly. Naar kat! Terele free BA; r r•+- 1Botit t:o Jrtlmsd Ilatar. 1876 r un the ('age, coarse or err•, kale or soft twin. a.• regnir••d. .1186 W,- .re a a position to do all tinct, of ens tom work. wsoan7 done la a fall set rioter!. nt>�and we n}Ht tier: t)s �t any cv tsou �uo! ! surrounding,. 11A calf re.0eut oily solicited. }1r '..ho.v::.r a gkwdid angio -acre! rt 1 E. McCANN, nd Woolen Mill*. Cha and Glassware. f G h. MLY 10ua,ta,.t IaReM. vunm•:n.a'7look, ifyou d•,:'.bc;. DUNN'S No Trouble to Show Goods, BAKINO RN Q. A. NAI r POWDER TIw 0001('sREST IRIEII 1 c;ynyp Hoye eguare, Oedertcb Ore. 4111. 1M1. r' t. driele o1 dhMrnforre nn a little ontte.n or wool in the howl .•f *clay pipe, then bile the vapor thtu'.zh the stem into the sh- i/tg car. Beam' A f'l1+e'an paper reotim.nends tate fofnwinit far the care d severe scald, sad berme (',wee the injured parts fatly with ass map. If sae burn be severe ripply teem after iinas..t oil, with • plentiful dramatis of eowr. This cabs ea, and fresh ail sad liner say lie.ddeet When this eerrioyt f.14. off • new skis viO o Mee inrwtius sed !maser_ lel* observed his halt in front of a railroad .gime, seemingly hesitate whether i.e bade t better step it sed see if they wanted to tare a superintendent Werke Of course he wo old, if he could get a Rand job. Goad jobs are around haat. mg op jest each young sen, too ; 'lost somobew tae, miss hen Hr see. I se- p•s.es of huge tracts of timber in the Province of 11Mano at a time wham Sar John Macdonal-i shun .1 have known be bad u•. livht en•tever to the terri- tory. And :•can if he *me in tgeonence • this fr.:t, how much better would it liars bo.•s to have ;soled • deaf over to the clamor of the hwnrry pie in gond., easy sitoatious, end he «hula• the Cas, war wider the const have wonders why he'san't fix himself that I tom .X the Pricy Coon*. IL is t.... We way. He wooed sawn M aces* any b, talk of :. r,menlat.0) policy now. The ate. aarela/Ip�p situation he ennetdered mesial, end be T,.ry leadpi."tw ," sa&.pe punish sent Mes When yaw- lows. is 0.Psl, serstsbsd or eat. or has an uely sore, bathe WIC, .Isoy, and apply MtlinNeea • Pastillas t'arbalise watts, It is wsdtrebtsdly the Finest heaths; and cleansing application f.,r 1R era sereptr.4wr la•eu t l'A eat'. Rol.! for per bot, at lien. !abyss' I►rogg Kier*. is Mr Ahvoharn 'Hewitt. el emit man, a part" oWNplvere• .L Imre, w politician e(. luminwal feces, Said a few yeas sinda, in an a tares stem' the (`hurrh r wrests that neither tberrinriplss of Christianity lira of twlwail rah iee skald be reanstcil ,d wit% the oveferrodllh wealth of the few and th• hopeless poverty nt the malty. is 1410 Inst t.. emhrace an opp.rtna.ty fur their rail . u 1h14+rho by ■ny such perform bard w ark, ami w i(to aim" a.obit( age that am manta truthont but truss as; to day, heeling a '•ar4Ya1Y.n ' her sigh•.►, smd whets they NOV aaaatkd u hs will tell y.eN, mud .nhtst m eeprr ,b,. people wt l Iolanda. est composts. end asps antes Me alo.irh e1 au,6rm..1 The w.r.t future •.1 ilia case is that Mafsriss hey bete to fray a OA aderable portion d the hill, feta t'►•,wtth Me. Molest has oh..e „'r rIct.',I••0a 111 every ease. it tbabielory nt medicines t.c, prep 'un QQ44�a termed aueh ,)NI,ersel cam ▪ Belt for the ei.i•tati•,n is a6iwo t eget t c remises sew it *Seer in kid M � � las Or Vas Rwr.r'e Kinney (7tsro. Its •.tion ie these diatom.Irn% afiespbsinte o steeply wwderiN - dr+td J, ylllarttf. to • ,•_t ' ' •4"111 NOW COMPL±'t'iJ ! A CHOlCC niece* Or JOHN KNOX, Proprietor. The s•:h+c r.t,•r i Tr; 1•a' eta 1•.•hr t uh NC with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE CA 1.7, 4 VItSKY. l'a-Opp 4$ the loth.-rn Hots tiedeneb, Ooderiee. rem. 1421 Ii♦ thee, YEL£-MAII '8 W 0111411 POWDERS. pie plrnaaa'. t.. t k.. t '.„l•.lu Moir nets P-raatlrr 1 • a vire. s .ro and tent tL4trepin 1 'MOWN, to Goitres er 4 u•sEig -- A L. Fr*.s to Suit rho Times! SPOCTAI. LIINF:v 114 •1.+ her hernial e mldr'rd ran Dress Goods 1�t �re.1.,.. t.'o'• ii pit '' It NI<at�IM't rrlept••rui•! Ao.l.hrn �I�rtr) T h , ran 1,50 itis 4 . •-. m, nen a ret. NI►•-tfraludn.e wwiee my all Intl. at the lot- Shirtings, -- Iwo•.:at "dem drlltr..•A en) ,.• en. in 1..w n' and 'T'weeds. Qhitett p F t-OTP • - $6.50 • .,„le 'U i,.4ratn - - 6.25 gigheet Price Paid for 33ttlit& E The tu,.n. I ender the Mersey, a .1 OM. •m.if L. v. • gr ••'I 110.1 ttarkrooeso. w•. in. ,.a,ly owned •o* Wenatheney by tL, 1a.int..d W.Ic. sad ha two sumo, Albert anJ lioeai1 5i. t. H w,11r't -ts•+ • •1 ' •+atilt. roar gG 1.0 144.,11w ,' •a1 tarr•• ;.dinar, 1.11111164...-4. • 'n:'.PT. ' 4'yI„. r . .,ansa.'n• r r' 1 . f• n -l»' tiuNeaMlelted. a Y *Oda 0r I. b'4 lei , ,. ;est 2s EORGE ACHESON THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE •AP .end da . • ale feraaases •a • •r .ear-' 1e. .r bi t ,' k r int l'.. • 1r '•new 1 r • IWAI . to a steal ., elm* his enc Al I, ]if .ttM• ec d�tw�s ma,t d hod • 0,' ' •t MI'1i►tkwe re,�•srhtrv- ' �jNtet�s0la, l•n Awarwa 5..,s.' M atN" an t w sir e 1 _NI 11111 vases 3a.tt ..,.. •ser -- - Rr^• - r''" 1